THE UNION' COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT THE UNION COUNT i PAPER EVER YBOD Y NEEDS IT Tme Monroe Journai PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VOL.27. No. 18. MONROE, N. O, FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 1921. $2.00 PER YEAR CAS sc. Monroe Man Writes Of His Texas Experiences"; NF.WS OF (OiUXTII tXKMMlMTY SAN ANTONIO FOLKS CALL F. f, "JI1DCR" Mettle, lnjurr.1 by IU. Is Ho Sit in I'is Office Willi Same1 lloine-Uke Air He to Sit in His j.w OMre in Monroe Taken to ClmrUmr lioKpiial. Monroe Kt. 5. April 6. Mr.Rroad-1 i: isher and children of Matlhewsir were the Sunday guests of Mr. and' :.Mr. W. K. Helms. - .v 1 iui Klf4 vtPHnv Corporal and Mrs. John H. Hannah ii. ttnr 'friends and relatives near Matthews. it) "wnrr . j, x. MeCorkle, who was badly S..u Antonio, lex.. April 7. -In the n,,rt gome liuie aK0 whpn a norse Mi occasional It'tter which I shall on mt.( and who was for , tinle not set J The Journal from this section it "expected to live, has been taken to a should not appear that I feel very charlotte hospital for treatment, far from home, or that Texas in the Ilorn ,0 Mr aml Mrg Ca, nems one essential of people. Is much dif-a dauchter. terent from North Carolina. In fact. Mr A MeCorkle has moved his the older I gel. the more I urn Inclm- ,alulv f0 Crowburk where he will en ed to think of people in their similar- gilKe n ,hp 8aw lniI1 business for the ltiea rather than of their differences. '8Umuier. I had been in Texas but a few hours prave'r services will be conducted before realizing that though some flf- a, Mr w. A. Whitaker's next Sunday teen hundred miles from my own afternoon ai 3 o'clock, home town. I wasn't very far away. , Thr following children made the I used to hear the oldtimers talk of iCorinth school honor roll last month: going to Texas at a time when the Klrst urade Marlon Price and James trip meant as much almost as one (Tadlock; second grade Mary Price, around the world would today. I had ; Howard Helms. Lovd Helms. Walter been In Texas befo.e and felt that It i wag a long way from home, but that was because of encountering a "Texas norther," and cold weather always makes me homesick. Out thU time I bumped right Into home-like sur roundings, j Mr. William Known As "Judge." , Rollins, and G rover Tadlock; third grade Earl Helms and William Rol lins; fourth grade Furman Helms. Hugh Rollins, Glennie Helms, and Herman MeCorkle; fifth wade Whiteford Helms, Foster Howie. Fairley Price. Heath MeCorkle and Christine Griffin; and seventh grade Ethel Helms. 1mI. I.Alt is xov WnitTll ItMl t'F-XTS IN MilNKOK lltiy Four ; Ftfi;, or Four PhuiiiU of Col- j f.f. The American dollar is coming back and i disphirinu the thirty- two rent imitation posiue a a cellar for the last four years. I' The dollar today in Monioo I Mill bin len itoiimU of -,ir The dollar of 1920 bought only thre and three-quaiter pounds. The dollar now buys twenty poundi of rice, as against six pounds in 192': torty pounds of potatoes, as against eleven and a half it. 1920; 48 eaes. as acainst 16 a eur ago; four pounds of butter, as onanist 1 t pounds a year aeo, and four pounds of "Ofiee. as against one and one- Muarier pounds of the same brand a year a to. The dollar also will buy now three times as much clothing and better clothing, a third more coal and nearly twice as much flour, lard, fruit and some varieties of meat as it did in war days. ' The nickel also Is staging a come-back. During the war the nickel would buy nothing, not even the cheapest sort of cigar, but now many articels that form- erly sold for a nickel are back at the old stand. WARNS AGAINST THE COMPANY 5 1 The first laminar signi was my 01a , friend, Mr. K. C. Williams. Out here ; . no is Known as -judge. me le.vuus n.Arrr.:i ., ai.ui.mi i-ibim-ut 1.1.. ki. ...i! . v....