mmm .J.. J, 1^1 Ulj \ lit Br>an Myth i: Now the presidential campaign i fii'i^bed, it is proper and t.*mely to (list sdtne matters which could not I..,' t;,ko!t up before election day be- > .li.'O il u;uid have been impr >per t'» t iU'O ''I’ provoke virulent de- ;inu-i };■ Den.ocrats. The purpose ut all eilitc'r.'S of Democratic newspapers wlio I'votetuled to have anj- sense or I'ort siirV't was to hold the party solid ..,ul ut> iiT d say what could be*done and s,ii»i lo make the vote for Wilson aid tht’ III her party nominees as strong as P ;tsib o. NoU.intr wa;« to be gained, for in-1 j;tan‘e, and there was possibility of! .;oiiu tliinj? boini? lost by public con-1 sid«>ration of Mr. W. J. Bryan’s part j in the Democratic national conven-1 tion at Baltimore. Now it is right iiiul iK'crssi.ry to meet and try to cor- i!i-t some popular misunderstandings on thar We should not permit to pass into I istory, without dissent or piott'st, the assertion that Mr. Bryan : contriillod the Baltimore convention. | It is 1’1 policy and perpetuation of | t rror U) :ill( w newspaper readers to i hc liovo tint Mr. Bryan caused the j !>■ niination of Woodrow Wilson or that] CiKvevi"r {Vilson is indebted for his 1 nt niuia .i'll to Mr. Bryan. We will be having i. *iowl directly for Mr. Bryan in ihe cal or i.s the dominating f ri*eof the administration. Mr. Bryan should not be in the cabinet Theie is no plare in the incomirg administration j in whicli he would be appropriate. He and his judgments and policies haye j been le ected three times by the voters j of the count y. The votes for Wilson 'luGBda were not votes for Bryar, iliL J .rposts of Wilson and Bryan, are - like because both are patriotic, h"iK\ au n. The methods of the two ave widely different. The methods of Bryan liavo been i*ejected by the judg- nivi.t und conscience of the majority in ihe »i-public. The methods of Wil- n liave bet n accepted and endorsed Ly an astonishing majority Our hope is I'^Ir. Bryan himself will have the ood taste and judgmedt to withdraw himself from consideration as part of the administration and will be content !o luiv'fr rs an eminent and honored priv;;tt citizen and Democrat, according t- his ri^4it and duty. In the cabinet hv would be a force of discord, ^Jie j ot of doubt and suspicion. Naturally it would be believed ana charged con.'tantly that he was working for his own interests. 'i'hat w as a widespread belief in the { J al > more convention, Mr. Bryan had t sa !.e influei c there that William R. I enrat had in the Democratic con- V at St Louis in 1904-the n;'u;ativt- infljence of dread that some-j how ho might be nominated for pres- 1 idont in some sudden stampede and lead the party to another disaster. “Ai.ybwly to save us from Hearst" ni.niinated P*rker in 1904, in a k'u'.d of panic or last recourse feeling, “Anjboiy to save us from Bryan” carried the delegates at Baltimore to Wilbon when at ast he showed the greatest strength —and a most wise and fortunate choice it was, even if brought about sir.-mgely. It tiuited the newspaper writers to present Mr. Bryan as the controlling force at Baltimore. Reporters and correspondents, especially those who are young and lack political experience and sense of responsibihty, seek to make sensations. Their business they understand it, is to present spectacular figures and episodes to induce people to buy the publications for which they write and to tighten their holds on managmg editors. The writers v/ere helped by the Repub licans, who sought to injure the Dem ocratic party by making it appear that Mr. Bryan controlled the party, and by Mr. Bryan’s enthusiastic and in discreet friends, who probably would have brought us to defeat. Post-Mortw:r.i Statttnent. An Irlshmai; saw whLe liassin- Cirough a graveyard thti:;e words writ ten on a tombstone: “i still Jive. jabbers, if I was dead I’d ov/ii i to It.”