TOE UxMOX COUNTY P.PEK-2VERT.ODV HEADS IT HiK UNION rui.WJT KVPtiJ-EVEKVUODViNEEDS If ie Monroe journal VOL 27. No. 7. ROAD BILL DENOUNCED BY HEATH AND STEVENS TLey A.H-reO lb-bore CommUtcr on IXMMlH Hllll llllliplkeft ill Kulfigh l.M Friday Afternoon. PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK -TUESDAY AND FRIDAY MONROE, X. C, TUESDAMARCH 1, 1921. r.w.wi jh.mmie jiimsthi I V;. T 1 r . . - i-ueaches at m knii ii.i.k carter s w uonatwn to the Starvina $2.00 PER YEAR CASH ilU'V. "itsMj-c Atkinson IMhereil Al I lit.E IT IS A "M HTEI5H t.E." 'in (if representative Prank Limerick's road bill was roundly denounced in l)n)..inL 1- . . i i.ait-Kll uriore me committee on roads and turnpikes by Major W. C. nfm last r riday afternoon. He de clared that the bill was a duplicate vi me present law with the exception that it places road construction Into the hands of the county commission ers; that it was inspired bv personal animus towards him. and that it does iwt represent the wishes of the people of I'nion county. Appearing with Major Heath be fore the committee was Hon. U. L. Stevens. He. too. spoke against the bill, his chief argument being that It was not Justiee to legislate men out i mure until alter the expiration of tN ir terms. The terms or the pres et members of the board of road bt torate, he said, do not expire : til Dep. 1!22. Ma lor Heath was introduced to the members of the committee by Mr. Limerick as "one of the most patri otic citizens of I'liiou rouniv during the war." The Union county repre si illative also declared the chairman i uie roan commission to his very closest friends. Mr Limerick was the lone advo cate of the measure. He raid that the bill was endorsed by the people ! the county in u mass meeting held in the court house here sevetal weeks a.o. and (hat he believed It provided lor a change that was acceptable to a majority of his constitutents. Major Heath, when he took the floor, paid a tribute to Hon. Tatu Fiuwie. the vtteran h.eiuhiin.. -v.,. was chairman of the committee on roads and turnpikes. Turning to wards Mr. Limerick, he declared that the bill was not in accord with the expressions of those present at the muss meeting "They voted in fa vor or a township unit plan." he said. mere mere isn't a d n chance made In the present law except that ii piaces road construction in the or tne county commissioners, ar.d provides for a remunerative sal ary of the chairman of that board " The bill, said the JIaJor. was a Its whole purpose is to deceive, he declared. "The people buck home," he continued, "are un der the Impression that Mr. Llmeii-k is passing a bill which will place road construction back into the hands v of township road supervisors, while : the truth Is the bill rinp Sllnrtav than secure a change In personnel." . Mif. ii. .Major Heath this morning said that he delivered a letter to Mr. Llm ,erlck from his colleague, Mr. Earl Kzzell. which In effect, declared his opposition to the road bill as Intro duced. "It was evident that the comm'it-t-e sided with me." aid Major Ji'ath. "but courtesy1 requires that tht v yield to the wishes or the I'nion rnunty representative." Thrrr Addrese MiikImv ItiKkei i bill Temii IComII Entertained. Marshvilte, Feb. 28. I!e. George Atkinson of Salisbury preached three splendid sermons in the Presbvterian church here yesterday. Larue con gregations greeted him on each occa sion and he held the deep interest of nis nearers throughout th Armenians Is Praised BiT RmWmij d I .......i nil. XVUlltT; U.v KEY. S. L. IIOTTEJI. the state in taves. would to to the mu st not i:i:n si: siccou WHILE Tllot S)s STAItVI! In the morning he discoursed on the ineme 1 he