A v-H ffllTOH HERALD, i I i. i i iii n, Published Weekly J ; ' MILTON, 5 ' - N. 0 The average boy or girl has no use whatever for geometry, algebraycbem istry, physical geography, or anient history as studied in the average pub lic school, says tneWftsbingtonPost. It is of the utmost' importance that he should know 'thoroughly the principal rales of arithmetic, should be able to spell correctly, write a good hand and read and speak without mispro nouncing words. , : THROUGHOUT THE; COUNTRY. Tat South . The total school enumeration of Connecticut is to, 33ts ana tne , in crease of registered pupil was v 2 71 per cent, in 1898, as compared with 1.7 per cent, the year before. The gross expenditures for the schools; in eighteen years shows an increase from 81,144,245 to $2,159,591 ia running expenses, and total expenditures for school purposes in the same time have risen irom $1,408,373 Ho $2,895;U2. The vlue of school property in the stale, is $9,879,922. languages form rover 62 per cent bf the studies of the f feshman in the department of arts and ecieuces in Cornell university, and over 52 per ictint. in the sophomore year. Lan guages, philosophy, history and po litical science, form 75 per cent, of the studies of the, freshman and over 85 per cent, of the studies of the sopho mores in the s4me department of art and sciences It is obvious that "sci enee" is the small end of this depart ment, although Cornell is often spoken oi aa a scientific institution. Kentucky county convention elect ed delates to the De meter tic State Contention, with Gtn. ftt P. Hardin ns the leading Candid ate. Aetintt Secretary Meikleiohn has or dered ' Sin j or John Pittmftn. of the Ordnance Corps, to make tour of in spection of the Southern forts and, ex amine and test the, guns and equip ment v.s , th New Orleans William H. Fischer, ft builder and contractor, shot -his wife on the street after beating her ltd then fatally wounded himself. They -were married only six weeks ago and had separated. . - A mistake in taking a dose of medi cine Monday, caused the . death of a man in Asheville, N. C. Mr. Marshall, of that city, thought to take ft dose of laudanum, and through a mistake took carbolic acid instead, resulting in al most instant death. , . Capt. Bobley D. Evans, Tnesday de livered an address at the Railway Mas ter Mechanics' convention at - Old Point. He : talked of the right at San tiago and praise the men who fonght under him; . ; J. C. Haskell, of Atlanta, was elected secretary and treasurer of the National Association of Car Service Managers, at sNiagua Falls, Tuesday. The next meeting win do ntia at Atlantic City.--,; . ; ' Baron ' and "Baroness" de Barra, who were convicted several days ago on a charge of using the mails in con ducting a fraudulent business, have been sentenced. "Baron" de Barra was given three years in the peuiten tiary and his wife was sentenced to one year in jail. , . THE 'Hi Will. A Strong Argurtertt by Chartel B Aytock- . IT MARKS A BRIGHTER ERA. Tbs Adoption of tbe CooititaUfBiI Mtui neat.' will Mark the feefinniflX ct ttiU rfixat:r Era in ths State ' The following well-preyarsd Utter by Hon. C. B. AycoCk appeared la Sun day's Baleitth Postt , The trreat victory won by the people of North Carolina last year ii about to culmanite in the final settlement of the negro problem as related to the poli tics of the State. The constitutional which Will be adopted in August, 1900, will mark ihs becrinnine of a new era. With the conclusive establishment of white mnrimicr on a nermaoent con stitutional basis, a larcer iolitical fsLn? : dom and a greater tolerat on of 0;in-1 JV ion will come to all of our people, t ree dom of elections and the sanctity of tha ballot will be secured. The Dem will vie with lh8 other ia providlrf tot publio sfihooli-aU clhef tlpeaf b'of the government wilt be rigidly tern tiaiztd and appropriations will btfield down