HERE IT IS MAXWELL 25-$750.00 The greatest automobile bargain on the market. We have one of these ears in our garage now COME TO SEE IT. We also have one of the Maxwell 35. SEE THE MAXWELL’S BEFORE YOU BUY GASOLINE We have installed a large Gasoline tank and can furnish Filtered Gasoline in any quantity, also Oils. MEBANE MOTOR CO. Mebane, N. C. Situation Sized Up. The young girl had been engaged as an amanuensis by a society woman. She discovered that nearly every day the husband and wife had a quarrel, 80 she gave notice that she was going to leave. “Why?” inquired the lady, in surprise. “Oh, you don't need an amanuensis, madam,” replied the girl. “What you want is a war correspond ent” Science Pursues Criminal Ultra-violet rays used while photo graphing a forged check are eaid to render detection absolutely certain. The forger uses a chemical ink eraser to remove some portion of the writing, but even though this be tlone so skill fully as to defy detection, under « high-power magnifying glass the rays reveal in the photograph a heavy smudge where the erasure occurred. WHd Rice a Valuable Pood. WUd rioe, according to a consular ngort, It **tbe most nutritious cereal la ▲nUrlca.'* The plant has a long blaok grain, and hence is sometimes catted black rloe. It has been used fkom dm* Immemorial by certain In- dlan titbea as their principal food. In MOADt jean it has come into the white martceta, selling for consider* isore than ordinary white rice. Appreciation of Others. Mark Twain once said; “Be good, jroall be lonesome.” Nevertheless, BOflt of ns try in our own fashion to ackiere that brand of loneliness. It la a charaoteristlc of the average indi- vtteal to “put the best foot forward.” W# wlah to deserve well of our asso> datea» and the desire to be, or at least i^paar to be, what others expect us to ba la an underlying fact of civiliza- dOQ. Another Complaint Recorded. A woman journalist tells us that in a collection of recent poetry there are poems of dust, rags, fish and tea and that “woman alone has failed tc fan the poetic fires.” She attributes It to the fact that woman has descended from her pedestal into the “hurly burly of life.” Had Gone Too Far to Change. Little Helen and Jack had grown up together, and when Jack finally outgrew dresses and donned his first trousers Helen insisted that she, too, be allowed to have a pair. But Jack said: “No, you don’t, either, ’cause you started out to be a girl and you'v6 got to keep it up.”—Chicago Trt bune. Bashful. 'A boiom farm lass was recently eaSad as a witness In a caee in a Tttrt^hlre (Bng.) county court. The happened to mention that her •waetheart knew something about the Matter. **Oh/’ said the judge, “then I tMmk we had better call him to court!” TW drl blushed furiously. “It won’t wwy fO.»d, air,” she protested. “Ah’m to it to get him to court when alone, an Ah'm sure he won’t do •I ¥rfbra all you gentlemen I” Imiiortant Adjuncts to Life. If the telescope is the greatest ol aU ayaa, the microscope is the most oaefttl of all eyes. With the micro- aeofa and the telescope we look in ajfoalte directions. The one shows IB the illimitable universe, whereby tka imagination is excited to concej;)- ttoni of Infinity, but the other reveals tka Infinitely small—the microbes, Ika farms, the cells. With the tele- Mope we elevate the mind; with the •yeroscope we combat the enemies €f Ufa. Both are the handmaids of and civilization. Poor Provider. An old negro in Texas was asked 11 be was going to register. He wished to know how he would have to pro ceed. On being told that he had to swear to support the constitution, his eyes widened, and, drawing a long breath, he said he couldn’t do it, be cause he couldn’t support himself. Pastime for Youth Only. A sixty-two-year-old Sydney man is dead as result of injuries received while trying to “skin the cat,” after watching his grandson perform the feat. “Skinning me cat" is ono of the most fascinating of youthful pastimes, but let us remember, as we contem plate our gray hairs, that It is a youth ful pastime only, and govern ourselyes with commensurate dignity. Chinese Settlement In Paris. Paris now has a Chinese settlement. Which is both law-abiding and pic^ turesque. The first families arrived a year ago, and now one hotel shel ters fifty-three Chinese in five rooms. The men are mostly engaged in ma king toys, which the women and child ren sell throughout the city. Look Forward. Who can see the brilliancy' of char acter attained by individuals of our race without feeling that there is a pledge in this that what has been done already in the individual will yet be accompanied in the nation and the race?