THE MEBANE 7\ BECAUSE RIGHT IS RIGHT wife DARE DO IT. MEBANE. N. Cm THUBSDAT. MAT 1911 Mebanes^ Municepal Hurdle Mill Rfd. Election. NO. 12 personal and local briefs people WHO COME AND GO Items of interest Pathered by Our RepOkte**. ^Ir. Ttlenn Micheal, a former resident of Mebane spent Sunday here. q Bettie and Lucy Burch, visited 'uni3ay. ,f I'homasville spent •r visiting hi parents and Likes Much of Being Set tled. Monday it was rumered that Dias would resign, and peace in Mexico was assured, Tuesday fightinor is resumed and several Americans across the bor der are killed. Wednesday may be an other change, biit it is quite certain that the Mexican question likes much of being settled. V'anderventer, wife i cniia tett last week for Washington, D C. AJr- Vanderventer, will locate at HiatesVille, near Washington. When we get free wool, and permit a high tariff on manufactured cloth, and exagerated prices, we will be much better off, wont we? but how? Mr. A. M. Cook of Mebane and Mr. W. A Boland of Corbett, left Tuesday morning for Winston, to attend an annual session of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. The Leader wants news, and those interested in giving to Mebane a bright newsy paper will remember to tell us what happens that they know of. Mr. C. C. Carter, of Whitsett, purchased of Mr. W. A. Murrv and Mr S. G. Morgan, a valuable farm Soutl- of Mebane a few days past. We are glad to welcome Mr. Carter to our midst. Dr Murray, was called home to Graham, therefore Rev. F M. Hawley will not go to Graham to hold services as previouly announced, but will preach at his home church in Mebane Sunday. That the trial of the men charced with complicity in the destruction with dynamite of the Los Angels Times will cost approximately^ $2,000,000 is the statement made by attaches at the ; .’fstrict attomy’s office at Los Angeles, orw««cr I '^"ch side, it is pointed out, j T ; ready to spend unlimited sums ‘ in tse ,>r«>secution and defense of the o 'oNamaras and McManigal. The court tosts will run up in the thou sands of dollars expended in bringing witnesses and evidence and in other nicessary expenses. or The Death* of Mr. James A Cheek. Died in Greensboro,last Tuesday even ing May 2 Mr. James V. Cheek, in the 69 year of his age. Mr. Cheek had been in bad health for some time. He went to Greensboro two weeks ago to enter St, Leo’s hospital for treatment, but before he could be carried there he “The Dcacon’ Last Friday night in the ^r«ded School Hall, a very interesting a|i4 tertaining drama, “The Deacon” wa* played to a large and appreciative iu- dience. This play consisted of twlve character thoroughly and profideiiily trained by Mrs. E. A. C?»wb*d.' These amatures wetie qqite skillful elfect. All those who were fortunate en^h to be numJaered among the ape^tor8 were glad of the opportunity of wit nessing this play and many were tlie expressions of delight and enjoyO^iA. Two May Yet Escape Death In State’s Elect ric Chair Charles Murphey, the Yancey county man who is sentenced to be electrocuted J une 30, will hardly die on that date. His attorneys,took an appeal to the Supreme court and this appeal is not to be argued at this term of court, hence it will not come up for another six months. Murphey is now in the penitentiary, where he will remain until his case is disposed of. The case of state against Holley, the Wilmington man who was convicted of murder and arson, is to be argued at this term of the Supreme court, coming up at the conclusion ot the cases from the 16th district. Holley was convicted of poisoning a child and setting tire to a hotel to conceal his crime. He was sentenced to be electrocuted. became too sick to be removed IPortraying the feelings and en^ons from his son’s rooms. The direct cause necessary in representing the different of his death was pleurisy. Mr. Cheek was one cf the leading citizens of Orange county, which three times during his life he represented in the st^te legislature. He was a veteran of the Civil war, and experienced service in the First North Carolina regiment. He is survived by his widow, two sons, A. S. Cheek, of Hillsboro, and J. C. Cheek, of Greensboro, one daugh ter Mrs. H. P. Hackney, of Oklahoma City; and a brother Mr. T. M. Cheek, of Mebare. The remains were carried to Hillsboro Wednesday morning, the funeral took place that afternoon at 4 o’clock from the Presbyterian church, conducted by the Rev. H. S. Bradshaw. Several of Mebanes citizens went down to Hillsboro to attdnd the funeral including a number of his relatives. The following is the official vote of thet(mn of Mebcne in last Tuesday weeks election. We the poll holders for the town of Mebane do hereby certify that an Section was held on the day and place fixed by law within said town for Mayor and a board of five alderman and that the