“And Right The Day Must Win, To Doubt Would be Disloyalty, To Falter Would be Sin.” VOL. 4 MEBANE, K. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1913 NO. 66 SONALS AND LOCAL BRIEFo FI in fPIE 1?I£0 COME AND GO. S OF INTEREST GAIH- KDBYOUR REPORTER ; . W Cook spent Thursday in ■'1 .!. H. Fowler is visiting in sb >ro Fannie Mebane spent Thursday , H M H. W. Bason is si>ending this l^hicago. .1. W. Nicholson is visiting her H. C. Nirholson. ,i. W. Simmons of Haw River Mebane Friday. tl. W. Bason is spending this ith relatives in Mebane. Siuiie l\^Cauley of Gibsonviile ■ t Mr. H. C. McCauley Sun- I Closing Exercises of 1 he I Graded Schools j The programme o! the closir^ e crr- ; cises of the Mebane Grade l School i will appear in next v e ks Leader. I The date’s of theclosinj? exei cises will II e on the.24 and 25th of April. Twel ve Long Blows. Miss Feafl Efland spent last ! nesday in Durham shopping. vv d- bve-- VI' Tennis, In a tennis match Monday evenirij^ Bingham School defeated Mebane by the score of 24 to 3 cr four sets. Prof. Cooper, Edgar McCauley ard Fran'. Warren represented Mebane while Bingham Gray and G'-orfro Wheeler played for Bingham. il'rs-ut Okl Oak Tree ’ That immense oak tree that had been laying on t ie sii'e of the street in front of Mr. J. N, Warren's residence, is a thin;^ of the past. It was cut up and goten out of the way largely through the individual efforts of Rev W. E. Swain and kev. F. B. Nobblett, both showing they could swmg an ax and . that is for a freight engineer to pull up ; jug a while with her parents Mr. and I maul as well as wield the truths of. his engine in front of f>ur sleeping ; religion bohind the pulpit. | app.irtments at about two o’clock A M Ir was a very large, stately tree, land stop and then with a whistle that a beauty, nearly five foct through at j will beat forvolumn offoaadany steaii , the stump. Standing it was worth a i calliope. proceed|to take about twelve hundred dollars to any home, cut down | long blows covering about four mitutes Efiand It^ms We like tr» ht ar a railroad engine whistle blow, that is ufter we have been away /roin civilization for some time, but ordinarly we are willing for Mrs. John McDade and children of p the other fellow to enjoy our portion of Cedar Grove spent last week with her ^ the music. There is however one parents Mr. and Mrs. Coll McCadams. thing we confess we do not like, and i Miss Sallie Tapp of Durham is spend A WORD OF RESPECT CJf r 8E Mrs. Richard Tapp Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merritt of Mebane visited Mr. E. D. Thompsons last week. visiu day. Mr Notice! There will be a mass meeting of the voters of the town of Mebane on the 18, of April, 1913 to nominate a gov erning board for said town for the H3xt two years. Every citizen should come out and name his choice.; This meeting will be held in Mayor’s office, 8 o’clock, P. M. J. T. Shaw, Mayor. the wood was worth ab^^ut ten dollars. We rf'grfted to see it go. It was r;Khty. .-r a hundred feer. high, -and it? branches reached out from tip to tipi over quire as much space. j Mr. M. L. Efland and Kev W’^ilhelm Now this is a little tryinji oh ournervi s, j went up to Graham ’ast Wednesday to And So it Will Happen. and it otherwise worries us betrause we lay there and try to think who it is that has made the engineer mad, and he is trying to get even with them We think of how many people tired, and restless who are trying to get a little sleep, that they may be able to do the next davs work. That ia all, except this, it was our experience last Tuesday night, and that of a large attend Presbytery. Miss Bessie Hooks of Mebane spent Sunday with her friem’, Mis;^ Bessie Baity. For John Pi^rpont Morgan The Directors of The Southern Railway The Board of I^irecton. of the South- \ crn Railway Company, meeting upon | At ril 11, 1913, unanimously adopted; thf‘ following minute: John Pierpont Morgar, Founder of th(‘ Southern Railway, died at Rom^, M .reh 31, 1913, after a long Hfe, full Cl distinjruished honors and abounding in benefit to mankind. His noble I ch.i.racter and his splendid ca’*eer justly have received recognition in every Culture and Character Come Down From Gener ation to Generation. Daily, everywhere, there bobs up a young man, lithe and stately, with clean cu^ face and c’e ir eyes, whom you are inclined to put down as a “perfect specimen of humanity’* until he opens his» mouth—and betrays a lack of manners, comments a Chicago paper editorially. As soon as this H. C. Nicholson and httle dau- ghier TAinii, went down to Durham S. 