"THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT r THC UNION COUNTY I'APEK-EVERYBODY NEEDS IT" Tee Monroe Journal PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY ft- VOL.27. NO. 23. MONROE, N. C, TUESDAY, MAY 3, 1921. $2.00 PER YEAR C VH REY. MR. MOORE TO HOLD I ! .V1!5SJBICKEII,S FIRST EFFORT iOYER S200 CONTRIBUTED MEETING AT MARSHYILLE fin BEFORE ESQ. M'WHORTER1 . FOR RELIEF OF CHINESE j largely attended and hichly eujoyed j . j Zl uj mi luisim. i in uruKraiu ov me .. . rmiiiiiu i-Mir .ar. in iiikiiiiii ihii. aih'H a r. 1 1. uiiiui . .. ... William IVtl.lcl to (,!lr il.r i Give UrM Hand Account or ',,,ait- our '"al export iu March thu V.KiHK l-awyer Trial. SutlfHiiK of the People. ! -? 11 ,' ' ! S'. b?U ai;ai"sl 1 !4. t.0 biles in March last year p T.!S The'joVnial :- j CHAPTER KU KLUX KLAH Great Hi imia in March tbu year took , ,. nnn . Mr,, .,r,r, nsr.:rrr:;! hay be organized here 1' . I. . ..Ii 1 ft I vi mrr .limine .tri :iiu.m iirmiirr .lmj,.,.., rt r,kii.u .-...- " , " "l. 'T, ? "- Pmeml profusely by those fully competent to judge such matters and 'the speaking by the oltlir ones was M:VS KYKNTS OF TIIK WV.V.H well ii i to ihe hiVli standard estab- jlished lone aso bv the speakers. Marshvllle. May 2. The Methodist i After the children's part had been S-uday school at Marshvtlle is plan-'flnished Mr. W. C. Heath of Monroe ning to combine with the other Sun-!arose to introduce Mr. B. C. Asheraft day schools in the district in a rally ago of Monroe, and while on the floor day Wednesday. May 4. Prof. Oscar made some very feeling and impres . Woo-iley, Sunday school secretary give remarks that auiounted to an ex of the Western North Carolina ron-!tra etmA sn-rh itself alihoueh h pan less than one halt as much. In ClUrR PROSPECTS AKK "Kl'I.X T!" BK. t.lIIKT PI.AYF.lt SAXti SOU Our. geuial friend. 'Squire Henry A congregation that filled fairly McWhorter. has for a Ions time lol- well the huge Chautauqua tent heard lowed the habit of calling, when in the Rev. Dr. c. N. Caldwell of the town, at the Enterprise office for a North China Mission of the presby chat with the paper's manasers.write.s terlan rhurvh Sunday afternoon In Mr If II I ft A.f:.lll In thil lu( lua.i.. tl an'...?,! a.....:.... ar of his paper. We have studiously en- of the- five northeastern provinces of n ?' I,la,1,1S iiue and let Uir uruiia leiltaill UU I lie 1(1111 not half so much this March as Ia.l. The farmer who has not cut his cot ton arieat;e will use not thus. There are farmers in this state who have increased their coin yields per acre trom twenty-live bushel., to hiiy Triit)-i Miinioe en Ht-cciic In illation in et'inie .Member of the "lutisible K-uipiiv." lllvroKY Or' THK KAMol S OKHf R An a'jtt will be made to organize a brain !i of t!ie "Ku Klux Klan" here this week, according to letters re- and seventy-five bushels per acre just cived by twenty-six prominent busl by the practice of plant. us soy beans n,'S!' fro1" "Ti-Bo-Tim." of Char- i"ue, one or ine imperial organizers. The letters read: C ., WA . It I . . illt rtt 1 Hi a hultil fni H-Kn M-mil.l 'h n L. ...-I. . l. . i . inr uruna I e Ilia 111 UU I lie 111111. 1 in, iu or iirwui unu iisir j . at the Ix nil ii hi he would not 1 " , u - .