PAGE THEEB "EN-TIRE" SATISFACTION. THE TEMPORARY SATISFACTION IN BUYING AUBURN CERTIFIED TIRES AND TUBES AT OUR SPECIAL LOW PRICES NEVER EQUALS THE PLEASURE FROM LONG AND SATISFACTORY SERVICE THE TIRES GIVE. THE USE OF MORE RUBBER AND MORE FABRIC MEANS MORE MILES. See the Certified Statements of Ingredients attached to every AUBURN Certified Tire. You will then realize why they give MORE MILES. THARP HARDWARE & M'FG CO. Ti"s bought on faith therefore they should be m on honor. THE MOVTjDF JOtTWAL. TTESDAY, MAT 23. 1022 ANNOUNCEMENT To the Voter of the Thirteenth Ju dicial District: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Solicitor, subject, however, to the action of Democratic party at the next primary. If I am nominated, 1 shall make a vigorous campaign in behalf of my farty and itj candidates. If elected shall discharge the duties of the office in an honorable, efficient and conscientious manner and protect the interests of the state and society. I shall, also, see that every defendant pets a "square deal." I shall prose cute, but I will never persecute. I shall make a fair and impartial pros ecuting attorney and know nothing in my work but to do mv full duty. I shall make no fake premises to influence voters to support me. I will not 'camouflage.'' Upon this platform I ask your sup port. Sincerely yours, GILBERT H. RUSSELL, Laurinburg, N. C. , Endorsements of G. H. Russell. Demo cratic Candidate for Solicitor Board of Education. Scotland County Office of Superintendent Laurinburg, N. C. We, the members of the Board of Education of Scotland County, having known G. H. Russell for 25 years, during five years of which time he was County Superintendent of Schools of this county, welcome the opportu nity to endorse his candidacy for the Solicitorship of this District. We feel that the progress of the schools in this county is due as much to his efforts as to any other one man. His enthusiastic public spirit while su perintendent was contagious, and the movements he started are still gath ering momentum. Absolutely unself ish, Tie has never spared himself, his Julents nor money where a public mod. We iitill rclv on his professional advice, both pedagogical and legal, even though ntkal- miKtii ttorviA hnn CflllpH him from this office. So it gives us pleas ure, personally and officially, to say l i , Tl II we Deiieve in u. . nusscu. J. T. BOSTICK, Chairman Scotland Co. School Board W. G. SHAW, W. N. McKENZIE, L. M. PEELE. Board and Supt. County Schools. Laurinburg, N. C To the Democratic Voters of the Thirteenth Judicial District: We, the undersigned members of the Scotland County Bar, commend the candidacy of Mr.Biilbort H. Rus sell, of Scotland County, in the Dem ocratic primary to be held next June t. for the nomination as the Democra tic candidate for Solicitor of the Thir teenth Judicial District. We have known Mr. Russell well for many years as man, citizen and lawyer. We know him to be a man of exemplary character and a citizen who has always taken a lively in terest in all public questions affect ing the life of the community and who hus contributed great assistance to the cause of righteousness and good government. He has, in the past, served the public in a very able and acceptable manner as County Su perintendent of Schools and as Reg ister of Deeds of Scotland County for several terms. He ranks high in the profession and is an able, painstak ing, forceful and fearless lawyer. He has always been a loyal member of the Democratic party and has helped to win many hard fought battles for the party's ideals. If he is nominated we know he will wage a valiant fight for the party's success in the district ,vid if elected will make a forceful, faithful and very useful public servant. Respt etfully, WALTER H. NEAL, Chairman Democratic County Execu tive Comniitte. E. II. GIBSON, GEO. T. GOODWYN, County I'rosecuting Attorney. W. II. WEATHERSPOOlM, County Attorney. ROBERT N. PACE ENDORSES RUSSELL Notwithstanding the very small amount of interest manifested by the voters of the county as