?22S!SEESBBBB!K322^0gBP^ Farmers’ Institutes mMERS INSXrrUSES wul be held at. Mebane, Tuesday July 25th, Ion College Wednes., July 26 I’riendship High School Wednesday August 23rd., BEGINNING AT 10:00 O’CLOCK. Women’s Institute •\( tlu' sanio plaoos aiul ilatos will also bo held Institutes for Womon by Mrs. Sue V. IIollowcll and others. The obK> : - “1 those Institutes are to brint? top^ethei from the farm homes, that they may become bettor acquainted and t;iiK; Vi r ainon*^ themselves subjects tendinj^ to the betterment of conditions in rural honjos, such as bettor and iiioiv i'i" (tniii'al tools and bettor methods of proparine: thorn, homo sanitation, homo fruit and vo{?otablo j^ar'^on- j„jr, t::i in d:iiryinjc, {u*uliry-raisin‘T, the beautifying-of the homo and home surrouiidinivs, etc. Let the wives and iii;-!itt'V v onio out to tliose mootini^s in larj^e numbers. DON'T YOU lilEfiESie PROGRftMS HAVE BEEN PREPHREO FOR IHE8E A jiir 1 r i.uii of $1 will l>o i^ivini? for the best loaf of hroiid baked and oxiiibitod by a or woman livin;^- on the A proinimii of $1 will boj^ivon for the best five ears of })uro-bred corn -A protnimn of $1 wiil bo r>>i' the lu'st pin'o-brod pi^ iiotwoen S and 12 weeks old o.xhibited by a man or boy liviiij): on the farm. Thr hi. tituto will bo conducted by Prof. (■. L Newman, Professor of Aorrii*ultural, North ('aroliiKi CoIlot»e ,)f ii'ultin al and Mechanic Arts, with c»Mni)etent assistants, who will discuss qut'stions of mtorest to the farmers, box will bo oponed in the afiornoon, anda full discnssion of the subjects prosenled will bo ^'fivon. that no one is dressed well who does not wear a neat well fit ting shoe? and has not experience taught you that most of the shoe men who have tried to fit you have signally failed? They do not know how to fit a shoe to give comfort and good looks. Come to us and avoid the discomJort of and ill fitting shoe. We demon strate to every perchaser that we are professional in our line. We have the goods and can satisfy you. us. See Pridgen & Jones, “FOOT FITTERS” DURHAM N. C. iiir li Dry Goods We have a little more Dry Goods that must go at some price, Men^s and boys caps at one half price. Enamel ware at one half price. Always a fresh line of Groceries at the LOWEST PRICE. * Bring us your produce we pay cash. I Yours to please, Church Grocery Company, Mebane, IS. C. Phone 31 ARE YOU GOING TO THE All fanni is anil tholr wives, sons and dauixhors. and all others interested in farmin.c: ai'.d the bottoi’niorit of the t'aiiii hi'iiu's, are uru,-.d ^o attend those mootinj^s and j!*inin 1 ho divcnssions. Moii iiu’ scs^uons will open at o’clock and afternoon session at 1P.rin.'t a book and pc'ncil to take notes. The Boys Are Especially liiviied To Attend The institutes The:t‘Institutvs are condu-ted nndor the dirocnons of W. A. tJraham, ('omtni.--sion('r of A>riculLtnv and T. P. P;ukt-r, 1 tirectiors of Farmer.-^ Instituto.s. The Fai inois In.-!tituto of Alamance (’ounty will olfor premiums on the best yu Kl of vheat on one acre, anil the best averaj^o piold on an entire crop of not loss than ten acres. Ktil.-.^ and .'oiuiitiuii?-, to be announced at the County Institute. Award to be announced at the 1012 institute: ('oiUost ojien to th> owho attend (»ur county Institutes. E. C. Turnc-r, Sectv and Treas. Chas. F. Cates, Chairman, Alamance Co.. Farmers Inst. Com, SEASHORE The ATLANTIC HOTEL, at Morehead City, 1M. C., offers superior attractions, unexcelled accommodations, the largest variety of amusements, and guests here enjoy the most invigorating and healthful climate on the Atlantic Coast. Ideal Surf Bathing Beach—Finest Fishing in the World~~ Safe Sailing on Inland Waters or the Atlantic Ocean- Largest