-,,-., r 1 what A. M. Stack always said was his ' M,.Url,le 111 S.riiuberr.e. for naniisouie appearance. no s j sitting iii his suite of handsome offl-j Dinner Jl Sunday. , w ith as homelike air as he used to sit Mrs. Daisy Deane, of Charlotte, is vls- : in the luw building in Monroe. That iting relatives along the state line : ..... Th.i n...- ihti.CT I J was also familiar, for Mr. Williams riously ill for several days, is reported a concern flooding the state with ad- BEASLEY AND WILLIAMS ARE ATTACKED BY WADE Insurance ConiiiiiN.siniier Sny They m'f tltei ing Stork for Sale Willi out Having Insurance Commissioner Stacy W. Wade has issued a warning to North Carolinians asking them "to let se verely alone" stock in the Interna- Mr. P. W. Plyler, who has been se-;ional Petroleum company of Texas, vertising matter capitalizing the namo of Roland F. Beasley, former com missioner of public welfare, says R. E. Powell, in the Charlotte Observer. The warning is most interesting be cause of the lleasley connection with the company. A particular appeal is made by the insisted on taking me to the First . to be improving. ' Baptist church to hear Dr. Truitt j Considerable Interest is being man- . speaK. nr. 1 rum lives ai uanas ana uesieu in me uoss win rase 111 1111s v as most Baptists know, is the head of section. I the great 975,000,000 campaign, and Miss Myrtle Plyler entertained a i one of the biggest pulpit orators in numner 01 ner irienas at a party last ' the whole country. 1 had heard him night, before and all he said about the cam-1 In the preliminary commencement paign I had heard many times before coutests held Saturday at Prospect , company In Its circular campaign to in North Carolina. The only differ- ! the Prospect school was the winner of .Tar Heels through the Beasley pres ence between a naptis crowd In all the events except the recitation, t'K nd that of E. C. Williams, pres Tx and one in North Carolina is which was won by Miss Tyson, of .Went of the company, who practiced that the former aeem to ko out of tho College Hill: the two hundred and 'aW t Monroe for a long time. Rosy ; way more to refer to "immersion as twenty yard dash, which was copped pictures of wealth are painted for the the scriptural form of baptism." They by Mt. Pleasant; and the essay and purchasers of International stock, in - never forget it. They seem to have mile race, both of which were won by 'h letters reaching Raleigh. an argumentative chlD on their shoul- the New Hone school. Following t Mime Uiu Jlunk. tier. I these contests, the local boys proceed- THctl to Take II lui to Catholic Climrli c-d to beat their old rival. College i A., .......kin nf p,,in t., ..innch ' " 111 P'pnaia game or base nan. -I had another experience ne young women in me oince .....ii.tH.. ..Kn.. Arniin y"? "u.r " rivalry of the students. baMized Sunday nial.t and Invited me Howard Helms, son of Mrs. , ... . , uena iicinis, nan completed a courne in the watclunal-er'B trade at St. Lou- home soon. lines Is confined to Declare Wade's Attack On Messrs. Beasley and Williams Is a "Gross Assumption of Authority" The International IVtroliuni company, or Texas, the oncers of which w re subject to a bitter, uncalled for attack from Insurance Comniis-m.iu-r Wade in the morniim lepers, has never intended hauling stock saleismen into this state, it waa learned here today from tuthorative sources. The license tax. it was stated is almost prohibitive, and this alone has prevented Messrs. Beasley and Williams from endeavoring to interest their fellow North Carolinians in their oil refinery and wells, 'hlch they have every reason to consider a legitimate business. Monroe men familiar with the legal aspects of the case declare Cmii niisfioner Wade's action a gross assumption of authority, .pointing out that there cau be no transgression of any North Carolina statute as long as the Federal postal regulations are complied with. The International Petrol iu m company, it was pointed out. is a legitimate corporation or the postal authotitieg would have long ago denied it