"THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY N I)S ITT Monroe journaiI PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY VOL. 27. NO. 27. MONROE, N. O, FRIDAY, MAY 13, 1921. $2.00 PER YEAR CASH OPPOSES ORGANIZATION fSZn OF "KU KLUX KLAN" HERE Note Specific Each Hem LiMetl by I iiiiier Journal Editor Says This It Clieaiet TIiIiik Spninic on An I'ntuspertiiiK ublir. Suereme Council Tu liarm "Without IMay." Geriuauy's unconditional accept ance of I Ik' allied reparation terms THOMAS MUDS AM) SUNDERS ,rn ,nn 1 1 ",p -''"" ,Llyd George, according to a London dispatch. ' The text of the reply, as delivered began as fol- BY OBSERVER .S . I ntnnli. Tu... l u 11 Thill was a line story which" The Journal Jh Prlme mer. I . ... V. M..,l.. Vnt..Pnriau IUWB. "Mr. Prime Minister -In accord- printed from the Waxhaw Enterprise a.. i. 1 .i. .v.. lv...l.. nr ill wuh-ii wir iHnin.i.M -j. ,u. ...... . , i,w.,..,i. I,,.. ruivu4 Squire McWhorter was r'bed j such condition being iuduced by the ...., .,k it... .5 Ji r tiu knowledge that he would be able to, U(ich8,ai, ld wj(h r,,ft,mlc t0 the make no cider this summer. Some-, how the newspaper boys always seem to get something out of the Squire to resolutions of the allied powers of May 5. 1921. In the name of the new iiel BOUieilllllK U I Ul mr1 OUI ir iv - . . , , Ue about. 1 notice that I was In' J" government to declare the the same business fifteen years ago. 7,' , ,...,, 1. - . .. Tl , ..,. I The German government Is runs "Monroe r ifleen 1 ear Ago, nu mis .,:,. article tells of the antipathy that h dieBnned by the . rertions fommis- Squire was then expressing towards 8'0,"- . .--, ,h ,. bird setters." Another story In thlsl Sond to .crept and I carry out symposium 1 remember very well ana - ob,.. that Is he one that J . H. Griffin old Dre9cribed by the reparations about the old time tooth pulling, wherein a darkey was to pay twenty- five cents for the pulling or his loom If the process hurt him. Mr. Griffin had more funny anecdotes than any man I ever saw, especially about the neighbors. OpiM.Ked to Ku Klin Klan. It is to be hoped that nobody In Monroe will be silly enough to Join the so-called Ku Klux Klan. This is about the cheapest thing that has been sprung on an unsuspecting pub lic. The old Ku Klux performed a gations prescribed by the re pa rat commission. "Third, to carry out without re serve or delay the measures of mili tary, naval and aerial disarmament notified to the German government by the allied powers in their note of January 29, 1921, those overdue to be completed at once and the remainder by the prescribed date.. "Fourth, to carry out without re serve or delay the trial of war crimi nals and to execute the other unful filled portions of the treaty referred to In the first paragraph of the note service In time of need but there Is 0f the allied governments of May 5. no such need today. There was no law In the country then and a thing of this kind was necessary under the circumstances. When Governor hick I ask the allied powers to take note immediately of this declaration. (Sinned) Sthamer." Mr. Lloyd George, in giving ine Memorial Day Recalls Tragic End of Brave Young Southener As She Listened to Capt. Craig's Address, Mrs. Har gett's Mind Reverted Back to the Days of the 60"s of Which She Has Vivid Remembrance Uy MRS. KNOX WOLFE - HAKGETT There is always something Mil In cream, and strawberries, and let the the coming together of old soldieis girls at home and a visiting counsin of the Civil War. Tuesday last, mark- take them over to the station. "May ed the return of another .Memorial tie these nils," father said, "van Day. . Eagerly the crowds gathered cheer him a little. He asked if I had early frTfm country lanes and villages any daughters, and said he had a dear to help celebrate the occasion, and to sister at home." Some of us were comply to the invitation of the "IV quite small and young, but like most D. C.s' to the veterans, their wives, ' country children didn't get to see aud widows, to come and partake of a much, and nil wanted to go. He was splendid dinner which they antiripat-' in the home of the pump master, a ed giving to them. You didn't know 'three room house, but clean, and it there were so many 7 Oh. they are; was owned bv one of the most hos lew, only a remnant white haired. ; pitable and Christian families to be wrinkled, and bent. The Chamber! found. I can recall his white face of Commerce rooms held them all.! and blue ever, (this soldier's) his There were twenty-five or thirty, per-1 light hair and fine smile. In his baby haps. days he sure had been some mother's The music furnished by Mesdames cupid, these combinations belonged to H. R. Laney, James Griffith, Jeff! such. He was wounded about the Sew ell, Ray Funderburk. and Marvin head and mouth, but It In no way Smith was all that could be wished, kept bark the smiles. A white