touching the selection of candidates for the vari ous offices to be thoscn in the June primaries, a number of voters have asked me about the several aspir ants for the office of Solicitor for this t Judicial district. There are few more ' important offices to be filled than this, and it is a healthy state of pub lic mind if there is real interest in ' the selection of the most competent person available for this place. The proper enforcement of our criminal lnw is largely in the hands of this officer, and those who favor law enforcement, and believe in pun ishment for its violation should use their vote and influence to select one who will without fear or favor prose cute the criminal docket. Without any criticism of any of the several gentlemen seeking the nomination, I believe the best inter ests of the law-abiding people of the counties comprising the district will be served by the selection of Mr. Gil bert H. Russell, of Scotland county for this place. Mr. Russell is a young man of mature age, by which I mean that, while he is past fifty in expe rience he is still a vigorous person ality. He is an experienced lawyer, and with it all a warm-hearted gen tleman who, while doing his best to uphold the majesty of the law, would not be uniust to the person he was prosecuting for its violation. I un- To Introduce hesitatingly commend his candidacy to the favorable consideration of my friends in the district. R. N. PAGE. AXXOIXCEMEXT Tn tha rntera of tha Thirteenth Judicial District of North Carolina: I am a candidate tor Solicitor or the Thirteenth Judicial District, sub ject, however, to the action of the Democratic party and its primary to be held on June 3rd. If I am nominated l shajl do all in my power to uphold the standards of Democracy In behalf of my party and lis candidates. If elected I shall not be solicitor of a class, but or all the citizenship of the district, and shall .tlccharee th dufle of the office to the best of my ability, thereby doing everything in my power to protect the best interests of the state and so ciety. I'nnn this blatform I ask the sup- port of the voters of the Democratic party on June 3rd, 1922. Sincerely yours. F. DONALD PHILLIPS. Rockingham, N. C. S. 8. Richardson Endorse "K. n. Phillips for Solicitor I m not a nnlltirlan. nor have I ever asked for an offlce only a pri vate in the rear ranks. I have al most served out ray allotted time three score and ten years. Have lived through three wars, the Civil war, Spanish-American and the World war. I had two brothers in the Tlvil war and lost both of them. I have voted for Confederate veter ans for office for almost nrty years. I felt that I owed it to them for AereA In the "Lost Cause." I had three sons In the World war. One son enjoying a splendid law practice, yet above the draft ace, answered the call of country, lost his health In camp, died and Is now .lnnnln? tn an' American uniform. When our boys were called into service we went with them to the trains and promised them our all when they returned, iney went ThnsA who were not left on the bat tie fields of Europe returned many of them wounded. What have we done for them. How haV w re warded them. Four good men are running for solicitor in tris district. Three nf them 1 have never seen. For a moment let's examine their records. Where was G. H. Russell in 1917-18-19? At home gathering In the guidon (.heaves of the greatest harvest of his life. Where was A. A Tarlton In 1917-18-19? At home ..nlovine the sreatest wave of pros peiltv this country has ever seen. Where was M. W. Nash in 1917-18-19? At home living easy, when this land was flowing freely with milk ana honey. Where was F. V. pnimps in the atormv davit of 1917-18-19? In the trenches of the battle fields of Europe wading tn blood facing snot and shell for his board and clothes that this country might be made safe for rimnocracv. He returned a wound ed soldier Just in time to see tne last cloud of prosperity pass by. wh o i have never met r. u Phiniiis. vet a an appreciation of his service to his country