THE MOXKOE JOntXAL. TUESDAY. JfXE 23, 1D22 Sweet Potato Plants!' Sweet Potato Plants! Sweet Potato Plants, 21.50 per thousand. Special price on big lots. All these plants are home raised. E VANN FUNDERBURK, One Price Cash Grocer, Five Minutes Delivery. : ' - NEWS of TOWN&COUNTY In ion Becomes Junit.r Ilih School The dieam fur high school in Lane (.'reck township ha already Cjiw true, the committee of the I n. GroainK (iren Cotton Mr. J. A. Parker of Marshville t.iwnship sent a sample of green cot ton to H. H. Wolfe & Co. last week. Mr. Parker diivjveied a stalk of ici'een ion district havin-r sk'nel a cor.'ract cotton in his lield a couple of years ye.tir.!i.y to run the hiuh nchtml le iini d he nicked the seeds out by partmen'. of the Union school for hand and has been planting them eijrht months. It has been made a jun- since. The bale weighs about three ior hih school and Prof. J. A. Hud liun.lrod imuiins. is ir: e-n and the only son. irraduate of Wake ForeU Coll.-ire one that has been grown in the coun- has been employed as principal. The tv. c t!2ns of the Lnion district are pro ' presive and are thoroughly awake Road to Bakers Nearly Completed , the needs of ( school educatioa The road to Dakers will be com- for every ch;!d efid their action m pleted in a few davs. This rend is making Ln:on a high school should three feet wider than the Lee's Mil! i,10 " inspiration to other rural road and engineer say it is the best sector.. one in tne state. There was a print ' .... " . - . of the Lee's Mill road on the cover of, Koad Ma.ntenance .showin? Results the North Carolina Highway bulle-' the present system of mam- tin for March. This road is the first tennnee in the county the public roads to be completed under state aid. Both re teg.r.n.nir to take on new appear roadswerebailtbythsKedmondCot - "''v In Marshv.i!... township roads Btruction Company. that have been bu.l: at heavy ; expense , . ! were to look d.lapidated and wtre ircttinjr bumpy, but the ones that have been scraped and patched since the trucks for road work arrived a few weeks a4to look very much like the Wi'mington - Charlotte highway. .ir. l. v. aturaivant, wno nas cnarge of the work in Marshville township, knows how to maintain roads and it 13 supposed that the raods in other ..t ik. ....... ... ical to. and the .southern Cotton Oil the ame trt.ntment k,iven those in (o. are woi-Kin in conjunction wnn o.,i:.......v tach oiher in puttinjr on these demir- strations and Mr. W. Z. Faulkner has Snthl.r l nion Coun!y Hn Maltih received a letter irom .nr. 0j stating that it is h.s pur-o ;o hs Ti,,. A ,!.. ro.v Mr. Grantham Expected Here. Mr. A. E. Grantham, director of ag ricultural service bureau of the Vir-ginin-Caroli:ia Chimical Company, is expected to be here on Tuesday, June 27th, when th.' ousting demonstration and moving picture til in is put on showing methods of fighting the toll weevil. The Virginia-Carolina C hem- here if possible, ar? iiav I at L'al ti. .Mr. Thurlow L'clk, Demo crat, is Vie present postmaster and attains! first position in the civd examination, but h? will Citv Directory Complete Through the eiTor.s of the Chamber ; servici! cf Commerce the city of Monroe now t doubtless he succeeded soon by either has an up-to-date directory, giving j Mr. J. S. Snpp or Mr. Matheson. Mr. nnmes, street and business addresses, rvk is a Union county boy and re also telephone numbers. The directo- 'ceived his elementary education at Ai ry was gotten up and printed by the I ton, later attending college in Tennef Commercial Service Co. .of Asheville I see. Ho contested for four mla's and is complete in every respect. The directory also clears the Cham ber of Comrie'-ce in its claim to about eight thousand population in Monroe, while in college and won four two for atheletics and two for oratory. 