-THE UNION COUNTY PAPER EVERYBODY READS IT THE UNION COUNTY PAPER-EY lUBOUV NEEDS fT ie Monroe Journm Vol.27. No. 75. HOSPITAL IS IN OPERATION NOW Great Community Enterprise Has Begun to Receive Pa tients in Regular VYav PUBLISHED TWICE EACH WEEK - TUESDAY AND FRIDAY Monroe, N. C, Tuesday, October 26, 1921. $2.00 I Year Cash FIRST CLASS IX EVERYWAY A Sjmbol of the Love and I'nity of Purpose of the People Appreci ation of Work of Trustee MSS!L I AUSTIN "LOSES T OF HIS FINE COWS ii-n patients were received at the K en Fitzgerald Hospital last week. TVe last word has not been said in the w..y of complete prepuraton, but for si me day patients have been receiv ed as necessity required. Miss KUiott, the superintendent. Kliminating Contest for Candidate for Judgeship Results in Offer- in? One Name to the Histrirt Mr. A. M. Slack will be oiti. U as tin candidate or I'nloii Democrats tor th uomination lor Judge in il.is distiict next Julie. The derision be tween Mr. Stark and Mr. IS. H. Red- wlne war the result or an elinniijiiiu I piiui.ir.v heiu at the several oiing preriurU last Saturday. Mr. Red vine has announced iliat he will sup I'ort Mr. Stack and asks hi frauds to do the same. ThU was to have b.-en expected rrom the loser in a lii.'iKtly contest even ir there had l-vn no understanding lo thai effect U;lorc hand. Mr. Redwine has done lb:- handsome thins and the Demo crats of the county are to be con graiululed Hint lire" family dilliculty has been settled ut home and only if candidate win i presented in Several Others of His Ribbon Winners Injured in Had Fire at Rockingham E.N ROUTE FROM THE FAIR Marshville Negro, in Trying In Suing "I oddington Speri.il." Oct ;s Foot flashed to a I'ulp r.1.1 taken now tr the work w ith treat ' di's of the dir-i rit. Mr. Slack . .... ... :n ! j . anility and enthusiasm, and the trus. 1 " ' 11 nearly support ol tcts already have cause to feel that duty t u:p. i; oi me counn in l lie pri- 1 1 1 . i : v or ni'vi s ii iiiL' it.. i. ... i. ...... . tr.-y are particularly fortunate in se- follow Uu thron'ghoiil the district and curing her services. Miss Austin, the liililv anil personality h,ie been assistant superintendent, has been on I vv" " 'Klii"l'hvd in all ihe coumies . ,, itiioiigii ins work as solicitor He is some time, and Miss Dewey i.i i ...V ..... . . a naative of Simrtanl.unr conn-! i .. :Y. ... . ... . .. um u' " tv iipm-iu viMlunl.t. l .t. , ..... .... ..come iiiuuii '.- -- ,.-.,....,, n, ttuvi- mi." Jill- s.tion of nitfht superntendent. All t,.so are regisstered nurses. From time to time student nurses will be mi- i mi - n mill nniv lit M iiecn Kent in. is !iK fui Mr. Stark .in I JM lor Mr. Redwine. In detail ilw- voie is as inllnvvs. the lirst num ber linns for .Mr. Stark and the sor- ond lor Mr. Rnlwinc: Noi I Ji Monroe. i-v nil; .south .Monroe. 177. U7: Witig.ile, 7; Maihville, :is ... i .i . - . ..." t::ti.m ..f oimih.H .!., 1. ;.. i " -"''" noiisc. n. .i; waller .. ... ,, . u I.-. -J . perted that the institution will be self itl.e ablest ol j judges. I The total wile for i v it!i Hie erepliou of superior court each candidate, tin l.'inii and irg already begun. lii:... i. l . . ... r.inoii, wmi nas n:ti wuie hos pital experience, is most hopeful and er.thuiutie as to the futture of the hospital. She is particularlv pleast'd I ma sieriiiznif room, tht com- p;e-.cness and excellence of which she in. inn seen surpassed m anv nst - sj-taiiiinif liiimediately but eventual ly so. There is no debt, but a few hundred more dollars are needed to secure further necessities. Between forty and fifty thousand do.lars have been exnemlivl in itw. nu .'c.iiiu and euuinment. All St or. t; : 1 lit .i.l: Soriia. lo. I: Allan. 