1- 3DA.TIE TIMES. 1 C FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1 887. 3SI u W S JUST BBZEF. NOTICE. , From and after this date all legal ad vertisment sach as Orders of Publica tion, Administrator's Notices, Land Sales under mortgage, execution or order of court, must be paid strictly in advance. ' . We are compelled to adopt this plan because of the trouble we are put to make collections, and because we cannot run our business and wait from six month's to two and three years for our fees, and then lose them, as has been the case in many instanc ces. This rule will be stricly enforced Be sure to go, or send a hand, to Joppa to-day. Sunday School Convention at Far xnington today. i I'm i n Preaching in the Methodist church Sunday night. Mr. J. M. Woodrufl; of Winston, was in town Wednesday. Latest styles of ladies hats, just received at C. C. Sanford's. Rev. W. C. Willaon 'will preach at Calahaln, on the 5th Sunday. Cana commencement Tuesday night; Farmington, and Fork Church on Wednesday, and Jerusalem on Thursday the 26th. V I M V ' Rev.' C. J. Curtis will pold devine services at Centre churcft, on the 5th Sunday. Mr. C. C. Sanford went tdvWinston vesterdav. to attend a meeting of the Roanoke & Southern Railroad We understand that a looce of Knights of Labor will soon be organ ized, in this place, by the negroelj The fare to the Teacher's Ass bly, is only seven dollaars from Sal- isburv to Morehead. for the v 4 triP- M . The closing exercises ' of Farming ton Academy, will commence on Wednesday morning, the 25th, at 10 o'clock, a. m. Mr. J. S. Tomlison, formerly edi tor of the Piedmont Press has an two columns and a half article m Washington Critic, of Peter S.Ney. the 16th, oa The friends of Rev. Hillary T. Hudson, D. D., will regret to learn that his condition is such that he has been confined in the insane asylum at Morganton. The South Yadkin Baptist Associa tion meets in this place, next Friday morning. The introductory sermon will be preached Friday night 1 Eld. T. J, Rook'e, of Moores ville We notice among the letters maining in the post-office at Sail ry, ana advertised in the watch one for Daniel Seafrist. Mr, Sea frist's post-office is County Line Davie county. ine assessors ana lax Rafters, are requested to meet at the cjdfort house on the first Monday in Jufie, to con sider some plansin regar jto equal izing the valuation of projberty in the county Mr. Robert L. Wilso of this coun- ty , and Miss Cora Har tey, daughter of Mr. J F. Harkey, were married yesterday evening at the residence of the bride's grandfather, Mr. Frank Nichols, of Iredell county. Rev. C. E. Gower officiating ii i mm i 1 ; By land or at sea, out on the prai rie, or m the crowded - city, Ayer's Cathartic Pills are the best for purga tive purposes, everywhere conveni ent, efficacious, and safe. For slue- gish bowels, torpid liver, indigestion, bad breath, flatulency, and sick head ache, they are a sure remedy. J , " v ' The J usticc of the Peace, besides leving tax for 1887, will have to elect a County board of Education. We would suggest , to the Justice that they re-elect the old board, as they are competent, and represent the northern, middle,and southern por ties of the, county, also the religious denominations. The dwelling house and cook room of Mr. Thomas Campbell, near Coun ty Line, were burned Sunday night between nine and ten o'clock. Be fore the fire was discovored the cook room was falling, and the upper story of the dwelling was burning rapidly. We learn that only a few articles of furniture was saved. , - 1- man, ft I L.1: Cjfl 4 Notwithstanding much is said about the importance of a blood-pu-ryfying medicine, possibly the mat ter has never claimed your serious attention. Think of it now1. If, by using Ayer's Sarsaparilla, you avoid scrofula, and transmit health to your offspring, thank us . for the suggestion. Died in this place on Friday; the 13th, Mr. William B. Jones. The de ceased had been a great sufferer from the effects of complication of diseas es which wrecked his entire frame. He departed this life peaceful and quiet at the age of 56 years. The assessors and tax listers for Mocksville township, will beat Mocks ville, June 7th ; Jericho, 8th ; Union Chapel, 10th; Oak Grove, 11th. They will be at Mocksville again, on the 18, 25, 27, 28, 29, and 30th. Don't forget the places, and the dates. Wake Forest commencement June 7. 