-u.u ......... iwuunniK me vmu account . .,,.1 . ..." . . , ,r I i..0. lr. vn.n. !.., i . charge of the program, while othorlke " hi. un ,1 ituMto"Uni0rilmmrniro,ittni ot Arable conditions illustrated t'sr 1 has ha ",ade, il,h Lv. ?0 me bT . ne! 1 11 M-eakers and features will add Inter-1 of course It "a tiseless to tHI I nion a ,alk wi,h ,hP Sui'e? Wh" ,h0 b' th rwll" ot everal heart-rend- Tr "' 5 Tufnt f W,!U- vo.n" vl ,o .iid tlTt v, I 2t I est to the occasion. PYof. Woosley U comity folk tha Mr Ashcraft made a 'Sinltf callod the da" folloine he ,nK """ of the dreadful trem- US,H, 1" Mllda of. Pressive : om a ". th . w,er an expert In Sunday school work and SVc,?. Mncemos lot the . hav'e ?Id of April lOth. a marked it.e. ,8 which the sufferers are driven. ' 0y " neon'a 'rowl1 K the Tenent, o'f theCh L an re the day will daubtless be a profitable lh(vtrA hilu on various occasions and chail5e from hls usual unner was hau were passed among the hearers .co? " Kr? f ua,:iiiCi ,,? wonianhoi .hif- one to all the Sunday schools that thai Z t.Xs nTXr k"nd Immediately noted. He was Strug- and nearly two hundred dollars pour- iff"0' "'1 ' ""'V "l 0t suoremac" omanhood nd hl,e avail themaehes of this opportunity to' HVbject war- Klin to be cheerful, to be sure. But ed into the,,.. It Is understood that ' . J- k h'8 Tl T,"1' 'tM "The above order mo t . o -itivelr hear him and .earn of the best way. .ffr'a'." and no one tot "tired or ! h'7 V ha'' fad- ' " time the amount has been J b,aD8 ln th" cora stand- for a I thet'.nd also "or the to push this important work forward. 'even showed idcns of restlessness kept re",rn,nK 10 h' fac. nt ogmented to a total of something. p , l' .... , . . 'uuholdin fi.ifillinir u.,.i P,f!r!m.B People of all churches, as well as the n9oMlookKotoTt real fr,,nd of the Sluire cou,d view ,ike Uo huudrpd and flf,y doIa"- L , L "C ,,h.L,U pla,,,td ? of the lav's enfonement Methodist, are cordially Invited to be ' Jut PSlM WMrtef we will not With lndiffr''nce- The rt The address was preceded by a 'f0,' . "' he, C0,,ntK thi" 'r 8??U'V "V are anxious to nut an or Present .. . . . )orter- not reflected his sadness even before the serr.ee of song and orarer In the be Runted to soy beans, it would re- " e, re anxious to put an or- 1 B-ball 1, again the order of the iiVK ce"ny " " 'e8t had' "d " d i C C. r. pas or ui Ht thoujaad bushels -U. on in the city ot day in Mar.hville and the local team I Dln0ner be, ng next on the program Mt- even aa h 8Pttled h,m" ln, r C,,ntral Methodist church. Dr. H. do th- ol"d aJd names fre S an of the sln.e mind Is. a. usual, holding its own with all L. .B.nDi.K?.t r I VZRl chair, with a mournful sigh, that E. Gurney. pastor of the Presbyterian erU ty t0 ou.r 80118 lhat. in l"e:,ZlTl ''i' eJ ?Lt ai"!. " V" holding ( teams with which It crosses bats. . Mr. Bay A. Marsh and Miss Jean i Hallman spent a few days last week ;, in Itutberfordton, where Mr. Marsh was teaching at the time he was tak en ill. Miss Hester Bricker who has been the audience disbanded for the pur pose of refreshing the inner man. and having an abundance on the grounds, all were soon enjoying en tertainment of a wholly different type and getting ready for the further ser vices In the afternoon. Mr. Johnson of Van Wyck made the spending several niomns wun ner ur8t gpeech in the afternoon. His uni. rs. 1,. o. v,oviaSion. reiurneu .subiect. "SundaT Schoo Poss bill to her home in Polkton on Saturday. Mrs. Frank L. Harrell returned ties," was interesting and very well presented. He intimated that the Tuesday irom a tnree weens visit to Heatn Memorial folk, had fed him Tier parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Culnn t00 wel, for Degt r8Ults in -speech In Rutherfordton. . making, but lhat he would do Jii. best j jirs. Annie .nrn uauey is apeuu- under ,ne circumstances. lag the week end in Monroe attend ing chatauqua. Mrs. H. C. Ashcraft spent several day. last week in Monroe. Mis. Lola Caudle of Wadesboro at tended the commencement exercise. here last w?ek. The Rev. Geo. B. Thompson of Waxhaw came next, and from the subject. "Watch." He made some ex cellent hits. Mr. Thompson complain ed in the outset that he had had no ftlnnoi mt nil tn whllh Mr T T KIlv. 