5rV. Felk taught for a number of jears in South Carolina and was jus- the directory actually givmg the fee (if .the peace for two years m names and addresses of seven thous- j Cheraw. His friends in Uion county and, revtn hundred and twenty-five i will be interested in the outcome of resident of tiie city. (the wrangle over tne uamn postoi Has No Liking For County Home Union county has a citizen in the person cf Mr. John Edwards who has fie What to Do with Fifty Dollars If you had $50 and wanted to have no I ke for the county home. For the ; bur time, what would you do? Eddie past three weeks he has been hanging "! J the tw tern Ln.on nr.v.n,l the court house asking alms dWivery boys, were confronted with of the passerby. During the day he that question recently. They doetded ha been sitting on the benches and at n:zht ha used one for a bed. When a member of the board of county com w'ssioners suggested to Edwards thBt he could have a good home at tha county' expense he oon disappeared nnd it I stpted thnt he went to Wax haw. Mr. Edwan' is 15 year of age nnd ha ni homo, but it seems thnt he has p hn-ror of going ti th? nlace provided for people in his condition. Jars Will Be Needed for Fruit With the heavy fruit cron in the roi'ntv, coming on at a rnivd pace it is believed that very few iar will be used th;s year for serine and hauling h'in ' ti-cr booze. It will be remem bered tha a few ears aeo there was a great demand for fruit jars, even though the fnrt crop wn almost a failure. Some fellow advanced the Idea that they were being used for jinijor End that the ring on the noses of some men whom nobody had ever known to wear spectacles was caused from drinking out of fruit jars. Al though the blackberry crop is report ed short, there are enough peaches and pnplos in thf county to call for a large number of fruit jars and it is thought hat no such accusations as were charged in another year will be preferred this summer. m. r Mr. Bovte'a Book Are Perfect Mr. J. H. Boyte, city secretary and tasurer, hs figured out a method sf book-keeping that i second to rone In the country. Ho has a in rilifled "tetbod, he form for which Y.f mne himself, nnd the work of ever department is shown In a man ner thit may be readily seen by any VHy who wants such information. When a representative for bond pur chasers vis'ted Mr. Boyte's office a that they could buy an automobile. They secured a small Saxon roadster for $50. They, deliver telegrams in it and although it takes nearly all of their salary to keep it up they enjoy the vprk and are satisfied. They are also filiders. Before they acquired the UI14 "palace on . wheels" they owned two motorcycles which they sold, being unable to keep thorn up. On eery street coiner they have to stop and make repairs wl ich is doubtless due to the fact that they only buy anywhere from a quart to 10 gallons of gasoline at a time and the times are rather far apart and the quantity is scarce with them. They enjoy this and have more fun out of this dilapidated tin can than many of us could have in a limousine. How many could do that with only :?50 and a monthly salary of $20 apiece? Outlook for Cotton Prices Good Mr. J. E. Stack, cotton dealer, be lieves that the outlook for prices is extremely good. He states that the stocks of cotton at the ports and in terior cities are the smallest in ten years. Last year, this date, accord ing to Mr. Stack, there was more cot ton at Memphis than . now t Mem phis, Houston, Augusta and Savan nah. He tsays New York has the biggest stock of any port, about two hundred thousand bales. Last year at this date, New Orleans had four hun dred and seventy-five thousand against One hundred and sixty thous and now, and Galveston had three hundred and seventy thousand against one hundred and forty thousand to day. This, Mr. Stack states, is due to better demand now than a year ago, due to the fact that the