l snau cast my vote for him for solicitor of this district. t anneal to the men and women of Union county to go to the polls on June 3rd and cast your ballots for F. D. Phillips for solicitor the soldier boy. 8. S. RICHARDSON. Monroe. N. C, Route 5. April 29th. To the Voters of the Thirteenth District: Sini-tt t have eono to the expense and trouble of getting up the facts nnii fiir-.'ves that prove to tne tax- Mi-ITU nf th district that the Solici tors are getting entirely too mucn fees, my opponent, Mr. M. W, Nash, nw tn hp trvinp to ride in on mv platform by publishing and flooding the district with a letter stating that "he thinks the solicitors should be paid a salary by the state and that the tav-nnvers of the counties should not have to pay any taxes for. these fees, and that as a memoer oi me last legislature he endeavored to have this Hiini'." I herehv challenge Mr. Nash to show me between the lid$ of the Senate Journal where he said one word or did anything towards chang inn- th.. nrespnt tee hill. I am in fa vor if solicitors hpinc paid bv the criminals tnat are convieien, eitner out of their pockets or by the services nn thn rnuntv roads, and not 1)V the honest tax-payers of the several coun ties, e Respectful V. A. A. TARLTON. THE ONLY PLACE IN TOWN DOING A STORAGE BUSINESS EXLUSIVELY No Grease or Dirt on Your Seats When You want to Ride OPENALLMGHT Don't Risk Your Car or what you have in it beinpr stolen. MONTHLY AND TRANSIENT PATRONAGE SOLICITED. LOVE'S STORAGE STATION WEST JEFFERSON ST. Man Coif ee: When Many of United in Bonds of Matrimony Marriage Records of Union County, Beginning With the First One Recorded in 1851 Until the Present Time, To Be Given Through Columns of The Journal Marriaees in 1!0 . . u i n.M ... r gins by Rev. H. B. King. Jan. L r- i ., c. v t A. Kezmh by Riv. G. L. ( nar.ey. Jan- J, !i J- f. n n I . "' Little to Kill J. Grilhn by Alexander Mcllwaine jManeSs bv Rev. E. L I)av.s. Jan. Solomon L. Starnes to Fan-j s t ,0 j Q Tru A. me L. Moseley by Esq. R. T. Sustare. k,. p i f v-in.- Jan. 8. E. M. Osborn to J. V. Rig- " n 7 "'ii J. t." I i. . n. p w n I Stack by Esq. C. J. Freeman. :oweii to F. R. D. ; St,pU o3 w L TomU.rlia t0 K. E. . " u . 'Martin by Rev. II. B. King. sn to Howard, & t , s p Bl nam t0 prucilla Jan. Id. J. A. K Bovte by Rev. B Jan. 22, J. D. tJoan to by J. L. Stoudemire. tfifrV . Q.,ii v I 18 R N. Rushing to Sarah E. ,by:nU.5J Jan. Tarlton Jan. 18, Philips to rannie Goodwin by fcsq. . i. mears. Jan. 21, H. h. Williams to baran Ashcraft by Rev. J. L. Bennett Jan. 22, . 22. embrey Helms to Martha Shaw by Esq. A J. Price. ' 12V Ei P oCoCr t0 A Jane Feb. ITarknpss hv Rev. II. B. King. Jan. 25. Thomas bmith to Eliza K. Godfrey by Esq. E. S. Harkness. Jan. 29. T. A. Price to fc. J. Truii by Esq. W. A. Austin. Jan. 'it, N. it. Keaey to n incy uur- leyb.y t-? ....... . . Feb. 5, U. Vt. button to Laura a. Howie by Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson. Feb. 10. R. S. Doster to 31. J. Uor- don by Esq. T. L. Cuthbertson. Feb. 11, J. 1 f low to U. U Kus stll by Rev. W. A. McDonald. Feb. 19. Allison Whitley to Lucinda Jarmon by Rev. G. L. Chaney. Feb. 19, A. H. Pollock to M. E. Red wine by Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson. Feb. 12. Aaron Little to M. t. uau- com by Esq. W. A. Austin. Feb. VI, W. tJ. Haigier to oi. . Rushing by Esq. W. A. Austin. Feb. 14, Ambrose Freeman to Mar garet Lemmond by Esq. E. S. Hark nes. Feb. 22. Wm. A. tow to Lydia Faulk by Esq. C. J. Freeman. March 4. . II. Jlaness to Llemin- tine Thomas by Rev. R. II. James. March 4. S. C. trisco to berena Williams by Esq. W. A. Austin. March 2. J. M. Thilmon to Hannah J. Eason by Esq. S. S. S. McCauley. March 10. M. W. Hamilton to Lu- nx& 9frJ.wV WevHLA aV.'i - u r ' u"i V , ner bv Esa. W. A. Austin. March 11. D. F. Belk to S K. Kicn- ardson by Rev. J. B. Baiky. March 11, Jas. . Mepnenson 10 Mildred S. Hudson by Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson. March 18. James M. Broom to Man- erva Paxton by Esq. E. S. Harkness. March 