i v M i llrvriiiiT.i;rr'',fffif(-Nlii7iwi.ll h - . - 2 mm - Assembly's New Officers. The .Teachers Assembly has elected , the following officers for the, ensuing year: President, D. Matt Thompson, of Btatesville; First Vice-President, J. Allen Holt, of Oakridge. Other "vice presidents, F. P. Hobgood, J Y.v , Joyner, Miss Mary Arrington, P. T.: Harrison, J. H. Bridges, J. 0. Horner, V. D. Weeks, J. B. Carlyle. , The address by Prof. Edwin A. Alderman, Preside of the State University, "which was delivered Friday night, was one distinctive features of the session of of the assembly. "Southern Expan PY'PRODUCTS OF MEAT PACKERS, The al Uses, to Which the Former Waste tie Steer li Pat. The great Chicago . packing hocss get a great deal more money for the by-products Incidental to the killing of a steer than the meatsells for. On the average the meat 'and Its com pounds; bring5 $40, while the by-products bring at -wholesale $53. . The latter, sum is roughly made up as fol lows: Hide, horns, hoofs and hair, $25; fats, blood, sinews ' and bones, ' $15; miscellaneous other wastes, $15. It is only in the large and well-appointed slaughter-houses that the full value of the animals dealt with can be realized, and these become factories for. a creat many oroducts. besides VS $?0tJSL the proper aSd mctproflUble uvt f j auto buuicooi n utbu una kj oeived the highest commendation from all who heard it. The sociological con ditions of the South during the past two generations and those of the future were discussed by the speaker. No outline of the address is worthy of the speaker s effort. . The Poultry Department. The Poultry Department of the North Carolina State Fair will have Mr. T. K. Bruner as its director at the next State Fair to be held in Raleigh next October. This is one of the most important departments connected with the State Fair, said Col. John Cun- niDghara recently. The eggs and chickensbring as much as any crop in me Diaie, eiiner ot toDacco or coiion. Mr. Bruner will manage the depart ment in a most skillful manner. He is known to the people of the State as a gentleman of intelligence and ability and whatever he undertakes is always carried out in the best manner, and with great success. The Mt. Airy and Eastern Kailway Co. applied; to the Secretary of State for letters of incorporation. The road to be constructed is to run irom a point at or uearMt.Airy,Surrv county, to the Virginia State line, a distance of about five miles. The cap ital stock of the company will be $26,000, divided into shares of par value of S10 each. The president of the road is .to be T. E. Houston, of Elkhorn, W. Ya. The directors are: W. W. Wyche, W. L. Taylor, W. T. 'Huff or d, A. H. Patton, of Welch, W, V.; W. H. Tunis, Mt, Airy, N. C, and O. W, Kibler, Mt. Orab, Ohio. stories of belief; - Two Letters to Mrs. PinJchan, it v , r W W, 1 iom expenses incjrfrr tiro J The claims of the Second Regiments have been ad- I1': The Winston board of aldermen has adopted several new ordinances to cor respond with the new charter 'granted by the lest General Assembly. The tax on every dealer in futures, stocks or bond brokers, bucket shop or pool sellers is increased from $25 to $500 per annum. Dealers in second-hand clothing are given until December 1st to close out the stock they now have on hand, and after that they must pay a licence tax of $600 peryear and be subjectyto haying theirstock of goods fumigated at any time. 1 i Mr. E. B. , Weeks, a merchant of Bogue Sound, Carteret county, was found murdered in his store Thursday morning. The store had tjeen robbed of $10. Weeks was 50 years old and unmarried, and slept in