'i.t lard is changing hands in Meb ane. i:0\v build some, and then build soir.o n.-'i’o. .Mary White spent several days Ia?i \VL.k in Graham attending the Pre?^ytery. Pr J. H. Hurdle drove up to Greens b !\ M'lriihiy afternoon to witness the irame. .Mr C Graham of McCall, S. C. i? ii.r, with his wife visiting Mr. and Mrs. Snipcs. Mrs. U Anthony returned home Saturday from Wilson where she visit ed h> r inoihcr. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Graves and baby vi-'ito.l Mrs. J. \V. Nicholson in Greens boro tilt' piisL week. Mrs. J. Mell Thompson spent last week in .\r.derson, S. C., returning ■>Minday ai'ternoon. .Mr. J. .. . Hudson left Monday for D ;ne. Miiton and other points to IvoK a.iL-r .'ome business. Now oret it right, running down any industry, is not building up your town, even it the fellow who does it is built that way. There is an enormous quantity of valuable oak lumber shipped from Meb- ai '. ime one ought to be making e niiiney out of it. Ml-srs. W. W. Corbett, June Lewis aiii Ben Warren went up to Greens- M-tnday to witness the game of ba^i ball there in the afternoon. Therr are a lot ot pec pie that drop oi" ar M, liane to take a peep at the towii. Later they may plant some dol- l?r> hi TP. It is fertile soil they will grow :.',1 rif^ht. Dov't f'il to subscribe for your home paper. it (!(-*.• The Griffith Place Sold A real estate sale of some import { was consumated Monday when papers j were exchanged for the puychace and | sale of the Griffith pl-’ce some five or | six miles North West of Mebane, Mr. I J. S. Warren agreed to transfer to' Mr. C. E. Allen the place containing i 325 acres for the sum of $6,500. Mr , Allen is from Orange Countv. If Maj. C. M. Stedman has been a ‘irtle quiet, and exhibited a retiring I disposition during his stay in Congress, i he is wBkmg himself felt now in his 1 f “‘her people of Mebane, and lecomme. dations for Post masters this district. There are some who [ split their shirts, and strained their | i"-' ■ fhroats in energising their enthusiasm for the Major, who feel like a Romeo who has had ihe slop bucket emptied I upon his head while singing some dulcet song to their sweet Juliett. Mrs. W. F. Spainhour, and daughter, Mrs Carl Carroll of Winston-Saie.Ti visited Mrs. J. R. Riley and Mrs. T. R. Fitzpatrick a few days last week. M^s. J. J. Brown and little son, Herschiel visited relatives in Hillsboro last week. country and from rulers and people | y mng man bngins to speak you become alike. No citizen of this republic with- j ?.ware that he is not a gentleman, but n “grent,” in all that the word implies Working For The Best. Arnold Snipes Shocked. Rev F. M. Hawley the popular pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Mebane has t?ken ^the oc-asion in several of his se*mons of late, to express regret Arnold Snipes who is aiding in the j discord, and jaring differences work of the electrical block system of \ the Southern Railway between Char- i ^^b^nes people. There is so much ^ lotte and Greensboro was shocked to harmony, and good feeling, insensibility and burned while in con- Cawleys interest in this matter, tact with a live wire last Friday at P""^ to di.scourage it. and Charlotte. His ear and leg was scorch- 1 brin? about a more harmomous feehng ed, his father. Mr. Fred Snipes went |Christian character, up to see him Friday. It is thought faith, and hope for the best that an electric voltage of near four thousand was shot through Arnolds body. Election Notice There will be an election held in the i Trinity College Items. Durham, N. C. The Avera lectures, delivered on the 8 9-10, were largely attend^. Dr. And so after all there comes a time for i Whalinfir is a lecturer of great power refle'-tion. , handled the subjcct of Christ’s , 