TIIE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT THE MONROE -THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY NEEDUr JOU RNAlJ PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY f -I VOL.27. NO. 22. MONROE, N. C FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 1921. $2.00 PER YEAR CASH IS A. E. f:s biggest rogue WAS A LEAKSYiLLE BOY Ik' Braved the Um f l'.ntl"ii Dui;ip (llartl l-'ur Si (.nllim ol Mil .New Oilowii .Mol.ivun THS JOKE ON Ml!. I'. V. I'LYI.KK The senior Lieutenant of Co. C 5t.ti Pioneer Iufantry, of which the writer was a lowly private, used to Vll his men to "do anything you can get by with." Most of us, howerer, accepted his edict with more or less reservation, but one lad, claiming Leaksville, N. C, for his home, went the "whole hog. He was the biggest rogue In the entire A. E. F. He would take any risk to gratify the hunger that only those who were in the Ar- gonne engagement have known, and to satisfy bis Insatiable craving for sweets he would brave a regiment. Otherwise he was a good soldier, and It should be said to his credit that he never stole from his own comrades confining his raids to supplies belong- lac to other outfits. Many were his escapades, but none had a more de lightfully humorous, though at that lime disappointing, ending than the one which occurred In the vicinity of Mountfancon. that natural fortress occupied for so long by the Germans, ftnd the capture of which by the Americans marked the beginning of the end of the imperialistic designs lit the now humbled, exiled Kaiser. Ktar the town was a ration dump, td while passing it one afternoon, nt Leaksville boy thought he espied case of Jam among the piles of turned beef, tomatoes and hardtack, r.d he immediately laid plana to con fiscate it for himself and bunk-mates, or lather tent-mates. That night he ti ld us ct nib intention?, and wheii we protested, pointing out the danger he would incur, the dump being under a luv.vy guard, he ridiculed our fears o confident was he of his uhllity to j:rt awuy with the much desired case of jam without detection. Vainly we tvitd to dissuade h ut from his pur- j os-o bv derating it t ) be our earnest or.vietion that he could never get siv.-.y from the (l imp without being i n : oe! with a bullet from one of the M'..Hfs guus. Ho gn at vns his rrav i . for so mo; him: sweet that nothim! tb.Mt of a combined ;-.Tni:in nir raid .t Ur.rae would liuve Ilt hi:t la iiia tent. Soon lie w;m off, leav ini tio in the throes of anxiety, for u'l ol us hud conceived unite a toiuln-'-s tr l.dii, and although we knew v.e would share In the plunder it nis mission was successful, none of us enred to see him risk his life. Minutes passed. Our ears were keyed to hear the rifle hot that we momentarily expected to m.stcn the end of our courageous but rtb friend". But no shot rang out. nor was the nir pierced with the fchnek of the mortally wounded. Quick, heavy treads heralded the ap- Droach of the tuning lau, ana our peering glances "through the darkness if him coming nearaer ana nearer with a case of goods on his shoulder. W wcro overjoyed. By exercise of caution, we reasoned, ana oy Meting our appetites, tne case kf jam would last us for weens. Etcerlv we 1 rted tne ouroen from his shoulder, wnue one LOVELAND TO LECTURE AT CHAUTAUQUA "Perils of Democracy" WiD Be - His Topic "AUNT ALICE" ROBERTSON FAMOUS SPEECH OF LATE TAKES JATH OF OFFICE' CRRUS Q. LEMMOND FOUND "1 W.hi'l Mind It a Hit," Say Fein- A Member .f Legislating !, iuiiie Meiiilier of t'ongrf nn Fmmii the State of Oklahoma 'tini). He Advocated Calling f HIVf lltioll III I Mil. Authoritative, Challenging Address In. plrlng Sanity and Sturdy Americanism. "The Perils of Democracy" will be) (he subject of Dr. Frank L. Lovelaud'a challenging address at the coming Red path Chautauqua. Hta lecture li tba WAXTS "MISS" DKOPl'FI) OX KOI.L HE FAV(HtKI) THE 0FF.HF.K.UY MONTAVILIE FLOWERS , STOS WITHIN GRASP OF TO LECTURE HERE! SAB DR. WEAVER