Davie Times. JS. If. JIOOJIIJTC, Editor. JltfCKSr'lLLE, jr. c. THURSDAY, SEPT.?15, 1881. ThVrecent purchase by the -Rich'- f mond k Danville company of the in- terest of the Baltimore & Ohio compa- tirinthe Vireinia Midland is "discuss- d w th rnnah interest dv our citizens. I and elicitinff -ranch fear of the aban- donment of. the North Carolina Mid State. Some insist that it will put a ttr.n n further Drocecdincrs m this di- . . I rection, as there is no need of two i one anotner f through the btate and. connecting with . I the tame lines at north( lern and soutji- cm noints. These views are well founded, but there is another side to the fjuestion which can be viewed.and f ibis found to be fruitless, then we with many others, will say farewell to fu ture prospects, but as U is not, we are -still sanguiner It may be possible that the It. & P. does not ehtend to carry out the scheme -of the Baltimore and Ohio company in' the construction of the. North Carolina Midland at an ear- irr A.tn .caiir r ? 1 1 nmrmoll J ' J 1 1 .mcni.to ao so m years to come. The It. k D. owns the Yirginia, Midland which connects with them at t:ii., L.i Vm Pi oi-inHn 1 vauuilti uuu uiiciaito Lilt vuaiiwuu, Columbia! and Augusta and the Atian- ta and Charlotte Air-Line roads, thus luu giving them two northern feeders and I giving them two northern 'feeders and two southern outlets. The missin? I issing liuk between these roads is supplied U nf v.n tn-rn Pnr.iim . J la toad between Greensboro and Uhar- jottc, a distance of ninety-three miles, which does not expire for tWcntv vears. therefore they really do not need to ' . - ' , . i.arrv m.f tlii' erW n nr. r fn moU :ry ;rH.rr:: r t by the authoriti6s, that they-hate for- feited their charter of the It & 1) I Grcensboro.V bv a discrimination in . . ' . . . freight rates, and the Attorney-Gener- tnt,An e it,:. nn ks, wuutuii; ui kuDu yju. mi North Carolina road will necessarially follow, leaving them cut off I at Dan- ... . VUle. in this event, we will! secr the North Carolina Midland a fixed fact. - I Supposing this does not come to pass, J the syndicate may conclude to construct 1 iV- 1 A 11 . . .1 i I me- ru;iu jusi me same, as me lease money they noT7 pay would more than .., jn,... , ; 1 a 1 paj intercut on capital invested m the extension I If ;c t, ts p. t a .0 t.m.u iuai x. u. x. iuuu, which has been for a lone time, an enemy to the Virginia Midlandhad an - . c 1 object m view when they purchased it, but whether they did it expecting Ci : A ' , . , ,r e vuc ciuiiMomaiic war wun tnem, or for the nurnnsn nf KnmmtciTirf tU N" n M!,lloK,l v.. ..auv., u an; uuauit; iu bay, s I the nice little ruses resorted to bv the land There has been various opin- satisfactory1, was because this was the jng the duties of the Pr idential chais. ion on ,ts effect ron ,ho T f -f Ja3u5a A Wtft" tension of the Midland through this Me physicians in attendance. Then considered the IWi,! to J. ai IS at WOrK investigating ine matter. I sieain louins, are aqoui 10 remove tneir ,Q aor ui anoiuer, anu agaiasi au roaus if this be trio thev virtually have no eilti business to Philadelphia, being connecting with North Carolina road; time xi mis; irw, tney viriuaiiy nave no I . 'TT:; . would fail me to expose tbem. They are iiiik irom AJauvine xo vjrrceusuuro auu t .11 y-. 1 . ' 1 I VVUVIUVCU LUU kJ Lilt: IJU1LCU kLl.Lt' 1.1 1.111 modern railroad men are too mistcriousNponisbed by the puMic press that ior us to comprehend- therefore we are unable to say anythinc definite uron the Miliect until iVip mpotmd of 'ho W ... uv directors, which will be on next Tues- ' lho President wr.i moved to Lone Rranch o.n Tuesday the 5th inst. Ev cry thing was so arranged that he cx- "perionced no discomfort. lie really aceiucd to improve by the journey as bin pulses foil while on the road. He is said to be improving as fast as could le txptxted.. In Tact he has improved po much that the en ices of three of the t . rhslcian? Lave