7=^=;;. ! kingdom in an unusual and appealing way. Trinity wins another victory by beatii.g V. M. I. ' a score of 7-4. The game was hard fought and both teams showed great spirit. The Trinity boys seem to be impioving as the days go by. and it looks as 'though the boys will wind up the season in high style. The r'ext game of the season is to be played this afternoon (April 14.) The visiting team is Guilford College Dr. F. N. Parker of the department of Biblical literature preached the monthly sermon at Trinity yesterday (April 13.) A 'large crowd heard the distinguished preacher. Prof. li. A. Forsyth of the depart ment of Romance language at Trinity visited his father at Morfolk, Va., this week. Mr. Jesse Baity of Bingham School spent the day Suiiday at home with his parents Mr. and Mrs J. R. Baity. Miss Grace Stanford afternoon with her friends Misses Pearl and Maggie Tapp- Misses Glennora and Ivey .‘^mith of Hillsboro spent Friday night with their cousin Miss Bessie Baity. j out f)ffici-»l position of any kHd tv. r j has attained such eminence and none ! lieserved it more. His fame, illustrious j in his lifetime for great achievements j ^;reatly planned, will abide in the years I to come, for it was founded upon integrity and maintained by devotion I to high principle. To this general j lecogn’tion of hi-^ personal cliaracter j I he Directors of the Southern Railway I Company must adtl a special and partic- I ular iiibut^, for to Mr. Mor;;an more sfent un j. any o'her is due the creation t;:;d the d^‘velopm>^nt of the Southern in the vocabulary of the street corner. Manners, politeness, are a kst art with a great many of our voun^ gt*n- eration. Culture and refinement aie not often to be had fcr the asking in our large cities. You have to look for them with a magnifying glass all too froquentlv. Yot our schools and other institutions, where manners are sup posed to be considered, can hardly be held responsible for this national de- fidiency. Our schools are good and our librari The blame in his fellow man. There are but few things that are more abhorent to well bred i people, more detestable to a refine sense of feeling than to hear the mean insinuating remarks, usualy made 1 without the shadow of a foundation, town of Mebane, on May 6th 1913, to 1 -ome elect a Mayor and board of five com-1 “'ey who escape these missioners. P. Nelson, has been I f’>''Sed vipers, appointed registrar, and will have the I fhe mnocence of young womanhood registration books open at the store of'‘he gray hajrs of old age must all P. Nelson and Co. All those who have . the damning blight of these not already registered for town election I b»-" sianderous. The will be required to register before they j ““S' can vote. Books will close April 19th ' knc' l'-^sses repeating this vicious filth and will be open again on Saturday oh the horror of it. Any thing that would help to strangle, and discourage meet with member of the community. accomplished music teacher returned to her home at Orange Grove Sunday We regret to loose Miss Perry, but hope to have her with us again next year. The closing exercises of the E. H. school at Efland Friday and Saturday « i-i .« i.u J * i nights were attended by quite a large Dr. W. H. Glasson of the depart-' ® i j . . „ . , f I number of people despite the steady meat of Economics leaves tbe 20th for , r • t i a.- , , I s TT • u 1. Ml down pour of rain. In the Declamation Johns Hopkins University where he will j. ^ j i Mr. Frank Boggs spent last Tuesday in Hillsboro on Business. ies are efficient, and our art gal- Railway, one of the first of the many | leries are up to date. Our lit-rature is recrgat;izations justly identified with ! the literature of the world, his nnme. From the beginni.ig it j lies elsewhere engaged and it never has faded to It lies in the home. Too manv receive his wise guidance and his | American homes are devoid of man- I constant and libend j.ssistanee. Through | nei s and refinement Democracy and I his fosterine: care it has grown to its | opportunitv are back of this state of Mr. W. E. Thompson is spending present proportions, attesting the; affairs Thousands of our well to-do this