ju: .7, 1C23. IknreiyN. C, .Tecchy, Never. J i.iUb.. Jjl f U.u Yesterr'Ty morning Mr. TV'. L; Lovo of Jew i m i townb'rp ldst'hig house end rrKcueaKy. everything in by Are. Mr. LUis Pusher 'was drilling wheat rar t!.e houf-e, which was located on t:e Morgan road.Vhen he saw flames cominj from the room. He ran to the Monroe Hieh beat Greensboro hero house, and jerked open the door and Saturday and Mack Fairley was the "was pushed back by a gust of flame hero of the hour on account of a which showed that. the fire was too freat play which won the day. ' At tar advanced to be handled, lit grab- ryi1.it.-.!..rr.-.ii:arr: Tie l: 1 C..".e Cvcr Crccr-clcra. . the same time Charlotte beat'Ashe- ville, and this put Monroe and Char lotte into the last game for the cham pionship, of the west. The game will be Dlaved next Saturday, and .the winner will .meet the Eastern cham- bed a sewing machine near the door and pulled it put, then one bed and three quilts, and that was all that was saved. ,; Mr. Love himself was on another, part of the farm, and Mrs. i-ove was away trom tne house, and was a nsarly new six rbm bungalow. built of the very best material. The loss is about five thousand and only about one thousand insurance. ' '; Mr. Love is practically blind from the effects of a dynamite blast which went off when he was' working in a well several years ago. He can only do a tiit of farm work. Mrs. Love is a most energetic. Woman and a, good manager and so theyi have been doing well in spite of their handicap. "But this blow is staggering to them. .How ever, they , have" neighbors : of the right sort who will help "them get on their "feet again: Ellis Pusser. their nearest' neighbor; at once offered them a house on his place and the other neighbors began to-bring in household goods, and they propose to keep this up. When their immediate needs are looked after the neighbors will take tip the matter of getting the house back; ,, : ; '' '. IK ) pions at , Chapel Hill for the State the children were at school. The house cnampionsmp. auey - uruoine, iuc sport editor of the "Charlotte Obser ver, was here to write up the play and and his. account of it is as follows: j Breaking away on an end tackte play in the last four minutes of play, . when his time was playing just 4 nm Ud Mvn trnat fountain lew jaiuo n v v.... - . 1 Mack Fairley of the Monroe team this afternoon reeled off the white marks - until he was thr6wn on t the opposition's IT yard Jine having.gone some 52 yards and placing the ball in striking distance of the goal. On his next play ne. oasnea on it. more yard-and then when the back field had moved the ball on three downs ' to tne : tnree-mcir .ui'c, , uv crashed Over with the '.: . winning touchdown, breaking up a 7-7 tie, and winning for , his club by a- score of 13 to 7, v-W',' - -'';, Xb vyv "" r -- finishes ever seen on ahign school . sridiron and it electrified the crowd of some '2,000 which .lined the side lines. It was a clever run, ior iiFt 'and time agnin Fairley was tackled by the opposition: but t rnirr- and twisting , and . stiff-arming H.is op ponents out of his ' nath, he side- 1 1 I 1 J 1.1- ... n ... ,AiuawHa stepped ana aoagea ms wj the encny goal, finally being down- tA of n.wrA mnrk. - ' -Pi.', On lis next smash hev -dodged I 1 , .1.1 . ,4.nlflA f.f T V tnrnugn. mo . omei iov.ic j. ys Ja and planted the oval on ;the 5-ard line. ;Thre smashes by the oiher members of the backfteld mov ed the ball to within a vcouple of incJiea of the goal and Fairley crash ed. The . effort at goal was a failure; but the game had been won by Monroe. -. ' . V," . " That trreat run of Fairley's was the game; for neither team showed any thing like the form it should I we w . 'ti iv uucovweU- an 8kva. made a touchdown. After that ft was a punting game with Jsoth sides doing good work, being successful in kicking out of bounds for long gams each time. ' .'' '.' , - Monroe 'scored first, Fairley going through the line' 12 yards for the fir t markeri i JNiSgi kicKea goai. This was in the second period, t neither be;-g able to register ' in - the first cuurteri though Greensboro came near doing so and but for fumbles proba. ... 1 1 1 .M..nl thA linO HOW-' ever; Monroe - began to fctrengthen and in the second quarter badly out l ilny ed Greensboro. . "v.'.' , At tne ena oi iuo co' j"w" Prospect, Sch . 1 Shows Apprie ' ciaticn '.tf'Ccanty Super- . inter.-:nt and Hist Wife " Llaclv StepS Qii-llic -."S: Dn2lie3 Into G 111 ' III Slaiicn Eovoiid . 'IfV tast nigKt Mack converted Pa's old family carriage into a modern flying machine, stepped : on the gas, and dashed right into the. grand central station of the skies, "delivering sever al hundred happy negroes into the blissful realms. Everybody had his ticket paid for. and his , baggage checked through. ' .'