Hail! Hall Mil insurance ATTENTION FARMERS Let us protect your cotton and corn crops against damage by hail. For full particulars, see us. ' :' " Gordon Insurance & Investment Company INSURANCE SPECIALISTS. D6itbie-S eryicei Sec! ijn Another 1924 Euiok- bnovaticri this sa-clttder ccu'cle-srvice Eedsn baa .btea .e$,p,if:slly-creatsd' for thoss who wiih. a. co;r.tir.ed practical bc'sissii as &zd ; faznily sedan. . ' Its upholstery is cotr.fcrtEMe, yet sufndentiy ?r.Tk: able to withstand Kn-r 'daily usage. .The pcv?r pro-; . vided by its new Bui; !r 70 H. P. vdvc-in-hc&d nctcr i3 mcire th-n cnovirri to carry it over the 'htsviitt : roads. Its stiunc'j- Baick four-v.-heel brakes fissure arapls safety. whatever the driving conditions. . : The admiration 'which you may fed for its ssrvire utility will matched by the pride which your family will take in its comfort and suitability. SECREST MOTOR COMPANY A. M. SECREST BROOKS MYERS THE MONROE INSURANCE & INVESTMENT WE INSURE EVERYTHING FT AGAINST ANYTHING . Automobile, riate wass, Burglary, J Rain, Hail, Liability, Live Stock, T Health and Accident. & Better Service A E We are home men who are here to serve you all the timo, It is to our interest to see that you prosper. Call on us for anything in the Insurance line.,. G. B. Caldwell, Manager. Bank of Union Bldg. YOU MAY WELL SMILE at the values and the service you get at our filling station. You can afford to drive miles out of your way just to come here for high gradeef ficient gasoline, oil and grease. It pays you! . MONROE AUTO SERVICE STATION PHONE 40. J. E. LILES, Proprietor. DRS. RAY & ALEXANDER OSTEOPATHS V-- Will Open an Office in MONROE, TUESDAY, Will also use (E. R. A.) Electronic Reactions of Abrams in diagnosis and treament. Miss Mlie Futch will be asscnated with r ' . 'Office over ' .' Funderburk & Gamble's NDrjag' Store. " PHONE 401. GETTING READY FOR EXPOSITION Guy A. Myers Named As Chair man of the General Recep tion Committee. Send .Hie' Journal to that far-away son, daughter, or friend. Charlotte, N. C. Aug. 21. Guy A. Myers was named 83 the chairman of the general reception committee by the steering committee in charge of welcoming all visitors to the Made-in-Carolinas exposition in Charlotte the two weeks of September 24 Oc tober at a meeting of the steering committee yesterday afternoon in the Chamber of Comm?r, ?0 citizens. representmj an tns civic tinu inner organizations in this city, being ap nnTi'torf vies chairmen to assist Mr. Myers. Those named on the general -eception comnviwe ior .inn nxpvm Mon yesterday by tne steering com mittee are: . . , . Mayor J. 0. Walker; Commission er W. S. Stanvill; Conraissoner N. W. Wallace: County Commissioner t. B. , McLaughlin ; Col. T.; .jk Kukpat rick, president of the Chamber o: Commerce; R. M. Pound, president Charlotte Merchant's Association; V. S. Creighton, manager Charlotte Traffic Association; Lane Etheredge, Charlotte Automotive Trade Associa tion; William Thompson, Rotary Club; John A. McRae, Kiwanis Club; T. S. Franklin, Lions Club; Frank Kennedy, Civitan Club ; C. 0, Ku as ter, Chamber of Commerce; E. E. Jones, Clearing House Association; C. A. Williams, Charlotte Wholesale Merchants; Dr. John Q. Myers, Med ical Association; Dr. Luther Little, Ministerial Association; Mrs. Jean ette Fridlev, Business and Profession, al Women; Louis G. Ratcliffe, Amer ican Legion; Paul C. Whitloek, Bar Association; Mrs. J. A. Yarbrough, U. D. C; Mrs. Latta C. Johnson, D. A. R.; W. J. Edwards, U. C. T.; and Lester Wolfe, T. P. A. yv Several plans looking to the in creased attendance of Charlotte and out of town folk at the exposition were discussed yesterday! and some of these will be put into effect at once by specially appointed committees. Each of the general reception com mittees will anpoint. a special com mittee to serve with, them of not less than 20 persons. . These joint committees will be known , as, the entertainment com mittee charged with seeing that all who come to Charlotte to the exposi tion are well entertained and taken care of properly. Aside from seeing that visitors to the exposition are entertained and made to feel at home, the general reception committee mem bers are pledging their best efforts 'to do ell in their power toward making this year's show greater than-anything that has preceded it. Some of the plans suggested by Clarence Kues ter, chairman of the steering commit tee which undertook yesterday the duty of forming the general recep tion committee, and which were giv en the 0. "K. by the latter organiza tion, were: To have invitations printed by the thousands and placed in every piece of mail leaving Charlotte from now until the exposition . opens. Arrange with all the luncheon clubs of Char lotte to have one full meeting at once at which the exposition will be the sole topic of discussion; to tell the members just what will be expected of them during the show. Call a meet ing of the wholesale merchants of Charlotte and arrange for a Mer chants' Day during the exposition. Call a meeting of all men who travel out of Charlotte and arrange for the travelers to talk about the exposition in their rounds of the Carolinas. Make a strong effort to have the U.'T. C. and T. P. A. arrange for special days at the exposition. Arrange for four minute speakers to appear twice a Stomach Out of Fix? 