s fr. 7 . i v, 1 T. ". I1 4 MOfcKSVILLK, - '. C. TiinAVJFKlJ. 10., 1881. s j to r 'ui.ic. Souie tiine al'O we issued a card set; : iin forth our intention to establish u j.nj.- r under tlfe. name of the Davie Thi:;-: :ail onr non-appearance rit the tirW J;fgna.tcl eaused tnanyjipecula t;on jiuioni' ' tho-a w-.V were not fa vorably v iinprir-scJ with- the idea of such an entorpri.-c, while others fcn'Vw' tin? real, cauw of delay was owj- , inr to the revere- weather. The ap p' .nrai.re of this i-ue is sufheient to .an';' ii. u : e our arrivaV tmd .a fixed 'determi nation to May, if poible. : v ' - In our card wc mentioned t!;e prin1 ' ip''l features of the Timks, therefore, it is unn'ct'ary to recall, them in -any tiling lik' a .talutatfry, hut as in any "..ha.ve yVd' tlijr" politics th'e'T'MEsi wc wiU Pay that it Is Democrat ie ('I t:il(li-.hin a paper,- it must take ;i I; s v;ith one or the other of. the two "poli.tieal ..'j-ties now in rxitcnce, and :i -1 h p r h i e i j ies .f t h e l ) e i u ocr a t i c part y ; are thoe of the jiMlitor,-it well natural ly Tk- that tone. While it -wilj hear thi hnsle, we do jio; wi.fch our readers anil , the puhjic to maintain an idea-that hj dieu.'sinL' political measures ainlues tVin of interest, that it will use lan uhiLr..eali,iUated- '"to-wound' the feell in.L's of.thoe wliii may differ with usj V-lifin a mild way, ' befit i'usr the dcea) Vin, -tbu-v making it, if pt'i.sihle :i journal for the. people. : A bill has .been introduced in the leg -hitnre m-ovibng;that the u-re.dttcabld V.-!:nol'fiijid bonds '.amounting to $-304 . shafl be :ipjdie(b:inimediately to e!ue;ition;il purposes. .IIeretofTre, thq interest only, on thesj bonds have lcert I used foF the benefit of schools, which j w i- so small it di,d not swell the fund but yervTittle. This, and a consider . aide more is needed for this purpose, r,,!id it is to be hoped, that the present ' legislature will not throw away, top : iniuh of its time in looking after tlie disabilities of persons, and other thingH of no importance to the general public butlvvote the tiijie in making " morcj and be tier provisions for schools in which the .coming 'generation; may bej educated.-.. Legislation upon'this poinff is. what. the pcoplennre most anxious toj see. and should, be looked after andj not jass it ' by as. the.- last1 legislature! orb ('apt. ,.V-;tiington Irving Hodgson,; -ef Xew Orleans, in obedience- to a rroc - lamation directed to him by the King of the Carnival, rgives'notiee and re-j Uest the newspapers.; throughout the cm nlr v. to . incut ion the fact tha t as r.hicf if t!ic aeeominodation' bureau he will mv that all who desire to "attendi Mardi tu ailo. eomfortably entertain-; red. P.H tii s exi ecti!!: to attend should i ' li'jtlfv him at once, trivinir the day of their expeeh' ! arrival and the number f t!u- p::r:y. ; ' - ';.. ..Th Ah.'l.er counir.n says' that we 1 ae nn doubt that every Republican V"W in jhe l!rm:r;d AsM-mblv would "ete.'fVr proh-ibltion and then ir: homo; a:u! k.iv it was a , lK'iiHcrr.tte measure, and turn iu to a'-n nut. just :ts; they tr.bd tJdo x rj-g:rd to the s;dvof tho eunn X.-rth Carolina Railroad 1 ;Th,iu, -ttu sKNTlNEi..saVs Captain l..in v Uiiorms tht-ni thnt as soon as J H'i ;re ire; ive.l to eomnuuee opera eh tlie North Can lina Midland ;r:r:Vr4nd.' bo c;:n readily secure the ser Uesi.f uvtj- tWo hundred able-Wlicd bd o-i r;. to put on at that t'.oint. , Uig to having luived without nop titui- our .'exchanges,- we have Tailed t" ro.v ivo ,.l:r uual.pap- rs wllitfh will aceoiMK far the scarcity of news.! ( trust -:r. readers ' will 'be generous t noiigh- to ow rlook all !Yort coming? - v'1 u''" i'v"c -v we have liftd a limiud tm;v to gt it, u" in . i 1 - . - - - . s eb'x. t h;U rir attraetmns fir New iorkers th;m it ever bad at any other time. It i lulieved that CVnkling will be the rulbg spirit in the cabinet. 