TAGE TWO THE MOVROE JOUieflL, FIRDAT, DECEMBER M, 1921. EIGHT PAG Thank You For your years of friend ship and patronage. Every little act is appreciated by us. May 1922 be one of hap piness, contentment and prosperity to your and yours. The Sikes Co. NO DANCING FOR 2 YEARS IS PENALTY; I That Is the Unique Sentence Im-j posed upen Lightfocted : Couple by Judge j KEIT OFFICER KING BUSY m-:-:-:":-K"M-W"::"XKx-:K" i i Trouble Broke Loose in Two I lace All of a Suddea Dunn the j Colored People Festivities j I By Henry IMa I The defendant is to be confined to the common jail for fix ntctuhs if she attends a dance in the next two years." "Road sentence of six memhs against Venter W omack if he ap pears at any i!ance hall in two yea!." So reads the uniuue sentence or dered hy Recorder W. t. Lemi i n ! apun-t two of the principals who turned a neirro dance festival iit.t a ulood-lottinr contest in which a Vm!' and razor were used with K. ody effect. Jud.;c I.emmond's reiiiman.l, ";hoi shall not dunce with.n two years, was an addition to his first judj;-m'nt that Jessie Simpson, colored mis-., should serve a sixty day term h jail or pj.y a fine of S"0 and tho . isis. ' At the same time Johnnie F von. another colored miss, drew a l inety day sentence or a ?.) line for using a razor on Mattie I.incolnton. The uni'iue sentence of Jude Lent- in nd is the outgrowth of a melee which occiired at a negro holiday , dai;ce in the western part of Monroe. , Tiie local lightfoo'.ed brothers ot color had for days been looking for ward to the coming of the great Christmas shindy. An orchestr.. was i imivrt? I and the elect of Wadeshuro, Charlotte, r.nd surrounding towrs in-1 vited to le in a'.tculance. They '-ame. ' wish dusky maidens on their arms, j Vester Y.'omack was among tre fa vored who wee invited to a'tenl the i dance. Now Ves'.cr was sweet on one Johnnie Bivens, and it wis she! that he led for;h to the dance. Jes-j ii win- flint ni 'l:t or lsp he lioi'S nntiSS dance, for Jessie was taken und-r the piotec'.ing win of Johnnie at the i affair. ' Viola Carthage, a high brown, and; Mattie I.incolnton, her friend, were i among the females who slid around j the dance-hall floor in the anr.s of j the big bucks. Officer King of the 1 Monroe police force found thirds re- markably quiet tor a negro dance; when he looked in about 10:30. The j orchestra was grinding out the jazz at a grea: rate. A Broadway coon with the aid of his partner was initating the Carolina product into the mysteries of the "Chicago" and the "Milwaukee." There was no evi dence f a great fight brewing. Ofri cer King lift, satisfied with the con duct of the negroes. Hardly had lie reached the Sea board depot, however, before 'lie po lice signal was given. Answer rg liie telephone, lie received the i' forma tion, "Trey are ti.rhtitig lit tl. :ie,riv dance ball." As fas- us n l-'or.i wo dd STRAND THEATRE Friday MATINEE 3 P. M. Prices Matinee 50c Jan. ttli NIGHT 8 P. M. Night $1.00 plus Tax O. W. GRIFFITH'S AMERICAN INSTITUTION i. 4 fV t ot t;:, rial1; . Ills le TL: ! uacK to no' scene crw.vd which ha-i a'ar,'.'.i.n a f.-v ! '. ''ic or'v e h.dl H.'-e Vi. i-i ;.!!.! i'l'.;r I. I:C 'lion. i r Yh II : I IL.:' been ;i for li the loyal uceessful year ! hcen due to re. a- . CS'.t , V.". I the I friendship and support of our people, and we beg each of you will ac cept our sincere thanks and this acknowledgment of our gratitude. 