Multiplying by Machinery. The clerical stafifa of many of the big insurance companies have of late years been considerably reduced by the employment of mechanical calcu lators. One of these, the invention of a Gorman, is a compact little affair re sembling’ a music box. It may be made to perform almost instantaneous ly the most portentous sums in addi tion, subtraction, multiplication by one or two factors, division, squaring and cubing. It Is required, for In stance, to multiply 531,975 by 924. The first factor is set by touching the little knobs representing 531,975. To multi ply by the other factor you turn a handle four times, push along a slide one place and turn the handle twice, then push the slide another place on- vrard and push the handle nine times. The long multiplication is now done without a possibility of error so far as the machine is concerned, and the dial shows 491,544,900. In the same mechanic&l way may be done all the other arithmetical processes.—London Globe. Strango Timekeepers. To ascertain the time at night the Apr.ohe Indians employed a gourd on which the stars of the heavens were marked. As the constellations rose In the !?ky the Indian referred to his gourd and found out th> hour. By turning the gourd around he could tell the order In which the constellations might be expected to appear. The hill people of Assam reckon time and distance by the number of quids of betol nuts chewed. It will be remembered how, according to Wash ington Irving, the Dutch colonial as sembly was invariably dismissed at the last puff of the third pipe of to bacco of Governor Wouter Van Twiller. A Montajmis Indian, of Canada will set up a tall stick In the snow when traveling ahead of friends who are to follow. He marks with his foot the line of shadow cast, and by the change In the angle of the shadow the on coming party can tell on arnving at the spot about how far ahead the leader is. Fighter of the Famify. The tough little boy with the red air and freckled face pushed up against the neat little boy and said Impudently; “My sister can lick your sister.” The neat little boy did not argue the matter. “And my big brother can lick your big brother.” The good little lad winced. “And my ma can lick your ma.” The quiet lad shifted from one foot to the other. “And my pa can lick your pa." There was a flash of pink shirt waist, the sound of some hard object coming in contact with a spongy sub stance, and the quiet little lad stood triumphantly over his adversary, quietly waiting for him to push his nose back into the center of his face where It belonged. “But just remember this,” he ob served quietly, ‘“you can’t lick me.”— Youngstown Telegram. SANTA GLAUS QUITE LIBERAL Among'^His Gitts to White House Was Thrice Usual Mail.' Among the things that Santa Claus brought to the V. hit? House was a mail bag that contained what the office force estimated at three times the usual quota of Christmas mail. In addition to the letters scores of cable messages and telegrams from the outlying countries of the earth and from various parts of the United States came in over the White House wires. Tlie usual merry Christmas and Happy New Year wishes came to the President, but there were many expressions of faith in his administra tion and hope for the future. Ihe President spent two hours in his office before luncheon dictating: and signing letters and was unabie to at tend church. The White House din ner was held at night. The Famous “Green Man of Brighton.” In October. 180G, an individual was to be observed at Brighton, England, who walked out every day dressed in green from head to foot—green shoes, green gloves, green handkerchief and other articles to match. This eccen tric person lived alone, knew nobody, and in his house the curtains, the wall paper, the furniture, even the plates and dishes ind the smallest toilet ar ticles. offered an uninterrupted se quence of green. Having started on his career, 1 lere was obviously no rea son to stop, and with full consistency he carried this scruples so far as to eat nothing but fruit and vegetable^ of the same green color. The conse quences were extremely disastrous. One fine d;‘-v the green man jumped from his window into the street, rush ed forward and performed a second somersault from the top of the nearest cliil. Death in Roaring Fire may not result from the work of fire bugs, but often severe buriis are caused that make a quick r.eed for Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, the quickest, surest cure for burns, wounds, bruises, boils, seres. It subdues inflammation. It kills rain. It soothes and heals. Drives off skin eruptisns, ulcers or piles. Only 25c at Mebane Drug Co. And Yet Children are Starving. Millions of dollars worth of jewels have beeri showered on the wives of millionaires