the store. Thursday morning it was found that the store had been forcibly entered and Mr. Weeks was found dead on his bed with a I rope around his neck. Thsu-TrsJLcjio other marks of vio- u-ar v w 4V W i m lence. panies of thefFirst unteers, for mobilization to the Adjutant General sY? J Miss Powell, the clerk, wil .wdii in shape and forward to the! yfle j houses. and Third justed. The curves in the Seaboard Air Line track near Moncure have been straight ened. About 400 laborers have done this work. A force of seventy-five re pair men is now there. The Associate Reformed Presbyteri ans at Statesville have decided to build a new church or to very much enlarge the old one. The Baptists have also raised funds for repairs. The fusionists in the Agricultural Department stepped down and out Thursday John R. Smith, commis sioner; J. L. Ramsey, secretary; J. L. Kelley, fertilizer inspector; J. M. Allen, mailing clerk; Miss Ada King, stenographer; K. E. Shore, usher in the Museum. -The fusionists in the State chemist's department will go out June 30th. The plan as to immigration to this State, as outlined by the Agricultural Department, is that special efforts shall be made to secure immigration from the Northwest. It is argued that this is found to be the most desirable; that there are. many reasons why it desires to come here, and that it baa made good The 18 months-old son of Mrs. W.D. Smith, ot East Durham, got hold of a poisonous mixture which his mother had prepared for cleaning furniture, ' drank a portion of the contents . and died in about an hour. The attorney general rules, that tho deposits of non:reeident pepositors are subject to ad valorum taxtation. It is the duty of the banks to list such depositors. - Revenue officers made a raid in Johnston county last week and got three illicit distilleries, and .Tuesday night made another in this coucty and bagged two.' r ' The State has chartered the "Belo Heme of Salem." It is to be a home for the aged and infirm for persons of good repute, left entirely without means, for destitute orphans and for neglected children, and is under the control of the kindly Moravian folk, markets for each of .the raw products Into which they separate the animals. Nothing Is allowed to go to waste, and ten "years aeo one of the largest butchers in this city declared that the Chicago packers were paying the en tire cost of slaughtering cattle out of what the butchers here were paying to have carted away. Hides, horns. hoofs and hair have had their markets for many years " and their value In creases steadily. This Is particularly true of horns, for the practice of de horning cattle has become so general that In one great Chicago packing house, It was found during a two-year count that the returns only showed one horn to every three bullocks. Horns are now worth about $150 a ton. The hides eo to the tanner, the hair for mixing mortar. The tails don't go with the hides. Down at the tip is some long hair, and this is sold to be turned into curled hair far up holstering. If the hoofs are pure white they have a peculiar value. They are sent to China for fewelry making. Those which are striped, black or damaged go into the kettle to be boiled for glue and the residue made Into hoof meal. a valuable fertilizer, in fact, every thing which Is not. used for other pur poses Is at last turned Into some form of fertilizer, even to the tankage water in which the coarsest of the refuse Is boiled to pxtraor. Its fats. The coarse bones are either carbonized and sold for sugar refiners' use or turned Into J tertinzers, ana tne mooa is mostly dried and turned into another aid to