8, and 9th. J. H. Mills will deliv er the alumni address. Hon. M. W. Ransom will address the literary soci eties, and Rev. T. Armitage, D. D. of N. Y. will preach the baccalaure ate sermon. Messrs. G. L. Merrell. G. L. Finch, and E. F. Tatum, have our thanks for an invitation to attend. The University of N. C. Catalogue for 1886-'87 Just received shows 240 matriculates, the same as preceedmg year. Considering the enormous fail urea of crops and the fact that there in no preparatory department, the number is quite satisfactory. The faculty includes 15 teachers. There are 18 lecture rooms, 6 labora tories and museums for daily scien tific work; a large general museum; a select library of 25,000 volums; a reading-room with 80 papers and journals, and a fine supply of maps and illustrative apparatus. The law school is flourishing. S. A. and N. W. R. R. Stanly Observer says : "From the pen of Dr. O. D. King who is now visiting in Wilmington, we get some heering news about the S. A. and , W. Railroad. The Dr., has had a 1 " . all conversation witn Mr. isimeimer, wno imnow in Wilmington and that gen tleman reiterates his statement that the S. A. and N. W. road will be coimpleted by or before the time agreed iii$on. Also that actual work will be- gip at Smithville,- (now Southport,) on the first day of June, next, at in termediate points, Salisbury, Rock lnanam, etc. very soon thereafter." A Model Farmer. On last Saturday we visited the 'arm of C. S. Chaffin, in Carmi town ship. Mr. Chaffin located a homestead and timber claim where he now resides, eight years ago. Like the most of the Pratt county pioneers, he came here with scarcely means enough to pur chase a team and a few farming imple ments and went to work. During the years of 7VJ and 80 he suffered through drouth and hail storms but never lost faith in the ultimate prosperity of the county, py careful and judicious man agement he has now one of the finest improved and most productive farms in Pratt county. He has good build- isgs, plenty of hue stock, well filled granaries and broad fields of growing wheat. He has on his timber claim about fifteen acres of walnut trees just coming into beating, and a large amount of cotton woods. In the line of fruit trees, he has nearly two hundred apple trees, two large bearing peach orchards, cherries, plums, pears, black berries, raspberries, strawberries, etc. Water for his stock and other purposes is raised by a large wind mill. In the season of '84 he sold two hundred dol lars worth of fruit from his peach or chard and expects a fair crop this year. He has a hundred acres of growing wheat that is in excellent condition and promises an excellent yield. His stock is all fat and sleek and there is an evidence of thrift all about his farm Mr. Chaffin has fully demonstrated what has always been our firm belief, that for profitable farming Pratt is unexcelled by any county in the world. Pratt County (Kan,) Press. Mr. Chaffin was horned and seared in this county, and we learn from his brother, M. R. Chaffin, Esq., that he left this county in company with some parties moving to Indiana, on the 11th of October 1886, with about $25 in cash, in his pocket. It is a pleasure to us, to chronicle the success of our countymen, whether at home or abroad but think if they had remained in their native county, and put forth the same exertions as they are compelled to do in the , West, they would no doubt be as successful. Bradfield's Female Regulator will cure all irregularities or derangements peculiar to