lIALIliN niST SENTENCED The Camorrists Who Have Been on Trial For Two Years Are All Foud Guilty The Camorrists who have been on trial for neaily two years on the charge of having murdered Gennara Cuoccolo and his wife in June, 1906, were Mon day adjudged guilty in varying degrees at Viterbo, Italy. The verdict declares Corrado Sortino guilty of both murders; Nicolo Morra, Antonio Cerrato and Marino Di Gennarro guilty of the murder of Cuoccolo, and Giuseppi Salvi guilty of the murder of Cuoccolo’s wife. Enrico Alfano, the alleged leader of the Camorrists, Giovanni Rapi, Di Marinas and the others are con\ncted of being instigators of the crime and members of a criminal organization. The President of the court immediate ly sentenced the condemned men. Sor tino, Merrato, Salvi, Morra, Di Gennaro Alfano, Rapi and Di Marinas were sen tenced to 30 years imprisonment and j to 10 years police surveillance each; Di Mattio to 10 years and six months im prisonment and 10 years surveillance; Ascrittore to 10 years imprisonment and three years surveilance; Vitozzi, the priest, seven years imprisonment and two years surveilance, the others to five years impribonment and three years surveillance. When the accused men were placed in the iron cage to hear the verdict, Di Marinas suddenly drew forth a piece of glass and cut his throat. He fell to the floor in a pool of blood and general pandemonium broke loose. The other prisoners screamed like wild animals, shouting invectives and imprecations. Rapi shouted: “This innocent blood is crying for revenge.” Alfano raged around and recalled his brother’s death who, he cried was a victim of justice and man who had suffered the marty- dom of innocence.” Vitozzi knelt weeping and praying. All the prisoners acted like maniacs, and the carbineers had difficulty in forcing their way into the cage to maintain order and carry out the wounded Di Marinas. It’s a Pretty Good Plan to Forget It. If you see a fellow ahead of the crowd, A leader of men, marching fear less and proud. And you know of a tale whose whose telling aloud, Would cause his proud head in anguish be bowed. It’s a pretty good plan to forget it It you know of a skeleton hid den away. In a closet, and guarded and kept from the day In the dark, whose showing, whose sudden display, Would cause grief and sorrow and lifelong dismay. It’s a pretty good plan to forget it If you know of a spot in the life of a friend, (We all haye such spots conceal ed, world without end), Whose touching his heart-strings would play on and rend, Till the shame of it’s showing no grieving could mend. It’s a pretty good plan to forget it. If you know of a thing that will darken the joy. Of a man or a woman, a girl, or a boy. That will wipe out a smile, or the least way annoy A fellow, or cause any glad ness to cloy It’s a pretty good plan to forget it If you know of a thing, just a least little sin. Whose telling would work up a laugh or a grin. Of a man you don’t like, for love’s sake keep it in! (Don’t dcn’tbea knocker! right here stick a pin). It's a yretty good plan to forget it. Mebane M- E. Church, South. Rev. B. T. Hurley, Pastor. N. H. Walker, Supt. S. S. Preaching every 3rd Sunday at 11:00 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 and a union prayer j meeting ever Sunday after noon at i 3:00 o’clock conducted by the youn^ j men of the town. j Sunday school every Sunday bet;in- | ning at 9:45 a. m. I Everybody welcome to all these scr- j vices. ; THE NORTH CAROLINA j State Normal and; Industrial College j Maintained by the Statj for the Worn- j en of North Carolina. Five regulai-1 Courses leading to degrees. Spccial | Courses for teachers. Free tuition to those who agree to become teachers in j the State. Fall Session begins Sep-1 teraber 18, 1912. For catalogue and other information, address^ j JULIUS I. FOUST,President.Greensboro N G! Dysentery is always serious and of ten a dangerous disease, but it can be cured. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy has cured it even when malignant and epidemic.— For sale by all Dealers. Insect Bite Costs Leg. A Boston man lost his leg from the bite of an insect two years before. To avert such calamities from stings and bites of insects use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve promptly to kill the poison and prevent inflammation, swelling and pain. Heals burns, boils, ulcers, piles, eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 cents at Mebane Drug Co. Ready to Meet Emergencies. *^e systematically heroic In little uonecessary points. Every day do something for no other reason than its difficulty, BO that if an hour of need should come, it maj find you trained to stand the teat. The man who has daily inured himself to bab* its of concentrated attention, ener getic will, and self-denial in unneces sary things, will stand like a tower wiien everything rooks around him.” —William James. Easy on an Editor. Rock Hill Herald. We look into :i cradle and behold :i j male child. At the age of 10 he is ! noisy kid, with half the buttons oir his pants and a sure eye for meaness. At 15 he is a devil ii* a print shop; at 33 the publisher of a county newspaper, at the head of every enterprise calcula ted to improve the town or cnrich the business thereof; at 50 he is an emaciatc d and wornout man, with hok s in his I pockets and a gray head; at the age of ; 60 he is a corps in a cheap coflin and his only resources left behind are two j cases of long primer type, and old j Taylor hand press imd a subscription i book with 500 delinquent subscribers, j who line up and march past the coflin ^ saying: “He was a public spirited fel-. low, but he couldn’t save anything.” 