^Afld Right The Day Must Win, To Doubt -Wo^ld be Disloyalty, To Falter Would be Sin. 99 Vol4. MEBANE, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1913 No 76 jrtised jys M. ^'PERSONIS ANDIOCM. BRIEFS people 1 WHO AND (GO. ITKMS of interest GATH* kredbyourreportek , Is the vagrant law in Mebane bemg on forced? ilayc you an automobile? If not, \ oil :irc not in it. Mrs A M Cook and Miss Sadie Cook ;ire visiting in Pearson County Ml P Nelson has been sick and. c iiirmed to home limits Mr. Lacy Shaw spent the day Sat urday at Efland fishing. Mr, W. E. White returned to Meb- ant' from a business trip Sunday mom- ii'il Mrs. F. M. Hawley returned from i^)L‘eiisboro Monday after a few days visit to friends. Mrs. Elizabeth Carter of Parkesburg West Virginia is visiting her daughter Mrs. J. S. White. Miss Pattie Jobe spenc Saturday night and Sunday in BurlingtMi with- friends. Mr and Mrs Shakespear Hanria will sjiend next week at Gettysburg at- t luhng the reunion Mrs. M. H. Newlin came down from 1) ton Monday to visit her daugh ter, Mrs. Ed Ferrell. Mr t’’ V Garner of Creedmore, Presi- (iont of the Mebane Supply Co, was in Meiiane Tuesday. Dr X D York, will attend the reunion at r.ettysburg next week leaving here nig'ht Mr. and Mrs. Sha^spear Harris re turned Saturday morning from a very pleasant trip to Charlotte. R iw is of Durham change their ad ii^ this weeks issue offering a number of bargains. Don't fail to read it, Mr \V M Miles after a week or two absence at Danville has returned to Mebane much improved in health Miss Mossie Ethel Scott spent Fri day, Saturday and Sunday with her people at Ramseur, returning to Meb ane Monday morning. .Mr. Ed Daily who lives north of here, just over the Caswell county line was in Mebane Saturday in his handsome automobile. Mr J D Hufham Jr of Norfolk is spending a week in Mebane visiUng his father Doctor Hufham and his ds- ter Mrs Singleton, Mrs. J, P. Wilson and children of Columbia, S. C., is visiting Mrs. S, G. Morgan, a sister of Mrs Wilson's hus band. Miss Margaret Clegg changres her advertisement in this issue Don't fail to note the tremendeous cut she made in everything in her store Mr. Sylvester Conner has returned from a pleasant visit up North to see old rnends. He had been gone about a month. Miss Alice Fowler who has been spending some time with friends on the Coast returned home Saturday evenirtj. William Parker and Leon Harper 6f Lagrange passed through Mebane Tuesday from Winston*Salem in a large touring Mitchel car. Ur. ,1. H. Hurdle is off this week to Yancey v’ille visiting the friends at hia old n(>me. The Doctor is now taking his summer vacation. Lr. Billy Ralph a very clever young man who spent some time in Mebane last ye?r, and year before last is he^w for a visit, Billy is always a welcome guest. Mr. C. F. Bain, who live four or five miles North of Mebane gave a birth (lay party to his son Reynolds Saturday in honor of his twelfth birth day. Mr. Mike Miles’s handsome new six room residence just E^t of the M. P. church, is nearing completion. It will make a nice home for Mike and he de- M rves it. New Yorks death rate ta each 1000 population in 1866, 34,92 by hard work and the best of sanitation that has been reduced to 15 per 1000, a wonder ful record. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. Arthur White left Saturday for Piedmont Spnngs. Mrs. White has only recently returned from a hospital in Florida where she spent some time. It is hoped that her visit to the Springs will be beneficial to her. The ladies of the methodist church held a lawn party and ice cream sup per Satorday night on the HL.eader square. Although the evening was somewhat disagreeable from rain, thr ladles did quite well, realizing $22.00 from sales of refreshments. Dr. J. D. Hufham returned Friday night from Goldsboro where he was called the Wednesday prior to the home of a kinsman Mr. Robt E. Pip kin whoMe wife had> just died in a Richmond Va. hospital. It was a house of sorrow to which the doctor had been callei. All towns are given to back biting and