'Phone your grocer or druggist for a ease of this delicious di gestant, a -glass - with meals gives delightful relief, or no charge for the first dozen used. Shivar Ale Part D!gcit!v Araattlsi With ShiVM H.aeril Witw 4 GII Kcthinji lika it for renovating ol, T;orn-o"t stomachs, convert in? food iato rich Wood and sound flesh. . Tf your regular dealer cannot E-jy.pl you, telephone : THE HEATH-MOKKOW CO. Wholesale Distributors I Monroe, N. C. , If you have any reason whatever to think that your children hav weak eyes, now ia the time to find out and have the trouble corrected. Properly fitted glasses is the only remedy for WEAK EYES, and the consequent eye strain. DR. HOWARD SMITH 1 The Eye-Sight Specialist will be in his office the entire week, beginning Monday, August 20th. BrinB the t children. Don't nanA them. Examination free. ' week from now on until the exposi-1 tion opens in the picture houses ofj the city, making talks about the ex-1 position. Send at least three men, five ' if possible, on daily trips into all i towns within 50 miles of Charlotta by automobile, arranging for mvt- irigs where the story of the e-tnositien ; may be told. To arrange for ChambeiV of Commerce meetings in Asheviile, j Greenville, Spartanburg, Columbia, I Charleston, Wilmington, Raleigh,! Greensboro and Winston-Salem. The general reception committee ' will meet Friday at 1 o'clock as the' guests at luncheon 4n the Cfcambsrj of Commerce building of the directors of the Made-in-Carolinas exposition! company. . v i ! ' 'TO STIR PRJDE OF EVERY RED-BLOODED AMERICAN" (From Manufactures Record) ' A number of Eastern bankers .re cently made a tour of North Carolina studying its agriculture, manufactur ing and other interests. Among those fnancier3 was W. T. Reed of Dillon, ileed & Company, of Boston, who on returning home wrote enthusiastically about what he had seen and learned in North Carolina. He praised the state for its small foreign born pop ulation, less than one-seventh of one percent. He praised it fr its high birth rate and for its large percen tage of white population as compared with the negro population : for its churches and its colleges, for its uni versity and its schools and its roads and for its low tax rate, as compared with New England states. In , the course of his letter Mr, Reed said: "I went to North Carolina wholly unprepared for what we saw. We had the instinctive' feeling, Which most Northerners have regarding the lack of stability and dependability of things Southern, What we saw was a revelation to us and we have return ed thankful for the opportunity which we had and full of enthusiasm for the State of North Carolina. It is not go ing too far to say that seme of the things which we saw brought a lumn into our throats for the work which is beinfj lone by North Carolinians is enough to stir the pride of any red bloodea ' American. We went South, Then, with many prejudices and some dpi'bs and we came back absolutely sold."..; y v FATHER, SLAYER OF DAUGHTER, KILLED Thousariila Joiiv Hani for Eaby New York, Aug. 22. Police of 9,000 cities and towns in the Unit ed States and Canada were requested in police circulars broadcasted today to aid in the search for three-months-old Lillian McKenzie, kidnapped from her perambulator on Manhat tan Street last Saturday. Meanwhile 195 New York detectives aided by Jersey City, many taxicab chaffeurs and interested citizens con tinued the search throughout the me tropolitan districThe frantic moth er who yeserday was ordered to bed under a physician'se care, called fer vently for some news of her missing oaDy. ene leu into a semi-coma con dition after relatives had found her on a lone hunt through the streets for some trace of the child. The, empty carriage from which the child was stolen again was placed in the same position it occupied at the time of the kidnaping a mute plea for the return of the baby. Three 'New York newspapers have offered rewards totalling $5,000 for information that will lead to the res toration of the baby to its parents. Words often shake our convictions, Dut seldom overthrow them. V. . J. E. LKTArj) ATTOIINUY AT LAW Bank of Fageiand Building . Pageland, S. C. Commercial Collections General Practice J. C. Richardson, M. D. Surgery and Obstetrics. X-RAY ' Monroe, N. C. Office In Eelk-Bundy Building. Office Phone 597; Residence 597, ' Hours 9-11 and 2-4. Dr. S. A Alexander Veterinarian