. V :. His text was "One thing thou lack est," but his subject was "Sail on" and 'on and on, and then some. And he sailed on far and high and threw dust upon the milky way. And alTthe end, after the mourn ers had gathered and the altaf sing erjj prayers and shouters had assem bled round them, heaven was as real to them at that moment as it will ever Be after the pearly gates have closed-behind them. They were so happy that Mack could, not dismiss the meeting and had to walk down from the pulpit and leave it. tiAni, that was a good sermon for any one to hear, but for a colored' congregation whose hearts lie very near the surface, it was a master piece. . -'.t ' .r.i' - A man; he explained, may lack this thing and that thing, but if he lacks salvation he lacks, evrything." The maiKwha has the new birth will know it. ; "Here," he said, "L will read you what the Bible says." And he. began to- read the words, " And the 'Lord shail guide" thee"-but just here in sorted several incorrect words , for the right one.v';A -s? ;' '4.. . "Ani the Lord ' shall guide ; thee some time's." - s'.s - " .. fNo, N thejr shouted, "not fight, read again!" - V'':' ''', .Finally he read it correctly," "And the Lord shall guide thee continual ly," and then the first deep rumbling of fervor broke cut. ' V . , Three illustrations were used with telliny effect and with a simplicity that; reached the spot, One was about the Prodigal Son, one was Prospect Nov; 86th. From corn and soy beans to soy beans and corn is nredictpd to be one of the chances in the Agncultiire of, Prosoect next tbout the three ,elasses of 'church yea. This year the community plant- members, and the other was about ed extensively,! corn and soy beans, the i basket . of f rtait .that. ; the apie Corn wa3 planted as the crop, and the brought back from Canaan, ,; . soy beans was planted with the corn One class of 'church members is to imorove the land. There are some liVo Mack's prandna'a mimn nsid to specuiaxion as w nneui uie wij , De over ixt Montgomery county. v it bi ,P8 would injure the c"rn. but it dripd np in the aunyner and froie-up " .jj' iar 1 Caf ii-e corn "'does iin the winter'. v .v equally, as well "and probably better when associfed with the bean. The bean production, in the crop of 'soy beans, is of much greater value than the corn production, hence the idea of making beans paramount in the tw in 'in the winters The" second class is1 like the old pitcher pumps used down, in South Carolina. -You have to coax them, and prime them, and pump' and pump before you get water out of-then. The trurd class is the. ever flo ng -vpen halves' -the Greensboro boys ! few seasons of , cropping together got some enthusiasm irom tntur twtu and returned to the game like sure crops, and turning the name around ' artesian well. It never runs dry: It to matte it soy oeans ana coin. xwt turn.around in the name must be- ac companied, by a turn around in the method of narvasting. Thus far "he bean3 have been sacrificed to save tKe com, end - this year thousands qf bushels -of fine soy bean seed,, and thousands cf tons of hay -pi the hijh esi feeding, value, have been turned itito the landi But this croo will erne ! back in next yearV farming, and a never tires, and it .never has to be coaxed. Thank God . for some arte sian wells in every congregation,. trji MdCK then described how he "was born again one night seventeen years ago and how he knew it. And herM the Lord. again ne g t a iountain i when he ti i . t the first ti,. J found out 'i ;t he loved tin brethren i 1 I , ivnity. A. ragge little negit L y fattened his no against the wiiulow of hia briehtf illumined shop t end looked longing in, scratchu g a little bare black 1 with one toe, ai l showing hunger every glance. -i.Jack went out I put his hatt.1 on the 'little black? J and said, "V -re's your pa and m. "JJey daid." - ' . "Where do you eat?" ' : ' " "I eats Whenever . somebody, f me sumpin." .: " , Where o you sleep?'" ; "I been 'sleenin' ' down" dere box.',' - , ' And "Mat was one of Mack't evidences that he loved the brt and at least One man in the c gation , thought this testirffcn better than1 any that the preacj given,' from Lis singing stars to his own happy home. J Then came. the illustration. basket of frt'lt from Canaan, was intended to drive home tf of the practical fruits of chri: Moses had to 1 the spies td Canaan' and bring back eacl ket full of -the fruits of tb a nroof thtt 1 v had actu in Canaan. I UT J 1 .. .... ikow, i vi. in you oei naan, have' 1 iiie new -know that h i "l ave salva right. Get t:. r" lisket ott it ud and sUi t down the sti that, you; 4a? been in -f brought ba in some p long auffe goodness, ! 