woman. Those suflrinsr should use it. 1 Why buy a cheap noitheri aggy when you can get a good oneQi same money from Huff. SUCH nlprcsed. rofusc canty and MENSTRUATION or ONTHLT SICKNESS. If taken during the CHANGE OP LITE, fereat Boffering and danger will be avoided. I-Sena for book"MK8ajL8B to Woarair," mailed free. . BsAsrau Etotilatob Co Atlanta, Ga. FARMERS T" You who are expecting to purchase farm machinery such as Mowers, Har vesters and Bindeis, Rales, &c , will do well to see the New Deering Mow er, and the all steel Deering, Harvest er and Binder. Do you want to s4e a steel mowerr tnen Iook tor tne JJeerihg They are new, something new. Tl improvements are grand. Reader sho you not want any machinery,, spea vour friend or neiffhhor about this i ter. Do not forget, don't neglect. Why snouia you miss in xe suj-e yotrv&re right, and then go up head. Writd to or call on Geo. W. Crouse, Lexington, N. C, Opposite Court House. Send for Sample Copies THEY COST NOTHING The News aiui Observer, The largest, best and Cheapest paperpnb lished in the State. Telegraphic accoispts of all interesting events from every parj of the world. Full market reports. A paper for evtry amily. Eetablisbed 1872 and gets better every year. t Send your name, Postoffice address $2.00 for one year; $1.0Q for 6 months Every North Carolinian should takJ The livest, most progressive, paper in State , i THE WEEKLY NEWS-OBSERVEK, i Raleigh, N. ( I wish to call the counties to tne lact that I am mhi b I am i&T Srtthe A SPECITIO FOR i rmIL "O ii jiuijw A ing my prices to suit'the hard ime, and I positively assert that I will not be undersold by anyone (quality o" work considered). If you want cheap work, I can supply yoq. Bedfteats from 2.50 up. . Those wanting fine work are invited to examine m Mcjrk and' judge for themselves as to my ability to do that kindjof worktlA the furniture line, I make and keep on hand Bureaus, Bebsteads, TabIes,Desks, Washstands, Safes and the best carpet-seat and back rocking ciais that have ever been sold in the county. In the line of Coffins I make; sereral differnt styles ; the finest being that of the Northern style, with round jorners and glass plate in the top. I can fiumish any style wanted, andj from 3.00 up to adult size. I feel confident that there is not a workman intNorth' Carolina that can produce a coffin of his own make that is superior to ny finest work. I am willing to compare my work with any northern work fiiat is sold' in the county. I keep a hearse and will deliver anywhere at rfasonable rates. To all who wish to make cash purchases in either line, I wilrcertainly give the advantage of a cash trade, and will make a.deduc&onfjf 10 to 20 per cent, all for cash. Bear in mind that printer's ink cost something, and when this advertisement fails to appear, don't think that Ihave failed in business, unless you are reliably informed of the fact that ' have. Thanking you for past favors, I am yours truly, ' J. H. FOSTER. G. Oj SIA.ZtsTIFlOIE?ID PFFERS CO THE PUBLIC That is tejt in a First-class GENERAL MERGHANDISE STORE, and does not hesitate in paying that my SPRING PURCHASES SURPASS anything that has ever been shown here. I recognize the value of a dollar and have priced my NEW C3-OOIDSA.OOOI3DnsrGHi"5r. I offer Lawns, Prints, Ginghams, Crinkles, Sateens, Cambrics, and Chain breys in large varieties; tyinsveiling, Cashmeres, and other DRY GOODS in SPRING AND SUMMER SHADES. WHITE GOODS and LACES: T0HCH0N, SWISS and CAMBRIC EMBRODERIES. j-tj.j.a.Kj, JJKJKJXU XjEiOf KEADY:3IABJ3 CIiOTHHTG, and GROCERIES. , My stock of Hardware is complete and consists, in part, of Hames Traces, Nails, V i complete and consists, i Horse & Mule RhriAn "Rn. i o , . -.v UuUM) iui8,' ocrewa, Pocket Forks. Hoes If ftttrvpi-o . - i iuvv.j j-iov-castings, ura3 ana urain ocjuies, juoct-s, Bolts, Saws, Guns, Pistojs, Straw Catters, Cook Stoves, and Sewing Machines, , -, v. uuo, x iat( Backets, Tubs, Brooms. OROCKERY, GLASS AND TIN WARE, Clocks, Trunks, School Books, and Stationery Ieater, Wag- nnmrh Collars, Halters, and Bridl es. IT XtUy J-JilES. Gwd6' SDga Sod Mola8es Starch, Fish, Sprees and Canned DRUGS. PATNts & VJtXXJ s 4 jf AU sold for CASB or BARTM rock bottom prices. Pomona Hill Nurseries, JPomona, X. Two and ..a . half miles west of Greensboro, N. C., the main line of the R. & D. R. R. