THEMEBANE TOBACCO NA ET OPENS THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 11th. This Will Be a Lucky Day For You if You Sell Your First Tobacco at the Piedmont Warehouse J. N. WARREN & CO. Proprietors. TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS: Believing as we do that we have satisfied you in the past, serving you and looking out for your interest as best we could, we ask that you give usa chance to please you again at the Piedmont Warehouse this year, where we expect to sell tobacco high, and treat our patrons at all times with the courtesy wnich they deserve. Associated with J. N. Warren & Co. this season, will be Mr. W. L. Leath, of Union Ridge, N. all-round good man and a farmer who knows tobacco, and, like themselves, has the interest of the fariiier at heart. It is well known that J. N. Warren and Co. are practical farmers, that they know tobacco from th3 plant bed up, ana know the needs of the farmer. They know that the farmer labors hard the whole year that he ex pects the best when he puts his tobacco on the Warehouse floor, aiid they never disappoint him. Last year there was sold on the Mebane tobacco market more than two million pounds of tobacco. The outlook is that this year will pass the three million pound mark. High prices is what brings this tobacco, for we believe in selling a farmer’s tobacco just as high as if it was our own. Mr. George Lansdell, Semora, N. C , a man of twelve years experience, and was with us last season, will be our auctioneer. He comes hightly recommended, a man that gets every cent that is to be gotton from a pile of tobacco. Mr. J. G. Tingen, who for several years, has been connected with our office force, will be with us again this season, and will endeavor to serve you satisfactorily. We want td thank our friends ror their past patronage, and assure them that we will reciprocate by selling their tobacco high this season and give them a square deal in every respect. Try Us With Your First Load. You wiU Come Again. J. N. W ARREN,& CO* Proprietors Piedmont Warehouse MEBANE, N. C. THE VINDALE MILLS New^ mill machinery recently installed, every thing up to-date, and of the best. We grind the best of flour and meal. YOU will make no mis take by calling for your flour and meal ground at the Vindale. Six miles North of Mebane. R. W. Vincent, Prop. Mebane, N. C. ELECTRIC WIREING John A. Dennis, Electric Engineer, and con tractor is in Mebane prepared to do all kinds of electrical wireing for residences and business hous es. FIFTEEN YEARS EXPERIENCE. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Call at Holmes-WBrren Co. John A. Dennis, Elect. Engineer. INGTOTHE CITY BARBER Shop where 1 alway get THE NIGESI AND EASIEST SHAVE and most fashionable hair cut. J. F. TERkELI, Manager Reer J. D**>Hunt’s Stor^ iTo Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine. It stops the Cough and Headache and works off the Cold. Druggists refund money if it fail* -to cure. L. W. GROVE’S signature an each box. 25c. PNEIMQNI left me with a frigbtful co^^gh ai\j| very weak.had spel Is w hr a 1 could I hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctor coiiid not help me, but I was comploteJy cured by I DR. KINO’S New Oiscovarw Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, III. 50c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGISTS. I hngtand'8 Uncrowned King. Of the long line of kings which have ruled since the days of Wil liam tho Conqueror, nearly 000 years ago, there has been only one un crowned king. King Edward V., the boy king, wlio met an untoward fate in the Tower of Loudon In 1483, is the only monarob who reigned without re ceiving the church’s blessing or the formal homage of his subjects. Some people Inchide Lady Jane Grey among England’s nionarchs. If this doubtful claim Is allowed England’s only un crowned queen ranks with Edward V and deprives him of one distinction.— London TIt-Bits. A Triumph of Imagination. .Tallandier told me that a great ftrchbishop of his acquaintance In Paris had set himself to make an exact de sign of the imaginary abbey of The- leme, minutely described by Rabelaif and told him that if such an edifice trere to be erected it would be the most perfect building every known.— Conway’s Autobiography. OVER 6S YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may qnlckly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confldontlal. HANDBOOK onPatsnta Bent free. Oldest aKency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muun & Co. receive npecial notice, without charge, in the Scientific JImerlcdti. A. handsomely illnstrated weekly. Larsrest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $3 a year; four months, f L Sold by all newsdealers. MIHIN & New York HMndt (race. fl2& F Si'— IX CV Saved Girl’s life “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. “It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. 1 firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’s life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, but one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made them break out, and she has had no more trouble. 1 shall never be without # © © if" Kb - THEDFORD'S BLAck-DraugHI A .■ Ml J In my home.”, For constipation, indigestion, headaciie, dizzi- ^ ness, malaria, cliills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, try Black- Draught It is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Good for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. # c c « m # Advertise In The MEBANE LEADER /Mother of E

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