band- one thought, as they gave to the. age encircled his fine brow. You crowd "America," but Just here, the think I was too young to take In these I'NION COINTY MINISTERS' ACTION" AKOISI-S COMMENT ett condemned this effort last fall its .terms of the reply to the Commons It. J I . I. knil t.A' . . promoters repneu mm lut-y um saia: idea of using unlawrul means 01 up- "This Is complete acceptance or ev holding law and order. Then what Is ery demand." the need for them? The courts, as Covernor Morrison afterwards point ed out, opeiHtlng in the open and by due process are a sufficient means for upholding law-. The truth Is, thU or ganization is an appeal to Ignorance and hatred and to secret Inflamatoiy ideas that should have no place In this time In North Carolina. If they are . merely a fraternal order then they arc 1 trading on false pretenses In usig the old name of the Ku Klux Klan. If they are not an ordinary secret frater nal order then they are an organiza tion with unlawful purposes. A Utile John clamour should not at tract sensible people. There are al- 1,1 EE TERMER ESCAPES FROM THE STATE PRISON' FARM Marcus EdwardM, Saved From Elec tric Chair by (iovemor lilrkett. Is Still at targe. Marcus Edwards, life termer who was saved from the electric chair by Governor Bickett, has escaped from the state prison farm an'd Is still at large. Edwards, a well kuown Raleigh il licit liquor seller, killed his wife from whom he had been some time apnnratcH mil v.. convicted nf nilir. dv nlentv of good fraternal ordert rtp nntrk'ht Hl wmi a rlenienev whose missions are good and their case, but Governor Bickett stipulated methods christian and lawful and dc-tnat he was not to apply for par cent. The last legislature passea a don IIig g00j reCord had prepared law aimed at this order when it w'l,j,ig friends for an appeal to Governor lhat it should be unlawful for any one Morrison. Edwards having served two to appear in disguise. This act was years passed immediately after the Klan jje escaped while assisting in the liad a parade on the streets of Ual- preparation of breakfast. Edwards Is lh. The legislature should have a mn of mtjq intelligence and his fcone further ana saia mat no on,un-; recapture Is almost certain. Ization should be nnowcu 10 use u.s name of Ku Klux Klan. Everybody knows that this scheme Is a cheap ap tieal to thoughtless people to arouse With the l.enlou mid Woman's Auxiliary. The local Lesion Post now has the 111 will towards the Negroes, or at honor to claim a Its own for ser- Jeast to trade on r supposed III will Vce War.l B-3 of Hospital 45 at Bilt Ihat Is thought to exist. It Is an un- more, N. c. This really meant that patriotic move In that it arouses old Monroe and Union county will be animosities, and painful experiences ga(j t0 Ch them their own. Indlvld 111 th life of the past that It can do nal. have been aervlng the disabled 110 good to resurrect. Men ought to 80ldiers from time to time, and now , i nSnvc men thincs at this time. 'mini- this nun.irtunit v for roncen- A l.v. Iown Trick. jtrated effort for certain men. an op- I take it as a low down trick that portunlty to exhibit again the enthu ThVjourna. referred .0 nvmopd.-"! Griffin's elk as a broen-down mule. - ' . ... .. - ,. - Dt a Kreut pleasure to all the people Why IMHittinx "To" torn? lof , r (own nnd colmty t0 thelr Tom Broom lh a good explainer and prt toward c heering these thirty men I want him to cNplaln one thing for cr Ward B-3 v. ho are all bed patients, my satisfaction. That Is, Why does ol, lno;r backs with tuberculosis, in le refer to planting ' to" corn, and f.-ciions from wounds and nmputa "to'' this and that? jtions. TIioiuhx Meuils, the Infidel. Mi. s Helen Bl.inton, the nurse l:i Do you recall the story in The charge, writes: "If these boys could have a victrola and records, it would Mends, the inflilel. taken from the " wonderful," so the Vort and Aux Kl'Mbeth Cltv Independent? There- Hh'-f)' '"!'-ct to forward on? at an n'urluMe thing about it was not early date. Those who wish to con Thomas Meiuls himself. There have tribute to this fund may leave dona-1 ulwavs beeu such characters as his. tlons at either Journal or Enquirer Tliev are men vho find themselves "Nice, and they will be gratefully re unnbli to adopt the current religious ceived or call the following and or theological beliefs and make tha llu-y will arrange to get money: Miss mistake of overstressing their unbe- Lura Heath, Mrs. K. Redfearn or Miss Uef. They lose perspective. They Annie Lee. forget the fact that most of the think-1 Kvery one who has records s re-! ine minds of the world do not in all q"eted to look them over and add. particulars, and manv In none, con- one or two to the collection already form to the current beliefs. But see- begun. Notify either of these young Ing everyone around them concurring, "dies and they "fo' either actually or