Hot rmo THE MOXTtOE JOTKNAU TTTSIVtY. OCTOBEK tX tit. EIGHT FAGBP) 1 ri '1 a . No Defense By Cilbert Parker Author of 'The Seats of the Highly' -The Right of tt'oy Cupyrubt r tit Ollbart t'ar-. CHAPTER XVIII. The Clash of Race. In King's bulks at Spanish Town the Eoveroor was troubled. All h;s plan and prophecies hud oonu to naught. He bud been couvitovd there would he no rebellion of the Maroon, and he was equally sure tlmt I i " mr would ho made hugely snoifful by marriage tilth Stuila I.lyu hut the M:trooti dad revolted, the n ;tr rlaeo wu li"t settled ! Messages hud Iwvli comini: trmn the pnvot niurslml pueral if ri i t from the comities t Middlesex ;tnd Coniunll, lliat tlie M:iroon wore rav ttlii): everywhere atnl that hand- of slaves liail Joined them vvitli x l ions disaster to the plantation t pie. Planters their wives and children had been murdered, mid in some districts the natives were in full powdnn Oil had destroyed. robbed and rav Red. He hud summoned Ills com mander of the militia force, had cre ated siccial constables, and armed them, and hud mm a sh'p to the lt:i hamas lo simunoti a small I'.rtNh lb-el there. He had also iimppo.l out t-:iitii;iiui nsuinst tin Maro.ii. which had one uiave demerit it ' planned on a hauls of ordd.iiry war fare add not wi'h .lamaica eotsditi. !i in mind. The provost niai'hal na-ued l.l... ..' tl... fiuilitv nf th.-.!' 11!:'! litll IllUI "I ''- t.i,..,- - - K i,eristed ill lllelll. lie l ad "' ocr fiaUtion bere. we d.-idel to fr-.tpt the delivery, t.nd it a o d-iic louring the Ottos' narrative. Lord 1!;m!i. was SH-rturhed. He had the rumiiKw scn.-e to know that ltyt'k Calhoun, es-convict nud'u.iiMiovr a he was. tin J Jerswal pfi;r in the Is land, vhhli he u g.oei.r ha I not been alee to tel. an J lvck l:a I not al.uvd i!; t power as lo- mi-ht hi.w dot:... He roalled that pvck'a .rciiio:.:;h-:i of an ew'hreak and cau tion ill sendir.i for the home's ujm sTile of el; lis. Vet be felt Hie time ha J cute when he tnl,ht use lck for h: wu pur- ; poses. That l'yck slu.uld le at Salem was a hitter dose, hut that could , amount to nothing, for Sheila could j never many the man who had killed , tier lather, however hud and mud her father wa. Kirst, clearly, he must not think of applying the order to confine l'vcl" to his plantation; also he must i.ive Pyck authority to use the hounds In hunting down the Mar.Hn and slave who were committing awful crime. He forthwith decided to write, ask ing Pyck to send him an outline of hl scheme against the rvhe's for com ment and approval. That he must do, for the game was with P'". "II. iw long will It take the hound to pet to Salem?" he asked the Custos presently It Mis oili.v. with deep-set line in hi face and a determined look In his eyes, lie wa an arrogant num. Imt he wa not insane, and he wanted to succeed. It could only he snows If he dragged .Jamaica out of this relation with tl vim; colors, and his one posil.le weapon vv:is the man whom he had reason to detest. "Why, your hoti-i. as we sent them hy wagon and good horses they should he in Salem mid In Pyck fnl houn's hands this evening. If they press they si.nuM he there hy now almost, for tiiey've heen going for hours, an. I th" dN'anee I not great." The governor nodded, and henm to w rite. A half hour later h handed to rhe Custos what he had wrltvn. "See what you think of that, 'n fos." !io s;iM, "Po.'s It, In your mind, cover the gtvutnl a It should?" The Cits'os read it nil over s'owly ar.'I'ullv. weighing every word. the ront'pg nf b' H Jm! hM the Ishii'd Hsl l.t.vitd lhem l g'd prviof of it. do y-u think he'H te killed by lot of dirty Mur.i-ns! Ahr Cal i oun a a man wilb the lu. !. of lh .i. vil, y. cr h-nor! 11 Us the pull as sure as heaven's ahove he i! l-iake s-tci . ss. If vou c uiaai:.! staflt to l ave this -..tod a .r.. Inanition thn'i-:.!t out the ish.nd. it !!l do a au. ti " I a tho-l-tunl di!i r. H will stop tie slav.s trom revolting; U will s.:iel.b the Maiooiis. and I'm vvr. tain stre falhoim vUI have Maroons ready to !:!.t for us, not against us, U.fore this thing is over. I teil you, your lienor, it mentis the way out that's what It mean. So, If you'll give me your order, k.