short crop of last year has been used up and the reserve of former years is already !S0ME LOCAL HAPPENINGS I Mr. J. W. I.athan carried his daughtt-r, Velma, to Baltimore yesterday where she will receive treatment from an eye sec'alist. Mr. Andrew Fowler, who Uvea on route 8. Monroe. wa operated on for appvodiri:! last w-'k at the Ellen Fiizcerald hospital, ll is rapidly re- cotering. Mr. W. W. Harge'.t has c .infracted with the trustees of the Wingate school to do tiie plumb. :n the new dormitory now un ler con-Iruct 'vn an I he b. gj.n work on the job this week. Th" official voie for solicitor of this district in the recent primary, as sent out by the ftate board of elec tions dvej Xa.-h 3u4. Ririso'l. 3.941. Plumps, 7944 and Tarpon. 1153. There will be home coming services at Union Grov? Baptist church Sun- Jsy, June 25. Services at ten o'clock in the morning and at two in the af- U-injon. Lverybocy :s invited to at- ic-.d these services ar.J brliy a full basket. A thief got about ?50.G'J one day last wei-k from the cash box of Mr. ft. F. Cams, who has a store near the state line between Union and Ches-l tenield county. About $200.00 was in the box, but the party who took the $50.00 must have thought that it was ;.ll that Mr. Cams could spare. The priinai y in Buford township Saturday lor the nomination of con stable and road elector resulted in the nomination of R. L Baker for con stable an I (J. V. ltape as road elector. The vote for constablj stojd. Baker, 2'.''.''; Cri.Tii, 2o5. For road elector, Hup.-, 2"-; I 'room, 25 ). A vlii'.jr hero rcccn ly from Ohio v:.s vi i-j n:i.h iivipivj.-ed with l!;e city. He is gjing to locate in Ciir.: oue. but sa.d this was the bost town ihat he- had seen s'lice he had bven ;n the South. Ha wanted to know how we kept the streets so clean. H? said we ought to be proud of our city as jt was the most attractive one he had been in. The Henderson Rjller M.lls have moved into their new building by the overhead bridge. Last week they started running their corn mill. Tiiis mill has a capacity of 1,000 bushels per day. They will be h a position to start their other mills by July 10, including a flour mill with a 210 bar rel and a ten ton feed capacity. They have a storage capacity in their new building for 10,000 bushel of grain. The mill is new, modern and up-to-date and one of the best in the state. Mr. G. V. Rape of Buford town ship relates an unusual occurrenco that happened at his farm SatrtrHay niuht. Hearing a Cf.nunotion among a brood of chickens which were roost Social and Personal Miss C.-atrice Fairhy left lust week fi-r ( hapel Hdl where .she will attend summer school. Mr. Sikes Sunders b ft Satur lay t spend a few days w::h friends in F.l kin. Mr. Amos Stack is spending some time iii Kn-.ixville, Tenn. M'ss Mary Dean Laney returned Friday from a two weeks visit to rel- aives in Gannci, S. I. Miss Frances B.att and Mr. How ard B.atty of it e -rent Sua Jay w th Miss Annabel lils.i. Mrs. M. F. Cadieu of Pagel.inJ is visiting Mrs. C. F. C.dieu. Mr. Ar!r;-y Mc!i-.;:;ie returned Friday frci:t Columbus, Miss., where h" visited a t!a?snute alter attending the Presbyterian University of Ten nessee. ih;s is .lr. Mellwanes ipliomore .ar and he has made ex vllent recoid both in the literary course and in athletics. Mrs. S. C. Vi.l-h f r.terta'ned at six .clock dinner Wedri-sday in honor of her guest. Miss Ant: e Khyne of Char lotte, who visited in thi city en route to Washington, L'.i!tir.!ve. Chicago Seattle, Los Angeles an ! other cities. Mrs. S. C. Walsh ar.d ehllJren. Ger trude, Sallie Maie, Mast-r S. C, Junior, hae recently relumed f'-om Charlotte where -he;, sp.nt ten days! visiting relatives anl frii'tiili. ITntiip TV'"!:. vii;i rtn: i" whiter in Florida, WHO Si:en. S r-.'tl!l lie. I to Monroe and will b.' tiie gu.'si tt jus. J. F. Williams inr s-.:ii- t:me. Miss Leonora Bo-.v.e and Mr. r.: d Mrs. Carr iiov.