"THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT" "ME MONHOE JO . ' PUBLISHED TWICE' EACH WEEK TUESDAY AND FRIDAY -THE UNION' COUNT' Y PAPER EVERI BOD Y NEEDS IT URN4JL VOL.27. No. 62. IV MONROE, N. O, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1921. $2.00 PE& 1 R CASH BROOM RAPS NEW ENGLAND MILLS FOR PROPAGANDA County Agent Ridicules their Claim of Profit to goal hern Farmer la Ten and Eleven Cent t'ottoa MARKETING HELPS THE PRICE By T. J. W. Broom From September to October 15th Is to be observed as "Sign-Up-Month" all over North Carolina, iu every county that grows cotton or tobacco, and every farmer who has signed a contract is asked to work that month to get additional signers, and every farmer who has not signed should sign before October 15th so as to be a charter member and help choose the first directors' We earnestly appeal to every one who readi.thig to lake off his coat, roll up tii sleeves, and to go to work In this great fight for the economic freedom of north Carolina farmers. ' Progressive Farmer. New England spinners are sending out literature to tly effect that ten to eleven cents for the 1921 crop will pay the farmers a profit. The old time masters of the cotton glowers are still busy on the job. Not content with running their mills. New Ens land spinners are already busy pre paring statistic on the cost of pro ducing the 1521 crop and graciously telling each other what good profits the growers will make this year If they are allowed ten cents per pound for the staple. Can you beat It? Read the following paragraph Incor porated in a circular sent out from Boston on August 15th to the mem bers of the New England Manufact urers Association by their cotton statistician: , CoM of Producing 1021 Cot Ion Croji Very low.V "When It Is recalled that only a year ago authorities on the growing of cott :i. were declaring that it cost from 3 .0 40 cents a pound on the average to raise the staple, it is as tonishing to read these statements of responsible br.nks and cotton firms In the mku'.i to the ciiert that this year's crop will show some profit to the fanmr if he receives only ten cents or eleven cents for It." Farmers, what do oti think of tfiis? Ensland and New England have Leen fixing the price of the South' great staple crop ever since we began to grow It, and alwaj at a profit to themselves, while the grow ers for the most part slaved thrlr wives and children to produce It and to continue to produce uuder the present marketing system or will we sign a co-operative marketing con tract, assert our Indepetidance and become masters of our own Industry? Our forefathers toiik the rifle In har.d und food thouluer to thoulder through long years of bloody war to win our political freedom, and the cotton growtrs of the South can, by signing a co-operative marketing contract, and standing shoulder to shoulder, win our economic free dom. Is it worth the price? Shall we do it? Yes, the farmers of the South are going to do it. They are doing It every day now, and will con tinue until the victory Is won. Reader, what part are jou taking In this great work? Every Southern man should be vitally Interested, for it Is of momentous concern to every Interest la the South. We want to ee every citizen of thecounty be come a booster for the marketing association. The Associated Press dispatches a ' few days ago In describing the ad vance of nearly three cents a pound In cotton prices In one week, de clared that one of the .'conspicuous causes was "the work of co-operative marketing, associations In several states of the belt.' See your county agent for con tracts and eo to work In your com raunity for signatures. You can do no better service for your comuiun itr. FOG OH DUST OX HIGHWAY CAUSES AX AUTO ACCIDENT Mr. Fate Blvens' Car Crashed Into Raring Car, Badly Shaking I'd the urcupanis. Marshvllle, Sept. 8. Mr. Fate Blvens had the misfortune to get hia car badly, damaged a few days ago while returning front Monroe. There were several cars passing close to gether which created such a fog of dust It was almost impossible to see beyond the motor meter. A rear car undertook to pass by Mr. Bivens' car by faith alone and not by sight and crashed Into it. Mr. Bivens and the occupants of his caV escaped injury. but the boys In the rarer, whose names we have not learned, were rather badly shaken up. Mr. Bivens, it seAued, had pulled out almost In the ditch in order to avoid a colli sion, realizing the danger" the fog of dust created. The book clutwas reorganized for the winter on Wednesday, holding the Initial meeting with the presi dent. Sirs. H. C. Ashcraft. The books were selected, after which several games of hearts were enjoyed,- Mrs. B.C. Parker scoring highest. A salad course was served. The