Weil-Known Publicist on Redpath Chautauqua Circuit. "Aunt Atice' Robertson has been Mr. R. W. Lem worn in as Representative from a copy of the famous speech made vKiauuuia. iskiub me oam wun i.ie in inc .orth Carolina General As rest of the group of members front 'sembly by his father, the late Cyrus uer siaie. sne leni tne oniy color to y. Lemmond. in 181. The elder the somewhat drab proceeding which marked the organisation of the House of Representatives of the 67th Congress. Miss Robertson entered the hall of the house dressed in a simple and business-like frock of blue and car- rying a large boo. net of rosi. She took a seat in an obscure rorntr. Later, when the. so.aker callej for the delegation fro.n Oklahoma, shf s sen a mug o.r.i'on. "It wasn't ned.-'y as bad n i'd expected." confld'd Miss ltobeitson afterward. "I diJu t r-ially mind it at all. I had ex.). it would be OR. FRANK L. LOVELAND. eulmlnntlon of thorough Investigations, both In America and In Eurojw. Into all of his utterances, Doctor I.nveland Injects an Intense patriotism based on a sturdy Americanism and n faulty of vision that are stimulating and refreshing. Doctor liovcltind Is so fired with his theme, ami Is so thoroughly the embod iment of that theme that he stirs the hearts of his hearers to new pride In the past nnd new faith In the future of America. Doctor I.ovelnnd's lecture fills a gen uine need in these days of Imilling .ochl nnd economic unrest. IIIiiNK OS-' THK ;u.m. iu n:s i.s:vu:w , inlnume IMIHikcs Keiitenced f i:ie (r iiied June 1", Askit I'tuy-c!-s for l.lfe Impiisiiiiiiieiit. V. Talmage Dllliuga. sentenced at the last term or Wilkes county su perior court to be electiouted June 17 for the murder of Will Chatham, writes to friends "back homo'' ask ing them to pray that his senteuce be commuted to life Ininrisoumeiit. His deed was committed eeveial years ago, he escaping and travelled over tliirtv-eiKht states before his hemth failefl, causing him to return to I Wilkes county, where be was Imme- 'diutcly arrested. His letter, as re- . ported by the Wilkes Patriot, reads: I .T. t..I w I. hhc party, a Pennsylvania man. in- - ""', "". 'uu sertrd his bayonet under the box li.t. - - "'-,'" ""' heir most acute disappointment.' ';' Bplrit that I cvrr black New Orleans JUn life and lUPiasses! (, ,,,. ... ... . . The next morning while he was ;"- '' "" ' ' '' building a fire preparatory to cook- " - "'Iw.. ""3 inn breakfast, tne company coon ...... . '. - - Ironr.d six cans of molasses. He has lir-t learned to this day whence tney rar.ie. The Joke on Sir. Plyler. Sonic days ago there came to Mon roe a mati by the name of Davis, rep- ffnting the Koenwald fund, Jewish niliions placed In trust for the pur 'fli II U'aa uhptl Ilia. ni.:tihtirv of a new Congres.1 being rwoin iu years ago. It juis all so stiff and formal. But thli war. much better. We Just went .town front together and it was all over." Wears Mustot Klephant. Representative Robert w ihtn pointed proudly to a ti'imber of pins and badges she woim and described them. On a thin gold chain Mrtng around her neck she word the little ivory "C O. P." elep'iaut--her mas cot during her campaigning days, she exilaiued. The otheib weiv for the Daughters of the Ai:iarlcin Rexolu tion. Red Cross, Siiaalsh War Vet erans, and there wau a small bow of gold and purple ribbon hei col lege colors with a gol 1 wishooue. "Yes, I have been flooded with Je niaiuis that 1 Introduce a'.l b-uts of legislation." she replied to a ques tion, "hut I am Just -"''ii,' to sit back for a while until I ..ee how things are run here. I d-rn'r want to push forward and be in tin way anywhere. "The bills? Oil, there is every thing from really serious and dest rv ins matters to trifling and novel schemes for new divorce laws. W!i, do you suppose they should Wk uion tin old maid to handle surh stian bufe'iness as divorce comjerns?" Tells of Debt to tile t'olom-l. With a shy smile, the white-haired aud blue-eyed woman who