-epin;; c"P-v "' " for the prov si-iuais!ial. I'll m1 Ifi delivered to Pyck Calhoun In-fore morning erhaps hy midnight. It'a not more than a sit hours' journey In the ordinary way." At thut moment an aide-de-camp en tered, and with solemn face presented to the governor the last re-n from the provost marshal general. Then lie wairhe i i he governor read the report. "Ten more killed and twenty wound ed:" s::id the governor. "It must b topled. lie gave th t'Usto the letter to Pyck t ulhu;i. and a few i:t nta later handeii the pnxiaiuation to hl aide-de-camp. "Tha: will settle the business your honor." said the aide as he read the proda tnatioti. (To lie continued.) PUBLIC HAULING j I operate three trucks, one of then .t. . i .fi in Ihrn rnuntT. Will hAUt . . 1 1 I" ' - - - ' - - anv thine anywhere. Can be found I ' . ... - - t at r.v:s-' lepoi. i i.ooc . UesiU nce Thone 3H-J. Mou'oe. N.C J srt If Wt House j Moving SEE Lec Trull, j HE MOVES ANYTHING AT BEA- SON ABLE WICKS. ! I-HONF 17.VJ. MONKOE. N. C ' Dr. Kemp Funderburk DENTIST Offlce oer Walter (Hl Stors R. II. G A HI JEN, M. Di ; i IVnrtlce IJnilied to Ti"tment of : j I; plscitses of I KVK, l:W. NOSE A Nil TlfftflAT i OtflceOer the- i'niox mug rosira?ir. j PHONE 2.V. Inter heen sltix ki'd. however,' by li v that the liest of hi colonels had he.-n umbiished nml kiltod. and that '' f had hei-ti made prisoners and tr:;ied with harhnrity. l-'roin everywhere. rxcep: , had d ine either news of defeat or setback. One goo.l thing he immediately d'd; be threw e'cn King's bouse to the wounded, and set the surgeons to work, thereby cheeking hitter . ritl clsui mid blocking the movement rising against It Int. Tor it was well known lie had rejected all warnings, had per sisted in his view that trust if the Maroons and fair treatment of tlem selves and the slaves were nil that was needed. As he walked In the great ;;!. or ball of audience where the voi;tid-d l-iv over sevetltv feet lot'.g and Miirtv wide, vvlili treat height, i,n, convenience bad brought--!! seemed to in III il hi'.l brell hi stjy te I n ide vide ' or .. loot tery the It e was saving. If hnrely savit, nnil career. Standing I" the He pi'lar whh h salon I'rotii an ttpl'cr and ! of coni'tiitnietttion. he r. Custos i f Kin-stoti. The i south end of the great salon :.! now and then Into the council ' 'i' lier beyond, and lie could see VJr pcoi: operating on the ca-es i - urn -I from the plantation. "Your honor." said the "i;-tn. "things have suddenly Improved. The hounds have cntne from Cuba and in the charge of ten men ten men with jixty hounds. Tlmt Is Ihe situation at the 'moment. All the people at Knti' ton fire overjoyed. They see the el.d ef the revolt." "The hound!" exclaimed the gov ernor. "What houndsr "The hounds sent for hy Pyk -! j,0n,,rcJy your honor remember:" Surely fhs honor did. and recalled also t lu'it he forbade the importation of the hounds; but he cnld not press that prohibition now. "The mutineer and murderer, Pyck Calhoun !" he j claimed. "And they have entile'." "Yes, your honor, nnd gone with Calhoun' "ll,n. Michael Clones, to BiiW'in." I.nrd Mallow was at once relieved and nonplussed. No doubt the policy of the hound was useful, and il might Mve hi own goose, but It wa. In a aense. un-English to bunt the wild man with hound. TelJ tne about the landing of the bound," nld Lord Mallowr. "It was last night about dusk tlmt word came from the pilot's station at Port Itnyal that the vessel Vlte-ent wii making for port, all ail sand ing, and that he came from Cuba, rresently Michael Clone, the n rvani of pyck Calhoun, came alo ? jbt the Vincent n the sldp bring ing Calhorn's hound from Cuba, and Hn ivruilt for delivery. Tl.i !n; Old because he thought you w-te op pused to the Jendiug. In the Hi bt of ! Presently he hand mI back the paper. ! "Your honor. It Is eomplete and 'nil telly." he said. "It put Ihe crushing of the revolt Into tl e bands of Mr. ':il i honn. and nothing could he wiser. He I wl'l organize the bnlne like a master. We haven't forgotten hi tight for the navy on the Ariadne. Pidn't the nduiiral tell the story at the din ner wo gave him of how this ex con vict and mutineer, by sheer geniii. broke the power of the French at Ihe critical moment and saved our fleet, tlmugli It wa only three fourths that nf the French?" "Co on with your ta'e of the hounds." said brd Mallow. "Your honor, a the hound went ii way with Michael Clones there wa greater applause than I have ever seen In the island except when P.t...v .lef.