Christian Endeavor society entertained Tues day evening at the home of Miss Mary Belk in honor of the young pen- pie who shortly leave for college. Several contests furnished amuse ment, then games were pktyed on the lawn. Iced tea and sadwiches were served. Wednesday evening the Barracas entertained the Phllatheas at the home of Mr. .and Mrs. B. C. Parker, the affair being in the nature of a lawn party. Punch was served from bower of green. Progressive con versation kept the guests Interested for an hour, then Miss Virginia Grif fin pave several humorous readings which were thoroughly enjoyed. Ice cream and cake lent further charm to the hour. ' iMlss Helen Garland of Jefferson Is the guest of her brother, Mr. J. T. Garland. ' Miss Kathleen Harrell of Atlanta is spending the week here with rela tives. Mrs. I.ee Ashcraft spent the week end In Washington, D. C, with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Ashcraft and sons, Henry Webb and Colvtn, will make their home In Marshville-this winter with Mr. Ashcraft's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ashcraft. Mr GUS HAIGLER TO AID IN . ENFORCING PROHIBITION toNMe Creek Man, Active Prohibi tkmUt, Is Slated For a Job Un der Director Kohless HIS HEADQUARTERS TO BE HERE Mr. Gus B. Haigler, of Goose Creek township, who is one of the most ac tive prohibitionists In the county, will soon t enabled to carry on his war against blockading, with the power of the Federal government back of him. He Is to be appointed a prohibition enforcement ag-?nt, ac cording to local Republicans, with headquarters at Monroa. His salary will be between 12400 and J30t0. it was stated. The county Republican organiza tion has endorsed him for the place and the preachers are for him. That's all the Backing necessary, The journals Inrorn ant stated, and there Is no doubt but what Mr. Haig ler will shortly receivj his commis sion. R. A. Kholess of Salisbury will be his boss. Before this gentleman re ceived his appointment he was bitter ly fought by R. L. Davis, ruairmun of the anti-saloon league of North Car olina, on the grounds that his past record proved him to be Unsympa thetic towards the cause of prohibi tion. But since the Senate saw fit to con frm his appointment by Dave uiair, coiiinussioner.ni revenue, .Mr. Kohless has not only demonstrated his intention of rigidly enforcing the prohibition laws, but has declared that he will not appoint a single man to his force unless he possesses the unqualified endorsements of three ministers. Ministers Endorse Hint The state prohibition officer, no otlier than Mr. Kohless, announced that he needed a force of fifty men. Then it was that Mr. Haigler and his friends got busy. The county organ ization was for him strong. The preachers, knowing of his past ac tivities against the making of booze, looked upon him and a:i tnat they liked him. Not throe, .but fully a dozen, 1t Is reported, wil:iu,'iy en dorsed him for the place, nr.d al though ha hasn't recei.-l his com mission, he can't fail to land, to his SEYERAL CANDIDATES FOR MONROE POSTMASTERSHIP Executive Committee, l'ndertnds - Mr. Perry, Will Name Man to Suro-ed .Mr. Winchester THE HAPPEMXGS AT WIXGATE Ashcraft will' be associated with hls.P! friends say father In buslnes3. Mr. Myron Green of Chapel Hill was In town a few days last week. Messrs. Henry. Green, Byron Wil liams and Kermlt Hinson have gone to Boone to enter Appalachain Train ing School. Mr. Curtis Bowman has entered school at Brevard. Miss Nell Hasty leaves Monday to enter Flora McDonald college. Mrs. J. W. Little of Charlotte Is visiting friends here. CHANGING MORALS TOO BIG OF X lOM FOR' PREACHERS A MONROF MAX MAY LAND , OX SUPERIOR COURT BENCH - Should Judge Ail urns', Be Elevated to Supreme Court Bench, Loral Law er May (succeed Him. Judge W. J. Adams, of Carthage, half brother of the late H. B. Ad ams of Monroe, may be elevated to the Supreme court bench to fill the vacancy created by the death yester day of Judge W. R. Allen of Golds boro. Should this be done, Judge Adams' successor on the Superior court bench must come from the Ju dicial district of which Union coun ty Is a part, and members of the Monroe bar today started a move ment In favor of Messrs. R. B. Red wine and A. M. Stack for the place. For months the understanding la North Carolina political circle has been that Governor Morrison would elevate Judge Adams to the Supreme conrt bench-when the first vacancy occurred, and It la believed here that either Mr. Redwln or Mr. Stack, who were supporters of Governor Morrison In the primary, stands a good chance of succeeding Judge Ad ams on the Superior court bench. Nothing holds Its own quite like the bald spct on the dome of a man's head. Wh"n a fellow tell, a lie he gener ally has to tell