slandering, but if Mebane has noc more than her share of these fiUhy paracites, then some people have been badly misrepresented. It is vronder- ful how much of such stuff a small ignorant brain cim carry. Entrance examinations to the A and M. College, at Raleigh, will be held by County Superintendent J. B. Robert son on July 10th, b^nmng at 10 a. m. Young men who expect to enter that thriving institution this fall will do well to use this opportunity to take tneir examinations before going to Raleigh. Mason Mebaiie, Fercy Amick and Henry Johnson^'boy scouts, went on a hike to Efland Tuesday evening, and- in returning got caught out in a^ heavy rain and had quite a disagreeable^ time They got thoroughly soaked, could find no shelter Fine Crops. Mr. P. L. Cooper of Carr was in Mebane Monday, and in reply to questions as to the condition of crops in his section, saki he had never seen finer. There was a bumper wheat, and oats CK^ all ready made, and housed, and tobacco crop looked so fine, it kept the fanners cmiling all the time,in fact they smiled in their sleep and some times wake up the children by breaking out in a jolly laugh. We trust no untoward, or ill timed misfortune will alter this most fortunate condition. Harr is-Fairch I Id A beautiful wedding was solemized at the Mebane Presbyterian church, Wednesday June 18, at five o’clock P. M , Miss Eunice Hamlin Fairchild becoming the b”ide of Mr. William Shakespear Harris, Rev. F M. Haw ley officiating. Just before the entrance of the bridal party, a song “My Hearts Long Dream of You'' was rendered by Mrs. C. J. Kee, sisttT of the bride. 'I'o the strains of Mendelssohn’s wedding march, played by Mrs F. M. Hawley, the ushers, Mr. S. G. Morgan and Mr. W. W Corbett, entered first followed by the bridegroom and best man, Mr Allen Thompson, then came the ring bearer, little Ethel Kee and flewer girl, little Emma Kee, the bride on the arm of the dame of honor, Mrs. W. W. Corbett, entered last. The bride was handsomely attired in a dark blue traveling suit and hat, the dame of honor wore a lovely crea tion of nile green patin charmeuse with drapery of beaded chiffon, touch ed with clustered rosebuds and rhine stone trimming. During the ceremony a beautiful brides’ prayer was sung by Mrs. C. J. Kee. Mr. and Mrs. Harris, after receiving hearty congratulations and best wishes from their many friends, left for a shori: trip. The out of town guests were Mrs 1. J. Sonner and little daught r, Bessie Sonner from Siiluda, N. C , A r. C. E, Fairchild, Chariest >n, S. C.. Mr. Shakespear Harris, Charlotte, Mr. Allen Thomp&on, Graham, N. C., Miss Mary Hooker, Durham^ N. C., Mr O. D. Hooker, Burlington, N. C. Craig-^mith. Another Juite Wedding at ane. Meb- Entarge Freigrht Depot A gentleman connected with the Southern railway system was here the paat week making some investigation as to the necessity for the Enlargement of the freight depot. We leam that after enquiring into the shipments too and from here he became thoroughly convinced that Mebane did need larger freight warehouse fa^lities* and those with whom he discussed about the matter feel that he will so recommend to the constructive department. Protracted Meeting Preliminary arrangements are being perfected for the hokiing of a protract ed meeting here, beginning next Sun day week. A Union ‘meeting was hekl in the methodist church last Sunday ntghtf in which committees were ap pointed to look after tie different ar rangements. Next Sunday night a union meeting will be held in the Bap tist church, all are cordially invited to attend. Doctor Orr of Charlotte will conduct the meeting here. , Excursion to Raleigh The First Baptist Sunday school of Burlington will lun an excursion to tlaleigh next Saturday, June 28th. It starts from Gibsonville at 7 in the morning at Burlington 7:30, passei- Mebane at 7;53. Fare west of Hills boro $1 round trip, from Hillsboro 75 cts. A good time is promised to all who fi:o. ____ Death of an Infant Mr. and Mrs. Preston Gray of Bing ham School had the sad miffortune to loose their seven