the use of the mails. According to Commissioner Wade's own admission, the International's only oiTense is the flooding ol the state w ith advertising matter con cerning Its prospects. i'ARE ADVOCATING WOMELSi FOR ALDERMANIC BOARD SuugoMiim Hits Received Hearty Ap proval From Number r l.ealfng CilUenx .May lie t ai lied Out CHILD li ItlKMIi Aliorr FACE Maggie Ross Feared She Would Die In Poor House Harriett Crier, Her Cook, Said She Was Afraid Her Property Might Be Burned Up, But Was Quieted When She Told Her LandCouldnt Be Consumed That both Maggie and Sallie Ross .that In their opinion Maggie Ross did talked about ghosts, and that Maggie 'not have mental capacity to make a appeared to be in bad health and was, 1 will. in his opinion, incompetent to make a : Har,.ie, (;rM,K Tesnillov will, was the burden of Dr. W. H. , , . CrowelPs testimony in court this I , ,1larrim..Hrl,r: "'ofd, testified as morning and yesterday afternon. Dr. . r,'",owa: Maggie bad gloomy spells. Crowell. who is a practicing physi-: ?"d,. wol,,1d J"" her chin and nose, clan at Whitevllle. boarded with the : J!lUle ner n08t and " Ross women In 1895 and 18!16. and!'",,e" JJ",e I'testing: 'O. quit.' practiced his profession in the Marvin 1 8awi "i,.at a ca'nu meeting with i.n.i.miv n ,rn...,....,i.tinn i one of Miss Mags silk dresses on. however, he admitted that Maggie I ,'!.MJ88 MaK told me to be saving bile shop has returned and resumed could have made and understood a w,l "f,r a,,a eKBS tnat they work at the Marshville Motor Co. simple w ill. I ne naa 10 go on,- aeciaring Although he considered Maggie to ' "a" "s ,u"r as ynoay. unce Mat.hville, April 7 It probably has not iieeii Keiierally known among the ladies of Marshville that it w ill be uecesoiry for them to register again in order to vote in the coming town electi'in. The books aie at the Marsh ville furniture store unJ all ladies are requested to watch the date and not let the time slip up and the books be closed before they have performed this duty as a citizen. It has been mentioned, tnd the suggestion has re ceived hearty approval from a number of public spirited citizens, that two ladies be elected to serve on the board of town commissioners. Well, the women lik" to clean up: If thU should happen probably our town would spruce up a bit and show w hat a real town looks like when it takes pain3 with itself. Mrs. C. B. Williams and daughter, Jean, of Due West, S. C. returned home Friday after spending some time with Mrs. Lillie Price and Mrs. B. A. Mailman. Mrs. Frank L. Hun-ell la visiting relatives In Rutherfordton. Miss! Moore of Charlotte spent the week-end here with her mother. Mr. Geors Hallman has gone to Charlotte to t ike a position. Ethel, the small daughter of Air. and Mrs. Joshn-i Whitley, narrowly escaped serious burns when she fell into a bed of coals in the fireplace Sunday nisht. Her mother rescued her quickly and she escaped with a few burns about the head and face. Mr. John Smith who has been In Charlotte for the past two weeks tak ing a special course in an automo- i ... . . . , Hit w ntr rn mi' nnn urnun n jvon oe in poor neaitn in 1896 ana 7, ur. I" . '8un,ri8e Pmweii moid n.i r.uii iht i, pv.r ' ih ca"e of her tears she said she "V,!r'r her He said ' was ,fraid ghe "might die In the poor k out and look i:0"8:: L8aid: ;vi,atw,ih a11 you . . , have'' Clin rattlmft , prescribed medicine for over the fields, but that Sallie. who .nave:. Uo ' might get had a strong mind, attended to busi-! Dur,m'u. UP: . 1 t0 d ner that the land neBg icouldn t be burned up, and that seem- Dr. S. H. tzzell, who was reared In ; .. J!.":J ; 'of her friend, waitine to ereet her F.nlertaiiiK for Mother. Mrs. Lee Bailey entertained at a birthday party for her mother, Mrs. M. J. Braswell on Mon day evening. Her mother having been invited out to supper with a friend was summoned home early In the evening to find the house aglow with spring blossoms and a number the Marvin community, living in the ' "vyvT ew. " f come tor, maur nice lfu Lt Ron home several weeks after the anything and not get It. She wanted iV, " j"T,ns many nice guts. Later .'