been dispensed' with. The country maynow look forward to his recovery. Mr$ Allison, wife of Senator Allison, of Iowa tried to commit suicide by drowning henelf in a lake in New York last Sunday. She walked four miles to Silver Lake into which Yhe waded Vut was rescued by a fisherman who was near. Ilcr reason was that she "did not want to give her hazband any more trouble. Gov. Cornell, of New York. Yetoed SG bills passed by the legislature of uiat itate. : t Professional Differences. The official familv at th e Wh t t a TTnn p , y , which is now broken hp for the time being, has not far Borne time been a happy one, ' and it is hoped that the brceies at Long Branch may hare the effect to remove the clouds of distrust nd satisfaction which hare hovered fvcr the Execntite Mansion these many jeks. The doctors haTe had their Pyrenees ana jther jealousies, and uv "v11 aa uaa jucviuusiy been jhinted, thai the reason why the pulletms have been so meacre and un- n l.. . .1 I VI ' , '1 ! ' ... - I Merej aas oeen reat grumbling ami h"'lgrm among tae memoers ot the cab La ':' ..iif i . pet mat they wore so rigidly excluded j ux x .ucuu xi r .Ar. xiaine nas noi let c-n ey4K.4-ni 11 I J I . T 4 pcn fhe President more than three Fimes, smce ,bc was wounded, and soac Pf tbe 0tlicr members of the cabinet Pot more than one A F0REI6X TIEW. 7- Soi Oct of Danger Intil the Wound Is Healed. London, September 2.--TheLANCET O'Ltnis week savsd "Ve do not thinV the. healing of President Garfield's wound will be promoted bvprobins to ieam now tar granulation has proceed- Md - The most favorable 12 are the fill of tonir,ni.o ni.i o. 1 1 the freoufencv of trie wilw Thi i, thoroughly 'safe cterion of increased Ntrength, arid the subsidence of blood-: Doisoninff: and together with th im- , ' at - i 'VU iJU sutu, auimy 10 .j ouuuuij, uic-diuuhs au-j cheerfulness. atTond solid rounds for the.nope of recovery. ' The case is a striking striking illustration of the power of a M,?oc constitution to hold up against lllne th&t ould jcertamly havo killed tftftnlfir TiPrRfin ntir. nnnthor -foilura m I the .President's dUw.. symptoms of blood-poisoning, might at any time turn the balance against him, ar . w nare .punertp msistea up- fttl n ntf sin TWO ara hAti H - va-nan f 7 I " . f"". that rresident Uarheld will not be out ' ' , : ' Aoanaonii Fngland. ,6 1 ,6V"9?. - "l une uress gooas, wnose worKs atisrad- ford, England, continually run 1,500 rr., visuuc. n T Yi n rn turn ltnlup o 1 Ami.n A I building has been secured'and the ma- chinery is alreadv arriving. It is pro- bable that the operatives of - the Eng- l&U ;n U AMt,nii n.- 7 ,&wuUJ T mill to this country. 1 1 - - senator Garland's Opinion of Disability, From an Interview in khe Washington Star, 1 ; 1 .t . 1 C J J.e ls.' lt , i" iu&iuau ui uemg huui, mat 1 ili . 11 T .1 1 T . ' . i 1 lHe resiaent, naa met witn a ranroaa auuiueut wuereoy nenost doui nis nanas. T, . . , , , , J , v. c- ri.,ir v :fl ,,1,14. u , LiM:i ,iJxi lii-i.-.-.n ' luauiiiiy iaai ne couiu not aci as jrreM- dent so longi as his mind was clear, 1 it a 1 i 1 1 1 1 ... it ... f1 me 10SIcal conclusion is mat an ..I 1 iw i i. : il- 1 i t 1 ';t anA . 1 in, ctv I 1. . , ; : j 3Iontffomerv Blair has roked his htA nut nf Vs TioTp anrl said? T th nk f r. r 1 the time has come' when he ought to be he;is poundjDy nis, oatn ot omce to assume and exercise tne duties of the presidency, however reluctant he may l i l i Mt0 o so." NowjMr. Arthur need be reluctant no longer. Galveston, Sept. -7. A fire on sun i i ' day nicht destroyed 'the barn of Walter Carutn, 5 miles from town, consuming 200000 bushels of corn, a let of hay, oats, 4c, 2bead of horses and mules: los between 8,000 and 10,000. No insurance. ! Frederick Henry Frost.ia native of Schles'vig-IIolstein, and the oldest printer in Lancaster, Pa., was found dead in his bed last Tuesday, at the t ,1 ' ' ' age; of seventy-seven. 