I I ' ,v1 i PAfiF mm THE MOyOE JOntXAL, FRIIUY. J ANT ART 29, 195. FTC ITT PACES THE MONROE JOURNAL L COLUMN OF PARAGRAPHS ! INDIANS L THE WEST i I rtnvn cTtuvirmv lavi.ui oi.inimiw. Founded 1S9I by tlie firefcein owner. G. M. liwifclry ami K. K. lit-a-dey. O. M. BEASI.KY. JOHN" I5:.W.KY. Ilusiiiewi Mr. t:m. 1 The size of a man's pocket-book i has very little to do with the size 'of hs brain. Some of the biggest fin is in the world have inherited bot j uoney and the otJkt. SlltSCIIU'TION 11ATK One Ye.ir S2.0O FRIDAY. JAXfAKY 2. 122. -IXCLE- J LIMC V AM) TOBUTO That' a wonderful story in this is sue of Th.; Journal about "I'nole" Jerry Gu:m, who quit ciunvnij; tobac co at a hurnlrHl and ten years of a,'?, after having used it f r a ee-tary. It is stared thi't the hih prices for the weed had something u i! wi;h his decision t.i cease cht'.vir and also about what he puts that he lear.vl the moof.ne m it tne reason so lew night shorten h:s Jnys. Ju.-f. what So President Hardin; Informs House, j in K truest ni In mediate Ap prjnrict'on for Relief Washincton. Jan. IS. Indians - in the we.-t are faeind starvation a:id Vlin ia nfc-Mi-h trntm. r. ........ f ' - - ; tncwM is heralde-i around the wor J. i Minerin?. rm-u'tT.; uiriiini; inioria When he Koes the other wav ! a lot of missionary ni"ne anvwltc r relief. The on!v Kid thin nh.i.it heir ! Th poor is that a is so bloomm meen ver.ient. the Worl J. i 1 irinuti.. uuuiuc iiiuri:i iv, it takes 'he house today in a letter aeeom-' to get it!r&ning a reit.t-i tt-r the ir. mediate j appropriation of Jli;.922 lor their it effect nicotine in tobacco h.:s upon the avera person is a rutti'r of speculation, but it is safe to say that it has done "I'mlc" Jerry very little harm, or at leasi if his life has been shortened to any n.'it extent by the use of tobacco it wmu! 1 be ir.t.'rest ir.fc' to kr. . j.:st wlvit a.-e ho tr.ih: have attained if he h:. ! "ef; t;'r ':e use of tobacco. I . i .. i. .... i .i..... i. .a.. i iae iiiii;ir.9 uaiut-i u uiu i) whites in the I'mtcd States, aecord inn to the buit.ui of Indian affairs. "There will be a un.it distress and n.-mlslnp and perhaps numerous deaths due directly or Indirectly to :: the lack of relief," the I'residi ut A man tcts out of the world just j told Concres :. iti'o it. that si i lie appro,. nation was roQue-t-a of us dove! ii. !o buy food, ciothinc and other Si.n- to intellectual giants. , (dies for destitute l:,i!i;ius oa thirty reservations la all parts of the west Roosu -s crow early in the morn ings a" i a j;reat n.ai.v people keep it up all day. I:'s true that a rv.an reaps what Oonpi ess many fVlks don't sow much. H'troan b mi-s we ir clothes, bu; n t everv o:ie tnut wears c WE MI ST JOIN SOMETHING The strength or weakness of a town or community lies not so much in the number of citizens and their in dividuiil v.-ealth end in:'u.".ve as in their ability r.nj iielinat:i n n o af ter thirds in a omblnivl. or;;niz;d elTort. What one mat: by himself cannot do a whole body of men work ing together for enc common cause can accomplish with ea?c. The Mon roe Chamber of Commerce, in put ting on a canipiiicn in an cTort to double the membership, re- :iize; the villus of te::m work. No town or city can be built without ad.-.Ttisdmr. Xo on.' man can do as iiu Ii adver tisinj,' as live hundred or a thrusind men c.-.n do ar.d n d .!; is ;:".); to give as much consideration io what one man say.; about a t"..s!r.vs i imp osition as he will to vh:;t a la:;,'e. prog'ro.iive. v.-:de-av.-..k. body ef citizen-, say throtr.h a d Ay j. .i . ii. ri: f ! Svcr.''a-y ,-f a chamber of c unmerce. It's far better to join a chamber i f coni'.'