-ij left yesterui'y ir-r Richmond t attend reuni.)n of ;iie old Confederate veterans. Mr. Bowie goes as a colonel and Miss Buw'e as maid v.f ficnor on Ge.-i. Ju'ian S. Carr's .stall. Mr. J. E. Efi.-d and son. John E., are spending a few days in Richmond. The "Queen of Clubs" lul l a most enjoyable meeting with M;i. Sam Lee on' Wednesday nftemovi. Quantities of nasturtiums and field flowers made the homo unusually invkui,'. Delicious refreshments consisting; of fried chicken, fruit ;a!ad, saiulwiciies, hot rolls, iced tea, and can.'.y ver. served. Members pl.iym we:e: :,l sJiimes Robert Housto.i, Emsky Armfield, Sam Ley and Misses Adeline Crow, Ruth GrcM-.e, Mary Morrow Heath, and Annie Lee. Invited guests in cluded Mesdames Stebbrins Luwson and R. B. Redwine, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worley of Lit tle Rock, Ark., arrived Sunday to visit Mr. Worloy s parents, Mr. and ins in a brush pne he investigated jjrs. E. D. Worley. and found a large snake wrapped, Mlj)Se9 E,hej nn,i Haz 1 Boyte are around a mother hen. three small jn winston-Salem attending the wed- chlckens In Its coils and a fourth's ; jjn of fiiend. head In Its mouth. The snakaaS . , ,,J T- ,i,,.riin nf killed and was found to measure six W". "d Mr J L rlln of feet In length. Four of tiie tuuall chickens were dead. Mrs. N. C. Curlee of New Salem township, is trying to rear her boys to become good citizens. She learned reunion at Richmond. They will vis it their son, Mr. Lee Tumberliu, at Noifulk before they return. Mrs. J. E. Ashcrnft and daughter, Pat. aud Mrs. L. D. Andrews are lliai U IHUCftttU? UIMIIICI huh m-ai i . . i.nt.flnl, her home and she took an axe and tnAne several teks at Jackson went hunting It. She found three Pi'ln- men making rum and after running Messrs. Inland nnd John D. Stew them off, overturned a barrel or two .art. who are attending the I Diversity of beer and completely demoli-Jed of Virginia, are spending the suni the still, worm and everything. She 1 mer vacations with their parents, Dr. wants her boys to be real men and jnnd Mrs. H. D. Stewart, she thouKht that the still was a bin- Miss Wilma Green is visit inti in Al- drance to her etforts. fo-v days "CO tniniormauon ne ne- bei drawn u eavi, and has sired wp so easily obtained that he . . ,,- mnnth.. niiL hplieve v-a8 really surnrised. stating to Mr.jthat by the time the new crop js Bovte that with all the expert ac e-jn'nnts in New York there is not a et of book in the big city better kent than Mr. Boyte keeps h''s. It might truthfully be said that there is not a mors faithful nor accurate pub lic servant in the state than Mr. Boyte. thrown on the market a bale of cot ton will be worth a great deal. Mr. Secrest Dies in Paris, Texas Mr. A. A. Secrest received a tele gram yesterday afternoon stating that his brother, J. R. Secrest, had died yesterday morning at his home in Par- ' rr. I if if., o , is, lexas, ageu vv yeHrs. ir. oecienv Mrria"e of Mr. Broom to Miss Helm j it.ft this county about 10 years ago Mr. E. H. Broom and Miss Bertie i and moved to Texas. He was a mem Helms were married Sunday evening ber of the Methodist church and was at 8 o'clock in the pastor's s'udy at; a prosperous and influential farmer the first Baptist church here, Dr. W. ,nd an all round goad citizen. He is R. Burrell performing the ceremony, survived by his wife, six sons and one Only a few relatives and friends of daughter. Mr. A. A Surest of Mon the contracting parties attended. Mr. roe and Mrs. Charlie Helms of Mon Broom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. roe township are brother and sister W. Broom of Monroe township and 1 0f the deceased, is a talented young man of excellent ; chsmcter. He is a teacher in the pub- j Dedication Service at North Monroe 1 .'hn'.ls in the county and is a vey j