'Me too" comes to the front again, which shows Conklincr is still alive and do in? somethin!;. Tlatt is Chairman of the1 State Republican Committee of New York, j Xhe losses along the Georgia ccast from the hurricane are now estimated at three hundred lives and a million and a half dollars. Wm Daed,.a prominent merchant of ikxinetoni Ya., was thrown from hb terse last Thursilay anl killed. Chicago, Sept 7. Gli. Grant, in an interview yesterday, leaking of the prospect of the Preside s recovery, said he had not such a trig hopes lis he would like to have, but he recovered removal. He it would be because of li had no doubt that a con existed which required Iticn of affair s c Vice-Prcsi- dent to act as PresiderJ but neither the constitution nor thdjnitcd States statutes provides how bility should be declared, and it wojd be wholly unasked, tomakeamovaoward asnm- form the duties rc.uirJ of hiui. Then - the cabinet might conslor this certifi- i.. i " i . 1 waru u u he v ice-Prt'si- act ps Prcsi- dentklurinff Garfield's Isabilitv. There was nothing legal abo.i this but Gen s eral G Grant said he con see no oth er ) for accomplishing ite end. Over -three and ox half millions bushels of wheat -woe delivered in Chicago lait Friday rt the Cincinnati syndicate. The New York Dem ratic State com fora Stato con- mittee has issued a caJ vention to be held a Albany on the Hth. of Oct. i.T rXTRACTTROB GO YlVlSCrs LETTER Vjov. Vance has witten a ringing letter in defence of hi cause as one of the Commissioners il superintending the execution of the ompletion of the i vesiern iortn Lariima rauroau as contract of the 'Clvde syndicate . , . . J . , . , W v-J-ft. m reply to 01. nurews taismcauon ot tne manner of obtaining consent of the two other commissioners for an extension of time . . ...... i i . TrT .vl.Dai" - Pabllshed in the Charlotte Obserter of the 7th inst. . The whole letter is one oi sympainy . wuu me people oi lit - Oaa- ITT. 1." it- iue ciate' ue suu o.m .iae last, para- .hnf ih. Ur Ui w5lt h of interest to. our readers: . w In thematter of discriminations on freights and in the charter of the Piedmont Rail road . aeainst North Carolina towns and cities; agaiust one town in North Carolina . . . . . . . 1 )n tDe state lrom ltaieigh West Has its own tale to tell. I have the authoritv of some of the most prominent merchants iu Char lolte fo,r saying some that they have to pay themselves the freights on goods sold south 0f this point, others, that the freights so far Sonth aa Columbia are cheaper than to tii nr.int frnm Nortnrn cities, and tn sell thtir goods they have to pay this difference against them. And still others say that iuen iuct mnic bu must .iui kuuuj ulu 1 (l : r. a r.nm t,v nnint on the Wei tern North Carolina ' r road they can make no profit, except by nuing me 0111 Dy oraenng irom xne wnoie 8aie ercbants (n nwhmond to be sbippe- direct to their customers. I have in my possession freight bills ehow4ng tbe rates VlPtP(1 d;...,) ftnfi iA .heville. v. n to be 65 cents per hundred pounds, and I have 1 . ......... . : . . also a ireignt dm 10 wcicn, on gooes com- I in rr tn f:hTlrTtA frnm Marinn trt StatlTtli a distance of 67 miles, the charges are $1,- 14 per hundred bounds. Similar staUstics I can readily be found anywhere in Western North Carolina, although we do not see them in many of our newspapers. Tbe IX1UUUUVA '"-"r.' w"? vi vv" trol a 1 roads west of.K&leiffb. with one or two exceptions, and these they are said to f wril'lS " I prints that they have purchased the vir ginia Midland. The result of this, if true. will probably be to discontinue the work now in progress to extend it from Danville to Mooresville, cutting off the only hope o. the people along that line ' (or a railroad, an J cornpleted or rot. destroying also the last hope of this section to obtain com peting line, i Then " the coils will be com pletely around us. We will be absolutely at the mercy of strancers. A foreign eor poratian will ijispose of the wealth, if there be any left, and dictate the