4. Irby, :t, 5; Wilsons Store. IIS, '.iha. ;.". 17; W diliiuion, 17. Siler. "ii; Mineial Splines, I t. India n Ttail, 7j. '.; S.unh tioose ek. !l, II; Xoilll tJoo.se t'reeli. IJ. I'liionx ille, 1 1 ; Marvin, !, In. FOR SOLDIERS ELEVENTH m ................. t i r i ui 'iiinii. ,t i ol inis IV. .'tiey was furnished he th.. ,i i'i.i.itjU tfe town and county. This was in! NOVEMBER addition to the fn ..f t... :il . . v p.-. hi.- sur a'd original buildinjr by Mrs. Fits- Honn f Hie County Are l r lf ::M. I'rartirally nil the furnish- ' t'oiiliil.ule l!ukels I or This lure nl die (Vicinal ion, in. s were couirinuie.l by persons or orvaniizations who had alreadv con tr.r.uted to the building fund." Starts Without Debt to Hamper Aiout four years have elapsed s.r.ce the beuinninir of the efforts to j--fate thi' institutoin. The trustee n..e from time ti time been criti oed for not tret tint; it accomplished s -..filter. Hut they preferred to go as the money could be raised and not su.it olf with a lurjre debt facing a: d threatening the future of the in stitution. . At one time after the w.irk was in progress they personal ly endorsed for severnl thousand dot. rather than to stop work, but on the whole, they found wisdom in t- .nji ahead as means permitted, i l.ie tact that the buildings and couip-mt-.t have now 1n.cn made ready w.t :out a debt to hamper nnd crip, pit. amply justifies their course. Mn-t any set of nun could put up a hi::Ii:,jig on credit ami let somebody e -e pay for it, nnd this is too often derc , Tne board of trustees consists of ..Ir. James II. Lee, chairman. 1). 11. .v.ydcr, F. (J. Henderson, K. A. M.n-. ry. Dr. JM. Iidk, T. V. Dillon. J. (. .Sikes, J. W. Laney. and S. 0. ! Ka:r. Most of these havi served 1 fr. m the beginning. Suffering hu-' nn.nity and the entire community as 1 wt-.i, owe tnese men a debt of last irg gratitude. They have labored incessantly for these four years in the details and responsibilities of the situation. As said, at the very t:rr.e they were being criticised for s IriU-nnu.. ,., . . ...... ,.,... . nnc currying a large amount as a personal liability. We liie sure, at that, that we are voir ins the feelings of every one of them n saying that they all take oir their h:.ts to their chairman, Mr. James H. Lee, for his untiring efforts and wise leadership. .0 man hus con trrtuted a greater or more unselfish pt-i.-unui acrvue to the communitv tnaii has Mr. Lee done in this work. And he is not laying down, but is going right an as enthusiast Dm wisely and laboriously, as heretofore. ted lo Ten. The following letter has been inail- d to thirty women of Hie enmity: I "No ember lllll is almosl here, tuid iieain it biTomes the prlv ll ge and duty of tin- women of Monro, and I'nlon county to rurnish dinner lor the ex-service men. A town-wide canvas Is being made for baskets of food, nnd we want you lo art as chairman In your community in Hiis capacity. We fci I sure thai all will want lo help us. and we need your s'ipport to make this dinner a sue-es-. Dinner will he sened in the court house. Ilaskets will he receiv ed I here, and II' brought in ; fler ne -liiorlal exorcises begin, ihey will b I received In Mr. Fnndeihurk's office, "While dolim for the men of our eonniy, we i!o not want to forget our . liny hoys of Ward C-l, Hospital 45. j Miltmoie, N. C. If the ladies will add , lo their baskets a glass of Jellv or ' pf' .-Ir ser-.es, ve call ' ol nveeln "Lei'n all ko to work to makn No- ! . liii:. 1H2I. Hie best celebra tion ever, as to parade, memorial e-i-iilse., ilinuer, races, football same, tarniv.il, an I last but not leust, as to e 'II. in In !ia ior. "ir we do not hear from you lo the frr.ry, will dejiend on you. 