Office Phone 113. Res. 55-J. Dr. Kemp Funderburk Dentist Office, Over Lee Griffin's Store. ,BBhllIiW11(!llMHIII!1tlNllll"l(!!.1' IfllWIWimilH I Benton Harbor, Mich, Aug. 22. John Garrett, 74, early today shot and killed his daughter, Mrs. Hanry Rector, and a moment later was slain by her husband after he had atacked the latter with a pitch fork. . . :. The killings occurred at the' farm home of the ' Rectoi's in Sous township, ten miles east of here. The aged man is believed to have brooded over family troubles. When neighbors reached the house this morning, Rector was sit ting on- the rear steps of the house. Nearby lay the body of his father-in-law, while that of his wife was found in a barn. Rector said he was in the barn this morning when he heard his wife scream looking ont he saw her run ning pursued by her father. The old man raised his shot frun and fired tpoint-blank' ati the woman killing her instantly. Heathen attacked Rec tor with a pitchfork, stabbing him in the face. The latter ran to the house and seizing another weapon sent a bullet through the old man's head. BREAKS RECORD AS GOOD TYPIST New York, Oug. 22. Sixteen-year-old Birdie Reeve is not only the worldis fastest typist, but probably is also its best speller, according to her father, Thomas I. Reeve, who de vised the system by which she ac complishes her record, t Miss Reeve is said by ber parent to be able to type 250 words a min ute and to spell correctly any word in the English dictionary. Not only does this diminutive ty pist excel in speed, but she accom plishes it with the use of but four fingers, a system which Mr. Reeve says he perfected himself. Eighty letters in four' seconds, or 1,200 a minute, is the detailed record on which Miss , Reeve challenges all comers. - : She is not a prodigy, but is just like other girls ""of her age, says the father, who adds that his daughter is very fond of all kinds of outdoor sports. At present Miss Reeve is de voting considerable time to the com pilation of a dictionary which, she says, "will contain combination let ters Intended to simplify typewrit ing. In speaking of the system which he says, makes his daughter the fastest typist in the world, Mr. Reeve describes it as an intellectual game, the object of which is to build up words arid phrases with single or coupled letters. As an illustration of how much faster Birdie works. than do average typists, he points to the present record which, he says Is only i sixty four letters in four seconds. Birdie has a precocious sister, Ro- j sie, eleven years old. According to' Mr. Reeve both girls would be wast-; ing time going to school, as they are ' far ahead of teachers and professors . in their knowledge of English. j ' ; ... , 6G3 quickly relieves Constipa tion, Biliousness, Headaches,1 Cclis and LaGrippe. ; Mm it tm ii ti Satisfy your thirst with food TKe best food and drink to train and gain on. V 3 h i f buoiiiiaMiUwIiuliiiuiuuJiuiiu. The aU'year'round soft drink The ideal beverage after physical or mental fatigue, to quench the thirst and restoreatrength . and healthful vigor Anheuser-Busch, Inc. ST. LOUIS , . 10 Coca-Cola Bottling Co. DittributoTt Monroe, N. C. m ! U. W. IIAllGETT, Dealer in PLUKBEIS'-. gUrrLE3 AiTDnE?Ai::3. Very Rcccr-ctla Prices 'AU Work Grantcci rhcr48 372-H Um lhC V 1 ( JI"r."K",ww:jKnjiMo.Ji WHAT IS CANNING? s t ... DO YOU KNOW that very few people really know the true meanin? of "canring"? Most people, however, know the full meaning and , value of a savings account. DO YOU KNOW that "canning" in all its phases is really -long dis tance cooking eqaul, yes, better than a savings account? ; pO YOU KNOW that .with a VIRGINIA HOME CAN SEALER you can do your canning on a wholesale basis in your home as well as the largest canning factories t DO ,YOU KNOW that by canning your year's supply of fruit, vegeta ble and meat, that you can cut at least 10c on every meal, which ,.. would amount to100 per cent on your money invested in a VIRGINIA HOME CAN SEALER? v A DO YOU KNOW that many housewives and girls are adding many dollars to their savings account by canning for home use and selling their surplus from the garden to the market? - 1 iDO YOU KNOW you are. paying for a VIRGINIA HOME CAN SEALER every time you buy a can of goods or Jise a glass jar? If you are paying for a thing, don't you think you should own 'it? ' - DONT STOP canning with fruit and vegetables; can your meat in the fall of at killing time, your game in the winter and your butter in the spring. . IF YOU APPRECIATE A SAVINS ACCOUNT and you realize the true meannig of "canning," it will not be a question of "Can I ,. afford a Virginia Home Can Sealer," but "Can I afford to be with ayiRGINIA HOME CAN SEALED" v , I 1 IX7i02 HARDWARE CO. . Retail Department ' There No. 11 ;y3 want afll;yoiLiip elMcIkeinio? gsjej :ye::pa:liislTiecti price cllalll ;artne - a )