3Jr. Jicob Eatok, (reMdin- nearrstattsf -eeni : uJergcihg. soioe I prorai for Garfield to use bis infiu Mocksville.1 who; died on the l&i hist;. I Ihanc TW.Soiith will douVtlerp-1 enee for William II. Armstrong for was bjrnnnd rape.! in? the neiKhor- liooil of Farminton, in this county, ,i 1 and was educated mainly tinder the tu- land State? uneasy. We see s-isrns of a Conirres?man Hanner. timoti tame t. Ution of Kev. Baxter Clegg, in Mock,s- disposition in: that fection to devide on ron is opposed to Oliver, Mac Weagb j i ville ITe was known iu. bis youth .for other issues than those whici have here- and Armstrouxr, and is anxious to have his exemplary character, morality ond.r.tofrtre' been the basis of tbebr rolitical I integrity. About thirty-five years ago i " li bo eonnccto.lhjmfclfith the Jle.ho- v,uul,-"; j - a consistent rumber laboring at all auiiy, especially p.me cnurcn :oi choice.! ' ! . ' I . . j III early lb4Wcame a' teacher of thepmmon sehoojs of the county, which sysjern of .education was t then new in North Carolina; and afterwards sue- j cecded llev; 3Ir.iJClegg as?prineipal of Kspiiencaaemy, una ,nany ; ot; ue miuuia aci aiu young men ot tins aiul.wnmnayig-.puiitieft-, ,as well .as many who hafe le.ft.the fcte,rc dented to him for, their, moral and in- telleetual training. ; ! He married at tJie age of 22, Mary, I the daughter of Jesse A. Clcmert Eso., I )t this place; who still survives, lhey reaj-cd a famHy of j seven children, one of which, a daughter diel about five years go,Mn the .bloom kf youth .ind nMminig.ot. a useful litii. as a teacher, liejtias another roaugutcr wtio is now, and ha:R,bych for spine six years, prin- cipnl td the ernal Acmlcmyiin tins place, doing a great deaiifor the train- ning of the young jof the yiciniy; . also anotner teacmng now m the country, and two others who would do credit to I almost any nci'dib hrhood. He has left F.twi? sons-, : both good and- energetic . . - - . -; . young men, wjit 'Jhavo managed the! farm in 2 ' and other business of. their father durinir his afiliction; not rier- lecting thcir;.iiVentl4mprpvenicnt diir-J i J . V -'.-i 13..- i ' l-J I Inz tho tinio. ' '.- i. 1 ; OwinL' to bis nidus traihihe he lived tacee pverv member of bis fnmil v pnn. nected with. tho church to which he the facts, and it appears that the rec-bclbhged,- Tlieyre iiofe mil y qualified ords show that his parents did not re- to live for themselves, hut to1 contrib- ute greatly to the beneJit of the'eom- inuhitylin which they 'jive; j I . ' . Truly, "a great rn,d iiopd man has fallen." i . When a proposition, to. restore to eit- izeiiship aliegro who been convicted of crime, and thereby prohibited by stat- utory iavy from .v-ofmg, was made m State House of lienreseiitatives Thurs- day, Mr. Carter, !pf Runcombe, who I cedithe bill to remote ex-Go v.-Holdeus disabilities, read sijetion 11 of article '1 was firrstinfcrined of the proposed hunt of t he constitution th show that the Leg- ig up of his genealogy he lias been lSla'ture had not thd power to.grant iliq l mypr -asked. This section provides, am ng -other things, th the-General Asciiibly shall not have the power to res Ore the rights of citizenship to any person convicted of any iufamous crime" 0'v we respecttul Gov Hidden was; y submit that ex- eonvieted 'bv the luimi iui ii) lIU highest' court ot t court which has he power to sit m judgement upon thl action of a Gover-- nor, That his crir. lo was "infamous' MrL Carter will bar . i til v himself denv. Can 1 1 olden; therefore, be rc stored to the rights of cititenshir? Possibly. upon the teehmealtjies ot thedaw. but certainlv -not according to the higher laW 'Of equity, whicji should be; ifdt is not, tlie guiae ot legislators as ot all np-n in public or private, it -is aosuru t maintain that a private .individual, an for. whom legisla e enactment wquld not have been isked,but