another one to ton down the effect of the first one. Mr. Ditulnp Cites Instances of Where MlnMets Came to Grief for Fight A'zal ist Immorality. To t ie Editor of The Journal: A few issues back The Journal car ried a very able 'editorial on the remedy for l.nproving our low moral standard. The editor suggested that the only worth while effort at Im provement was fo us to po back to the cradle and ral e up a new gener iitlrn of hoys and girls with cleaner, higher life motives. A good sugges tion, this is. In fact, it's the only remedy, and thnt't no Joke. But who's going to do the teaching? The editor says the preachers and teach erskCan change' the trend by throw ing their weight In the fight, and, I suppose, denouncing the evils and holding up good to put In their places. I would just like to suggest that It's a very dangerous position for a preacher o, take, (and not many of them are going to' take U: not until they get ready to lose their Job. We knew a -young preacher in a certain town not many years ago who undertook to expose some of the city's (?) clubs, and In doing so he painted them pretty dark. He said they were not "fitten" place for decent men' to frequent, much le3 young ladles, and especially church nvmbers. He intimated strongly that they the clubs were run for and patronized by high-toned society folks who did things while In at tendance that were not Christlike. In a -very short while that preacher handed in his resignation and hunt ed him a new field. Another case similar to this hap pened In a town not very far from the same spot and resulted In the preacher having to move to a new held because he warned some of the Indulgent mothers of hls'charge that If they didn't quit being so Indulgent (hey .were going to be "grand" di rectly. Of course It made 'em mad. The preacher lost his Job and the prophecy proved true with three of them. We could cite more instance of the same nature, but what's the use? Preacher who get trouble for their pains and who witness the un-" appreciatlvenes of their parlshoners will go slow next time and ar trouble. Evidentlv the neoDle have taken the bit In their teeth and are be coming mule-headed. 9. S. Dunlap. A man Is not necessarily a fool be cause he acts like one. - Some women could make a wooden Indian smile. There Is nothing definite about where Mr. Hairier will be located, but owing to his familiarity viih 'o cal conditions it Is felt sine that his headquarters will be maintained in Monroe. However, his active I. s will not be confined to Union coynty. He will asstst other enforcorient a;.':nts in their territories ojid they w ill co operate with him. The policy of the enforcement agents Is said to be to secure a line on the illicit distillers of a particular section and then with a big force of men swoop down upon iue:u without a moment's warning. Ifas Carried the War Into Africa For several years Mr. Haigl?r and a few of his neighbors have vb-t'I a relentless warfare upon blockading In their section and it Is stated that several men of his community -,ve thelr convlction in the courts to him Mr. Haigler hates liquor. He sees no good at all In the traffic and he likes to see the full weight of the law fall upon the necks or those who en gage In the businesss. The Goose Creek man hasn't stop ped at fighting the traffic In his own community. He has tried to carry the war into the court. Last year, after Sheriff Clifford Fowler and his deputies had rounded up thar famous train-load of blockaders, he serious ly talked of securing a delegation of prominent Union county men to go before Judge Yates Webb,.' at the opening of the court for the trial of the local moonshiners, and urge him to give those convicted the extreme penalty. Mr. Haigler has had no experience as an officer, but If the determine tlon to break up the liquor traffic counts for much there are trouble some times ahead for the Union county blockaders, who are already goaded to desperation by Sheriff Fowler -and his capable deputies. "Gus will show them that he means business," said a friend yesterday, "and he will aid Sheriff Fcwler In enforcing the law without fear or fa vor." SPOT COTTOX TWEXTY-OXE CTS. Staple Benches New Levels Here Af ter Activity of Future The Monroe spot market advanced to 21 cents today with New York fu tures closing around 19 and 20 cents, a gain of a hundred points for the day, after a period of breaks and rises seldom experienced on the ex change. From twenty-five to thir ty bale of new cotton are reported to have been offered at 20 cent and over. By thi time next week, buy er believe, the annual cotton move ment will be In full blast, several week ahead of previous, years. Other market quotations follow: Eggs, strong at 38 to 40 cents the dozen; hams, scarce at 30 