to the most economical bst.ia order to sate taonty with whfrh to edndate the childtea of- tbe Ute. This political f irtae trill bCCoraajike-' wise a.priate tirtna and ciU2eas?tn Wberet'initheboiasraor the atAW'wm begin to cat ofl. useless aad injriQUS eipenses in oraer tnat ineir eo-wsB may become veritable kisg an9 raie tha Fftltft. " : i . Economy. alf-sacrifiev the if ling to work oat through oar children: , ret er and better things than we navf oeea ablo to do will be some ot the ft. I re salts which shall cone to us froi jthls protision. Against these thingtal awful detttgDgy Which seeks to f ;tpet uate illiteracy is tbo tSUte will bii in vain. I have known few men, wither they could read and-write or no; . wao were willing for their children tinrrow up in ignorance, I have never 1 own one mother who did not earnest f de sire for her offspring somethlng,r.eVUr than ehe bad. The teachers VVf the State will eurely be with m ft this question are ojii mid .mm. . The borie' foot thoald be givea t teatloa from birth. - Tra tata aha; Ub pincers, provided for ihle pc pose, using a iup or ft knife io tni' with. II the hoof i Inclined to I one-sided, correct thit by trinrais, One aa cr din try farm thtfe is x secesiity for shoeing txnles tit he is brittle or the foot trader ia sot: war.' More injury Is ranted byi: discriminate shoeiag thaa any thi -,!ii!5 flra ball Jiag. Ia IciUisgciw' K..-t n.sv rrrrrt tsive fartacra cava I3r; ted the Ufa cf afisg the old Ura Irr 'crage pmrpcte aad eUUiag t-a f ia cce-etory buildisg cr shed - tag. Thie artaaststat adaita iay advaatata. Il is cere cajilr rt-Uated aad lighted, it hat t.Q .eel . tbe bar aad food it cot cciUni- ciulwilb the odcr frcta the cattlt. and it is an ecoaooieal fern el eoa stmtioa aad caa be erected at coa- I f trxUvely little coit. Ia caking caicuuucct a io asciat of cable tpacw ieaite4 fcr etch aaima!. it shoald be tet3tabTe4 Hit each cow ntes approiimattly 1000 ra!a feet f air rer boar. If thebaxa wy. The horse's hcif thatbaa r rr j r adirits of each cow bavicg 1003 cabie .shod will stead 'ordiaarr fir it fti cf air trace, thea the air la the .... . mm fl . ? V " It . . . -1 ....a. . titace witboatanr ciacauT.rroviur btra viiiBtwwutrcstwM of course, the borta doe cot iaharil hc-r. If the air tpece provided is of fteb air will need to be core ire qncaL Tbe problem, thea, tt tocarry awty the foal, lapare air aad to eap p)y taxh acical with cabia feet cf frttb air each boor ia taeh cacaer as r.ot to tease a draaght ca the aal ntli. To do thit. tbe air natt cot be adnltUd ia bait, cor most it nova at CaeMVre Im 7m Orrs if? ctrdea for yeara failed to re ply tay table with caenmbera. . T soil was ncu tad wee well caiuvau . ti. - Jl.iv.... mw,A j-V VK I sou lih n. who nn nrvail a tainst I A piauieu vaic, a piukcv vuio, . Bat say tbe Rerublicaa lenderf: I elthoagh ainally a fair number co:: ara afraid that tbsSapremo Coart I tip. they were co sooner twocr thr will declare the descendant clanf'ua-1 rnchea high than one disaster follow i oonstitntional. and the other jJeuee I ntxSn another. A friend earreU constitutional, and thereby bTinupca I tey neead uerr groaaX Tl. Mot rw l ... . u:V; ill 1 lwriM! Tlfe North. The fftmons Anaconda mines in Mon tana have been bought by a syndicate, the Republican party are, iMt should ocratic party will be set trammels of the race issueanu can eu, yco- Qurs; a;? "j " oar poUto pftch Is a worm rail fear-; trnt,on inrMr of fconomie stnd L inirement to read and write. f I . 