policy of North Carolina The fiat that taxes tbe earrinps of our people isi-jes frota the city of Hicb raond. ,But recently an order was put forth by one Hass, "general freight ajjent of this corporation, forbidding any freight arras g- ments to be made by vhat is called the i Associarta rauroaus wiia tne Aviaaxic uc i North Carolina Railroad. Tbe crops of this part of the State have utterly failed, but the eastern counties have been blessed with abundant harvests of grain, aad if permitted reasonable freights would feed our already suffering population. But one Wn. J. Best is In control of that road, and is tryiog to build another through tbe heart of North Carolina, The Richmond & Dan ville Company don't like air. Best, so this order Issues, and the people of these parch ed and suffering plaits are denied access to the abundant stores ot their eastern breth ren. Tbe roadi of their own State are m.de the instruments of their oppresiioa. These things have inffoeaced ay coadnet as a commissioner ct the Western North Carolina Hailrosd aad ai a ciliten. I am aware tht by pursuing this course I sub ject myself, cot erJy to the danger of b icg misunderstood by that portion cf my fdlow-citiieus who can be mao to believe that I am tryb? to stop the progress of the work, butalsa to the enmity cf a vut cor- poratioa inthe hacdi of iiracgtr?,whoiaay have the power, as they certialy bare the will, to cruih all who eUod is tbei way. I know that each icslitaticsi have ioiidioci and irreiUble iretbodi of corrcptiBf leg islator, of rabcrninj the pr-J and fore in public opinion. I know tali weU the daogtr 1 incur bj attenptirc to thwart the purooiei of one of theet rait eocabicatiors of capital, which, deifyicg the ipirlt of pain, cmbod the tery essence of eiitcef s I and go straight on to their objtct, regard- leis orUtonaideratioai except thoee which coatribate to succeii. I know tow rower- Ie5$ an asricnltuMt people, ot moderate means, spread orer a wivle extent of conn trr, like the people cf North Crolits r to contend with ach a power. If I con- lulled ej own ease or coaTenitace, I would retire from the costeiL r-at the represenutire of the people, conEdic? tar inucri!? and f-tithfu'.nesj. cboie at a OLe ot the commissioccre t5 fupenstcrsd the exerntion cf this contract I bk'.l jastifr that cor.Jesce, or tre to do io. let the coaequcaces to rajitlfbe what thej VISSOLLTltKV .YOTICE. Notice is hrelv eireo that tbe co-prt- ncr?!iip heretofore existing uad-r tLe nucie of N!ount and M.r.r;ng. is this day d;sulr- Having qualified as administrator oa the estate of Alice T. flareh, on the 23th day Aupust 81, notice is hereby ' cien to all parties hexing any claims against raid es tate to pressnt tbem to tbe nndersipned within twelve mouth3 from this dale, or tbij once will be niead in bar of their r? covery, and all persons indebted to said estate are hereby LouGed to make payment, w. b. siarcb, administrator of Alice V JIrch T f rnT n TA The undcraizned bavin? qualified as ad ministrator of :he estate of Joba T. Lo;vcry deceased, hereby " nctiB-s all persons in debted to said estate to come forward and make immediate payment, and notice is al so hereby (riven to all persons having claims against said estate to present then for payment duly authenticated oa or before 3rd day of Sept 1882 or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. Spt 3, '81 tbo8 r xatoh, admr. of Jo t lowxbt deed. LAND SALE. a Br virtue of an order of the superior court of Davie county directing tbe resale of the lands of William Walker Sr., deceas ed, the undersigned as admisistrator of the ! estate of said deceased will offer to tbej highest bidder by way of public vendue at tbe court boose la Mockiville, on Honda 3d day October 1801 the trac. of laad on which said Hllllam Halter died, contain ing one hundred acres. Terms six months j credit with bond and approved security, bearing interest from date, and title reserv. ed until purchase mocey