—I'nidentified- SPEGIAL OFfE,l i Cfllil Extra purchase of Coat Suits enables us to olfer the Biggest Spec’al you have yet heard of WHEN THE FIRM WITH WHOM YOU TRADE IS EEL ABLE Then it’s a sure sign that you get your value for your money. We have the largest and most compleet line of ladies dress ^joods, shoes, and millinery stock. Don’t fail to see us. J. D. & L. B. WHITTED STORE or VALUE Burlington N. C. H. W. & J. C. WEBB Millsboro, N. C. Carry the largest line of general merchandise of any store in Orange County. A stock suited to all seasons, and to all people, but especially are we prepared to meet your holiday wants in Dry Good notions, Ladies Coat Suits, in fact a full lines of everything to please the people in quality and price. Don^t fail to call on. . H. W. & J. C. Webb, Hillsbaro, North Carolina. filtchin ’Em Up. (From The Chicago Journal.) Ihe rnarviage microbe is a bird tiiat’s hard to understand, Thf» short man always asks the tall sky scraper for h'*r hand. The man who’s six feet in his sox will wed for good and all | Some mnid^^n w'ho is passing fuir, but | only four feet taih | The brilliant girl who takes the prize j ax.d »iutshints all the school. Is more than apt to cast lier fate in mariiage with some fool. The learned man who knows his books i and has a sober mind Mobt like weds the dizziest young dam- i sel he can find. j The pr^ttiejt of all the girls wMll wed some cro: g-2yed gink Who doesn’t look a^. though he knew even enough to think. I he homely girl most likely hooks the handsome millionaire. The frivolous maid weds a man who’» loaded down with care. The pious girl is apt to draw some old night-prowlm’ skate Who doesn’t think that 3 o,clock is any where near late. The pastor of the church may draw a social butterfly Who thinks more of her new fall hat than mansions up on high. The more >ou try to solve the thing, the less you really know, Philosophers all gave it up some centu ries ago. The mystery is fathomlcwss, as much now as of yore. It’s only human nature, pure and sim ple, nothing more. TO WEAR Tnat will give comfort, that will wear well and look Attractive is what we offer the trade. Our stock is all ways new, fresh and up-to-date We handle the best made. Call on us when in Greensboro. J. M. Hendrix & Co. The Home of Good Shoes in Greensboro, N. C. SriLL WRITING POSTCARDS. Man Who Claims to Be Strangler Keeps Police Posted. The Poston police rect i /ed thr- e postcards last WeJnesday :»11 j or^ or- ting to come from the strangler of Joseph Josephs of Lackawanna, N. Y., and who wrote pDstrards to the Lackawanna, Buffalo and Poston poli'^e. One card bearing the longest mes sage of the three said J. Frank Hick ey, now under arrest in New Jersey, was not the murderer of Joseph Jo sephs at Lackawanna and also that the body of the O’Connor boy can be found in “Chestnut Hill Wood.’' This was taken by the police as a reference to tha disappearance of Joseph O’Connor, of West Roxbury, who disappeared from home Novem ber 2. A record card declared that the writer was not fooling. INSURANCE! I carrj" a full line of Companies, including Fire, Life, Accideni and health Insurance, In fact, anything la the Insurance line. When in need of anv kind of Insurance see me Rates reasonable S. G. MORGAN THE McAOOO A most delightful home in Greensboro N. C. for the trave ler. STRICTLY FIRST. GLASS IN APPOINT MENT. EXCELLENT SERVICE Easy of access to railway station Jewelers and Silver Smiths OF WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK Gold, Gold filled and Nickle watches gold and gold filled Jewelrj% sterling silver flat and Hollow ware, silver plated, flat and Hollow ware, cut glass Silver Deposit Glass ware. Mantle and Alarm Clocks in this seetion of the State, mail orders solicited and promptly attended too, no orders too small or too large. SNIDER- WILCOX- FLETCHER COMPANY Durham, N. C. inference There Somewhere. **1 don’t think my husband loves me ftny more.” “Why not?” “The other day I said to him: ‘John, if 1 should dia would you get married ac^ain?* and he Mild he wouldn’t.