TRIP TO DURHAM FREE TO ALL FROMj MEBANE - Buy $15. from Rawls a \d round trip will be paid. Buy $10. and fare one way will be paid. Re member this. COATS SUITS, FURS, COATS BLANKETS-COMFORTS millinerTy etc. COAT SUITS $10. to $25. in the new els for ladies and misses Colors, blues, blacks, greys, browns, mixtures, etc. % FURS; 98c to $24.95. muffs . and neckpieces to match in sty- • les for ladies and children. Lad-* ies furs 98c up. Children Furs in sets of muff and neckpiece, 98c to $7.50 a set. EXTRA COATS,$4.98 to $25 for ladies, children and misses. We have them all. Ladies coats in blacks, blues, greys, mixtures from $4.98 to $25. Childrens coats in blues reds, browns, greys from $1 98 to $7.50. Infants Coats in white, reds, browns etc from $1.50 to $5 98 each. BLANKETS $1 to $10. Special blankets worth $3. for $2.* All wool blankets from $4.98 to |10. Infants Crib Blankets at 50c and 75c. COMFORTS $1 to $10. All for double beds, in various pat terns, pure fillings. Priced $1 to $10 each. DURHAM, N. G. Sound Position on the Tariff. (From Webstei”8 Weekly.) Th^ Weekly’s position on the tariff is that of Senator Overman, Governor Aycock, Senator Ransom and Senator SimmoDB. So long as the burdens of the tariff are to be borne by North Carolina and the South, it is but just and right that the duties should be so levied that there will be no discrimin ation against our own industries in favor of those of New England. Ay cock in his last message to the people of North Carolina said he did not be lieve in free trade for North Carolina and protection for New England, but in a tarifi that would bear equally on all sections of the country. And the Balnmore platform endorses the same view. More Than Brazen As sumption Darwin a distinguished scientist claimed that man descended from the monkey, orang-outang, or chimpanzee Dr. Forbis Ross, a distinguished Eng lish scientist not only admits the cor rectness of Darwin’s theory, but claims that mans nature and qualties were tending back to his original an cestry, and that in a few decades ti e resemblance will be more marKed. It has always seemed amjsing to us to to note the assumption of superiorty, and haughty arrogance of Some people when only a few centuries back their ancestors were chattering in trees, and hunting nuts for food, hiding in hol lows and caves at night for shelter Ah, if the poor things enjoy it, it is all right, but it takes something more than brazen assumption to make a superior human being. Z. T. HADLEY SOMETHING NICE IN COAT SUITS ALL COLORS, AND LENGTHS We are sure we can please you. A large stock of ladies dress goods, every color, shade and weave. Shoes for everybody, and the best sold. Just see us and you will buy of us. J. D. & L. B. WHITTED STORE OF VALUE Burlin^^ton N. C. OPTOMETRIST Eyes, Examined and glas es fitted. Oraham* N. C* MILLINERY HATS! HATS ARE NOW READY A cordial invitation is ex tended to all. EVERY lie FOR WIINTE R you ladies need, call on MISS MINNIE BRIGHT Mebane, N. C. NEW AND PREHY STYLES IN MATS Silk Beavers—Velours—Velvet shapes French felts and a number of others that are attractive. Our line of school hats for girls is just what you want in styles and prices. The best $1 hats you ever seen. Excellent values in boys hats. Hair Ribbons a Specialty Ask to see the Royal Society Embroidery. Morrow, Bason & Green Burlington N. C. Looking Upward. (In 1999)—“Marie, bring out th* leroambulator, and take baby up lor »n airing.”—Judge. DISTRIBUTING DEPOT FOR “PITTSBURGH PERFECT” FENCES, ALL GALVANIZED STEEL WIRES. FOR FIELD, FARM AND HOG FENCING. THE ONLY ElEGTP.SCALlf FLflGE. EVERY ROD GTJAKAN F'ERF'SC'T, The DURABLE Fence, ^ ! It ;i j m Lili None so STRONG. All lar^e wires. , Highest EFFICIE2XY. LOWEST COST. , 32. ^ Fortunes in Faces. There’s often much truth in the say ing “her face is her fortune," but its never said where pimples, skin erup tions, blotches, or other blemishes dis- figue it. Impure blood is back of them all. and shows the need of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They promote health and beauty. Try them. 25 cents at Mebane Drug ro. Getting Even. Eels are the luxury of the Eait e^d. and the fish shop stuck up proudly the notice “We sell eels to the kins.