Ball Room in the South—Convention Hall—Ten nis Courts—Bowlfng Alleys—Pool—BMIiards. SPLENDID CUISINE SOUTHERN COOKING A FEATURE The Summer Home for Mother and Baby—Cool Sea Airthe besttonic. Special Ratesforfamilies* Low Rate SEASON, TEN-DAY and WEEK-END excursion fares via RALEIGH or GOLDSBORO AND NORFOLK SOUTHERN R. R. Hotel Rates, $12.50 to $21.00 per week. T. ALEX. BAXTER, Mgr. Morehead City, N. C. Formeriy Manager •! Greenbrier White Salphur Springs, W. Va. LJVERY FEED ANDl SALES STABLES Fii'st-Class Rigs for hire at short notice. HORSES FED OR BOARDED A.T MODKRATE COST. * DON’T f=ASL TO SEE ME. I M. B. IVIfiLES, IVaebane. I\. C. ANOWe »IB CU'UIAD OF URNITURE We have been patting up another solid car-load of furniture this week and now have a large stock of a kinds of furniture and house furnishings. We sell the the goods because we -keep what the people want, we buy in large quantities an.d get the goods at a price so vve can afford to sell every thing at BARGAIN prices. Come to Graham and always call on us when you come whether you wish to buy or not. I THE BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO Toget the BEST TO EAT is at the HENNESSEE CtFE Open until midnight. OSTIl KI.M 'STKi:i'/r W C SMITH. JR. MGR- F. NASH ATTORNEY AT LAW PRACTICSIN ALL COURTS HILLSBORO. N. C. Z. T. HADLEY OPTOMETRIST t^yes, Examined and glasses fitted.— Graham, N. C. Women And Farmers In stitute Mebane Tuesday, I July, 25th, Elon College,! N. C., July, 26th. MORNING SESSION OPENS AT 101 ; A. M. i ! ^ I j Soil Improvement G. L. Newman, ('ommercial Fertilizer T. F. Parker, ' Poultry on the Farm J. S. Jeffries, General Discussion ! AFTERNOON. The Fanner- Yesterday and Today O. F. Crowson, Farm Manacrement T. B. Parker, Spet'ia] corps, C L. Newmir, Opening: of juestion box and general discussion. iVVOMEN INSTITUTE. Morninfj session opens at It) A. M. The Influence of the women on the homes Mrs. Sue V. Hollowell, Health hints on the principles of cooking: Miss Katherine Parker, General discussion, AFTERNOON, The care of the infants Mrs, Sue V. Hollowell, IJread makinpj Miss Katherine Parker The ladies will have a demonstration car. Kill More Than Wild Beasts. The number of people killed yearly by wild beasts don’t api>roach the vast nuinlu'r killed by disease jxerms. No life is safe from tlieir attacks. They’re in air, water, dust, even food. But pfrand protection is afforded by Ele^’tric Hitters, which destroy and expel those deadly disease j^erms srom the system. That’s why chills, fev’or ami ague, all malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful blooa purifier. Try ♦hem, and enjoy the glorious health and new strength they’ll give you. Money back, if not satisfied. Only .^Oc at Mebano Drug Co. (T :tlc a nuire and colt, David C. Paul, Mf'l'ant', N. C. Rfd. No, 4, THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of North Carolina. Five re gular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in the State. Fall Sessions begins September 13, 1911, for cata- gue and other information address JULIUS I.FOUST, President, Greensboro, N.G TRINITY COLLEGE 1859 1892 1910-1911 Three memoradle dates: The Granting of the Charter for Trinity College: the Removal of thf' College to the growing and prosperous City of Durham: the IJaiklingof the New and Greater Trinity. Magnilicont new buildingi with new equipment and enlarged facilities. Com fortable hygienic dormitories and beautiful pleasant surroundings. Five de partments: Academic; Mechanical, Civil, and Electi'ical Engineering; Law, Ed ucation; Graduate, For catalogue and other information, address R. L. FLOWERS, Sccrctary, Durham, N. C. Green & MiiClura Furniture Co. aham N. C. Trinity Park School ESTABLISHED 1898 Location ideal; Equipment unsurpassed. Students have use of the library., gymnasium, and athletic fields of Trinity College. Special attention ^iven to health. A teacher in each dormitory looks after the living conditions of boys under his care. Faculty of colle-ri' ;rfM(Unte.