Tyson-Malone Hdw. Company een It McCiure Have now in stock a full supply of McCarmick Mowers, Binders and Rakes, Walking and Riding Cultivators, Disk and Spike tooth\Harrows, and Fertilizer distributers, General line of Farm .Imple ments and Hardware. Don’t fail to see our stock. Yours to please, Tyson-Malone Hdw. Co. Mebane, N. C. or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClm^e of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, rus, etc. Just any thing you may want. Don^t forget Green & McClure Graham, N. C. At Last they Answer And A hat is so rare as a day in June Wiiv, a country band that plays in tune. Or ;i hiv'i'ymoon that doesn't end soon. Or a pos.'^um dinnpr without a coon, Or a lovi'r’s stroll without a spoon, urn ii rman band with no basso'tn, Ur a ! in u3 day without a balloon. Or a 1)1 >onlight night without a moon. Dr a I argain sale without one swoon, jr a znological ^rden with no ba boon. Or a padded cell without a loon. Or a current event with lo cartoon. Or a vaudeville show with no buffoon. Or a political campaif^n^ and no lam- prion, Or a b'Xirding house meal without a prune— These are rarer [far than, a day in Jui.J —Judge. Snapshots (Fiom Galveston News.) A? a general thing a woman doesn't care much about matrimony after her hoih >moon goes into |ecHpse. If iht' truth could be discovered prob ably it would be found that it is too much t a strain on even a bishop to get i:"wn on his knees to say his pray ers atul look for his collar butUm at the same time. One .eason a man wants a vacation erm-summer is because he didn’t en joy tlie one ho had the previous sum mer. Perhaps you also have noticed that iiiany otherwise long-winded men too ^ len undershoot the cuspidor. Fu thirmore, if it is true that the feiiiH.e of the species is more deadly than the male, hoiv is it that henpecked husbands outlive bachelors? A Thougtful Finance Thi V sat in an East End parlor and held hinds. My love, weshall soon be married," “Yes, dear,” murmured the girL “I don’t want you to do your own work when we are married. 1 would’nt have your little hands rouflrhened by hou'ehold toil." “Thar is certainly considerate ot you." “Atid that brings me a delicate ques tion. Have you enough money to en- aiile to keep a hired gjrl?*’—Pitts burgh Post. Lot.Krt like everything in the world tomes 1 ight if we jes’ wait long enough -Mrs Wiggs How oft the sight of means to do ill di-eds, Make^ ill deeds done.—Shakespeare. Midni^rht brought on the dusky hour. Friendliest to sleep and silence. —Milton. ^ be keenest pangs the wretched find Art rapture to the dreary void, The leafless desert of the mind. The waste of feelings unemployed* —Byron. Whi n we read of the Philadelphia fiewbboy who has saved up twenty-six hundred dolUrs we just can't help refh; ting that there is more money In selliiifr papers than in editing them. fht tight skirt must go, unless we willing to accept the knock-kneek ^yp^‘ "f woman for the future, is the dictum of the scientists. But how do the K i-ntists know that the women of are not of that type? England's Oldest Newtpapef* Be.sidos being the goremment'f beet lOuriiHilhtlc property, the London Oer Ib also the oldest existing ''8h rowHpaper. It published tte llret numb.-r In 166B. In that troubled jreer ae f;(jurt was at Oxfonl on account of the plague and the paper bote the of the Oxford Qasette In eonee- not changing to Ito preeent until the twenty^oarth niuaber. « f in get some idea of the coet oC ^fining it from the statement ot one rivals that the rlTal'e Charge for ent«frtainlng gples for inf>nneti(Nl'' $2,500 In the first yeef. ^ ■ The Right Place The right placets where you can get what you want and get it a little cheaper than the other fellow sells t at. I Have a nich fresh line of family groceries, also a nice line of dry goods, shoes, notions, etc. I Pay The Highest Price . for country produce, eggs, chickens, butter, etc. Call at store next to Post office. A. P. Long. The Man that Sells a Little Cheaper. The Bankers. North Carolina's banker's are in ses sion at Morehead Tity this week and the reports show splendid growth durmg the past 12 months. The association includes 348 banking institutions and their deposits have increased 15 per cent dttJing the year. In the same period the resources of these institutions have increased 12 per cent. It is interesting to compare the banks of the state with the conditions 10 years ago and President Braswell is authority for the statement that during the decade the deposits of the North Tarolina banks have increased 330 per cent. Ten years ago there were only 153 banks ss against 449 today. The deposits 10 years ago totaled $19,000,- 000 and today the amount on deposit is 184,000,000. A like increase is noticed in total resources. Ten years ago 153 banka reported total resources of $34,000,000 and today the total is $131,000,000. —Charlotte O bserver. Mail earners Will Ply. This is an age of great discoveries. Prepress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncie Sam’s mail carriers flying in all directiens, transporting mail. People take a wonderful interest in a discovery that benefits them. That’s why Dr. King’s New Discovery for Coughs, Colds and other throat and lung diseases is the most popular medicine in America. ‘‘It cured me of a dreadful cough, ” writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stickney Corner, Me, '‘after doctor^s treatment ami all other reme dies had failed.” For coughs, colds or any bronchial affection it’s unequaled. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at Mebane Drug Co. SOME OON’TS FOR WIVES CHIEF EVENT OF THE DAY Paaeina of tha Milk Train, Not Charge of Bull, Cauaed Young Farm- er*e Haeta. In rural New England the passing of a railway train Is still a mattet of public faiterest quite astonishing to rialtora from the city. Last aummei thraa ladlea from Boston hired atf abandoned farmhouse In northern Hew England, in a region devoted to dalrjlaff. One warm August day the> walked through the rocky pastures to a farmhouse throe miles’ distant, ia queet of a two weeks' supply of batter. On that they had come tbroath the i^elda, the fanner's wife tfdaimed: ‘*\niy. you can’t bo baok that way alonel Ow bull'f out there te the back lot. and only day 'fore ylelTdajr he treed my son4n-law on a fton for two hours. Ill have him go home with you.** With eome mlaglvings on the part of the wtHnen, the little procession started baok under the guidance ol the young nan. the ladles carrying tike butter. All went well till they had gone about a quarter of a mile, when the escort luddenly called, ex* cltedly: “Come ont" and started on a run toward higher ground. Thinking that they understood the oeoaaloa of his activity, they needed BO urging to follow him. On and on they eped, throwing away their but ter as an Impediment to their speed. Finally, bathed In perspiration and gaaplng for breath, they sank ex hausted on a rocky ledge whither their guide had led them. Standing Just above, be waved his arm In a dramatic gesture toward the valley below, where a freight train could be seen crawling slowly out from between a cleft In the hills, and abouted: •'There she goes—the milk tralaI**—Youth’s Companion. ''Style” ana Untruth. Some don’ts for wives” were given to the conffrepration of Eucli 1 Avenue Baptist church, of which John D. Rockefeller is a member, by Rev. »V. W. Bustard in his sermon Sunday night. They are: First—Don’t marry a man for a liv ing, but for love. Manhood without money is better than money without manhood Second—Don’t overdress, or under dress; common sense is sometimes better than style. Third—A wife with a hobble skirt and a husband with patched trousers make a poor pair. A woman can throw more out of a kitchen window with a fipoon than a man can put into the cellar with a shovel. Fourth —Don’t think that the way to run a house is to run away from it. It is wrong to go around lecturing other women on how to bring up children while you are neglecting your own. Fifth—Don’t tell your troubles to your neighbor. They have enough of iheir own. Fight it out with your husband if it takes all summer. Sixth—Don’t nae. The saloonkeeper is always glad to welcome your husband with a smile. Seventh—Don’t try to get more out of a looking-glass than you put into it. Nature’s sunshine is belter for woman’s beauty than man’s powder and paints. Eighth—Don’t make gamblers and drunkards out of your children by running whist parties for prizes and serving punch with a stick in jt. SAVE THE Shadow while life last, and exact reproduction of your self in the fin est photos by EUTSLER The Photo Artist Greesboro. Perkins is said to have spent some millions of the Harvester Trust’s un earned dollars in his unsuccessful ef fort to put the Colonel “over’’ at Chi cago, and the Trust is now facing the question: “What will the harvest be?” 1 Simple Liniment. A simple liniment that is good for a Btrained back after a siege of house work calls for four tablespoonfuls of strong ammonia, four tablespoonfuls of alcohol,-wo large tablespoonfuls of salt and about a quart of rain water. Put these ingredients into a bottle and shake well. As soon as the salt is dis solved It Is ready for use. When need ed rub the back with the liniment and continue the rubbing until the surface is warm with the friction. THE HOME TELE- E Her Hair Saved Her. When the steamer Tagus rose after a dip Into an enormous wave while Bhe was on her way from Bermuda to ^ New York, a bride, the only bride on I board, w as floating about the deck * like a biscuit. The water was three feet deep and she might have been sw’ept from the deck had not M. Krelshler, a New' Yorker, grabbed her by the hair and saved her. So frightened was the young w'oman that she was carried to her stateroom In hysterlcr., and for I five hours she could not be convinced that the ship w'as not sinking. Z. T. HADLEY OPTOMETRIST Eyes, Examined and glasses fitted. Graham, N. It is the simple fact that in every State, including his own, where Colonel Bryan undertook to demolish a presidential candidate he has been de molished himself. The Bryan dic tatorship will never again be what it was. We do that in our zeal our calmer mmnenta would be afraid to answer.