Oneness of Jesus and His Follower." In the afternoon he spoke to the children. I'rof. 11 L Higgers presided at thin service and the children sat In grades as at school. In the evening another lar- crowd gathered in suite of a threatening thunder storm. Uev. Mr. Atkinson is alwavs welcome tn .vrarsnville where he is so well known ami greatly ad in red. As a ...!, to ne .ia rew equals in the pulpit to- dio. Mis thoughts, alwavs clear original and true, are delivered with sincerity, grace of movement, and ....i ui.. i mmi ui lone wnicn composes mie eloquence. sirs. Atkinson ac companied Mr. Atkinson and they were the guests through the week end or Mrs. Irene Marsh. Mr. J. T. Cat-land left Sundav ev ening lor the northern markets to buy goods for the J. T. Garland Co. Mr. and Mrs. John Long were called to Concord last week owing to the se rious Illness of Mrs. Longs -q-ter Mrs. Crooks. The Marshvilie hiuh ueimni i.,.ti,..t . .1 . i mm leain went to K.H-kiiigham on iiiuisiia .uterinum and defeated the liockingham highs in a gai ie ol Krv ket ball. IS to 6. The game was re ported to be an unusually clean and altogether satisfactory affair. The usuors were most cordially received nun royally treated by their hosts, uiiu nave nan iiiimv nuu ti.i..,.., ... say aoout tneir trip since their re luru. uocKingham has been invited (o come to .Marshivlle for a game aim a aaie some time in March has oeen set. i ue junior missionary society of me .Methodist church held a special meeting on Saturday afternoon. The ceruncaie indicating their winning a Place on tne Ko of Honor wnu sented to them, having been seut to meir leaner Dy the confeernce secre mi- in w oiuceis who were eieciea at tne January meeting pre siuea, ana tne mission study hour ery nmcn enjoyed. Afterwards games ana refreshments wero nw .A TV . i .... -u. ine micieiv w ill mu nuv .i... ----- -..v. HIUI- wun .uaster teve Marsh. A member. Miss Hester added to the roll. Mrs. T. II. Younir nf tnnrn ... " o.rni with her parents, Dr. and Ai-miield. M . .! . u. tunlngham spent the neen-eim wun Mrs. Alice Bivens. .us Annie Bailey. Miss Russell, and Miss Plyler spent SaCuday In v-iiiinuue. .11.. r ... i,oiiie Harrell Hpent th U'tuilr.iiiwl 1 ... C. n. Covington made a trip to .-uui Larouna on business this eei. would be paid to as well as hat church. In the New Testament the tithe is rarely mentioned, and such mention is rather incidental, the references being as to,,, ..i was the result of anrf ,.,n Tlit ..i i. ... i... ... ,-- ".. . .... b..ui- n iu iiueresiiiig Among the rontribulions thin, (ar to Mis. Frank Lanev, I niou county chairman ot the fund for re lief of the starving children of the Near, East, was one of fifty dollars Irom a young lady of the county. Ac companying this offering was the In- lurmation that it n-imi-a. - -- . . - -i. raui. non-vivr .i... . . UT-llltfllU lor nothing less than "as he mav prosper.: He writes in 1 Cor. IS: 2. "Let each one upon the first day oi the week lav bv him ancient : mav nm.nur i .i . . of setting anart t.n.h nf ! J', "X i.. , oras- " ' i . .. .. .. .... ki.iiih irr IIIU1VIU1IUI svstxiiml o nir un-uiiie unio uoa should be made and uroi nrtinnma ti. i tithinu niailw i..iKi.. .7.... ..'.' m" "V 'ogeth,r new here. .. ,.... , IIUIU .,USa D00K -.J !,.,,.,,...... L.eoia i:arter i .. . .. ... " ",u lnat "lr' time t-aners donation, expressing i uis. "even- -,hi, Tuiuier words on ."'" uccoruing to tne h ess ng of Je- i. ..- ie oi stewardship ra- "an uiy liod which he hath ther than ownershi thee." sions looms large before us. coming I "As he may prosper." St I'aul as it does at a time when much is be- sounded the Christian ml.. .... . I II IV llumnkl .. 