Southern Judge Slays to Protect Wife Monroe Clothes ii them here while they are still the vogue in New York. The mirror and the price tag are Monroe Clothes' best salesmen. Style, Service, Satisfaction $25 $30 $35 EFIRD'S DEPARTMENT STORE MONROE, N. C. aV ' 'Ntm Vera. Ujiti Amtnc ' Unusual Opportunity for Progressive Business Man To enter the Automobile Business Q, The line includes two cars favorably Lnown all over the world. Q The Overland is the most comfortable, economical low priced car in the country. The Willys-Knight offers luxurious mctorifij at a medium price. C The two lines at present pricc3 directly appeal to the largest field of prospective purchasers. C The right type of business man, with or ganising ability and moderate capital, will find this an unusual opportunity to estab lish a p;rmanntly growing profitable business WILLYS-OVERLAND, Inc. Sales Division, Toledo, Oh SEABOARD Air Line Railway SCHEDULE EFFETIVE DECEMBER 11, 1921. Tralni ArrlT No. 14 from Charlotte .... 5.20 a.m. No. 12 from Atlanta 5 55 a. in No. 34 from Rutherfordton 10:45 a.m. No. 6 from Richmond 7.55 a. m. No. 19 from Wilmington ..10.35 a. m. No. 15 from Monroe No. 29 from Monroe No. II from Raleigh and Wilmington 2:40 p.m. No. 20 from Charlotte .... 5.60 p. m. No. 30 from Atlanta 6.50 p. m Monroe. No. 16 from Ruther.ordton 9.10 l. m Monroe. No. 6 from Atlanta 9.35 p. m. 9.40 for Richmond No 13 from Wilmington . . 10.40 p.m. 10:50 p. m. for Charlotte. No. 11 from Portsmouth .. 11.00 p. m. 11.05 p. m. for Atlanta C. T. IIARRILL Ticket A Rent. 'MmmmClMmaHr-W Worn Where Styles oAre Worn In New York, at least one man out of every eleven wears Monroe Clothes, Smart styles that "get" the "big city" men you can get Oentlrmctu It U aourctof aatirfaction to ma to know that I can 6nd in alraott vf v city in lh L'nitni State a complete .flection of Monro Clothe.. Then clothe., representing th urmoM In ryl and economy, have enabled many man to face a di ftcult aiiuarion on a moment'a notice with confidence In hi. arrearance and aitored knowledge that he la wtll-drewd. Sincerely, 'Mi ClttMrt A'.- York" Lear 5.30 a. m. for Wilmington 6.00 a. m for Richmond. 10:55 a. m. for Raleigh and Wilmington S.00 a. m. for Atlanta. 10:45 a m. for Charlotte. t.10 a. m. for Rutherfordton. 11.00 a. m. for Atlanta 2.45 p. m. for Rutherfordten 6.00 p. m. for Wilmington. E. W. LON G, Division Passenger Agent. Charlotte, N. ('. "W i'U'": t , Tfcfcfcrt , i.-J km, HT. It " 1L W -T& - JJ iBeck' -wy . ... v my -XI . Mi'tc Pay Col. Paul V. Beck, U. S. aviation corps, was a guest in the home of Judge Day, his friend for many years. Returning from driving other bridge party friends home. Judge Day says he found his wife strueelinir to free herself from the aviator's arms. To save his wife, Day struck Beck The weapon exploded, killing becK. toionel uecK was promi nent in army circles and in Washington society. Judge Day is a wealthy oil operator and former member of the Oklahoma su preme court. Oklahoma City. April 10. Jean P. I)nv. former Oklahoma supreme court juajre, wm iwer a by jury. ...... i ol the coroners jury veruic; oi t;x oneration, when both the army in- i r . ? k'tstiiratinu hoard and i ounty Attor ney Forre.t Hughes admitted that o;i" the tvidenef now on hand there is not enough to convict in any Okla homa court where the theory of the unwritten law condones any otFense. Even the army, through its board .niiuny from tort Mil, puunciy : .u... la .. .,,.,,, uu.imic wmv w.v.v - a.--- - upon wnicn a "'" Tll,,,JL t a:d aa.nst the slayer o Colon,l Paul 1 . Beck, who was kn led n ihi Day home last Tuesday mom- n,r when JUdKe 1'ay suuueniy re :urnoil to his home and found Col ur.el Beck and Mrs. Day in a com iroiuisiiijr position. The board, composed of Thomas G. Lanphier, major air service and successor to Colonel Beck as com maniant at Tost Field; V. L. Burjre, captain air service, and Roger Mc Culloutrh, captain air service, Hew in from For: Sill this morninit and held lonu conference with County At torney Hughes. At the conclusion of the conference they issued the follow in. statement: "The bo;; rd docs not believe th version of the Days as to the con luct of Col.iiiel Beck on the fatal .norning was true. However, it does n.)t believe that the testimony intro iuceil at the inquest would justify the tiling of