V.'AS ALWAYS ON THE JOB Bingleton Discover* a New Situ» tion With Danger From Street Beggars. "For a long time,” said Mr. Blngle* ton, “I have made it a custom to look .'ar^’fully in either direction before t iv^i-ping to look in at a show window, Ioing this to avoid being taken by sui prise by beggars. Now I have dis covered another street situation in wliich one must take like care. “Walking along the street this mom* Iiig I became conscious that one of my shoestrings was untied and I looked along for a convenient store Ftep on which I could put my foot up; ;nid there I did put it up, and I was busily engaged in tying the string, orking away at it with no otlior thought in the world, when—• “ ‘Mister,' I heard a voice at my ear, ‘can you give me five cents to get n cup of coffee? I haven’t had—* “And there he stood beside me, close alongside, where he had me at a disadvantage. He was within my pnard, and I gave up, not because I thought I ought to,, but because of my inward appreciation of tbe work of a man who evidently was always on the job, ever alert and letting no chance escape him.” ComingO’ May. I rk! those familiar footsteps, light ly tripping— Ti. it sweet fragrance from flowers, honey dripping— I is May with a garland her brow! Mothinks I feel her embrace tender kisses Jnow! her birds’ notes are calling in the wood, merry-making are liie happy forest brood— comes lily-handed the_ gates o’ spring to ope— beaming face is welcomed by songs o’ love an’ hope! —W. Frank Booker, Apex, N. C. For And She Her o’ roses on and That will be some convention in Bal timore. The latest figures show that the four aspirants tor the democratic* nomination haye the following delegates cinched. Wilson—800. Clark-750. U nderwood—748. Harmon—542. —Cincinnati Inquirer. The Chronicle Observer wants tl e national convention transferred from Baltimore to Washineton Evidently the Observer is unnecessarily alarmed over the hotel reports from Baltimore and knows very little about the Washington hotels, the old Metropolitan excepted^ Houston Post. Jt Good Losers. F: : the Springfield Union.) J'iiis not escaped notice that no • , of fraud was heard from the Taft supporters aftei the Illinois primary. They were indeed, “slugged over the topes.” but they took their medicine like men. And the public, we believe, admires the game loser, and has no use for the man that squeals and criis fraud when he is squarely defeated. There is no wiser use that tho.se w ho have great possessions can make of them than wisely to put them into life into character, day by day, while they live. The time will come when it will be regarded as a disgrace for a man to leave vast accumuUtions behind him. —R. W. Trieve. The Thrice-AWeekEdition Of The NEW YORK WORLD PRACTICALLY A DAILY AT THE PRICE A WORLD No other Newspaper in the World giv^ so much at so low a price. The great Presidential campaign will soon begin and you will want the news accurately ard promptly. The World long since established a record for im partiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a vVeek edition, which comes ever other day in the week, except Sun day. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a- Week Wor’d also abounds in other strong features serial stories, humor, markets, car toons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first-class daily. The Thrice-a-Week World’s regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 pacers. We offer this unequalled newspsper and The MebaTie Leader together for one year for $1,50. The regular subscrip tion price of the two papers is $2.. , State Labels For Groceries I Not 1 he least important of the recom mend;, tions for the protection of the * consumer made before Gov. Dix’sFood Investigating Commission is the sug gestion by a prominent retail grocer {that the State should establish a I system of grades ft>r grocer es and I require every package or carton to bei r I a label indicating the quality of its con- ! tents, with penalties for fraudulent '■ labelling. Only through legislation prescribing standards of the kind can housekeepers know exactly what they buy. As it is, with the increasing practice of selling groceries under fanciful descriptive ames or brands which more or less disguise the quality of the article, consumers are exposed to a deception not necessarily fraudulent but none the less objectionable because of the spe- ciou methods employed. If they want goods of inferior grade they should at least be enabled to buy them with a distinct understanding of the fact. They should be enabled to know the net we^ight or bulk of the commodity in the carton sr tin and its degree of purity. - Such a system of grading and label ling groceries would properly supple ment pure-food legislation and establish an effective cl eck on an insidious form of underweight.—New York World THE BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO To get the best to eat is at the HENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot. R. DONNEELL, Prop, You will look a good while before you fine a better medicine for cougbs and colds than Chamberlain,s Cough Remedy. It not only gives relief—it cures. Try it when you have a cough or cold, and you are certrin to be pleased with the prompt cure which it will effect. For sale by All Dealers.