1 , I : . .... ' tnw.-l .....,.. ,,aps even ur -meu oy ins own conscience .... ... u! me lornier than the latter. ils ' othet things in the on the subject of llt-linnrlimi-. I.. lit'l1. Lie budget system has conn- JACK Ull.l.lAMs v s sr. uitmss lot; Tin: i:ii.Lout Well MRS. AIK1AS0N SPEAKS ON THE EFFICIENT KIICHEr na rather inspiring, that although1 the contributor requested that her : name be not made public we feel that the personality back ot such a near- ' o modern instance of the practice In 16:17. we year, at the man shall give as he is le- given Here Christian Kid.lie.1 of Their Sen mil In Hie War Mrtitlierti ,H. ts, fur ,( ' Home lieiiiioiiiii s. she Saj. TKACH SCIEXCE HKHR Mrs. George Atkinson or Salisbury made a splendid i,.il i..,iurrf.,. ...... .iiri in the lreshvleri:iii rhi,,,h i.. rore the I'arent-Teacher association, her subject being "The Efficient amined b Mr. J i t vi. n, ! .. . .' . AtKinson defendant, as fnl...u.V ' "c I V Mrs. VV. o v., , hi-jr ... i-'"''Utly fitted in a iiuunr lli'ttl me ' e ranroua A. Q. road. A. Q v. at ii Ves. sir. The house bi longs dcM-a it not? Ves, sir. Po you- remember Mr. Tucker's plant to the rail- the was day burn ing in tne love or t:mi . u ..n .... " .1 a in mg and serving. it lias been said that iiioii.-v is the "acid test" of us in our use of God's propi rty. and that Mewardsh the divine kiiulergaiien methods oi developing human hfe .u,,l the giace ot giing i.s God's antidote lor human seltlsliness. St. I'inil tin.. ie love of money a ven limmineni i-iii ii.-ii ue wrote uliout the root of e il. gt :inul use in the linaiices uess and even of main I into recognized convenient, tional Imsi- tioh. "as he mav of es. as pnictical. worUaiile. The percentai-e of irac- cames out the obliga- prosper, and tits in with the modem budget also nicely practice. There has been much d.bate on till' M'.e.Uioll Whether . jt. js ,. lir...iory upon the Christian as it was upon the H-brew. and it mav be due to this disagn emein and the result ing confusion in the minds of the mass of Christian peole that the pro gress of the practice ol proportionate giving ban been lamentably slow. And when we emerge from all the blinding fog or the disi Mlssiittiht Mil Assyrian and t-wm. ' ?UUJ, J l "Hl at nan clay tablets, dating as far hVeir '-i '"-' ' "r uou-given common as 3Suu It. c.. and fragments or Chl-',V . , ?,ay, Hl U'Ast "'""'T that nese tradnlnn ...,i . . ... :,n, "('lent rule was not renew led r. ter all In the New Covenant save as it may be said to have been set aside by the higher order. And alter all we cannot advance from a lower tu a higher one unless we have been living under the lowe I one l'li..n The custom of regarding a portion ot all property as si t apart is of most j ancient origin. W e read that through-; nu tne ancient pagan world the right of the power that was to a certain pin i or an possessions was practically !. -.... II.. . i . - ....... mail? I t'COglllZeU fore the time of Moses. tore Abraham. centuries be-' and even be- nese tradition, and the rmtnL ..r 1,. dia and other lands, give the evidence or this fact. In the Patriarchal Hi In Genesis we see that the portion iow tome 10 De observed as nuretv a from his ...ccea-f. h.," 'W...'"