** PYom the opposite side of the road the rival salesman watched his cuatomeni diverted to the shop that claimed to supply the royal table with eels. And then, after a week’s reflection, he put up the rival notice: “God the king!”—London Chronicle. Wraps O hold 5m Vloisture Old cause I Rust. it “PITT3BUKQH PBEFECT” FENCINQL (SPECfAL STVLe) ' W hen you have a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure it with as little delay as possi ble. Here is a druggist's opinion: “I have sold Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy for fifteen years,” says Enos Lol- lar of Saratoga, Ind., “and consider it the best oji the market.” For sale by All Dealers. Ibsolttftly STOCK PROOF.^ Wf can SAVE YOU MOREY on Ftnelni^ CALL AND SECT IT. JUST RECEIVED One car load of Pittsburg Perfect wire fencing. A lot of phone wire and barbed wire. A full line of heaters and grates.l Tyson Malone Hdw. Co. Mebane N. C. Gas. Mrs. Bacon—“The man was here to* day, dear, looking for the gas leak." Mr, liacon—“And did he find Itt" "Yes, but they haven’t found the maa vet.”—Statesman. Here is a woman who speaks from personal knowledge and long experi ence, viz., Mrs P. H, Brogan, of Wil son, Pa., who says, “I kn^'w from ex perience that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is f nr superior to any other. For croup there is nothing that excs^B it.” For sale by all Dealers. WE FIT ANY FEET That man, woman, or child walk on, we do it in a way that gives perfect satisfaction, arid at a price in perfect keeping with any pursa. We keep a stock for Etyle durability and comfort can not be excelled We acknowledge no competition in our specialty of pleasing people. Pridgen-Jones & Durham N. C. Re.fouvED 1 Love .to jee /\y WeiL DRE5SE0 So OOK EVERY OTHER CHI LD iT IS tHE DUTV OrPARENT.f TODREJJ W£LL fOf TXEia- CHILDRENS: JAKE IT LEAVES A NICE WPREiSloM T^EIR MlNDf BU5TER'BRoV/N Our fall and winter stock of wearables for women is now opened up, we shall be glad to have you come and see them. We are showing a beautiful line or Ladies Coat Suits, also a handsome line of Ladies Ready to wear Coats. In childrens Coats and Cloaks we are showing some thing nice. We put fair prices on our goods at the beginning of the season. May we not have a call from you? Holmes-Warren Co. Mebane, N. C. MILLINERY That will surely please you. I bought after personal supervis ion, and can assure you of the very latest and prettist designs. Don’t buy until you have seen my hats, it will pay you. You want some thing that will suit you, I have it. Miss Margaret Clegg FARM FOR SALE I have a splendid little farm for sale two miles North West of Mebane, a good dwell ing and out houses, a fine school near by the best of water. Apply to Erastus Cook Mebane» - - - North Carolina Grahan: N. C. SHOES $350 $500 'T^he hunter for the smartest, most original and stylish in footwear, bags her biggest game here in ‘'Dorothy Dodd’s”. We are the first to display the new styles^ that later on youll see elsewhere. Some attractive designs just received. Why not drop in and look them over today ? No better time than now. We hsioe the Exchxsioe Agency fl. E. WILKINSON CO. Courteous Treatment and prompt and liberal accommoda tion as is consistent with good bank ing, is what we promise if you will place your bank account with us. OUR METHODS are up with the times, and we help our customers make a success of their business by taking an interrat in them. Are you getting such service now? COMMERCIAL & FARMERS BAKK. Mebane, North Ca’’ THE IMlEIGil TIMES THE only afternoon Daily Newpj per published at the North Carolina State Capital. A NON-PARTISAN Democratic pub lication that has NO AXE to GRINU $5.00 A Year. BY special arrangement we are ofFfi - ing for a Limited Time only. The k"'!' eigh Times and The Mebat.e f.eadt r combined, both for a full year, for $3.00 ALL orders must be accompanied b\ cash, and will be received at the office of THE MEBANE LEADER Mebane, N. C.