— Sootti What Makes a Woman? One hundred and twenty pounds, more or less, of bones and muscles don’t make a woman. Its a good foundation. Put into it health and strength and she may rule a kingdom. But that’s just what Electric Bitters give her. Thou sands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells and for dispelling weakness, nervousness. Back ache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. “Eleceric Bitters have done me a world of good,” writes Eliza Pool Depew, Okla., “and I thank you with all my heart, for making sucli a good medicine.” Only 50c. Guaranteed by Mebane Drug Co. The TIirice-A-WeekEdition Of The NEW YORK WORLD PRACTICALLY A DAILY AT THE PRICE A WORLD No other Newspaper in the World gives so much at so low a price. The great Presidential campaign will soon begin and you will want the news accurately and promptly. The World long since established a record for im partiality, and anybody can afford its Thrice-a vVeek edition, w’hich comes ever other day in the week, except Sun day. It will be of particular value to you now. The Thrice-a- Week World also abounds in other strong features serial stories, humor, markets, car- oons; in fact, everything that is to be found in a first-class daily. The Thrice-a-Week World’s regular subscription price is only $1.00 per year, and this pays for 156 paners. We offer this unequalled newspsper and The Mebane Leader together for one year for $1.50. The regular subscrip tion price of the two papers is $2.. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist’s counter. THE BEST PLACE JN GREENSBORO To get the best to eat is at the HENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot. R. DONNEELL, Prop. fills every'requirement of the oifiee and home. You can reach your friends and business as sociates in other towns and cities, by long dis tance, without leaving your office or home. The convenience and low cost, the satisfaction and time saved, makes the telephone the ideal means of communica tion- By the way have you a phone? If not we want you to have one Call us up. THE HOME TELEPHONE GO. Mebane N. C. THE NORTH CAROLIN.V COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE AND MA- CHANIG ARTS. THE state’s industrial COLLEGE Four-year courses in Ag riculture; in Civil, Electrical and Mechenical Engineering in Industrial Chemistry; m Cotton Manufacturing and Dyeing. Two- year courses in Mechanic Arts and in Textile Art. One-year and year courses in Agriculture. These courses are both pra ctical and scientific. Ex aminations for admission are held by the County Sup erintendent at all county seats on July 11th. For catalog address THE REGISTRAR, West Raleigh, N. C. toi F. NASH ATTORNEY AT LAW PRAGTIGIN ALL COURTS HILLSBORO. N C. THE MgADOO A most delightful home in Greensboro N, C. for the trave ler. STRICTLY FIRST. GLASS IN APPOINT MENT. EXCELLENT SERVICE Easy of access to railway station MUST HAVE THE BEST We are determined to give to Mebane, and vicinity the best and most up to date drug store facilitos possible. Running Water that sanitaiy conditions may be perfect, Electric lights and the best fountain for dispensing soft, and refresh ing summer drinks. Pure and Fresh«Drugs Stationary, confectionaries, just what you want. Call at the Mebane Drug Co. F.fL. WHITE Mgr. Mebane, - - North Carolina ATLANTIC HOTEL MOREHEAD CITY NORTH GAR. SEASON OPENS JUNE 12, 1912 THE 6REATEST SEASHORE HOTEL IN THE SOUTH ACCOMODATIONS FOR 1,000 GUESTS. EXTENSIVE WnOVEMEItTS. NEUT MSAGEMEKT. FIIIEST FISHIKS 1* tVEIlia Every variety of sea and fresh water fish abound in great abundance. The Atlantic Hotel fronts the ocean beach, which runs east and west, af fording the much sought southwestern water front, and its guests enjoy an invigorating ocean breeze throughout the summer. Here you have more unique and exclusive advantages than can be found on the Atlantic coast—SAILING upon the beautiful and placid Bogue Sound or the Atlantic. Still water and SURF BATHING. Incomparable Sound and Deep Sea FISHING. Many nearby points of traditional and historic interest. DANCING, TENNIS, POOL, BILLIARDS, MUSIC. BEST FISHING IN AUGUST While the fishnig is good during the entire spring and summer, each variety of fi.sh has its “run,” and anglers have made the best chatches during May and August. For reservations write. Allen A. DuBois, Manager, Morehead City, N. C. WE HAVE just'res’d car load Pittsburg perfect fencing Height ranging from 20’ to 60' in. high. We bought before the advance in price and in position to save the public some money on this class of goods. Our line of buggies, harness and wagons complete. See our line of Vulcan plows the lightest draft of plows on the market, everyone guaranteed to do the work. Come to see us we will save you money on all purchases in our line. OUR MOTTO fair dealings. Yours for business, Coble- Bradsl)aw Co. Burlington, N. \ LIVERY f=EED A(ND SALES STABLES First-Class Rigs for hire at short notice. HORSES FED OR BOARED AT MODERATE COST. ON’ r FAIL TO SEE ME. !VI B. MULES, IVIeban IS* C. Man’s greatest friend is his knowl edge.^ His greatest enemy is his ig norance.—Arabic. New Panacea Hotel At The Famous Panacea Mineral Spring, Littleton North Carolina Under New Management New Sanitary Bottiing Plant, New Ball Room and Garage just completed, and many other improvements added this season. Music Morning and Evening by the Hoters own Orchestra. Tennis, Bowling, Fishing and Boating. An ideal resort for health and pleas ure for both young and old. Writ« for illustrated booklets and rates. Address Panacea Spring Co., or T. Alex Baxter, Manager, Littleton, N. C.

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