.ATtLuSL dress. Something was said about i ,e l,est " ,nv . ,nt0 tn for he two snlnsters declared that !10' ,aU8"1 n,- ejaculate: "Good u ' s ' w " - C' S.Tbf.e.S - t get a dress for Jk'Scll r SJKdWaffi: a'nd'i'aidhaTr;": I T nSST tj ....... i.. w. , h Hudson 'big wanes to attend to her 1 " . 11 na l,anor pre tasttl ar- i-hiirch 'tll" 111 aepienaia game oi oase oau, 'r n ' f and ended the day by giving Mt. th beltiE l,,,'a8al,t a three-Inning wallop. The affllia- day 'tt featur'd by the good natured to go out. Being not adverse to see- "It is the same old line of bunk," Commissioner Wade says, "that has relieved suckers and e.isv marks of their money through all the ages and ould not be particularly dangerous North Carolina but for the men tion of the Beasley and Williams names." From the Information reaching his office. Commissioner Wade Is con vinced that many thousands of let ters carrying this propaganda have come into the state during the past week. ln something else homelike, and also " l . r " . V PPreciating the kindness of the In- ( Jsf bout tile churches of this city that I , h" , b'd ?"h 1 "ntatBm. Sad noticed. It is that they put up . ,., thought by many that the big sign boards across the sidewalk f,u a 'a'"af' bv recent cold ti the corners near to them, so that f'T."! l'u 'v, stlgat -n proved this BO stranger may mis., no chnnce of CP" ' "IT?,"' , a . uding them. Now, but for this fact . '" ? M"Brlde enjoyed straw I should not have found that church ,b,r i,s r.u hn ard7 fajr. ay out In the suburbs. - Getting 't' k,'n TXfV? Jn .hJB into one of these little street Jitnie. ro" "J" i,ty VJ" ' h!" tUrif'y. Vh, which peg up and down. I told the 1,;lU "? h' msed of his little Mexican driver to put me off at "n . J"n h'T f TVl0 the Baptist church. Rut he seemed " " " " 80 ,0 not to understand an thing but tho "'s.e J1;' ,M'C ,l, f h- word church. By and by I happened 'cp tja,1 ca e th.nt s'ie ,K the to see the signboard pointing to the f.T?1" "i ord,T ,0 be ,a,7e church f wanted, wh ph vu Hltimted . ". '"" nff the n.nln .t.-l I nunrhed him tn a good meal, the Supposed hen Walk ' the back a ,.,v, ..,.j..J" u c.ii ..n U all of Its life. The next day up in front of a Catholic church and -e, ... I had to walk back several blocks and find my own way. He couldn't read the sign, and though driving up and J . . .1.... - . . A! .1 1. uuwn nun siieei uuy nines nay, us " . , , r'.nii. i ,Do,H f nn .,;.,k .. .v. Quite a number of the Monroe women "J,eM ln North Carolian In open 41MU Ul OIU Vft iiw v I" u I v II i"iu i i rr-i i. .... .. rant'u wun ntHHi rpn rnupa nnnrt. I l. i i.. a 1 t UUHIIIfWH. 1 III WPHK HIIH nlPii RHP rali. " ' , o .una iroui .w.iKK.e. asKea wie i - --- - - - dragons and spirea. Progressive con- t.on on cross-examination if he had 0 f a t,"''.' t0. versatlon was the first stunt on the ever known Maggie to make a bad ' er rte counted out ln,''rt's'il"? Program, the topics being known FerTk?V. 'at "Si : ! o bu, wha?" anfd C0V'nf 8 V' known het to make any at all. neodpd- she took 0llt other t,c,c , range of things of most Interest to Dr. 1W DeM.sltion IntiiHliiceil. later replacing them in the pocket-1 0'llen 8ue,h as: Are men more ex'" The deposition of Dr. R. M. Potts. ! book. Miss Mag told me to take care l,aaa"t ' ,a" '0,- "Is It pur of South Carolina. i,hvrlan fur the of the Docket book and evervthinir i"' i"e roiumg eiec- Koss family, was introduced. The else. burden of this was about the time in j Slept in lied With Millie liiuo wnen aepone. u was cauea to ne ; Mittie Bell Houston. neKro legatee ' lurno iiuiue nuu ueiMeieu .Mime ueue, tion?" -Who should make the fires in the morning, and why?" "The best thing to do for the baby's colic." Next "Plantine the President's snrden' um 'lit thp Iffma u-ilt chitifr lit tho an ma I .iinnituufulln fri i i the neirro. of a child this occurring In ! ., " , ' . " '"I """7 """". '"e. i ne., rums anu Copies of these letters have) Maggie KoSV bed. 