'Thank fu. "Coiiliallv. Wd.M VXS AI XIMAKY HK AMEU ICAX I.KOIOX. "LfUA HKATII. Commander." A eoiui'iiitet fioui the Wonian'M Auxiliary will also t uperititend the plaiinini: and servinu- of dinner lo the Kil.ueil ex-soldiers. The colored people of Hip town nnd county will I he asked to help rurnish "eats" for fame. Announcement will he made li:ter i.s lo where this dinner will lie served, and where th food will he received. Marshville, Oct. 21. Mr. J. Aus tin lost his nine blue ribbon inning cows an usevral others were badly luirnel as they were returning home from the Kulegh Fair on Sunday, wnoii me car in wnen ttcv were o:nl ed caught on lire. At Kotkingham the gate to the car was thrown open and. an effort made to get the rows out, but as is usual in such rases some uf the animals had beco -e so panic Mi'ickkcn they refuse to e the car. A few jumped out but . it before they were badly burue.l. M- . Austin had carried thirteen of his line (iuern.sey rowj to the fair where they hud attracted much attention, and nine of the cows hud taken blue ribbons. Another Sunday au ideiil omii i e l in the afternoon when K.I ( utlihert son, colored, in company wiih several other colored youths, 'made au at timnt to catch the Codilington special which had slowed down to pull through the town. F.d missed his footing and his i ivthl font slipped under the wheels of the car and was cui-lied to a pulp, necessitating amputation. Messrs. K. V. (iiifiin and W. O. Harrcll left Saturday tiieht .. t. lanta and Memphis on business. .Miss Willie Cidk Silent the week en.i w.in her hroiher, Mr. John Hell;, and his family. Mr i:,-!k le!t Sun day night to aciompmiy his f.itner to the old soldiers' reunion. Mrs. J. S. Harrcll has retur.ied irom a week's vit-it to Atlanta. . Tile spinsters' ro.iventioa w-ivh .as staged here Frday eceniog u.uk-r the auspices of the 1 rescbytenan ia il.es was a great surre-s, drawing the I.M'ge.t crowd that has been seen at rj atiraciion m the town nniv. on. iiuuiime ieii amply re paid for their time and money as t!ie rostunie.4 alone were worth the of ailinission. i . .. - .tirs. i,. v . A.shialt spent lays this week in Charlotte her uncle. Ihe Presbyterian nieclin which was to have bugun hen- Sunday even ing with Uev. Daniel Iverson i.f Char lotte doing the preaching, was railed off owing to Mr. lverson not deni able to come. He wrote the pastor, Kev. Mr. White, that he was border ing on it nervous break down ... ml would have to postpone his coming. llev. .1. .1. Kdwards is attending the M'thodist eoni'erene at llhjh. I'oint. .Irs. J. T. (iarlniid is visiting her parents in Donalds, S, C. On ilv ISth inst. she was dame of honor for l.er sister's wedding. I he Marshville voters had the el experience of going to the Saturday and votinir nn.l L.im. COLUMN OF VIEWS AND INTERVIEWS that There's No Wav to Kill the Roll Veeils HE TRIED FREEZING THEM News Come- to M.mr.u. Thai ...... Farmers Are Calling T.m I p From (,rae lo Sign Contracts A South Carolina f:nm..i- ....... vinced ( apt. F.d Neal. one of tin most popular conductors on the S,a board, that the boll weevil is a iest that has come to stay despite all ef forts to rid the country of its on-. cine. "Ihey told me." thi f,. - ni inn remarked to ( apt. Neal after he had handed over his ticket. "fh:it n n..ii weevil (,iUld not survive our ct.ld w ti ters. Iteing of a skeptical disposi tion. I decided to ascertain the truth i.r l;iKitt ..f .U:.. I... I: r a.i . ........ ... ovuci. i nn-king a -SZ'' wevil from a c.tton s,Uiwe, i went to tne I. e n ant n,.-ir. ; aim nad tile engineer to droo the little scoundrel into u:.t...- ii....' i intr mamir.ictur..i int.. .. ,. .