agriculture. Some of the blood Is sold in liquid form to sugar refineries, but not a great deal. The white bones suitable for knife handles and such purposes bring from $70 to $90 a ton and go mostly to Germany. The main parts of the animal as they are sent to markets are carefully trimmed, but there is do piece of good meat but has its market. Tongues and tails are regular articles of com merce, and even the meat from the cheeks is added to the supply for sau sages and the lips are cut off and picketed. Each character of fat Is separated from the-v others and finally these are marketed in the various forms of neat's footoil, oleo oil, tallow and stearine and ojeomargerine. Be fore the horns ac sold the pith is extracted from them and the finest grade of gelatine is obtained from the pith The sinews are all separated to be usea tor glue stock, tne bladders are old for holding snuff and the greater part of the Intestines are used for sausage casings. Parts of these have, bowever. a special use and value, and aj'e sold separately to be made up into zoldbeater s skins. The H ttmapipe, i.tn .1 nnvtlpnlflr vnlnp. ng used for a fancy sausage casing 1 also for a lining for pipes, through ich beer is passed in breweries cf extract, pepsin and many other ings are made in some of the biggest Mrs. Joinr Willums, EngUshown, N. J., writes: Deab Mbs. Pothjlm: I cannot bo-' gin to tell you how I r suffered before taking your remedies. I was so weak that I could hardly walk across the floor without falling. I had womb troublo and such a vearing-down feeling ; alio suffered with say back and ljmbs, pain in womb, inflammation of the bladder, piles and indigestion. Before I had taken one bottle of Lydla E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound I felt a great deal better,, and after taking two and one half bottles and half a box of your Liver Pills I was cured. If more would take your medicine they wouti not have to suffer so much. Mrs. Joseph Peteesox, 513 East 8t, Warren, Pa., writes: . - r "Dkaii Mrs. 1txkixam: I have suf fered with womb trouble over fifteen years. I had inflammation, enlarge ment and displacement of the womb. I had the backache constantly, aiso headache, and was so dizzy. I had heart trouble, it seemed as though my heart was in my throat at times chok ing me. I could not walk around an I could notlie down, for then my he would beat so fast I would feel though I was smothering. I had sit up In bed nights in order to breath. I was so weak I conld not do an thing. 44 1 have now taken several bot tles of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable compound, and used three pack ages of Sanative 'Wash, and can say I am perfectly cured. I do not think I could have lived long if Mrs. Pink ham's medicine had not helped me." Ktpllnc'a SUter. Rudyard Kipling has but one sister, now married to an English army o3 cer. In the staff corps stationed some where in India. She Is a great beauty, and familiarly known as "Trickaey." She is a very accomplished woman, and has written several clever stories. i v r rztH 13 e uw 1 ! aa4 cri I 3 An ixccucnt uoraumiuon. The pleasant method and to Incflcial effects of the well knot a 'Vmedy, Stuup or Fxos, manufactured, ay the CxuroiuriJL Fto Stuup Co.. I iutrate Llha value of obtaining the liqt 1 laxa- UTo principles ox pianis imoi atooe medicinally laxatfre and printing them in tho form most refresnh f to the taste and acceptable to the tyr era. It is the one tverzect strtnrtheni tr laxa- tire, cleaosing the system eft, It dispelling colds, headaches at, gently yet promptly and ensl.' to overcome habitual constlnt msnentlr. Its perfect fredfi from ercry oSjcctlonablo quality Hl ub stance, and its acting on the rpdners, liver and bowels, without wikenlnr or Irritating them, make it Ha Ideal IajcaiIta. In the process of manufactiLMo? firs are used, asdher are rlcaaMT to the . i & . 