for niitiguting circuintanccs surrouudinir liis casc.i should be forever debarred the richts 1 f citizcnhitH while a'rpn who h;s violated the very card ,in:;l principle of all law relating to personal rights!, is entitled to such res- jtoration. It is cijually absurd and il logical t argue that, 'because alleged greater tiffi-nders hajye been-aUowed to bo uimbipped of justice, he should notpie will. arrange the slate with GarSeJd. UlVr the puninu-lt that-liaV-btcn' i'tl-! rJJlame will ; be. Sretarj ot$it, I tiiecd uj-v-n biin. Chaklotte ''. Obsee- vr.a i lev. II. M. lrwn, of the North Cat-oliua ConfereiiceT died very sudden ly n M. ni:,y. He was on Uwhirric The tatfc of parties in the 'United min solid: Thd growth of the We?t, however, tendito make the XtwjEng- parties. The New York presUs a unit I : r i . . I i hbr frcc ,ra,le, ,uny. 6f,thc more inougnuui .ew j-.Tjiaimerh, irrepec- tive of Jpaties' are teaching: the same '' - - --.i? 'IT t -i.r ' currency ouesuoQ oeinc sausiue-i uaye heretofore sustained the Republi- 'vr I tan pai ij , ueifig xiu iuui;ei duus;uut.iic ho the Democratic ascendenevn that score, they will proably withdraw from their. active support of the Bepulrcan party,' and devide on other questions of 1 Uoyernmental poliyii' We think it bof ,t dll unlike tiul campalgiK will then bingo 'on the tariff question. In the mean :it is grat- 1n-ifving to note that Xew .England is growing moro prond.unced .on the sub-, ject of State' rights, and that the . un- denying principles of our government arc jraininff fiivor there. It would be a strange cosumniation ftra alliance td be fornred," between the South and Northeast, embracing. the origmafthiHecnto protect' States' rights from the ; assaults : of the new States, comlmonwealtbs that never had an existence . prior to' the forniatipn; of ! tiye Unien., and which owe their crea- tion to the consitutioni that the blder States had formed. -And yet the ten- dency seems that way. . The lire President Eit a Foreigner. Caitiaiore Sua The suspicion that vice-president elect Arthur was not born in this eoun try, and is filerefore not eligible to the f - -- W position tp; which he has heen .elected, has ffaiucd considerable .ground in, the past few dayl. A New York lawyer has made an elaborate examination of side in any of the. counties of Vermont, where he is alleged to have been born, at the tiino of his birth, ilis own state- mcm as -to wnere ue was uorn uq not :ree any morelhan do the statements Tlio 1,rtlin irna- lmrn int. Fairfield, Vermouth but not the V?ce President-elect ChcstcAllen Arther; When admitted to practice1 law in New y0lk, he'claimed to have been born in io but tVo ropar1 hiterestmn- ovent could not have oecur- red earlier than 1832 or 1833- It is Utntpd 'as a fnftber fact that' since he. writing letters endeavoring to make old, risitlcllt!, recall thinss that, did not oc- bur ;n. order to establish his birth in Vermont, but without success. The developments in tho case are so start Hmr and re.-t. upon stron- foundation of hmPnrcnt trmh hat they demand seri- i ' ' Tr ' t 1 1 ous and instant attention. If it should.1 ie Shito --the onlvH.. "!. t.;i:.!, .,r(' n 1 titled t) preside over thr Senate what a blow to Conkling's hopes itiwill prove Fickle' fortune will sometimes desert even its most favored votaries, and if Arthur be not Vice President, one great prop . of an overleaping 'ambition Has been knocked away- v " ' ' ' .-.'it ,. now Caarron is lo Tlx Thlccs. Harnsburg DLpateo to the X. V. Herald. According to tbe moat reliably in formation1 given out here, several -mat-tors 'in regard to l'resbk'nt-clf.ct Gar ficbr( cabinet Jiavc been fully .eter mine'd upon.r Don Cameron will not go into tbe cabinet bnnsclf, but will be nllowf-d .to r.anji tvrn rTon tn iht . J . : . ', n mri in hi ajijmiiuciu," uuutT vniurr- al Garfiicld. Tlie oppo?iuQ to Came- n, who wanted to be Secretary of War, cne frpnv -Mr; Blaim- In a few day?' Mr. lllame will rc.