—F. W. Robertson. Unpleasant Task Laid on Him. The farmer’s^ son came home look ing as if he had been through a tor nado. His father inquired the cause. The son replied: “It’s that durn corre spondence school again. I got a letter from the sophomores telling me to haze myself.” Require Only Small Outfit. The active Arab barbers require on ly a pair of scissors, a pair of clip pers, and a razor for their equipment They erect their temporary shops li the market-places by spreading somt matting over a few poles. Arabs hav their heads shaved, keeping the haii short so that the white skull cap ovei which the fez is worn will fit closely. Only Once? Excerpt from an Interview with visitor to town, printed in an ex* change: “The velocity of time and the friction of years will never erase the pleasure of this visit. The many pleasant rides and kisses from my once sweet girl friends will ever lin ger with me.** Why He Sought Solitude. African Explorer (dumbfounded)— “What, you, Clarence Vere de Vere In the heart of darkest Africa! Whai in the world are you doing here?’ Clarence Vere de Vere—“I’m wearing the necktie Miss Darling gave me foi Christmas. I promised her I would you know!**—Puck. make Your Own Paint- ■vtdently Had Marrying Mania. Probably the world's marrying rec ord for men was created by George Wlisoff, the notorious bigamist, whose Barrlagas have variously been esti- *»tad at from 60 to BOO. It has been however, that 100 is nearer the laal mark. This man caused a great ■Ur a few years ago, and it was re- Bwtad that in the space of b single Weak ha went through marriage cere- with seven different women. Important Correction. wish to say to my congregation,” Mid the minister, “that the pulpit is aot responsible for the error of the printer on the tickets for the concert ta the Sunday school room. The con- •art It for the benefit of the Arch ftt&d, not the Arch Fiend. We will ®ow sing hymn six, ‘To err is human, to forgive divine.'” When You Paint Use PURE Paint and Use Pore LINSEED OIL to add to it at one-third the cost of Paint. Altogether Too Literal. Boarder (tackling a tough steak, to boarding house keeper)—“When you undertook to provide me with board, anadam, I waa unaware that you meant |o do ao literally!'' Is made wftb WHITE LEAD, ZINC and ® L.* M. sEMi-mxEn MEAL PAINT Is made. But ALL the OIL needful to make the L & M. PAINT ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it’s pre pared for the Consumer who buys it. The ADDITO3NAJL quantity of OIL is put into the Paint by theCONSUMER,as bysodoing heSAVESMONEY. Therefore—buy 3 gallons of LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. PAINT and MIX the OIL with the PAINT. w ^® Sl^O per gallon^ If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory— ^ you paid for the WHOLE of trt and besides, the monep you'paid to the Painter, For ’Sale By Mlebane Supply Company ( > c >■( > It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., in writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before 1 began to use Cardui,. my back and head would hurt so bad, 1 thought the pain would kill me. I was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like a new woman. 1 soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. i wish every suffering woman would give CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I fee! a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Todayl ( )M( ) ( )M( ) THE YINDALE MILLS Ne^ mill machinery recently installed, every thing up to-date, and of the best. We grind the best of flour and meal. YOU will make no mis take by calling for your flour and meal ground at the Vindple. Six miles North of Mebane. R. W. Vincent, Prop. Mebane, N. C. Advertise In The MEBANE LEADER Lots For Sale Let us sell you a lot, will make the terms to suit you. Commence now to own your own home, and quit paying rent. MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W.E. WHITE, TREAS. LIVERY FEED & SALES STABLES First class Rigs for hire at short notice Horses fed or boarded at moderate cost Don’t fail to see MILES AND DILLARD Mebane N. C. THE BUDDHIST HADES. Eight Easy Stages of the Most Awful Kinds of Torture. The places of torment to which nV wicked Buddhists are to be assigug.^ on the day of final reckoning is a ter rible place of punishment This Ei;/] dhistlc heU is divided Into eight ‘vV stages.” ' In the first the poor victim is com. pelled to walk for untold ages in } ] bare feet over hills thickly set redhot needles, points upward, ii, ti. second stage the skin is all careful i» filed or rasped from the body and ir ritating mixtures applied. In the thin] stage the nails, ■ hair and eyes n j plucked out and the denuded bo.i, sawed and planed into all sorts ,' fantastic shapes. The fourth sta^o i' that of “sorrowful lamentations.’