1 1 .i i.r it., i i ii t - . remeay are ooiatnea xrom sna ana i nUtorr of th omer aromauo pianis, oy sunxuioa known to tne CauronxiA ri r orsrr Co. only. In order to get Its MneSctal exxects and to aroid ImlUtlocC pleaA remember the full name or thconspany printed on the xront or every wacksgu CALIFORNIA FIG SYRVT Ca AJff TU-AJf CISCO. CJLX zamMVTVLx. xr. it xw toi a. k . t. Foxialetorall XrBXtsta, Prlc too Kttoulft Craves la Utxfj Vt'itu j A ftrare graveyard list tad atw-.: It the atoorpiert cf cyitrry sad at', accnoly ssdeft was foca4 a day err r to In the brsrt of C;t New Jcrr. riots. 1 A traTflcr ca Lis wiy fron Crown! Mm to Macahtwkla. termirt by tr loaellnns of the locality, left tit ret I aide to walk a thort dltunre U tl. tlrxta wilJs. He fca-J cot sz ft' vfhea to ria ecrcti fire tierzzii la i row. as ce cfew atirtr te graven all marked by board had atone at the brad rocjUy It scribed. It wga etldently the xso rrceat of the lot The laacriptica to: lU ratbetlc tsle at felkw: rUcm! to th Mrcory cf Msry Ioab Atkerwa. Bern July 10. DIM Ner. U ISH I-sy away tho l:ttl dmv Once cor dsrllnr cwM fa wrsr. For the never xacr w;ii thrts; Bbe baa rllmbrd tb ohSra ttslr. Gone but t forxottea. Terr nai tv isflocr slot v.; gratr: cothior bet a few tail ptat the mulc of Ubtss trrstKb", wss la prrfrtrt accon! with fb icj Vrne. A fw bub bkl the cratrl It would U only by acri4t tht IV- could be found. j Inaulry w tsri fer ih Atkrwt fa rally. No one kcw ef tbr r ti S I t 1 I 1 I I II I , II li lJ li Irf 1 bM ' CjL)U G.iEENSDORO, N.C. in t rtMH if m urxt, in. a. Tixrrsx mi OTiniii' mm. rtwj " - - j - - i m THE COUPER UAH31EW0HK.. rtVtisr4 CO Yra. lit HI task $u- ett. tL L-ra tk lata wtat jrm ir4 mX W. r ttrr Uard of lares. com, hurt-! tblr Addrew, Ay' M MkMv Tby tastt hat dd a1 c2ua Tb :k i rrsTrt al why tt' I tK-h a lolr rrt $ probably tK?er b known. New Yen Tlmca. ? A Fhrrldan tlo.i rh!ernrtt P. ha dlrtjtrml a prc by tr-a j of which a prtof ef a rSxrraf b b tako wllhta a few taotsrau aft t tlttlar. I ClrcltBC tb Globe la ta TToar. Uncle Sam paid the railways for 18?S nearly $29,000,000 for transporting hi mall. Sixty years ago 874 miles of railway carried all our mall; at the close of tho civil war there were 23.- Ilon. Jno. W. Moore'a Trip. "While attending the Presbjteritn General Assembly I was taken with sere re Drtenterr , very plnf ul. Two dosee Dr. King's Djsentery and Dlarrhcea CordUl gmre me prmceot relief. ' Jso. W. Moose. Com. Mecklenburg- Presbytery. Bur well & Dcsji Co Charlotte, N. (i, makerr, 23c The breath of spring and the breath ot spring onions are melting away. Trie Return of Prosperity Toour G reat Country should be demonstrated by songs accompanied by a MoixiR Onoa or Piaico. For the flees toned Instrument at the lowest price, addresa M. P. Mf t lxr. Manufacturer Ilagerstown, Md. FOCIITII OF JCLY RXCCf AlOa. To the TXeantatna r hart at Omm and OneThtrd Vmr for the V ian4 Trip, by the Seaboard Atr .tne Cp-couDtry folks acd dowo-co-aV rj folks need a shake-up at Itatt oee a f-mr. lb shske-UD mlcbt as wrllcoae Icurt . of Jaly ae any other dsr. Moentsto for a dash rf ta!de and seatMe folks r e4 that rculUr somethtac raiie4 "moan Ua atr." rourth of July I kiod ot a Jolly lr aay. bow. LverTbodT mor smehLe. la Query. Is where to so? The mi 1 fe-ats-l to aalance atthetjeabotrd Air Ur ijiun. Irom the wetera of the Cht"a to U fieri aaddtea trout