MEBIINE LEADER J, O. FOY, - Editor and Owner. Entered as second class n^atter Peb- uary 8, 1909, at the Post Office at Mebane, N. C*f anderthe act of Maxcb 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morning?. SUBSCRIPTION: One^Year,!- _ - - 11.00 5ix Months, - - - .50 Three Months,*- - .25 PAYABLE IN ADVANCE ^ nd Currency, Postal Money Order orSStamps, CORRESPONDENCE We wish correspondents in all the earby post offices. Write at on'*#*. Thu’-sday. January 9 1913 SOMiU THINGS TO CONSIDER. The Legislature of North Car olina convened on Wednesday the 8th. There is much work it may do correcting the several abuses, flagrant, and unjust permited in the State. Among a few of them we might call attention to the fact that the law licensing pawn shops and who ever else wishes the right to do so, to sell pistols to who ever may want to buy, and then carries the farce of a law on the statuate books making it a crime to carry pistols. One of the fool law makers at Raleigh two years ae:o in answer to a protest against this policy said well they wanted the pistols sold, so it would be convient for policeman to get a pistol when they wanted one. A man with no more sense should be picked for the simples. Here is a temptation to the vagrant negro, and the vicious and irresponsable white man to buy a pistol and shoot a man down if he wishes, that there may be work for the criminal lawyers. Is there anv other reason if so speak out. The kerosine critics gallops over the State at $2000 per anum and smells the Rockefellow pioduct and passes on, and the people burn oil inferior to that offered for sale before the kerosene critics were created, but Rockefellows crowd does not mind it because they make the people pay the bill, and it helps to shut off competition. We have a pure food law, yet all over North Carolina the people are eating corn bread made from meal, ground largely from decayed, and rotten com, some of which 'would make a hog sick. Too busy looking after the friends of the politicians. The South Eastern tariff Asso ciation, a trust and combination composed of insurance companies mantained solely to sustain a high insurance rate, msures your buildings at an exhorbitant rate and if it burns down they send their adjuster around to look at the ashes and fix the amount they will pay you for your insurance. Is it right? Respect fully refered to E. M. Kooncs of Onslow, then ask the man who has suffered from this imposition. A law to prohibit lobbyest on the floor of the Legislature, and who is it that does not know that when ever the interest of any corporation, or combination is threatened that they do not swarm at Kaleigh, A bill was introduced by E. R. Wooten of Lenoir at the last session of the Legis lature to prohibit lobbyest on the floor of the House and Senate. It was a good law and should have been passed, but Mr. R. A. Doaghton ex Lieutenant Gover nor, ex Legislature, and ex friend of the trust says no, it would not do to pass such a law, it would create an impression on the public mind that we were afraid some one would aDproach us and try to buy our votes. Such silly rot, a member of the Ligislature is no better than the average man, and is just as susceptable to approach as those in any other walk of life. No Mr. Doughton wanted the bars broke down that anj member of this disgraceful profession might come in, oh no they would not touch a dollar belonging to a lobbyist, or tast of his fine old brandy, too good for that. But let the State Legislatu/e increase the school daj’s of this old North State, give the boys a better chance, and vve will promise in less than ten years a lot of this infernal rotten mess will be wiped out, and the lawyers who have been feasting up n the vital interest of the State will hunt some other methods for a living. The crimes for which the structural Iron Workers were convicted of at Anapolis recently ought to have been an unbaleable one. Men who have conspired t) murder and destroy property as these men have done, should remain in prison until their terms expires, but the walking delegate does not think he was earning his money unless he had seduced some poor devils to put up to keep these men from punish ment. THE MAN OF MILLIONS WOMAN’S ADVANTAGE IN LIFE" ALASKAN MOSQUITOES When Turkey is convinced that there will arise reasons making it quite imposible for Austria to serve her as an ally she may come to her senses on the Adrianople question, and conceed what soon or later she must conceed. Happiness. (Will M. Maupin, in The Commoner.) Over the hills and ^ar away Some seek happiness day by day. O’er the world and its distance wide. Forest and