-V- i ! If there is a cross ater ivame, it is in tended to notify you th di your subscription is Hue and to request your im mediate attention to ihu TmpQrtant matter. I CZIuTOOT NEWS Mr. H. N. Featherston spent Wed nesday nightj ia town. Sheriff J.JT. Donaho, of Yancey vi)le, spent Tuesday in town, j; , Miss Julia spent Sunday here, vine's. Ball, of Danville,5 Ya. at Capt. . Ir- Mies Hallie Holcrnan, of ?Dur ham, N. C, Nicholson. is visiting Mrs . Wl E Ex-J udge Spencer B. Adams," o: Greensboro, N. vJ., was in the citj last week. Mr. Joe Bermann spei)t part" o: last week at Virgilina, returning Sunday morning. t , Mr. G. E. Lipscomb, of Danville Va., spent Sunday visiting at. (Mrs W. H. Conallrs. n . Mrs. J . W. McKoy, of Martinsville is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs Kichard Ferguson. - ;; Mr. Sam'l H. Hines and pastel Henry Hines left Monday to vibii relatives in Granville county. L iTr. II. W. Hines, of Reidsville, N C, was in the city this week, visit ing iiB brother, Mr. D..M. Hines. , Miss Clara Taylor, after a fahorl stay in Danville, returned last wee! and is visiting at Mr. It. L. Walker's Miss Emma Watkins left Mondaj for Keysville, Va., where she wil impend several weeks visiting; Mrs Lucy Gregory. Mrs. E. D. Winstead and her twe sons, Colin and Sterling, left Tues day for Lunenberg county, Va.; tc tit n ' 9 n m spenunc oimer-witnr Mrs.? Bettie Bainey, Misses Mak and Bessie Raincy and Miss Martht Taylor, of Estelle, spent svera hours in- town Monday, visiting friends. : XLLISON ITEMS. 1 i . I A terrible " storm passed through his section last Saturday, tho 10th, loing considerable damage to corn jid tobacco and blowing down a jood raanytrees nd houses. 1 Mrs. Charlie Coleman has been ight sick, but we are glad to say is mproving. . ' I Mr. John Allison, of Reidsville, is visiting his uncle, Mr. J. C. Allison, nd sister; .Mrs. Annie Mitchell. Mr. J. C. Allison has been right rick for the past week, bat is im proving. V . Mrs. Jack Mitchell and children have been right sick, bat are better ijow. , V I Miss Molhe C Allison, of Urango, is visiting her brother, Mr. J. C. Al lison'. J Miss Cora Allison is visiting riends and relatives in O range. Mr. J. C. Allison's two sons, Wal ter and Arthur, and their little sister Beulab, haye "been spending -the past two weeks with their Grandma Mitchell. ' ESTELLE NOTES. Misses Anna and 3Iary Sue Cole man, of Gate wood, K. C, are the guests of the Misses Pinchback. Miss Emma Satterfield, accompa iied by Dr. Charley Bradsher, of Person county, spent a .short while recently, visiting relatives in this vicinity. f Mies Annie Winston, of Hycotee, if. C:, spent larweek"at.Mr. W. W. Taylor's. 4 ; i Misses Katie Jeter and Emma ownd3, of Yancey ville, are visiting Miss Kate Mebane. Miss Em Jordan, of Yarboro, rpent several days last week visiting friends in this neighborhood. 1 Mrs. W. K. Williams and Miss nla .Chandler left Monday for Bes ts mer City, to visit Mrs.) William's aunt, Mrs. John Smith. j Quite V a distinguished audience The June day sah is streaming its ilood ot light over this grand old Special attention is called to J. D l orld of oui-s and altogether it is a Morris' sewing machine ad. in thu nlorions day. So buoyant with hope issue, because he is selling a first fpi the light , youug hearts that are class high grade machine at the spe' ijeating so joyously over somefuturs cial low price of $17.90. Write him victory and success. , This June harf I' ,' : ' iL deed been a most wonderful oxie. A large number of the joung peo- been the hottesti coldest in pie of the town attended tho per.. Veoord for a nnmberof joar. I; pqrmance at Gilead Church last Fn m are ghd to announce thatfMr. aay mguo. guuury tiuuiuci v rrfinfv Thaton is convalescenL older people were present also? Al pronounced the play a success anc the trip altogether one of rare