} ■ yiujPKJjiwuii .Hppp^ipp^lippil^ppil iPi MEBAIIE LEADER j, o. rOY, - Editor and Owner. Entered as second class matter Peb- uary 8 at the Post Office at Mebane, N. CV (inderthe act of March ia‘>7- Issued I'JviTV Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: OnejYour,^'- - - $1.0l> ,-Jix Months, - - " Three. Months, - - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE nd (’urrency, Postal Money Order orJStamps. rORRESPON-) ENCE Wc wish correspondents in sll the earby post ollices. Write at oiw^. community, and he also leams who are the upright type of honest men, men that a com munity may feel proud to own as citizens. Thursday. December 19 1912 NO PAPER CHRISlBiiAS WEEK. Agreable to i\ir usual custom we will suspend publication of the T,eader during Christmas week, so that afur this there will not appear an other Leader until January 2. 1913. We do this in order that our printers may take a little rest after a years faithful work. We hope our readers will excuse us with out complaint for this I'rief period. THE CHISTMAS TIDE. It seemed but a few months past since we chronicled the fact that the Christmas of 1911 would soon be here, and begged the leisure of a few days rest for the mechanical force of the Leader in a Christmas holiday, and yet Christmas is most here again. Before an other issue of the Leader the Christmas of 1912 will have come, and gone. Christmas is a season of good cheer, it is a time when we pronounce w'ith emphasis that old moral, phylactery, peace on earth, and good will to men. How genuine this may *i)e ex pressed depends upon the indi vidual. To many it only applies to a select few who move in the immediate circle of special friends, and then there are others whose big throbing hearts takes in all humanity. We do not know how to better illustrate this class than by calling atten tion to the great Salvation Army, who seem sincerly to strive for humanities uplift, and relief. To day all over this broad land, in every big city, on the corners of the streets, a tingling bell directs your attention to the fact that there are hungry mouths they want to feed on Christmay day, and are earnestly and sincerly appealing for help that they may be able to do so. This is the broadest charity known the world over. But because you do not belong to the Salvation Army, or are situated so you could materialy ^ist them, is no reason why you can not make some heart happy, and exemplify the spirit of that fijeek and lowly one who came to jthis world surrounded by the humblest and most abject con- ditions'.on Christmas day. Per haps, and we trust, Gk>d has blessed you bountifully for the year just closing, you may have aplenty, and to spare, if so think of those who have labored just as hard perhaps, and yet fortune did not smile upon their efforts and they may be in actual want. We like to give to those who a^’e able to give back to us, but this is not charit>, it is not a Christian spirit. It contains no element, of virtue. Help those who may be unable to help them selves. In conclusion we wish for all a happy, and a merry Chiist- mas, we wish for all a prosperous New Year, and that God may so bless vou, so protect you as to keep from your cup the bitter ness an misfortune that so often befalls so many others. To all who have in any measure helped to make the Leaders pathway easier, and its success more pronounced, we say we thank you, thank you most sincerly. Lung Fish Arrives in Ball of Mud- (From The Fishing Gazette.) The Museum of Natural History has just received from the remote regions of Gambia. West Africa, the second specimen of a living lung fish ever transported to the United States. In a block of earth which incl^'sed the fish was a small tunnel-like opening. The lung fish, which has both double lungfs and gills, is considered an ex cellent instance of the survival of a race of animals from the early periods of time. Its fins are of primitive type and according to Dr. Bashford Deai), an authority on fish, represent a stage between fins and hands, The lung fish to a certain degree, he says, is a con necting link between the true fish and four footed animals^ Try Scissors Next Time. **8he meant to chop off the chick* •n'l head with a hatchet," says a Mis- iOttrl editor, “but only succeeded in cttttlns off her forefinger. The next tim# she has designs against the life of a chicken we recommend the use cl a pair of scisBors.”