stream and mountain chain; O’er the sands at the ocean’s side, Swamp, morass and the wind-swept plain. Vainly they search as the days go by. Failing to see she is standing nigh. Hapine»s dwells where a heart beats true And a love-lit face smiles up at you. Cabin or palace, ’tis all the same. All declare she’s a fickle dame, But few there be with the wit to know. She lives only with warm heart beats; Dwelling content in love’s warm glow Palace or cabin cr far retreats. Vainly they search in the old, blind way For what stands forth in the light of day, Happiness dwells where a heart beats true And the lipe o’ lo/e reach up to you. Still unbought by the sheen of gold; Changeless still in the heart or cold, If in the heart of the seeker dwells Purpose strong and a faith supreme: If with a will the soul compcls Endless days for its youth’s day dreams Happiness dwells in the lowly cot. Scorns the palace where hearts are bought, Dwells content where the heart beats true Aod love holds out a hand to you. J. P. Morgan The Mone Trusi 'Magnate. Twenty two billion two hundred and forty-tive million dollars are controlled directly by J. Pierpont Morgan ac cording to information that leaked out at the monej trust investigation some time past. This vast control is secured by means of interlocking directly through five powerful financial institutions as follows: The Morgan system: J P. Morgan & Co. The Guaranty Trust Co. The Bankers’ Trust Co. The First National bank. The National City bank There is dominated by J«P. Morgan aggregate resources totaling $22,245,- 000,000. These five concerriS nave 341 directors in 112 corporations. The house of Morgan allone has 63 directors in 39 co’poraiions having total resources of capitalization of $10,- 036,000,000. E ghteen corporations and the indi vidual closely affiliated with Morgan hold an aggregate directorships in 134 corporations having Jtotal resources for capitalization of the amazing prand total of $25,325,000,000. The total revenue of Great Britain per annum is $950,000,000. United States, $900,000,000. Germany, $1,800,000,000. France, $850,000,000. Italy, $450,000,000. Total annual revenue of the world’s five greatest nations, $4,950,000,000. Morgan controls four times the amount of revenue of the European quadruple. Morgan controls twenty-two times the amount of the annual revenue of the United States. His Stomach Troubles Over. Mr. Dyspeptic, would you not like lo feel that your stomach troubles were over, that you could eat any kind of food you desired without injury? That may seem so unlikely to you that you do not even hope for an ending of your trouble, hut permit us to assure you that it is not altogether impossible. If others can be cured permanently, and thousands have been, why not you? John R. Barker, of Battle Creek, Mich , is one of them. He says. “I was j troubled with heartbtrn, indigestion, j and liver complaint until 1 used Cham berlain’s Tablets, then my trouble was over.” Sold by All Dealers. Best Cough Medicine ior Children. “1 am glad to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy” writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, Milwaukee, Wis “I have used it for years both for my children and myself and it never fails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. No family with children should b£ without it as it cfives almost imme diate relief in cases of croup.” Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is pleasant and safe to take, which is of great importance when a medicine must be given to young ceildren. For 8 lie by All Dealers. Stand in thy place and testify To coming ages long. That truth is stronger than a lie. And righteousness than wrong. — Whittier. The Old-Fashioned Way. The f«ct that corporal punishment is discouraged in the public schools of Chi cago is what led Bobby’s teacher to ad dress this note to the boy’s mother. Dear Madam:—I regret very much to have to tell you that your son, Robert, idles away his time, is disobedient, quarrelsome, and disturbs the pupils who are trying to study their lessons. He needs a good whipping and 1 strongly recommend that you give him one. Yours truly, MISS BLANK. To this Bobby’s mother responded as follows: Dear Miss Blank:—Lick him yourself. I ain’t mad at him. Yours truly, MRS. DASH. — The Youth’s Companion. The earth is the Lord’s, and the ful- njss thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. Mark t\ie perfect man, and behold the upright, for the end of that man is peace. Z. T. HADLEY OPTOMETRIST Eyes, Examined and glas es fitted. Graham* N. C. GARDEN TO COST MILLIONS. Ryan to Have Handsomest Place in the Country. Thomas F, Ryan, the financier, is having the art gallery of the late Charles Yerkes at Fifth ayenue and bixcy-eight street New York demol ished and in its place will be laid cne of the most beautiful gardens in America. The cost of all the changes, exclusive of the purchase price, will exceed one million dollars. Ryan’s home adjoins the Yerkes residence. In 1910 the house and art gallery were purchased for 1,239,000. At the time Ryan was not mentioned as the buyer. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This remedy has no superior for cougrhs and colds. It is pleasant to take. It contains no opium or other narcotic. It always cures. For sale by All Dealers. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. Chronic Cons»tlDation Cured. •‘Five years ago I had the worst case of chronic curstipation I ever kaew of, and Chamberlain’s Tablets cured me,” writes S. F. Fish, Brooklyn, Mich. For sale by All Dealers. Not A High Climber. Colonel Faulkner of Texas was walk ing along the road one spring morning wnen he met an old darkey proceeding slowly on his way to the villiage, whither he was bound to secure his stock of tobacco for the coming week. “Well, Uncle Primus, how are you?” asked the colonel. “Yas, suh; yas suh, Marse Faulkner, yas, suh. Ah is feelin’ gooddis spring. Ah suttingly is feelin’s fine. Ah doan remember as ah ever felt no bettah in mah life, but sum way ruther ah seem to be gettin’ to de tahm of life we'en Ah’s lookin’ for de low spots in the fence. ”—^Newark Star. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Frightful Polar Winds blow with terrific force at the far north and play havoc with the skin, causing red, rough or sore chapped hands and hps, that need Bucklen’s Arnica Salve to heal them. It makes ihiskin soft and smooth. Unrivaled for cold-sores, also burns, boils, sores ulcers, cuts, bruises and piles. On’.y 25 cents at Mebane Drug Co. British Physicians of Prominence Give Some Figures That Explain Disparity Between the Sexes. Though doctors have long realized that, thanks to a better knowledge of sanitation and personal hygiene, people are living longer than formerly, the much greater relative longevity of women as shown in the recently published British national debt office’s report on the mortality of government life annuitants has come as a general surprise. In a summary of these Agues it was shown that the expectation of life of a woman of fifty Is now more than a year greater than it was in 1875, while that of a man of the same age is only three months greater. Discussing the reasons of our in creasing longevity and In particular woman’s stronger hold on life, physi cians at St. Bartholomew’s hospital advanced widely different theories. “The essential cause of death,” one stated, "Is a wearing out from over work of our brain cells. Women may be just as brainy as men, but they do not work their brain cells as vigor ously or as continuously as do their male relatives. If they did there would not be so great a disparity in the length of life of the two sexes.” Another consultant puts down wo man’s greater expectation of life to the more sheltered existence she leads, and the lack of the physically depress ing competition which is part of near ly every man’s life. “A woman may have hard work to do,” he explained, “but except for the few who work in offices or who follow professions, they work in their own homes, and at a pace they set for themselves. The home is also, as a rule, vastly more airy, sunny and generally more whole some than is her husband’s shop or office.” LEFT THEM BOTH GUESSING '^Information'’ Added Little to the Small Amount of Knowledge Young Matrons Possessed. Two young matrons, who are sis* ters, keep house in their old family homestead In Kansas City, Kan. Re cently their cook left them. While neither hkd had much experience in cooking, yet they decided to take charge of the kitchen. They bought three cook books. For Sunday even ing lunch it was determined to have sauerkraut and spare ribs. Several friends were asked In. The kraut and ribs were put on the fire to boil. Suddenly It occurred to one of the “cooks” that she did not know how long the combination should cook. She asked her sister. She didn’t know. They consulted the cook books. Each gave this instruction: “Cook until done.” They were In de spair. One of the husbands happen ed to drop into the kitchen. He saw that something "was wrong. He asked, and was told. “That ought to be easy to find out,” he said. He stepped to the telephone and called: “Information, please.” In a moment a gentle voice come over the wire: “This Is Information What is it, please?” “Information, can you tell me how long sauerkraut and sparerlbs should boll?” Without a moment’s hesitation the silver voice replied, “Certainly. Cook until they are done.”