passively, they feel 'hem: Miss Mary Griffith. Miss Mary It Incumbent upon them to proUst Crow or Miss Octavia Houston, too vigorously. They are not dlshon-1 We are .proud of our Legion Pos est or Insincere. They are merely too " no,,c lo i" - "K".l limited in their experience, ana re-. together can accomplish All I boxes .... MA from the Post and Auxiliary will co erant In their unbelief than are those forward as from the people of Monroe mhm Ihov rrltlrLe for be ne too "u tinun vuuii.. credulous. They fall out too much with surface things. Either they find a positive belief as a substitute for their disbelief or.they lead a negative life which makes them unhappy. They are the victims Of a mental state for which they are not responsible. The point la not that they don't believe what the people arouna mem oeueve school children marched In, two and two, several hundred strong. What a beautiful sight, so innocent and sweet, and so clean with dainty lawns of all the pretty shades, and their arms were so full of flowers, that we wanted to caress each one as they passed by. Some one pushed the but ton, I suppose, and those children took up the same piece (it belonged to them) and they made the welkin ring with "My Country 'TIs of Thee. Sweet Land of Liberty, of Thee I Sing." Old men and old women smil ed that perhaps had not smiled for months. It took these childish voices to stir up the old sweet life that had become dormant, cold and unconcern ed by life's hard struggles and bat tle. God bless these children. This was followed with a prayer by Dr. Gurney, in his old sweet, earnest, way, as few know how to pray. The entire audience was delighted with the address from a youthful war rior, and World War veteran. Captain Gilliam Craig; aud rarely indeed have these persons gathered there had the chance to have presented to them so richly a vivid description of that con flict from Bull Run to Appomattox. It was a brilliant, and appropriate little reading though all too short, which Mrs. N. M. Redfearn gave es pecially for the occasion In her im maculate way, a gift from nature's immortals for "Memorial Day." Will you bear with me in a short reminis cence! The May day, the old soldiers, the bright sun and the strawberries that flaunted their scarlet colors to the passersby from the groceryman's yores, all took me back on my way I'onie to a Mav day In the latter part of the Civil War. My father had gone over to the pump station as he joiiietlmes did early one morning. When he returned, he was dejivted and emotional, even his voice sounded earful, and he related to the family of how a young soldier, who was impressions! Never! it lingers yet in my mind, that fair face that tried to hide its suffering by smiling. My sisters and cousin fed him a part of the berrieg and cream. He talked with difficulty, and expressed a great desire to have his parents come. He lived only a few days but the parents did come. I think If I remember right that they were compelled to travel by freight a part of the way in order to reach their boy as early as possi ble. .Being war times, conditions were bad for travel. I can't remember If he lived to see them, or not, but I remember attending his funeral, in our little country church, and a Bap tist minister came up from Flint Hill and conducted the service. These parents were deeply grieved, and bent with sorrow, both were cultured In appearance and sweet faced. The whole community turned out and gave them their sympathy. The body was placed in a small cemetery across the railway from the church. In a lonesome field. In after years the father had frected to his memory a small white slub, with bis name, reg tmenrT. company and home- address: His Mmlly seemed to never tire of showing their appreciation to the pump man's family, and sent at one time a gold medal he had won in school before the war to the young daughter of this family. Potted plants were sent to be placed on his grave, and they were recompensed In many ways, if this Is tedious to my read ers excuse It, the Memorial services recalled It. and I sat and dreamed of this lad as the orator depicted the courage of those days of the Civil War. Two armies covered hill and plain Where Rappachannock's waters Ran deeply crimsoned with the,staln Of battle's recent slaughters. A federal band, which eve and morn Played measures brave and nimble wounded had been put off the train Had Just struck up with (lute and horn at the station, as he was too sick to And lively clash of cymbol. go any fartheron his way'honie which Down flocked the soldiers to the banks was In Georgia. He told father he margined by Its pebbles was the son of a Baptist minister, by one wooded shore was blue with the name of Daniels. ' The intense "Yanks." suffering that he was going through Alll one wag gray Witn -Rebels." unnerved my father, for he had two' , iivin .nn. nH ono rfend nut there ' Then all wa, still, and then the band In the great war tone of Virginia. So' With movement light and tricksy his big sad heart went out to this suf fering boy, and he told mother to pack up some nice loaf bread, eggs. Made stream and strand Reverberate with "Dixie." forest, hill and The Esq's Molasses Are Known Far and Wide as the Very Best lixuv.lng YnMrliii AHL l-HJi-raler u Says It's All Right a Far mm it ;. Commenting 011 the I'nion county ministers' appeal for the exercise of censorship over the moving pic tures, the Lancaster News fcays; "Over in I'nion county, N. c. ao ooriiiiig to The Monroe Journal, the ministerial association, composed of twenty-one ministers are urging the exercise of a, censorship over the mov ing picture theaters, but their plan is to urge the patrons to refuse to Attend when "sex" pictures are beins shown. This Is all right, ns far as it goes. liut. how is anyone to know when such picture are to be shown. and what about the pictures that are shown every day which contain only perhaps a few feet or film which is objectionable, and how about the dif ference of opinion as to what is and what is not objectionable! "The views of this paper on the question of censoring moving pic tures is well known. We have never favored state censorship or any other censorship so wholly impracticable. tint we have stated on seveial occa sions that, let alone, the producer or moving pictures are going to kill their own industry. "A long time ago nearly everybody kept liquor in their homes and served it to guests with no more concern than they now serve salad at the ta ble. Some men, however, made hogs of themselves; allowed liquor to get the best of them, to make fools of them. They went home and murder ed their wives and children. That Is what brought prohibition to us. "The same applies to moving pic tures. There are many, it cannot be said with any degree of truthfulness that the number is neglible, who like to see the "sex" pictures, the sugges tive scenes in what are otherwise good, clean pictures. A large num ber of people, likewise, would like to have the bar-room, the brass rail and mahogany counter, back again. "The statement of some moving picture theater managers that they try to give the people what they want, should be taken at its real worth, which is nothing. The bar room man, or the Infamous and vicious bootlegger, may say the same thing. If the people didn't want blind-tiger liquor, they wouldn't pay tor it. . - --- ---:. "But when a tiran wants something that even he, himself, will admit is not good lor him, should he have it! "There are some Southern towns which have established boards of censorship. We don't believe these will ever avail anything and they are wholly Impossible In the bring ing about of the results desired. The better way Is for the producers to clean up their own screens; this they have promised to do, it let alone, but it is doubtful if they will. However, the place to censor moving pictures Is at the source, at the place and at the time of production. A moving picture, censored locally, may render the whole picture impossible of show ing, while if censored in the making, only that part which is objectionable would be omitted. 'LARGE CROWDS ATTENDING 1 MOORE REVIVAL SERVICES I mer Moiimh' Mini-iei i 4 ImriM ier. lied as a "Miimielk' Sw-aker I. Anulielil linpiit iui. MAN SHERIFF FOIMiOT TO HANtJ (JETS LIFE SENTENCE STOCK IX THE LEAtil'E OK NATION'S SOLD IN C HICAGO Dividend Would Be l.nrge, It Waa Represent!, Because of It Great Value to Humanity. Stock In the League of Nations, at K..t ih.t the do believe something . ten dollars a share, is the latest bar- and fall to see that they are there-.gain to be offered to the Chicago In fore not different from the others ex-1 vesting public, and department of Jus rept In the matter of what they do or , tlce agents are searching for the men do not believe. Mr. Meads seems to who have victimized numerous per-hv- been nanny In his belief that to sons by selling the stock, collecting do all he could for the living was the j 25 per cent of the price In advance of thing chiefly to be desired. This was. delivery. his religion, Just a8 the orthodox be- The League of Nallons was repre lief was the religion of his neighbors. senled as the greatest organization In And so we come to Mr. Saunders, the the world, and prospective purchasers editor who made a talk at the funer-jwere told dividends would be large . ' oecause ui ine Kmi uir ui me Continued on Tage Eight. league to humanity. Mineral Springs. It. F. D. 1, May 12. Private Hoyle Aycoth is hoiu with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A J colli, 011 a seven day pass. He is stationed at Camp Bragg. The College Hill school closed Fri day with an unusually good com mencement program. Mr. Kay run del bul k, county superintendent of public instruction, made the address, which