a murder charge against Jenn I'. Day." That the army does lot intend to drop its investigation is an accepted fact here, however. One report is A Tonic For Women "I was hardly able to drag, ! was to weakened," writes Mrs. W. F. Ray, of Eailey, S. C. "The doctor treated me for about two months, still I didn't get any better. I had a large fam ily and felt I surely must do something to enable me to take care of my little ones. I had heard of I dedded to Jry it," con tinues Mrs, Riy , "I look eifht bottles In all . ,'. I re gained my strength tad hart had no more trouble with wo manly weakness. I hare tea children and am able to do all my housework and a lot out doors ... I can ivre feeom mendCarduL"' Take Card id today, be Just what yod need. At an druggists. It may GARDUI over the head with a revolver. ,,,, u-:lum h...i nf thB , " i.;....i t-....,. , ... ho llsk(. bv the wfll. aenartnu-nt. ;hctiiL'-h th board of imiuirv. for iii. independent investigation ol an l lie facts. A woman in Tulsa, a former ser vant of the Days, has, it is said, vol unteered to five some information which may or may not have ari offi cii learintr on the case. County Attorney Huithes admits hat unless some further evidence develops he does not consider filing; a criminal coiiiiiami UKaoisi criminal complaint JU( ,e pay ft.a,bp. rfo ni.t think the evMence intro- d d h , t u justif nding the Jtate.s moneyJin fil. . .. .. ing any prosecution of a murder com plaint against Judge Day," he said today. "There is nothing I can see for me to do now, except abide by the recommendation's of the coroner's jury." At the Day home the cornoner's jury verdict is accepted as final. "We just want to forget all about it," was the way Judge Day put the situation, and Mrs. Day, bordering n nervous collapse after the strain if the inijuest, was unable to see anyone. Sentiment throughout the town stems to back up the Kaml taken by County Attorney Iluches. A pathetic figure of the tragedy was .Mrs. Rachael Beck, widow of .he noted Indian fighter, ami mother jf th.; slain man. She occupied n i'awirg room on the train that ar rived t'rom Lawton shortly after noun- the fame train that is bearing the remains of her son northward to Arlington cemetery, Washington. Just before the train pulled out three airnlanes from Tost Field, mie on the horizon, swept over the irain and as the Hag-draped casket .ha: bore the body of Colonel Beck vas put aboard, showered flowers, );nk roses and carnations, down on .he casket. Three times the bird men circled over the train, each time dropping h: pink blossoms. Mrs. Beck as they made each turn, ftood beneath, her arms raised in greeting to the men who otfered homage to her son. Then, as the train pulled out to the north, the three planes swung into formation and followed as escort of the air for he man who would never fiy again. Lieutenant Beck, the son, was bit ter at the verdict of the coroner's jury. THE ONLY PLACE IN TOWN DOING A STORAGE BUSINESS EXLUSIVELY No Grease or Dirt on Your Seats When You want to Ride OPEN ALL NIGHT Don't Risk Your Car or what you have in it being stolen. MONTHLY AND TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. LOVE'S STORAGE STATION WEST JEFFERSON ST. FLOOR VARNISH Awonderful finish for floors, furniture, interior woodwork Gear varnish and stain ColorS'Cherry.oak.walnut, mahogany etc. Shows the rain of the wood and is easily cleaned Made to walk on 'Save the surfac and you save alT ENGLISH SEALED AIR TIGHT Penn's spells y j 4 I lua,i,- Penn's is packed 1 f air-tijlht in the pat 1 I I ented new con- I si 1 I tainer. It is always I III fresh. A V)X Chew fresh to- l W I bacco. Try Penn's I A nfir I next time. Clean I v a fresh sweet. " 1 1 Wj m Cuaronteea Djr To the Democratic Vot ers of the 13th Judicial District. I am a candidate to succeed myself as Solicitor for the l.'Uh Judicial Dis trict in the primaries to be held on June ."3rd. Having been appointed by the Governor last September. I have given my entire time to the duties of this office, and I refer you to all the Court Officers of your county as to my qualifications and the manner in which I have conducted the office. There has been some discussion as to the compensation of Solicitors. My opinion in this matter is that I think all Solicitors should be paid a salary by the Mate ami mat me tax payers of th counties should not have to pay any for this office. 