1 , t j-i.:' w".1 ".,rwaJrom 100 r"f, j tj v -; vik rf.Aiinnmii onrt-'l row of hale txisnenlsr - r!otV t J cauea tne ;egro jariy. . -snu uuiw r:M-! r.r.4l, " " 1 t," "u i" .1 1 m..v terinK itself from the rule 01 r cliques vrN?1.""4 7UV-V 7'-wr fr" b- -r 7 - Itussell and the otner iiepnouca leaa ers in the State who are so efral that somewhito men who .habitoaljf vote agaiast them may be disfraochif ad,, do not expect a Republican Saprem fConrt to bo'anriouv to do what these 'lad era are so anxious shall .not be done t 'Aad and fictions will creatly gam in char' acter and will have somewhat more in fluence in making and shapfngla whole some public opinion. .Discussion of policies and principles will take the place of heated declamations and par titan abuse. : ' ' In that day. bad as the principles oi I The wax department has decided to enlist a number of Indians for scout duty in Cuba, Porto Ricb and the Phil ippines, and orders to this end have been sent to the Carlisle Indian school and the variousV recruiting stations iu the West. The' great superiorit. of Indians as scouts uud iu woodcraft has long been admitted The trouble the army has had with them is their ifeild disposition which precludes taking kindly to army discipline. ) The Indi ans will be distributed amoijg the reg iments it not being considered wise to have an entire regiment of them. e The geologist's time of activity is here. Like the bicycler and the grass- njoysjeue summer mouths. The scieuJWfeTyftrkTniTrac earth, and everything connected Vitli the eavth. This amounts in the end t ... ... to the universe and theories. viThe geologist has , discovered many inter esting things about the earth, and he surprises a laymau by the largo way he talks of thiug3. He speaks jaf old mouutains and of Vounc mountains. like the Alps; of the filling tti o: oceans and of the makiug of new oies by the crinkling of -the earth's sur face like a baked apple's skin. He uses homely illustrations like this fo: the masses to uudeisaiid,. and, peer ing over his spectacles, seems to hold the world in the hollow of his hand. headed by John D. Rockefeller. The official list of the dead by the New Richmond tornado, last week, now numbers 122 persons. The salvagers .have deserted the wreck of the ttteamer City of Paris, and abandoned all hope of saving her. Capt. William A. Andrews has start ed from Atlantic City on a voyage to England in a twelve-foot sailboat. In a colision off Friedrichshaven be tween the German steamer Artuthof and the British steamer Mauritius Mon day the Artushof sunk, 10 of her crow being drowued. President McKinley listened to the baccalaureate sermon at Mount Holy oke College, where his niece. Mis Grace McKinley, is a member of the graduating class. The New York city council has adopted a resolution making July 3rd a holiday, in commemoration of the anniversary of the battle of Santi ago. The bill authorizing the acquisition, of the Caroline, Lodrone and PcleW Islands by Germany, .was submitted to . the Reichstag, in Berlin, 'Tues- dai 7 The Cane Town correspondent of .The .. . i m : was weii zaaaarea aaa.iaese ic cornert, aa the growth of eldtra at briera attested, bad proSted by t( watb from the cultivated groaad aba them. It was sot more thaa aa boa! work for aa able-bodied taaa wi mi I 11 M 1 m come iato power in the State, one might reason ablv hope to secure eveof.from it ed constitntional amendmenta rooking to the eettlementof theneroqoestioa. The Supreme Court of the Uoite4btata has been appealed to in vaia froa4 Sonth Carolina and- Mississippi to fate tha cogro from exclusion from th ballot " " " ... . I . . r, . . .ft a aecent ana economical Mninn-u ';r 7 ; " . T t T tion of Dub ic aflaiis. The-Merribie woo nas inveiuzeu u HV ? train nf nh . rimntlffll MS I thatXLU itevee . ... - T Trr . 