cent: sweet potatoes plentiful at II per bushel; btrtter, 25 to 30 cents; chick en 35 to 50; and hens, 65 to 70. . Union county will soon be repre sented at Mexico City, Mexico, in. the person of Mr. E. L. Secrest, s".i of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Secrest, who .Jes to the capital of Mexico to take charge of all Y. M. C. A. work there. Wtngate. Sept. 8. The postmaster ror Monroe to succeed Mr. E. C. Win chester, whose term expires a little less than a year from today, will be named by the county Republican ex ecutive committee, composed of Messrs. J. J. Perry of Wingate, chair man; W. B. Love, secretary: and J. J. Parker. G. E. Flow. W. H. Yandle. L. L. Flncher. W. A. Biggers, John E. Haigler, M. C. Haigler and J. B. Harrell. At least this Is the under standing of Mr. Perry, the head of the county organization. ' "The policy of the party," Mr. Per ry said today, "is to allow the county executive committees to name the men for local appointment and I pre sume that there will be no exception in the case of Union county." There are a number of tentative candidates for the Job. said Mr. Per ry, but he has been told by reliable parties that the rare will narrow down to Messrs. Herndon Hasty, J. W. Love, Lum Haigler and A. C. Pencgar. 'It's going to be hard for the com mittee," continued Mr. Perry, "to make a selection from among these good men. All four of them have strongs friends In the committee and it Is really hard to say just who is the strongest.' Personally, iu picking my man 1 am going to be greatly in fluenced by the results of the civil service test which all of the candi dates will have to pass before they can receive an appointment. I don't mind stating at this time that I will be very reluctant to vote for a man who make a poor grade. It would not be fair to appoint either the man who made the lowest or the one who made the next to the lowest grade. The 'top-notchers' should have first consideration." . Mr. T. L. Brewer left Wednesday for a Charlotte hospital to undergo treatment for a sore on his hand that has been a source of trouble-for sev eral years. The condition of Mr. R.'A. Caddy, aged Confederate Veteran, Is still se rious and little hope is entertained for his recovery. School und Other Matters The two mouths summer term of the Wingate puMic school, under the very successful management of Prof. Lee Griffin of Ninety-Six, S. C, will close Friday. The enrollment has been so large that the capacity of the school building has been taxed. The large auditorium has been cut up into class rooms. Much criticism is voiced toward the county board of education for Its lack of fore-slght- edness in not anticipating an increas ed enrollment and the consequent necessity for more room. Some think a big ten-room school building ought to be erected. The fame of the Wingate School continues to spread. From far-away Robeson county has come Mr. M. b. Humphrey, a former resident of the community, to stay for the next eight months to give his children the advantage of the school. Mr. Hum phrey Is a large farmer In Robeson and he will leave Wingate next spring In time to plant a crop. A deep artesian well is being bored at the public school. Mr J. W. Bivens,' his hundreds of friends will be delighted to learn. Is again able to be out on the streets. HUGGINS AND THE OLD AXD UODEKX GOOD SAMARITAN .Man In DiMres. Xow Would Be Im mediately Taken to Hoopiul and Put Under Doctor's Care. Marshvllle Route 4. Sept. 8. Mr. L. E. Huggins referring to the good old times 85 years ago and the thought of living then was. of course, on "the spur of the moment." We all look to tomorrow with expecta tion and at the close of each day. would rather live tomorrow than any day in the past. I once heard a man talking to his son of the advance in science and in vention. He said. "Son. your grand father (who lived 40 years ago) nev er saw a telephone, automobile, air plane, reaping machine, disc har row, or a machine to plant corn or cotton seed." The little fellow after thinking a moment said, "I am glad I did not live away back there." That is the way we all feel about it. To go back a little further, 3,500 yea s this side of Abraham's day when that fellow fell into the hands of thieves and robbers on the road between Jerusalem and Jerico and his neighbor came along and found him belt dead. The very best he could do was to put him on the back of his beast and carry him in great pain to an inn. If Mr. Huguins was on his way from Monroe to Marshvllle and had a like experience in those big woods Just west of Mr. Joe Webb's, the least he would expect of his neighbor would be to come along in a Ford and la him comfortably on the rear seat and in three min utes stop at Wingate and telephone the officers about