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the office. Salem trains makes regular stops twice daily each way. Those interested in Fruit and Fruit growing are cordially invited to inspe ct this the largest nursery in the State and one among the largest in the South. The proprietor has for many years visited the leading nurseries North and West, and corresponded with those of foreign countries, gathering every fruit that was calculated to suit the So uth, both native and for eign. The reputation of Pomona Hill Nurseries is such that many agents going out from Greensboro, representing other nurseries, try to leave the impression that they are representing these nurseries. Why do they do ltf .Let tne public an sweer. I have in stock growing (and can show visitors the same) the largest and best stock of trees, &c, ever shown or seen in any two nurseries in North Carolina, consisting of ap ple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, grape, Japanese persimmon, Japanese plum, apricots, nectarine, Russian apricot, mulberry, quinces. Small fruits: Strawberry, raspberry, currents, pe cans, English walnuts, rhubarb, as paragus, evergreens, shade trees, roses, &c. Give your order to my authorized agent or order direct from the nur sery. Correspondence solicited. De scriptive catologues free to appli cants. Address, J. Van. Lindley, Pomona. Guilford county, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of a mortgage deed executed to me by John N. Riley and Rebcca Riley, dated Dec, 7th, 1883, and Registered in Book 8, pages 4, 5 6, Records of Davie County, I will sell for cash at the Court House door in Mocksville, on Saturday, the lth day of June, 1887, a tract of land containing by estimate 59 acres, more or less, being lot drawn by Rebecca Riley in the divission of the lands of B. Rodgers, adjoining the lands of B, Rose, Philip Nail and others; to satisfy said moitgage. S. S NAIL mortgagee, By JOHN A. LOCK, Agent. May 17th, 1886. MANUFACTURER OF GROVE. X. c. or to Davie and the adjoining stocK oi Jb urniture, ana reduc FOSTER JI1R1T0RE AND COFFINS, I1RYTHM-- 0 and Table Uutlery, anoveis, spaaea, H 18381 1 1 SWIFT'S sip sss s s s S SIS A EEMEDT EOT FOE A DAT, BUT FOB tS3 HALF A CEHTTJET BEUETOia SUFIEBIUG EUMAHTTT! AN INTERESTING TREATISE ON FREE TO ALL APPLICANTS. IT ADDRESS THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, OA. THIS SPACE BELOIflS CARRIAGE MAKERS, EAST BEND, N. C. NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of T, M. Griffin, dee'd, notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to me for payment on or before the 5th day of May, 1888, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All porsons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment of the same to me This, the 5th day of May, 1887. M. R CHAFFIN, Adm'r GEO. W. HINSHAW. HINSHAW& MEDEARIS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN 7 FIELD SEEDS, FERTILIZI AND O OTT-Nr TZRTST FOURTH STREET, - ANNOUNCEMENT. To OUr Customers and the PuMic.; ThA nnnnloHnu nf Wfnetnn roa 450 when our Mr. Hinshaw arrived nf Vila artnnal Vir li n n . I. . w ia mYax c uoo uuuc wuaiever agricultural interests, to build nn a in this section and to aid in making a country and town that would be the pride of the State, he invested thA firsf. put up the first Tobacco Warehouse uciu uuicc suwBsaiui veat ana auie . airs nere which result ed in a favorable revolution in wheat, grass and stock growing, and caused Forsyth county to be the banner county at the State Exposition. During the nineteen years he has had a trade and nnf.rnnftfrA