number of votes herin- Quite a large crowd from around here attended the exercises at Sartins. Little Misses Heelon and Letty McDade, spent last week with their aunt Mrs. Scott. Misses Vesta Bruze and Carrie Parte- field, went to Rougemont, week before last visiting relatives. There will be no services at Little Build A Better Road. characters and producing the proper specified, oposit the name of each River Sunday. Texas’ Great Cotton Crop Last year Texas produced in nuxid numbers 3,000,000 bales of cotton, one- third of the entire output of the cottOA belt of Che nation. This year the cotton farmers are predicting a $,000,000-bale crop in Texas. This prediction is based upon three conditions: increased area devoted to cotton, better farming as a result of the work of the agricultural schools in the state and of the constant suggestions made by those who have produced the greatest &cre results and the most seasonable conditions for a period of ten years. was given for such persons as Mayor and board of Alderman the town of Mebane nomely for. Mayor J. T. Shaw, 41 votes. For Alderman; W. W. Corbett, 41 W. Y. Malooe, 41 A. M. Cook, 38 C. R. Grant, 38 E. W. Wilkinson, 30 D. A. White, 6 A. B. Pitch, 3 Sworn to before me of May 1911, H, A. Bason, Register. W. O, Warren, Poll holders B. I?’. Warren, The five highest were elected as a board of alderman for the next two years. 21 TRUE BILLS this the / 3 day Master Sam Dunn, spent last week with his aunt Mrs. Scott. Quite a large crowd attended church at W alnut Grove ^Sunday. Little Miss Beatrice Bruze, is visiting I her sister Mrs. Talar, near Schley. Miss Velma Breeze, and brother were the guest 6f Misses Maud and Annie Breeze Sunday. Miss Eva Scott, spent last week with her cousin in Hillsboro Miss Bera Dunn One R. L. Davis, of Wilson, some time past issued a manifesto, asking the people to elect temperance people who would enforce the prohibition law. Davis keeps on talking, but he never tells any one anything new, its his same old speil with a view of holding on to his job. Professor Collins of the Bijou has always something attractive for those who visit his popular place of enter tainment. When you are in Greensboro in the after-noon or night drop around, you will be sure to get your moneys worth and more. He never fails to please There is an amendment of the con stitution pending before congress changing the date of the presidential inauguration from March the 4th to the last Thursday in April, and chang ing the date of holding the national election from the first Tuesday in November to the first Tuesday in April. The Wise Merchant The wise merchant who wants to reap his portion of the trade from North eastern, Alamance, Orange and Caswell counties should stay with the Leader in a well displayed advertis- ment. Our subscription list has been vastly increased, and we now cover this section thoroughly. The Thursday After-noon Club Had as joint hostess Miss Edna Lineberry and Miss Lula Holmes, at the residence of Mrs. S. G. Morgan. This meeting was quite an interesting enjoyable one. The meeting was called to order by the President Miss Mebane and after necessary business was transacted and an hour Hnpnh in embroidering, two very exciting contests were introduced. Then a dainty ice course was served. The Club enjoyed having as • guests Mrs. S. G. Morgan and Mr?. E. A. Crawford, The members present were. Mrs. Arthur White, Miss Mary Ed Scott, Mrs. Walter Malone, Miss Jennie Lasley, Mrs. F. M Hawley, Miss Della Fowler, Mrs. L. S. Straughn, Miss Lenorah Harris, Miss Alice Fowler, Miss Fanny Mebane and Miss Lillie Fowler. The Club will have its next meeting with Miss Leonorah Harris, May 12,1911 The matter of building a better road trom that point where the macadam roads ends north of Mebane near Cross Roads church is in our estima tion a vital matter, and one that it seems is not given tne attention it de serves. Mebane has one tobacco warehouse and so far has met with en- couragment in the support of her to bacco market, in fact our people are contemplating building an other one. If we want the tobacco farmers to haul their tobacco to Mebane we must do what we can to give them roads that are reasoni»,bly good to travel on. The roads a short distance this side of Cross Roads church, and a short dis tance beyond the church are in a des perate condition during damp winter weather, almost imposable in some places. These roads should be put in better condition and kept in better condition. Wo v/ant these farmers to come to our tobacco market, and we want them to trade with our mer chants, and we must do what we can to make it convenient to reach us. It IS a oig uuamcao from that section, it bringing in tob acco , buying goods, and hauling out fertilizer. The friends of that section of the country will get a hustle