^ the fifth the left side of the body an I the denuded head are carefully r(»a>{. ed. Yema, the Buddhistic Satan, s -- perlntending the work. In the six;»| stafre the arms are torn from the bodv and thrown into an immense v; t among the eyes, nails and hair pn. vlously removed. Then in plain lu ;: ing of the sore footed, blind, main, ] roasted and bleeding victim the v> ho u horrid ma^s is pounded into a joi'v. fn the seventh stage the other side ot the victim and his feet are roasttd brown, and then comes the eiglifh and last stage, in which the candidate thrown into the bottomless pit IJcrdition. DEADLY MINE GASES. lA/hito Damp, Firedamp, Black Dairn, and the Fearful After Damp. “White damp is the gas ffiir. !>y the miners, for its propertivs r.'u dor It diflicult to detect, inasuiucli ;,s it is tasteless, odorless and colori K) and when mixed in the proportion of about one F>art gas to nine parts air ij? called “firedamp” and becomes o\i)l > slve to a degree h»rd to realize luii. s.i one has se^n its effects. Black damp, unlike white damp, i.^ heavier than air, a nonexplosive which may be detected by its peciilim odor. Again, unlike the other, its of* feet Is to suffocate and extingnisli !h>. This gas is so heavy and moves Avilh such a sluggish flow that occasional ly, when miners have been trapped in a mine following an explosion and have detec’ted the black damp creep ing In upon them by its smell, they have been able to stop its advance l;y erecting dams or barricades along the floor, building them higher as the vol ume of gas increased and keeping the air within their little inclosure com paratively clean by rude improvised fans. Following an explosion, these two gases become mingled and form a mi^- ed gas, possessing all the dreadc-d qualities of each, which is known aa “after damp,” and It is the mixture of gases which destroys any life that may remain following a mine disaster. —Atlantic Montnly. Late Rising Birds. A pair of singing birds had been ad vertised for sale. “The property of a late rising fami ly,” the dealer stated. "I wound up with that clause,” he said, “so possible purchasers would not be scared off by the prospect of an unearthly chattering at 5 o’clock iu the morning. Birds can be trained to keep any kind of hours. If they aro brought up by a family of nighthawksi they learn to go to bed at midnight! and get up at 9 a. m., along with tlie rest of the folks, but If they are tuck ed In right away after supper they wake up the neighborhood at a cor respondingly early hour the next morn ing. It Is advisable for any person who Is likely to lie abed until noon fo Inquire Into the early training of a bird before buying.”—New York Sun. American Golf. Certainly you are In good luck as a golfer If you go to America at all, for they are glorfously hospitable in that land, and. so far as I could see, the Idea that some have here—that the American’s notion of the object of playing a game is purely to win it, not to enjoy the playing—is perfectl.v mistaken. I never had the impression more strongly anywhere of being in the company of men who were inlay ing the game for pleasure, not for tin* mere sake of winning the match. P»nt then It Is certainly true, as I heard one of their Judges (I mean a legal judire. though he was a Judge of golf, too) Bay in ^n after dinner speech that it Is “the cleanest sport in America.” Horace Hutchinson in London Tele graph. The Voice of the People. Lady John Russell visited Paris as a girl In 1830 and witnessed the son.e- what artificial enthusiasm for Loui4 Philippe, who had Just been placed u the throne by the revolution. “It Bald,” we are told, “that any small boy In those days could exhibit king to curious sightseers by raisin- a cheer outside the Tuileries whidow when his majesty, to whom any niaul- festation of enthusiasm was extreme ly precious, would -appear automati cally upon the balcony and bow.” One Formality. “Oh, Joy! She has written a Baying she will marry me.” “Congratulations. When?” “Well—er—you see her father has to Indorse this promissory note before it’s good.*’—Cleveland Leader. H»w Ma Resembled Him. **Tommy, you don’t take after your father much, da youy^ **No, ma’am. But, you onght^t® fee the way ma does fometimeal” Exchange.

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