RING SCHEMES, nanhaitai, *5^ One {)i ni. lat! Ik I'M 1 h to ami ;i a \fi VI. h. 1 ■•''f-’- t!,f 1,1,.; Ii‘ 1; r'! “ i In-i , an- i-i; 11 l‘ ' " i 11:1' i f (1, •y «'i r ' ' 1 \ 1 ' ' " .\ .... i ■ 1 MIS. ; at r * I '■ -a.'!! r, I ! 1 ; , , l-i- . '• ■ -:-t .TX, i., ' ■' ' •' Il'M'i ti,,. |i ; : t.. , ai:,i ■iv li,., St:U( ,, -l.tM i h.li I" - i.uM ) . '>• 1„, 11- -• -M t'..r l: . 't State.' >" ■ tl,,, iMi. Jh^it ihfy h;i .. I" : ' : l,j !,. cj.ii o- . !t j.- i>.Ui il tt.ai I'lavi.' ti. t Im- ti! \v'ui.cl..l, i •■I-'' ti;.- 'I til:.: U\\' ;:,.r .11,1',;:. I. A un-.;r i -■ li-'Ilii' a! .! !■; >•• : l';a\ li, r I .ll.i , ;r li , i t -M'if 1 ■> lofin r • :,Lrnts. M:ii.v * ■ ;! i.v o «. w ;. i : I; !•■ ; r/ ,• '• I >'!■ >■ 1>H" -I ;;li lr,;it h:i- r- ‘ Ill', i;- i i,; % l.y I ( ti.-.t. ■ t > . ■ .'1 i- i: 1 >• i I ■ Ih.- \ - U'.;!, I -•. >!' 1 'Ml • ■ ■ V ^ . \v Vt.i i; (AKOLIXA inal and Colle^^e |t:: - ♦. ; til ' Wom- ■ ivtnilar : • . Spi-iial 1 ■ luilinll to ' )car-};pr- ; ! - t:' '! SiMi- . . L)-:ensboro, N. C‘ lainteii With Nature It' ■ ■ .-iiiaiiited 1' ' ■ ■ ■ 1 t a IlCVVr- (“. i 1; Kl'iiiW - TlO{ ll* I ' i>' lil'.' until ii..-. Hi' may LI ■ . Itai.Ic, !=okl (■; it it C l! law t’ ; i .>!■ c irn I'ar 1> . ti. II ••!..'■ ‘■uiintr\’ , • :i|; uatun*. [ii ti' Better lliii •; -'i U IV 'UU- i'!- ; i I'r. *ll' it;-;. I’Uril'C 1 •' ' itj.Ml, k(-‘ 1* . til iicalil.y |u ; . ?!.-r lu alth by ii' i\-r:nentlng anti Li\ n f| mild. 25c a! All Hurts. Ile’> Cue. l.': hungc,) j- furnisher' i«»i. ilfjij; “Ihe slif In i..‘ c.xprcted in |(ii ■ t't a Lf>’)flon ■ . i V ."'hai*>‘ liii III*: t and .'■till (hi Kirt ail- l(»n^- (i I. ■. t I li! uaK'S the i,' il'.’sh pink •I' h I ho of feet Wrijrhtvville I w •• > hall ox- • ltiw-,s[-- rut In- at the THE MEBANE LEADER. And Right The Day Must Win, To Doubt Would be Disloyalty To Falter Would be Sin.’ Vol 5 MEBANE, N.C., THURSDAY. JUNE 18 1914 No 18 I- .nfi' ti'W I'; (^Oilil Contract Let. 1 when Shumann-Heink’s application aulhoritie.^^ have let the ' went to the jury, the party , , 1 other part declared that he had Ittiili inp" .1 i ^ ioa( , I gg ^reat a chance as a celluloid , i u’ Orang:e f^unty chasing an asbestos cat through . j xter.'liiV- mile to , the infernal regions." In that case, V ' I t lu! town limit;?, to Mr. M. j oug-ht to have plead guilty, and ' . .'?o i>i^n [thrown himself on the merov of his .. 11 .[lu'son at a rostot nhout i *■ i . ' late meal ticket. .\itii,. lii. foatl is oniv a mile in length I ,, ,j,. s.Miu' other additional work in- 1, ilu‘ oor.tract. oivil on.'iinOvM' will al^^o .• il to tlu* work. I'lU'if M’ >lohaiK‘ I'ournanient Julv. 4th will {iloaso noiil’y mo at >i\in.u' naino and address. Kiiiiii.u' I’oiir.'^o will bo ready on 1st July. Tournament loionation at ni.s:ht. Mel»ane boys; for the Will u’ive you a jioud According to the edict of the dancing ma.5ters, more open space betw’een i dancers will be the rule. In many | of the new steps the dancers barely j touch linger tips and to hug one’s | partner is a social crime. Still, they j will not move the benches and have a little ilance music at the churches on praverinoeting nights. ('oin U’l oft' 1 and t'lti' I' riir‘. I’. W. a: I Glance at the almanac and you will see that summer does not bejiin until the 2lst of June. At the same time we cease mopping our perspiring and fevered brow long enough to remark that the unotficial opening was warm enough for every living thing unless it is a salamander. Napoleon and Roosevelt ' ] (From Louisville Courier-Journal.) The Napoleonic suggestion will not i down. That Theodore Roosevelt pos-! sesses a genius for politics such as ' Napoleon Bonaparte possessed tor war goes almost without saying. Even in j the outer circumstances of their lives w'e find some parallels. i Napoleon was born a sentimentalist There is in th“ chateau at t'hantilly a ^ portrait of the young soldier b^ck from Lodi, almost pitful to look at > vvhen we reflect upon all that follow’ed —'especially the deteroiration of char- ' acter—it shows so plainly the good I that was in the wild child of Corsica | before he became the spoiled child of i destiny. Standing before this picture, ! with its frank, open boyish counten- ■ ance —its tender, tearless eye and] sweet, almost smilling lips—now'here; a suspicion of cruelty or cynicism--- j one could wish a cannon ball had an- The Truth—Perhaps. j The development in the House on I the course of the prohibition bill in- i dicate that Mr Hobson was not ready j for it to be called up so soon. When j the House took him at his word and proceeded to get in readiness for a I vote, Hobson made the charge that I it was a plot of the liquor inteiests to : bring about its defeat. On the other hand, Mr. Underwood and his follow ers see insincerity in Hobson’s oppo sition to a vote now, and they charge that he is simply aiming to drag out the prohibition issue interminably for selfish ends The Observer does not Atthe Anglo-American hundred years ; ® anything like a plot peace exposition, now open in London, j whiskey people,to secuie a voce, the Southern railway system has the j or at any time in the futuie. only exhibit made by an American rail-; They know, or pught to know, what way and much attention has been j "'H when the vote is taken, attracted by the handsome display ofi^^ further believes that L’^nderwood Southern agricultural, horticultural and j supporters are moved by a mineral products. The exposition will | desire to get both Hobson and his I iU Only American Railway to Exhibit at Anglo-American Hundred Years’ Peace Exposition. c.iavo^, M.aT. Tourna.iient W atcr f'or water Mebane. especially Mi. t cl f jl'V ii. ri(^rL':an has installed a r --vsteni in his home at a ui live humlred dollars, now i- i.ot able to spend that M w att r. but we could jiay our The '.vater rax. and hav^' .'ewer- ; V. ali-r. ' icipated the corroding w’ork of con- ’ be open until November and will be! ' quest and empire and brought a sub ; visited by millions of people who will ^ I lime epic to sudden, happy and glorious j thus have the advantage of the south ; completion. put before them. i i The unsonscious grace of beauty ■ The exhibit is enclosed by polished ‘ (discovered wears away before many ' ba!!s and paoestals of Tennessee, Ala-j Rev. Mr. Noblitt preached a good ! ballroom triumphs, leaving the linest; bania and North Carolina marble, set on sermon at Lebanon Sunday to a hu ge of the girls a cold, calculating, pro- oak Posts connected by brass railing i crowd. tessional belle, and in like manner che i Beneath the railing are blocks of gran- W M I spontaneity and generous en- , ite from North Carolina and South Car- I thusiasm of genius, too familiar with i olina quarries. Show cases at the front success and used to adulation, harden I corners contain specimens of cocton Miss illie Bro\\ning and Miss bmall | the selfish aims and lordly exacta- j st^ilks seven feet high tilled with bolls, of Haw’ Iviver t^'pent Saturday and Sun-, arrogant egotist, hoist! Other cases and tables contain tobacco, . out of the way. Neither side to the controversy is going to break its neck in an effort to tell the exact truth.— Charlotte Observer, Mebane, Rfd. No. 1. We are sorry to learn of Mr. McCauley being on the sick list Another Lesson to Young Men. Kfiand itemes Misses Maud Brown, Annie Jordan, Novie Roberts, Cora Cecil, Beulah and Mary Brown, also Messrs Lee York, Charlie Brown, and Harry Fitzpatrick, all went on a fishing trip lust Thurs day afternoon. Mr. B. Riley and little son Master Frank of Hillsboro spent last Sunday in the country with his brother Mr. A. T. Riley’s family. Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Kelley and baby of Raleigh came up Saturday afternoon to visit relativ’es in Efland. Messrs J. S. and J. T. Shaw of Meb- anc and George Low and D. Thompson of Efland all went on a fishing expedi- . tion on Mill Creek last Tuesday. Wo don’t know’ how many fish they caught but beard of two fine eels they present ed to an old colored man on their re turn home. Mr. Fred Walker left Efland Monday for Lone Oak, Va:. to spend a few days with his brother, Mr. Sam Walker who is operator at that place. After spending the week in Goldsboro Misses Bessiee Baity and \nnie Murray returned homo Monday much pleased with their visit in Eastern Carolina. jday with .Mrs. T. J. Browning. Master Claud Miller spent Sunday Mr. J. W. Miles. Miss Mary Barnew'ell of Burlington I is spending a few days w'ith her ^cousin I Miss Curlev Kenion Hook Worm Capaign Mr. John Miller took a trip to Bur lington Saturday in an automobile we think Mr. Miller is going to buy him one. Mr. Clarence and Lula Miles spent Sunday p. m. at Mr. Joe Kenion’s. Mr Mr. M. Shanklin and Dof War ren spent Sunday afternoon at Meb- depot ! I Mr. D Warren, M. Shanklin, Oley ■ Albert and Miss Sudie Miller attended the show at Mebane Saturday night. Mr. JetT Fowler and Lon Aulbert : worm dispensary j ^ nw j tir.ued for the week ’ Sunday at Mr. 1 .D. Cheek. Mr. S. T. Smith is on the sick list we hope Mr. Smith a speedy recover. Mr. Ed Ferrall spent Sunday at Mr. Me bane's Depot 1 iir-i^ hr r(-«'‘m extension to the "i.afhoni I'of.ot has been completed u ; w.'ik will he started on the inter- li ;r oiice. Tlie partition between tho and waiting rooms will be in 'Vftl ? ) as to give more room all :i!‘..ar!'i. This will improve the upon a pedestal and posing as a hero, at i Men like Napoleon Bonaparte and Theodore Roosevelt, having tasted of ambition, know not the sweets of self-renunciation. In proportation as they set for benefactors they lose the spirit and sense of benefaction. Nap oleon Bonaparte, from a sentimentalist capacity of real sacrafice for loye, be fruits, corn and other grain. The useful minerals found in the south such as iron ore, coal, talc, mica, rutle, zinc, silica, kaolin and other clays, granite, lime stone and such rther minerals and stones ap have an active demand in commerce and art are showm. There are displayed on the walls, on easles and attached to the railings doz- (From The Laurinburg Exchange.) A local story in another part of this jiaper, narrating the harrowing experiences of young Mr. Tyner, is worthy careful attention, especially “Living beyond his i Miss Taylor of Faison, N. C., is visiting her sister Mrs. J. L. Efland in Efland. by young men. Mrs. O. L. Baity Winston-Salem . and two little boys •ame dow’n Tuesday to spend a tew days with her parents Mrs. J. B. Baity. means,” “keeping up appearances,” using money not his ow'n—such seem ♦^o have been the cause of his sad undoing. The line between “mine” and “thine’' is sharp, and it is perilous to cross it. Though the law may not J Dixson. overtake the transgressor, conscience ■ must ever hold terrorizing sway. May j T. R ^^itzpatrick who the young man’s sufferings bring him i home on the sick list for Mr. Bob Dixson of the Southern Railway Co., is spending a few days with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Steve has been t he past came a pure egotist, Theodoro Roose-1 er.s of agricultural, industiial, scenic and , fortified to overcome future ob- ^ several days cloes not improve in health v'elt Irom an idealist, .seeking the good of others, wholv self-contained, see ing only through the ejes of the prac tical politician, John L.’s Last Drink Cincin I ' W:ll bf- lii'^COn ■i I'.e 22 t'> 27 irclusive and following plarf‘ visited i*n dates given: Efland j Morday -l ant 22; \\ fiite Cross Tuesday i 2':; ( i;ivor-ity Wednesday June 24; | ;e Thursday June 25; Chapel Hill! ^ .Tura.