'en renlied. "vou had the offer of it Miss Kate Bailey who Is teaching . h ' npnrMrterf i hu reninrk at Old Fort Is at home to be with her we were of tne impresslon that he lamer. r. wvirj ua..e,, ... made a fine talk, and that If he had been very 111 Miss Orpha Wrenn is visiting rela tives in Hoffman. Miss Otis Marsh visited friends in harlotte last week. Itev. Mr. Moore to Hold Hevlval. Rev. John Moore of Statesvllle, had dinner and had done any differ ent, we doubt If It would have been for the better. This was the first children', day exercises ever held In the Heath Me morial. Let u. hope that many more such occasion, may be enjoyed by the formerly pastor of Central Methodist , membership and by the surrounding church, Monroe, will begin a meeting community, and that the beginning of (n the Methodist church here on Sun- a work of great good nas neen launcn day eveuing, May 8th. It i. under- ed on the knob whose elevation .give. atood that Rev. Mr. Moore will not ar- a wide range of vision toward the en- No- rire until Monday, but the first serv!tlre four point, of the compass Ice of the, series will be held on Sun- vus Homo. J. Edwards. Way evening by Rev. J Ilev. Mr. Moore ha. many friends and admirers here and in the nearby (own. who will be glad of this oppor tunity to hear him in this meeting. AH the churches and their pastor HiihIiiths lleo.irtres a looe Itein. (From the Type Metal Magazine.) Business requires a loose rein. Business Is temperamental modern business man does not know some deplorable event had occurred church, presided. Mrs. Frank Laney that would hit us, as well as the was at the piano. After the singing "Squire, a heavy blow. He seemed of several old familiar Gospel hymns, to hesitate as if about to divulge the prayer for missions was offered by the sad new. without any preliminaries; rector ot St. Paul's Episcopal church, then, as If afraid to" risk his emo- S. L. Rotter. The Scripture lesson, lion., he turned the conversation to from the tenth chapter of the Gospel another tnnic. Keel in r thai it wns aprni-riln? tn Ct 1 ubo lnln1ina iha his cue. the writer forced himself to parable of the Good Samaritan, also p,ant tne corn- p,ant one P0 per appear cheerful, and launched nto a I from flftv-eiBhth laiah Hide nt l me w wun tne corn, ine discussion of the happy timej the two ) thyself from thine own flesh." and had enjoyed when we rode all over from the Book of the Acts, "He hath the county in political campaigns made of one blood ail nations of men year ago, .and of the big speeches for to dwell upon the face of the the 'Squire had delivered on those earth," was read by Dr. Caldwell, rounds through our great county. The I Miss Spalding of the Chautauqua 'Squire relaxed and smiled a little, company, accompanied by Miss Helen Just a little smile, and then that Paine of the Ben Greet players, ren- mournful look returned to his eyes, dered In solo an anthem with words would more than equal our annual ,n,t y1' ar'' n1 r' tne first-class ferliliier bills. It would practically business men of your city We do double our average yields or wheat not at any ,i,ne "PProach a man un and oats next year is sown on these i,es ne nas ue,n vouched for by some soy bean corn fields, that is if a fair onc h" e know, so you see that stand of beans should be secured ami selection 01 men are tne nest men allowed to remain on the land. Get your seed and plant when you plan we follow Is to plant the corn with planter and then set the planter so as to cover beans very shallow, about half inch to one inch deep, and go over the row again and plant the beans. We have ordered one hundred bushels of soy beans and will wire for ! the country affords. "We