—Atlanta Con- fUtutlon. Cured of Liver Complaini “I was suffering with liver complaint” says Iva Smith of Point Blank, Texas, "and secided to try a 25c box of Cham berlain’s Tablets, and am happy to say that I am completely cured and can recommend them to every one.” For sale by All Dealers. 50,000 PELLAGRA VICTIMS. S3mptons of the Dis ease are Becomini^ miich less severe. After four and a half months study ing pellegra in South Carolina, the Thompson-MacFadden pellagra com mission reported that while its data on the ejjidemology of the disease was tie most couplet? ever btained, the mystery envelt'pinj? the origin of the ailment has not f»een dispelled. It will take months to get the details into such shape thnt anytlriiii? like a logical conclusion may be dx’awn and the pro bability is that the cause cannot be positively determined without further exhaustive investigation. The commission has expended only half of the fund of $15,0o0 donated by Col Robert M. Thompson and John H. MacFadden of Philadelphia. Fcr this reason a second expedition will be sent to the same locality next spring. Thess general facts were ob tained: It is certain that exclusive of the cases that have proved fatal there are at present 50,000 persons in the South afflicted with pellegra. The symptons of the disease are becoming less se vere, but the number of cases is net decreasing. The ailment which for merly was almost exclusively confined to the poorer classese, probably on ac count of their generally unfortunate surroundings, is spreading more and more among those who are prosperous. FOR CHRISTMAS !i Forte. _ It was the most exciting momMit of one of those midnight rehearsals. Try as he 'v^ould, Donald Brian, the actor, could not induce the orchestra to play sufficiently loud for a smashing finale. Finally in desperation he called out to the orchestra conductor: “Swell! Vicars, Swell!” Whereat the phleg matic, unruffled English conductor stopped the band, turned smilingly to Mr. Brian and said: “Thank you, sir.’» School of 1.0W6 In Germany. In order to counteract the falling off of marriage rate a “school of love” has been started at Strasburg, Germany. The school will also give advice on ob scure questions, such as how to en courage budding attentions, how to dis courage them, how to converse with serious men without any serious knowl edge, and how to be gay and frivolous while suffering from headache, bank ruptcy, and other ills. EVERY DEPARTMENT of our busy, thoroughly filled stores ^'arries bargains of the most tempting character. Wool Sweaters, Woolen Dress ^ood, Foust Mill Underwear, Millinery, Coat Suit:* nd Dresses Long Coats, Short Coats and Jolinn Coats. A clearing sale of shoes on all this week. Every pair a BARGAIN. The place to save money. RROWN -RELK CO. Greensboro N. C. SAME FELLOW The man who becomes offended at being asked.for the dollar he owes on his subscription is the same fellow who would go all over the country abusing the editor if he owed hipi a quarter of a dollar and wo’^ld not pay it. Editors, you see, are just like most other people in the respect that they want W'hat is due them because they really need it, and not bacause they are afraid to trust the fellow who gets road simply be cause he is asked to pay a just debt.— Henderson Gold Leaf. Yes sir, and an Editor has an' opportunity of learning the[ character of men perhaps better' than any other class. A man will sometimes deliberately lie out of a debt he owes an Editor, when he would not think of treating any one else so dishon est. Taere is no doubt, but what an Editor learns the com mon dishonest frauds in a Suits for Men And Boys Tailored Ready to Fit and Satisfy That's the way to describe the ele gant new Fall and Winter models we’ ve just received. The scientific modern method of hand tailoring by which every one of our garments is made, assures you a proper fit and workmanship rarely equaled and never surpassed. Come and have us demonstrate. Great Assortment of l adies, Misses and Childrens’ Coat Suits and Cloaks. R. GOODMAN “fhe Home of Good Cloths’* Burlington, N. C. We have a large variety of fancy packages to sel ect from. Nunnaliy’s FinsOandies ! EASTMAN KODAKS and Supplies. Mecca Drug Company Pi-escription Diu gs.s Mebane N. C. Prompt attention to Mail Orders W£ SAVE YOU FROM 20 TO 30c ON Cf.