1 RE50LVED THAT YOU DONT HAVE TO HUNT ARoun/D for BARCAIMS “evervth/n/c is a 'BARCTAIH in 0^ STORE. Buster. BRown' Banana a Curiosity. A peculiar fact about the banana Is that no insect will attack it, and an other is that it is absolutely immune from the diseases that fruits arc sub ject to. It is one of the c’Tiositles of the vegetable kingdom. We never put shoddy stuff into our store, therefore, we never have shoddy stuff. Quality is the first thing- people should know is good w^hen they buy • an article. You will be sure to get good quality.if you buy from us, even thoug we are now selling goods at lower prices than we did before the fourth. After quality, price is the next thing you wish to be right. Come in. You will find our prices “right”--right down low. Holmes-Warren Co. Mebane, N. C. Wilson Will Win* The Observrr never before read the big North.jrn papers with quite so much delight. “Almost to a man” they are for Woodrow Wilson and predict his election. The Philadelphia Record openly says that Wilson will be the next President, and it rejoices to say so. The New York Times, The New York World and The New York Even ing Post are Wilson shuters. The staid old New York Tribune gets around saying too much in praise of Wilson bv diverting attention into an important direction—the effect Wil son’s nomination will have upon the fortunes of Colonel Roosevelt. The Tribune thinks the victory of the pro gressives at Baltimore knocks the props from under the projectors of the ' third party movemenL It holds that there is not room enough for two radi cal candidates in the field.—Charlotte Observer. If you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beau tiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day, and crawl ing into bed dead tired at night You must get out i.ito the open air and sunlight. If you do this every day and keep your stomach and bowels in good order by taking Chamberlain’s Tablets when needed, you should be come both healthy and beautiful. For sale by all Dealers. The Choico of a Husband is too important a matter for a woman to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill- hopes by taking Dr. King’s Life Pills New strength, fine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits—things that win men-follow their use. Easy, safe,^ sure. 25c Mebane Drug Co. Peculiarities of Taste. The South Sea Islanders g&zeB with disgust upon an American eating rare roast beef, but he will eat a fish raw, especially if he is an Hawaiian, with great relish. He also finds a dozen or more relatives of the oyster on the reef at low tide and thinks them highly appetizing. There Is the devil fish, for instance. The squid is regarded as being a delicacy. During the summer months mothers of young children should watch for any unnatural looseness of the bowels. When given prompt attention at this time serious trouble may be avoided. Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dia rrhoea Remedy can always be depend ed upon. For sale by all Dealers. THE NEWIIN HOTEL A short distance from the psssenger depot Burlington Offers attractive ac comodation and fair to the transient Iravermg puli- public. Don’t fail to call. M. H. HEWLIN, Prep. Burlinffton, N. Snake Had Lived on Eggs. On his morning round for eggs re* ^ntly, Michael Helseman of Custice, p., reached into a hen’s nest and touched an objoct that made him lump back quickly. A closer examin- ttion showed a big spotted snake soiled in the nest. Beating a hasty re treat, Helseman secured a shotgun ind on reaching the nest noticed that the snake had swallowed a china nest Egg and was gradually working It lown its throat. It was but the work )f a moment to blow off the hesil of IhiB reptile. Helseman then recalled the fact that his egg supply had de- jlined recently, and be thinks that the make, with perhaps its mate, had >een making forays on the roost for K)me time. Reinforced Concrete of Old Rome. Although concrete has been use4 for many centuries, it Is generally sup* posed that reinforced concrete is % modern invention. This, however, ha# been disproved, according to Popular Mechanics by the finding of bronzt reinforcing rods in the concrete roci of an ancient Roman tomb, and in the discovery of reinforced concrete iB the construction of ‘t)ne of the walls of the old palace of the Louvre, Pario. The reinforced concrete in the lat ter dates back only 300 or 400 years, but created much comment because the walls were thought to consist en tirely of ashlar and quarry stone. The discovery that the stone casing coir cealed a core composed In part of rj* inforced concrete was made while workmen were piercing the wall for m elevator installation. Founded 1838 Chartered 1859 Certainly it is sad to “be little and narrow” but that is the way some men are made and they can’t help it. How ever, we are not sorry for those who are that way from choice.