lepre- sents the Muskogee district conllded that the proudest day of her life had just been made doubly good. She said she had met Mrs. Alice Roose velt Longworth In the corridor and that they had talked for several minutes. "You don't understand," she con tinued. "Dark in the old days, when things were not going as nicely a now, her father, then President, help ed me ereatlv. "My mother was an Invalid and I had to be with her always. Presi dent Roosevelt made me postmistress of Muskogee, so I could attend to mother and keep the postofnee, too, There were a lot of others who want ed the Job, because It was one of the best in the Indian Territory. But he told me I rhould keep It as long as he was President. And he kept his word. "Mrs. Longworth knew about It and I am clad that today I have proved his confidence In me." "And there's one other thing, she called back. "I am not going to let them call me 'Miss Robertson' when they call the roll. I want them to Just say 'Robertson.' Why should thev be allowed to accentuate the people will work for ?n. t) get me off with a life term and I sure hope that they will, fur it is an awful thing to think or to have to take that chair. You nlenne tell Mra Dorothy to pray for me, and you pray;'"0 1m an oltl mald? for me to die a natural death. If 1 only had let that whiskey alone I would not have beenJiere, but I did pot-: of according flnuiuiul aid in the not think of ever getting Into trou- -cction of negro school houses in the hie like this. I sure never thought; Well there are sucars for which such mth'. He was dark-complexion and of killing that man In my life. What nrlppt are asked, and which people bof!scd sharp facial features crea- that Nichols told, If I had to die this 'buy. The most expensive of them .... , - I : i . j ...1. ...... t .......... B..!.a i.. . tir.. .... I . ..... . n - :iK lit u i!H'i.-: :iun iu;-.i ill! ui nuniue, i iicirr twin iu my Hie, unu called dUICilOl BIIU COSls fiio a wish extraction, a nirmi:!i that I hope the Lord will bring the truth I pound. By comparison the other air.ed credence when Ma mission he- out some time. If I am to die I hope 'sugars seem almost cheap. Mnnnose, tr.ie known, for what v.ou'.d bo more the good people will find out the real for example, costs only $140 a pound, itural than for a Jew to entrust his thing about it. Mr. Foster, If I only! .Mimno-e is made from the scraps iK!iis in the hanJs of memurrs of coi l.l see yon and t ilk In you nnd 'that are left over In making vegetable tne purpose ol tus ten you now i reel since I'nrist na; ivory buttons."' Another sugar, man- Some Uemlly Kxpcnslve Sugar What would you say to sugar that cost from $75 to $375 a pouna: is own rare Lemmond, who was the renreaenta- tive from this county, advocated se cession, and extracts from his speech. wnicn was printed and distributed by the Mate in '61, so forcible were his arguments, read: "Sir, nearly every religious chord which bound the two great sections ot our country together has been snap ped asunder, and the Christian churches of the North and South non stand in hostile array to each other, and Southern Christians are denied the right of communion with them at the holy sacrament table, simplv because they tolerate slavery. Again, I ask, what is it that made Southern submissionists so much love such a t'nlon, when they are denied equal rights in it; denied their rights oi property, their rights of equality, and above all. their rights to commune with their brethren at the Lord's table "But this is not all. Look at the damage they have done in Texas. Mississippi, and other Southern States by . stirring up servile Insurrection among our black population. Look at the amount of property that has been stolen from the South by the North and for which the South has no effectual remedy. More than one hundred million dollars of our slav property has been stolen and run off' ... r- i . i . i iu vsiiiiua, oy way or the under ground railroads, that we can