month old child Sun day night. It had been seriously ill for several davs. It was laid to rest in the Presbyterian graveyard Monday evening. Rpv. Mr. Noblett assidted by Rev. F. M Hawley officiated at the funeral services at the home. The Mebane Supply Company changes their advertisement in this weeks issue They mention many things of intere.it to th» farmers Don’t fail to read it (Special to The-I.cader.) Mebane, N. C. June 21--A wedding of unu&ual interest to the people of this section as well as to those of Wil mington and of Latta, S. C., the groom’s original home took place at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Craig in Mebane to day at 10 o'clock, 'whe.i Miss Emma Kerr, the charming and accomplished daughter was led to the altor by Mr. A. B. Smith, a young business n>an^ connected with the Atlantic Coast line at Wilmington. Not with standing the fact that no invitations were sent and but a few relatives and friends wft-nessed the ceremony. The presents were numerous and expensive. The bridal party entered the parlor, beautifully decorated in green and white and lighted by caudles to strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march and beneath an vrch of everygreens the vows were said while the subdued strains Ox the flower song filled the room. The beautiful ring ceremony of the Presbyterian church was used, Rev. F. M. Hawley, the bride’s pastor officiating, and the pi5etty little neice Miss Marthti Crawford, acting as ring bearer. The bride was .charmingly gowned in a tan travelmg suit with hat and gloves to match. Miss Mary White presided at the piano. Mr and Mrs. Sm*th left im.media- tely for Lake Toxaway where they will spend several days. They will be at Wrightsville Beach during the month of July. Abjut August 1st they will be at home to their fi lends at Wilm;ngton, News Iteni!» From Orange Hillsboro. Mebane hopes to see electric lights on her streets in about five weeks. We trust she will not be disappointed at the end of that time. Death of Mrs. Holt Died at her home in East Mebane Monday night at nine o'clock Mrs Jannie, wife of the late J Y Holt. Mrs Holt was in the 57 year of her age. She kaves four children, three dajgh- ters and one son, she was buried in the Presbyterian graveyard Tuesday eve ning Rev F M Hawley officiating Look After Your Bird Dogs. It is against the law let your bird dogs run at large. We are told that some have invaded the hen houses of some of our citizens and destroyed a number of fine growing chickens. These citixens ard much incensed at.thcir loss, pre.enta«ve, in the .tudent .oay ,L netehborhood of their'Nine-tenths of all the gr^uates of this Institution have taught or are now The State "Normal We desire to call attention to the ad vertisement of th* State Normal and Industrial College which appears in this issue. Every year shows a steady growth in this Institution devoted to the higher education of the women of North Carolina. Including the Training* School the Summer Session, the College > ear had a total enrollment of students. Eighty-seven of the hundred counties of the State had re- the student body. A big picnic, two match games of ball and probably a big barbecue and land sale will be pulled off at Hillsboro the fourth of July. The farmers have been invited to hold their annual picnic in the large grove on the West Hillsboro Farm between the depot and the barracks The land company that bought the Allen Ruffin farm are laying out the farm in a town site, gn^ading stieets -and have mvited the farmers to hold their annual picnic in the large grove just West of the depot. The grading force have begun build ing the new road connecting Hillsboro and Durham. The contract will soon be let for building the road connecting Hillsboro, Efland, Cheeks Crossing and Mebane, may the good work continue until Orange County is covered with good roads The site - has been bought ard the contract will soon let for the tobacco warehouse at Hillsborro. A large wheat barn full of wheat belonging to Mr. D. S. Miller was burned by li(;htning