mmei Build Up Your System For the coming^ winter by drinking PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER It is pure, strengtheninc-, and so full of true merit. Tones up and invigorates. Dissipates that “tired feel ing.” Drink it! To an invalid it is worth more than jrold! Artk your local dealer for PANACEA MINERAL WATER, or order a case direct from the SPRING. Address T. ALEX BAXTER, Mgr. or PANACEA SPRING CO. Littleton, N, C. The Flurry in the Balkans The little Balkan nation which menace 'linkey a; p’re to nothing that they ()uj;ht not to have. Greece oufrnt to hiivo t’rete. Servia ought to have Noviliazat and Old Servia. Montenegro | self a confirmed single man; “he will he was always a good fight- ' Frohman Knev/. It was reported to Charles Froh- inan that one of his most prosperous male stars was in a fair way of get ting married. “I don’t believe it,” answered the manager, who is him- have widened borders. Bui- ' ^raria's lii mniid of home rule for Mace donia is just and humane. Of course she hop-^s to annex the Bulgarian districts later, and that also is reason able. So far as Turkey is coi.cerned, these nations, which seem at last to have shown dawning wisdom by pooling issues, could probably “get away v?ith it.” Bulgaria has the finest little army in the world trained for this issue The Montenegrin mountaineere have set Turks at defiance before now. In Venezelos, G) eece has found a man. Even the Servian Army is now no shimi. Turkey cannot send troops by vvator : -.cause of the Italian war, and a cou{)ie of single-track railroads with few sidings are a discouraging trans port. Macedonia bristles with guerillas, i I e I’orte has no money. The selfishness of the big nations is • he obitacle. First and worst of all, Austria would fight to keep Novibazar out of Servian hands, because it is the i road by which she plans to push on to | Salonica, the Baltimore of the Balkans, I crushing the southern Slays as she' goes. The naval pov»'ers have already polled Crete for the Turk, conscious of :he baseness of the act, but con cerned to postpone trouble. escape; er.” Sick headache is caused by a disor- dered stomach. Take Chamberlain's TaHiets and correct that and the head aches will disapear. For sale by Ail Dealers. Making One Look Small. To be mistaken for a deer is suffl* ciently humiliating, but when one is potted for a partridge, as happened a Quebec guide, it’s making him look small indeed. Saved By fi'is Wife. She’s a wise woman who knows just what to do when, h-.'r husband’s life is 1.1 darger, but Mrs. R J. Flint, Brain tree, Vt., is of that kind. “She insisted on my using Dr. King’s N'ew Discovery writes Mr. F. “for a droadful cough, { when 1 was so v. eak my friends all t'lought I had only a short time to live, and it completely cured me.” A quick cure for coughs and colds, it’s the mo'^t safe and reliable me iicir.e for ma ly throat and lung troubles-grip, bronchitis croup, whooping cough, quinsy, tonsilitis hemorrhges A trial will convince you. 50 cts. and $1.00. Guaranteed by Mebane Drug Co. Autho.»*e Interested? A new society has been organized in France under the title “The League Against the Lending of Books.” It Is assorted that the movement is real ly In the Interest of authors, as every borrower may be considered as one buyer less. . A Log On The Track jf the fast express means serious trouble ahead if not removed, so dcc3 loss of appetite. It means lack cf vitality, lo.-^s of strength and nerve weakness. If uj'petite fails, take Electric Bitters quickly to overcome the cause by toning up the stomach and curing the indigestion. Michael Hesshci- mer of Lincoln, Neb., had been sick over three years, but six bottles of Electric Bifters put him right on his feet again. They have helped thousands. They eive pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion. Only 50 cents at Meb ane Drugr Co. Asbestos Shingles. Asbestos shingles are now being manufactured in this country with suc cess, and the trade has grown enorm ously. The new products are of the lightest weight and fireproof up to a temperature of two thousand and more degrees. They are proof against acids and weather and are said to last as long as a concrete building will. Pessimism. A pessimist is one who receives a pair of gloves as a present and wor ries because they will soon wear out. If you have young children you have perhaps noticed that disorders of the stomach are their most common ali ment. To correct this you will find Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy to and pleasant to take, and miM and gentle in clTect. For sale by A1 Dealer?. Preferred Jail to Marriage. A country judge in England has Just (lelivered the most sentimental decis ion ever heard of in his particular “neck of the woods.” He told a bur glar he would suspend sentence on him if he would agree to marry and settle down or get a dog or canary In order to Lave something to work for. Oddly enough, the burglar could n’t see It that way, and took a year’s Imprisonment i.’istead. j Obvious. , We do not pretend to be much of } a mind-reader, but when wtj see a lady hurrying downtown with a $10 bill In ■ one hand and an advertisement In the other we know that she Is thinking of doing 8om« shopping. No Doubt Abcut It. And every good husband, no doubt, sure that he is married to one of the enty world’s greatest women. Peculiar Sandpaper. The dried skin of the dogfish wa« mc'e on a time used for sandpaper. Somswhat Rough on the Fish. The Japanese have a novel way of keeping fish fresh for use. You go in to the restaurant and pick out your own fish in the tank. If there la more fish than you want the chef cuts off a piece to fit and returns the rest to the