—Greensboro News. John A. Dollar HAS OPENED A RESTAURANT SECOND DOOR WEST OF HOLMES-WARREN Full meals, or nice lunch served Don’t forget the place. John A. Dollar. BURUNGTON N. C. THOMAS F. RYAN CON. FIOUT Man Who Bryan Denouncd Pleads For United Democ racy. Thomas F. Ryan, the financier, who was a delegate from Virginia to the Democratic national convention has authorized the following statement: “The Batlimore convention has regis tered the independent will of the Dem- ocrotic party though ics chosen dele- gHtes, and it is the duty of every Dem ocrat without regard to past preferences accept that decision with good will and no regrets, and to go into the com ing battle with courage and determina tion to make Governor Wilson Presi dent. “We should all contribute every ef fort in our power, dictated by good judgment and honest consideration, to accomplish this result. The party is united, and as the can^paign progresses I believe it will gain the confidence of the country and that an overwhelming majority of the American people will conclude that the best interests of the lepublic and all its people without re gard to class or condition will be best served by placing the Democratic party in power.” PRESSING CLUB Wh^reall work entrust ed to me will receive prompt and careful atten tion. Office next to Holmes Warren store, in Joe Shanklin shop. THOMAS WHITEFIELD PHONE 31 TRINITY COLLEGE Its strength Lies In A large, well-trained faculty; excellent buildings and equipment; full- well arranged courses; earnest, highminded students; a large and loyal body of alumni and friends: noble ideals and traditions; an inspiring history of achievement and Service. NEXT SESSION BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11, 1912. FOR CATALOGUE AND ILtUSTRATEO BOOKLET^ ADDRESS R. L. FLOWERS, Secretary, Durham, IM. C. Moving Pictures. X am oporatlnjT a moving pictuvc show above Mr. Bobbets store on Tues day Friday and Saturday nights. It’s a good show and I can promise you a good time. L. G. Brooks. DOHT BE Feel that thump-ety-thump? An absolutely harmless headache remedy. Quick-Safe—Pleasant. So harmless children can take it safety. Good for neuralgia, too. Bromalsine, 10c, 25c and 50c bottles. For sale by MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane N. C. HELD BACK JOHN H. VERNON Attcrney and Counselor at Law Telephone Office No. 65J, Residence No. 337 Burlington. the Naturally 80. parts in this play ar^ fat “All parts.” ‘They have to be when the play it •elf Is laid In Greece.** Buy it now. Chamberlain’s Colic, Chaldra and Diarrhoea Remedy is al most certain to be needed before the summer is over. Buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency. For l^sale by all Dealers. DON’T BE EXTRAVAGANT if you would be rich. Ask the opin ion of any rich or successful man and he will tell you that careful, judicious expenditure enabled him to START A BANK ACCOUNT early in life, and from this has grown his present fortune. Today is the t'me to start—not next week COMMERCIAL & FARMERS Mebane, North Car The Mebane Store Co. From this date until further notice, will conciuct SPECIAL AOCTION SALE everyday except Sunday. Going to make some changes in the busi ness. Don’t fail to visit them, and secure some of the great bargains being offered. Mebane Store Mebane, Company North Carolina and when you buy it of us you may be quite sure it is just what we say it is, The Pretti&t Line of spring and summer ladies dress goods, embracing all the prettlst shades and most facinating weaves will be found on our counters. Nothing prettier for wGar. All of the nicest styles of low cut shoes for ladies or gentleman. Shoes that look nice and feel comfortable. Don^t forget our Millineiy Department We have a hat trimmer that can not be excelled See J. 0. & L B. WHIH! Burlington, N. C. in IIS I m ihi BUY BUSTER BROWN’S “DARNIESS HOS For Your Husband, Your Children and Yourself and you can quit darning. If any holes appear within four m.onths, return the hosiery and new pairs will be furnised without argument. For Men, Women and Children 25c a Pair Box of Four Pairs Guaranteed $1.00 Made of fine long staple Egyptian yarn with wearing parts- heel, toe, sole, knee and top—heavily reinforced with 2,-3- and 4 ply strong, linen thread. Knit to prove elastic snug fit as well as leather-like durability. Guaran tee coupons with every box. Buster claims he replacos less than one-half of one per cent, of the output of his mill and this statement is borne out by our own sales. All sizes, colors, styles and weights. H. E. Wilkinson Co, *‘The Store of Quality” Mebane, - North Carolina IFMIHIITBIISIIIESSinilSEIIIIIIE LEADER

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