- I thought. -I'll see if Veil i::n I,.. , t.i death.' There it .,tav...l" f..'r tv.enty-four hours. The n.AL'dav. ..n ptn'ling the ice out of the ,,,' .... und the weevil lay inn' in the center "la 2iMl..mund bl-K-k. I'miuestioli nnly, it had been subject .-d i.. .. v... nest ,,,ld possible as the thermoin ter in our section has never been M.wu (,, drop v elMUirh to freeze Water m wholesale mnii.t it !',. i iiiiiik mar weevil mi.j lien v e had WEEVILS BEAT DICK TO NEWS I.N THE PAPER i Camel Man Cauht tine of the Test Drinking in the lleadlnes in Fri- I da Issue of 1 he Journal BUFORD YOUNG MEN GET TERM ON GANG Lookout i'S ior noil Weevil -iei ....... .eiii.s anu spies. Ihey are nere. aius .Mr. Dick Helms ol the i dun. i community. To The Journal ue s. iids word to keep all plans ior i ne meat tall olTensiw ataiust i.'i. iinilion ies army out of Hie papers niej can leau. lie dwlaies. His inissary. the a haul Tom i, who. preparatory lor Hie affrav with Hie oo-marrllllli; weexils, is hurt, lint his armor and pinniiu on his hreast Ihe array of ditcuraiious Hiai he won in me c iincli-hui; eampaiun of twen iy years ni;o and in the more recent war with the army worms, says Mr Menus caught two of the eneniv spi in the art. Pick, he relates, -round his Ft ..... r . ..ii ui int. journal ivinu mi Hie Poor hy some cotton when h ..nil.- in iiiiio inM n.-ios itl.oiit ii...... atiir.iay. Seeing the headlines. i men riantina Advised .Now,' he dropped everything else to net th laiest nope on 'beat in): the boll weevil.' H,. Kt about hall way throuu'll ihe column when he hap pened to ulanre up to the top of the ias;e. There, to Lis astonishment. siouii a weevil, heavily-armed, drink in- in those words that spelled doom io ins nine, yuick as a flash, to use one ot Hie phrases of Diamond lock, the hoy Indian tighter, he laid a barrajie at Ihe spy, and it 'bit the dust." "A narrow escape,' Ihouuhl Mr. Helms, as he turned over to page emui. io winch Appeals of Attorneys Fail -Move Jude in IW of La ney and Do ter to THE flTHIJERTSON CASE Kaxier Hired Out to lin ..f i.j,. N here He is a Valued Workman, For F.ighteen Months KilHJIICIlt les tailed and James Hulord given same of- in I'M! price several visiting to u-1ioli tlio l,:nl. .. I.. ...1.... dead; I ' "" Hiunuiis rut tne ne un we look ' ,as r)l" Aiiain en :e Weev.l. froeii silH' ; n... U; ''' In Hie storv of how Missis- ih:nv it ..i.i i. 1....1 sippi lartners are coiim in mis., put la. n timry but a few nrnutes wiienl'0" l"'"'"'lv despite the weeiil. e oegiiu io unserve s.ns 0f 1 1 Tt- I T- "' I"1 "'ept on his post and Simiii ii nave c i.ipvi.isive shake. !"''' ""' "',0l weeil spy sjieeu n., w,n-s ami ,!u:.eied null " I it 1 ' rt lo My away alter not tne open, l.iere to lueed thousands i "l,l-v "'"dilm' the ariiele on pime om "I Its kind." ('.-.ot V..,. I ..v I 'Inch lis comrade missed, hut nb- piv.-scd asiouishmeiit. "Then" thel"" " ''""'Imltd on pate Man i t arolinian continued. "1 tried l" '' ' 1!' "l: tune, thinks Dick, all iiiirning the bill of another weevil, i 1,1 ""' w,, vll! 'his section are on :t!i the ilanie ot a match I h..,i...l 10 '"' 'hick planting game and he 'ier red hot. but like tl... , ...i would not he surprised to learn thai (lien nmh. ranking generals are de- visim; strategy lo meet this new started to wa k n't win ....in. i i... i. "uenstvi .... , ...... ,4, R, . tou inn t feed em to di nih " .,!..,... jly coiiciuded the farmer, "nor freeze em out of existence, nor burn 'em up. ov iiii me c poor larnit is to do?" biles school the in have costs a match I h..-,t..,l fomeitliat underwent the in- te.t it ..... fused to die." Cant. enl ' ,w I,.. gum At A The A Cure traveling IIOV- polls reg- for Slaniniering man told this (...., i Journal office Saturday ..f't...