Satu day night. Mrs. Leonard Daniel died and 'was Duriedat Walnut Grove Sunday evening A series of meetings is being held at the Presbyterian chu’-ch this week by the pastor Rev. H. S. Bradshaw assisted by Rev. Dr. Mrrray Fine showers of rain, corn, cotton, and tobacco crops are in fair shape with a large crop of wheat and oats just harvested the farmers are in good shape for living. Hoping to see the Leader force with us the Fourth. Respectfully, •‘News Boy.” mm JULY 6TH, Piedmont Warehouse, ^Mebane, N. C. Rev. W. W. Orr, D. D. ot Charlotte, N C., will be the Evangelist. Prof. Oliver Arnold of Scranton, Pa., will lead the singing. All the churches of Mebane haye united for tiiis great evnngelistic campaign. All the Christian forces of the commurStv are needed in the work, and are eai nestly requested to co operate. Come to the meeting. Every church in reach of Mebane is heartily invited to aii in this united effort. Rev. W. W. Orr, D. D. has been preaching for more than a quarter of a century. He has been a regular pastor till within^ the last few years He is the General Evangelist of the A. R. P. Synod, and is one of the ablest preachers in the whole country as well as having been one of the most suc cessful pastors in his denomination Prof. Oliver Arnold, Jr. is a real Gospel singer. He will have charge of the music during the meeting. Mebane has rarely, if ever, had the opportunity of hearing a singer equal to i'rof. -\rnold. A large chorus-cnoir Wil mui.e the song services a real inspiration. Cottage prayer meetinijs^ in every part of town evmy Tuesday f nd Thurs day nights till ^^’le meeting. Union prayer and praise service in the Baptist church next Sunday night, fune 29. Attend these meetings. Work and pray for the meeting. COMMITTEES FOR UNION MEETING. KJfd. 2 .Webane, N. Misses Haeel Pblr, 1-yr i Pelty and Essie Perry of liurham visire 1 Miss Alice Thompson iJ^aturday night and Sunoay. • Miss Nannie Boon sreni last w ek at home. Mt. John Howard ard Aliss Sophia Brown called at Mr.* J. F\ McAdams la.st Sunday evening. Quite a number of the youiig peop'e enjoyed an ice cream supper at Mr. J. M. Thompaon’s Saturday night. Little Misses Agnes and Rachel Mc Adams and Nellie Firher visited-Alma McAdams Monday afternoon. Mrs. Broilie Thompson of Chapc-l Hill is spending u few days at Mr. J. M. Thompson’s. Mrs, A. G. Sykes spent Monday afternoon at Mr. G. W. Gills. Miss Effie Boon spent Sunday with Miss Alice Thompson. Mrs F W Nelson who has been con fined to her room for sev'^ral days is improving. Mrs. J. F. McAdams and daughter ALna spent Saturday at J. F. Jobe’s on route 4. Mr. Vance Cates called at Mr. J. M. Tnompson’s Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W. J. Squires called at Mrs F. W. I'iclsou’.o SuiK.a\ P. M. Mrs. I.. J. Jobe ppent Sunday at Mr. Julian Thompscn’s. Mr. Nelson Thornpsoi! ia sp.'nding a a few days at home. Miss Julian bfujut last Thurs day afternoon at Mn G. W. Gill’s. EHand Ittms Mrs. J. J. Brown and little son Hersch:«. l : p;>nt a lew days in Hills- r.>r ) last ve/H visiting rel.jtives Madam “Eldarado,’’ Palmist of New Vork City is visiting her friend Mrs. ■Stokes Mayes, call on the Madam and have your fu«ure, past and present read Mrs. Maie Kelly of Raleigh is visiting hex. sister Mrs. M. li. Efhxni Mr Gattis H..rner spent last Sunday in Hillsborc Mr W E Thompson is spending this week in Chatham on business Misses Bessie Baity and tVellie Strowd also Mr Robert Sharp visited Etiand last friday afternoon and took in the city sight seeing Mr Charley Boggs of spending this week at •mother Mrs T Boggs Miss Pearl Tapp and brother George attended church at Chestnut Oak Ridge laat Sunday Miss Annie Jordan attended the ice cream supper over at Mrs Jones last Friday night f Mr. George Thompson nas returned from Western Carolina where heljad been spending a few days with lie’/. Homer Casto Mr Jesse Pratr has returned to his work m Tampa, Ma., after a short visit with his parents Mr an l Mrs Jas. Pratt Chapel Hill is home with his To May J and! last 1317 one proiill^ in the neighborhood chicken houie. The advertisement of the Agricul tural and Mechanical College at Ral eigh appears in another column. This CoVlege is fulfilling its mission as a plac^ for first class technical training Turn ^hore you will and its graduates are making their mark on the indus trial life of the State. The demands on the institution for men are increas ing from year to year. If a young man wants to equip himself for leader ship in agriculture, engineering, cotton manufacturing and allied pursuits he a^ould consider the >dmiral opportun ities offered by this busy College. teaching in the schools of North Caro lina. The dormitories are furnished by the State and board is provided at actual cost. Two hundred appointments with Whom This Concern. (Communication.) First I wish to say that it is natural for half veiled insinuations and half expressed reports that are calculated to hurt to grow in magnitude and coloring as they pass from one to another. I sincerely regret that m> own* indiscre tion has given rise to any thing that was or is tending toward the breaking of friendship or bringing reproach upon the church. Second While not guilty of all of which I have been accused I regret- The following is the committees appointed to take care of the different duties in conne. tion with the protracted meettnp^ to begin here on ^ the 6 of July to be conducted by Dr. W. W. Orr of Charlotte. PUPLICITY J. O. Foy, J. S. White, Albert Cook W. 5. Crawfoii. J. T. Shaw. MUSIC. Miss Alice Fowlcx*, Mrs. J. S. Cheek, Miss Mattie Johnson, Mrs. Henry Nicholson, Miss Sudie Cook, Misa Grace Amick. USHERS. U. S. Ray, Earl Shaw, A. F. Lambeth, Dr. J. H. Hurdle, B. F. Warren, Silas Compton, F.ilix Graves, Lacy W. Jobe, A. N. Scott. FINANCE. S. G. Morgan, J.^S. Cheek, Louis Puryear, P. Nelson, J. L. Amick, W. E. White, J. R. Singleton, W. W. Corbett, Dr. N. D. York. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE CANVASS. J. T. Dick and Lonnie Crawford, J. A. Holmes and R. H Tyson, H. E. Wilkinson and McCoy Patton, Wm. Satterfield and C. Newman, W. S Crawford and Ed Jobe, John Isley and Ekl Wilkerson, L T. Johnston and H. S. Sharp, T. B. Pettigrew and Albert Cook, L. S. Straughn and C. J. Kee, J. S. Cheek and Henry Nicholson E. Y. Farrell and A. F. Lambeth, J. M. kimmer and Banks Stuart, J. F. Jobo and John Miles, J. L. AmicK and Joseph Faucett, Joseph Vincent and S. G. Morgan, Eugene Albright and Joseph Rice. This committee on canvass is asked to meet in the M. E. Church at 2:00 o’clock, Sunday, June c9th, to arrange territory. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. Composed of the chairman of each of the other committees and the pastors of the four churches. Orange Grove Itemi Air Meb.i! w -ek Mrs Willi m Thompson of 1. \i-iicd relatives i i Efland last We are glad t'y learn that Miss Es- teile Lloyd has greatly improved and is now able to sit tip some. i3er sister Miss Alma, is still with her. We are sorry to learn that Mvs. R. Teer is improving very slowly, she is still in the hospital uu-ible to be brought home. Mr. Walter Crawford i'amiiy Cime down from Mebar)e in their au tomobile Saturday and spent the night and Sunday with their mother Mrs. D. F. Crawford. Miss Inez Reynolds and her friend Miss Nell Pool spent a few days last week with Miss Reynold’s parent.*^, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Reynolds, Miss ^ool returned to Raleigh and Miss Reynolds left for Ridgecrest to spend a few days with friends. We have neglected for some time to announce an event of so great im portance but will do so now, Mr. Will Teer is the proud father of a bouncing baby girl. Rev Mr. Green of Hillsboro preach- j ed a splendid sermon at the church! Sunday, but it was not well known that | he was to preach and a small congre- j gation heard him. Miss Thelma Reynolds spent a ,few days with friends in Hillsboro last week and from there going to Lmke Loch- iilly and thencs to Durham to visit Misses Nellie Jand Beatrice Lloyd Mrs L. M. Cates took dinner with I Mrs. C. W. Lloyd Sunday and in the