Baptist Church Next Sundsy rfTic'""' one. Mr. Broom is daueh- j At 10:30 a. m. a brief history of t"' "f Mr. and Mr. R. E. Helms, also the church by Rev. A. Marsh. At elev o' Monroe township, and is an accom- en the dedication sermon by Kov. A. rl'shed young woman of manv vir- Marsh. Dedication prayer bv present t'l-s She is also a techer in the i pastor, W. B. Holmes. Baptii at nunty schools. Mr. and Mrs. Broom , 3 :30 p. m , and regular scivice at h-ve a hrge number of friends among ' 7:45 p. m. The public has n warm in r.hom thv are very popular. Imme-j vitation to attend all of the 3d vices, d'aiely after the ceremony they left Come and see God's kingdom grow. tnm rip to northern po:nts, after which thev will return to Trinity Col lege to attend the summer school for j teachers, Cnmmitte. Mr. George Wnlsh is spenJing some time in Charlotte. Interesting Items From .Marsh ville Marshville, June 19. Dr. S. H. Strawn has returned from Wrights ville where he attended the North Carolina Dental Association last week. Miss Alice Sawyer of New 1 ork and Mrs. Hal Adams of Wahav visited Mrs. B. C. Parker last Tours- day. Mesdames J. S. Harrell and C. B. Covington spent Thursday in Char lotte. Rev. Mrs. Powell and family of Bla denboro have moved to Marshville and are boarding with Mrs. F. W. Ash craft until the new Baptist parsonage is completed. Mrs. C. W. Byrd and little grand daughter, Mary Byrd, of Greensboro, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. II. C. Ashcraft. Mrs. Mary Bivens has returned from Charlotte, where she visited her son, Dr. S. B. Bivens. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Marsh have moved into their new brick bungalow in the southern part of town. Mr. Wv B. Hamilton of Charlotte spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Williams of Wingate spent Thursday here with friends. Mr. B. A. Hallman and Mesdames Lillie Price and A. W. Newkirk spent Friday in Charlotte. Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Williams spent Friday in Matthews with relatives. Born Saturday to Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Edwards, a daughter. Mrs. B. C. Parker spent the week end in Charlotte with Mrs. Chas. W. Tillet, Jr. Mrs. H. T. McBride' and children returned Saturday from a visit to Mrs. J. S. Bailey of Charlotte. Mrs. J. S. Bailey of Charlotte is visiting relatives here. Mrs. F. L. Harrell delightfully en tertained the book club Wednesday, Mrs. H. B. Marsh and Mrs. A. L. Marsh as guests of honor. In an amusing guessing contest Mrs. B. C. Edwards won the prize. Lovely guests of honor prizes were presented. Mr. Sloan Marsh of Charlotte spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. B. C. Ed wards. Recorder W. O. Lemmond Is at tending the reunion at Richmond. beniarle. The nurses of the hospital wish to thank Hip dootois of the town for the fine Victrolas they lvc'nily 're sented them. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Melton return d to Raleigh yesterday after spend ing two weeks with the former's fath er, Mr. J. A. Melton of Buford town ship. Mr. Melton is attending A. & E. College. Mr. R. L. McGuirt returned this morning from Greenville, S. C, where he visited his brother. Mi. T. B. McGuirt, who Is ill In ths U. S. Veteran hospital at that place. Misses Elizabeth nnd Ebnnor Wil liams, nnd Mr. J m Williams of Rockingham are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Williams. Vocal Concert for HopitI One of the most delightful musical events of the season will l.- given by Miss Helen Mari" !);;.'