-. noon. "I used lo stammer," he be I gnu, "so bad that it was real agonv I for me to talk. Naturally, 1 was I looking for a cure readv I., n-.. ..... . thing, and when I saw an advertise ment offering a snre-remedv for ?i."i, I hastened to send my check for that amount. A few days later I receiv ed my 'cure.' The package contain ing it was about the size of a shoe box. Kagerly 1 opened it. There was layer after layer of waste pack ing to be thrown out. and iudiriio bv then give ihem a I isteied by a woman. They found it J'. 1 operation as usual, whether they approved ,,f the woman behind t!se desk or not. And. being the woman in question, w- can say thit we found it an interest. tig expe rience, and if scenes around the polls huv alwa)s l een as clean and digni fied and irreproachabti- as the occa sion Saturday, then we , a;i under stand why such n howl vv.. cer raised to keep the women iwav Ihings went smoithly iVmn In-, to last and it was decidedly '-. -ruv-ing than a floating reception r 'a pink tea." Oh votinc. where i.s thv 15 tne hn lien INTKltFSTIMJ SKItVK I S AT CK. THAI. CHI KCII The Husiness Men's Bible class h.ul chin ge of ihe services at Central Methodist church last Siindav. the uc-I.t lo preach And there are crucial' stages yet to be l"'s'01,-' L,r c- C-.Weaver, havin V'j.ve .inrougn witn. A Great Community Enterprise The Journal believes that too much :'! i V ? u. "" l"m"ienuaiion oi;Hnd this feature of the tie labors of these men. and of the ' Inspiring and thoroughl. "c " u'i'"'i wnirn mey the large audience. A :.i.r men irom ine dud ir cepied an Invitation Cieensboro. Mr. Kd II. I.ee, an niuslclan. had chare rany. inis ouiiding and equipment which now becomes the home of a Permanent and bcneficient institu tun. in aomcthinjr to be proud of, and The Journal assumes to uneak for the entire citizenship in saying that we are intensely proud ol It. It is a community enterptise, a communi ty accomplishment, an object of com- rr.unuy love, tvery dollar has been fiyen cheerfully, freely, enthusiasti cally, to make good the dream of the noble woman who made it all possi b by remembering- the community to her will. Thi paper has long be lieved that a community can do any thing that it has the vision to plan ar.d set its heart upon. Some indi vtduals have long cherished the dram of having a first class hospit al here. So far as physical equip ment goes that dream has now been realized. It is still Un to US to rf.nl- iae In work done, in suffering allevi-jMr lllTOIUplislc'd ol the music, serv ice was enjoyed bv trio of l mi ii noyg auout ten years of ase s.-tne "In in burden, a song written by Dr. L. H. Itrldges, who conducted tli" re cent revival In our tow n. These bovs, Koliert Uitndy. James Fowler and Nick Laney, seemed perfectly at ''me In H, choir loft and sang like "old timers." Mr. V. S. Hlakeney in trod tired the speaker. Mr. A. M. Stark, whose ad dress was replete with Interest and Instruction. He spoke of his visit to foreign countries and conditions there. He told of the manv cods worshipped by the hnthcn and of the wonderful work belae dnnp h tne missionaries. He urged better support of the mission work, and told of the marvelous things accomplished n me missionaries that never get into print. The address was elven earnest attention by the midlence. The meeting was presided over by Mr. W. M. Cordon, and the seeretar. W. Z. Faulkner, cave a snlendhl mi:, mxkstovs i atiii:i: ikai ! Was it lYouilncni t'lti.,.,, f WndeslHiiii and Was III Venn, old Mr. John T. IMiikston, a well known and highly respected clil.en of Wiidesboro. and the father of Mr. Fred