'room and be?ore ' ZXP&JL I S.Jr. .- - .. . ,U, i.,, .-.T-r- nun emiiu niuKe vue ne the rs. solatlon fan. poem d s- alad 1 l'each'd . the Inanrimr) (lotinritiinl ' ,.i.ii.,-i.t(m C!iiiA t)nui. r.,i I from school tether, mintaipr- ! h . r , " h,V . XZ ul on ll,e nI. ,ttt.e. ' "'y M the j most words from the letters In "O Icial workers. ,.,,, men real e. ! , Z.,! v Z.SZ , Z I ca l01'8' tPBll,,ed 88 MlPV' Dime." Mrs. J. S. Harrell won 'tate dealers, lawyer, and ,the,H The ,Y.T r Z, i7, , k,,, ' n?. 1 1 am sventy-seven years old. and ; prize and was given a book. M (letters varv Hiihil in fr Mr I ,V. . Vi "V.r " , am a legatee unuer tne wni or MaK- Lee Ashcraft drew the con Williams, who says that he practiced I g7 W. Ross a second cousin near t V IV!' 'T: A08 ! "J"1 a Ja"an8 law for 20 years In North Carolina, neighbor and one of the caveator. ' ."V.r"? '"I .T" . 1 "" , : Mr!" " read a Clever takes care of his brethren of the eKal buuvht land from 8a Ho and Ma,,le !.'"."' i u !i u. l! .. ..... .. j i . ",an l9.."ke ,l8 .sno, nrofession. i;..-. i.. io.hi ti, h., 1 " V 1.O0!'1 U!"v ,,u,.u :,i,s: "arreti read "April s ml The International U no. Ita t, i... 1 . u . k. i " uvea tor two years just, Imp" and "Aprils Reply." A s i- i..... ... " across tne roau irom inem. lor a year .course was served hv Mesdamea t . !n Jh',r i" .'.T:. a. . "L'0"1;.11 wit.hi" 'hollering' distance from them, Marsh and J. P. Marsh agisting the ner. mase wouin tie enrorceaoie in any court ln North Carolina, the commis sioner snys, until the company sub- '..! a r..n .. . . .. I . . - . . . . . . i 10 ted state. Mr. Wade earnestly requests all cit izens or the state to let this stock, and ull similar stock, severely alone. Women Should Reelsler. In lolatioii of Law. To the Editor of The Journal:' ''The company is seeking to do bus- ana In sheet I n inched him in a Fod mea'- ,he PIosed hen walk- a10"0' 8.v. ntl the company si and that was where ed off- 8truttiug as big as you please. ' mits a full and complete statement i t.m, h he .JLt ''No and "Wbbled" as If It had been doing of flee and is properly Investigat "'2'. u rL'A t all of Its life. The next day our required by the law of the sta p.eie payments on mis mnu t ntu uil(, from tnelll For ,wrnty.lhree 1312, but after Sallies death Hudson y,,uri j iu and out anlong ,,., gave receipts for payments. luirsiK alld washing for them. I was did not attend to any business that in me home occasionally for a month he knew of. She talked very little, or 8x weeks at a ,,nle an(, wag there and he never saw her read or write wh, ,, Sa,lir Maggie and Dennis Ross but did not know that she could not. died. W. 8. Garrison, of Charlotte, who; -Maggie Ross was a delicate worn formerly lived at Marvin, does not 'an She h.l t. i. o tini.... .v.n- H.1,.1, M..l.. ....... ,l Ir. . . . " ...mi k,. -r1.,.--?! X ;I1I5,, na wor a bandar around her, you have been In Marshville for the IM"nv nn,, vm viwoo dniiitii.uuu neufl She nnil me nnphnlv tinulla naa u-.w. 1 .l... Ul.l .!.. If .W- .. ... W.l I I. W...-1.W... a.. ..ii uiui. i u,.ei i, i.u um. ia8s g0U,, t,ie, sometimes as often The work on the main thorough fares of the town is about completed and now th roads vie with the high way for smoothness. The next thing we need now Is a sprinkler or a coat of oil, or Just any old thing that will keep down the dust. Maybe you think you have seen dust, but you don't know a thing about it unless wa v i'iviii w numrii .. . ., ... ... ' , i ouiur LI III r. nu llir L 1 1 II US Ul If II Catholic on the main highway. The are under the Impression that they do " , '""'"' "IK Z k V. T" 7,i as every two weeki: and she would baptizing was well worth while for!" nave to register tor tne town iiYnw. nf ,,u "low. gazing outside and On one occa- make