on them to help. BINGHAM SCHOOL NEAR MEBANE, N. C. Commencement Exercises New A Good Report. Elswhere in this issue will be found an official report of the receipts and disbursements of the town of Mebane. This seems to be quite a creditable re port. The present city officials went into ■ ^ 1 office with $12.00 in the town treasury. Will be Glad lo Hear fromj Their terms ended with more than eight hundred dollars in the treasury, with twelve hundred dollars in taxes yet to be collected In adition to the $15,000 to be ex pended on street and sidewalk improve ments, there will be about " " You The Leader will be glad to publish brief communications, relating to any matter of public concern from any of our readers. You ^n express your opinion, or ask for information. In all cases besure to sign your name, we will not publish your name unless requested to do 80, we only ask that you avoid personalities, as we cannot give space for any such indulgence. Orleans Celebration In 1913. A national celebration in 1913 tc commemorate the opening of the Panama canal will be styled “United Americas 1913 and celebrated at New Orleans. The Southern Commercial Congress, has dfcided this. The event will be styled, “United Americas 1913 celebration,” and will include pageants, conventions, snd excursions to the Panama 'canal. This is as it should be. If a high price lobby paid for by the combined trans-continental railroad interest could defeat a nations wishes in regard to this celebration then let New Orleans throtigh the aid of the Southern States have a celebration of her own and invite the world. It will ba supported. Athletic Contest, Prize Debate, etc Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 14,16, 17, 1911. Debate on election of United States Senators. PROGRAM. Sunday, May 14th, 8 p. m. Baccalaure ate Sermon at Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Daniel Albzigfat lAHig. D. D. Tuesday May 16th, 8 a. m. Guard Mount 10 a m. Setting up Exercises and Butt's Manual Music by Bingham Military Band. 4 p. ro. Competitive Military DrilL 8 p. m. Graduating Exercises. Award ing of Diplomas, Scholarships, Prizes and Medals. Music by Bingham Orchestra and Band. Wednesday, May 17th> 9 a. n. Gu«rd 10 a. m. Morning Parade 3:30 p. m. Field Day. Contest for Athletic Prizes. Music by Bingham Military Band. 8. p. m. Final Society Contest for Ora tor’s, Declaimer’s and Debater’B Medals. Music by the Bingham Military Band and Orchestra. Grand Jury Acts Against Alleged Dynamiters. Twenty-one new indictments, accor ding to good authority, were voted late Thursday 4th by the grand jury against the accused dynamite conspira tors, James B. and John J. McNamara and Ortie E. McManigal, at Los Angeles, Cal. Ninetc^en of the indictments, it is said, are against the McNamaras alone and charge them with murder in connection with the blowing up of the Los Angeles Times newspaper plant on October 1. and the consequent deaths of 21 men. The other two are said to be against McManigal as principal and the McNamara brothers as accomplices in the Llewellyn Iron works explosion on Christmas day, in which no one was killed. The inquisitors completed their work at dusk and the true bills ordered will not be filed in court until Friday. The prisoners will be arrainged Friday will hp BPt Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Wnght, visited at Mr. A. F. Breezes Sunday. I think all who haven’t had the measels and whooping cough, have it now. Miss Lessie Webster, was the guest of Misses May and Hortense Parker Sunday bet she had a nice time especially that after-noon. Misses Lottie and Jollie Pope, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Hatty Lee McDade. I will ring off for this time, best v/ishes for the Leader. “Jay Bird” Mebane Rfd Wo 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Graves, were pleasant callers Sunday evening at H. M. Mosers. The Sale of Legislatures. There are probably some Legislatures chat are not for sale. We are sure there have been many in the past that have not been for sale, for it is a comparatively new thing for the law making bodies of the States to be bought and sold like merchandise, but there are recent Legislatures that have been put on the market. The developments in bribery scandals in several States are such stunning sensations that people wonder what evil influences haye contrived to bring about such a state of affairs. Three States are now in the limelight because of their legislative scandals- namely, Illinois, Ohio and Florida. A bribery investigation is now going on in the Florida L^islature, and everybody suspected of beii^ at the capital in the interest of any measure IS to be summoned to testify before the investigating committee, and whatever may be the findings of the committee, it is believed the Legis lature will enact an anti-lobbying law of a drastic character. The Illinois Legislature, by its bribery scandals, has become notorious. Ohio liqa become a rival of Illinois in the open traffic of legislators. The developments in Ohio have shown an alarming State of affairs, the inves tigation having progressed to the point where members of the Legislature are being indicted by the grand jury for solicting bribes. Three Senators and two Representatives and the Sergeant- at-Arms of the Senate, as a go between have been indicted.