pleas ure. tV Friday and Saturday were, ta listing days here. Messrs. J. P; Po teat, J. B. Yarbrough and H.,W Hageman are the list-takers, j fThi books will be opened again? next Tuesday and Wednesday, and an other opportunity will be giver fchosewho have not already Jistec their property. s - Presented at Gilead Church. Inst Friday KighL -The presfntation of the comedy drama, "The Deacon,' "at Gilead church, this county, last Friday night, was pronounced a snccesi by all who attended. Its suctss was somewhat of a surpriso to many who attended, as it is a fact not gene tally known that there are several "born actors" in that neighborhood. Some twenty-five or thirty yonng people cf Milton attended the performance and all returned highly pleased with the trip. . . It would bo difficult for ns to do justice to tho several performers who wero worthy of special mention. But the general verdict was that the laugh-provoking negro wrvant Pete (Mr. J. J. Chandler) aud the old maid, Mis3 Amelia (Mrs. J. M. Long) were perfect. They kept the audience convulsed with laughter and the many close shaves of tho mischievous Pete, who was forever playing pranks on tho members of the household, were highly amusing. Mr. N. J. Taylor, in tho title role, showed that he had a proper, con ception of the character. "The Deacon," though addicted to -the habit of imbibing too much lemon ade ?with a stick in it," showed truo manliness of character in tho clos ing rcene when he forgave hi only child, whom he hud disowned for marrying against his wishes. The Deacon's courtship of Mis3 Amelia was not devoid of accidents and mis understandings, and Miss Amelia's protestations of nervousness and alarm at the Deacon's advances were true to life. Her determination to refuse him melted away like thin ice when ho "popped the question. MisslMaio Rainoy, aa Daisy, Mrs. Thornton's servant, made a success and captured the audience from th'o j In the scene where Mrs. Darrah, the forsaken wife, stand faco tofaco with hnr hnfibftnd nml ia finurnpd hv :i j. r :i a i .i, i? J fLssemuieuuu xiu "lbimas an object of bitterest con- tempt, real dramatical ability was displayed by Mr. Bryant and Miss Winston. The performance was a complete success, all the other characters be ing well sustained. Want of space forbTRT'wiaLmcntion. A hand some fenm' was realised, vn be used to complete tho church building. V Tne cast ol characters was as fol lows: Deacon Thornton, N. J. Taylor. Mati Wheeler, alias .Geo. Darrah, W. T.Biyant. . - Heed, a friend of. Wheeler, Giles Mebane. Geo. Graef, nephew to Mrs. Thorn ton, E. M. Mclvcr. Parson Brownlow.B. B. Chandler. Pedro, organ grinder, R. L. Mitchell. N j Pete, negro servant, J. J. Chand ler. Billy, the Deacon's boy, J. E. Allen. Mrs. Thorton, Mrs. N. J. Taylor. Amelia Fancette, Mrs. Thornton's maiden sister, Mrs. J. M. Long. , 'delen, Mrs., Thornton's daughter, Miss Marth Taylor. - Airs. Darrah, "wife of Wheeler, Miss Annie Winston. Nellie, little . daughter of Airs, Darrah, Bessie Raincy. i Daisy, Mrs. Thornton's servant, Miss Maie Bainey. C17 on Gets a first -dxv, hih mc i, IDEi "With three drawer and t test improTcmcnts. GaxmatcVi 10 years. On thirty days' trir I wve you to $35 on alba chioc I, keep needles and firts. BICYCLES FROM $13.00; Ji. Write or call at $ MORRIS' DRUGSTORE liOXBOHO, K. C. i Pt o - Pepsin Chill Tooic reve til Cs'rUI TrsUia. ht ixizi t (Usui Tt rrwi tiM iwj. 1 Drugs and Moines. Oar stock U tdccUU froa tht intl vol VL UaU an4 bafo a fall hne. Mso m Urz9 mAortestsi ct DrsrruU' Ssj anet ana Toilet Article. . The University Our Prices are Low. r, of Noirm cauoli.I hVidcst mtronarro and L fnllait eJipment in its history. S'.Ucuitr, 3ir-8tadentsf 49C; 3 iVtdcmic Courses; 3 Klcctivo Course, :3 lro fcssional School in Law, JL tdicine and Pharmacy. New Bnldiugf. Our PrcscrintioiiT) J- f f WV V IS Wq Guarantee Accuracy- Watf