-. .Most modern methods of itstruction. Fall term opens September l;>th. For illustrated catalogue, address W. W. PEELE, HEADMASTER, Durham, N. C INSURANCE! I carry a fmll line of Companies, including Fire, Life, Accident and health Insurance, In fact, anything the Insurance line. When in need of anything in this line call on me. Rates reasnable S. G. MORGAN FOR SALE FOR SALE: Alton factory Building and one three room House, Arthur White. THE ROAD TO HAP PINESS, IS made smooth by a good bank book. Young people starting in life can per- fo m no wiser act than that of put- ing by a little regularly. Love will rot fly out of the window, for pov erty will not come in at the door of those.who have deposited regularly in tfie Commercial and Farmers bank. Start an account now. You’ll be glad j)f it later. Commercial & Farmers Rank. Mebane N, C. The North Carolina. COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MECH ANIC ARTS. THE STATE’S XMIH’MTRIAI. SOUND STRAIGHL LOGS only are the kind which our timber, lumber, siding, etc, are sawn. No crooked grained, unsound sticks will p ss muster with us. If that kind of lumber cost a little more it world still be the cheapest. But it doesn’t cost more, that is if you buy it hero. Do so next time you need lumber of * "any kind and time will prove the wis dom of your act. NELSON-COOPER LUMBER COMPANY. Mebane, N. C. Four-year courses in Agriculture; in Civil, Electrical, and Mechanical En gineering; in Industrial Chemistry; in Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two-yeats courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One-year course I in Agrictlture. These courses are both practical and scientific. Examinations for admission arc held at all county seats. For Catalog address. THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N. C. S. I-I. MOCKFIELD ANI> KKTAII. Dealer in Clothing. Shoes And Dry Goods. HOUSE & LOT ON THIRD STREn TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER W.E. White, Tras. I will sell you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con- ^ vince you. % FARM MACHINERY. We caiTy in stock the most compleet line of farm ^^Hchinery including Threshers, Mowers, of the best ^^Jikes. Engines, Belting, Shafting, all kinds of plan ters, Buggies and harness a specialty. S. II- HOCIvFIKLI> 226 WEST MAIN ST. J THE COBLE-BRADSHAW, CO. Burlington, N. C. McADOO M. W. STERNE, Proprietor. Greensboro, N.C. A Strictly First Class HOTEL. DURHAM. N. C. ICECREAM DRINKS Never leave home ona journey with out a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the curs or steamships. For sale by All Dealers. GOOD Table Grocereis, Ice Service. L. T. Johnston, “On the corner” Phone 2 2 Agent for Model Steam Laundry. IF WE ONLY BOUGHT ONE PIANO OR OIIGAft from a factory—they would have to make a good profit on THAT ONE, bur we buy hun- d reds of ORGANS &PIANOS ,the different factories know this* and they send men to wark for our trade. Each ex plains his make, quotes us his LOWEST prices on LARGE lots ‘not one* and when we DO BUY—we can sell you one organ as chaap as the fact usually sells one, and still g3t a fair profit. But the Prices is not all—“cheap” organs get out of fix—and then they be come “dear**—the BEST organs sometimes have accidents— and when you buy from us—WE GO TO YOUR HOME and FIX THEM FREE. Organs bran new $45, up—Pianos $175,00 to $950. Ellis Machine & Music Co. Burlington, N. C