—Nashville Ten nessean. We do not know what would be the result in North Carolina if there was sharper drawn lines in politics. There is 'One thing quite sure the recent legislature did not want to handy cap the lobbist. Misses Bettie and Annie Cole, spent Sunday with their father John Cole. FIRE OESTROYS BIG WAREHOUSE Loss $25,000 two thous and dollars in taxes collected toad to the fund for expenditure. The Reason Why Lawyers [stand up in court houses before jurors, in the presence of large audiences, and denounce men as liar.**. The present board of Alderman will gpoundrels, thieves and perjured vil “The fellow that cusses a newspaper most is generally the same fellow that gets behind with his sjbscription, says the Mt Airy Leader. Which causes the Salisbury Post to remark. “And it is the truth. The subscriber that always pays the cash in advance for his paper is the one from whom the paper always gets the most praise.” being have greater responsabilities than any previous board that ever served the town. It i^» the disbursement of $15,- 000 for street, and sidewalk improve ment. When the bond issue was agitated, the primary object then understood it was first a macadam road through the town, con necting the two macadam roads. North and South of Mebane, and then to con struct and improve such sidewalks would best serve the towns interest lains,and when court adjourned the men appear to harbor no ill will against them. But let a newspaper faintly in timate that a man’s character is blem ished, and he has to confront a boss pistol, stand a libel suit or suffer There is a young man in Durham who hangs around the Union depot at train time that might be mistaken for a reporter on the Bungtown Bugle, but they say he is not. Some seems to think he owns the Durham Sun, the Durham Bull or may be Durham. His hat band is apparently under great stress. The Closing of the ed School The closing exercises of the Mebane Graded Sohool were well attended, and the scholars taking part acquited them selves with much credit. The entertainment given with a view of raising money was quite a success more than $57 was realized which we learn will be used to purchase a piano. The Leader published in its last week issue the programne for the exercises Master Mason Mebane won the Step hen A White medal, and Mias Bertha Wilson won the Thomas M. Cheek me dal. Miss Wilson is a daughter of Mr. H, A. Wilson. Nortolk-Southern Stock- holders Hold JVleeting The stockholders of the Norfolk- Southern Railroad in annual meeting last Monday in New York voted to join with the Norfolk & Western and Virginia Railways in guaranteeing not ! to exceed $2,000,000 in bonds of the Grad“ { Norfolk terminal railway for the erection of the proposed new union depot there and elected the following directors, for the ensuing year, Frederick Bull, T. L. Chadboum, Jr , Geo. C. Clark, R. R- Colgate, E. C. Duncan, C. E. Foy, Rathbone Gradner: George J. Gould, John Y. Waterbury, Oakleigh Thorn, S. L. Schoonmaker, Frank A. Sayles, Marsden J. S. M. Nelson, Fredrick Hoflf, E. T. Lamb and Caldwell Hasty. (It will be noted with interest that among the above directors are two prominent North Carolinans, Mr C. Foy of New Bern and Mr. E. C. Duncan of Raleigh. Editor.)-New 1 Bern Journal. what I the people thmk to be the greatest of to build I mortifications-lose a subscriber.- Reidsvilie Review. This is largely because a man knows that when a newspaper makes a state ment, people usualy believe it, but when a lawyer says something to a witness they attach no importance to it because they Krow it is said tor I effect. as Our Correspondence Fam- ily The Leader has a little family of correspondence that are quite Interest ing. Now there is “Brown Eyes” a dainty little Miss of so many summers, a bright vivacious little beauty, charm ing and piquant, and there is little Miss “Touch me not” a cute little creature full of Ufa and joy. She likes fun, but does not wont the boys to get too close to her, she says touch me not, and ste means it, and then there is Billie, Billie is a nice clever fellow, he is fond of the girls, but he is always ready to do what he can for his sister’s pleasure and there is Miss Hobble Skirt, a re gular society queen, and the boys know it, and bow abjectly to her scepter, and then