the company's criminal opera tions all the more reprehensible. nient.dated March 17, 1921, contains nothing substantial upon whih to The Insurance department re grets the necessity of making this several itrown men were amonir the election April lb. iney do have to number receiving the ordinance, two register and ought to do so. of them young soldiers from Camp; Few people realize how much the Travis. general welfare depends upon the way Saw the KlicriiTa Nephew I lhf "'''Idpal government is conduct- 1 trt 1. H llva I nil ann lat nn In n nn One more instance to phow that the fo;compnti churches and other public i,,ase 8Urh a Promise," he further ob . - -!"- interests depend largely on the way V.. .v uc . Diit. lit i "' m which the government Is run. had gone out to hear Dr. Truitt.; i. Ih. .i, ,n .... i Judge Williams and I went to a cafe 1 ,,eo1e e no ntprest In their wel-!stalement" Mr' wade explained; "es tor iiuicn. took, neltlif nr.iore. une vi mem iaiainK aooui one or niore 0, three objects for the places from which he had trar- Brntt. tnr hnnnr ne for .hti elled remarked that he once travelled nnd th1 accomplishment of some pub out of Winston, N. C, and liked the ue g00a town. Here we Joined in the conver- Now t tne ,!me t0 ai,ply the ,m. f110 nlrt0l(L him lat We Were 8l,d rdy. It will depend on putting Into he liked North Carolina aa we were lplaces of publlc trugt un(,,Ifl!,n , onest from that state. The other stranger jmen who W fro, t!ie bottom of then dipped In and said. "Do you j tnelr hearts ,,, even frora ,her know anything about a town In that kneef try t0 do right. rro Bono Pub' atate by the name of Monroe?" He lco was inrorinea tnat we Knew an aoout ,. : i . - ... Bil uv ult- Kiiuiow, ai officers of the company, serves to ently. This witness is a legatee nn-; twlriinx her thumbs DiH'lHinntion Conest Friday. The declaration contest of the county commencement will be held inilllll nrr UIU Mill. IJH Ullf occa- K,, ' f. i .... .. .. . , e extent of $500.lRlon ,ho doc,arpd thut lr ghe hnd all j he ,"Frida fenl,"v At that time ad this witness on ii,.. t. .... hi the winners of the short story and He added: The financial state- the Krill for some time on cross-exam-' Kht would blln. sh J;...... say contest for the county will also t AcA Mo.k if mm i... ,iie uum ourii 11 up. rne couiu u ..,,,,l,.j t..i...iii der the will to th Attorney Calisler had . .. . . . - peupin lane no interest in tneir wei-i , ,, . ' - unch. At the table which we rare now it wm ue t00 late t0 jpij 'pecially since the company appears to two other men were sitting. after unsuitable men are ln power. .b,e vfry .pr.',d LiU .'Ptr8nal.."'la" rr of whom had he or I ever seen j Men usually run for office for some , p to 1 DUDllc ot lhe Old North Mr. Wood's Platform. State,' but it has no choice in the mat ter, since the company Is trying to do business In North Carolina in viola tion of the law. If the proposition were on the level and the company's prospects all that Messrs. Beasley and Williams claim tor it, they woutd not be afraid to show their hand and sub mit to an investigation at the hands of the officials of their home state." ination. recollect things that happened in her be announced. Marhsvllle has a con- a lu .11 .t .1 - a Thought Her Cotton Had iHs,,,,,! youth better than she could renuMU-!'?':" .. V.1. l""T '-atures ana Banks Stevens, a neighbor of the J,l:r, ..... " no inn. in,, ,,iii i iruiu I 1 till some. I never knew her to write a Ross' women, declared he rented land from Mlus Mag, paying her in cotton. "On one occasion when I went to set with her," he said, "I found Mag greatly disturbed. Asked the cause of her trouble, she stated she had sev-; en bales of cotton the evening before, 1 but there were only six then. She and I went out to count them, and found there were still seven bales. i "At other times When I would en I on Saturday will send a preventa tive to Waxhaw to enter the reciter's contest. Out of the eight contests for letter. She always claimed she wasi""1" nii.e, me .v.arsnviiie imnr. Mis Sallie took iha tnuintivol ' ' entered seven of them. In thelt dealings and conversations. 