tank to swim about till wanted. KILLtheGOUGH AMD CURETHemftiCSl »niiDR.KlNCS NEWDlSCOVERTi iso^a$i.ooi TRIAL BOniE FREE AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES ^GUAPAA/TEeD SAT/SFACTOPy' Off MONEV /9£FUA/OeO. a 1 ia New Store Paint Your Own Carriage you can do it yourself and at little expense. It’s easy to give it a beautiful, hard, brilliant, varnish-gloss finish in black or rich appropriate colors. ACME quality CARRIAGE PAINT (Neal’s) is made especially to give to buggies, carriages and vehicles of all kinds, a tough, durable, glossy finish that will look well and wear well. An ideal finish for settees, flower stands, porch furni ture, garden tools and all surfaces that must withstand exposure and hard usage. Ready to brush on and the label tells how. I am now locatcd in my new store and am much better prepared to serve the public than ever before. FALL rX0TH!NG Etc. I am receiving daily invoices of clothing, hats shoes, and water proof shoes. The finest lot of mens and boys tailored suits I have ever hand led before. Come and inspect them before you place an order for a suit. I will be glad to show them to you. All summer clothing^ and Oxford Shoes at cost for 30 days. C. C. Smith Mebane, N. C. IKTfn For Sale by NELSON COOPER LUMBER CO. Mebane N. C. THE HOME TELE- E E fills every ’•*»-equirement of the office and home. You can reach your friends and business as sociates in other towns and cities, by long dis tance, without leaving your office or home. The convenience and low cost, the satisfaction and time saved, makes the telephone the ideal means of communica tion- By the way have you a phone? If not we want you to have one Call us up. THE HOME TELEPHONE GO. Mebane N. C. CURIOUS WORK OF PENAMC'^ Ancient Buddhist of Japan V^r!te3 126,000 Words on Piece of Paper 13 by IVz Inches. Education In Iceland. Icelanders are now famous foi» their high standard of education. Every child of ten in this remote little land can read and write, neither abject pov erty nor important wealth is seen, and crime is rare; and the latest step in the evolution of this remarkable people is the founding of a university at the capital. For some time there has been shown in San Francisco a piece of paper 13 inches by 7^ inches, on which there are written 126,000 words. This writing is the work of Kobo Taishi, a Buddhist of Japan, who lived 1,100 years ago. Before hi? lime hia countrymen used only Chinese char acters in writing and he evolved Iho Idea of the Japanese alphabet. The writing on the paper is so fine that a microscope has to be used to decipher the intricate Japano-e c^Ia^ acters. It is an exact copy of eight books of the Buddhist Bible, an‘ was written by the author as a sort o; penance to purify his spirit. It Is the property of a descendant of the writer, and has passed as a ^ hfr lorm from father to son for a thousand years. Every precaution has been taken to insure the safety of tho document. In a case of white wood is a beautiful laquered bos wrapped in green silk. Within the laquered box la another made of a very light porous wood that is extensively used in the manufacture of cabinets in which to atore treasures. In this box is th'^ precious writing. THE BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO To get the best to eat is at ''“llENHESSEE CAFE Opi,:n until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot. R. DONNEELL, Prop, WE HAVE j ist res'd car load Pittsburg perfect fencing Height ranging from 20' to 60' in. high. We bought before the advance in price and in position to save the public some money on this class of goods. Our line of buggies, harness and wagons complete. See our line of Vulcan plows the lif^htest draft of plow on],the market, everyone guaranteed to do the work. Come to see us we will save you money on all purchases in our line. OUR MOTTO fair dealings. Yours for business, Coble-Bradsl^aw Co. Burlington, N. t LIVERY FEED AND SALES STABLES First-Class Rigs for hire at short notice. HORSES FED OR eOARE.D AT MODERATE COST. aON’ r FAIL TO SEE ME. IVI B. IVIILCiS, iVleban (N. C« F. NASH ATTvORNEY AT LAW PRSGTiC ^LL nOORTS Hli.LS30RO. N C. At Least a Movement for Health. In the Paddington borough of Ix>n- don, if you operate a tenement or apartment house, you must sweep the floors of all rooms once a day, wash them once a week and open the win dows of all sleeping rooms for at least one hour in each day or pay a fine of $25. It may not be possible to maka the people moral by law, but tho boroug^h council of Paddington believes much can be done to make them healthy. :.?5 THE McApOO A most delightful home in Greensboro N. C. for the travC' ler. STRICTLY FIRST. CUSS IH APP0II4T- NiENT. I)W mm iPfClAUSW Experienced Prescription Specialists prepare all the medicines compound ed at this pharmacy. That insures a proven skill and care that means much to the ailing one, much to the phjsician. The next time there is illness in your home have the pre scription filled here for safety's sake and a surer recovery. ' Mebane Drug Co. Mebane, - - North Carolina 15a EXfiELLENT SERVICE Eusy of access to railway station ADVERTISE IN THE LEADER PLANTERS WAREHOUSES rORTMESALEO FLEAr TOBACCO We have every facility for the careful handling of the leaf, fi;. i and accomodation for the farmers. A LARGE NUMBEH OF BUYERS are on our floors anxious for the weed, and willing to pay the highest price for it. We spare nothing to push your tobacco up to the limit. CARTER-VINCENT & CO. R. W. Vincent, Mebane, North Carolina ASSISTANTS; WILEY JAMES, Ridgeville, N. C., WILL WRIGHT, Carr, N. C., W. L. SMITH, Hightower N. C., WILBURN WARKEN, Prospect Hill, N C., WALTER DILLARD, Corbett, N. C. J. T. Carter, W. M. Boland iii