week m Chatham Co. on business | soundness ot his forecast, and the public | families of today have come into their Mr. and Mr George Thompson rendered in his rescue and p;ssessions over night. They have support of Lh’s important insti umen-1 come up from the bottom. And they tahtj of commerce which has contil-j brought with them the manners or the buted not only to the beneficial develop-1 lack cf manners of the bottom. These ment of the southern countiy but also j manners or lack of manners, they drag more broadly to human welfare in j with them in their I making permanent provision for the latives in Greensboro and Burlinton on j honorable livelih„„d of a vust body of return home. Mebane atter Efland Satur J the school nipcht. closing at Mrs. J. R. Laity returned last Fri day from an extended visit ti her son in Winston Salem, she also visited re employees and their families. Miss Aline Perry our charming and j The mtmhers of this Board share with the worldwide public in a sense of personal loss, and in extending to the family of Mr. Morgan the assurance of respectful sympathy. Freak Leo-islative Bills deliver a series of lectures on the subject of Pensions. Dr. Glasson is well fitted for this task, being well trained in the field of economics. tl, will. rrmr it is the smallest kind of to think of cutting off ex- fr'ini that source Don’t do it, It pay, and you will leam it '-tUT. ;t tie Ham of Charlotte will i Mebane Thursday, and Friday : accompany Miss Smithie Ham ^-i{ih, Pikeville and Goldsboro, Mis.s Smithie Ham will spend a " i.-^iting relatives. April 26 untill 9 o'clock P. M. By order , ^ , board of Commissioners. i such a vile tendency should J. T. Shaw, Mayor, J. E. White, Secty. i "-“st earnest encouragment by the best I people. The influence of a good man ~ ~ “ j strugglincr haid and earnest to right Held on Murder Charge, jsuch a wrong is Christ like. John E. Fogleman, a young white ! man, of good connections, was arrested Yes The “Navy is Theirs.'* in a woods near Greensboro Thursday and is held without bail to answer for the murder of W. H. Tucker, a painter. Tucker was shot from behird as he passed under a street are light shortly after midnight. Fogleman, who is known as the “Blind Tiger King,” was Orange Grove Items Secretary, Daniels of the Navy, in the greatness of his good heart says “if we can only convince the people that the Navy is theirs.” Why man alive, they know it, and regard it with the same pet ven-^ration that a horse under a two year sentence upon con-1 does a cart he has been accustomed to viction last week of retailing whiskey pulling with a heavy load. These little and pending appeal of the case was out catch phrases are so tender, on $2,500 bond. The killing of Tucker, , touching, they the police say, was because of a belief of Fogleman that he was a police in former. Four negroes are also held as. material witnesses for the State. Ar.nie Ferguson who spent some Mtly here with her upcle Mr. .M tim> \V. Hudson, has returned to her in Danville. It is a source of pleasure to her i'riends to leam that her Mi.- Ht f fla- ■ s aith has much improved. ^ ' )livia Sm.ith, Miss Ray and > Burlington were visitors^ hunne of Mr. Fred Snipes Sun-‘Pridgen h(‘y were here especially to see -tie Graham who is here on a McCall. S. C. With Our Advertisers. “We want your trade” is the beginning of a change of ad for H. W. and J. C. Webb of Hillsboro, who carry a large genera! stock. They direct your attention to a nice line of dress goods just received. and all most rattle like a bunch of fodder before a hungry horse, they are so full of meaning. The people appreciate it. its their Navy and it does them so much good to think ho A? hard it is for them to live while they can afford to have a battleship shot to pieces when its about six or seven years old, for target practice. They like that, and then they like for the government to shovel money in j the Army and Navy bin at the contest for boys the medal was won • by Mr. Sam Walker, and in same for I girls the medal was won by Miss I Meadie Kay. and presented by Mr. J. B. Baity. Each and every student dis- 1 played their training and |all were highly complimented. We think that the teachers, Mrs. Tom Cheek and Miss Bertha Pratt deserves much cre dit for the in which they trained their p^ipils. “Patz,” Nearly every legislature in the coun ty is at times burdened with freak bills of some character, which are offered by men of various degrees of tempera- fnent and for purpose that are hard to understand. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Crawford spent Friday in Hillsboro shopping. Miss Aline Perry is at home after spending several months teaching at Efland. We need all our girls and boys at home. Miss Ava Crawford who has been teaching in Guilford county near Greens , boro for the past school year is now ; at home. Miss Crawford came through Chapel Hill and spent a few days. , Xhree ShutS Were Fired Mr. Wood and Miss Allie Patterson King in the Streets of Burlington came down to hear “Tompkin's Hired Man” Saturday night and aloo to visit relatives anj friends. ANARCHIST TRIES TO SUY AtPHONSO of Madrid. For the third time in his reign King automobiles, into cafes and clubs. A good tailor and a barber can change the physical appear ance. Culture and character come down from generation to generation. They can not be ^ught with money The first generation of immigrants is another factor in our want of man ners. The American born or raised children lose patience with their for eign speaking parents. They consider thetfi back numbers. The refinement and gentlemanUness which the immi grant parei ts had inherited trom worthy ancestors for generations back are spurned by thefe youngsters. They pick their ethics and behaviour from their companions in the street, in the alley, or in the nickel theater. They In the Connecticut legislature the | take this to be the true American be long hatpin bil has just been killed. It j havior, when in reality it is but the sought to prevent women from wear- j riffraff of American manners that they ing hatpins that were beyond a certain are adopting length. The I'exas solons are deliberating over a bill which forbids the women 1 from wearing tall hats, the punish- ! ment provided for being that the of- i fender shall have no new hat for two I years after the date of conviction. The j i offense of wearing a tall hat is great j I but the penalty is too closely akin to I capital punishment to command ser- { ious consideration at the hands of a legislature in this enlightened age, and I for this reason, if for no ether, the !:all hat bill will never pass.—Tenn-! j essean. The State department of agilcul- I The solons of North Carolina has a considerable quanity of bad DAMAGED CORN COMING IN. Commissioner Waeson Is sues Warning to People of Slate. an hundred and fifty million dollars annualy much of it to maintain in easy luxury a lot of gold striped ban box “It is all for you” heads an adv2r-j tisment of the great shoe house of 1 ' and Jones, the artistic shoe [ An ounce of prevention is worth a Mrs. Robert Cheek after a lon^ ill-1 ness passed peacefully away on Tues day evening April 8th and was gently laid to rest in Cane Creek cemetary Wednesday evening. Rev. Mr. Green of Hillsboro preached the funeral. Mrs Cheek was a consistent member of the above church. The following resolution 1 own courage, of sympathy was unanimously passed ! horsemanship, by the Baraca and Philathia classes at rate of' ^ meeting on Sunday morning: ' April 13th; Whereas, Almighty God has in his matchless wisdom seen fit to take from among us Mrs. J. W. Cheek Sr., the Alfonso narrowly escaped Sunday being the victim of an anarchist’s attempt i agaii^Bt his life. Three shots were j ' done things even more foolish. In one | case a member introduced a bill to ! the goats from under a certain church fired at the King Sunday afternoon in j in his county, and an other the street‘s of Madrid by a native of bjn passed to keep the hogs Barcelona, Rafael Sanchez JAllegro, ^ who was immediately overpowered. i , , T^- ^ ^ v,;c i the cause of fleas getting on King Alfonso owes his escape to his ^ ® wanted a from uh' a certain church, alleging t was t. liuij.,';: pricc gJ ii 'T.