'h'T u?!out lhf d",al dn", I have heard Maggie say to Sallie: I ba,e ''iJ'I.P.T' a"d. G ve me mv monev and von can keen r"'" " ,m lu -pei niu yours.' Sally would reply: "I'll not , do it; you haven't got sense enough on the fifteenth. to take care of It, no how.' Scut M it lie to Kitchen. St. Luke's Lut'ieran CIiiiiyIi. Paul L. Miller, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. ni. Sunday to pay her rent she asked me to count! "Mittie Bell Houston lived In the mornlnc' the money, saying she could not. One house, but when visitors came she! Preaching 11 a m. Theme of ser time $13.06 was due me from the cot- was Bent to the kitchen. At times.'mon: Whv David called the Lord his ton I had turned over to her in pay- however, she stayed tn the parlor. I Shepherd. Text Psalm 23:1-4 ment of the rent. She went out andjThey sent Mittie Bell to college, my There will be a congregational on her return handed me $56.66. She daughter going with them to place meeting Immediately after the bene- "cu """" l"u u"-:ner in ine institution. diction, the purpose of which will be Send Candidate for Mayor Pig's Tail w"1 'ow'" "alleged ,ly $13.06. handing her back the bal- "Maggie attended to ..Mittie Bella to ratify and confirm the action of Its Tn th Vt tfr nf Thn Tnnrnal .'i.aA . t- i r ' ouglas.Unce. She remarked: 'Oh, well. I baby Just like a mother, nursing and Sunod in adopting the resolutions of ton N. jhaventany how ' washing it. merger between the Evangelical of the I once borrowed $1200 from her.1 -i never heard Maggie say she had Lutheran Tennessee Synod and the it that there was to be known. "You know Sheriff Cliff Fowler? Well, I " ii" T.r- ,: T-i." I ot your paper I was C. a pl'. tall wsmbo leal lieu uiuiiivT. lie mr. iu nu- '-.., -j l k. .... . 1 a ;t " . ... . " - T m lit. nix, Arizona, and had driven over " ' . ec "e uo"t,af 10 W'M'WU"! the money from Mr. Hudson, made a will. I do not think she had , Evangelical Lutheran Synod and Min- here In his car. He asked everything , I" J". . . ' "ueu V.""1" KDl lne 1 "vpa on lne Km P'ace ror 19 Pars- nientallty enough to make one. She lsterlum ot North Carolina and the aui. i ii if ihii i rnm i n as mnu naa nnnn n in nm m.iini i in i.i.'t l. ...... i . . l a . ... ' 1. Progress. 2. Economy. 3. Reduction in water er about Monroe. An Intercut lug Country This is a most interesting city and a most interesting country. Later on rates. 1 will tell something about Its hlstor- 4. Reduction In salaries -'men to a basis of 1918. (Yntlnunl on Page Light V. H, WOOD. . j t j -"'""" I"" """" " '" " r.iways nan a speu oi sickness citner constitution and by-laws adopted by a reward of ten dollars for the rest sufficient mentality to know the val- in the spring or fall. In 1909 when the merBer meeting. This will be an Of the Die. An accomtianvliit? letter ne nf hor r,rn?nt nr .i t.i-il-o n it,. i;n . .1.. .... .. . . . . ,,i iii,r.. i 1k'. ,1.1 . ., m " ' " " " "an uiue sue inn unusuauy important meeting and it ia ngm , was in rhyme, the writer statine that will." .. ..n.. .nmsi.i i.. ;,, ' t .... . Ik. .X .x. . .. , : ... .... iiiin.j tM.i t' in i mnnr a nui in nupeu I PIT Will oe B IU 1 COnKTe- f I".8"! other T0,er" 8m,nd ft'11 (,'"ar Steven?. V. R. Hel:ns. J. W. and she continued under this disabil-1 gatioti present or aider- sane, do not "understand your hh-'- J. !!. I;. I . White and L. A. Gallant, Itv until her death. She could not i I . I 'i T .1 .. i 1. ri I'laiie. liUUKIilS 19 iiii ei; er plane.- Douglas Is rii;i:i!: rn uplift platform. II m" nl-.o:u either live now or have' jlived In the same community, testified j glad when they eald unto me, Let UJ Cunt limed on.Page Fight. 'go Into the house of the Lord."

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