—Kansas City Star. He Wouldn’t Tell. The eminent Doctor Llorente, physl* clan to the royal family of Spain, told a reporter in New York recently that he thinks the American woman is spoiled. “in my own country,” said Doctor Llorente, “a woman is content to be queen of her household, but here wo man wants to be both king and queen.” The doctor, smiling, continued: “I was surprised to hear that in some cases the American husband has, actually, to conceal the condition of his finances from his wife in order to curb her extravagances. Thus the rich young wife’s complaint to her doctor, a friend of mine In New York, would be impossible in Spain, where married people are happy companions. “ ‘It is so ridiculous,’ pouted my friend’s young patient, ‘to call the man at the bank a “teller.” Why, he won’t tell you anything. I asked one the other day how much money my hus band had on deposit and he Just laughed at me.” They Are Small and Silent, but Work With Fire Tipped Stings. Mosquitoes in this icebound north ern country, Alaska, are a plague be yond relief. They come to life about the middle of May. before the ground is thawed out aud while many feet of Ice still cover the.lakes and all but the swiftest rivers. Stagnant sun heated water is not in the least uecessarj. They breed iu the glaciers wherever a bit of earth or manure has melted a little pool. TDelr wrigglers are seeu in running ice water. By the 1st of June it Is uncomfortable to sleep with out protection, and from that time on until September, when the first frosts have benumbed them, especially dur ing the warci, rainy season of July and August, they become a never ceas ing scourge, swarming in thousands. The Alaskan mosquito Is small, brown, silent and very much in ear nest. He never sings a warning nor fools nbcut selecting a spot to his taste, but comes in a bee line with his probe and gets Into action. Every inch of your clothing is industriously bored, so thnt you look like an ani mated brown cocoon, and the slightest exposed spot on wrist or neck is promptly set on fire. I experimented with a small hole In my glove. After the first mosquito had found the open ing others came in quick succession to the spot. He left some microscopic “kind lady and no dog” sign there. -If I killed the first and left his carcass It served as a warning not at all. The others came the faster, and the more 1 killed the more eager the survivors be came, perching quite unmoved on the remains of their confreres.—World To day. EUGENIE’S ESCAPE. How the Empress Got Out of Franco After Sedan. As soon as the hot headed citizens of Paris learned in September, 1870, that their emperor, Napoleon III., had sur rendered to the Prussians at Sedan these Parisians rose in a riotous mob and made posthaste for the Tuileries. They were armed and after royal blood and plunder. The empress had to flee for her life. Assisted by the Austrian and Italian ministers, she made a hurried flight from the palace, but found the mob ahead of her in the garden; back again and then out by a secret way into a side street, where they entered a carriage. A street gamin recognized the empress here, but the shouting of the mob was so great that the boy’s cry of warning was not heeded. Once the carriage was stopped by a mob, but the party alighted and man aged to escape. Finding themselves near the residence of Dr. Evans, the American dentist, they took refuge there, and the doctor took upon him self the responsibility of Empress Eu genie’s safety. The empress put on a dress belonging to Mrs. Evans and, with Mme. Breton, her friend, was driven by Dr. Evans to the suburbs. Dr, Evans explained that the women were a patient and her attendant whom he was taking to a sanitarium. Two days later the fugitives reached a coast town, whence they escaped to England. Sporting Element. Willie liked ice cream, but he drew the line at turning the freezer. One day when his mother returned home she was agreeably surprised to find him working at the crank as if his life depended on it. *'I don’t Bee how you got him to turn the ice cream freezer,” she said to her husband. offered him a penny to do it.” “You don't go about it the right way, my dear,” replied her husband. “I bet him a nickel he couldn’t turn it for half an hour.” Plants That Shoot Arrows. The arrows are crystal needles of oxalate of lime. They r^re of microscop ic domensions, and they are shot from minute capsule shaped bodies found In the tissues of such plants as the Indian turnip and the Polynesian taro. An extraordinary spectacle may be viewed in the field of the microscope when the “bonds” contained in a drop of taro pulp begin to discharge their arrows. Sometimes only one or two needles and sometimes groups of four to ten w'ere discharged at once, the bomb recoiling as the projectiles left It. It has been suggested that the Intense burning and pricking sensa tions experienced in chew'lng such plants as those just mentioned are due to the release and disc*harge of these crystal arrows when the plant tissues are crushed in the mouth.