* 2f-;; Hillsboro June 27. ; A Demand That Should ^ Be Heard. j ^ A resolution strongly condemning | ! miiitancy and demanding urgent action | j by the Government to stop the reign ' J of anarchy was adopted by a large i stacles, and may his case prove warning to other men, young and old It is something to be able to paint a particular picture, or to carve a statue, and so to make a few' objects beautiful; but it is glorious also to carve and paint the very atmosphere and medium through which w’e look, which morally we can do. To afTect the (juality of the day, that is the high est of arts.—Thoreau. Hif I'l i W. B. York. 'I'wo caS 's (jf ff'esh home cul-J ’l.atcd dew berries just received! at Xelson-Rav Co’s store. i Ton^ in 1913 With Mrs. I’ankhurst out of jail atjaUi after a few flays’ hunger strike, the f.i:.ross of the British Government Ix^inu: tnnde thoroghly ridiculous in its >tiv>its to (0|te v.ith a company I'ruintiral furies v.ill speedily ti.sMihf-d, of be State Normal U i* .io.'irc to call attention to the ii'iv. ili^eincnt of the State Normal a id liidustriai College which appears 11 this Hsiio E'>^ery vear shows a ^t ady growth in this fnstitution de- ' •■l- d to the higl’.er education of the ■ ’ tiK'n of Xorth Carolina. i: 1‘iuding the 'I'raining School and !*•*'“ SutiiHier Session; the College last '' :u had a total enrollment of 12.33 ■adf iits. N’inety of the one hundred ' "Uiiti.:- of the State had representa- ill the student bod^'. Nine ten- f'l all the graduates of this In- ■’=! it r.t ir>n have taug'-it or are now teach- i'l!', in the schools (>\ Xorth Carolina. 1 Ik* dormitories .‘wc tun ished by the • tato and board is jxovi-U d at actual ‘‘ost. The hundred appoi;itments with if‘0 tuition, apporti'.ucd among the -ovcral counties a.ciMrding to the school !’"{adation, will I/.? awanied to ap- I'lifatits about the middle of July, ‘''tudonts who wi h to attend this In- ■titution next year .-^hf>u!d make ap- I'iication as early as possible, as the a[iu(«itv of the dornntorie.' is Tuidted. was Produces Over 36,000,000 derelict in the stream. On his face there was a half smile, but it w'asn’t ' a pleasant one. All previous records in the coal. At the corner of Thirteenth street production of Ohio were exceeded in j he met “Morry” Cohen and a news- 1913 both in quantity and value, not-j paper man, with both of whom he was withstanding that coaUmining oper- acquainted. He growled something in- ations like all other industries of the coherent in respc-nae to their greeting. State w’ere seriously interfered with and was apparently about to pafs on. by an unprecedented inundation in March and April of that year, according to E. W. Parker, of the United States Geological Survey. Mines were Hooded and the transportation companies were practically out of business throughout city views of the south, including pano ramic views of cities, harbors, industrial and mountain scenery. All the v ews I are large, all are colored and all espe- I cially selected to give a good idea of the I attractions, resources and development j of the southern states. (New York Correspondence to nati Times-Star.) Eight years ago almost to a day Jchn L. Sullivan, unsnaved and unkept, emerged from the bar of the Grand Hotel at Broadway and Thirtieth street, stood for a moment looking back at the door and then w'alked uncertainly up town. It was 8 o’clock in the evening, _ and the former pugilist brushed , majority of the conference of the Wo- possible that all the shoulders wdth well-groomed people j® ^ eiatum no\^ in &es | mighty British Govern- hurryif.g to the theatre. He was the | sion in London. j ment is inadequate to the task of suc- Lady Carlisle, the president, in | moving the resolution, spoke of the j terrible scourge of violence methods i which came right across their own i . . . constitutional methods and hindered j The Nebraska State Journal says “a the w’oman suffrage nvtvement.” She good man dearlj^ loves to pav taxes.” addecl: If Nebraska has even one “goodman,” “The disastrous example of unchecked measured by this standard, it has one violence of theje criminal