.ici'ce than to jo'n a p-avcyard. industries lliat rid'ans are all l.it ear an: ronriated but he tr-ubie is that too ! ?3T a.rtuO for the reli f of the la. idians. but $:i;".5t'0 of this amount :: as Kv hospia's and saiiatarianis. A trap is supposed to be an uistru-! There is oidy $700 of the funil left, n-ent set to catch s ine. hin else, but "The Indians have t''!t tite tiiii h ts of folks fumble around in the ! var.sal nost.war detr s;-:on nerha:s to a i::eat' r evtent tl-.on the whiles because oi' th ir rite,, or lts d--nend. nt eeonoinie stall Incited re. hes is human. so;:rees and lack uf i nnisions for I i such viuersencies," said tin Fresi- rrohibition laws may not prohibit, i (i t t. but they are douf: somethinir that i The situation on the reservations lovers ot snake-oite medicine don't taa hoeoaie far worse thai; l!ie In. i ''ke. j rer.u of Indian afrits aaticipated. :: , the President said. i"re failed on Mental disease a'wavs precedis : nearly every western it m nation last moral leprosy. .No man becomes a )ear. and the nearb.. criminal until his brain cells have j usually employ many neen tea on unsound food. j closed. :: I The amounts need-d for relief j '"Spare the rod anil spoil the child" lanite from loo for the Indians on ! seetis to have become the motto of j the Fallon reservation 1:1 Nevada, to : mod.-rn parents and teachers. I $64.2:7 for the Illackfeet Indians in ' ! norihern Montana. There are 1,500 "Ilelter to wear out than rust out" r.laekieet Indians who must be seems to be the sierra:) of the averatre eloihe.l and led during thv rest of automobile owner, but Mr. J. T. ' tho winter, the lr sid lit said. Gr.vrt has a lleo that has been in! The resolution appropriatim: the use for live or six vears and the tire. r.di..f tun.U whieh P:vid nt r.. iitted Lie passed ii i in. dial ely would pro'. ii!e ? 1 7. . ! 12 for -ei d and Imple. - Inntus fi-r the Hh'.ck I'e't Indians o that it would , they can plant neM s ason's crops, have 1 'ft the The remainder v.ou:d be used to buy ition that pen-! too.! ::nd c'mhiri: and thereby ; 'ro ision is made in the resolu. while another ition for funds wi'h w'lico to secure Will soon kill ; employment for :ihh Iwdied Indians Credit Is Character Do You Pay Your Bills? It accomplishes greater things than the miracles of the past. It is the basis nn whiVh nv.nrrfpnllv nil r? fV- ,..-.,.! iv, ried on. It has made millionaires. It buys more in the open market than all the gold in existence. r,TZhiitiAIonroc merchants emphasize the need of keeping YOUR CKLDIT GOOD. Promptness in meeting your obligations creates credit. Pay your bills promptly and save yourself much embarrassment. You safeguard your character, your self-resocct, YOUR HONOR A man who pays his bills can look the whole world in the face. And better still, that man can buy again and say "charge it." HOW DO YOU PAY YOUR BILLS? iaie on it now that came on it and are in jtood shape (V man sucirests e been be tor to i-ways in such en couldn't run so fa lanu-er their lives, e' es that the fo.i'; Have you gotten ".slow" tlo you owe a lot of bills which ape more than you can pay at once? Are you on the slinncrv rath which leads down to beinir lasscil a "deadbeat and fail ure?" Then it is time tn mil n bnlt QUICK! Pay what von can NOW nn.-l make definite arr.mirpnun tn pay up the balance. If your credit is bad todav, you can still make it good. Make up your mind to start anew and place yourself upon the plane of IION'nif vnir ICAX. w then-elws so settsil. r; !e wit it some sattstae'ioti. the.u are doubtless wronjr. ie peopie ran ,, j leservations. A specific ro ll ith of , pi,. st was made lor $ J ." .000 to em. : ploy the able bodied Indians on the S.m Calais X'sonatioti. Arizona. A irrea' many people believe ih.-it I pork is net food for the system. bu - them put their beliefs : INSriTl TIONS Of Si- a It r In calling attention to Move's three institutions that deserve th? ettcouvaen-.ent and support of the en tire citizenship of the town mid com munity. Dr. Stewart is rcr. ierim; a real ter.ice. His reference to the Children's Home i.s a place where an attempt i.s beini: iiir.de to blot ouf the stains of sin and disease left 1 y a Jerry crecslry, however, mi lit be easily misunderstood. Not all tin fortur.a'e children have sorry ances tors. Perhaps some of the best blood in North Carolina is to be f iu:t ! in the elr3 ef orphan chiM-cn who have receive ! caro :n .:; '.:;;; :.';. ';;:.;- .Vhilc lv;r;('.ttr.v wei.kttesse.? may not tc rcr.o". e l in er.o genera; :un, it is possible, through proper trainitpr, to o direct ihc crrrvies of tl'.o'o who have become heir to tbe.