-igri bi nntorhir, apd go to. Mentor, where and'Senator Allison, of.Iwa, was Mr 151aincs clioic?, aiid .General Garfield ha agreed to give him the care of the national rxidnev bag. Allbon is a close friend of Garfield's? and an old al ly in the houe. As to ?ute afair, Cameron u lor Oliver rt, lut fcariisg KU defeat "ho. has obtained i partial the fnatofthip. The other faction bkre tried to get ViarCejid; to euprort Beniamih Harris Brewster made Sen- rtor - r . coniideratiolJ m star,iay, Senate bill 224 to authdr- ize the North western Xoth Carolina -if rni s ir;'ij bill shall prevent or interfere with the construction of the Xorth ('arnlina n- - - - t6D?" 5jbc!Vi company hereby authorized to build said road under the organization and consolidtio,i hcrtofore made by hc &toSho$i -th "Jf Consolidated.. Uountv of Payie, be. included in the bill; Passed its third reading yeas 34 W, B, -if f MOCKS VILLE, K. C. ; ' !i . . . ' . " ' DEALER IX : CONFECTION ERIES, Has jast received a large'supply of SUGAR, FLOUR, COFFEE, -BACON, MOLASSES, CHEESE, OIL, and a; full line of family : GROCEEIES, CANDIES, ;' NUTS CRACKERS, . SPICKS, .RAISINS, 'CAf GOODS, and everything to be. found in a confection-i try store at W. B. MOSS'. feb 10 3m. T. L. KELLY & CO., . . 1 .... ' ,.' 3IOCKSVILLE,, N. C ' " r Kcep constantly! on hrmu a full line, of; ' i . I I sucn as r3r G-bods, .'-' I Groceries. Notions. Clothing. Hats, . BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, Wood & Willowware. I au J 1 clash s,tore; all of which we o tier low ' ' , tor cash, or saleable - PRODUCE. .!r, ?b 10-ly. furniture;, As Coffins anB ' Caskets A Urg'o.and wd! Btlected stock of Fl'ILyiTl'MtE, EOSOTQOD, UiUtT an4 J Trimed io anv strIe:to loit pcrcbaser. The celebrated 1 : TI ! fl I 1101X108011 FlOWf ?cw Castinjrs, htl, Sewinjj yacblaef, Seth Thomas. Weltb k New Haven Clocks; We also keep VL m A TTJsW-IJf JuLJfo r r&sOiCi and can deliver CcSlns cn very reasonable a tern. Hustic Oil and Paper Wiidow Shde. AU of tbe above goods will be sole cheap for cash cr .. filtalls produce by r . - -j i ford huxt, j Mokivihe, X. C. B. All persons owing us jfor cofSns will D lease call and settle for ierse with I out. farther notice. feb 10 ly. MOSS GROCERIES General Merchandise COFFINS 'Tun PE2TECT TCSOTC" The only 25 cent, 1 ACU E T REOED Y l ! XK7 TSX) WOSiS - CUDC3 1 HMi' . Azd all AAJUIAL DISCXSI3. 4 Frtu LCDA DTK OCX, Kmru . Wwm as y r rr n m. - . BALD HERD'S ' i ... , IFRIEfJD, A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY I A Deodorized extract of Petrolemnj The Only Article that Will Re store Hair ok Bald Heads . Vhatrtho Worldihai been Wanting for Centuries. The Fittest discovery of ocj day, bo fir t t! large portion of hnir.tnlty la ccmccrned, 1 CE BOLETE, an articlo prepared froa petrolennt, anl 'which electa a completa and radial cure In cm a ot , , baldness, or where' tho hair, owing to diaeass ot the Bcalp, has becomes thia and jenda to fall cut. It ia also a speedy restorative, an4 whilo its neo ae- cures a luxuriant growth of hair, tt also brings bacta the natural color, and gives the most completa sa&- . Isfacdon in the using. The falling out of the ttlr9 the accumulations of ddrufl, ajid the premator change in color are all evidence of a diseased con dition of the scalp and tho glands which nourish the hair. To arrest these causes tho article used must possess medical as well as chemical virtues, and the ' change must begin under the $calp to be of peraa nent and lasting beneflL Such an article Is CUS BOLDfE, and, like many other, wonderful discor cries, It Is found to consist o elemenU almost ia their natural state. Petroleum Oil Is the artkla which Is made to work such -extraordinary results ; but it is after it has been chemically tretlsd az4 j completely deodorized that It is