wreckers is more than any other State in the But he pausedand turned toward them , injuring the moral f.her ..f a considerable Union. “I’ve just been tur.iod down in that I «U'"‘>er of men and women m this ; ^^,=^T=-r barroom for adrink,” hesaid, "I want- ™ur.try have the I Lady Carlisle denounced as “spuri- They sentimentality and a travesty ot didn't send the chivalry” the theor> that women should not be made to suffer the same men under the law. lit r remarks were receiv’ed with Quite a number of natural-born critics I are destined to disappointment, if this count!y does not have a big war with Mexico, so they can mouth about the folly of having lifted the embargo and allowed arms and ammunition to go into that country. If this hand not been done, the same press would have been burdened all these months with denunciation of the stupidity which ^ ~ ... i kept our manufacturers from taking The London pohce say the m>l>t™ts : actually engaged in incendiarism and ; satisfying unreason- the destruction of property number: critics I power of the mighty British Govern- cessfully c^ing w’ith the fury of two score members of the w’eaker sex? Flies are Prize Nor Is That Boarders All. ed one drink more ard didn’t price. They didn’t give it tome put me out. They a good part of the State for more than ■ proprietor or the manager to put me . a month, so that the possible production ’ out. They sent the porter. I’ve spent penalties meted out to was cut down probably 5,000,000 tons. ; $5,000 over that bar. And they put In spit-j of this interruption the me out because I wanted a drink andi^^^^*^- production increased from the previous couldn’t pay tor it. There’s only one maximum output of 34,528,727 short j thing you can figure out of a proposition ’ tons in 1912, to 36,200,627 tons in 1913, * nice that, Quit drinking! Tonight I quit, j a gain of 1,671,900 tons. The increased The former champion’s friends ex- i value was $2,864,695, from $37,083,363 j pressed indignation over the treatment ■ to $39,948,048-and the average value . he had received. It roused no spark of Caesar was so ready to forgive that even Cicero w’ho was by no means a constant friend to him, relates, as a singular proof of his noble heart, that he never used to forget anything ex cept the wrong done to him.—Petrarch. Excursion to Asheville, North Carolina. Plea For Tardy Justice Say, help us, please. Help us with the omnibus claims bill in the United States senate. This bill, after having Tutsday, June 23. 15>14 Southern Rail- , Passed the house and being killed twice i tuberculosis, smallpox, per ton show'ed an advance of 3 cents- '■ anger in “the big fellow.” He was too i vvay Premier Carrier of the South ' senate, is now again before the from $1.07 in 1912 to $1.10 in 1913. With Hamlet Lett Out The national convention of dancing- masters, (or professor of the art Ter- psichorean) was in session at Cleve land, Ohio, last week, and adopted re solutions which place under ban many of the distinguished teatures of the Tango and kindred modern dances. The sanction of the association will not be filled W’ith the s,ense of shame and mortification. Still brooding over the , indignity he had suffered, h^ acccm- j panied Cohen and the newspaper men ; to Murphy’s saloon, at Sixth avenue j and Thii tieth street. Cohen ordered a j drink, Sullivan filled his whiskey glass to the brim. | “Boys,” said he, “here’s the last for | me. j That’s the true story of John L. j Sullivan’s last drink. Eight years have ! in the senate, is now senate and there it lies. In a letter They like their meals not over fif teen minutes apart, if they can get them that often, r lies are not daintj^ eaters, at that. A hungry fly can eat half his w'eight of food at a single meal. Nor is that all. Their digestive ap paratus is so simple that germs pass right through their bodies unchanged. Flies fed on tuberculosis sputum and typhoid dejecta pass live, healthy tub erculosis germs and typhoid germs shortly afterward. Furthermore, a well-fed fly makes specks at the rate of 50 in 24 hours. But cheer up—you never saw’ many fly specks. Ninety-five per cent of them are so watery that they are prac tically colorless ami invisible. This is the principal way flies carry germs of typhoid, dysentery, infantile diarrhea, and probably hookv/orm and many other diseases to and Schedule as F'ollows: Special Train Lov.