^ Furnitur£ For WE HAVE A GREAT ilR OF ra Furnisiiings forjevery room in the house Carpets, rugs, Art Squares, Rockers from $1,00 up,SBed room suits _from $12,00 up, Parlor Suits, Side Boards, Hall racks, An excelent line of Stoves, in fact any thing you may need in house furnishings to make the home comfortable. The prices are right- Come to see us- Green & McClure INC NEW! . Furniture Co. Graham, :North Carolina. F. NASH ATTORNEY AT LAW PRAGTIGIN ALL COURTS HILLSBORO. N C. The Danger After Grip. lies often in a run-down system. Weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite,en ergy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of this wretched disease. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the glo rious tonic, blood purifier and regula tor of stomache, liver and kidneys. Thousands have pioved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up the' system and restore to health and good spirits after an attact of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only 50 cents. Sold and perfect satisfaction guaranteed by Mebane Drug Co. United Confederate Veter* ans keunion, Macon Ga May 7th, 8th, and 9th, 1912. Very low round trip fares via Southern Rail way. Account the above occasion the Sor- them Railway will sell very low round trip tickets to MACON, GA., and re turn as tollows: From Round trip From Round trip Henderson $9.35 Oxford $9.15 Chapel Hill 8.50 Raleigh 8 50 Burlington 8.50 Durham 8.50 Rates same proportion from all other stations. Tickets will be on sale May 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th, with final return limit May 15th, or if you prefer to stay lon ger, by depositing your ticket and pay ing a fee of fifty cents you can ha\e final limit extended until June 5th 1913. Liberal stop-overs will also be per mitted on these tickets. For detailed information apply to any Southeni Railway Agent or the undersigned • J. 0. Jones, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C This is Doing Something. The senate Committe on Commerce has adopted three amendments offered by Senator Simmons, adding in the aggregate $800,000 for North Carolina waterways to the river and harbor bill as it passed the House. $800,000 for North Carolina added to House Bill. Of these $300,000 is appropriated for beginning the work on the harbor of refuge at Cap»e Lookout. The total cost of the project thus adopted .will be $3,500,000. Three hundred thousand dollars is ' he new 26-foot project for the ■ ajie Fear at and below Wilmington. The other $200,000 is for the inland waterway from Norfolk to Beaufort. The r;ver and water bill, as it passed the House, carried for North Carolina waterways $655,000, so that the $00,000 added by Senator Simmons will give North Carolina $1,455,000. In addition to these items Senator Simmons ex pects to «dd a number of surveys for '•ther new projects as well as other additional appropriatio.is. BBE2S1 THE McADOO A most delightful home in Greensboro N. C. for the trave ler. STRICTLY FIRST. GLASS IN APPOINT MENT. EXCELLENT SERVICE Easy of access to railway station Cotton Goods Exports (Manchester Union.) It is a matt er of peculiar gratifica tion that as the years go by this coun try is sending abroad more and more of manufactured cotton gooda. This means, of course, that instead of send ing the raw cotton abroad to ^ manu factured elsewhere, as is still to so large an extent the case, the peopie of this city country are gradually reaching a position where the cotton will not only be grown in America but will be man ufactured in America. The gains in manufactured cotton goods exported during the past eight months have been very gratifying. In February alone such exports were valued at $3,200,795, as compared with $1,845,893 in February 1911, and with $2,106,648 in January, 1911, For the eight months, period in each year the exports were $20,264,591 in 1912, $15,059,745 in 1911 and $12,745,- 689 in 1910. Notwithstanding the political agitation in China, trade with that country was more than double that of the previous year for the eight months' period, and this is a fact which does not appear to be capable of ex planation on any other ground than that of a growing sympathy with the oeople of the United States. Don’t be buprised if youjhave an attack rheumatism this spaing. Just rrb the affected pars freely with Chamberlain’s Linament and soon dis appear. Sold by All Dealers. The Legend of the Hands. (From The Christian Herald.) An old legened says that once three young ladies disputed about their hands, as to which were the most beautiful. One of them dipped her hand in the pure stream, another plucked berries till her fingers were pink, and the third gathered flowers whose fragrance clung to her hands. An old haggard woman passed by and asked for some gift, bat all refused her. Another young woman, plain, and with no claim to beauty of hand, satisfied her need. The old woman then said, “It is not the hand that is washed in the brook, nor the hand tinted with red, nor the hand gar landed and perfumed with flowers that is most beautiful, but the hand that gives the poor.” As she spoke, her wrinkles were gone, her staff was thrown away, and she stood there an angel from heaven. This is only a legend; but its judgment is true. The beautiful hands are those that minis ter, in Christ’s name, to others. It is said all the hotels in Baltimore will be crowded during the democratic national convention. Still, it must be assumed that a good many of the pop- ulistic elemenf will have had sufficient reformation yet to enable them to break away from their tendency to camp in a wagon yard.