evening yisited Mr. and Mrs. James T, Davis. Ingratitude has been call the great est sin, and if we had to name the next in order we would say with em phases, selfishness. Those who study and plan and act with no higher motive than self have fallen far short of the | great, ideal man or woman, and, “Doubly dealing shall go down to the vile dust from whence he sprung, un wept, unhonored and unsung.” Mrs. N. A. Cates and Mrs. A. A. Perry spent Sunday evening with rheir sister Mrs T D Lloyd Mr T R Fitzpatrick w)io has been confincd to fiis room for the past several weeks with a case of rheumatism does not improve we are sorxy to note iir B F Riley cK'rk for James Nicks at West End Hillsboro spent last Friday afternoon with his father W P Riley Last Friday afternoon Cedar Grove leani came down to play Efland and after arriving and finding that Etiand had two other players owing to the ab&cence of thtir own two, why Cedar Grf’ve refused to play and mind you C G had three extra players in their team and then let Efland scare them off The writer heard some one remark that probably some of Cedar Groves team v/as getting “old and childi.sh” and that accounted for them being so queer and exacting The Presbyterian Ladies Aide Society lawn party at Efland Saturday night was quite a success in spite of the inclement weather, as they realized $38 all seemed to enjoy them selves and everything passed off nicely Well Mr Editor still there is no let up on the hot weather, we are wishing for a “slice of .the Morth Pole” about Paw Paw Queese in frf;? tuition, apportio.ied among the I fully confess that I have not lived as I several counties according to school should, I have known all along that 1 population, will be awarded to appli cants about the middle of July. Stud ents who wish to attend this Institu tion next year should make applica-^ tion as early as possible, as the capa city of the dormitories is limited. Mr. Shakespear Harris was on Wa job as assistant cashier of the Com mercial Farmers Bank early Monday >norning as usual, but he wore a broader smile than usual. Shake ia a good fL'l ow and deserves to be haf^iy. ■ir. James Swain who haa been = tiding some time in Mebane with his I»areiits, Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Swain, •‘ ft last week for Burjii^ton where '^’ill stay a few days with friends near that place. Mr'J W Hudson lett for Nichols, S C Tuesday, he goes to engage in the leaf tobacco interjst Clean Up. Mebane expects a protracted meeting within ten days, a large number of visitors are looked for on that occasion. Woukl it not be a good thing to clean up the high ways, and byways, and in fact the back and front yard, not only for the kx^s of the thing, but for the imnitary benefit before thnt time. Its a good time to do it and we do not want to wait until it is needed any worse th*» now. Behind stores, and on buainess lots needs looking alter. Remove unsightly boxes and trash. A Lawn Party There will be a lawn party at Leban on church Saturday night July 5th, 1913 from 6 o’clock to 10. All are cor dially invited to attend, Come and help a good cause. For sale a nice four-room residence on a lot containing more than one acre. Call at once and buy choap Northern part of Mebane. Thad freshwater. Mary Garden is quoted as saying that she never sings unless she is in “good form,” and they do say that good form is approximately all she ia in when she appears on thfe stage. was not justitied in much that 1 said and did, but now, that I am glad to say God has forgiven I ask for the church and the world to do the same. If I know the deepest purpose of my own heart it is, from this day, hence forth, to so live that I may ever have a conscience void of offense toward God and roan. Third, If 1 have offended any by word or deed I am now willing, if' necessary, on bended knee to implore pardon Fourth Further, I humbly request one and all to throw the mantle of charity ovei all the past and help me so live that the future of my life may be an honor to the community where I live Fifth Praying