-. a a^koi' Warren and wife colored who Tth East near Mebane had a 'ii: ily affair Sunda7 which Mrs. JTidertook to settle with her he touched George about in to see him jump and bleed a said after the dust settled, i and made up. !iot be all high priced proper- n it all be cheap property. ■ f the town that seem descin- t‘\er have many expensive f ould be sold at a moderate >se where the class of build- ii'-ate a superior style of dwell- iRher price will have to be This IS easy. fitters of Durham. Men who know 1 pound of cure, the.n clean up your shoes from a to z. They treat you | premises, and prevent the diseases that like they expect ycu to all ways be | may possible follow an oxcessof filth* with them. Ellis-Stone and Co., exclusive dry goods, dealers of Durham, carry a line j of the very nicest, and latest styles of j ladies dress goods. They catch the first offerings, and give their patrons | the inside in pul’chasers. Don’t fail to see their elegant line of corsets. it is much cheaper than a doctor’s bill, your doctor will tell you so. ard dangerous corn again coming into the mar.iets of the State. Some fOl bushels were taken off the markets last week. Commissioner Watson says this is doubtless due to the floods in the Middle West, and he wis.:es to _ warn all purchasers—particularly j merchants to be exceedingly careful quickness and skilled i members cousing them to scratch so ^ in seeing that corn shipped them is Accompanied by his ■ much they could not take in the ser-! guaranteed to stiiid State i'lspection. mon. It is by sending such lubber-' merchants, if there be the heads as these to the general assembly that the business and laws of ^the state worth while are neglected. staff he was ridirg along the Calle de Alcala returning from the cere mony of swearing in recruits, when a man sprang from the sidewalk and seized the bridle of the King’s horse with one hand, presenting a revolver kind and loving mother of three mem- ( point blank with the other. The King bers of our classes, Mr, J. W. Cheek Jr., Mr. L. G. Cheek and Miss Louise Cheek, we hereby extends to them our sympathy and love and our prayerful solicitude in this sad hour of their breavement. In this great loss may realizing the situation, with lapidity i dug his spurs into his horse which j reared violently. His quickness saved i his life. The bullet instead of burying j itself in the King’s , breast, struck the ] horse in the nqck but so close was it' Truer Beast, You can not do better ' Hendrix and Co. of iVi r in : Uj.-. ionday the 14th was the ann- of the sinking of the Titanic ■ Hion with an immense iceburg r maiden voyage. Out of a ' ■ of unprecedented size and a pas- '^t'r including many persons of un- v/oulth and distinction 1,517 lives lost. than see J. Greensboro when in need of a nice pair of shoes, a good pair • of shoes. J ust as nice people as you ever met, just as honest as they make,bound to treat you right. It is new summer goods, and it is I nice summer goods, Ratinas, Rippiletts, Zephyr-Gii.ghams, Linens, Voiles, a beautifull line. Don’t fail to call and inspect their line of poplins at Nelson Dry Goods Company. re dis ^wat the fly. If you let him alone ^ V, ill spoil your goods in the store as wil your health. Mayor Gaynor's campaign for election has been opened with the tribution of a pamplet in which it is j Stated that “with infinite patience I e | is trying to ameliorate conditions” in t^e police department. Hia “infinite patience” has been like that of a man asleep while thieves riot. ^ The Honor Roll I The following is a list of the good I and true citizens who have paijl their subscription to The Leader since our last h'st apptared. Try and see if your name can not be with those whose names appears next. Sheriff R. N. Cook, L R. Rice, S. A. Lynch, Sylv=»ster Conner, M. L. Smith, H. W. Bason, J. S. Vincent, A. F. fVarren O W. Clayton R. L. McAdams J. W. Workman George Newman J. W Hudson J. W. Simmons. B. E. Corbett. Fred Snipes. they look to the God of Abraham, Isaac ! that the King s left hard glove was j and Jacob for comfort and cheer, and ^ b ackf ned by the powder discharge, j may they ever try to emulate her in i her patient suffering, and her-self sac- i rificing life for others. Be itf also re- j solved that we extend to all members' of the family our heartfelt sympathy, i Little Jimmie, aged tix, seeing an elephant for the first time, said to his father, who was showing him throuj>h circus grounds: “O! look, papa! ' See that strange row with his horns in I his mouth, eating hay with hia tail.”