1922 is before us all. To you we trust it will bring that great measure of success"" which we know that you de serve. It is our sincere and lasting wish. Monroe Bakery JACK HERNIG. Proprietor. to ; up. tV W .mr ! v.-! lie .1 r. v...; tile ''.'.'ge I. 'I'.a-.i'Oid's hci. iu' the di'tice, Monroe friends nr ir K n;e; M :n ::'.. In' 'hm e s o:-v t,.i i-.;;r-!l s. : Now f eo out s'.U 1 a '" ret'iiv o'"" svn!in,'-. i ised (o !e! I ivo.i". ..1 : i . : i ;:'i i ':!; . 1 . he Ui.-i; .-!eel-i-h-s nil thai - wo ;.!- r ";l;i: !!, e I tc.ou, iie (''irt. n .Vtiiiin . i'.cd )' I!c;v.' cn " f a'- - Judge's ' ! e hand .i i lie i lg or bo- Showing IS;CG0 Charscters. 5CC0 Scenes, 3CC0 Houses, Lincoln's Assassination in Ford's Theatre Washington, Thrilling Artiilery DiicJsj over Miles of Trenches, Wild Hides of the Weird Ku KIux Klans. Romance of War and Ifistory Blerded in Love Stories That Will Live in your Memory for Years. With an Orchestral Accompaniment of the Origi nal Score Creating the Most St:ijercToi!s Spectacle ever Visioned or Realized J f t'-n ir.:- :;'r.. v..;. :cn- ' 'O'lCJ 7 CV'Vliil'.P t have m- up cause iie .iies Hot w : otrc:1 (-tie broken un. I!u'. Of'ieer King's nigh', was not over, neither had all the clTects of the (h'lice t.assed. ScarceH' had he found a doctor to dress the wounds of the negresses before Aunt .Mag Pavs, eoloreJ, ruslu:! up tr.e street yelling rolice: jMurmr;!. lhevnic killing r..y dear boy!" Aunt Mag would run about twenty M"ps, sto;. sii iiiiwn t.n tae iiuewaiK, inrov her hands and repeat her vail. Of!ker King hurried to her home in the rear of the Heath-Morrow eomn;iii;- to find Mug's son, (iilkrt. holding Cus Kl nvers, a Wadesbroo nej-ro, for h.s eitstody. Tr. rtory as told in Kecoiiier's court wi uld make good movie materir.l. (Jiibert had been in :.f.enti!inci' hi the dance. I'tion its sudden end vi:h the li 'ht, he mid invited several of his friends t hi liouie to enjoy n chicken s'ew. The hi nds rf thet do' !: had :, t pa tee r.iiilniglit when lliey put down to the fea.-t. As they sit down thi-re v.iir a knock n the door end r lowers asked for a room for himself and wife for the niht. Gilbert invited them in. Flowers was prt-tty well sou.e i, according to the evidence, and very considerate of the "wife." He took olfense at some remark of Jim Burch, friend of Davis. Claiming that his "wife" had been :ns,;Itfd, he pulled an evil lookin? Run from his pocket and swore ven geance on L'urch. The woman made a dive and secured the gun, which she concealed in her clothe-?. Gilbert grappled with her and gained pos session of the weapon. 'No onj is going here until the police comes," he says he told Flowers, pointing the revolver at him. Aunt Mag had rushed out on her police-seeking mis sion anl Officer King appeared in a moment to take Flowers into cus tody, Jud're Lernmrin I gave him a sixty day sentence for pointing the tun an 1 a ninety day r.c.itenre for carrying it. Davis, who is a veteran, was complimented for his action. .ca t wS :.-. I.rt !:"..:!. W.U-t :t&:: f h-.p yen. Is-kC It i:-,'t sa'..! !6 ! it i-rt rc.