1898 will be a memory oi tne. pasu Preachers of the Gospel of peace;can proclaim the clad tidings of great joy to all the people unhindered by fear of eafety of the State. . Property will be secure in all of its just rights and labor shall not be opprossed. .The safety f tbe white womanhood of the State (ab solutely unattacked anywhere in the broad borders of the State since the 8th of last November) wdl be forever seenred. Peace will become our. per manent heritage, and prosperityJH't)ox. achievement oi 'our own inautry. aud economy. Education will be uni versally recognized as the right ot every citizen and theduty ot the State. .Power will come with knowledge and ' ft a a. A. k aI.I. -'1 nothing will oe "ioai in me imago i j the poor for tbe lack of wkwIou. -Material aud moral question Vill com mand tbo best thought of tbe re-Opt and politics will cease to be our -Chief ooncern. ' In order to secure these blessings the Democratic party will, in the coming cimuaizn. advocato the constitutional amendment. Many Republicans vill rsoit atcrrcji or r I gresier speed thaa three fftt pr etc- q2, Ia fact, taetJor aaarscreiia tjcrceetibly it taotf t t&tathe bars, the rerrUDiy lets draacht will there W. lUay farcers altesf t t aiait ff Mb air by keeping doer as4 ia iocpta. TT.m tnlt it that cold tur tnU if unless the court is anxiona to dar'Jo bow I rcythe and boe to clear ft f ew of L will they be compelled eo to' aeclde coroer. After thia waa done C- when almost every constitatloD fl law-1 cT0aad was prepared with trade ah rake. r . - . I pot iwo Kin i ni iiiu. oi k . 1 itf thm Amendment constltC:tonaL I . . t.. i-.il , i i . t , - v l.v : ZZ.t rT rrr- n rt f I Jtptnete cumoiag variety, voiw: i.tiTia saauuiuurt.; v- Ihen it mutt be the Supreme C(lrl ol I . , . .... .n u I - -rv .t.. ! riA .U TT-U.l at.. .U,t, fn. I PIWKU ClOISW SOU IOMgJBH Wl t I ISBWMr. - tlemen are afraid. But that tootle Re- of the fence. The other kia i publican and equally auxiousfhot to I planted in bills quit clot e tog tlhtrj riifrnrhiM anvbodr unless coMoelled I Later I did a little hoeicg bezorftt.i to.; .'Ihree Southern States bavdadopt- I Tinea began to run. aad until the i 2LbwftvaLp aa. ui bb u u ju cui aa u w Iondon Daily Mail savs: rhe Natal I support it and Populistr, who are U 1 ypiunieers nave Deen omojialiy ;oro3rea i Club, The construction of a 'cable across the Pacific, which is now assured, will be of great service to the world aid may prove profitable as an investment This cable was projected by Canada and Australia. England has riually decided to bear her part of tbe expeuso of the enterprise and it will be pushed to speedy completion. The cable will extend from British Columbia via Fan ning Island to New Zealand and Aus tralia. The new cable will give an al British connection" with British pos sessions in all parts of, the vorld, a d in time of war Ihis would make it ex ceedingly useful to' the British govern ment. This cable will complete aa; electric belt about the world aud will make it possible to communicate.ai- most instantaneously with every im portant political and "commercial cen tre on the globe. ' .v 'A'. American genius and industry are competing successfully with European labor in its home markets. . Of ihe $6,500,000 worth of American agricul tural implements exported.. in the last nine months Europe took $3,250,000 to hold themselves in tive service. n At a meeting held at tbe Cuban at Santiago, a resolution was adoWod recommending that 'the soldiers should accept the American' gratuity and ftn-: render their arms. ' Another serious riot in connection with the street car strike at Cleveland, Ohio, took place on Monday between the union an non-union men. In consequence a number of non-union men are in the hospital. Articles of incorporation of the Fed eral Printing Ink Compauy have been filed m Trenton. N. J. The comiauy is formed for tbe purpose of mauufaci urittg priutiug inks, and. has an author ized capital of $0,000,00. John Kennedy, the notorious "Crack- erneck," has been fully convicted of complicity in the train robbery on the Kansas City, Fort bcott, & Memphu: Jttaiiroad, at Macomb, Mo., on January 3d t last, vud his punishment is fixed at 17 years in, tne. penitentiary. , The administration paper at Havana publishes a statement showing that from January to May inclusive, the re ceipts were $763,194 and the expenhe 81t8,22, tbe balance beintr cawh ou had. - vsThis causes euera! astonish menUamng tne Cuban?, aad i un precedented in the history of Havana. Never before ' have tbe figures been published openly. 