? u ',ul ,OIln ,ne two-fold sum . . me or me cominandnientK in mi. new was icnin to Melchlzedek th Mng of Salem. Later Jacnh i n.ih. el promised to God. "of all that thou shalt give me I will surely give the tenth unto thee." In the Hebrew nation we ih. tithe applied to the purpose of their religion, and provided for in ho i.,.r. emonlal law. Everv head of a fn,.,iiv must give a tenth of all his vearlv increase to the support of the minis'- lenng tribe or Levi. And the in turn, were obliged to pav ' of the tithe" unto the Lord innrn u,a ..... .1 . ... .. necuiiu leiiin mat was required of the family head for ih ..V,li.,. ,Pne,u tiou 10 lov Gtd with our binf. and io ioe our neighbor as ourself, he did not repeal the Ten Command ments thereby, but explicitly said, upon these two commandments nang an i tie law and the prophets.' Can one live under the two com liiandinents and violate the ten? is not tne tithe In the New Cove nant need of its legalism and exalt ed to the higher Plane of love bi known t lmr.i irr Sin. lie' "Watt bed" For Seaboard Through M hey Hole For liig Sum. Jack Williams, famous from one .....i ........ " me county to the other, was me mar witness for the defendant yesterday in the case of Tucker vs. Seaboard. Mr. Tucker is stieing the railroad foi damages, alleging ihat nis wood woikiug plan was fired on 1 oon .... i. o sparnu irom an en- .mr u. .nil f.t...ri. t.. ..... ! . . ........ i mi iioi aiion. jack was e- was intro- A. Lane as beinz to address her anrii. nee on anv Ki.l.i..,.i ,......:: the home. U..fore her marriage Mri. Atkinson was proninent in state edu cational circles and was the Stat supervisor of Home Economic In the beginning Mls. Atkinson lot.-d that "The poetry or lite has a practical side and practical affairs. (Mm., i-n.ieistood contain an ele start.,1 by sparks ! e1.,' 'l-'Hofore South I . .... . '"'''" blessed with .."i.i.--, mil i ne vVllr iirii ,),, their kitchens- th..i..r..r m,. Atkinson declared il LmuJ .,i- nd priviledge to perform their IS elliciclillv :w w,uuil.l A "iUl the ,.:,.M ,.m'gy piissii.l... A nil these ,-, n.i.r-ks as the basil . . - ""--..ii i ;m-ii i.ave i:die;ice lb- ii:r elements flint i-ie king or an eMicioi.t he tiist m these is to plan Tile;,. is no oiim i(ieal 'veryon.' would plan dif I .ery few can build from ''IT. The shipe and shape i the number of workers, the family and th.. f..J Windows should i,e placed on sides. If possible mi.l tlw.M be few doors in order to make for equipment. Thi ....i... mem should be SO gl-OUliert tl,u. hn, On I IP lit. mail., . i 1 '.vc day Mr. Tucker's plant was burned ? ! shnni.1 i... ..i.. .. J V. tia.'!" V. Yes. sir. I . V" V . .1 u l"ln"r- r i j' V cioset should be i'iaieU ciose by the stove. Placing these utensils may be saved. The A. from A. before Hefoi luisi- I'laintin, Mr. i, "j ' beware of M es. sir. Was the fire ilti engine? No. sir. It started an engine passed. turning him over 15 niinuies nu,, to the ami cautioned J.u k to -. J. C. Sikes. the attu - dutv tasks e I'l.'iiitilT. Mr. Vann. 'Watch him." 1 can i iiclp ney for th cautioned you." Tinning to Mr. Sikes, Jack "Tin- more questions you ask worse I'll g,.(." The ' court rocked with laughter at thi said : the room sally. Jack, as her liter kitchen, car. Iiii!,. Mtch.-i, . leientiv the begi: depends Mr. Sikes ci oss-exaiiiined follows: U. How much is the railroad . .'."...". i.i misuse. 1 lilt' SIZi i. i ney pay me twelve Hundred ' used thousand dollars for watching and j two ' should W- ine pay you ror watchin A. Yes. sir. ine weather was cold on the room court how you with your door Levites was nil the law? .....ii. ...... a ii-iiin tin iiih h g her lilune nf thn V..... Then i Covenant nil we are. all we have, all we do. are God's. Hut unless we set maintenance of th- f...., " , ...UV ' i""" W". aoine proportlonat. t..u. rr , "ii.ii ne nave 10 v,oi "'lei-nigs, 'MMviricn v. we nn t.nt iiL..i temple, and besides the .Ai i i m-iiii in itnlslny Apponl,,,,. ment j (tiiinty Was Aware or .No. bleness n Doisl, Sii)s Mrs. ,,mey ii me people ol Monroe and I'nion ounty realized ror one moment the ... .i.i. .i i ... ... u.