Mebane Leader j. v>. POY, - »icj.«.or ana owner* iilnterd'd aj second ciasa matter Peb- uary 8- lyO"*?, st the Post 0£c6 at Mebana, N. ( - .inderthe net of Maicb IS'^ Lssue.l fiverv Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: OnejY^iar,^*- - - $1.00 Six Months, - • - .60 'I hree Months, - - .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE nd Currency, Postal Money Order or'Stamps. CORRESPON J ENCE We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at orw»p. Thursday. November 28 1912 A VENGANCE. Vi**ginia has for years been making a high reputation for dealing out swift, sure, and ample punishment to those who violated her criminal laws. It has not been regarded as safe to commit murder in Virginia. The fact was made conclusive in the trials, and execution of Cluverius of Richmond, of the Mayor of Charlottville, of Beaty, and in the trial of Floyd Allen and his son Claud Swanson Allen. These are all to the credit of this great common wealth, but a minister with a decided yellow^ streak running through his theology, has been preaching a sickly sentiment to the effect that the Allens were getting it to tough in the neck, and so a jury trying Sidney Allen last Friday at Wythville, Va. brought in a verdict of guilty and fixed the punishment at fifteen years in the penitentiary. Unless Sidney has been much lied upon he derserves to c:o to the electric chair as much as any of the others who took part in that bloody tragedy at Hillsville, Virginia. An effort has been made to have it appear because some of the Crarol County officials were armed that day, (and the Allen gang did not know it untill they commenced shooting) that it furnished full and satisfactory excuse for the murder of Judge Massie and several others in the court house. What if Dexter Goode was armed, and when the firing be.^ran did w hat he could to get in an effective shot on his assailants? He knew the char acters ot‘ the men the court had to deal with, and in his feeble way tried to prepare him self for dealing with them. The Allens are fanged beast, of their own will, and volition, they had gone beyond the pale of law. The first pistol shot in Hillsville court house was an open ?n agrevated, defiance of the law. The world has no use for that class of people, and we have no more sympathy for them, than we would have for Quantrels Jayhawkers, for Frank and Jessie James train robbers, for Bob, Bill, Emett and Gratz Dalton, highwaymen, and general all around bad men. The Rich mond preacher would have found it uncomfortable praying ground for him if he had undertook the job on the Western plains when the crowd w'e have mentioned weie in the saddle. Virginia has been makins: an enviable reputation in weeding out her murders and should have kept it up despite the mouthing of a yellow streaked, orthodox, sensational, sentamentalist. Winstons noted criminal lawyer who was employed for the defense, was in full accord with the preacher. 01 effort is made to have the corn out of which meal is ground pure fresh and sound as is the com that is fed to the hogs. If there are decayed grains on an ear of com it is ground, if there is [decayed ears in the lot, it is shelled and goes into the hopper with the sound grains, and all ground together, giving those little black specks in meal that you invariably see, which perhaps after all may be the poisen that starts the pellagra germ in ones system. It should be a matter for State consideration, there should be inspectors at mills, they would prove of vast more importance than the high priced political eleemosynarys services do for Ihe examination of the Stand aid Oil products. Merchants should make it a particular point to know they are furnished pure wholesome meal, and take none other and then make it a point to advertise that fact to their patrons. As the matter stands to day you do not know what you are eating in your corn bread. Ergot does not prove a whole some diet, and yet the chemical qualities of the spores, or the fungus growth on spoilt corn is quite close to it. That it should meet the claims of a specialist, and produce pellegra is by no means unreasonable. work to vir ens oio Lh^r, >our- home offi *e ^ oul . do is not helping to build u .VO r bo n prin- | shop. Andithus it goes. Civic pride is a virture that lives alone in progressive towns. Oh yes you can blunder along, other places*have blundered along for a while, and then have very near lost their identity, out the town that succeeds is the town that appreciates and supports its home institution. It's a fact too well known to require emphasis. STANDBY HOME INSTITU TIONS. Every man who does a business in a town, or city wants and should have what supoort that town, or city can give. Patronize home industries is the slogan of progress. Your merchants can not succeed if you send to other cities to buy your goods, your butcher would have to go out if business if you bought your beef in other towns, it therefore is to your interest to support home institution. Sending job HAMMER THEM TO A STAND STILL. Austria has done all she could to precipitate trouble with the Servians, has sought every pretext to stick her mouth in the Balkan difficulty. It is quite evident that through her emisa- ries she is doing what she can to I prolong the settlement between Turkey and the Bulkan States. She wants and opportunity to| play a hand in Sirvla before their j is a final adjustment. We had hoped the matter could be settled without further bloodshed, but it seems imposible, now we trust if Austria does take a hand that Russia and England will join and hammer the Austrians to a stand still. If through Austrias pertenacity there does come a general European war we shall want to know before