'A dispatch from the. Cape Verde Is lands announces that the French second-class cruiser Sf ax, carrying Capt. Dreyfus, has passed en route for Brest, whfre sbe is expected before Saturday next, ' . The 12$d anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill was . celebrated with pa-: rades. banquets, reunions of patriotic societies and general festivities, inter-, est being added bv the presence of ma rines and sailors from the North At lantic equadron. : ' j ' A:mail train on - the Baltimore and' Objp Bailroadran into an open awitch neftfGnffdy't Station, 25 miles east of Pittsburg; derailing the engine, bag gage, and postal cars." The passenger! escaped with a good shaking up. As a result cf a four days conference between representatives of the manu facturers and the Amalgamated Associ These cocstitntiont etand aad jhe ne gro does not vote aad tbe wuiieedo rate. In Lionitiona acoamiuutn aim ilar to oure was adopted ia lS,;aad his been ia operation ever tiscs Ua dor its provitioat tho whitea .Tota aad tho nesroea do aot vote.' iWbere In the Supreme Court of the Carted !&res anil what ia it about ? lo llft- T-ublicana in Louisiana bad feam klea- t:cal with hoto of Senator l7cuara and Governor ItusselU Bat tV. tontU- Utn vr it Htat still lUid.N. The tr,nth ia that the nejrrobaa iror d each I English rear k el, ft. failure aa a voter that i great; ibange I prke. Of coart cumbers were ready to gather. Fr1 thote patches wa bad pleoty of care i bert for eattag aad pickliag. It-ft Japaaete cucumbers that lay oa C-4 groaad did well, bat too taaehcaai be tsid ia prtiie of the rlimbiag cambers. They art long aad gr large, making theca valaablefor e ing, whiU, gathered email, they aa excelleat variety for pickles, have crrowa them thit way. with Mm anccett. for two veara withd extra feiti!izatioa or labor btvoa! i M. Byrne, in Oranpe Jcdd Fare: thirrr aad fall cST ia the;r tatlk. Tie faraer it ditcocraged aad rsakta ip bit raiad that freth, cs-zl tr dt cat U na coo-J. bat ralhtr Litta. aal bft adcitt no cort tLaa be c.a htlp. To prevent each e, ccotitiao cf alrr. txtx atr thoald ;l-er t alavittt t bigh up, rr thoal I be directed cpwtta M n t iii a.iAt(inr i 't1 Htktea and that chance hat rH JiScclote -ft thelaacjnAi JiTD " D.emocratia euccess haq be cola hi) and while th republican Terjtf-n-ccirp yet dazed by tbe eizeol meiJemocranc maioritv. many of them rushed . itlto. lalaW Datf7tff. Daaish batter alwavt leadt ( bringing the bigbj tirw. in ronfic. mm biiiii rax oiopiaion ha comeabojitio the Jlnited I noi bare beea developed if the bat' 1 bo as to be cose tec:pei tscie i fa!la. IW dircctiag ap loaJ tbf etllicg. by adatltisg J t-tU rpea Izzt aad by breaking op .!facj:hUaad canealt of airlyloatre Waidt. air will tt di2ae4 thronsb the I ailwiag ftad Urge qaaalitirt cf atr caa e-5 caitted wilhoat raatitc arr bit drmichtt cr cthrr i-l cfttt. A pood tatlbcnl of tatitrirg frrtH air la i oota 7 T 1 . bebw the ficr crscg cctiwt aad baviag the tile ttat f pttitg Mttae4 to keep out the dat. Tb tcc!l ccaaaicate with cpTicblt atetcpea leg well apia the btro. tt c j-ealt g directed opttrdaad broiea cp L print in the shape of tnterviewt. and many others in private conversation expressed the urgent hope that the leg islature would disfranchise the nero, I recall distinctly thatone of them, who had enjoyed to the fullest the honors aud emoluments of office giveu him by tbe undivided support -o(:.the Uvsroea o aid to me very soon after the. election: I hoiw you "Democrats -fntill disfran chise the negro we have carried him im onr shoulders loug enouchT-when the nero question is tetlleil, many white men will vote tbe lie publican ticket." That man no3 dppoinf tha- constttntional