was a fine one; and at night tiie students gave a play, "Dust of the Earth." emphasizing the moral, "you cau't keep a good person dowu," which was thoroughly enjoyed. Your correspondent Is pleased to learn that efforts are being made to organize a county Grange. From per sonal observation, while in the North ern states, 1 became thoroughly con vinced that no organization was doing as much for the farmer as the Grange. The appealing feature of the Grange is that not only men but women and boyg are- eligible for membership in it, and their meetings afford social recreation which Is sadly lacking in the rural communities at this time. Therefore, the local Grange move ment has this correspondent's tin qualified endorsement. A few weeks ago when the Varner case was being tried at Greensboro quite a lot of Interest was manifested here as a number of former Lexing ton men live here who are close per sonal friends of Varner, and who are well acquainted with the facts In the case between Mr. and Mrs. Varner and know a number of the star wit nesses. They said that they had known Varner since he first came to Lexington many years ago a ragged country boy, and they have seen him climb step by step until he beran;? one of the city's best business nun. They regret that he had to go t!uou?h one of the bitterest lawsuits in the state in years and they think ih;it the newspapers of the state should sup port their fellow newspaper man, In stead of criticising him. We are sorry to say that our Rev. Mr. Brady Is not recuperating fast. The Enterprise of a few days ago told of the sad predicament that Esq. McWhorler was in over his elder since 1 the fruit was killed. Far and wide 'Squire's molasses r.re known to be the best and as he makes quite a lot or them, and this Is a day 'of sub stitutes, the 'Squire could save a bar-, rel r cane Juice and let it ferment. I Not all of the fruit has been de-1 st roved in this section, although most I of it has been damaged. I The ground mole is a small animal , that is a native of this county and; which Is very rarely seen and recog nized. About the size of a small rat with a rather long flat body and short tall, the hind legs of this animal are( the same as the rat but the front legs are set far up on his sides and has long claws on each. The legs are, placed in this position In order that. he may brace himself while burrow ing with bis snout which Is about an Inch long. The ears are somewhat like that of the rat but are far short er. The mole is the champion lifter of the animal family according to his size and weight. They are usually found In pairs and rear from two to five young ones each year. The bur row or run sometimes extends for'a half a mile or more. The burrow Is sometimes destroyed by plowing or a heavy rain but they usually burrow another tunnel In the same vicinity of the old one. But how thev keen their sense of direction Is mystery, for thev never cone ti the top of the :rrvi'i.!, r-i'.d yet go almost parallel The I MM Chapter In One of the Conn- try's Most Heioai'kuhle Instances Has Keen Written. Shreveport, La., May 12. The last chapter in what Is declared to be one of the most remakuble cases on rec ord was written here today when Lonnie Eaton, Oulchata parish negro, was taken from the Caddo parish jail f.nd delivered to the warden of the i-lii 1 0 penitentiary at Baton Rouge, to Lejlii his life sentence. Sheriff Grant, of Ouachita parish forgot to hing Eaton on the date set, it nit his (loath sentence Liter was ('Oi)iiuuti'(l hy Governor Paiker to a life term. He wits cmv. icted in the di.iliiit roint at Munro; , La., and was s'-nteiieed to be hangi-il for the mur der of a white man 11101 'hati a yea'1 ago. INDIANA BANKER O.N lIT IILIIK Marsh Wlie. .May 12. The luecticf jwiucu is in pioress at the MeihodUt .church with R,v. J. W. Moore of 1 Statesville preaching twice a day is I arousing great interest in the towa iand countryside around. The attend ance, especially for the afternoon j services, has been unusual, there b- ing a large number of men who are willing to leave their business for aa hour and attend. Quite a number from Wingate and other places are attending faithfully. Rev. Mr. Moore is a magnetic siieaker, with good thoughts which lr knows how to ex press clearly and illustrate effective ly. While far from being sensatioat. yet he has way of stirring both the hearts and minds of his congregations and make them eager to hear the niez oages he has for them. All who have not yet been to hear him. and caa come, are most cordially invited to do so. Mrs. Bob Price of Monroe and Mrs. Will Morgan of Lanes Creek are spending the week here w ith relatives -and attending the meeting at the Methodist church. Mrs. M. P. Blair and Mrs. J. Z. Green are in Lenoir attending the niissionaty conference at that place. Mr. and Mts. C. B. Covington and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Harrell, accompa nied by Mewtrs. Rone and Frank Stephenson of East Rend, Indiana, who are cousins of Mrs. Covington, motored to Charlotte Sunday to at tend a reunion of the Stephenson soon, her friends will regret to hear, ney. The Messrs. Stephenson are spending ten days or more in North Carolina visiting relatives after at. tending the national bankers conven tion at Pinehtirst last week as dele gates. Mr. C. B. Covington leave, this week for the western part of the stale where he will be engaged for some time upon his duties as land ap praiser for the federal land bank of Columbia. Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Hallman are being congratulated upon the birth last week of a son, Charles Franklin. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Marsh and sons Ellis and Carol spent Sunday in Charlotte with Dr. and Mrs. 3. B- Blvens. Mrs. William Marsh returned Fri day from the Hamlet hospital where she went for an examination. She will undergo an operation some time soon, her friends will regret to hear. Dr. R. Armfleld who has heen quite sick for several weeks with grip Is Improving. Misses Harris and Henderson, former teachers In the Marshvllle school, spent the week end with Miss Kate Morgan. Mrs. W. 0. Harrell and son BUlle have been quite sick for several days, but are improving. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Marsh and children, and Mrs. Irene Marsh were the geusts of Mr. and Mrs. Williams of Wingate Sunday. Misses Bable and Jean Hallman spent last week in Wingate attend ing the commencement. Presbyterian Church .Notes. You are cordially invited to attend the following services if not worship ing elsewhere: 10:00 a. m., Sunday school, W. A. Henderson, superintendent. 11:00 a. in., Worship and sermon by the Rev. S. J. Hood of Unity. A. R. P. church. South Carolina. 8;00 p. 111., Praise service and ser mon. Mother's Day was observed on Sun day last. Large congregations were present. Our mothers attend church very regularly. Let us do likewise. 'Onlo Raleigh:" The young peo ple's convent Ion will meet there May 1-June 7. Reporter. 111 IU HILL NOVEL H SCREENED ;iiioh' Still I'ltder Anns. Europe, exclusive of Great Britain, Russia, Turkey, Latvia, Esthonia and Lithuania, has 3.328.U00 men under arms. Those colossal and surprising figures are based on the last avail able budget of each country as re ported to the British office. Of the 19 countries included in the calculations, France leads with 800, 000 and proposes to call up 2O0.000 mote If the allies decide to occupy the Ruhr valley. Then comes Poland with 600,000. Spain, which is at peace except for African fighting maintains 190.000 which is 4J.000 more than Czecho-Slovakla with all her troubles. Greece his 250,000 andj Rumania, burdened with the bolshe-l vlk menace 180,000. Germany is credited with 100,000. PRESIDENTS SUPPERS SIZE luti Continued on Pace Eight. He Give Out the Secret In a Letter to Camp Fire Cilrl. New York. May 9. President Harding's size for bedroom slippers is 10. I Confirmation of that delicate fart was made by the President hlmselfl I. - I ...... - A I n ... ?-...!.. ' 11711H7 ill a ir-iiei suulCNru iu irui I. and Edith Brown, Camp Fire Girls. Thev pl.-tnned to give him a bouquet v hile he was here for the unveiling of the Bolivar statue. Falling to reach the President, they decided to send him bedroom slippers, and wrote to ask the size. His appreciative re sponse revealed the secret. "The lusltle of the Cup" Which Croat e l h Stoiiti to Be Slum 11 Here. Every reader of current literature will recall the sensation rauMd by the publication several years ago of Win ston Churchill's powerful novel. "The Inside of the Cup." The story attack ed the alleged hypocrisy of" certain clergymen and men of wealth identi fied with churches as vestrymen. The philosophy of the book was criticised by churchmen In this country and in England as an unwarranted attack upon religion and the cloth. The picture rights having been ob tained by Cosmopolitan at great ex pense, the story w;'j plcturized by Al bert Capellanl. a f .nious director, and the film version will be shown at the Strand Theatre Monday and Tuesday. The essential features of the story, which la one of great dramatic force, have been retained while the anti hypocrisy philosophy of the author necessarily has been subordinated to the general theme. The story deals with the rector of a fashionable church who turns upon his wealthy parishioners when he dis covers them parading under a mask of hypocrisy and invites the common people to attend his church. Eldon Parr, a vestryman, unscrupulous and tyrannical, alienates his son and daughter and is finally killed, by a man whom he has ruined. There is a pretty love romance between the Rector and Parr's daughter which ends happily. The leading roles are played by William P. Carleton and EditU Halbr.