25. J. D. Adams to Al. t. Diggers by Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson. March 25, J. Ellis Austin to M. Jen nie Rea by Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson. ' Ann 8. Wm. Mc Whiter to Nancy Richardson by Rev. R. T. N. Stephen son. April 20. Winman Helms to Polly Ann Presley by Esq. Abel Helms. May 10. wm. it. uritnn to tmeiine Griffin by Rev. R. H. James. May 9, m. c. Larroil to bailie Griffin by Esq. W. A. Austin. .Uay 13, W. samutn Kingstati to Lydia Myers by Rev. J. E. King. May 13. ueorge A. Little to wary E. Rogers by Rev. G. L. Chaney. Mav 21). Thomas C. Long to Hester Ann Mullis by Esq. S. S. S. McCauley. June 3. John M. rairley to Cathe rine J. Wolfe by Rev. J. C. Moser. June 0, Jacob A. 1 nomas to Anne Sikes by Esq. Henry T. Davis. June 16, Wm. n. Uaddy to inetus Brewer by . July 14, w. IJ. Unddy to Martna n. Pritchard by Esq. II. F. Davis. July 25, h. L. hrimminger to Ida C. McNair by Rev. J .A. Bivens. July 28, M. A. Helms to Alice . Bass by Esq. T. H. Benton. Aug. zb, J. F. rhiter to fciiza A. Griffin by Rev. J. W. Phifer. Aug. la. John U. Mediin to Eliza beth Brooks by Rev. A. C. Davis. Aug. 17. L. Alexander 1'enley to Margaret A. Haigier by E?q. E. S. Harkness. Sept. 1. Franklin McLendon to Lou Agerton by Esq. E. B. Black. M-iit. don by Sept. 7, relix Holms to r.inina lior Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson. . 4 :sX Senator Miles Poindexter WITH PURCHASE OF A THREE POUND CAN OF VOTAN COFFEE WE GIVE YOU ONE POUND CAN FREE. The manufacturers guarantee this Coffee through us and we recommend it to you. Our Ancestors Sept. lfi. Rufus Smith t j Sarah Big- fitrs by fcsq. A. J. Price, . A. J. Price, ames E. Crook to Sarah Richardson by Rev. J. B. Bailey. & t LS) G w Gi!bert t A,- Crook by Esq. L. M. Secrest. Sept. 30, James W. Martin to Lizzie TomberLn bv Rev. H. B. Kr.v. c,,,,, i,;,i w uB. , Sept. 2'J. David H. Bass to Martha P r ' 1 i v a f I Qct 1C Wm B gmith to ThetUs A Brewer ly Esq. J. O. Griffin. Oct 10, John E. Williams to Sarah E. Williams by Esq. A. J. Austin. Oct 10, Andrew Helms to Dorcas Alexander by Esq. Abel Helms. Oct 14, Abel Helms to Maggie Chaney by Esq. L. M. Secrest. Oct. 21, L. W. Matthews to E. L. McLeod by Rev. H. B. King. Oct 18, J. Calvin Helms to Mary A. Byrum by Rev. G. L. Chaney. Oct 21, Samuel Austin to Emna J. Helms by C. J. Freeman. Oct. 31, J. F. Clontz to Sarah R. Snipes by Esq. A. J. Austin. Oct. 2H, S. W. Stewart to Sallie J. Moore by Rev. R. T. N. Stephenson. Nov. 4, J. K. Williams to M. J. York by Esq. Abel Helms. Nov. 10, Charles P. Griffin, Jr., to Martha Biveng by Rev. J. A. Bivens. Nov. 14, G. W. Thomas to Mary N .Nance by Esq. J. O. Griffin. Nov. 11, L. W. Williams to D. L. Williams by Rev. G. L. Chaney. Nov. 10, Jacob A. Lingle to M. L. Hamilton by Rev. J. A. Bivens. Dec. 16. Robt. H. Hinson to Jan; Thomas by Rev. R. H. "James, Nov. IS. Berry Huntley to Surah J. Trull by Esq. E. S. Harkness. Nov. 18. W. F. Alexander to Sarah ; A. Helms by Rev. R. A. Miller. ."b.. .aT,r "IV Nov. 22, Jasper Mattox to Jane ' Nov. 25, W. A. Helms to Sarah E. ,Williams by Esq. W. A. Austin. Nov. 21, J. I). Helms to Sarah J. Helms by Esq. T. H. Benton. Nov. 30, J. S. DeLaney to Maggie Matthews by Rev. G. S. Robinson. Dec. 12, J. S. Rea to Ida Riggins by Rev. II. B. King. Nov. 2S, Andrew J. Mullis to M. Clemintine Helms by Rev. H. B. King. Dec. 1, Alexander Pope to Sarah E. Meggs by Rev. J. L. Bennett Dec. 2, John Key to Rachael Ivey by Lso. E. S. Harkness. Nov. 1, S. A. Yandle to Nancy Key bv E. S. Harkness. Dec. 14, Thos. E. Lowery to Nannie Lee by Esq. J. P. Horn. Dec. 2, G. J. Morris to M. J. Cuth bertson by Esa. S. S. S. McCauley. Dec. 4, H. H. Eason to Sarah E. Med n bv Ksa. S. S. S. McCauley. Dee. 12, John I. Green to Sarah E. Braswell by Esq. W. A. Austin. Dec. 1), W. II. Little to Ann E. Dun cun by Esq. W. A, Austin. Dec. 1C, Wm. Gulledge to M. F. Huntley by Esq. J. P. Horn. Dec. 15, A. II. Crowell, Jr., to C. L. Correll by Rev. W. II. Iloyle. Dec. 15, Thos. II. Curlee to Ida Oshorn by Rev. M. H. Hoyle. Dec. 