it. Also telephone the Ellen Fitzgerald Hospital and In 15 minutes more he would be there. The nurses and doctor would be dressing his wounds. Yes. Mr. Hug- pins wrote on the spur of the mo ment. Mrs. Molly Bancom, who is visit ing Mrs. W. B. Helms, Is sick with bronchitis. The many friends f Mr. Ruffin Little, who has been ill for several months, will be glad to learn jthat he is improving. Miss Lizzie Hinson of Macedonia spent the we'ek-end with Miss Maud Jones. Miss Dare Hamilton visited friends in Weddington last week. Miss Allle Bivens of Wlneate spent the week-end with Miss Mary Lee Sfaten. Mr. DeDerry Austin and Miss Al- Harsett, both of Marshvllle DR BRIDGES U-VS THE ADOPTION bF OLD WAYS He Wants Folks to Again Bow Their Henda and .Make Short Prayer After Entering the Church GABRIEL CAME TOO SUDDEXLT ma township were married last Sunday afternoon at the home of Esq. Zeb. M. LittleT SAYS UNION FARMERS REFER TO BUYERS AS "TOI L GATES" County Agent Barton, of Rocking ham, Tells Ills Folks of the Glo ries of This Section. In an interview published In the RockiiKham Tirf.es, County Agent i Barton of that pjace says: , 1 have been in Union county for the past two weeks, assisting In or ganizing cotton marketing. Union county has about 500 small farm county has about 1,500 small farm farmers up there average about six bales of cotton to the farm. They have good barns and outbuildings, neat cottage houses, they have soy beans in their corn, red clover in their grain stubble, and more good corn, sorsnum ana pasturage' man any county 1 have visited. hen a farmer signs the mark ting contract there, iu the majority of cases, he reaches into his overall pocket for the $3 fee or draws a check. How ever he realizes what the marketing vMr. and Mrs. John Q. Griffin are i system holds In store for him and Is here for a few days and the jovial signing. They ar supporting 53 laugh of Mr. Griffin Is heard far up , l.uyors in that county and they refer Into the night as he talks with old friends. Rev. J. W. Rowell is building a nice, modem home on bis twenty acre farm In the eouherulart of the town. Much Old Cotton at Wingate. ' There are at least two nundred bales of last year's cotton stored in Wingate and at nearly every farm house in the copimunlty one will find anywhere from two to ten bales of the fleecy stanle. With a good price, despite the fact that Indications here are said to point to a ylfld of less than fifty per cent, Wingate folks are in a position to again enjoy urnsneritv and the "war traders" are trimming their sales for another era of luwd speculation. , Rev. Dan M. Austin, formerly tne beloved pastor of the Mesaow Rnnrk Ttnntlst Church. WRS A Fun-. day Wingate visitor, or an tne preachers who have servd this fa mous chsree none are morj wel come here than this venerable minister. Death of a Little Child. On Tuesday at one o'clock death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Simpson and carried out the little daughter, Mabel, aged five years and eleven months. She suffered Just I few day with dlptherla. All that loving hands could do was done for ber. but she quietly and sweetly passed from earth to heaven. The remains of the little one were to them as "toll gates," and agree that the $30,000,000 that goes through the "toll gates" of North Carolina cotton sales over the spec ulative route, can be closed by our co-operative marketing system, and the whole product sold to the mills and exporters at millions less of cost. They use only about 300. to BOO pounds of fertilizers per acre and as soy beans and production con tinues, they will reduce this expense eventually to nothing but acid phos phate on red land, and acid phos phate and potash on black jack lands. They have begun to learn how to make nature pay the fertill zerzer bills and to conserve rainfall Instead of praying for rain. 'God helps those who help themselves.' The boll weevil holds few terrors for them. They have, as I have said, fine pastures, and the livestock and especially the dairy Interests are in creasing to meet the demands or their creamery which Is handling all thf cream It can get. T. J. W. Broom, their county agent, has been prepar ing thera for ten year for the better conditions they now enjoy, and they use him to -the limit. Knowing the county and Its conditions as he does, he is now in position to render great er service than ever before." To the Methodists of Monroe. Dr. Bridges has promised tT taUc fo ' the members' of the Business Men's Class Sunday morning at ten o'clock. Mr. Jenkins, and perhaps Dr. Bridges will also sing. We want srsfY fvan rf rha AhnAli tin A It vla Lk n'ewn cen!eteiV0ri bur!t': ' Itor possible to be on hand promptly fcunday morning for this service. W. M. CORDON, President W. Z. FAULKNER, Sec.