it ends that Austria is pounded to powder, and learned a lesson that other powers can profit by. We hope it will not be a repitition of Bosnia. Tonight. Tonight, if you feel dull and stupiM or bilious and constipated, take a dose of Chamberlain's Tablets and you will feel all right tomorrow. For sale 1 y All Dealers. Peculiar Sandpaper. The dried skin of the dogfish wae Ait't on a time used for sandpaper. B9I Suits for Men And Boys Tailored Ready to Fit and Satisfy That’s the v ay to describe the ele gant new Fall and Winter models we' ve just received. The sciei.tific modern method of hand tailoring by which every one of our garments is made, assures you a proper fit and workmanship rarelv equaled and never surpassed. Come and have us demonstrate. Great Assortment of Ladies, Misses and Childrens’ Coat Suits and Cloaks. B. GOODMAN “The Home of Good Cloths* Burlington, N. C. PURER MEAL. The State and Nation is exer cising a ccmmendeable interest in the cultivation of com. Every incentive} is offered to encourage the raising of large crops on a srrall area, but there is an other question seeming to us more Vitaly important, that is entirely overlooked. To explain, corn meal cooked in its many ways is used largely as a food, its an important food, and enters upon the menue cf many tables. This being true every effort should be made to secure the purest, and most wholesome meal for table use. Is it done? By no means. All most as little care A Full Line Of Carefully Selected Ladies Dress Goods, Coats Suits, Gents’ furnishing and nice things to wear at moderate cost. Call and see me. J. W. Simmons Haw River, - - North Carolina M. R. RIVES, BRO. ]>ry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Hats, and Clothing. Ladies ready to-wear Suits, and long Coats. Leaders as men,»' and women outfitter. Just a little lower, and just a little better. M. R. Rives Bro. Graham, N. C. STOP THAT OOUSd! A bottle of syrup white pine Compound (with or without tar) will do it. A VALUABLE REMEDY In recent or cironic affections of the* throat or lungs, 25c the bottle. Mecca Drug Co Prescription Druggists MEBANE, N. €. WE SAVE YOU FROM 20 TO 30c 0;4 uCH DOLLAR YOO SPEND WITH US DURING THIS SALL 35-in white cloth, only 5 l-2c yd. 200 bolts of all color outing 6 12c yd 10 pieces 20c white linen for 10c yd. East Durham Gingham 6c yd. 50 dozen ladies heavy undershirts and pants to match for 25c each. $1.50 undershirts, all color for 95c each. 500 ladies coat suits, up- to-date from $5.50 up to $20.00. 600 ladies long cloaks from $2.75 up Ladies and children’s sweaters at low I'rices. Ladies and children shoes. Men’s clothing and boys suits and men’s and Doys’ over coats, closing out at this sale. Remember the name, M. Gladstein 108 East Mam St. Durham North C3roilna Wl_ HAVE an exceptional showing of table linens, includ ing the famo is “Humidor,” the handsomest and most durable table cloths rr.’d nankins im ported from Ireland. IHE GOAT 8U!I OEPARIIBENT FOR THE VISITORS. It will be a treat to every visitor to the city to view these charmi.ip^ suits coats shown in such a huge variety of styles. 'J his store in fi rrmost for its well tailor-^d garments. Quite rrore than the usual wcrkmanship known in ready-to wear garments are represe ite.i i ; our apparel. In fact, you c ;uld not do as Well v\ere you Lo go to the roost careful and painstrking tailor and have a suit made to your order. Prid -3 ar; very reusonalle just now and the displays are at tl eir best. |E Ois-Stone Co. Dj^rham, N. C. LADIES FALL Dress suit^, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailors. You should soe my line, it ii perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of trunks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas. H. Dorsett COMPLEET Our stock of Shoes Can fit^any member (f your family from the baby to the father of the family. A nice line of clothing, Com« select what you wish. C.C. SMITH Mebaiie, N. C. 'THE WOMAN’S STORE” Greensboro, INorth Carolina 99^^9S9E^BIBBEBS CHARM FORS^E Seven, three and four roona cottages. Good lar^e well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Te m3 to suit. MEBANE L^ND & IMPROVEMENT GO. W. E. WHITE, Treap. CCPk-RJcijI No doubt about that, and we have prices to secure the best quality of musical instru ments that can be not met by any reputable house. Pianos and organs of the best make. Drop us a postal, we will convince you, lELLIS- MACHINE & MUSIC CO. Burlington, N. C. Green & McCiure or do you wish to ad anything to it to help make home more comfortable? If so, remember that Green and McClure of Graham carry a very compleet line of all kinds of furniture, chairs, car pets, rugs. etc. Just any thing you may want. Don't forget Green & McClure Graham, N. C. s. M MOCKFIELD | Dealer in Clothing. Shoes And Dry Goods. I I will sell you goods at an attractive § price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. s. H. HOCKFIELD 2?6 WE‘T MAIN ST. DURHAM. N. C. HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are. It If safe so Children can take it. It's wonderfully quick. Feel that thump-ety-thump? Good for neuralgia. Bromalgine, 10c, 25c and 5Dc bottles. For sale by MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane, N. Q* Build Up Your System For the coming winter by drinking PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER It is pure, strengthening, and so full of true merit. Tones up and invigorates. Dissipates that “tired feel ing.^’ Drink-it! To an invalid it is worth more than gold! Ask your local dealer for PANACEA MINERAL WATER, or order a case direct from the SPRING. Address T. ALEX BAXTER, Mgr. or PANACEA SPRING CO. Littleton, N, C. Rom ‘ '■

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