want to have a meeting at Monroe some night next week. The date will be selected later. In the meantime I want you to look over the literature I am enclosing, and if you think best advise me at Charlotte so that we can go right ahead with the meeting." A booklet accompanying the let ters gave the following information concerning the history and aceoinp- Still clinging desperately to the task from the Psalm. "Like as the heart yo"r crop 'p,ds Pr acre and make tiu J ... v l-Ll.. . J j 1 .1 . vnils livln u- i t h laaa unrlr an1 11- more today. If you want to Increase ; laments of the old Ku Klux Klan or origniening up our nigniy esteemea aestretn for the water-brooks, so friend, the writer mentioned a few longeth my soul after thee." Then of the brilliant lawyers that had ap- the first and third verse, of the Com peared In the 'Squire's court. This nation hymn were sung, and Dr. Gur turn to the talk seemed to cheer him ney Introduced the speaker of the considerably more than our first ef- afternoon, fort. He proceeded to narrate with' ' considerable fest how ex-Governor CONVICTION OK NKWItKKKY Bickett had made his maiden effort! 1 SKT ASIDK 1IY COl'ItT before him, representing a person! your living with less work and ex pense, try planting soy beans In your corn. T. J. W. Broom. The Red Cow The perversity of cows Is set forth by Mr. Peter MacArthur in his book The Red Cow, in which he gives by way of illustration the following and the alms of the new order: History of Old klan. "The history of civilization ha many instances In which a race, re ligious or class consciousness ha come and swept all before it, and of ten these revolutions of thought have found expression in secret orders. The Maccabeans, the early Chris tians, the crusaders, the reformation. ident of the city of Monroe. Indeed, when led on by a few carefully se- story. which ends with a remedy that!lne rencn revolution, tromweu s e ivuiiiiiiuiivi en 1 1 11. me xsusiuu it-a pi 1 -1.. .... j 'and ruanr other ereat solvent, in clvl- llefrulHte ITImarles. ..'t..Hu thoir wv. ho th ,.. lizatlon weie only able to effectively Setting aside the conviction of Sen- ,UIZiinlj npV become to me ?ome- oppose the establishment of, or throw bit con- widely known In both the Carolina ; Kwleral Corrupt Practices i Held I n- lg 8ln',pe lt no,hing else Jack William, by name, now a res- eoimtllutioii. and Congress Can't The more j wolk am0 a. 11-11.. i .!.- 1 n .... t uave oeen co many " y )n advance what hi. problems 111 be ii, ,V .v a, . J L. .1 T.or will meet them. II1a UA.hAil ul. 11 m.blnv tha mailt. ! . . VfilG tliriiK'Uiflia 11. iiinnnifs .v lags interesting and beneficial Vt Rev. A. C. Sherwood preached a particularly strong sermon In the Baptist church here on Sunday even ing from the text: "Thou shall not . i i 1 At 1 w. " 11, , t , . 7 -T. k Blly and the more economically vain." This Is a subject on which ...,'. u .. Laws, on the other hanJ, are fixed and Inflexible. The process by which laws are changed or interpreted is slow and cumbersome. Therefore, the fewer the laws and the fewer the restrictions, the more Viiialniuu in Ki ft it to A it aA mucn nas aireaay neen sam anumuca, T r , gt tp Stee, Corpora. more is waiting to be said. With , organized in 1901. apologie. to no one. Rev. Mr. Sher-. A , fh t combnatlon Wood clearly expressed his views up-' . ,hr .. . -ii on the subject of profanity after quo- . d B0M,bly ting from others who had done the h .r.lnlz.ir. that the aame. The summary of the whole ,..,- w violating th anti- was that no gentleman will curse. . ... Also a man who will curse will steal., T g'rg .fter orKanUaUon and Another effective statement was that .. ,ha i,,.,,-.. w.j -.nvn Hif hhe use of profanity reveal, a person- . ' . f h , of ... al weaknes. in the matter of einpha- ., hean ,,. Be.lnt is and the use of adjectives. Many corporation as a trust, other good thought, along the llne( N,ne tfter guU WM b.