coo! set tie C te U'4c. This railroad will put "rr aale t'f.eU er chaaAhls of tor ftnt. Jalr rl Si- i e4 and a od to return ou or before X1y tih- at rne and one thirl fares for the fuaatrtt. rienty of peorU wilt b cotscv tt nrtt ample aceommodaUoa will be rrr that there wilt re plentyof room for th iU4re for the who) fatnlir. lhre U U ao strurt le nor exhautloo looidotuf n rmw4. toa for thoe who tike their Kouri of July otitic br the eaSrd Air t.o. . Remerober. the Fntulh ef July Aw b-sl onre a year. It Mil cettr Co tC V the ouUnc i It's fanny that with ait thle sAlyou cant thaw out a cold la lb b4. Xoat7ohacttSUaa4 Scw4alerf V aetlc. full ct lite, nerte aad vUor t te NTo Dac.tie woo4crworVrr. thairar-kr teaWcsts strocg. au arc;sistj,ioeorti. t acaraa teed. TJooklct ant tinpla frttf Aims Sterllaj XUsedy Co. Chicago it I tw York. The electric faa now apiaraj, i OI orerw mw qcts: i .(H!!ll)ai . u fed West Point's Boprdof VUitors yesterday began its work. t ork. I Do Your Feet Ache antt Ilurn? 8hako into your ahdea Alleh'a Foot-Ease, a powder for tho feet, It roikea Tlgbt or New thoes feel Ea -A p'.ma. ions. bwollen, . 1 Sweating Feet. cers and Bhoe FREE. N.Y. 8? "-JSavl really nourl the Ice man To Coro Conetlpr' TakeOvacareU Candir L If C C C. fall to cure, druu Bun- v a ? ana Gro leent .1 M rctai Knrroi In the Fet. j In fart. teitr. rtncotn aod a!l 1 dieae are cured by Tetterine. Mr. t t. f artla.cf Po Antonl.Ti. -lameut tc:a arlolentca-olfeiilnniTfei I mmmkI a bat of Tettvrta Mr. Mr. 4 Jrf A: MrFarland. Mmt bt. Teoo . mt 11 4 Uri ur r. Ji t at i i a lifc 1 cannot r Peer clothtt cansot rule foa loa oli. Titn rsit checit won't do it. Tour botstehoUorts rzf tt fccary anJ da;coisj rr.cntt rr.sy be dcer tvt thrr cisact fr,se yo oli. One ttir- tzt It ctrer f ailt. It It lrtrot.Ms i ys tousjf, wttu tt: ckf cf t crccry ycira la yevr tC?. tzi 1 Maude; Orar, roa with a ba-bU fan," cool o be reer; 10o or So. id money. l Even the good-natured man got hot n n n fl f tha AAllnr -- "ll A new use has recently been dis jorered for the contents of the paunch, which until lately had to be thrown iway. It has been discovered that a . ?ood quality of cardboard can be made ! Df it and is now being saved for that ! purpose. Of course, the large receipts j at, but there is a manufacturer's profit made out of each one of them which aggregates a handsome sum, and all of this helps to keep down the price Df the fresh meats to the consumer. NTew York Sun. educate Tour Bowala Wltb Caeca ret. Candy Cathartic, euro coastlpauoo rorerer. 10c, SSo. II GCO.falUdruggttta refund money. Some men find It well to harvest their winter crop of whiskers now. ' Fits permanently cured. NoflbiorrerTous- fter flrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Oreet Kerre Restorer. $3 trial botUeand treatise free Dr. K. H. Hunt Ltd.. kj l Arcn i c rau. ra. ress i Ko-To-Dao for Fifty Cewf i i Cua ran teed tobacco hat It core, to tea wra caca iiroc;, tUxA pure. tOa,tX AUrruMfci. - 7he fesitlTO freckle Is oalhuntlag rouble. Mt. Ceauty Is Dlood LreeH Clean blood mrtns a clean f.!m. Vo beauty without it. Caacarete, Cant-i Calhar tic clean your blood and keep itcart. by stirring- up the laxy lirer and dnrt g all la Kritica from tha body. Hcpa ST nish pimplea, boils, blotches, bl r khea4. and that sickly bihoua complexionf fy taking CascartU, beauty for tea cents, Call dru gills, aatufacUoa guaranteed, 10c, Vct SOc nrr ' o i 111 111 rtas leewcf Usrt !s4 tl i lttit Vreia Oaf. Is the taiiit cf ex of th la? sisrtvS ffeVta ecara f $t wtnsf tl 'Kzow Nctiitc" nsja.'is, lie laU Ilsrry A. Wn, faftattl tctfat ef Vlrla! as.1 tiler 1U es.tt ela atst