— i Chicago Tiibune. i Charles M. Schwab, the great steel i manufacturer, is having built for his I Only One in 16,000 (From The Greenville Reflector.) The Raleigh Times says that nearly! private use a railroad car, to cost and as a panacea in this great loss we ' sixteen thoasand prisoners haye been | $lc5,000 and the interior of which will point them to Jesus Christ the Great | the North Carolina peniten-: be of solid mahogany. And yet Mr. Physician. j dary aAd only one of them was a He-1 Schwab and his colleagues tell us that, Mrs. Harraway and the other mem-1 brew. Even taking into consideration i without a tariff on steel, they bers of the family wish to express to j the smaller per cent of Hebrews in , have to go out of business their friends their thanks for the many, our population, it speaks highly of the ; sibly, into the poorhouse ministrations of love and kindness and i kind of citizen they make that it is ^ ir.-., tender solicitude shown them during. rare one goes to prison. the sickness and death of their mother! Mrs. J. w. Cheek. Sr. • Parcel Post Growth. I slightest doubt 'as to the condition of a consignment of cofn, not to pay for . it without inspection. He says upon j telegraphic or mail request an in- I spector will be sent promptly to draw ! samples and the examination of the { sample and report will be given speedily ! Where the shipper declines to submit ^ to State inspection he advises that the ' entire shipment be promptly rejected. Those who regard this warning will run no chance of sustaining a loss. The commssioner says that if the goods are for and accepted, and upon j insoection they are found to be in j violation of the law, he will have no option but to enforce the law.—Colum bia State, And Not There Only would ^ a d, pos-; WANTED tl buy a few cows and calves. Call on or write to BASCOM WILSON at White Bros. Farm, near Mebane. Owing to the very inclement weath- j A report issued by t le postoffice de- ■ ly protesting against any further ex- er “Topkin's Hired Man” was not giv- partment for the three months of 1913^.tension of the parcel post, on the, en on Saturday night, but will be giv- during which the parc3l post system ground that the system has already I en on Saturday night April 20th. The has been in operalicn, indicates that taken away twenty - five-per cent, of j play will be preceeded by a ball game ' the public is appreciatmg the advan-1 their business. Too bad, isn’t it? But' I in the evening followed by oysters tagei the innovation offers. The • in considering this pitiful protest, it I served in a way to make professional growth of businsss has been rapid, the ; were well t j bear in mini that the cooks green with envy; then the play number of packages handled for March express companies have never hesi- which promises to be the best yet; and in fifty of the kaiii g cities havingf tated or scruplej to take away the during all this the string band will b -en 55 per cent more than in January people’s money to the full extent of Pete ! gnd about 24 per cent more than ni there opportunities. Isn't turn about (From The Statesville Landmark*) Lee Foard, W’ho killed the policeman at Lexington, refuses ♦o make any statement except to say that he did : exactly right and is not worrying about The Public’s Turn Now. | the outcome. He has no special reason , 1 to worry if he is lo be tried in David- The expiess companies are pleading-, is a custom in that county to turn murderers loose. in fact in any county i.i North Car olina, f oraish music during the panses. ' says “Everyboddy is a cumming.’ February fair play?—V. Pilot. * American States which pay the teachers of their children an average of two hundred dollars a year only, o ;ght to forbid contributions by their cit-zens *o the causa of foreign mis- s jns until the torches of enlighten- ' ment burn more brightly at home.