-n were left with the congregation and h g Court dedded (hat the It ia to be earnestly hoped they will . . ,rlla. be heeded by the guilty. , n,.-, of uncertainty! Social Events of the M eek. Can business be expected to prosper Master Ralph Green entertained and expand under such conditions? the Junior Missionary society on Sat- A remedy has been suggested which urday afternoon at his father's home seem, both practicable and desirable, near town. Owing to the Illness of A bill has been Introduced into the leader. Mrs. M. P. Blair conduct- Congress under which It Is proposed ed the dovotlonal exercises and busl- that when there Is any doubt whether do a certain tess meeting. Later a lolly social or not a business can oo a certain . ilev H B shsnkle took charge of hour was enjoyed during wnicn ice tning, a "oui or mieniion may (cream and cake were served. Idled at Washington. Mis. Margie Mar.h delightfully en- This bill of intention would be opep the situation, organizing ' a Sunday school out there and now conducts recular Sunriav services as follows: nertamea a numner ot me oign acnooi to puonc inspecir-ii. unu u Sunday school, 10 a. ni.; preaching iected Questions, he gave an outline tor Tiuman H. Newberry, of Michl- timo. .!, f , ,nn . ..'off the yoke of. tyranny by shrouding of the Incident, how Mr. Bickett, then dslxteen other, for violation of ceite(j j think I understand them pret- i leir work in secrecy during the ategfnner with a brand new license, the failrtral corrupt practices act, the ty weiitnH then something: hannena niovement s early stages, "was staying around" the dfflce of sutM-etffc cTittrt yestefday held that the tnat pu me entirely out of counte-l "Among the great secret move hls uncle, the late Mr. Dave Cov-ct was unconstitutional. I nance One warm day last week """nta of the world's history that have Ington, and how Jack, who resided' The court was unanimous In re-iWh(.n'j had ,(t them ut tQ water been brought Into existence to right then In Jackson, went to Monroe in versing the convictions, but divided j thought I would let them stand out tn wrongs to humanity, there is no search of a lawyer, and, finding Mr. Ave to four as the validity of the law. and BUn themselves for a while be- more shining example than the orlgl Covington out. "thought he would Chief Justice White and Associate fore driving them back to their stalls lna, Ken"' order of the Ku Klux give that voung chao In the office Justices Pitney. Clark and Brandela i hn rmunihrn(l ,hn, ,Ua , Klan which was organized in 1866. The a trial" and so employed Mr. Bickett dissented from the court's finding the young orchard had been opened and after accomplishing Its noble pur- to prosecute a case ror htm; and how nat congress was witnout power to wnen the snow wag depu and ,(ft' pose.voluntarlly disbanded by order or the 'Saulre desulte an eloauent ad- regulate state primaries, but concur-1 t u . its Grand Wizard. General Nathan d.-ess by Jack's advocate, adjudged ed In the reversal which, they 'thought. The government drain was . tne case trivoious ana malicious ana moum, snoum nae urvu uuseu fluolcl and was covered with slip- sent the ruture governors nrst client me error oi me mai juices insuuc- pt,ry ,ce that ! wag gllre thpy coul(1 to Jail for the costs. The 'Squire tion to the Jury. ,, crogSi and , Mt tnat everything smiled faintly as he concluded the1 Justice McKenna, while concurring wag gprene for a pleasant sun bath atAcv Thon hi u.ritap saw th.it In the nialorllv ooinion "as