atnendrntht: Why? UeJ savs because he is afraid it will be held unconHtitntinnal. He is not afraid ' of anv sucu h n-. .. . - . : What he i atraid of,, .and. what he may justly bo afraid of, is that' with tbe elimination of the negro froni'poii tic a better Kepublican party will-be formed m tbo State, wbion wiu u n come to power, put bet'.er and more crateful mdn in ofSce than .he is. - No people tl at deserves to be free .can long be ;ovtrriied by msratea and cowards, aud thin man knows that !with the ad vent of a braver, stroncer .Republican party he will be without a 'job, heiice with him ' the amendmeht ia'uDconsti tutional. It will be so. with all hit class. But with that larger and.mbre iStAhTttheiretttnT "T t?- nt,Stateaada,bobar. aad dairying the leading bati( out by the wbS nia the. imporUaet) of thia trade at or; i the negro lATUtlf it appear. They literally art forced' hand, and solved tbe proylea)a I tie District of Colombia, by iiaflnchit inu every5 citizen, white and. black. South Carolina, Miseitsipa', Lofsiana, North Carolina have ill lit turn taken up the qnettioo. Joncr has come back to it in dealitfg wilhI await and eliminatea tbe negto wtthr ut the alighteit heaitation and withoa ieicit Inconthe part of Senator Iichard 4mnyfear of tbe "wreck of marer'and the crush of worms." ia uuo x orio T ! t-. ,Via TKiltntiina t ft A nflf rt not only doee not vote bat it ahoi. by our government lor wantiag to vor;enue Senator Pritchard calmly votet jappro- unit for the J 1 '.lie co he ioproveaeat of v t iQd thoald be ctih:td o at w raatt prodoet aad the taaiateaaaet of C m partial vaeaata a thf lee cf the market, tad ia their enorie are ftV4 4VU by the Oovernneat ia every Uf alii rmr 1 niJt nf AT. ,1,1 priations to thoot them into ol' Hence, 1 men are taahtinGoreranQattchoc saying, however, time enour.n oe tteen aonronriationn to weep o 'er the tad fate of the 'brother ia bleft, in North Carolina. If it ia nanlfett destiny" and tho White Mat, Bar- den" to civilize and covern tbtweaxer hnd more ignorant racea in the Philip pines, it cannot be treatoa to:under- take to ebape that deatioy a'd bear that burden here. W e begta t no good work in 1303. Tbo tacrificetjff that great campaign were worte th o use less if we lay down the work unt (iahed. parti balldlag, or teatiUw. The tu thaj canted mill tat a tt,dtary U tack tbe foal air ep as I tcf the bara. Tboroach tcclaUUta ia rf coarse taach .er to arrosrlub whrn the bailJtaj f ta!rt by aril f rial ceaat, bat by tafias eJteiU e of the wind atd the tatstal warcVa of thttTO, taarh caal-e arrcajpljtbrd tvea withoat artlirial beat. The Cocrt aad etpecially the tsaart gal tera of barnt, t' otl I alayt be tight, Otlerwlte the lnai I traraf e mill tatv where all adrance mcthoda are Uat I tra toct lt!o the bars, betidee ana approrea praewcee oesjonsirair , .Mti8g a valaable f!'.irr. At ft Third, traveling inttructori aad ci natter of eoosoav. if for ao ether where each aid caa be naJe of Tantage. The uniformity and high quality thit Danish butter are controlled several factor. First, practically I of it it cade for the snail naxktl, ) l every dairyman it ttririog to rrtdu the quality that market desas hence all ftre working ia the tail direction. Second, the leading dsif rftth!o class of Kerjublicans . 104'; v e bave put our naaas to ut wow tbe-State, who really believe in .the And we will not turn backwird. tlx principles vi mo iwiiwuwu - j , i v : . . I .;m. r -i.f..i. and who are Kepublicanfthrongh evil ner to tho breeze emblazoned t;th.thft rootaittta of expertt. If dtfe.U aultantJ, paid by the GoTeraneul, from creamery to creamery and in i farm to farm to farnlsb ftdvicft s( usiataoce where needed. Fourth, general botter show it beid in Co htseo. wbiea coatiaoet for tttr xaoatht each year, to which t various ere aratries art tacoaragtd. aead samples of their rcg alax oatpt These samples