-c ;;..:; I Dj r rely on i ' r. r; lav u'-.ca ay i: . '--aa ir.a re-; st Liitutifio treatment fjr cciiwUpd'.iou - j RICH-LAX; Thi f rcpar.tli in ni t cn!' overcomes con stipation, but it a;s cway !h all tho liau-f a, cr.impinj and dcrar.;ed tligcstioa causJ ly ctdo.iry U;raiivcs. ; Cuiramefd at Our Strr. VT erf o wrerh! ' fi'c. Ix vi.l elc.e jcu thsc n ?i.t yu 3 I cr to ojr toi nr4 i: boiilr aid t.y it en I tirty ou. risk, tl it di'-u:,'t iu,t vou. il It itu'C l!:p kit Ur.st;vc mlicmc you ever wifd, tir.pl j tell .r.i wa VU iMxni U.s lull KNC.I.ISII WAT. rOMIVWY. V e ; e i :o t d:f-k-..i!t r::rt ef the meal to ldan. Its' j ..x : ; n ' t:i'; cf I:'1.'!. i 1 ,!;ai:tj r.r.d purest grade. , li; ijtml-i'e.- .1 r.t are :.c-ifsiry to the most smc- I .t- will ;;!;. !!.- ; ive ; sug; e i ns when you call. I With the approach f winter the .-obI baron bcc-r.nes tgain our pet object of aversion. It mi,'i.t cise the sting a little if we calls! hin t .irince. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama LaJy Was Sick Fcr Hires Years, Suffering Pain, Nervous end Dcpress:d Read Her Ova Story cf Recovery. ra.'nt Rock, Ala. Mrs. C M. FtejaH, ef near here, recently related tho fol lowing Interesting account of her re covery: "I was in a weakened con dition. I was sick three years la bed, suffering t great deal of pain, weak, csrrous, depressed. . I was so week, I couldn't walk across tho floor; Just had to lay and my little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard o., and a number ot doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. I couldn't at, and slept poorly. I bllevo if I hadn't heard of and taken Cardul I would have died. I bought , six bottles, after a neighbor told me ; what It did for her. j "I be?an to cat ocd s'eep, eran to tain my strength and an now well i,nd strong. I haven't had sny trou-' ble slnco ... I cure can testify to the 1 prcd that Cardul did Me. I don't ' think there is a better tonls made' tiel 1 believe It c.tved my lKo." i For over 40 years, thousands cf w ! men have tised Cardul successfully, tn the treatment of mauy wouiauly( If you suffer as these women did, 1 tre Orjul. It tif help you, too. QVAiLrV LCQXOMi' SEhVfCE ! the Im-i : QUALITY i GROCERS MM aim sr. HtXf-SS"$ MONRoe. V.o. j i a & n u ai a it a is u z h u e t c u ik a & u a a o a a v is i 'ABOARD Air Line Railroad s rrnlr.s Arrlvn No. 11 from Charlotte .... 5.20 a. tn. No. 12 from Atlanta 6 55 a. m. No. 34 from r.uthei fordton 10:45 a. in. SCHEDULE EFFEfiVK DECEMBER 11, 1921. Leave 5.30 a. m. for Wilmington 6.00 a. m for Richmond. 10:55 a. m. for Raleigh and Wilmington 8 00 a. m. for Atlanta. 10:45 a m. for Charlotte. 8.10 a. m. for Rutherfordtoa. 11.00 a. m. for Atlanta . . 7.55 a. .10.35 a. in. in. No. E from Richmond . No. 19 from Wilmington No. 15 from Monroe No. 29 from Monroe No. 81 from Raleigh and Wilmington 2:40 p.m. No. 20 from Charlotte .... 5.60 p. in. No 30 From Atlanta 5.50 p. tn Monroe. No IS from lliillicr.ord'ca 9.10 v- m. , Monroe. i (! from Atlanta 9.35 p m. 0.40 fsr Richmond No 13 from Wilmington .. 10.40 p. m 2.46 p. tn. for Rntherfordten C.00 p. m. for Wilmington. No. 11 from Torts nio-.!!!-. .. 11.00 p. m. C. T. HARRIU. Ticket Agent. 10:60 p. 11.05 p. m. for Charlotte, m. for Atlanta E. W. LONG, Division Passenger A rent. Charlotte. N. C. Send The Journal to that far-away son,- daughter, or e ss ; ;rl:r.(L Each issue will le like a letter from home to them.