-iteil IV nr.;ss. Imagine i a litt'e sloop in the wash of the sea I and Ihe bacon rs piling down on 1 him. and no chance of escape, and j he:i a great P.rltish hnU!e.p up ! pe;i;;.g. and the situation .tved (I n; v -is l.,ivv we wen- placed here ! til! the I'.itmd arrive''. Your honor, this i -ning's, this early morning's, I evil of the hounds was like a pmocs 1 shm nf veterans to Wnlballn. There ! wa the sun hti' over the tops i of the hill, a crinisiihih. gwyNb. opaline touch of soil spray or nils' t.reaking invar from the onset of the sunrise; ami till the trees with night l' wet si.;ing In lite sin and drink ng up the light like an over seer tit a 'hi istma hrenkl'ast : and ym know w but that I. "Then, sudd. nly. the sharp .chd of a long whip and a voice calling, and V. V. HARGETT. TVaW in PLUJIBERS' SUPPLIES AND KErAlKo. Very Reasonable Prices Charged. All Work Guaranteed. Phonp P.72-R. Monroe. N. C. f ft : i NOTICE OF I.A.M) SALE Under nnd bv virtue or a power contained in the last will nnd testa ment of Ihe late John C. Hamilton, we w II!, on tsntHiday. ."th day ol Nov.. 111.1 r.t 12 o'clock in., at the court house door in Monroe. X. C. sell at public auction to the highest bidder the lollowiiig tracts of land In Marah ville township, adjoining the lands of H. I. Ihtss. J. r. Ciril'fln. J. L. Austin and others nnd bounded at follows, viz.: Fiisl Trad, lleglnning at a pine Btump. J. P. CI rif Fin's corner, and runs with his line S. 26 E. 14 fhaliiK to a slake In his line o neast side of a road 3 p. o. pointers; thence X. i 3-4 E. 10.13 chains to a Flake by : pines' thence S. 48 3-4 E. 20.7c chains to 4 iisbvi W. bank Lake branch; thence up and down with caid branch 8 chains to canal with II P. Iiasr's lino: thence up canal his line X. 10 K. 12-30 His. to mouth of ditch; thence with ?aid ditch said ll.!-s line X. 60 V. 7 Hies. X. 40 W. IS 2.1 Hi., to hj. on ditch bank II P liuss cotnrr in J. T. Dass line; th. me with J. T. lla.s line 4T W. UC.n His. to the beginning. " mining 51 1-2 acres, more or less. Second Tract. I'.etinning at a stake in J. P. Olf tin's line E. sldt (d a road 3 p. o. pts. and runs aid line S. 26 E. 1C chs. to hj. by btv. and p.o.; thence with bis line S. 5 V. 3.f6 His. o rocky hry.j i thence with bis and J. L. Austin line S. 75 E. 1 0.20 His. to stake in Lake ! branch 3 ashe pts.; thence up varl Ioiir courses of said branch II. P. Hai ti's line 12 His. to 4 ashes on W. bank said branch; thence with 2 lines tracts Xo. 1, X. 48 3-4 W. 20.70 cha. lo stake; thence S. 78 3-4 W. 10.13 rim. to the beginning, containing 32 i 1-3 ncrrs, more or If s. I The above described tracts will be told In separate tracts and will then be Fold as a whole. ' liiddina will start on the above two tracts at $1832.25. Terms of sale: one tniru casn, one third In six months, and other third In twelve months. Title re tained Tinlil last payment is made and note siren for said p'imnu are to bear in eiast. This 10th day or October. 1921. S. E HAMILTON. LEE GRIFFIN. Executors. Stack. Parker Cralft. Attorneys. i?&4G',,ir ' i V3 ''1 , 4 rr The Circlet is Self-Adj'ustinff , and has neither hook nor eyes. It simplv alips over the head, claspr at fie. "waist and snioctb t out ugly lines. Kyottr (L'(iU-r contort it send actual t list treasure, innu; ui drt . C' S 1.50. ) V II wtd th? Cin h t preptiM. ii'.