-San Antonio Express. From the crushed flowers of glad- less on the road of life, a sweet per fume is wafted over to the present hour; as marching armies often send >ut from heaths] the fragrance of trampled plants —Richter. Electric Bitters I Succeed when everything else SeuIs. I !n nervous prostration and female ^ weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best roedicinc ever lold over a druggist’s counter. Burlington, N. Co John H. VERNON AHORNEY AND GQUNSLOR AT IW' Tel 3phone Office No, 65 J. Residence No. 337 Burlington N. €• Z. T. HADLEY OPTOMETRIST Eyes, Examined and glasses fitted.' — Oraham, N. C. NEW LINE Mens, ladies and childrens low cut shoes to be Sold Cheap Closing out sale still on in Dry Goods, Hats, Notions, etc. Mebane Store Company Mebane. FOR INDIGESTION AND ALL STOMACH TROUBLES There is nothing better than PANACEA MINERAL WATER PANHGEA MINEIIAL WATER GO. Littleton, N. C. Hotel Opens In June. ' \ You will fmd on display many new pretty and, stylish trimmed hats Prices ts Suit All from $2.00 up. We can show you some pretty Lingerie hats. We are also getting in a nice lot of new shapes. Another lot of baby caps and little boy hats just received. If you need a new hair switch, we can match your hair in any price switch you want. Morrow-Bason & Green, Inc. Burlington, N. C. ROYAL BLUE ENAMELED WARE FREE We Value Your Trade, Hence the Following Liberal Ofter: Commencing to-day we will cancel the amounts of your cash pur chases on the card we will give you, until you have bought $15.00 from us, and then we will give you Absolutely Free One piece of Royal Blue Enameled Ware your choice from those on display in this store ~ TO OUR CUSTOMERS PURGHASIN6 $15. WORTH OF 6000S cut shoes, and \ \ full stock of ladies, gentlemen and children low a full line of choice millinery. Asl( Clerk for coupon and have every purchase canceled. W .T. Bobbitt Mebane N. C. 'IINSURAINCE ! I carry a full line o Companies, including f, Acciden and health Insurance, In fact, anything n the Insurance line. When in need of an kind of Insurance see me Rates reasna^le ‘ S. G. MORGAN Dcgfish. A fisbMman from Montauk Pofat was telling his friends of catehlns a huge dcgfish that had a moiit aboor mal skull. The anglor operated on bJs Dgly and worthless catch, and found in the skull all that was left of a onco strong rubber hand. Evidentlf when that big dogfish was little bomw anglor who had rigged up for cod of other bolAom fish had caught the dog around its gills and turned it l&ose, expecting the tortured thing tr> die. That rocalled the story of bow some fishermen not so gentle atid bomane as the niling angler treat tho poor but pestiferous dogfishes when they are caui^it. Generally there Is an i empty ti«»er bottle handy, and tWs la tightly corked and tied t© th« tail of the fish, which Is thrown back lato the 66a. It goes to the bottom, of course, but the steaAy puU of that alr- fiUed bottle finally' proirea V>o much for its utrength, and It cornea wig gling up, tail first, only to go down again and repeat the performance nn* til the wretched thlnf dlea. Pro- quently, when ther* Is no beer bottle to be had, a piece of wood will do Juat as well, or Inst aa Hi SAVE THE Shadow while life last, and exact reproduction of your self iij the fin est photos by EUTSLER The Photo 'Artist PATTERN : : HATS At one third off is the quotation of Miss Margaret Clegg leading miUiner of Graham, She has an elegent line and will be pleased to show * you goods. Miss Margaret Glegg Graham, ^Jorth Carolina. Greesboro. ^^SEEDCORN” “Biggs Prolific'^ IMPROVED 7 ears to stalk, 75 bush els to acre last year without rain— Price $3.00 per bushel in new bags, ready for April de livery —Only 50 bushels to off eh Place y'our order now before busy season sets in. F. W. GRAVES Mebane, - - - North Carolina. J)0 NOT HESITATE to safeguard your income. .Our bank is ready and fully equipped to tran sact a general banking business. In dividuals and business concerns will get proper treatment and every fac ility consistent with safe banking methods. Commercial & Farmers Bank. Mebane N. C. WEHAVE ' just res'd car-load Pittsburg perfect fencing Height ranging from 20^ to 60' in, high. We bought before the advance in price and in position to save the public some money on this class of goods. Our line of buggies, harness and wagons complete. See our Mne of Vulcan plows the light^t draft of plows on the market, everyone guaranteed to do the work. Come to see us we will save you money on all purchases in our line. OUR MOTTO fair dealings. Yours for business. Coble-Bradsl^aw Co. Burlington, N. 4 X m

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