-eu i ney win contribute to nunanity by helping the Innocents or .Armenia, mere will be no difficulty providing ror the orphans allotted m mis county, according to Mrs. J Flank Laney. the local chairman or the N,.ar Eas, IJt.II,.f. ,.i,.f( dally rood, must be secured lor 3334 tots at Tiebizond. Armenia. "The Near East Keller," savs Mrs Lnrny, "hag ror Its task the mitiga tion or the agomei ol a remnant or v -etched, starving;, diseased, hope-1--s orphans made such not bv war, ! 1 'he st diabolical uiassacres C - world has ever known. "Its especial mission just now, so :';! iis North Carolina is concerned, i.j ;o barely keep alive three thousand ns whose condition is so nit in. i i- inai no i)ius:i oi : -Ci" its h li.lness. ' The IIimvi i- Fund does not r.'i.cii I !'! peojile. l',tiiii:se th - inlt-:n. I ''''! l!. -ir-h thousand t' on t!:')u; anils' I not o tin i i. i.i .l I.,,..., .1. . .1I ' : .-. :ice 1. 1 sin Mci.iar I'eutur l.lnco ii aiitl the Thenlei-. (Krctn the Philadelphia Kecord.) n nr.i li.ia K . .... . . . v , -n fceiiiiy appeared n J. ... . u,r,'n' Lincoln. Man of vu. o a cierg; man. in which this 'iiio itiini'i-y statement is made g i ru:' tn it Iresidenfa ii a inciter on the a.vasslnntion: "For him at s ich a time the then i nail no gianuinr, the play no al- "-iiieni. ue was thinking of the "uei aays to come, of going home, t.ou and His unfailing j'sus tnrist and His grace." re- attendance evening of his mercy, of redeeming iion mere were costly journeys to the other religious charges free-will offerings. It seems that, counting all thoo.. portions, the Hebrew paterfamilias must have contributed at least one fifth, and perhaps one-third nr hi yearly Income. Of course, this was under a theocracy, and the amount Includes what under THIItTY I'EOFLE KII.LI l IV INDIANA KAILKOAD Wit Ft K s work to re alize that all we have is God's In the final analysis, and that we are but inietitne stewards of it; Jus as unless ue uevote some or whut we are and some of whut we do to specific work ; ror God. we are prone to rorget that ,we must do no less than offer our selves, our souls and bodies, a holy, i living, and reasonable sacrifice unto God. WADFSHOKO AND MOMIOK AIIK TO DEBATE EACH OTIIEH tt. A . . . . i ue ii utn is quite different. After Mt-iniiiK me i re mention a lni...l., r responsibilities during four years of Civil War. and seeing right tri- umpn at last, the President, to re neve me nervous stra in u-hlxh h.,l almost DlOKetl h ill down anrt uu.,ir m uiiiuseiiiein aild divers on went u me meater in the expectation or having a hearty laugh at the dmi. ies oi tin? e t er SoiiHi.n i, unary in "our I'nofllclHl Deports IMiice Deaili l.lsf s High as Flit, Toweiiimii Is Plmed I ntler Arrest. j Between thirty and fortv were reported killed and an unknown ' mumier- injured Sunt :iv nli-hf h.. west-bound New York Ceniral i -Mnisliville anil A I ho Matched angle Debute. Wesley CIihk-I Are for liiivcrsliy Til- Q. You had your door closed? A. Yes, sir. Q. Now tell the were able to "watch closed. A. Through the key hole. Q. You mean to say that you saw Mr. Tucker's plant through a key hole? A. Well, maybe there was a lumi hole. . Q. How much land do voii own In South Carolina. Jack? This question seemed to iiifuihite the witness. He walked down from the witness stand, muttering that it was none of Mr. Sikes' business, and took his seat. 'BAPTISTS AMI I1APTISM" DEV. MIL CO.MLtD'S srmi: Lectured Years Chapel Hill. Feb. 28. Announce ment has been made bv C. R. Rankin secretary or the high school debating Mnliin xf v ,...v r ... train crashed Into a derailed MiVh -' hi . Z , . Jl"".