the richest blessings of God upon all and with the request that all Christians of. the community will pray for me that I may hereafter forever avoid the very appearance of evil, I subscribe myself. Roy Thompson. Baxter Shemwell is Spotlight Again. Baxter Shamwell, of Lexigton, after a period of several years of uncharacter istic. quiet, has again burst fo^h into the field of notoriety in which he once held such a high place, by renewing his old-time fight against the officials of the Southern railway. The report comes from Lexington that Sunday evening he hit a crippled i ticket agent, C. A. Campbell, in the face and then went around inside the telegraph office and assaulted him, because he performed- his duty under the Taws of the company in refusir.g to sell ShemweJl a ticket to Asheville for use on train No. 35, which cannot be flagged at Lexington. Mebane Rfd. 1 Mrs J W Bridgers of Raleigh is visi-, ting at Mr J H Grahams Mrs J B Strowd and children visited her Bister Mrs E P Cheek last Satur day Mrs C G Maynard is visiting relatives near Union Ridg^e Mr and Mrs W F Pickett a id chil dren are spending tnis week at Dr W N Tate’s Mrs R A Lea is on the sick list this wish her an early recovery C I Allison received an order Mon- , day for a pair of goslings to be shipped by Parcel post, we are informed that Charlie’s girl gave him a goose egg and he left it in the sun and batched two goslings that eat up Edgar Pat tons corn, for particulars see Patton or Allison I E A Dodson has purchassd a new I rubber tired buggy and made his first I trip Sunday or> Burlington Route 5 Crops are looking fine, wheat yield ing good, J A Holt was the first to ! thrash, made an average of I acre, ordinary soil i5 to 1 As To Milk. There is no article used for human food that is quite so susceptable of contamination as cows milk. There is as a rule entirely too little attention, . , ^ clean ! W P Murray’s, it is inipassable, what ia the trouble Mr Fogleman? Wish the road supervisor would look after the road from J W StainbacK to \ civen to keeping milk pure and from the time it is extracted from the cow to the time it is used. Every t dng that milk touches should be kept i scrupelously clean. It is impossible to' over estimate the importance of this. Impure milk is a de.idlv disease bret,der. Evfery vessel in which milk is out should be scalded with hot water, and thoroughly aired before using. You \ can be filthy with your milk, but unless | you expect to feed it to hogs it is; criminal to do so. “True love talks little and ai’ts fool ish,” says a contemporary, the which would indicate that, in the same case of this particular scribe, love has as ' yet not passed beyond the puppy I 3cage. We are not blaming Mr. Simmons for oppiosing those who fought him in the recent primary and we also hope that none of them have asked favors of him.—Durham Sun. May be they have asked no favors i of Mr Simmons, but naturally they expected some if they ever got the Strike Cost $3,500,000 J. The silk strike in Paterson N. I has cost $3,500,000 up to the present j time. This s.um does not include the. lossep caused by the total stoppage of i filthy one. production in 200 silk mills of Passaic! humm curs is that one appointment they were se^'king, and | and Hudson Counties. [ then there are a number that did op-j This is largely^the work of the walk- j pose him who are seeking appoint- j ing delegate, the man with a big mouth j pjjQj.ecent fish in the moonlight, sinaply I and a little conscience I because they are decayed, and Mr. Bruno, you sc^t you are not in my class, you are trash, I agree with Fido that I am not, and I assure you I should hate to feel that I was. Your ideas of decency does not, compare with mine. You carry around in your mouth a filthy bad smelling bone all the time, both you and your associates have fleas, you seem to think you can not be a dog without being a dirty Moral one of the commonest that does not aspire to any thing, but tries to make him self shine by disparaging others, shine like a piece of phos- spci't.