-e we.iktu-sse?-thr.t they mr.y not In c. me p. 'ticeab!. to cry treat cxten:. Ti.:s, its p- ! Ste-.vart says, is what the Cl.ildr.n's Homo proposes to do and cirtMin'y every or.i who love:; h.;m;.!iity with a pure and abidintt infection wants to we that institution became an in'e-,' STal part of the county's weifa.e; work. Like-vise, cer'.a'niy, the hos pital and the schools are enai;ei: in a work that tiolxdy looks upon as a money-mnkin proposition, viewed J from the u 'ual standpoint of financial ; instituti:)::?, and yet they are detin 'd ' to render a service to humanity that money ctnnot ffie. ! Kahhit to Chickcn-Kat- inir Sow (From the Progressive Karnier. 1 t I.... ....... tl.-.t ., ..(,:.. I. olutions that have not b"en brofc". 1 .""f . .n,a:- h". r"ml ? .thal baJ n.i.ui it irnuiu m i it iiimiii. or i w o. As we have often staP d. the best i means of provcntinn hoes forminc s rrobabiv the f,-.....f thin., "i'1 habit of eating chichens is to market und it is usually worth I IV.' (i !l ,,a,'"1'1'11 . "f to .1.1.1 .1 II 1.." U 111 l.lillll l.llltfll ill. ' are receivini;. Of course, tmkime b very fow of in.o practice 's tin en, but doubtless been considerably Mime New Year's ! an hi tlH.il Have; hep. WE WATCH YOUR CREDIT RECORD BEGIN TO-DAY TO SQUARE OFF your old obligations and take care of the new ones as they fall -due. Show that you're in earnest and you'll find that ev ery merchant in Monroe is for you and will help you. The I)ead!)cat is nailed in Monroe. Our clearing house promptly spots the person of "careless credit" and posts the merchants. In unity there is strength and we stand together to eliminate the undesirable customer. He must PAY AS HE GOKS or quit going. PAY IT credit is too valu able an asset to lose. MEMBERS MONROE CREDIT ASSOCIATION H'KOE HARDWARE CO. i.kr riupiiv I V. I nlim i " Advi. on t just about what it CoS.S. . . jni,- inriiMlf;. i lull..', lllllVHHr in- Hot air and hoi water are boihllnK an animal T'od ict. from the re. used for scalding purposes and the f"sp of ,!l l'i,rki,1J house. i the wa'er is sonu times nreferable. ; same in nature as is an animal food ' Hike the rabbit our reader scya will One of tne most ivajftrinytnous things a man can do is to keep his nvuth sl!ur wiien h.e is not savin" .mythinir. of course with the ex'ci" t'.n of three tunes a dav when he suprtyirnr h:s bo.'y with food tha ii '! to l r !uoo both tl.'.-h an' bra'p.. y.vt eertainlv we oticht to keen th." Sabbnth day !.,,ly. but the c m mand is just s s;ronyr to work six o.-.ys in t'.e week as it is to rest on the seven It. My Creed prevent the sow eatini: chick, tin. Ad- idiiion.s 01 mineral inaor lil.e wood iishes, lime and charcoal, mi l even trreen prazin; will slso pree;.t the to; Piation of the hr.bit. Our reader says thai if il.e first lablt (loei not Mop the s",v etii:;u' chickens, to pive her another and that a second one never fails. Any meat product, like tudiai-'e, fish tne.il or rabbit, or probably milk will tend 10 proNent the formation of the ha hit r.nd possibly will in some rases break up tho habit of rhickon. intim.' v h"ii formed; but onr ob. sirvatioti lends us to believe that when the habit is once formed noth ir.!.r but th" death of th" -o'.y will cure the habit in some cases. It is not likely Mint it is iieeeSB.irv o feed rabbit warm, and it Is almost ENGLISH DRUG COMPANY UNION DRUG COMPANY SMITH-LEE COMPANY BELK BROTHERS W. J RUDGE COMPAKv HEXDFRSOY AlhTAT nn SECREST MOTOR COMPANY T. P. DILLON & SONS N. B. AYERS STAR MARKET MONROE SERVIC ESTATION BIVENS BROTHERS I would be fue for there are those that trust nie; I would be pure for there are those wno care; I 'oeu ninjit wiuiu, and n is almost I would be Rtron-f for there is much 1 rrr,ai" :'n' other meat, meat meal, to fufTcr; tankaite, fish meal, or other simlllar I would be brave, for there is much i ;ini,naI fodueU will do as well as to dare. ' j rabbit I would be friend of all the foe the 1 n' ''feet which the feeding of friendless; ' rabbit or tankage or other meat or I would be KivinK and fo, t the "nimal prodiut may have is due to irift: I the fart Mint it funmlie the rravlnir t would tie humble, for I hnow my weakness I would look un and love nnd Walters. lii't.