V. I'inkslini nn.l in a ' ii' Shooter of Monroe, died at his home the other day of septicaemia poison ing, lie was 61 years of age. and all "f his life was spent in Wadeshoro where i,e earned an enviable reptita- '"" mm nonesty and uprlghtii m. ruiKstnn had been visitor to Monroe oi menus nere. six sons and (wo mummers, ail of whom bedside when lie HOSS. a frequent and had a number were at his l'llSSd hw.iv siir vive. D ceased wins an aclive niem 'r of ihe Methodist church. Anions 'nose who attended the funeral from Monroe were .Messrs. I). It. Harring ton. J. W. Fowler. Walter I.anev I H. niair, Fred Huntley and Mrs.'i.u ther Williams. MAIWHVIM.E ;i.S IX)MHI.NK A big combination was effected at Murshvlllo the other day when the Aiuicrari Uln , Comnnnv m,. chased the Marsh-Lee outfit frnm Mr. Gilbert Collins and are now- nn. crating both plants. Their comhin- ed capacity Is said to be over one hundred bales a da v. Th.. in have turned out about SfiOO bale to uaie, wnica la estimated to be nearly two-thirds of the crop of the Alareh vllle community. Si", Tr? , a' """" 'r .h.zTrp.r.BT j (Vintiniiod on Tage Five numbers obont joo. and ! a lv or- ganiraiion and "a powr for good In (ho community. Ono Present. Hfty Dollar lU wanl Fifty dollars reward for informa tion leading to the arrtit ami mi. vlc'loo of the party or parties respon sible for the libelous wrlt'iiti ?nd signs In different rrt of Mir-i ( -rogatory to The Kedn:oii l au-.duc-fi'in Co., or myself. n'liTK m. n''"'"-- lie exeirised to nrevent age. 1 vv.is certain that the bottom ol the box would reveal a marvelous instrument or enmpoound ihaf would instantly relieve my distress. Hut what did 1 tmd at the bottom? A placard reading as follows: 'To cure stammering: tjuit talking!" Like Ihe Chinch Hug Cure This story n minds Mr. C. II. Rich ardson of the mechanism guaranteed to rid fields of chinch bugs that hun dreds i,, this, section paid a dollar e.icn ior about I'll years ugo wh wneat was destroyed by millions u.ce insects. Like the stammering travelng man, they received netly done up packkages. which after be:n' eiieneil. were found to contain two nine diocks. numbered one and two 'To kill cninch bugs," the directions lead, ."I'lare bug on block one and ftrike with block two. t omes I p rom (irave tract A yarn conies to Monroe to the ef fect that Sin ry county farmers are so enthusiastic over co-operative mar ketingthat they call their brother farmers out of the graves to sign contracts. A canvasser, so the tale noes, was on his daily rounds when he saw a group of men gathered to gether on the side of a hill. Walk ing in their direction, he saw that they were pre :nrimr u prmn H.. ....... that a neighbor, after vrm-s of work tmrnr to m.iW. a lo.:..,. had given up hope and was t-.i be bur ied that nlternoen. Seeing an oppor tunity to preach co-operative mar-1 keting. he told them about the "Ilig-j gest Thing in the South," and signed ' every man about the grave. On l.i.-k-' ing into it he saw a man sitting down on the bottom and yelled, "Come out oi mat grave and eign up for operative marketing." to Sign Con- AI5MISTICF. HAY I'AISAHi: To the Kdiior of The Journal I Mt 1.1. -.I:t. i. f lh nn m. ..til u.i .on i in- .Minisiire i i.iy ceieiiration in . I ol low in .: organizations were asked lo join in with a lloat for the Armis lire l);iv parade: hed t ros. Junior Ked Cross, I), A. I!.. I'. H. '.'.. Camplire liirls, Y M. C. A., Wonien's Auvlliaiy. Kasiern .