- gall Cetilr:.! I in ot I ..... . . . r" voiiipeie wun . . , , " it. , ..tiui-niiuiu ill ...mi iiiiiiunti oiiiciais an n nim- h.) as Duh American Cousin." pi ii could over- thi ol i .-riise n li- r i 1 progress, fi danger Ihat tin .- t rYfhizoii.l who ! .North Carolina, will be allowed to ::.;.e to death. Money already urn- n ie has been longer re Is at prtseiii Unie S.;'..!i orphnns are siieoial wiutis I'aniieiH Make "Mash" ami W.ili r..v the Still. The traveling "cominunitv still" Is ie latest worry of iiriiliiiiiti..,. .... forreliient officers, s.ivk :i riisii:.t..l. r. Lotus. I lie polio, "clean-up '10 not on the trail of nn (he ("nisive whiskey making outfit. Kvi and , "'' "' '' I'eraiiilnilatiiig dislillerv nisi tnscovei-e.l when the police "Miuu luiene rasiiuale pulling Ii hair and gnashing his teeth over S ".'i.-:., oi inasii, bewailing the fu- hum sun ain t here yet." "It io i me hum," wailed Pastiiiale ns even been sufhc fnt to ! 1,11 oinceru dumped the m:i!i in n.., et the agonizing n-eds rrom day j n:M'l V''d. "Why didn't that still nay. let aione care ror even a oiii; I'asnua e s hiiitli.....i.,.i.JU- vii tne way across Asia "u alsl' arrested, at whose house 44 oarreig ot mash were found. The po lice assert the "traveling still" is op erated similar to the community op- eiuiion or me tnresning machine In rural districts that is, going from nouse to house as needed. i-;"d has not lo -trk ahead. .Minor and through Palestine the hungry cry to us for bread Just to kep alive is the plea or the chil dren. "We must not get weary of giving ititil those who are dying or hunger ire brought to self supply. We can not do everything but each one can lo something. The Department of Agriculture ad- iMses the use of sweet cream butter it-cause of Its excellent keeping 1'ialitis. . Twenty thousand schools were losed In the t'nited States during he last year because of the shortage if teachers. A car of alfalfa seed recently ship ed fro:.i Kansas sold for $8,300. Lomninga from collie3 and other mng-naired dogs have been made Into yarn and garments. The strength and quality re excellent, fully equal to that of sheep wool yarn, and the texture Is soft and durable. The Australian natives of the In terior war practically no clothing, though the seasons are extreme com pared to that of the coast. We spend $200,000,000 more for cigarettes than for the salaries of all the teachers in the United States. losec!, east- one of the most disastrous wrecks in nisioiy. Michigan Central offldi.ta .,i..i the number of tleinl nt thirty, while unofficial renni-u nin!iu the death list as hiirh n nn,- The towermun of the Micl.i,..,,, Central was arrested liiim...ii,.t..i.. After the wreck, officials any In., il..,!- -e(ievMi ne Had left a switch cl causing the derailment or tin botind train. in- -inciiigan (.ctilrnl (rain left Chicago ai 5.i5 p. m. noun 1 lor To K'lito, Canada. It was cut in half i'.v the westbound liver, and both eiigintM plunged down an einliauk nieut. Five bodies were recovered near the debris of the two engines. Fif teen bodies had been recovered with in a few hours after, the u-i-..r.i.- It is believed that virlimlK- i.n r the dead were in two of the Michi gan Central coaches which ' mousnt'd when the New York tral train hit it. The tracks of the two niirmj. Intersect here at a sham ani?ie almost parallel. The Michigan Cen- the approach in it tH.m. guiar aenates, preliniinarv to the fi nal contest at Chapel Hill when the , winning team will have its name in scribed on the Aycock .Memorial Cup These triangular debates will be held Curing the latter part of March and , the duals will be held earlv in April Monroe high is asked to put out two teams, one to uphold the aflirma- ne in nn ami one to dei'i-iul negative eithrr j,, Hi'iiilet or Wadoshoto. ir it wins both conn n w i:i ne allowed to semi I ia:us to t'l-.apel Hill in the iyi finals whe negative k "ml i'ie winn e:un will it,. piti,.ii other to di : iiie which i.anie on the Aycock M All these ili bat's nr. tin to p-irii 'II the v , i:ig a nil-: l-g.