** “Isn’t that all right?” “Yes. but I wloh you ooul4 hay* heard the positive way h« said. If Declare War on Colds. A crusade of education which aims “that common colds may become uncommon within the next generation” has been betrun by prominent New York physicians. Here is « list of the “don’ts” which the doctors say will prevent the annual visitation of tl;e cold: “Don’t sit in a draughty car. ” “Don’t sleep in hot rooms.” “Don’t avoid the fresh air.” “Don’t stuff yourself at meal time. Overeating reduces your resistance. ” To which we would add—when you take a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. To accomplish that you will find Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy moi excellent. Sold by All Dealers. Schiffman Jewelry Co. LEADING JEWELERS OPP.-MCADOO HOTEL GREENS60H0J.G. NORTH CAROLINA’S GREATEST GIFT. Have the most elaborate showing of wedding and holiday goods to be found in the State. We extend a cordial invitation to all t^ inspect our unusual stock of Jewelry Silverware, Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Novelties in Gold and Silver etc. Send for our catalogue it’s free. SCHIFFMAN JEWELRY co. GREENSBORO, N. C. THE BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO To get the best to eat is at the HENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREE T Near passenger depot. R. DONNEELL, Prop, Everything For The Ollioe Filing, Devices, Ribb3ns, Carvenet F. G. Green, The Office Outfit e , Durham. Norlli Car.'lina. F. NASH ATTORNEY AT LAW PRACTIGIN ALL COURTS HILLSBORO. N C. Shopping Up to Date. *T^o, none of these hats suggest my personality at all. You see, I’m a great racegoer, adore drama, read classics In the original, sympathize with the woman’s movement, travel a good deal* and am intensely temperamental. The hat I want must convey ail this.” Mfaidilndion ^Company Carmenti MSW YOB.K. handsome the man may be an ill fitting suit spoils his looks. Go to a firm that can furnish you with the best clothes, and can fit you in the best style. We carry the best stock sold in central North Carolina, we have the most expert clothiers in the State. Y ou can not possibly make a mistake in coming to us. W. A. Slater, and Company Durham, N. C. Snake Had Lived on Eggs. On his morning round for eggs re cently, Michael Heiseman of Custlce. p., reached into a hen’s nest and touched an object that made him tump back quickly. A closer examin- ition showed a big spotted snake toiled In the nest. Beating a hasty re treat, Heiseman secured a shot^n ind on reaching the nest noticed uat the snake had swallowed a china nest Bgg and was gradually working It town its throat. It was but the work >f a moment to blow off the hea;d of Ihe reptile. Heiseman then recalled [htt fact that his egg supply had de- Oined recently, and he thinks that the make, with perhaps its mate, had ^•en making forays on the roost for lome time. VERY FEED AND SALES STABLES r’irst-Class Rigs for hire at short notice. HORSES FED OR BOARED AT moderate cost. >OM’ r fail to SEE ME. fVI B. MIILEiS, Meban l\. C. CITY CAFE AND MARKET Have just opened up an up- to-date Restaurant in the build ing recently vacated by Mr. Bright. Large Refrigrater. Ice for sale. THE BEST MEALS will be served on short notice. Every thing clean and up-to da*^e. We cater for the pat ronage that can appreciate a nice place. Highest price paid for hides PNEUMONIA left me with a frightful cough and very weak. I had spells when 1 could hardlv breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctor could not help me, but I was completely cured by DR. KING’S New Discovery Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, 111. 60c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. PLANTERS WAREHOUSE POR THESALEOr LEAP TOBACCO We have every facility for the careful handling of the leaf, an'd and accomodation for the farmers. A LARGE NUMBER OF BUYERS are on our floors anxious for the weed, and willing to pay the highest price for it. We spare nothing to push your tobacco up to the limit. CARTER-VINCENT & CO. J. T. Carter, R. W. Vincent, Mebane, North Carolina W. M. Boland ASSISTANTS: WILEY JAMES, Ridgeville, N. C., WILL WRIGHT, Carr, N. C., W. L. SMITH, Hightower N. C., WILBURN WARREN, Prospect Hill, N. C., WALTER DILLARD, Corbett, N. O,

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