antilied . - .... j v j , auiis - " a v ' hh m - - lUi ill" VwW B I bevond anv Question, all his efforts to the stateute under consideration." i ,, ... u" ,, t an, construction unfluenres. had been in vain, as the 'Squire ap- reserved the question of the power ot ' , gpe where tt,Py wt.re and every ni0i't of Bll 5'p8, bnt nevertheless peared again to lapse into a deep congress under the 17th amendment j ,a(ll one of th,1u wag in' the youn(. all; for the great threat to the white melancholy, sizing out the window! which provides for direct election 0Ichard ..icm,,,, at gome long grass rac'' tht loomed on the horizon Of with a settled dejection that would of senators to supervise primaries. ',nat had b,,,,n brollgnt nto 8lKht by the South would have spread through have saddened an Iron man to look! Opinion was divided In the senate the thaw There was no waiting about I out the entlre nation, had not the at. "What is the trouble. 'Squire? as to the effect of the decision upon , ,,,. ', ,hon. , f- vn.i . white robe of the Ku Klux Klan kept Co on and tell It all and get it over,future activities of the-electlons eom- know th(, way cows have of rubbing unrevealed those courageous and de- Bedford Forrest, in the year 1870. 'The Ku Klux Klan the Invisible empire was the great Idea of Amer ican reconstruction. We pay "Amer ican reconstruction" for the reason that nil America was affected by re- The South with!" suggested the writer, as gent-l mittce with regard to the Michigan tnelr neckg a,,alni,, young trees and.votd heart, that were consecrated to ly as possible. The 'Squire moved election of 1918 in which Henry Ford, breaking 0ff limbs. Luckily they had paving the Anglo-Saxon civilization of nis cnair up cioser. i nave, ne s m ue murrain: canuiuaie, uiineu not gtarted rubbing and had done no uur i"""" i,,c ""- whispered mournfully, "got some- Mr. Newberry for the senatorshlp. daniaKe but i bad t0 do some rush- well-being of our people and shield thlna to tell you. When you como Senator Dillingham, chairman of tft , '.a Wnro , flnaiiv thpm ing the virtue of womanhood. . ill ... . J . .. . 'Aniiiinlttiia n i ll.nl alnna . Vi 11 anminl . . .1 . . i I . a.'. . . ft... I...... 10 see mo lum uuniuier, uuu i rApevi iviiiiuum, i'i i -...vr- ...Cvu..UF- out q( the orchard. But when l got no cider. mint r. The cider prospects are practices law naa oetn neia unconsti- onrk t0 the ,c). government drain, mint completely ruini: uuiouai n appeareo mai me comiiiu- tn(ire wa g) k(ndg of trouble. You THE I.KK PARK SUNDAY SCHOOL Vann Hikes Says It Is the Best One In the Kntire County. tee wouia nave no tuiiner jurisac .... ..... , ,lml(, bunph of cows ti0"- . . . B in your life. It was absurd to think On the other hand. Senator Spen- tnat ,n foud walk on ,ce llke lnat, cer. chairman of the sub-committee ,, ,hol ,. .h, ,nlli(i-. which has been considering the Ford-do u Bul knew th'at thcy couldn't J They reverently bowed to the soul of Newberry case, announced that des-fly and tha- (hey had crossed that, real law and swore to enforce its prin ciple of justice, protection and tne Original Klansnien Not Outlaws. "The original Ku Klux were not outlaws or moral degenerates, nor did they perpetrate outlawry. They were men of moral and social standing and their leaders were men of sterling character and unquestioned culture. M- a - WTA! - at !. . 1 . 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. house has been wired. lights, an electric fan and a new or gan. We have one of the best Sun- Boy and girls on Saturday evening in , came forward in protect.