leHNE LEADEB J* OirOY. - editor and Owner. Ent«r«d a» s«cond clasal matter Feb- uary 8» 1009^ at the Post Office at Ifebant^ N. oiuterthe act of lAarcb 1897. Issued Kvery Thursday Morning. SUBSCRIPTION: OneJYear, - $1.00 (^.Months, • - - .50 Three Months, - - .25 «r PAYABLE IN ADVANCE and Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps.'IS CORRESPONDENCE We wish correspondents in all^the nearby post*offlces. Write at onw*. TTiursdav. May 22 1913 A REASON WHY. Maj. C. M. Stedmansays; oh, so many of Mr. Simmons sup- pogters are clamoring for the appointment of Mr. John Olive of Reidsville for Post Master of that place, some one else says it would be too small for Mr. Sim mons to oppose Mr. * Olivers confirmation, when tl e objection to him is based entirely upon the class of fight Mr. Oliver put up against Mr. Simmons in the primary. The Leader tries to look at things from an honest, and unbiased stand point, and we fail to see the logic of such reasoning. The President of the United States is not expected to appoint his political enemies to place, or power, although the President of the United States is presumed to occupy the broadest position under this government viewed from a political stand point, a fact so well grounded in the public mind that he is asked to make no distinction even among those of his own political faith when exageration and misrepre sentation has to be resorted too to find a reason, as in the case of Mr. Watts who is seeking the appointment of collector. With all the respect due to every one interested in this matter, we must say that Major Stedmans recomendation of Mr. Oliver in view of his known bitterness to Mr. Simmons, without first ascertaing whether such an appintment would be agreeable to Mr. Simmons was an agravated affront, hardly to have been expected of Major Stedman. However Mr. Stedmans rec- comendations seems to have been the first work worth mentioning the Majdr has found the time to do since he begup his term in CJongress, and drawing his salery of $7,500 per annum. This District seems full of Simmons men who are complaining be cause of the littleness in Mr. Simmons in opposing Mr. Oliver confirmation, but an investiga tion reveals the fact that most of them were of the same class of Simmons men that Mr. Oliver was. We have nothing personal in this matter, but it has become an issue that we feel at liberty to discuss, it and in doing so will treat it as its merits seems to warrent. The City of Sleep. Over the edge of the purple down. Where the single lamplight gleams. Know ye the road to the Merciful Town That is hard by the Sea of Dreams— Where the poor may lay their wrongs away And the sick may forget to weep? But we—pity us; Oh, pity us! We wakeful; ah, pity us! We must go back with Policeman Day— Back from (he City of Sleep! Weary, they turn from the scroll and crown. Fetter and piayer and plow— They that go up t6 the Merciful Town, For her gates are closing now. It is their right in the Baths of Night Body and soul to steep, But we—pity us! ah pity us! We wakeful; oh, pity us! We must go back with Policeman Day- Back from the City of Sleep! Over the edge of the purple down, Ere the tender dreams begin. Look—we may look—at the Merciful Town, But we may not ever in. Outcasts all, from her guarded wall, Back to our watch we creep; We—pity us; ah, pity us! We wakeful; oh, pity us! We must go back with Policeman Day— Back from the City of Sleep! —Rudyard Kipling. I That great mystery of ‘ Time, were there' no other; the illimitable, silent, never-resting thing ^called Time, roll ing, rushing on, swift, silent, like an all-embracing ocean tide, on which we and all the Universe swim iike exhala tions, like apparitions which are, and then are not; this is forever very lit erally a miracle; a thing to strike, us dumb—for we have no word to speak about it.—Thomas Carlyle. AN EASY SMOOTH . SiVE Can always be secured at THE CITY BARBERSHOP Clean towels, and a white man to shave you. Hot and Cold Baths J, F. TERKELl, Manager Reer J. D. Hunt’s Stor^ PRESSING CLUB The best work done on short notice. Woman Suffrage. “I am firmly oppsed to women’s suf frage in Englana, and my opposition rests chiefly upon two broad general considerations—one, that I do not be lieve women can fit themselves for political life and take an active part in it without neglecting to a disastrous extend the even more important duties which belong to their sex; the other, that I am convinced that so far as the practical advantages are concerned which they hope to reap from their votes these can be secured more ef fectively by other methods. ”—sA lley- Ireland. JUST OPENED A NEW STOCK IN«NEW SIIIRE CORNER LEE & 4th STREET. South side of railroad. Heavy and fancy groceries, can goods, confectionaries and cerials, vegetables. Save time and risk of crossing railroad. J M.Rimmer Mebane, N C. iVlebane, N. C. DR. JOS. H. HURDLE DENTIST