. assisted by Misses Ruth Chapman. Bennie With ers; and Messrs. Alford and Brown of Charlotte at the hotel JotTre, Monday evening, June 20th. at S:"0 o'clock. The artists are giving the.r service and tha proceeds will be applied to the purchasing of an x-ray machine for the Ellen Fitzgerald hospital. Having gathered tra'ning, coach ing, art traditions and experierce with the finest masters in Europe, Miss Day is fully equipped mentally and musically to shine in her chosen pro fession. Upon her return from Europe she was engaged as soloist by Dam rock for several reasons. In' apprcciat'on of Miss Pay's art and also to benefit our local institu tion we urge a large atterAnct. A StiefT grand piano will be usod. Ad mission, 60 and 25 cent. Mrs. H. R. LANEY. The Charlotte District of the Methodist church wi'l be held at Belmont Park church, Charlotte, next Thursday and Friday, June 22nd and 23rd. The opening femon will be preached by Rev. L. H. GrilTith at 8 o'clock p. m. on the 21st. At the regular weekly n:etin of Kiwanis club Friday night four now members were roce'ved, Messrs. M. u. Shepherd, Fred Smith, Fred S?ott and J. M. Browning. Summer Materials for your ummer Frocks! S v 1 s V,', I Kew UcCqH Pattern 2589 White Goods! White Lingerie, Voiles, Swisses, Chicked Organdies, Voiles and Nainsooks. Blue Bird Mull Special Spring Water Bleached. Very peft Lingerie-finished, for Underwear, Ladies' Waists and Infant Dresses 25c and .Vh Silks! Crepe de Chines, Canton Crepe and 4-Seasons Taffetas are the favored fabrics in Silk... Here you find the want?:! Shades. Quality represented in every yard. Colored Materials! Imported Swiss Organdies, plain and embroidered, perna- ner.t finish "c to I.2." Colored Tissues 2."c to Crte 40 Voiles Ail the new designs 20c to Me Sport Silks! Special prices on Sport Silks and all Silk Shirlis. While thev last $1.50 32-inch Silk Madras $1.(10 $1.75 36-inch Sport Silk Suitings $1.25 Lee & Lee Co. Reliable Merchandise Monroe, N. C. Special Notices One cent a word eacfe Insertion. 3RINC! YOUR JUG and cet vinepar at 3." cents per gallon at II. G. Nash A Co. SKIS GULLEPGE & SNYDER for 11 ! ... a 1 .1. ' i 1 J QTffiVFnWhi.. Iw.,,n.l ,.th IH'1 ua,r lllu " lik.l ICO lllllll' IKIJIiU Willi 1IUI! , . ad and lonir brown ears; black iiinK spot on left side. Answers to name pLF.NTY OF TEAS and cane seed. 'Leid. ien dollars lor his return. SoW your bUle and mnke hay. to Horace Mc.Manus, .Monroe. jj q Nash & Co. ' FOR SALE One pair thorough-bred - . Htu-k LnnKtihanur chickens, full t-rown. Trice $5.00. Call 350-R. JUST 1IKCEIYEI) One car flour that we will sell at $3. Sooner bn;r. Every bug suaranteed. H. G. Nash H Co. i SELF-RISING FLOUR at ?3".r) per bag. The bent kind, puarnntecd, II. G. Nash & Co. FOR SALE CHEAP One two-burn er, one three-burner and one four burner oil stoves. Come and iret I 'em. Monroe Auction & Furn. Co. TEAS! I'EAS!! PEAS!!! and cane WHEN YOU come to town pet your; ice wnter free at II. G. Nash & Co. j FULL LINE Purina dairy feed and layinp mash at Gullepe & Snyder's. GET YOUR FLOUR at ?3.r,0 per bap. It's pood! II. G. Nash Co. FOR SALE At once, pood younp horse, will work anywhere. Jesse L. Helms. Peed' H. G. Nnsh & Co. LOCAL MARKET 1 ! Cotton, Rnwden 21 Cotton, short 'I'l ! Epps 23c Hams 21c I Hens, per lb 18c ;Younp chickens, per 11) 35c Sweet potatoes $1.00 to $1.25 ! Iiutter 20c to 30c SPECIAL ON cultivators at $3.7.') 1 I desire to thank my friends for wh'le they last. II. G. Nash & Co. 'their loy;i! ttnpoil in the primary - I election Inst Saturday. I promise to FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, serve yoii to the best of my apility. Mrs. II. D. Browning. I It. B. Baker. Strand Theatre TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY paramount Presents THOMAS MEIGIIAN -in- "THE BACHELOR DADDY" A sure v.iough treat, don't miss it! THURSDAY A COSMOPOLITAN PRODUCTION FRIDAY DORIS MAY "B0YCRAZY" Laughs, Laughs, and more laughs sandwiched in between real thrills. Strand Theatre COMING NEXT WEEK "THE GREEN TEMPTATION" Wanted Nice Young Chickens the market. - - - Willi pay the top o LEE GRIFFIN.

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