is paid, aug 29 '81 job waLKta administrator of willum waLKta BR, deceased- NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as ad ministrator of the estate ef James Williams Sr, deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons indebted to said estate to come for wara and make immediate payment, and notice is hereby given to all persons bav. ing claims against said estate to present the same for payment duly 'authenticated on or before tbe twenty ninth day of Au gust eighteen hundred and eighty two or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. Orrell Etcbison, Administrator of aug 20th. James Williams, Sr dee'd T. L. KELLY & CO., MOCKS Y1LLE, U. C. Keep constantly on hand a full lino of General Merchandise such as Dry Goods, Groceries. Notions. Clothing, Hats, BOOTS and SHOES, HARDWARE, Wood & Willowware. cla2 store; all of which we effer low for cash, or saleable PRODUCE. feb 10 ly. T. r.Swaua. J. A. LlaviUe, W. L. Whiu. 'SWAIM & CO., rmcncTOT, i. c. V A 'HI cake ai; sizes of EOaD WAG- vv ONS. lie t c&Urial zitL All liziict REPAlRtKO doce a: BOTTOM PItlCEd. AI! work warrited Git ct a trial asd to b as re-reze-ted. w- raranW fatufac- uttatmaart aad tot- Uol. Thatkfvil for aitpatroaart and ho? by clou ap pucaUoa anl pronpUitM to rati i: a coatiiaaice of the laoe. CEDES SOLICITED. Addrets e l bjr mutual ccaiect, Mr. J. M ll.ouni re- a ' gaU rr Ula tinns. Tbe badness of the late firu will .ymm , coun f ief dfiaa:i4 be settled yE. . Mooncj. All Pcroi M n lLePIr;titio3. wilsel, lhi, li(irlinh owinR us;are requested to tnake iun.ed.ete j wa LcQlrer.2j eht rajn;eLt as oor books must be closed. J- ,rOHiirT clerk iopericr coon. Ileapectfally . J. M. ln.OUNT, c w ! E. Y. MUURING. J Sept. 5th U31. d 3, 'lJ r p ? Ia NOTICE. si ' S jO I tsar 10, 2a, pd. arzaisa, 5C. A'OTICK. j I ortli CartQaa Davie Creafj. , Eavic; qaalied es Administrate r oa the e:tat of Moilie J. Call, 5ecca-i. notice is bertbj irivea to all jeroai i&Jtbw-i to the id estate, to riak- haoedlat f aymcnt, or actios will be u to ealbrct tccllectioa, and all persoaa having cUiss ajraiait aald estate will present thro for payeteal wtthia twelve taoclhi from dale berevf. or thit so uce will be plead ia bar cr the rrcorery. . JL. UAILM, acw r. This :3rJ of Anj. 131. to tJ, 4w i -. Nosrn citOLIxa-DAVTE ccrTT. Js. a' rrnPR CoCET. .. . . ,. MalOHty AuJttn, J .2. jl ,azamt ! 1 eU- J. C. Autin k wife Barbara tion fur ji i IcnJrra if0 Marrl lOWtT. '9 ct al Lcir at law Ac. i J It apjearin ta the at!fecJoa of tho cocrt If adaeil cf plalttiST that the defen dant u i arsri Lot a rs;Irnt ct tail I'jr.u and that be it a rtiidrnt ef the suta ofarkfinrar. It ii ordered thet sertice of tbe luratro:! te ta'e Yr pubticattoa far six rcV in tie r.it nwte la aockivii'e, c, cotifjiajr sa'.J dcfadeat to kpiar oa . r Itlore fniaj the 14:h daj ot oct.ber 1 attheofE.ee cfthe clerk of the uprior r. 5 3 o Cm CO W ft c o o DRUG STORE, VTINSTUXf K. 0.. Is the place to buy yrjtir DRUGS, MEDICINES, a 0.9 AT BOTTOM. BCTTM WILL T7XD IT TO THE&' XJfTXXUT to call uircnt hcttno tLsrwnrtx t SMITH'S DRUGSTORE. HAEDWAEE BAKER & WOODS, Stattnttte, v. ci WHOLESALE k RCT11L lllUKS CJ Hardware, Cutlery Sc. .BEADQCITECB fOR ptebsteb wacoxa," cruxnojc kOWtiS, cuvf.?. ennxxo fLovf vlxxic flaws, aDH M1LI, CC7T0.V OJXscAXX MlLLi AND ETiroriT3. I VTe hare the largest s'oek of hardware !a Mtern .Vortb Carolina and wi!l r-.ake It to wei I your avanUge to cone to see mm as wt S pect to ui: lower thaa any Louse In the wett Eugene Johnson, j&irmington, If. O. Vtef4etamll mit of j PLUG AKD TWIST tobacco; Alo pat p tSe fcllowlfir Lrii: fir l Ucb 3 DUk CleaeaMI lac! (s, f 10 Isch C's, Levi'. Colct 10 te.c C o Jacket 10 inch 6 a. Prii ot uav li lac Si, AAA J'g, A AAA if OverTwirU i 5cthia; bnl ehotco stock u4 U U ttaaftfactar cf ay ra4et. All cr den til ed with. dir;aub aad Waslaeat arocjtJj ai. uadd to. X wUh U iIraj ot patraaa sa4 I rrtcl Af rtAvi rn'-ntx n l aaltrrr t'i tvetl -i a lip I OH