'f e - gentler i flekness,;t.v i a lot of i When yon, tor ,1-cohtHi slap yourWp.. td in the great J big 1 rou;,h ; ban1 give- people' ;piece 'of f big that you on't have pour your, ba; Vet plum ning over jith lov love sloshes t from ' when you w k down some white lur'n says ger has no. religion,'. Ji ket.'" -" -Then Rev, Nelsonr "God wants noe but God don't wanti ng I'm going down to i .- dan some-of tht I'm goin' to cross i v ferry some of th I'm going to meet mj these days." , ! And the songs em service with Rev.-( engaged wiightily in ; ens of them shouti what , you i"a basket- t or. some , joy,1, th three minutes, by forward passes -Swift to Sellers and Swift to Hsndor eon. ' Cut latter, that Hhey ' were 6cotcl.f i in thefr excellent forward pass a ack, when Monroe got on to i' Pnd Iroke it. up, ,Greensboro was, 1 -over. 1 1, yinir most. of the game in t .e ioni ue territory au ox mo these plants will bring the garden snot of ProsDect 'much -nearer to tns winners.'-They took the brjland car-ideal -arde.i snot. -' - ' . ried it over for -a" touchdawn within j , The student body of Prospect High ocrtaoi iiumosis tnuunu. Hun dred and each Monday morning bring? hew ones. y. ' .Prof. W.. F. Starnes has donated to the school libra-y thirty-five useful volumes; .Let (Tar friends follqw his example. - ' ,s ' ' " 'DO' you think they will get them f and tiirpatening to score repeat-j to ring?' was the question several v l it the Monroe boys iougm. times asuea ta-uay wnen vui eie.:i,i(- i'm f i anil xne nno .neia -v-nt, b-uwi v "i -t-t' 1 visitors were compelled to' srs. ' Bronco plyler and Edwin Roarers, 0..e attempt at a goal ' wa3 set ahout wiring the school building " 1 to the third period. for an electric signal system. The h l 's than four minutes to piay .question Jvas answeraa wneu cui ' j very much liter-a tie wis rent was turned on and a little bell in. 'C eacn room oi ine ouuuf i-uiieu -reef c3, or a cl e of re - "'s. The t. f' d ana ' vounar electricians not way naae me it 1" I . ! 1 t e ha fot ill Vt'." - of ; , . . f tar' 1 we in 1 t!.-ou':h tue e"i '. .!. roe's ri; ' J tie pi o ti the s- ty the NEW DRY CLEANING . PLANT TO BE MODEL The new dry cleaning plant which has just been installed in Monroe by the Union Dry Cleaning Company, will be used as a model' demonstra tion' plant for this section , by the manufacturers' of the. machinery. The plant is just like those used in the largest-cities, except as to. size.1 Mr. Motte G. Shepherd, one of the 'stock holders who will have oversight of the plant, is sales agent for the .ter ritory for Virginia and the Carolinas,! and the plant will be used for remon strating the machinery to parWs who wish to overhaul their old plants or put in hew ones. , ". ' ' ; The local company has . put . in a plant that cost between five and ten thousand dollars, it being installed by factory experts, and is now ready for local- U3e. Claude " W. I'oore is president and manager or, e com SHOTS FROM C ' MACK'S The most magni the futility of fai ' Lord Clive. Britiai nuity of 21,000 pou ; estate and mighty. turn from Indian, b garret he pulled a his brains... It's more than pq; more -than, a big'' popularity; it's Je No man will de without1 the power produces the desin , The heat is at and any good thou Holy Spirit , The fact that yc tonight proves thi to win you. t - If you have ad. for God, yield- to. uked t In t'e i ( t " ' r f on. 1 r i e f 'e 1 a tuiii lidown ' t- t' " e ' more room .y r ara-i t ' n) "me by there i? s - 1 ! on cn e-)ch (ft et'r piny, id btarsc.d, a diy t. r of jou to-tne joy oi, wide experience, will have c rye Riches are co- gratify and give a time but they 4 You will - be I '., only for. what yo ; d a jof the d y clo)nir.?r di partmer.t. I.r. !i but- Shepherd e School I pie to fvlor i.'ts to bnns mnny f0' e to si tins r t -nd -w . . 1 . . i I . 1 I . ' 1 I 1 1 . , L . k. X . . 1 1 ; rooms, it is Si.M tuat tne rurre oiiit wui r e ht at w 10 i c t' 'i -scheme is to prevont ti'-e 1 rofes- andef-npy . all t..e t- 'e. f j f.-o-i s .... ; on ea i oin r's i patrons wul be -given a s' 1 on i I iisen rf t in v A f d-iya s wtie t 'i . i n t C"""' V, F I . I '.1, ;o the Prn-; tlie public l t 1 v s i - vice. As so' i .t boys good rnnnirT Oi i3 f ..::. l cn f o 17 : 1 'at' v 1 it 1 . men oi 1 tv-t 1 '3 f tlie ,.-'-1 t 8 1 dry wui be n -t j iete Luis!;' i v 1 ST- as everj .ci'-is in r a v t. wiiMi l.iuii- i f'l, an l i. ter a comi k laundry.' , ; Local I what you mijrht h 1 NOTIC" T 1 " r ' '..' . i, t 7N. been right w ith C , It takes a msjt kneel before JcUi ers 'ae loVjig, There are men ; said a prajr sift' I lay me c!u'n tt 7 1

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