Office in New Post-office BIdg. Mebane, N- C. Lord Stanhope of England says: “It is not jfenerally recognized, I think, tha^ although a considerable number of women in England are con vinced believers in tha suffrage as a solution of a large number of real or fancied wrongs to which their sex is subjected, the militants tactics are to a great extent in the hands of paid women, who are making money out of the agitation. « « * * So long as women remain a privileg ed class the attitude of the average man toward them will be one of an xiety to do the fair thing by a body of persons who are unrepresented; there will be a general feeling of chivalrous consideration. But the moment the women give up t^eir position of privi lege and take their stand upon so-call ed rights one ir.evitable consequence will be a lowering of the woman’s status in social relations. Many peo ple suggest that women will cling to their privilc^’:. i even when they have secured their “rights;” hut any such effort will be unsuccessful. It would not be playing fair, and, after all, the sense of fair play is deeply imbedded in the masculine mind THE BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO To get the best to eat ia at the UENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot. R.L, DONNEL Pro. There is a great hurrah about the primary, and perhaps it is the most fair way of selecting officials to serve in a public capacity, but it has drawbacks, and some of them are serious. The fellow financialy able to enter a primary, that is voluble with words, can prattle a way at a great rate, may be the fellow that can catch the public ear and may be win the votes, but a more :modest man, might be able to serve his constitency with greater faith, and honesty. Jack Johnson the negro pugi list of Chicago who has had quite a hankering for a white wife says he is financialy broke. If Jack had all ways been in that condition it would have been much better for him and his race. . Jack has shown what a dangerous combination money and an unprincipal fool may make. But after all was not the white scoundrels that aided and abated in the fight in which Johnson won his money equally responsible for the mess. DAVID AN£6DLIATH. The Bible Story as Told by Billy Sunaay. (From The Chicago Recprd-Herald.) Evangelist “Billy” Sunday, who has been conducting a series of revival meetings in Wilkesbarre, Pa., recently gave his version of the encounter be tween David and Goliath as follows: Saul and all of his fwns except Da vid went off to war; they left David at home because he was only a kid. After a while David’s ma got worried. She wondered what had become of his bro^’hers, because they had’t telephoned to her or sent word. So she said to Dayid, “Dave, you go right down there and sea whether they are all right.” So David pikes off to where the war is, and the first morning he was there out comes this big Goliath, a big, strapping fellow about 11 feet tall, who commenced to shoot off his mouth as to what he was going to do. “Who's that big stiff putting up that game of talk?” asked David of his brothers. “Oh, he’s the whole works; he’s the head cheese of the Philistines. He does tnat little stunts every day.” “Say,” said David, “you guys make me sick. Why don’t some of you go out and soak that guy? You let him get away with that stuff.” He decided to go out and tell Goliath where to head in ■ So Paul said: “You’d better take my armor and sword.” David put them on, but he felt like a fellow with a hand-me-down suit about four times too big for him, so he shook them off and went down to the brook and picked up a half-dozen stones. He put one of them in his sling, threw it and soaked Goliath in the coco between the lamps, and he went down for the count. David drew his sword and chopped off his block, and the rest of the gang skidooed. Evangelist “Billy” apparently be lieves the plain people want rag-tinre salvation. DO IT NOW How about that hacking cough, or demoralizing cold? i Better take a reliable remedy for it j today. I Your vitality must have been low, or i you wouM not have taken cold. I Compound Oxygen | cures by increasing the vitality and by fortifying the system against future j attacks. Take it after any exposure j and you will never have a cold. j Give it a trial for throat and lung i troubles, pneumonia, and consumption, | and for all chronic diseases. Given by , inhalation and reaches quickly every j part of the system through the blood. Vf rite for our book, which is sent free. Drs. Starkey & Palen 1115 Girard Street Philadelphia, Pa. FOR SALE I pair of n'ules j and 1 pair of j horses, for farm use. » Murray Hill Farm, Mebane, N. C. Most Prompt and Effect= ual Cure for Bad Colds. ' ‘ ‘I am very glad to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy” writes Mrs. Lida Dewey, Milwau kee, Wis. “I have used it for years both for my children and myself and it never tails to relieve and cure a cough or cold. No family with children should be without it as it gives almost im mediate relief in cases of croup.” Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is pleas ant and safe to take, which is of great importance when a medicine a medi cine must be given to young children. For sale by all dealers. A young woman missionary recently returned from the heart of Africa, took a look around New York city and declares that “Broadway needs mis sionaries far more’than the savages on the Afriean west coast." We expect she is pretty close to the truth. Who IS dumb? He who does not: know how to say kind things at the I proper time.—Hindu Proverb. j Best Medicine for Colds, When a druggist recommends a rem edy for colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King’s New Discovery. “I know Dr. King’s New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bronchial cold after all other remedies failed.” It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial, throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone ir> the family to use It is a home doctor. Price 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed by Mebane Drug Co. Mebane Real Estate & Trust Co. Will sell you a farm near town. Will build you a houselin town. Will'insure your life, house, and horse. Will sell you first mortgage, 6 per cent, bonds, on . real estate. Will help in every legitimate way to buiM up Mebane i and surrounding country. ■ ' Will cut you [rough lumber, both oak and pine fori any building purposes. Lend us your encouragement, and j?ive us your busi- NEVER ness. Walter S. Crawford,Pres. Office over Post Office. When yoi trade with that popular low pric- house of J. D. & L, B. WHITTED of Burlington, N. C. They carry a large line of the latek styles, col ors, and weaves of ladies dress goods. They carr\ a fashionable line of shoes, a neat fit all ways guaranteed. There millinery department is well supplied with the very latest styles, you will make no mistake to see them. Don’t forget J. D. & L B. WHIHED Burlington, N. C, NEW STYLES The Very Latest from the highest Parisian models. The prettiest head gear for ladies. Something you will find de cidedly attractive, and becoming. Remember the place A line of the nicest and most comfortable ladies Corsets. Don’t forget that I can supply you. Miss Margaret Clegg Graham, N. C. Phoenix Silk Hose Is soft, shimmering; clinging and lux urious. It is made of the same high grade, pure-dye thread silk used in mak ing the costliest silk hose and is absolu tely free from injurious ‘loading” or ar tificial ‘‘weighting.” This hose is Guaranteed to give absolute sat isfaction. All sizes from 8 to 10. Colors—White, Navy Blue; Sky Blues, Tan Black. Price 75c, $1,00 and $2.00 pair. Everything in the ladies dress line to please a woman of taste. Ellis-Stone & Co. Durham, N. C. Ofcourse We want your trade. It does not matter whether you live m, or near Mebane, Haw River, Graham, or Burlington, it is all the same, we can make it to your ipter^st to buy your furniture of us. Everything with which to furuish a house. Everything reasonable, because we carry an immense stock. Besure and call on ^Greeii-McClure Furni ture Company GRAHAM, N. C. Panaoea Mineral Spring WATER As nature presents it Pure and Healthgiving, so we distribute it. Indigestion, Loss of Appetite Debility, Nervous and Depressed Feeling fol lowing long Illness, become only memories after drinking this truly^ wonderful water. Don't de fer drinking it, but commence at once and re ceive its great benefits. Order direct from Spring or from your Dealer. Littleton, N. C. YOU WANT TO BE Popular With The Smart! SET Then wear shoes that are recognized as the very latest in shape, and style. Something that can be appreciated by people of discriminating taste. Don’t forget that every requirement is fully met at Durhams leading shoe store. Pridgen-Jones Co. “THE HOME OF BEHER SHOES” Durham, North Carolina Refresh Yourself During the summer days at our Soda Fountain The most delicious drinks with pure fruit flavors x JUST TRY OUR FOUNTAIN ONCE MEBANE DRUG CO BRING YOUR PRESCRliTIONS TO US Plant Your Garden Buy your seeds, the best sold, T. W. Wood and Son, at Mebane Drug Co. Mebane, N. C. Now Is The Time to Loolc Around for Carpets, Mattings and the Like This is the season of the year when the house- • kjepers thoughts turn to house cleaning and to brightening up the hoaie. For your floors, we have a very attractive showing of Car pets, Rugs, Mattings, etc., at very Low price. Considering quality we do not believe that you can do better than come here for your floor coverings. We are making a specialty of this 1 ire and our new Spring stocks are well V »-.h your consideration... Also a Desi 'able Line of Trunk at Reasonable Price. C.H.DORSETT The Woman’s Store GREENSBORO, ^ - NORTH PAROLINA SUBSGIE FOR THE MEBANE LEADEII.