- the bill honor of the three graduates. Misses would constitute a complete aeienne Hattle Armlleld, Kate Morgan and if at any future date tne business tr. Seahrnn Blair. The lovely were haled Into court. Lhonie was filled with a profusion of I This bill will not be enacted Into da- ...hooU in the rnuntv. and there lovely spring flowers In baskets and law this year or next year. rublicJgn,t t jitter preacher to be found Icor vase.. Tables were arranged In opinion has probably not yet reached anywnere than Rev. Mr. Shankle. Be the reception hall and parlor for pro- the point where It is rtidy to give giuog being t minister of great abil-s-resslve Senior, the score cards bear- business a loose rela 'ity. he la a good singer. We expect nc the school color, blue and gold. But the time Is not far aiaiani... build hlm a brick cnurc soon. An Ice course was served. when the people will recognize the To gnQW bfJW we appreciate him. Mn J s. Harrell was hostess to a futility of attempting to lay down Clll,H.. J lumber of the high school set on down complete rules for the conduct ithe K00 gaTe him a twenty dollar fhursday evening in honor of her of all business. . bill. This caused the church folks lasses in expression and public .peas The golden ruie oi irecoom is mi t0 make np , collection for hlm. se nr. Heart, dice was played at four a man's liberty shall be J8trJct! curing about thirty dollars, making abies. fcacn taoie oore a nassei oi.oniy wneu u inumsei vu iuc I weet pea. and numerous vases hold- of others. ng roses, sweet peas and carnations cannot tne same ruic o appueu irere placed about the room. The to business? irlze for the highest score fell to Mr. If no one will be Injured by a pro llyron Williams after cutting with posed course ot aetlon. should not Hiss Vlrtlnla Griffin. Misses Kate that constitute an unanswerable argu Jorgan and Georgia Dean furnished tnent for letting the business man go lellehtful music. Misses Virginia Crlf- ahead? . fin, Rachel Dean ana Hester uncier pursuit of happiness. Their strong arm fought valiantly for the preser vation of the Integrity of the race against the cruelty of base, unjust and Newberry a ma- noronaiv conducted across the ice tyrannical leelslation and insufferable I by an earnest man who was earnestly conditions created by a horde ot con r. has not yet been tuif,tin8 hPr tail. scienceless. diabolical, greed and lust gavt Jorlty. Action, however, taken on the recount. Senator New-1 i then made the discovery that crazed adventurers that swarmed berry has taken no part In the senate ,.i,.nir a cnw'a tail nuta a lot of down from the North to use the negro 'The schooi ,ffalrs and h"s not been in his seat In Rint,VT )nt0 her, for when the last one for their own damnable, selfish ends. has electric . u was across they began to romp rouna , These adventurers poisoned me rmeiitru iu ." .hp Held, i saw that i would nave minds or ana orutanzea me inonen- Leavenworth federal prison and. pay trouble getting them Into the stable slve negro and converted many of lerved Ice cream, cake and punch Mrs. C. B. Covington and Mrs. J. 8. arrell were Joint hostesses to the ,nok club on Wednesday afternoon. K itrofuslon of sweet peas, roses, and a $10,000 fine. The Art of Reading. (From the Type Metal Magazine.) Reading which Is acq practice, The near-Illiterate man rends a i i n a f us k i ii ii 1 1 ui w ui u n tx l m Liniiir. a total of fifty dollars for the small rnally, skilled reader, find no diffl handful of people in the community. culy in readng simple matter, such Now. Mr. Editor, lt you want to a. flction or articles on subjects with hear a good sermon or visit an ln-;wnich thy are more or less familiar. terestlng Sunday school Just walk In at any of the above stated hours. Hurrah for Lee Park! VANN SIRES. Tho New Twist Bromide They say a bird In the hand Is worth two In the bush. Baseball Manager Huh! I've got some birds on my hands that ought to be back in the bushes. Revised "Sing a song of double eagles, A pocket full of rye." Perfection ' "Mr. Wattles." said Alice. "Is the . ainations made a eolorful and fra- most perfect conversationalist I ever-. fcrant decoration. Progressive hearts knew." A Sign of Famine La. played at six tables, the prise "I hardly know him." said Vir-i Rub What makes you thia't I ... a. . . . I I . - . . l . A . 