nevei net; no effectual remedy in the world. And yet they cry, 'the Tiilon, tb glorious Union." Illustrates Inconsistency of l iiloii fry 'consistency iri said to be a jew oui it v. poss.'sf, it. There is Just about .us much consistency in a man ottering on a cup of hemlock ;u leiuug you it was the very best of wine, ami you would drink ii down J'.ist 1 irailsi- it vv;s called will', though yn;i knew it would dciiro.v you the next minute, as there i:i ii: I Ilia cry of 'l iiimi, I'liion, k;iv the 1'nioit,' when you see Uifit that I uion is about to prove your utlr-r vul'i and destruction. Permit me, Mr. Chair man, to Illustrate our condition in Ihe South, by way of comparison. Suppose in a neighborhood of some ciuht or ten persons, one of the in dividuals commence stealing from his nearest neighbor, taking his bacon Out of his meat house, in the course of a night or so take his horse out of his stable, and so on until he is about to take all his neighbor has; and the injured one knowing who it is tnat Is taking away his property, begins to complain to hb other neigh bors, and talk or Instituting legal process against the wrong-doers, and all the other neighbors advise him not to do so Hdvise him to make no disturbance in their peaceful com munity Just let the villlan go, and he does so; but finally, finding no security for his property in that neighborhood, comes to the conclu sion to move out of it In order to obtain peace and security. But all the rest of his neighbors tell him he must not move; it will break up their glorious community: and finally tell him that he shall not leave If he does they will compel him to come back. I ask would not every sane minded man say, that everyone of his neighbors were accessories before j the fact to thel't, and were all receiv ing a portion of the stolen g.n!s? Most assuredly they would. And yet will Deliver HI Great Address, "America Looking Ahead" A Study of Today and Tomorrow. Montavlll Flowers, eminent publl cist, will lecture at the coming Red path Chautauqua on "America Looking Aneaa, Thla address presents principles up on which the future life and happiness SJl I VlfSF 3 by MnnVit, Chicago MONTAVILLE flowers. of the ruitlou depend. It reveals the new continent of difficulties nnd prob lems which have been upheaved nero?, otir national path by the volcauk forces of the World war. Mr. Flowers Is n striking type o( the constructive mind. Do personifu action. He s'e!s n snlis; hU lecturt Id lil t nil tn 1 III Itself but seti up s clear jre-a! for iiatl;uial aim, nnd stiimi lates united purpov to attain It Hi subject Is of universal Interest. -Not Kven a.. Kcuse f, Hhhr Man lt..j SajiK . di.ln-t IUe tiiance. MODF.ilN DKXT1STUY IS UKST AMI ( IIFAPKST l.VSl HA VCC l ulled Slates has Realized .More Than Any Other .Nation the Importance of Mouth Hygiene. (From the Type Metal Magazine.) Even the young people of today can remember when no one thought ot going to a dentist until he had a toothache. And yet today some of us are so VUtSK of SUt F-SSFt b SCHOOL Marsliville. April 21. The com iiencemeiit exercises of the Marsh ille school which have been in prog ress this week, beginning wi,n the to? f Udi' mornin8. come to a clos! to-night with the .i.' K?ay enin8 the Piano pupils and public school music pupils enter- wi.h Tn . pac,ly nouse for two "our. with instrumental numbers and songs which give evidence of tho ..m. training the pupils had r.iM5 Tom the first raii. w.w school, the s ntiii" u. 01.....-., T?tl0", of t,H akng musical ability of younger Marshville. and the ,i - 11:1 ure development along .... ,j , .,- Kiatirying to the Patrons and friends of the school, ine instrumental iinmh,..o .n . hich were played from memory were rendered with a sureness of technic and a musical aini-,.i-.tin unusual in pupils so young. "ii tuesuay afternoon the decla mation contest was held at 7: 30 fol lowed by aa ndiln i,v r.. A Weaver of l inroe The H,.i..i.,'..I and innr stiliim -.p na e..u Harry Hlli. "Vision i i.. v I"' l!lis:" Seab'n Blair, ine Confetti rate Dead:" James Mnr. gon. -The , South." All thim joung men a;e yi,lendid speakers and at the conclusion 0f the program re ceived heartiest congratulations from w.c .uifce auuience upon their per formance. The 1iulireo t!cv f n Weaver of Monroe. Mr pu-hA tA." of Wingate, and Mr. Bedford Graham of Statesrille voted, two to one in awarding the medal to Harrv Ilivens. Rev. C. C. Weaver was then intro- uu.