- lnuirh And -Harold Arnold or needs of the sow and not because of tho kind of meat fed. CHIME AND CRIMINALS A prominent physic'an of the our. ty takes the position that there is some defec: in tho train cells of ev ery criminal that no person in his . feathers." right mind will commit a crime. Crantirtr that this physical! i.i cor rect, and doubtless he is, our entire tystem of dealing with criminals is wrong. It is true that men and wo men who commit crimes must be con fined for the safety of society, but if they are mentally unbalanced to the extent that the effect shows it self in actual trans-rression of the laws, why not make a change in our system of dealing with this class of unfortunates and employ ex rerti to diagnose the cases and pre scribe treatment for the trouble in stead of undertaking to make them ttor-e f jr their acts through suffer ing! The law of cause and efTect is absut the only law that calls for our serious consideration anyway. When the cau3e for anything is removed, as a natural confequence the thin? itself disappears. If we follow this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, the only thing that is going to de crease the percentage of crime is the uplift of the race through the proper timulation of brain eclb, and it will take generations to do this to any appreciable decree. And the uplift tnvst begin in the homes end the chools and churches. Parents, teachers and preachers must get back to the bsdrock principles of hon-' '.j, juitice ttnd the Golden Rule, i They Come Home lo Roost "What make Budkins such a sad bird nowadays?" 'Tayin? the bills for his wife's fine A Dilemma "Ever since Mai-tic inherited a mil lion dollars from her uncle she has been afraid that someone will want to marry her for her money." "Why doesn't she give it away, then?" "She afraid, if she did that, nobody would want to marry her at all." I Reducing High j I Cost of Living' j By Trading at Lathan & Haigler's on the 5 Cash and Delivery System. Prices Cut to the 5 kij liiiuiiiiautiit ut VuailJ lIUUIl VC" counts and Expensive Delivery System. There ia a growing demand among the class of people that buy and pay for what they get, to reduce the "HIGH COST OF LIVING." In order to do that, it will be necessary for you to buy just as close as you can, and in order for us to sell close it will be necessary for us to cut out all unnec essary expenses such as charinj? and keeping an expensive utuvfiy s.vsiem wmen is in me ena an cnarged to you. Now we are going to give ycu the very best that money can buy, FOR CASH, and if you will come in and look over our 5 stock, or phone 576, we will be glad to get up your order tt;iu stau u to your tioor cs prompt as possible. j Lathan b Haigler j S PHONE No. 576. S (Free Free Free Fre i a a ; a B a Wednesday, January 2oth We will have with us Mr. Cox of the National Oil Com pany, Inc., demonstrating the superiority of BENZO LINE, "the wonder Motor Fuel," which product we have made ample arrangements to dispense; and on this date January 25th, you are invited to drive to the MONROE AUTO SERVICE STATION where we will drain your tank of the gasoline therein and give you Free a tank of BENZ0LINE, between the hours of 2 and 4 p. m. This is your opportunity to be the judge without cost to you of this product "BENZOLINE" that you have heard so much about and that has proven its merits: MORE MILES MORE PEP MORE EFFICIENCY NO ENGINE KNOCKS NO CARBON-and IGNITION that will make YOU Smile and Smile Miles and Miles Monroe Auto Service Station I rne House that SERVICE Built. Look for the Black and Wnite Pump

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