there is Misa Blue Eye, a dainty little demur maiden, who moves around with the soft affect of a float ing fleecy cloud. She has a gentle hand for binding up the wounds of heart or hand, and then there is “Red Eye” the boy that chases the cats, and gallops after the calves in the pasture, but al ways ready to do a turn for his sister, or motherr. and then there is . J*a-pa- queze, a refined, gentle lady, of cul ture, who has her eyes open to what is happening in her town, and can tell it in an intelligent way. The Leader wants to ad to its family of correspond- ets, and hopes soon to have a large happy list'of them, and then the-e is Jay Bird a saucy little Miss who every one like#, and the boys loye, because she is a sweet gentle little creature Fire in the storage warehouse of the Carolina Bagging and Tie Company at Henderson, late Wednesday night consumed moie than $25,000 worth of goods before it was finally extinguished by the heroic efforts of the fire company. The loss is largely covered by insurance. The origin of the fire is unknown. The building is made of sheet iron, and this precludes the possibility of an incendiary or outside origin. The building was stored with 21,000 rolls of bagging, and the entire contents are an almost total loss. The Carolina Bagging and Tie com pany is one of the largest manufac tures of cotton bagging and ties in the south. The plant was enlarged recently and a quantity of new ma chinery was installed. The fire Wed- j nesday night was the second that the company has suffered during the past three years^^ Messrs. W. M. Mann and James Johnston, attended the commencement Tuesday at Mandale. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Tyson, daughter and son spent Saturday night and Sun day at J. S. Gibsons, Mr. Tyson returned Sunday Mrs. Tyson will remain over a few days. Mrs, Pauline McAdams, died Monday at 4 P. M. age 76. She leaves two sifltprs f.wn rlanorm;oTa fnnf art-no i-n Wonder who will argue that leaves got their growth by the 10, of May this year. Would like to see the scraper on some of our roads as now is the time, don’t wait till fall. Mr. J. A. Baynes, of Houston, Va., spent a few days the latter part of last week with his sister Mrs. H. D. Scarboro, Mr. H. D, Scarboro, returned Mon day from Pittsboro where he spent a few days visiting relatives. Miss Lizzie Clegg, of ikloncure, is yisiting her aunt Mrs. H. D. Scarboro. Erastus was a welcome visitor on No 4 Saturday night returned a while before day Sunday A. M. The Peril and Its Expla- nation The shooting down of a man and a woman when they were engaged in the work of earning their living in a l^itimate manner in the city of Co lumbia, the capital of South Carolina, may not be the most monsteous crime ever committed in South Carolina— there have been numbers of other in famous crimes committed in South Carolina--but it may be worth giving pause to the mtelligent and upright who is trying to maintain his home and support his family and meet his obligations to God and fellow-men, pause to reflect that he is living under conditions that expose him to precisely the same peril. Any man and any woman in South Carolina may meet the fate of these poor people who conducted the restaurant in Taylor street to morrow or the next day-and yet these conditions may be corrected. In England less than four persons in one million murdered in each year, and in Massachusetts the number, we believe, is about a dozen to the million. In South Carolina about one hundred to the million, if the number is not greater are murdered every year.—Columbia State. Five Hundred Thousand Dollars REPORT Financial Report of The Town of Mebane Ending May 3-1911. RECEIPrS: Balance from old Board . . . $12.99 Receiv*d Town Taxes & Licenses . . $2,317.53 $2,330.52 “There is no longer any wool over the people’s eyes as to schedule thinks the Chattanooga Times. We are not sure about that. Millions of the people have been as sheep for so long they rather seem to take the “wooling” process as the decree cf fate But there should be no wool over the eyes of the people’s representatives in Congress. They see. The only fear is that the wool interests which can not blind them will succeed in applying gags. Lost Lost a pocket book containing fifty three dollars, (one $20, bill and 3 $10, bill a,) The finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving the same at the Leader Office. to fir.d It is a penitentiary crime — and not try to ascertain who g^oufly studied and corrected. Herman Rider, a great editor bef^ the newspaper Publishers Associaticn in New York recently, said: “The labor unions are destroying incentive for efficient labor. They seem to be arrayed against promotion or the culling out of competents from incom petents. They bring every member to a dead level of pay but not of