-eu io ine audience by Rev. J J. Ldwards. and the appearanro or the speaker drew forth spontaneous ap plause from the audience. Ir, Wea ver prefaced his til dress with remarks to the effect I hat having eaten too much dinner himself and having an audience who looked ns if they had been in the hal.it of .atinK too i.iuch, he was rather npprchem-jve or the outcome or the h,iur, but he assured them he would not he offended if nut over two-thirds of the audience went to sleep. However, the speaker's tears were groundless, for he suc cessfully delivered thoughts which louseu nis nearer lo admiration and deep concentration. His subject was "What makes us what we are." View Ing the subject first from the point of heredity, next from environment and circumstances in general. Dr. Weaver made clear the point' that nothing could keep a man down who had the will and purpose to rise above the many obstacles, and succeed. The theme was especially appropriate and doubtless s"ed were sown iu good Well educated in enn nH nfr.. ...... I """""r "own if we hvp ..T Th, .k. t .Y"" I ?"". 0,11' often do we hear me piamiive cry "i did not have a we nave a pain in tne knee we suspect that something may be wrong witn our teeth. More tooth brushes are sold in the I'nited States than in all the rest of the world. More dentists are practising- in the United States than in all the rest of the world. We are probably at least a gen eration ahead of any other nntion in the matter or the attention which we give to our oral hygiene. One way to pick an American out of a crowd in a Kuropean city Is to look at his teeth. We have the best teeth of any people. And yet chance.'" There is no excuse for a boy or man of average health and Intelligence even making a remark like that, and even women may rise up and make a successful way in the world If they but have the grit to stick to it. But, we did not begin with the Intention of "painting the lily" by adding more to Dr. Weaver's admirable address; rather we were giving a . full, hearty, Methodist "amen!" to what he has already said. On Wednesday evening the play, "An Average Man," was given by the high school. This play was pronoun ced by ninny to be the best ever pro- We are told that ir a dentist could .. " ,OCB' li" " ' examine the mouths or every pel son ho h ilt .5 TJ,,, rp in a theater tonight he would find I ? ? !?drend.l,,.on'.. l "de' would. And yet nearly evervoTie need I nir rientimrv nf I 1 ." ul "lss "'a a 01 arter the South has borne, again ami Vine kind ' me mgn school faculty and Prof. Big- again, with Just such robberies; has An invesiinator renorted at a re- iY'Haractera of tlie play, each a remonstrated for the last forty years, 0Hlt meeting of a dental society that Y'r"'. wpr" "iPally repre- until remonstrance is no longer a less than twelve i.er cent of the ueo- ? lne .'ocal uoys and girls, and virtue; has almost gotton upon her ie of the I'nited Slates einnlov a '. q. . oulnur8 of laughter, and knees, and Implored her Northern denilKt or nnnreriute :... i..lftri.,'nee " 1 r ail ai'I'iause at the end of each brethren to cease to Intrude upon of ,(), hygiene. Examinations have Vi? ,i . domonslrntedl the ap- her rights of person and property, rexealed t o,! there is an i.v.v.i-e r":!'lti,"i f Ihe audi.