la proper eoudltioa . ', for the toilet. It was ia far-o2 Boaala that thsj i cflectof petrokumiuwn the hair waat observed. , a Government ofacer having noticed that a partlallx ! baM.hAaded servant or his. wnen mmnunr us lamps, had a habit of .wiping his oU-besmearel bands in his scanty locks, and the result was in s few months a much finer head of black, glossy hair than he ever bad before. The oil was tried cex v horses and cattle that had lost their hair from the '.' cattle plague, and the results werej as rapid as they were marvelous. The manes and! eves the t&E s of horses, which had fallen out, were completely re stored in a few weeks. )These experiments were) heralded to the world, but the knowledge was prac tically useless to the prematurely bald and gray, as) . no one in civilized society could tolerate the use of refined petroleum as a dressing for the hair. But the J skill of one of our chemists has overcome thedlS culty, and by a process known only to himself, ha -has, after very elaborato and costly prperiments, su ceeded in deodorizing refined petroleum, whicli renders it susceptible of being handled as daintUj as the famous ecu dU oolopiu. The experiments witV the deodorized liquid on the human hair were aV, tended with the most aatoniahingi result. A few applications, where the hair was thin and falling,! gave remarkable tone and vigor to the. scalp anj ' hair. " Every panicle of dandrug disappears oa th first or second dressing, and tbs liquid so search mg in its nature, seems to penetrate to the roots at once, and setup a radical change from tho start. ;It Is well known that the most beabiiful colors arej made, from petroleum, and, by siome mysterious operation of nature, the use cf ths articlo ST4o4 ally imparts a .beaatifol lightbrewn color to the m aIa mmmfnm v9n in.f.t trvr ft A tnAmiKfM t A WIVI I IIITT 1 1 I I IVM. VA. m I ) ...l.i .i. or time, and the change is so graaiai tnat ue ; intimate friends can scarcely detect Its In a word. It la the most wonderful dictrrtry the age, and well calculated to. rtake the turtly bald and gray rejoice. Ke adriM our readers to rive i 'ealira vatlk&ed that one anpUratkm tll cmrlnce tha cf It wondcrf al t2.cCU.lMliiAtrgk CorAnmtrciyii tft The article Is teHh?; Its own tery In th hands ci . thousand who are uiQg it wilh the xoo; gixiJjizig and encouraging reeuit : j i - W. IL Ennx A Co., Fifth Avenue Pharmacr. save. "e baresoia cf twenti weaori forerpconunend it'wi'Ji cor.f.dfTvce to'osr frtdda ana the general public" ! t Mr. Grrravrs P. IT ait,' cf tbe Oate Opcrsi Troop , write: After six weeks use I aa coo vincwl, as are also toy coc&rade. that your Carbo tine' ha and Is producing a wooderfal - growta cf Lair where I Lad none for year. j C. IL Sjrrnt. cf the' Jennie TJlt Cottbtrattooj write: - After mine yocr Carbwae' three Mka 1 am eonvincrd that Viii Lsj can be 're-tairad. it" alcipty woodexfal ia my ca" : B. T. Asnrrx, eXjndit, Holyokel HaseU' wtUm: Tour CarboiiB ha rcetceea my hair after every thing else had faJed." j Joexn E. If aea. wrttc : Far rore than 3J tct a txtfttoc i tsy Lead has been a smooth and free from Lair as av tLliard ball, bst some eirnt wcke ao I wai ta daecd to try yocr Carholae, aad th e&ct has been atapl v wooderf aL Where r. Lair La an f ;r year there now appear a thick growth ana l am cocTnxeq taax 17 csuasirglt a I anaj Lave as god a had of Lair a I ever had. ltU rrowtag bnr nearly ae rapidly as ,hi!r dace aftes; liis'cnt. ' j : j car Boxz iris; Is now presented to the pohlk wUhoet fear ef tradirtioB a the be. Beetormttv azd pgr ef the Uairthe worid La evt prodaced.' ' -; , -Prtf. ONE IOLIAQ pet tOttlc ' Sold by all Drnzrleuw- j T. KinnEDT & coTpinsBima.PiLr : - 1 IL o DOfS a progrsssi precis -j prrpAfsuons lot t nxiz ror upwara r years, bctjLare never Lad one to mU ae riT seen unireruJ caxisfacuon. .W thr- I I i - 1-. j . t p. I srii t-tT 1 i )