-siar, canieen win ki is. nmi all coun ty schools. .Mr. r rank Kedlearii. chairman oi Ihe parade cominillee, states that lie wants all business to have lloais on this occasion and thai all private ears lie decorated and in Ihe parade, lie says that il we are going lo make Ihe celebration worth while the co- opera I inn ol the peojde is needed and by Iheii helping mil in the pa lad ihe greatest way this ecu be shown. It is the intention of the cnmmillee lo make ii is the biggest celebration ever had in I'nlon comity nnd to do Hiis letieis are being written to the 'Htsiness lliUISI.K lis u-i.ll na Ii. Ilia .owners of private cars asking for 1 1 Ii i r co-operation in the furnishing of Una is for the parade, and from I merely a patriotic standpoint we are sure ihe people of Monroe will set lo Work and help make it a siircess. The con nly schools have been ask ed lo give a holiday on the Ulh and of it is Ihe desire of the commitlee that ."II schools hi.vc floats of some kind e.md b represented in the parole on Hint day. Mrs. Randolph Redfearn. chair man Junior Red Cross, requests that all school children in the county be on bund for the Junior Red Cross floats and parade, which she hones lo make a great success of. Any information with regard lo the parade ran be li 'd by .iRking Mr. frank Redfearn, clnili'inan R.ir.ul Committee. T. O. McM ANI.'S. Adjutant Melvin T)eese I'o.d. NOTED VERY MELODRAMA 'LIFE' FINELY . SCREENED told" hard llig W illi.i.'ii Itiiidy I'roiluctitiii for I'.traniiMllil llilii:e Is Mild to He One ol M'st Massive co- IM.KA.M SIFII US A Uiss I'll In WailcslsuMi Ilunieil .Apart menst OhiksI H, Him ami llpoiber The big fire at W'adesboro Satur day morning almost totally dest roved Cie Ingram apartment building, own ed by Mr. E. C. IiiRram of Monroe aud his brother, Ut. Herbert Insram of Wadrsboro. Tb loss la about H0.000 with onlv 18.009 Insunnc Five business rooms on the. i.-ound floor and several faurlics living on the pernnd doi r list erartlrnlW &II r !"'o:iL;;n':H. The los of lh ' '"' ni.fiM-. Tt-p-oximiite - roni. Tie cao of ' n known. o n Rased on Thompson Huchanon's successful inelodtania which treated a theatrical senRatlon in New York in 1SH. "Life," a William A. Knuly prodnction for l'araniount, will be rho'vn nt Hie Strand Theatre Thurs day. This melodrama picture wns produced in New York recently and is declared by press and public to be one of the strongest pictures of the season. Billy Reld. a youn prival" secre tary to a wealthy New York broker, seemly marries the dauchter of his employr. Ralph Stuyvesant. son of the broker. Is enamored of Muriel Harrlsford. an adventuress, aud lo gratify her whims, he forges bis talli es name to a cheek. Tom nurnmi lealoiii of Rillv. with the nid nf H In!', shifas the blame on Ilillv. At 'all given at (he Stnvvcsant home, liuneit shoots and kills the broker .'ml circumstances pointing at him. "'Ilv is srre tetl and ennvined of the crime. He is saved from the chair bv a ruse tVoeh th" effo's of his wife nnd Rumen Is brought to t'Mlro. appeals by iheir attor to save Hurley Laney busier, young men of township, from a road sen tence in Superior court here late Saturday alti-rnoon alter the Jury had found them uilij ol stealing Paris Honi uiiloinobib-s. Few at tonieiK l.a.e begg.-d harder lor k client i ban did Aic.sMs. W. Ii. Love. J. C. M iiiui and J. r. si!...K in Ibis Cm. i.iey plead the youthful lie.ss oi l.auey and Hosier. Ihe good cnaiaeter Ihey bore until Him ...,n. mission of ih0 ollen.