for the Christmas holi days. It has been estimated that more than $200,000,000 is a low esti mate to be placed on the baubles that have been given by the various mill ionaires to their wives as Christmas tokens, year after year. Mrs. Corey, formerly Mabelle Gilman, the actress, was showered with jeweled gifts by her husband, William E. Corey, of Steel Trust fame. The famous neck lace of *Irs. William B. Leeds is worth a fabulous amount, the cus-, tom house authorities demanding $120,000 duty on it. Frank Gould gave his wife a pearl necklace, consisting of three strands of pearls, estimated to be worth more than $500,000. Not to ue outdone, the lover-like Col. John Jacob Astor showered un his beautiful young bride jewels and diamonds of every description. New! York society has gone jewel mad, and there is a mad rush on to see who can outshine the other with the most wonderful brilliants. THE LOSSES ARE HEAVY Russians Occupy Tabriz After Nine-Day Siege A nine days’ seige of Tabriz, Persia by the Russian troops has resulted in its complete occupation by the Rus sian forces and the dispersal of the combatants belonging to the constitu- tio/ial progressive party (or Fidais). Numerous casualties were sustained by both sides, the Russia ns alone los Ing from 100 to 200 men, while the 1( sses of the Fidais were very severe,- although the number cannot be ascer tained. During the fighting an enormous amount of damage to property was done and the Stars and Stripes float ing over the United States consulate was shot down by a Russian shell which, however, did no further damage to the consulate. Saves Two Lives. “Neither my sister nor myself might be living to-day, if it had not been for Dr. King’s New Discovery ’ writes A. D. McDonald of fayetteville N. C. Rfd No. 8 “for we both had frightful coughs that no other remedy could help \Ve were told my sister had consump- tiou She was very weak and had night sweans but your wonderful medicine completly cured us both. It’s the best j I ever used or heard of” For sore lungs, coughs, colds, hemmorage, la- grippe, asthma, hay fever, croup, whooping cough, all bronchial troubles its supreme. Trial bottle free 5Cc and $1.00 Guaranteed by Mebane Drug Co. Adversity is sometimes hard upon a man; but for one man who can stand prosperity there are a hundred that will stand adversity.—Carlyle. Old Soldier Tortured “For years I suffei’ed unspeakable torture from indigestion, constipation a’ad liver trouble,” wrote A. K. Smith a war veteran at Erie, Pa., “but Dr. King’s New Life Pills fixed me all right. They’re simply greal,” Try them for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Only 25c at Mebane Drug Co. I Solves A Deep Mystery. I “I want to thank you from the bot- ! tom of my heart,” wrote C. B. Rader, I of Lewisburg, W. Va., “for the won- j derful double benefit I got from Ele- ' ctric Bitters, in curing me of both a j severe case of stomach trouble and of I rheumatism, from which I had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just for me.” For dyspepsia, indigestion, jandice and to rid the sys tem of kidney poisons that cause rhe umatism, Electric Bitters has no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only 50c at Mebane Drug Co. Life is not so short but that there is always time for courtesy.—Emerson No casualties were suffered by the president foreign population, but man individuals suffered from a lack of provisions while they were closely confined to their homes during the prolonged street fighting. When you want a reliable medicine for a cough or cold take Chamberlain’s Cou;?h Remedy. It can always be de pended upon and is pleasant and safe t3 take. For sale by All Dealers. Climate and Food. In the arctic regions human food is almost exclu.'^ively animal, because that is the only sort which Is available in quantity. In the tropics, where vege table food is abundant and animal foods readily decay, plant products are and always have been of very great importance in the diet. In temperate ' regions all kinds of food may be se cured, and it seems reasonable to sup pose that all kinds have always been eaten as they are today. Awaiting the Test. Pilgrim—^f I come in will that dorg bite me? Mrs. Hawkins—We ain’t no ways sure, mister. But the feller that let us take him on trial said he’d chaw Tip a tramp in less’n two minutes; but, land sakes, we ain’t goin’ to believe It till we see it done.—Chicago News. He Got the Linnit. “Do yon believe there Is anything prophetic in dreams?” “Believe it! I know It. Only the other night I dreamed that I was at a churcli fair and awoke to find that my wife had been through my pockets and taken my last sou.”—Exchange. He Knew. “It’s the first $1,000 that’s hard to get,” explained the eminent million aire. “I know that,” responded the mere man. “I’ve been trying to accumulate It for the past forty years.”