tw. ha ia -,, o5 - i r, m iiu ao jiuuii auu to his customers he returns his thanks. Now with increased facilities, in. creased capital and accurate knowledge of the needs and wants of the country, with a thorouehlv organized and Inner pet kj- , o o vuuu(,uv uuoiucoo, yvc IfKl that we are m better condition to merit trade than ever before. in our amerent departments can be A COMPLETE LINE all bought in quantities as low as money and of our store builainsrs and in onr warnhnnspn " - dise than can be found in any other house banners' supplies & Groceries of Every Kind. STAPLE HARDWARE, EXCELSOR COOK STOVES, TIN AND WOODEN WARE DRY COOOS AND NOTIONS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, SHOES BOOTS HATS &c, &c. ' ' 01 LADIES' DRESS GOODS, NOTION ID SHOE DEPARTMENT Is in chanre of Mr. John A. Burton and Mian w iv- "g6 uu nui ue uiiire compieie than ever before and goods will be sold remarkably low. All the ladies are invited to ciumiuc mis aeparcmeni. OXTt "WHOLESALE XEJR.T!lvr-F'TvrT Is represented in the house by N. H. Medearis, W. T. Poindexter, of -Yadkin connty and .... vuuuLj-, uu uu county. i OUR GRAIN, FLOURMEATSKSSST WratmorlMd0of Fo6ythght, f Chathftm county' assisted by W. C. Sprinkle and Richard J. M. Martin, of Stokes, and II. C. Holman, of Davie county, together with all the oths er salesmen, are alwaves readv to wait on rntnm ii.. i j . while the well known and "Old Reliable" Carter Morehead continues to move the eooda to and from the railroad and to deliver through town. 8We continue to carry a large stock of Choice Red and Sapling Clover Seed Orchard Gre.ss, Herds Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass and Timothy Seeds wholesale and retail at lowest prices. We continue to sell the m st1?p!ia1d Tobacco ManureP two of the most reliable brands of fertilizers made. Messrs. Allison nd Addison th manufacturers, assure us that they will not change the quality of these excellent fertiN izers, except to improve them a thing they are constantly striving to do Each successive season shows more clearly the importance of cultivating less land and mi nuring more liberally and growing only fine tobacco. The Star Brand Special Tobacco Manure, as a producer of desirable grades that are always saleable at good prices is not excelled while the Guano stands at the head of the list of .fertilizers for ceneral crops. The price of the Special Tobacco Manure will be lower than heretofore t&flri response to inquiries, we have to say that we will sell fertilizer on time to partiesirho will secure the payment beyond question. t GEEDIT IN EETAIL DEPARTMENTS! our customers that, having only one price for goods at retail and the profits beine Verr small, we cannot afford to sell on credit. We make this public statement so that if anr one who has heretofore rnn an account with ns is referred to the firm or to J. W Brown our book keeper, he will not be offended. We will do what we can to make it to tou interest to trade with ns and cordially invite all to come and examine our stock and prices. . Yours Terr Truly. 7 47-Febrnary8,1887, lUJIAWlIj SPECIFIC. 1 1 11886 BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES SENT SHOULD BE READ BY EVERYBODY. TO E. H. MORRIS. E. W. MOORING.' L MORRIS & MOORING. All persons having Real Ifrtate fof sale or rent, will do well to confer with us. Terms very liberal and no charge made for advertising property for Bale or rent. For further information call on or address, E. II. MORRIS, Mocksville, N. C. N. H. MEDEAR1S. PRODUCE, - ...... WIXSTOX. X. C. here nineteen years ago. Since the day 1. 1 i i i . " - - . " ue couia to Duua up ana develop the hnmfl marlrpf. frr oil tha built in Winston, and, in conjunction found a OF MERr.MANnicc experience will buy. In the eleven rooms win Ko fnu-,1 i.. i .wuuu cmcr vanevy oi mercnan in Western North Carolina. T.m; n-r.o ow.a ni v- . ... me rona Dy j. j. uooaman, or Kockintrham ' . . ss's I jpsrgjJ S Q I lo sr n. r