-lil! 't shall h.-t i-'iioi ial held 'ie ill sis Hh i:s each it- Cup. ' under Tliis Charlotte .Minister Has and I'reitfhctl for Fifty lliiill Fourteen Cbmrlies. Winuale, Feb. 2S. Rev. S. F. Conrad, or Charlotte, lectured on "The Life or Christ" at the high school building Saturday night Sun- day morning he delivered nn inter esting sermon at the llaptist church, and at the evening service he spoke on "Daptlsts and Baptism." Rev. Mr. Conrad, who possesses a pleasing personality, has been Drenching and lecturing for fifty years. During this time he has caused to be built fourteen churches. Mr. Roy Long, of Midland vungate usitor for a few days last week. Mr. W. V. Tarlton has been elected manager of the Wingate baseball team. Mr. Forest Younts will nilni the team. Misses Ruth and Velma Preslar. nf Polkton, were the guests of Miss, D.troihy Bivens Sunday. j Mr. Jim Chancy and Mrs. Minnie Bivens visited relatives in Hamlet! Sunday. Miss Netta Liles. head of the music department ol the high school, left Sunday for her home at Greensboro, where she will undergo si n operation. Miss Liles will be grealelv missed in the school. We hope she will soon recover and be able to be back nt her work. I Both 11. Y. P. l"s are doing good work now. both union (r ing to win the 11. Y. P. l penant which will he awarded at ll, - end of the quarter. x:;im;.i's iepo.1 . ho-,, ihat A section is in the l'-;:ij. i nt a lew i.,o i-.. da -. t.ui ii tin cian.ieis cor.te t :t A'ai." Ko Wiil-ale lm,s a.e busy prt p; the contest. By SO many step u-..l ...0..v ".r,k sunaces was the next of the rour elements considered This is VryiJnL"01,ant- T,lew tabl,'- ptc- V , " "rranged that the lady or the house can work without stoop ing and with flexed elbows. Many Tuel, step and labor-saving device can now be purchased and should rorm a part or the equipment or ev ery kitchen. At the conclusion of her talk Mrs. Atkinson was asked her opinion as Jo the advisability or Home Econom ics in high schools. She stated that ir properly taught this course was nn Important part or high school work But she insisted that this be a well - balanced rnnru.i in..i...n.... .-. only sewing and cooking, hut also a study of textile, selection or foods home nursing and child -care The Smith - Hughes law passed bv Con gress in 1917 provided a sum or money ror each state to he used for no- r.Mension or vocational eacn state to match the vided. Mrs. Atkinson said that North am inn had b-en nior.. than liberal. A school wishing to open a depart ment must comply with the follow ing requirements: (1 ) Supply satis factory equipment. (2i Ti,..' ,of study must cover two years pref erably 8th and !ith grades rind must i meet certain condition,. en t.,. U , 11 ... Ut u. a V ""accompanying y,,ar of science was a lor each year In llm.,.. c If these condition are met, the state Pays three-fourth or the teacher's salary and provides adequate super vision for the work. The teacher, la addition, must hand in a monthly re port to the state supervisor "The aim or the work Is to est.ihii.h course that Is really practical. Mrs. Atkinson was asked, by Supt. Haw tield to send Monroe a detailed list or the required equipment In order tnat all conditions mav ho nrin...t UltK ...I .U ... ' . -''I'.KU niK-n tne nign school is erected. training, sum pro- building cl' - Tt;e ; lo' Hint Iiiiiiilmh ui ii iii... To the Editor of The Journal: An Inauguration dance will be give-, night,, 4. from s , v: This will celebrate the acco,plsil. nients ol Woodrow- Wilson s adninis- ........11 ,lll, cer,..