-nee. Theaud- fails to net her enual i-lchl . In ihn :. i., . !.. ... ""' lUlil Was packed to the limit bo- Union: when he conies to the con- a,,,,,,-!,.,,,, Inie eight o clock and hundreds turn- heol hoii't', iii lower Biiford town-; rlern spirit. IMra. e read St.' Mai li the then iitnji r conns union, before f.th chapter and that fits my cane the aUng the p-iiii l uppropiiatlou of best of anythins' I ever saw, anil if I lout ?S(0. I'iiforiunntely, Mr. Kay : roiild I would write a whole tablet uiid- iburk. the county supei Intend-' and send it lor 1 have h:id experi it of public Instruction, wss out oiicnce enough lo fill it. But I am 'n, and the duty c taKing mm to liiau or one tning, tiiourn tne n"vn i;;t was to Innpei-t the Silver Hun come In me and has ca.-t out the un-,ite, is mnde from manna, the nutri tive gum with when the children ot Lirael were fed In the wilderness. Manna forma in little flake-like scales, which the wind blows into the air and carries to the ground some dis tance away. It has the delicate taste nr a iciwi uafW Still another of ie school hou:e fell upon two of the, has destroyed my life he can't get tm? sugars, called xylose. Is made icmbers of the board of education, my soul, for I am going to the Lord rrom corn-cobs and Is priced at $120 ir. r. r. w. riyier anu niyseir. in prayer nigni ana nay, ami now a nonnd V - , . . . ... ...... .. .. I.k 1. ... I . 1. .. . . . I ' iieiore starting in air. fiyier s au- mmimui i uiu iui i can gui on my mobile, we bought cigars for our. knees and ask the Lord to forgive ost. On the way. we chatted gaily. 'me and I ttianK the Lord that il- lavis proving himself to be an adept jvation Is free to all. "Well, I think mversallonalist. He was well vera-, I will come to a close by asking you d In literature, especially French to write nie a long letter and to tell tad English, quoting at length from Mrs, Myrtle Freeland and Mr. Rob- Ln 6h1m.nAi.A ThnnViiM TVitmna ' prt V. Hunt that Iheti nrnt-Ari hava lusiim to t-.iove, to secede from such These new figure show how large !'V, TV'i ,Iow"'"' , Union in order to get rid of this I, the tusk hcr.,r, ns Th.-v iu.li-! . ,,,a)' 1e repeated here on Fi 1- den or thieves; we h,r rrom r.ll quar- cate that when peo;.le are once arous-' .'1, h'-h "1 Rive many tiT. remain in the I'nlon. You r.n.-t '0l, t0 tIl(, )rtae,re of a clean n.outli " ''V opportunity to see an es- not. you shall not. secede nnd break ,.d heulihv teeth there will he .U- ,f nA' r,, vor '"' 'y v-1'11 rendered. t im t-fiiiii;-, uuiovviiiK tne recita j lions and debate the medals will be awarded and the graduating class i half-yearly visits to my dentist aro ! up tins glorious cnion. it does reem llu,n(j for dentls ry that will put that ' in me. mat tno. e suomisive penti-- ,.;r. t-iiui mi a tui ..-tmn ihiv men who are dailv croaklii'' 1'iilnn .! m.. .. ........ i i... i.. ..,..' "... i I'nion. are In some wnv or other ul-i hnif.i-omiu vuii. m mv HemtHt n.-e:wl" " Kiven their diplomas. The cott. Shakespeare, Thackery, Dumas.' ert E. Hunt that their prayers have le Maupassant and a host of other been answered and 1 thank the Lord riters. His mind was a veritable ana to pray ror my sentence to be ore house or sparkling literary cnangea to me imprisonment, ms. He could recite poem arter j "This Is from a sad friend, ieni. and so enormous was the le "W. T. BILLINGS." bis vocabulary that ho never hesi- ted for a word. Mr. Plyler and my-,"Tlie Minister's Wife's New Bonnet" If complimented him on his attain-1 A riot of laughter, millinery and germs ents time ana tune again, mum io mn. une or tne most popular mus- Miss Hattie Armfleld. . f ........ ...,... I "'""i" Mir a iiinuri ill rii. vi utiuui . . A nn 11- . . , . .. , . A, . . , tioned this to him one day. and he K:"P MorKan and Mr' 'aorn Tlie costliness of those sugars Is the result of the excessive care that j must be exercised in making them, for the presence In them of any Im purity or of any other kind of sugar unfits them for the Important uses to which they are put. Every bacteriological laboratory has them. One Is particularly useful In detecting typhoid; the organisms that cause the disease are so fond ot it that they pounce upon It at once and there multiply so fast that their presence Is easily detected.. Others are Invaluable In detecting cholera lied to those Northern thieves. Secession Only Hemedv. "Mr. Chairman, it is said that the told me that those of his patients who. . . . election of Lincoln is not a suf- came in regularly ror examinations " T"" Y " ' - flclent cause for a dissolution of wnt far less money with him than Sencv of Mr n I the I'nlon. Now, Sir. I am not aware thnw who waited Tor a toothache to rn has ma,', manv forward that any one on this floor contends, bring them In. - stenT his nrhoTSLnV d that the election of Lincoln or anvl ui me money economy or mis , ,; .. ":.:, :',: one else according to" the forms" of ""outh hygiene is the smallest factor. V' Ml the best Intef-' vii luiiamuiiuH, in, ui iisi-u my ciuiw --. - . ....... . f ( school alwava at heart of a dissolution, or even romnininf .Millions of people have neuritis, rheu-? 7v. , .. . , f "f,8 K... oi. .wV V" " Vw ..Tl'in.tl.m .nH m.nv cninmnn rit.en.e. oevoung nis Hie IO tne Up on, ok ii urns iiirv tifince ine .... ... , - h,, u ,1 i n ...j . i .. i . v. .. Issue: Htht her-thev cioethe.r! of the stomach, kidneys, heart and i V" " v'1! .V L. , yo.uns . .'k; V.V;:.:uV; ".T liinll caused, we are told hv '"'H1 "". uoiaing unaone ' .u . u"uc,"u'" ',T r"'1" infiipH teeth , which could be accomp lshed in behalf re the real causes, and wh en Just ry ,,nrctfd lee- it ... or the school and th tnireth-r with the whole South to secede. What are Modern dentistry, without doubt. Is f 1 ' t't01gtohaerr, l i. .... !. -v... ' . lih PhunHi nri ninnt pffprtii hpniih Ine support or tne school board and a pleasure; and so great was our. leal entertainments ever written: ov- hnlration of his ability that when er 1000 churches have used It. At the ,e car got eturk In the mud we has- court house Friday evening at eight ncd to do all the necessary dirty o'clock. For benefit of the hospital, ork that getting back on dry land Admission 50 and 25 cents, itailcd; and when we returned to m onroc late that afternoon, thej future tnaiots that we adapt our . . 1 selves to conditions or change th - IVr.tlnue,! on Tage f lghl." conditions take your choice. Only a small quantity of the sugars Is used at one time. An ounce of some of them would last even a busy bacteriologist a year. Hogville will soon have to havo new jail as the old one we have no has been broken open and cut o:t n? so often that It Is getting vci v much out of repair. these ,facts? Sir. they are the n. the cheapest and most effective health auguration. through Mr. Lincoln, or insurance we can ouy, principles hostile to the constitution or the Union, and the Institutions of fifteen sovereign states of this great Confederacy. It Is the Inauguration of the Irrepressible conflict which Is understood to ornment half slave fvlrr.hcf - , t e.f. riiiination. until f;-..- l-.ii vestige of rdavery shall be faculty, and the unfaillnc Interests of ,the town, have placed the Marshville cnooi si me top in" trie educational urra - ! . , .,. t m. m """I wi- luy IU iuq tTUUlMllUUill "Tlie Minister's Wife's ew Bonnet" Jife of the county, and ranks it among Come laugh through a few hours not , gUe. Th, ,8 tnrtJllT of v bo'esome fun. and take a look at hanHionnerf . nUnt . . nod to mean, that thla wv- the family rotygraph album, at the equate buildings, and an" auditorium, t can not permanently endn-e rot.rt house Friday evening at eight and It Is becoming necessary that ve and hilf free; i',;m o o.-unk. Admission 50 and 25 cents, something be done to relieve the slt er ,rC(,n -i mu t iv;:!i forward! uatlon and nllnw th -hnt rnn. j What has become or the old-rash- tlnue to grow to Its possibilities. It . ioned mother who used to done her Is the hope or everv interested citizen , , (Children with sulphur and molasses, that by next year an auditorium wll! tominticd on Dace Light, every spring? !be built.

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