'As a member of the last Legislature 1 endeavored to have this done, but the sentiment at that time did not seem to be favor able to it. I will see that the matter s I rought before the next Legisla te in an endeavor to have my views ;.rr;ed into law. I have prosecuted all cases on the docket of my District to the best of my al t ly, and w'ill continue to do so as long as I am Solicitor, I earnestly ask that you give me a re-nomination and I promise that the office will be conducted as it should be. M. W. NASH, Hamlet. X. C. NOTICK TO CltklHTOKS Having this day qualified before the Clerk of the Court as administra trix of the estate of J. E. Garrison, deceased, late of I'nion county and Slate of North Carolina, this is to no tify all persons holdinu claims nc.iinst said estate to present them to the undersigned, duly authenticated, nn or before the Sth day of March, 1023. or this notice will be plead in bar of their riaht of recovery. AH persons Indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement. This March 7. 1922. MRS. FANNY GARUISON. Administratrix of J. E. Garrison, J. C. Sites, Attorney, deceased. TO STOP FALLING HAIR If you are losing your hair and fear baldness don't worry. Use Parisian Sajte daily for a week and you will surely be surprised to see how quick ly it stops falling hair and itching: scalo and removes every sign of dan druffthe hair destroyer. A New York woman says: " I have Parisian Sage only two weeks, 1 t't my hair has wonderfully mcreas- c 1 n hesuty, seems much heavier, and i is entirely free of dandruff." Ifyou want to :-ave your hair and j make it Rrow, don't delay beein us ing Parisian Sage tonight. It's not expensive, and sold by English Dru); Company and all drug and toilet coun I ters with money back guarantee. DRUG CO. SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY IN MONROE TOWNSHIP Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Union County, made in the special proceeding enti tled "Henry Curlee et als, ex parte, heirs-in-iaw of C. B. Curlee and Hulda C.ulledge, deceased," the same being No. on the special proceeding dock et of said court, the undersigned com missioners will on Monday the 1st day of May, 1922. at twelve o'clock, M., at the court house door in Monroe, X. C, offer for sale to tile highest bidder, for cash, all of the following real estate, lying and being in Monroe township, Union county. X. , and described and de fined as follows: First Tract: Being Lot Xo. 8 in the division of the estate lands of C. B. Curlee, deceased, and containing !1 acres, inure or less, and lies on the waters of Stewart's Fork creek, about two mil"s east of the town of Mon roe, and reference is made to Book I'll, page S:x, of the office of register of deeds of Union county for a mors particular description. Second Tract: Beginning at J. P.. Shute's X. W. corner on McCauley Avenue X. (W.-'O W. 81.5 ft. to H. B. Shute's corner; thence with IL B. Shute S. 2 1-2 E. 141 1-2 ft. to J. R. Shute's j.ljer corner; thence with J. R. Shute' tine N. 89 3-4 E. 00 ft.; thence with J. R. Shute's other line X. 3 1-2 E. 10S.9 ft. to the beginning, it being the same lot conveyed to Hulda Gulledge by Reece Winchester and Aifo on April 11, 1921. See Book 58 page 2t:0. This 24th dav of March, 1922. W. O. LEMMOXD and JONH C. S1KES, Corn's. RHEUMATISM i Torturinir Pains and Swollen Joints When Rhuma Is Used or Money Refunded If you want relief in two days, swift, gratifying ielief, take one tea spoonful of Rheuma once a day. It you want to dissolve me uric acid poison in your body and drive it out through the natural channels ao ; that you will be free from rheuma j tism, get a bottle of Rheuma from your druggist at once. Rheumatism is a powerful disease strongly entrenched in joints and muscles. In order to conquer it a powerful enemy must be sent against it. Rhuma is the enemy of rheuma ' tism an enemy that must conquer P. every instance or your money will be refunded. Rheuma contains no narcotics i3 absolutely harmless, and thoroughly reliable because it is the one remedy that hs relieved the agonizing paini of rheumatic sufferers who thought nothing would give relief. It shoul 1 do as much for you. English Drug Company will supply you on tne no-cure-r.o-pay plan. -