23, F. T. Huntley to Julia Marsh by Rev. J. A. Bivens. Dec. 11), W. R. A. Allen to Beady Griffin by Esq. E. S. Harkness. Dec. 23, J. W. Benton to Mollie E. Long by Esq. C. J. Freeman. Dec. -3, II. W. Thomas to Mary F. Philips by Esq. J. O. Griffin. Dec. 23, F. M. Yandle to Mary E. Conder by Esq. E. S. Harkness. Dec. 28, Henry McWhirter to Lucy Richardson by Esq. "A. Mcllwain. Dec. 30, H. M. Mullis to Clemintine Braswell by Esq. W. A. Austin. Dec. 28, W. G. Morris to S. L. Smith by Esq. E. S. Harkness. Dec. 30, W. S. Long to Hettie V. Long by Esq. T. H. Benton. re'i. 20, fc. II. 1 nomas to hmma Harris by Rev. R. H. James. FIGURE WIZARD OF WASHINGTON Mist Catherine Selak, X, newly appointed Chief of Statistics of the Bureau oi Internal Revenue is known as I "figure fiend," and tha yoongest woman ever to bead a gov eminent divistoa, 01 BIG CAMPAIGN ON FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. THE PEOPLES BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Wants 2500 Shares Subscribed for to take care of their building program this year. Shares date from May Sixth and matures in six and one half Years from that Date. Everybody should subscribe freely to this ser'ee of shares. Your money is absolutely safe when invested with us and besides it draws a fair dividend and is free from taxes. We especially ask the business men of Monroe to take thia under consideration. The People Building & Loan Association has 2300 hares now in force, and over $33,000 loaned out on improved real estate in Monroe, with application now on file for over $30,000, with us making loans on an average of $2300 each month. Will you help us make these loans by subscribing for shares? Put your money where it will help your neighbor and your town at the same time. In one campaign in the city of Greensboro, N. C, last week the citizens of that town subscribed for 12,000 shares in one series. We can do the same thing if you will just stop and consider what it would mean to our town. For the benefit of those that do not understand how our in vestment shares are run, we give you the following example: Say you subscribe for 10 shares and pay $2.30 per week for 338 weeks and you have paid-up shares worth $1000.00. 20 shares, $3.00 per week for 33S weeks, $2000.00, and 30. 40. and 50 shares the same way. See Mr. Haigier, the secretary today, and give him your sub scription. "Subscribe for Building & Loan Shares." "We build homes for children to live in; not cotton mills for children to work in." The Peoples Building & Loan Association OFFICE AT LATHAN & HAIGLER'S STORE W. B. BROWN, President. S. E. HAIGLER, Sec. & Treas. LET VS LOOK AFTER YOUt IXTF.UKSTS PERSONALLY There's no borne furnishing establishment in North Carolina where those of the firm are In such close touch with the trade and exercise such care to see that customers receive the fullest measure of satis faction tn every transaction. We give the closest personal attention to the matter of Store Serv ice We insist hat our customers shall be well taken care of that what they buv shall give the satisfaction they have a right to expect We extend favore and grant concessions In many ways to better serve the interests of the customer. We'd like the privilege of look ing after your welfare. .. i iJ f Lfrcm I UHf &?li2& AT TH B "NEED OF INSURANCE FROM GOVERNMENT STATISTICS" Ninety per cent of estates of over ?5,000 are entirely dissipated In seven years. Out of every twenty, nineteen fail to provide for their old age or families. Over 8,000,000 women must work to live. One in every two men at age 25 will be dependent upon some one else at the age of 05. Thirty-five per cent of the widows of the country are in want Is this not sufficient argument in favor of insurance T We can give yon insurance for the protection of wife and babies, also for the protection of yourself against want in old age. Now is the best time to investigate. See us today. Gordon Insurance & Investment Co. INSURANCE SPECIALISTS T. Mm MMMit TL OLD STAN D fMfi PHONE 209 C. Lee S Son Phone 356