crator, alreULei Ltf t lie fall teiftl at 4 etctaia!: IXca nr-sUits wtiels U'.l leir iaia t4 cir te cWada. " Tbe tU i,sj wildest dc-utt refffttsc t Ctisaa r.cl- lUe taJft Itgtr was ytv IsC 1 diftctly t Cttaay llca. lltZTJ A. t lel. Kz Chicsaey VU here. Hezty A- Vfiee te issttettal. la CUatey Il: CLatr I-a is est of tie bciitt t ef Ass.et.raa rrt I Tht hrabcfd Air Irfte wul 1st t yaa ! lltff. Il i tt! etele axi'.ta ! UdiUftsol ttir II s"r I t-". Tea lira ais etl rtn!y U lie ft:ejecf lia til te c. cf t let-ctxesal g f tiV. Ha !J ctoitaia t arte. i)m ei Urtoto f!IUi rf 5se. TV ti are ctes 11 f;-J Is eliaufal aa.4 ' l.; Vi; o e Tl c" e a f a S: 1 U tf t-x! a &4 f'.-Uitf wiJs ta!f4 tf cti Tha Jefao t IVe 't; a re,Me etsiy asd ataw zvi eucx-st. T a-:;Sier Htfrtcsit 2e S-ll i tatUe t-ei" cl ti!; It tlx .5 a II. Tti-s eieari d s:t ty ssil z I lota tUnlitg ws.le ty sf. fie. trtNrvle watts t walk. Utt Ht-try A, ?Ve tai S it all atitt t-iafttt faUa ff ota all y-stts ef NiLh Cf Dca'l fc;s H. cii at! Iftiites. f !1 tiiili. 'Kirk tf I r t i L efff..e rw-f ctlee . WaUh tt l-aty C ft wtlt tVaU !! i-cy frcarolt'ct ct asUrltey. If Cltatry llck ie at'lUtf tl Ua t!ir la act tia fsa;ly tp erestit lia rail Utcxfsiaa luatU cs sa!e at all rWatcard Air Kit tstt eOa t- CUstey llott atd fstifa aJ ftraCy rtitcl f sUi, A mm USE CERTAIN CORN CURE. Mr. WtnloWSoothlnaSrrpf ,r&!ilr teethlpr.eofteesthe rutna. redeem .nuaatt.. tln,airayspala.cureswiadC9:ic:a If aSUeted with eoreeyM 1 Plso Cure Is a wonderful Cocctrie4lelea TliAMiiaiiJa CtraVNUi Mr. U . lICafRT. Vt llfl- t M Mftk TnOmpSOn t Eyi WalCJ Aees. Biooklyn, N. Oct. 3V lH, f . " . O- XYT IKTED-Cim nf b4 bMltb tbtt R lM ! i T win not nflL 8nd a etm. to BJon Chrolei Co.. NewVurk. for 10 umplM and looo ttgKoUU. nnnncv hew dhcovtrt: urtura "Better Be Wise Than Rich. ctek rHf ud Freo. nr. a. K. eazKH's sows. Bx D aumi. a. Agents Wanted lZl"tZ terrta C B. Audereou acouim Elm SU DUa.!ei. "THE Wise people kre also rich 'when they knew a perfect remedy for alt annoying diseases of the blood, kidneys, live. and bowels. Jt is Hoofs SarsaparHIa. vhich ts perfect in its action- ufeTfDEVEY" otTriT rati, ttiotir r. I ttbe world's artet i m.by arst lUItvad. WAXTKI). n SILL KM. IaImM Bt a IDDirC ntlCirj r.o.b.hrre IIHUUHUb UIlbMrser bsl crate Rna and PoUtoes about ath tn TvafoB f . o b. here Si (ti Medltun 1 t. . K. hcr S3.UQ. Ecsds f 1.23 Mr tnh finmi rat vrrr low to all roinu to ijl' so regulates the I Jonlnit Sutfc eend 1r a4 1 urmB ertfaw 53?5fem as to bring vigorous health. HORMAII H. DUTCH, UlggBtti S. C. li-.5. r tfc fnre I t 1 au- F. K. Cburn, Mcr. CLu-'.e frott, rit: 1 fln1 Hall's Catarrh Cure a eluable e miij." urunnsu sen lb .-w. t : . Bojdlcr rrttirnloi: to tht UnltM States who hare arrvrtl lpod the aeas art pportlnff their forrlg, arrrlc stripes proudly. This stripe. t'J ow to our army as foreign mttIc ,t to our history, is a narrow bar of fl.troro low down on each sleeve- ' t KJJ MW b W-- k I! a tats sTVr--w, r rat U e l. IttUal ci IV.! f C-t - rental Htt!sy at a lsiU-l gast. atd itterett ttlit .t!?i vate 4 j wars tlal a c.c dttit.ts ty lla i:rlfs ia t:'-lS Utitc aiartl c! rxrrr.mcr.tJr r trusts C:t I tell-tals tijr. cf ait. Uwd sexordia w dlrtctioss it tradustly tftr.r,s tart rb color of yot:i?. At E.'ry yerr btlr rntf Ixsk at l! 1 at ffrtca. It tikltsi the bait sisa; uri It froa fsIUst vjt; sad cleattts tie tea!? front djadru!?. Statl at end yotj ocr too ea lit tHair asi In Disettn? If T mtL a3 ta 1 rre,-4rkte 1 a fiC!. Ti Ti.s w. v CaVa taja tiat tla tc !it alsti Ja lit a-Ceif. feic'ttts rt crswt aalfctdtr wti;!d tatttadcte lai tt..t dAarflsesl cf tie firtetta Cara-'ry af ;e utd ea t;e e-ret it lca!cl csat la ;-t"J i- c.f.ttl at?t a w re e ic , YTM!! t K 9 mm lt . 