-Treas. Rev. B. B. Shankel conducting the funeral services. The bereaved fam ily have the sympathy of a lrost of friends. The woman who marries her best friend 1 In grave danger of losing him. It's a fuany sort, of combination, but the man who paints the town red often gets a black eye during the performance. By Mrs. Knox-Wolfe Hargette Among the Interestinc thlnsi that Dr. Bridges said at the Wednesday morning service was to urge the old time way of bowing the head after coming into church and making a snon prayer. Hi text was. "Lord teach us to pray." After telling much about the force of prayer, he said that he had heard of people being sung to death, but he had never heard of people being prayed to death. He also told of ft jury recently In Atlanta, after a trial of some young people in which lewd ness ar.d sii.ine figured, urging that the fatheri and mothers go back to the old way in having prayers in the homes to save their wayward boy and girls. Do the best you can, and God VUl do the rest, he said. He urged the big congregation to read the Bible mqre, and said God know when we are in sorrow. He know when we neglect to read his word, he strongly Im mated that that was ft stab for Cinit, and that there would be no mercy seat. The oi i ring hymn was "I Mus Tell Jesus. ' How It took us back to the days when we first heard it. When old c-int Ann Carelock, whom the white n. o;hers of Monroe ought to rememhir well, sang it in that weird, characteristic tone of her race while rocking babies to sleep. Her skin was black and she has gone to her final sleep, but we think her heart was white for only a white heart could sing this piece and rock and enjoy it as she did. Mr. I'lillei's II) inn The next hymn, "We Are March- fr.L' In 7.inn " uUl over net Inm. nu '.ta lasts, be associated with Brother W. H. Phifer. He use to sing it with such zest and now when he is too fee ble to sing, he sits in his accustom ed p'.ace and his fingers keep the time on the arm of his chair. How appropriate that the picture of an ascending Christ hangs suspended over this oldest one of our member ship. It is beautiful and .Inspiring and we enjoy looking at' it every CaV. In going back to the sayings of Dr. ' Bridges, he told us that tlieiv tvas not many people who prayed. That he did not know how he would get through life without the conscious ness of prayer and that there is ft consciousness of God everywhere, even in the Jungles where the sav age reaches out to an unseen Being. "What a comfort If they knew what we know!" he exclaimed. He told of the masticated prayer which our returned missionaries have told us of too. In speaking of the good Samaritan, he said it was a story of the friendship of man, a social gos pel. "God help us to give a social gospel." In speaking of the church he declared that, "there are plenty . of pullies rigged up, but we need steam In the boiler." The duet and solos are pleasing and finely rendered by the preacher and his singer and the vast crowds go away feeling refreshed and near er to God, and farther away from sorrow, and Gethsemane, for: "Down shadowy lanes, across strange streams Bridged over by our brokea dreams, Behind the misty cap of years, Close to the great salt font o! tears. The garden lies; strive as you may Y'ou cannot miss it In your way All paths that have been or shall . be Pass somewhere through Geth V semane." Great Interest Is being taken in the meeting and everybody is invit ed to come to the gospel feast. We are praying for a great revival and want It to reach out Into the county around. Come and take part. Lots . of us won't be here next summer. "Jesus Lover of My Soul" Is still comforting- souls here by being sung at every service. Gabriel Came Too Suddenly Joe Chappel's magazine some years ago offered a prize for the best heart throb" In either prose or verse. "Jesus Lover of My soul took the first and biggest prize. Many christians for generations hive sung it on their death beds. We hope the crowds who gather at this meeting will feel ready for the coming of the Lord and not prove cold ar.d unfit as did a band of Ascensionists some years ago in Georgia when they were having ft grand revival. Let me tell it. Dr. Bridges came frpm Georgia. One day when the meeting was In full blast ft storm came up and a young man who was out hunting with his servant took refuge In the church door. Being curious to see the ser vice, the two hunter crept up into the gallery and there hid in a plaoe where they could observe without be ing observed. "Come, Lord,, come." cried the preacher while all present gave ft loud, "Amen." i "Marse Gabe," whispered Cuffy, lifting his hunting hern to his mouth, 'ILet me gib dera just one toot." "Put that horn down or I'll break Continued on page four