-cs 34 to -M. NL:no HtieoJe-ra!!on Inftitute 120 . Isi'bt. Ilsw York., Utp't K Autocrat Cord built for mileage THE n-.asfr.e tread, sturdy and properly tlU- tri?utc-tl-.e McClarcn "Mllearjc Strip;, a broad, continuous bar.d of solid rv.tber runninj tSrcu;h t!ie center of t!ie tread and entirely around the tire the Double Crip Groove, preventing skid- . din and skid wear - ell these are t pecial features cf the McChrcn Autocrat Ccrd Tire t!;ct insure greatest milcajc. True tire economy llo in gcttir.2 lac ir.ort miles per dollar of cost. Ccrr.e in and let us show you how the McClaren Autccrct Ccrd will cive ycu new tire satisfaction in Icr.ger Kfe end more mileage. Sold by MONROE, N. C. Vrrv I.vv men believe in Bossiti, but did y-u ever hoar Ht one who failed to listen? The Laldhoailcd man is not always to be pitied. Perhaps his head is so full of braains there is no room left for hair to germinate. XOTK'K Having this day qualified as ad- miuiuiMt... gt 1 n tttmtnn. dcceAA- 'iniii;-f.s.i . m . , w-. ed, this is to notiry all persons hold- lnK claims asalnst said intestate io present them to the undersiftned, ticnt.H on nr before the lr.i.',in., -r rvoinKur 1 Qtt nr thla no- tice will be plead In bar of their re covery. All persons Indented to sata intestate are notified to make prompt pavnn nt or routs will be added, this October 4th. 1921. A. J. BENTON. Administrator. Stack. Tarker k Cralft. Attys. DR. S. A. ALEXANDER VETERINARIAN Of fie Phone 1 13. Res- 53-J "But Suppose That When Thty Gt to Salem Their Owner Is Ne More." there riHeoilt of the landing place the procession the sixty does in three Wilsons, their ten driver with their whips, but keeping order by the sound nf their voices, low. ..ft and peculiar, and then the horses starling Into a quick trot which prenently would Im come a ranter nnd the bounds were off to Sa'eni! There cnuhl be no f?ar with the hounds let Inone to do the hnntliiR." " "Put suppose that when they et to Salem their owner Is no more." The Custos laughed. "IVm. your hnor-olri no morel hnT le the mu. "r whom the black foil; wiy. Lucky buckra morning, lucky tew UMiictV It tlt s bis reputulioi. itiJ NOTICE J. F. Benton and Gus G. Benton, surviving1 partners of the partner chin nf Pj ntjin and Benton, do hereby jrive notice to all persons holding cluims against said partnership to present them to one of the under signed, dulv authenticated, on or be fore the 11th day of October, 1922, or thia notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said partnersnip are re quested to make prompt payment This 12th day of October, 1921. J. P. Benton Gus G. Benton, surviving partners. Stack, Parker & iraig, attys. DR. P. II ABERNETHY VETERINARIAN Office FOWLER LEE ST A BLR MONROE. N. C. Phone 301. Residence Pboot 15 J. , I IV .it. i ' f i . . . i MM . u.rii I WIS . (s 1 I '1 "5 ,L . kJ I S '.' Jit W A "Wl M f 1 ALADDIN .''i''A wm SKllllTYOIL uKerosenc costs only about half what it did last year" A jrcct:'ca! way to save coal this fall and winter Ath st" iflrr ahtmt tkr Ptrttlitn (hi Hmter Cm If it- $5,0(10.00 in piiMtt. t t'-r r-aV-Wp . M ifipif t tl - ,-1 r - 1, - 'I he rerfectioa Oil Heater will prove more econom ical in over a million homes this year ihan ever before. Qui prices have changed but little in the last twelve months, w hile Aladdin Se curity Oil, the best kero sene j ou can buy, has gone down nearly 50f. The Perfection is an effi cient heater. There's no w aste of fuel, no ashes that represent many of the pounds that go to make up your ton of coal. Rooms and hallways that are used only a few minutes each day are an added source or wasted heat, greater, prob ably, than you imagine. U your coal btater to keep tbe wbole boute warm. Then in cold weather, inttettloi "rukhini" the fire all day, nikke the living rooms comfortable by tiling a Perfection, jutt where you want it ii the bey window or the opposite tide ol the room from the radiator. You na burn a Perfection for about 10 hours on a tingle gallon of kerosene. Your hardware or department store talesman will gladly point out ill simple eon traction and smokcleit wiok ad jutttnent to you. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) 1 PERFECTION MW Heaters,

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