4 m ILJtt r & ... i ..- t 'f r? Tfll S r ta "5 t a. 1 r U 1 UnL i a .- s , t 11 REPAIRS J U UJ S1V5, BIBS. , I M tlrw, vtti IM mM fcwl H. 11 1 frmLr tar u -sury l , . I wti rwe el I l W t-a. j. c. ittJi- twu. at, v - - , tVsTiaiUTi t fiw ' y ' . ruvrt nur. mi u ; w f ' a-" irt rxxi. a w y o rllxT 3,rai"1' war. l n r: f '1- t ao-l uvai muca cui.: axn u ni rrru it trrti. vu. x-crw. baiifa uAlPH A tape worm eighteen ret lone at least came on the scene after my taking two UAJAUii. i;. Tms i am aura has caused my bad health for the past three years. I am still taking Cascarets. the only cathartic worthy ot notice oy sensiuio people." - I . Qso. W. Bowrxs, Baird, Uaas. CANDY CATHARTIC X. ' TRAD! MARK fflStSTtRfO W.eo Doelltar Is a Crime. Two street porters In Bonn, Ger many, got into a row lately, and, In stead of punching each other's heads. were persuaded to fight a duel "under severe conditions' They were strip ped to the waist, blindfolded, and armed with revolvers. One shot was to be fired at fifteen paces, blindfolded; then the combatants were to ral.se the bandage, advance to ten paces dis tance, and fire again. Two rounds were fired In this way without damage to any one, not even the four seconds. The latter then decided that honor was satisfied. AU the parties to the affair have been . arrested, the authorities apparently being furious at the ridi cule brought upon duelling by the low rank of the combatant rL!i ;:JR. UOFFETTS i;KTHlH3 FQWCERS . i i m- - r veww M v t4 R taji aM a UfMiUiw XSerota tm . J. ItorrXTT. M. D. Ella If tl! Usj. - lJlJ n BEISTLE TVTI!,T, BABBIT, tt, yrft aT sa.r ef ct 1st t t m AtCtTA.ca. H Tie iVn titrre tU a U i ( RHEUIV1 ACIDE! 5 A Wffa a.1 m . f. I. t . v. VtUil ttmf W t: et!aa ajBe;ew.a n-vUt Dora la a Cab to- v r New York Spe. Pittsburg kjpatch: (Ojyi (Cl fi. Vlrdnla Fair, who is act a to wed I 1 William K. Vanderbilt. Jr., 'fas born In a rough two-story wooden w)i a'n ty m Virginia City. Ner., where Iftr father r f Ca !-. a-e ixt " rm i. V I mm L f till . .a a... a-.. .....a. . H mKI t-(- I II", I.IUl IMtMliriMtJa.2.Ml. rwMte'fttOwH 1 Xaaafetielt y -r ii 4 i.t assail i . b ru-'jv s. c a. L-rata - I I w r . rr..i.. . . . . - . t iut be Fair rain era at a t vii a nara worainic miner. children played with the oth children and showed slight pC itnlst of future prosperity. . 1 Maalf atoaa. Hagerty Thlm whiskers ti tars a breach of the peace. Garrlt;';. (tweet ly) Perhapt yex are thlir Ja thty ought to be pulled !-CIaclsi ill Ea qulrer. ti POSITION'S GUARANTEED P.al'rc-vt Tar Pal4 i DALESMEN WANTED. rr. 4ea xacwtr irrwtTw r'att t"f st rrm rt sit earorttrrtTaTf Dta all tt so two ta. Vary CV ar ;eorxia-.labma Illr-i CcJVar! a c1 , i- MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINI TU C HUtf..ftcoa4 !U:- wtll -a S?Cr--' bar rv l?5i. -Ktarn:ibtla O-t-ii-f L (er arai saa a-rt fiw- - Uw-c-l a--a all fal Swaa. 'S ' l X TrV Wrw. HfST ti j "-?! a4xatM aa M a a ta-a t ar rrv. w .tjttf taaa as f ! tiaia ra4 (C tt t t- lri SVa Lis zxt no Co.. Kie .i-c f . a-a-. -a ta una .ti taiuoi Im. 1U Mr tal (aam. Us rw yr. il airK-alaljax as -t !- tallica ft-, f-i tr tia- r-.arsaai rat Carw. t-oyara, VtaUVlat . . ai taiuea fees, ttr "Z'ffL.IZLA. ' krt1elara. a-A4ra. illlliSTO. 1 - . .. a .u li i x a- v- r-'T'Ia: 4 Pleasant. Palatable. Potnt. Taste Good. Do uooa. never stolen, weaken, or Gripe. We. 2&c 50c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SMrlfe Heady Caaiaaaj, Ckleaca, aatral. It Tart. SlS l!A TH nil. Pold and mimTitwl .11 1 19. i I 1 L 0 U rl! u L. 0 4 i ii