-s .it jj,, I'igiM.-oiis n ign t.i t:ie ,.,-1 Ministratioi!. ' nn. wit!, .,,.,, , v,,.l ii(k. " 1,1 '"' allowed iii i ,.. Nn tiancing will he permitted. 'lO'Il are I eqll. !.,, M.iek. ill t;.,. prt-s, nee of I,,, i, ei snow tn s lor a ii'-i ad- iml to Little Dori.t lliL'e,.,- 1 allspices of the ftate hit Ii ul,..i Mr find l.u I i n; . debating union and have been taking ''k for the' past few ilavs'br't place for a period of tight years proving. The winners of the first debates are' Miss 1,1a Mae Davis, teacher now very successful men M,.ut f iinhlie aMir,..! h. . end in Morveti. Mr. and Mrs. y. T. Shebane little son, Claud, are visiting lives in South Carolina. uorn to Mr. and Mrs. W. a uaugntor them are lawyers and owe much i loir ... . .. p,,n. " iifuti siiccessillily iie conrw to tneir early training ;niese nign school debates. Over 225 .schools are participants and last over 80,000 people listened to" the j debates. ;er oi s been is iin- in the Week end rela-i . ould our ow n on February 24th. Hefn er same g.'llililn:ili for the ladies ihat ,M - n.i.e i,ie other man show mot In r or sister It is to be l:oped llmt ,,e par-ms "Id the oldei peopl,. H , s0()1 LT,.t ' it; the haht, oi attending ths,. dances lor th - music, the disci; I and the recreation. The Monroe orchestra must be Slllitim-r.i I ii.,. :l . ,,,,, nr can nave a 'iu.ii n'.i.ining, a public free r.iuslc for everv l..K- . . . ...uuiers Object to corn- park and having their dance . . . , ... .m. nl,B.M . . ... ..... " . .. . .in. . r in mr a n,. i , ...... . . i : - - - . ii .-, .. iv .-i...i .. . i a i 'niai1, .. .. . .. . , . - - " m irenriru ... nn i-n . . . , uxi r ui i. Ntr huh nna ---...n 10 uuiii-k nu, ut. ri kz? ihla?r UmZit ZeZTn ti? -p :! r.?r the ;oc; .v ut-ru utiranen Thai -.".'iw- . ........ t-. ..-r.. ...i. ii.rit? naa inwn in v .niitiirv or ritto .rn,,j ... . . -"' are tnnae hctvun vi n. h.j i i.w . .. " " " . " was oiaineo Dy railroad u- i .".nin m.- ana u i'ruo mr sometime. "'"ones at night 1 oroclals for allowing the Michigan !r rii.. ;"d H1" and VaM; Th1 B,,t'9, of Wingate are well , business Is dangerous. ueniwi ira in to attemn tn ioy: uerov Mem-. "rganizea to work for anh.ri.ti-. ' 1 ne best head of the westbound train .""al JaoKson springs; and Car- for the Biblical Recorder in th. .t . . .. . innp I iiifI.Ihi.. ...j -.. . . . .. r. . . . lew person l v ne at th """""' '" nocKinenam. i vair-necoraer contest Th. tnii... In auto- Thls automobile lion point Immediately hepan Of rescuing, using lantern. Ii. work chflnernnA In .v. for any girl 1. her mother.-c,, nt.rnct n,wt and tennl" tournament thipl. " ,wf '" "i wnapei Hill on April search for the dead h.h ini,. Relief train, .rrl. iii-n' ! debates. City and Chicago about a., !. .- . . ."" . ter the wreck, carrvine n. ...! i- li'll. ' "2 "T "? nrst time doctors. The victims v-e ,..-n " J ,' Jne Gary and to Michjgan Cl- I . V 'Jn onR Bracn- CaIi uu io .Miirygan c.t,. fornla, a suburb of Los Angeles. Ing boys have been appointed bv the pastor to secure ...h.,i.'i . i 15. the dates of th fintl Joseph Beach. James Sherwood rut'. tl'iiii . ... ..Miiras, can Biggers Bright Tucker. ...ion i.oig tilggers la iinnl-l..n l and jine public school during the absence uiie ui lne teacners. who is surrc uorn an attack of nnnimnni. Uted nr JH!rM.V?1Ue of" Alaska's"" salmon L?f . tS intone vear "en and a ohfa,;.,8,na, M The Spokane . roings oank without ibars or cages above the counters"