are thoroaghly avmiatd aad fully reported upoa by reaioa. arraascs.ta thoald altje bt cade, tttbtr for tie atrptiea of the liquid portiaa cr for carry is c it lo ft task, or cpoo: draa Lc re it eta be oT aal tprr&I ca tcrtd nattl ttt Had. Ia prtaratisg tht detmptua tsl iUastratioae of a cow euble it bae btdi the parpote cf the b-card to t tait lieaa of ft tUble .which ia ftdt;le4 to xactt farmt. While tt Lit beta ear j iatcatla to leave Cii cothisgtkat and cood, the elimination bf tho negro rallying cry of "White Sapr taacy." I found a Government tatpector if tc, t enter a iato the corafort aad beahhf&l- We volunteered under that b)ner to the end ot the war. Wo have f on the outpoiiU ot the enemy, we have,; driven them back ta disorder, .aad t Uy are making onelatt desperate stand reform er their broken lines behrd'tht bleed. "Since nearly'all lw-it breaatworkaof prejudice and dettagocy. ed white Tote- ia uhifoimlr. Cast f her form in vain. from politics will be the begioning of a brighter dav. They will .vote for the amendment. But the Iterublicau ginning to express their tne unlettered .wnue disfranc nn lettered against tbe Republican party we cot to the nreamery at once to a Kerf i the cause aad point out the rtmeJ JeaerVarjJC-.' TOiers - rwM a ftge it fttion of Iron and Steel Workers tho wipes of 25.000 iron and steel workers I tbev can read and write or no. tnrougtont tne country will oe aavanc- ed flter July 1 lor one year. . , , Tbe strike at the Bockport (Mats.l (Granite Company's queries at Rock- worth; of the bicycles sent V abroad, amounting to $4,000,000, Europe took jyt has ended iu favor of tne strikers'. 82.750.000 worth, of the shirjmmts of ft&d the men will return to work with a L. m u ij-. .t....i -i A- V I nine-hour work day for five daya In Dunuers uarawaie, Yaiueu Bl ,pvu,- thB week-eiffht hours work on Satur- 000, European powers took $2,500,000 j dty and time and ..one-hadf - to be paid rwrtv1i orrni'ts nf . Kowinff nfKinrt I bit U Overtime. aggregated $2,225, OQO, of which $1, - 360,000 worth went to Europe; and $i; 430, 000 worth of .the exports, of Johnson's Island. Lake Erie, which Vftft' famous as a prison for Confederate soldiers durins the civil war. Thaa beea sold at auction tor iH5.wa xne lsiana . - - A. - -- A AM A M A M t - 1 w w w mf 0 iypwtbtu5 uiaauca, ; muuuiug, m. i cjty qx that name till ifi, wuw, - ii ou v , y y. ou I - 1 . . . Fnrira - i. ' : Jti-r I . t maTKeis. , x uiy per ceuu oi our w- Tt,A eftmer Fthelwold. haanrfihaWv ports of lurniture ana lumber, two- i gone down near Kingstown, Jamaica. thirds of our exports of mineral oil, four-fifths of onr exports of cotton seed oil and nine-teu'uis of our exports of eole leather were bought by Euro- greatly admire the generosity of thale- Republican leadert. - The., truth, how ever, compels me to say that they have no such fear. The amendment express lv provides that every man who conld vote in 1867-and the defendants of those who could vote in 1887 can- for ever rote in North Carolina, whether This orovision protects' every wnue man and every white. boy over. 13 years of age except pernapa a lew loreignera. Children now under id years oi age will, in order to vote when they become 21 have to learn to read and write. To meet this emergency the Demd? cratio Legislature increased the school fnnd S100.000 this vear. It will con tinue to increase this fund until by I of opinion. 