efficiency and that level is uaually below that of the most inferior workman in the shop. They are against bonuses. Many lalxsr unions deliberate* plan to curtail output under the mistaken idea that they are increasing employment. It is notorious that many workmen tarn out just as little as they can safely do. Underworking* or ‘soldiering’ i» almost universal. It is more than a national evil, because it extends to other countries The conditions which permit it are mtolerable and should b« DISBURSEMENTS; Saleries $25.00 Police Duty & Fire-arms . . $29.29 Commissions to Tax Collector . $115,99 Bond Election & Sale Expenses $280,82 Stationary Postage Printing- — and Charity $36.30 I*aid Bills of old Board . . . $121.35 Labor and Material on Streets and Side-walks . . Ballance in Bank . . . $888,70 $833,10 The most recent report is that the heads of the different labor organizations of this country are trying to raise a half a million dollars, to release the McNamarys from the clutches of the law. Not for their defence, not to prove their innocense, but guilty or innocent to release them from the penalties incurred by reason of the crimes they have committed. This case will prove a battle royal between law, and order, between organized society and a just r^ard for others rights; and ana^hy, in trigue, conspiracy,against a saturnalia of fire, and blood, of riot and ruin, led I by a lot of loud mouthed, lazy embroilers I who fatten, and batten upon the hell they can_raise among the laboring class. No one who has ever taken the pains to read what we have written in defense of labor, against the cruel impositions from which it has too often suffered will doubt our sincere and abiding friendship for the man of toil, but we have a loathing contempt for the fellow, that aids or encourages lawlessnes as a remedy for his wrongs, or seeks v^nction in the fatuity, that labor leaders can not sin. away with such a blundering paradox, andabsurdty Uncollected Taxes for year 1910 . J. T- Shaw, J. Mayor. ' Sec. B. & L. Advantages It there is one line of endeavor which may be ^advertised in editorial space without doing violence to newspaper ethics—and any worthy line may, we believe-it is the building and loan association. The Greenville Reflector pronounces the association in that town one of its especial pets and gives it unquaUfied approval, going so far as to urge the attention of its readers to a new series to be opened this week. Charlotte itself is one of the best recom mendations a conservatively conducted association could desire. It would take a great deal of space to begin the story of what this particular development has meant locally, and there is no reason why a similar enterprise should not do quite as much in proportion for Greenville. One of the curses of the day is the habit of financial improvi dence which is so easily formed by otherwise irreproachable young men and which carries such large possibilties of misery in its train. The association which fosters a spirit of thrift among the most energetic members of a community is of value almost ines timable to that community.-Charlotte Observer. $2,330,52 . $1,200,00 Edwin White, and Treasury. money the owner is The annual aeport of the Police De partment of Raleigh through the police commission, just made public, shows that there were *577 arrest in Raleigh for drunkenness during the past year, 580 during the previous year and 268 during 1908-9. There was expended last year |19,3000 for maintenance of the department. The total arrests for the year w^re 1,807 and of these 1,5382 were convicted.—Raleigh Times. If You Do, and If You Don’t Philadelphia Record. Experiments with high explosives on the monitor Puritan, made, presumbly, with official sanction, have resulted*in one courtmartial of the captain who did the job and may result in another. It is rather singular method of pro ceeding with a naval officer to command him to try to sink a ship by exploding nitro-glycerine and dynamite com pounds against her hull and then to punish him for being too successful. Burgrahaw Trolley Line to Operate By 4th of July. Burlington is rejoicing over the fact that she is so soon to realize the fulfillment of her fondest dreams in the immediate completion of the Burgra haw street car line. The contracts have all been signed, and work will begin at an early date. It is expected that cars will be running from Burlington to Haw River by July 4. The name for the car line was sug gested by abbreviating the names of Burlington. Graham and Haw River. J. W. Murray has been the chief pro moter of this enterprise, and by his indomitable energy has succeeded m interesting northern capitaliste m this great work, and to him the town a^ whole surrounding county is deeply in debted.

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