—Louisville Courier-Journal. OUR LOSS IS YOUR GAIN The Mebane Store Co., We have just finished Stock Taking and as usual, have some great bargains for you. We are going to offer for the next few days, Clothing, Trousers, Hats, Dry Goods, Shoes, Plant Bed Canvass, Rocking Chairs, and numerous other things at greatly reduced prices. All New and ^^Up-to-Date^' goods. We just simply want to turn it into money. You can’t afford not to see us. Yours very truly, TUEMEBANESTORECO Mebane, N. C, Light itself is a great corrective. A j thousand wrongs and abuses that arei grown in darkness disappear like owls { and bat9 before the light of day. Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of Crider, Mo., had been troubled with headache for! about fiv e years, when she began taking | Chamberlain’s Tablets. She has taken I two bottles of them and they have i cured her. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach for which these tablets are especially intended. Try them, get well and stay well. Sold by All Dealers. Successful and fortunate crime is oalled viftue.—Saneca. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU We have done our best to supply you with pretty things for Christmas, now we want to advise you that we are prepared to meet your every wish in e first class Drug Store- Just think of anything one may need then, think of us. Mebane Drug Co. p. L. WHITE, Mgr. Mebane, - - North Carolina 1912 A PROSPEROUS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR This Greeting We Extend To All our Customers and the Public Permit us, just at this time to extend to you greetings of the New Year, and to express to you our sincere appreciation of past pleasant business relations. We most heartily thank one and all for the splendid patronage of the past year, and it was such a splendid patronage that it makes us feel happy, this the beginning of a new year. To those who made possible this increased business, and all others we wish a most prosperous New Year tor 1912 throughout. Holmes-Warren Co. Mebane, North Carolina Half Price. All hats at half price from now to the end of the year. This means a tremendous reduction when style and quality is considered. LEADING MILLINER OF mm Miss Margaret Cleg^ Graham, N. C. TAKING INVENTORY And getting ready for you for the New Years business. Last years trade was splen did, let us make this the best ever. This will be the place for bargains always, you can always rely upon our treating you right. Come right on. we will be glad to see you. Yours anxious to please, H. E. Wilkinson, Company Mebane, North Ca rolina FASHIONABLE CLOTHES The new firm of I f N bcl^eiBmkCJI V fUKftoM. R are showing the most complete line of high class clothing, furnish ings and hats ever shown in Durham. Suits ranging in price from $10.00 to $40.00. Overcoats $10 to $30. A beautiful line of boys and children clothing. Pritchard, Bright & Co. FASHIONABLE CLOTHIERS & FURNISHERS. 122 West Main Street, Durharr Surrender. Oh, v?ith your glances lay a snare. And trick me with your charms, Then bind me with your flowing hair, And lock me in your arms! And when your prisoner am I, Completely in your pow’r Condemn me, if you wiil, to die Of love, within the hour! And let this be my prison fare; ^bur tears and scented breath; Oh, I shall be resigned, I swear, So kiss me then to death! —Town Topics! If your children are subject to attacks of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedv as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the attack may be warded off. For sale by All Dealers. Showered With Congratu lations. Miss Clara Barton, foundei and first president of the American National Red Cross society, was showered Christmas day with greetings and good wishes upon the 90th anniversary of her birth. Although teeble from her recent illness, Mias Barton was able to celebrate the day with her re latives and friends who spent Christ mas with her at her home, “Red Cross, in Glen Echo, Md., a surburb of Wash- inj^ton.—Greensboro Daily News, Persons troubled with partial paralysis are often very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thoroughly when applying Chamberlain’s Liniment. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For sale by All Dealers. Subcribe For The MEBANE LEADER CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WE WE m MBEII OF TH9 Furnishings for every room in the house Carpets, rugs, Art Squares, Rockers from $1,00 up, Bed room suits from $12,00 up, Parlor Suits, Side Boards, Hall racks, Aji excelent line of Stoves, in fact any thing you may need in house furnishings to make the home comfortable. The prices are right- Come to see us- Green & McClure Furniture Co. Graham, - - North Carolina. I M