1903 we shall be almost if not quite free from illiteracy among the young, at least so far as tbo wnites axe coneerned. The Democratic party, - through ita amendment Gives to every white man and boy over 13 ears of axe tht abso lute and unquestioned right to vote in contideratioa of. the inadequate facili ties which we have heretofore had for education, and it says to every child under 13: .We undertake to provide you with full opportunity to Icarn to . read in. The tradTtons of Democrats ait filled Piftb, it it recognized that tht sale inferior batter Jby iadividatlt it public calamity, tioct it diataiba pt lio coafideace ia the prouacta ol t" cesa cf tht aaisalt, we have aised at ft baildiagof taaU cctt ia which it le pc tiblt to baa die the herd with ecoa coy. Oa taost cf oar fara;e tht tUblt can bt bailt oato the ead cf the pTta ft . . . .. couatry. To avoid thia pnbhe laja; f . Citx tht old lata, if there bt car. at ft ith glorious achievements; Jbsdrcour- tbt tJorerameot keeps two axeau I Inland to imped all Dtalah but- - of the beat, their deter daatioa I on arrival. If cot up to tht reabc I is uayieutiag. tneir ceriaiaty o mctory i standard it is cot permitted to bt ao i amounts to inspiration. For pHce. for prosperity, for universal education; for that day, whea, the race iatueudorever aettled, we can bare aa absolutely fret ballot aad ft fair count, for "te chori ons privilege of being independiV," for general toleration ol bonest 1J mista ken opinions, we renew tht .Contest. Let iho banner of 1603 bo 2 ia.ua furled. Letitatill be inscriU-d with the motto White tiupremai ?' but above that let thero also apteaf-' at tht aim and end of .white eupremai f, good government for allA abaolnte ju lice pt fore tbe law and unquestioned liberty- U ii. At"JOCX. i' - aa Danish batter. Dr. Leoaard Tex eon; before Pcaatylvaaia Dairy CUllOD. A IXedtt Delrr Harm. In turtresUae icrrovemeat tl vtrtient method of casitractisg dal; barat, chetpaett of coattraetioa at coavcaieaca in handling, as well attl health of tht stock, bavt bera bcrt damp for tht tsaaare. Tht rJaa pto vidrs for a dnvt throt: jh tht ceatc? cf tht Habit for rarpcte cf ftelis; let niied cribs al;citiacthe fo:r or fee4 walk, whereby a be:daa.rta c-ot caly bavt Lit ejet ca the fi:s et 'very aaiavil, bat It will ftt-1 aad jefcaa tht cribt of fcrty cot ta tsrh a liills'cuicr five whtre fad in " A bcr cribt, aad do it cert rrf telly aad lyi easily, aad hit work caa ItUirccUJ I.' at a g!aact; fcr m ttlf.atrisg devirt. givisg tht airaata;e cf bavisg oca- A native diver. ' while cettine metal from the wrek of the sunken Spanish and write ftnd in addition to this free cruiser Almirante Oquendo, Tuesday, gift from the State we offer as ft prize found bag containing $8,000, Jialf for learning to read and write partici coin ftnd the other half in Spanish paper potion ia tht government of the State.' money oj inueyaiue. v . t' Can ftnr man doubt tbe spleadid rt- loaodated by a Witerspo San Aktoxijl, Tex,, Special f-Ntwi has just beea received here flat tht town of Brsckett, about 120 xai s west of Saa Antonio, is uado? Unseat of water, Four pertoas art talai, Off aad are supposed to have beea cwutd. A waterspout over that pi Mr has inundated tht country " foM miles around. The Southern I raeiSe tracks for. a nntober x$ ' railet wett of Cliae BUUoa am wib i away aad several bridges are Wreck Many cattle have periabed in the wat.rx IU- tioat art being iisatd to thf ptoplt or xaxx. 13lz eapply cf water lfa;e the cmt tie at all tinea; fcr a tlesUr e ssasxre gaf.tr la which the caa wiU etlica sUr.J;fcra tUble which it licht ea wi'l-vtalilaled. IUftsseaiaCcatcf the Mattahaicltt ritaU CafJt Ccs mit ties. xxrrncjf ia miad. Whether the cot le to I great or email,' ii H ftbtolaUly neci pary, if the beallhcf the caU.'e i to 1 maintained, that there btpar air a: good ventilation," as well at easily .dninrt ar,,l f!rvs t Jn " -l-- mm m m Atm. ::5t ex tit iraitccaiaavets vaera VkUsrU's baaiehcld ia gro ta tbe icjil garde a a xl Wicltcr. Scat tlt Mt'. tM pabhshed a&t larg tiace tha-" ilz.i lie gardest tarply ta cat yar to. - twer taaa i J.uC'j ttti arp;t. t-S ; !e 4CO bathtlt ct co&carr ktai. 4 e a 1 g?a;-ea pro Ir.ced ia cat traa wtfh twotca ail ft half, the iiritrnt a tea aad a r-xtur, aal red aad white eriiraiit ft ko. ftad chcrmt till ft V;i,

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