—Harper’s Weekly. A Fine Distinction. Sometimes a small boy can draw a fine distinction. Two fishermen of the sportsman type, equipped with all the latest appliances for angling, were walking a mountain road when they met a barefooted boy with a tin can in his hand and a carelessly trimmed bmnch of a tree slung over his shoul der. •‘Hello, sonny!” exclaimed one of the men. “Going fishing?” “No,” drawled the youngster, with onlj' a glance at the splendid outfits, “I ain’t golu’ fishin’. I’m just goln’ down to the crick to ketch some fish.’* Refinement in Trades. The world as it progresses becomes, if not more refined, at least more delicate In its phrases. A generation ago the dressmaker became a “modiste” and the ready made tailor’s shop a “clothing emporium.” We have to thank America for such improvements as “ready to wear” for ready made clothes; ’’footwear” for boots and shoes; “neckwear” for col lars and ties and doubtless for maay others.—London Mail. Air In the Lungs. In one minute, in a state of rest, the average man takes into his lungs about 48.8 cubic Inches of air. In walking he needs 97.G cubic inches; in climb^ ing, 140.3 inches; in riding at a trot, 201.3 cubic inches, aud in long dis tance running, 347.7 cubic inches. An Optical Delusion. Affable Stranger—I beg your par don, but Isn’t this Miss Greenleafl The Lady—No; I am Miss Redpath A. S.—Ah, excuse me! 1 must be coJ or blind.—Boston Transcript. Revenge. She—You ask me to marry you. Ca» you not see j’our answer in my faee? ^ ITe (abseucb)—Yes—er—er—It’s very plain.—Life. Take a good book slowly. You t/pl tnnch finer country in ^ mover’s 'on than yon do ftum a. ^ar wlndo'^ Novelist’s Limitations. The English public will not let m« probe deeply Into humanity. Tou must not paint either woman or man; a surface view of the species flat ai wafer is .acceptable. I have not plucked at any of the highest or deepest chords. Hence (possibly) those who have heard some of the chapters say it must be the best novel I have written.—^From a Letter by George Meredith. i Appeal of the Afflicted. It was Walter’s first visit to church, and he tried hard to remember all the varied Instructions he had received, such as not whispering, keeping his head bowed during the prayer, etc. But during the main petition of the service nature won a complete battle over memory and decorum. “Mother,” shrilled the weary youngster, “when will it be time for me to straighten my neck? It’s like to break if I don’t do it soon!” anacea m WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthglving*, eo we distribute it. Indigestion, Los3 of Ap etite Debility, Nervous and Depressed Feeling fol lowing long Illness, become only memories after drinking this truly" wonderful water. Don't de fer drinking it, but commence at once and re ceive its great benefits. Order direct from Spring or from your Dealer. PANAGEII SPRING GOMPIIIIY Littleton, N. C. Gladstein The low priced merchant of Durham has marked all goods down to bottom limit since the holidays, so you would be surprised at the prices. All you have to do to be convin ced is to call on this popular firm M. Gladstein Main Street Durham - North Carolina FOR SALE Seven, three and four room cottages. Good large well located lots. Prices rea sonable. Terms to suit. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT GO. W. E. WHITE, Treas. fit Matters Not How poorly you dress, neat fitting, well made shoes, will give you an air of class and superiority. We get right down to the job of fitting you with the nicest and best made shoe with experienced men fitters, and we always satisfy you, and please those who admire your good ta&t. Go to. Pridgen-Jones&Co. The Great Shoe Dealers Of Durham N. C. EVERY DEPARTMENT of our busy, thoroughly filled stores carries bargains of the most tempting character. Wool Sweaters, Woolen Dress ^ood> Foust Mill Underwear, MiHinery, Coat Suita* nd Dresses Long Coats, Short Coats and Johnn Coats. A clearing sale of shoes on all this week. Every pair a BARGAIN. The place to save money. BROWN-BaK CO. Greensboro N. C.