-e for which they were in court and Ihey begged for another rhanee lor Hi em. .In. I. a Lane, however, took the imsiiioi, thut i lie rourt recognized no color, and gave Iheiu six months each on tliA Chain gillie. Ihe senleure tlmi liu in. iinialeii thai he would have tne biaci.i.st negro lor the lease. The v.iiiie of the worn out mum.e chains. ;.i,d other parts that the young ii,.ii s'ole from Ihe nmomn. park.d around the I'losoect while iheir owners were at tending Ihe closing exercise u-n less liian Ivvelity dollars. Lanev waj one charged with Hie did the Recorder's court and he could seiiled the score by paying the in the action. It is sin'ie,) hot maintained his Innocence so strong that his father, a fine old citizen, insisted on taking an annual in the vain hope of clearing ihe son's name of the cloud. Doster was in- dieted by the grand jury, evidence having developed that Implicated him in the theft. Notice of an appeal to the Su preme court was given and the at torneys stale they will exhaust every means to save their clients from serving a road sentence. leave lo be hired out to th.- tnu-n Eirhteeu months in jail with authorities of Ayden. a small town In Ihe eastern pari of (he state, was the sentence passed upon Ilaxter Cuth berlson, colored, for the murder of his cousin, Ambrose Cuthbertson. nearly eight years ago. The killing took place at the home or Ambrose, a few miles from Cnion ville, in (he nl trhi time. There was a quarrel between Ambrose and a sister of Ilaxter. All of a sudden. Hie lamp on the lablo was sent spin ning to (he floor by an unseen hand. and with a bap Haxter was at the throat and chest of Ambrose, a inur. dermis knile claused in his hand A gurgling sound or blood rush!ns from a mortal wound and ihe retreating steps of llavt'r as he weni om the door, were the onlv sounds the terrified Inmates of the room heard. The lamp was recov ered, bin heroic Ihe light lunl ni-no- t rated the daikness of the tragic scene. Ambrose- had breathed his last uid Baxter had made his escane. From i his section the hunted man linally reached Ayden where he se- enred a Job with the citv. His ln- dnsiry, honesty, and respectfulness towards his emplovees won him nro- moilon and tcday he H said to be on" ol the town's most valued em- idoyees. His salary, it is reported here, is t?,l a week He nraei ienllv has charge of all public works lii Ihe little town, even to Ihe opera tion and nuiiiagenieiit of the water and light plant. Time went on but Officer Clifford Fowb r, now the sheriff of the coun- ly. didn't forgrt. All these years be has been waiting for come word of Anihrosi, and his long vigilance wa rewarded about a year afio when he I'lii-ianed In secure n letter that Bax ter had tx en so careless as to write to a woman here. Tim rest was easy. It was a hard matter for the Ayden officers to believe that their trusted public works man was a fugitive from Justice, and several telegrams were exchanged before they placed Ilaxter under arrest, ist week, when his trial came up, letters ask ing that lenleny be shown were ex hibited from the mayor and other prin: :.e;it citizens of Avden. For his services tor ihe next eighteen months ihe county of I'nion will receive $32 per month. When sentence was Tironounrcd. Haxter brentln , a slgti of relier. I nm el i I it's over." he (ol Sh-rIT Fowler "Every time a policeman rutin- ner me," he added, "I jumped from f -r Hun he was after me." Jim Simpson, a young white man, was among those who drew road sen(ence Hl (his term of court. He got ten months. Simpson's sin was the passing of a check for $10 on Helk IJrothera to which he forged his father's name. M. C. Cagle, the ex-service man Implicated in the crime, was released. All that he did was to present the check after It had been vlven him by Simpson, his eounf.ni. He claimed that he thought it was genuine. The charge of the crlmo acalnst nixtnre. for which Htzel Funderburk, colored, of Goose Creek township, was Indicted, was changed to forcible trrFosfs snd he was given two year In lall with leave for thA county oom mlisloners to hiro hlra out. Thli will be done.