&H DOLLAR YOO SPEND WITH US OUBING THIS SALE. 35-in white cloth, only 5 l-2c yd. 2«X) bolts of all color outing 6 12c yd 10 pieces 20c white linen for 10c yd. East Durham Gingham 6c yd. 50 dozen ladies heavy undershirts and pants to match for 25c each. $1.50 undershirts, all color for 95c each. 5CK) ladies coat suits, up- to-date from $5.50 up to $20.00. 600 ladies long cloaks from $2.75 up Ladies and children’s sweaters at low i>rices. Ladies and children shoes. Men’s clothing and boys suits and men’s and Doys’ over coats, closing out at this sale. Remember the name, M. Gladstein hi if IT I L--' SPECIAL OFFEft iN GOAT Extra purchase of Coat Suits enables us to offer the Biggest Special you have yet heard of WHEN THE FIRM WITH WHOM YOU TRADE Is RELIABLE Then it's a sure sign that you get your value for your money. We have the largest and most compleet line of ladies dress ^^oods, shoes, and ir illiner stock. Don’t fail to see us. J. P. & L. B. WHITTE ] STO?SE OF VALUE Burlington N C. 108 East Main St. Durham North Carolina The Christmas Times Is when you want to visit a store that keeps the goods to make all home folks happy. We carry a • stock of Coat suits, Coats, ladies dress goods in the most elaborate patterns and trimmings to match. We have one of the nicest displays of hankerchiefs ever seen in Durham. Our stock in general lines of dry goods has never been surpassed. When in Dur ham don't fail to call on Ellis-Stone & Co Durham, N. C. H. W. & J. C. WEBB Ihfillsboro, C. Carry the largest line of general merchandise of any store in Orange County. A stock suited to all seasons, and to all people, but especially are we prepared to meet your holiday wants in Dry Good notions. Ladies Coat Suits, in fact a full lines of everything to please the people in quality and price. Don't fail to call on. H. W, a J. C. Webb, Hillsboro, North Carolina. FOR SAL^ Seven, three and four room cottnges. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT GO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. LADIES FALL Dress suit'-, some of the latest cuts, made by the best and most fashionable men tailors. You should sse my line, it is perfectly charming. TRUNKS, TRUNKS We have the best line of trunks, traveling trunks, steamer trunks, and all kinds of suit cases and hand bags. SEE ME FOR CARPETS Chas. H.Dorsett ‘THE WOMAN’S STORE” Greensboro, - - North Carolina S. H HOCKriELD ^ Dealer in Ming. Shoes And Dry Goods. 1 will sell you goods at an attractive price. Give me an opportunity to con vince you. S. 11. HOCKFIELD 226 WEST MAIN ST. DURHAM. N. C. fit Matters A Full Line Of Carefully Selected Ladies Dress Goods, Coats iMiits, Gents’ furnishing and nice thin£fs to wear at moderate cost. Call and see me. J. W. Simmons Haw River, North Carolina Not How poorly you dress, neat fitting, well made shoes, will give you an air of class and superiority. We get right down to the job of fitting you with the nicest and best made shoe with experienced men fitters, and we always satisfy you, and please those who admire your good ta&t. Go to. Pridgen-Jones & Co. The Great Shoe Dealers Of Durham N. C. HARMLESS And you know for headach remedies are. It IS safe eo children can take it. It’s wonderfully quick. Feel that thump-ety-thump? Good for neuralgia. Bromalgine, 10c, 25c and 50c bottles. For sale by MECCA DRUG CO. 5c at soda fountain. Mebane, N. C, Build Up Your System For the coming wicter by drinking: PANACEA MINERAL SPRINGS WATER It is pure, strengthening, and so full of true merit. Tones up and invigorates. Dissipates that “tired ff^el- ing.” Drink it! To an invalid it is worth more than gold! Ask your local dealer for PANACEA MINERAL WATER, or order a case direct from the SPRING. Address T. ALEX BAXTER, Mgr. or PANACEA SPRING CO. Littleton^ N, C.

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