1 1. ...... It- I . , . . . .. ... . . . . ailing to Mrs. Fred Asncratl aner gmia. rtnai uoe ne un auoui; uoods private biock is runmnK im-.s .- rawing with Mrs. Frank Harrell. An joining, ne jusi sits situ ana, uuo He s Beginning to complain e course and punch were served. listens." j about the water service. and went to the house to get some, them into human beasts by their 'one o help. . cheap whiskey and glaring promises I I don't. think I was In the house of itch reward end loosed them arm- i. . .Imni Zpn Ave minutes, but when I went' out'ed and Indimed upon the sacred prlv L MlVto SSIt ' wlth re-lnfoEcements those lieges snd persons of the suffering uirea oniy Dy Pp,su'nl wre,.hed cows were oil the other side and oefenseless Southern people. of the government drain again and stood I'pon Promise to l-eo. "The Ku Klux Klan stood firmly ouslv. iii;iiiij ii w ":." ' . upon the solemn promise of the fed- After doing a considerable amount r,!"' that on the eral Kvrnment made through Gen of reading, almost everyone learns to lt..m'Mn'e'- ,1La L fr nl Grant t0 Genera . and the .nun. ..,. ...w - ,r " .ngnts or citizens vouchsafed by the much tail twisting. Possibly the sec-' coimltution snd lt swore allegiance ond twist hurts more than the first. ,0 ,ne prlnrlpe8 of tbat constitution. Anyway, they hustled back and didn t , t w ,h. Attmar i.i.tio tha -A llk . I". . " IUI IV B.BUC IIU mc i II r iifar-.u iriaic iiiuii it-ua . . ... . . . i. . .1 ... . ;. ...... . a i.tui.i. headed toward the orchard gate. Ap worn i - .".e. -iu "'".MrcntT it was no trouble at all for by paragraphs or even pages, Immanuel Kant, the philosopher, said he could digest any book in an hour. His biographers say this was j enforcer of civil and racial law and me great regulator oi me gauing ir regularities ot prostituted law at the Not at Home Among the guests at a reception hands of so-called men. the mention- was a distinguished man ot letters, lnc of whose names Is an Insult to lUArallv 'ni that hla mlnit waa aA He was grave and somewhat taciturn, the blood of the race of Caucasian keen and the' art of reading was so One of the ladle, present suggested .lock. It struck from the neck ot Dieeaing, pauperized ana South the dirty heel of the degenerated outlaw the 'scalawag bright smile, "you see, he can't talk and the 'carpet-bagger' and the mls anythtng but sense." I guided, lust-crated negro, and made I possible the birth ot the greatest na- tiood Old Saturday Night. ition of all time the re-United States Teacher Why is cleanliness next of America: It destroyed the fanatic's vile hope of the amalgamation ot the keen and the art of reading was so One of tne laate. present suggesiea it0ck. It highly cultivated In him that he to the hostess that he seemed to be ( wounded, i could take In a page of printed mat- out of place at such a party. prostrated ter as rapidly as most of us take in' "Yes," replied the hostess with a degenerate! - 1. J a S A aautlk aKn A ilia . m t . a word. The Itifl In the Ixn.t Th-re rnc w-;s a dlzv young loot. Wo or? 'linred his lailor-made suit. When his pants lost their creases He flew all to pleres to godliness? Pupil Because It comes the day From meeting a whiz-bang, en route, before Sunday. Continued ou Page Eight.