r Works. Splendid Ii?nmc. www WW And uio only tho nott rtiuUa drcrt Yw rtt frca cj jtut what your phyuciaa prtjeriUt. ar bo w ciurcsc: r Tuitiou, JjCO a year; boards t3.XK) a boda Water, Shorbots, Ices. Etc month. Amnio opportufty for Uur Motto: "Quality vs of first Importance self help. Schoiarsnips ni-1 loans for tho needy. Frco tuMon for teachers. Summer 1 Schl il for teachers; 24 instructors?" JJ7 stu dents. ' Total enrollment G. For caLiIogne, address PRESIDENT ALDEBMI X, . Chapel IIU!,! k. fL t IRTFI A 7 Would ho gild to have jou rail. m Trinity Colge, Winter or Spring ily tiock of 11 cat j farcy Groccrict, aj alvayt la Forty-fifth year opcar Wednesday, Septal JberG 9 . ,1 Largtst endowment of any C lt w in I OSPI SUDDIV YOU the South. ComnletMt crmL !nm In thoStAtc. Board 5.50 to k).C0 per months Loan Mholarships fivcorthy young men. Youna women a oltted to all clause &. riday evening to bgo The Deacon piayeu, .tvuxuu pruvtru. jtu uo r i GATEWOOD LETTER. Mrs. M. 'Winston and daughter Miss Annie spent Monday ivithtMrs. M. Gate wood. Misses Anna and Mary Sue- tale- man, of Gatewod, are visiting the Hisses rinchback, ox iJ lane he. j There will he two services at Prov idence church Sunday. The people in this vicinity will have a baaket picnic at Park's Springs Tuesday, the 27th. Come over and ioin us. Quite a number are leiag vaccinated and fears are entertained that this The growth and expansion o ; thi flestilence will be quite prevalent University should be a matter oJ. tQisseason. ... ju. a. u. pride to eveiT North Caroliniart.V Ir j We suppose onr correspondent re- trfiiciency, patronage and public 4 to that dread disease, smallpox, favor it is second to none in the the abovo paragraphowevtr, South. Its requirements are exact if there's any danger of a picnic pes- J 1 - .1 m. M 11V Jill VII III I I . MI- WI1 -M I 1 mmmmmm its stanaaru ngiu, iu wuc UA IX J - hiah and manlv. Its academic rol 1 -J o f is' the largest in the South, and m al its history it has never been so;closi to the people, and so able to Jccrvc them. Ambitions ana neeay opyi Send tor catalog. to PRESIDENT KIlQ, ' it Durham u C - a ennn nirrcrt I r z f I IvUU r I I lt a; tyeor ovbWIkiIm) to rj b ; ; fccrttxr. Qhly Si cru a je, A mix 2: Wo ktp the Hour, tJair lU Cu'fUaisa, ocLLry raMi. I can feed1 yoir horse ! Wo can feed ytrer horx, ca ahlp tiuff, oa ary tllx t i Cone la to fo cw, azl tTisj c yoar Lctu? tec. .ENSBORO 1RSERIEB ! MS l n For all VINES and kindi FRUIT. SllA;J 0IiYAL7;TAL TRK nd PLANTS. I introdsc! tho- Ontr m M j ct. tmtm me mm Wt. ui tovtk. m tr aul (if ! "V. 4 i.TUO C.rA f! i HIO iUtAL. V (, :fc taa-Mt wt M!k tu.kfMt.g MONUMENT ERECTED. Lejlsbtjrg, N. C, June 15. Mb. Editor: Please allow us should remember its motto is equal- j cpace in your columns to announce lo me - inenas oi ine laie xlgv. o. liea. of LeasuurfT, N. C, that the We call especial attention to the I monument to which quite a number advertisement of the lancqyvua qi lormer pupus, irienu auu rem-Co-educational Academy inlvthir Uvea heartily contributed .has just ujcuuwuvu ... . 3oen erected over his erave. This sciK)Ol is in werycrnsii Jt ... f TOrieffated Qeornm marble. issue. worthy of the patronage of all yht have a desire to prepare their boys and girls for-future succets in nie Prof. Simon," " the principal,- hai achieved an enviable , reputiti an educator in the past three t of his work at' YanceyvUIe, i tested by the large . and const increasing patronage enjoyecl this institution.. Prof. Simor recently returned from ajrip thr 'i-h tae the county in the interest ot school, and everywhere he met nattering encouragement. The, term begins Sept. 4th, 1899. x feet in height and the design .is graceful and ; appropriate. Besides necessary dates, it bears the follow ins: inscription: "He served' his eneralion cheerfully and faith ullyV ; Respectf u lly, j - ; ' y W. J. Pxjlliasc, j V H. T. CONALLT. i BISMARCK'S IRON NERVE ns 8 at tl2 4 i t$ Was the result of his splendid health. .vit ?11 J - i r i aaomuaDie ' win ana euerey are noi a6tind where stomach. liver, kidneys and bowels are out k of order. If voa want it ti these qualities and the success they l .bring, use 'Dr. King's New Life Pills. ?r4!hey develop -every power of brain and X y. Only 25c at K. 1 DixonTs. STORY OF A SLAVE, To be bound hand and foot for years by tho chains of disease is the worst form of slavery. George D. Williams, of Manchester, Mich., telU how such a slave was made free. lie savs: My wife has been so helpless for five year that she could not turn over in bod alone. After using two bottles of Elec tric Bitters, she is wonderfully improved and able to do hei own work." This supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervousness, sleepless ness, melancholy, headache, backache, faintiDgand dizzv spclLu This miracle workin? medicine is a crochsend to weak. sickly, run down people. very bottle Guaranteed. Only 5(J cuts. fcoia ny R. L. Dixon, druggist; j - VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS - . ; i - ' Arc grand, but skin eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklen's Arnica EalYe curfs them, also Old, Running "and feverjsores, ulcers, boils, felons,. corn., warts, cuts, braisea, harn,. scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earih. Drives out pains and aches. Only 23c a box. Cure iruaran - teed. Sold by R. L. lnxon, druggist. Dr. J. A. HuMIg. . l ' r) Calls promnth attended trl'i . T HTOFFICE In II unfa Bull Ins oppo site Merchant and Pl&ntcnf fViank n w. n n r7 UCoJ iyspepsia pre Digests what ydjj fcat It artificially digests the ft a I and aldj Hature In etrenRthenin? id. recon structing the exhausted da fell ve or-cans.- It Is tho latest-Jiscof. ltd dljsV GUKENSBOItO AKD C0NNKTS SOUTH KBK EARLY ITaCHKS and they arc acknowledged to be tho Com! trly pMchf jtotc. I Lvito a Cne herd of tegiiterctl rdtndVChlnm hom. Vlp, S to 12 weeks old, SG.00 cch; $10 jxr yir L a b. Ortcasbora, K. C. Addrwj, Jno. A. Young, Prop., . r,ni:EK3Bono. i. a You Cm it Exfiect m You r UftandffirU to go out inta tAt trorlJ ctrfiurrJ end rxjinl tinUtM ju htlplhem lay On fuundntion ttpvn uhUX all eirCLrcilm and yrvnt rtxU. 1 hint trho njifCl l Ae Hutu ln;ioJwU upvn LVrm in LAU rrpjrd If Lht tUaLSmU years the vpjjortunuict lutfaUnS to nx&txur. Careful and Systematic Attention to epcrvduti? rnnai wron tVn hat vxn fr A fjntUw Lt I item ami cpprvzvl aUuir pXrwns. TA SlKoU a Beautiful and Healthy Location, . which not only addi to tho pleiiar and hetllh cf th itcdrrli, t-t inspires then, to creatcr xrol in th pruKcation of Ihtir iladies. TL ant and tonic, rio other parauoo I rujt sea ion was tho most luccruial oi the three jttrg wcrk- can approach It lo cmclcXftf. It .in- ft t c . 1 no i v. w prepsxri ixjji jor coiirr ana icr ix::bcm pre pirc girU for colied and for caltcrc4 Chritlira buisw- stantly reliftvcs and xrmavi itlymrca Dyspepsia, IcdlcRtlon, ntrtburn. Flatulence, Sour Stomsctj I Nausea. E$ckIIeadiche,Ga-Uraljla,( j fcnipft,snd til other results of lrnpcrf e lcstlon. Prtpard by C C DtV.'ttt A a jCbicao. Lewis 7alker& Co, ljjpgist. Dr. Cody's Condition Vf idcra aro jnst nhni a horso needs ,fcn in tad condition. Tonic, bloKi.r Hficr and Tcfrnifuje." Thby ans not! bod, but medicine and the best in Tio to pnt a horso in prima cnmlitrtt I Vice 25 cents per pacVnrc. T tr tale by Lewis Walker & Co. ! Among tha many plesxurci rrotiied for tho beaeSl cf tho itcdcsU during bourn for recreation arc Lawn tranii, crocct, Ltuboll, horitattJ and parallel Larr. A nnulaito of oar icbo?l cxn cnUr tho Sorbose: year in any ccltrgc In tho bl&tc wxlhcrallarther crepajucs- 5 . FALL TERU OrEN'S SEPT. 4, IS 73. ' N. Simon, Prin.

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