- Rouml Trip Fares our food. The only reason we do not just received from the chairman of the | them typhoid flies is because peo- 1 committee on claims in the senate, he i pjg might think that is the only disease 'says, “This bill was reported to the i ^hey carry senate on March 20, and is now on the j Th^ fly is no gentleman. Na one senate calendar, but owing to impor- j heard of a fly’s washing his hands r tant legislation before the senate, it j ^nd face before going to the table, un- Fares in same proportion from inter- | mipossible to renew its con-1 it was in the milk, but the filth ” Mvt Mv» Tmnorfflnt lee^- ; just poetry compared to his specks. Lv. Lv. Lv Lv. Lv. Goldsboro Selma Raleigh Durham Burlington 7:00 A. 7:55 A. 9:05 A. 10:05 A. Ilt33 A, M. M. M. M. M. $6.00 •?5.50 §5.00 $5.00 $5.00 List of Letters Advorti.^od for wo' k onding June 13 Mil. 1 Letter for Mrs. I’. J, Peterson 1 Letter for Alice Holt Letter for Miss Gracie Thompson 1 Letter for .Mr. Peter Hyland i Letter for Mr. W. W. Garrett I letter for Mr. H. B. Brown 1 Letter for Mr. Andrew Simmons I hese letters if not called for will be 1 I to Dead Ijetcer Office June 271914. Respectfully, I. T. Dick, P, M., Mebane, N. C. given to steps and figures offensive i and the John L. Sullivan w’ho to modesty, and the new rules will re- j tottering on the edge of the gut- quire partners to have no actual con* | looks eight years younger today tact of person; while an embrace is | than he did that night. And he has to be treated as beyond the pale of re-1 qoq finement. If the masters attempt to ’ enforce these rules strictly, it may 1 safely be predicted that the ' ijeaith NntP« Pnr MehanP of their school will rapidly decrease, neaiin l>OieS ror iVieoane. The salt will have lo'^t its savor. j The Grocery Stores should see that r- ■ . ■ ■■ == their stores are kept clean and free mediate stations. Returning tickets will be Umited to leave Asheville on all regular trains up to and including Saturday, June 27, 1914. Five days in the cool mountains of Western North Carolina. “THE LAND OF THE SKY” Stop overs permitted at all points I Ridgecrest to Asheville, inclusive. ' For detailed information, ask your ! agent, or write, 1 J. 0. JONES, ! Traveling Passenger Agent, J Raleigh, N. C. sideration ” My! My! Important leg islation. Here is a matter where the United States army plundered people fifty years ago and where finally a tardy claims court awarded a small pit tance or part of what w’as taken, and ev2n that they will not pay. What could be more important than to pay these south^n claims, where the money is so badly Teeded and the claims are so just? J'he house has done nobly, but oh, the senate, now in majority and can do, but the senate will not. The fly’s bad table manners killed between 1,000 and 2,000 North Caro lina babies last year. W’hat are YOU going to do about it all, anyway? He Felt Encouraged “But sne savs she has never given you anv encouragement.” “Did she say that?” “She certainly did.” “She told me that her uncle was go ing to leave her a fortune, and that he had one foot in the grave. If that is not encouragement, I’d like to know’ what you call it.”—Houston Post. from flies this hoi and dry weather. Screen the doors and windows, use fly paper, scrub the floors and wash the window’s, wash off the side walk every day. Don’t give up this hot weather, keep swatting the flies. Keep cool, don’t worry, don’t tatter it’s too hot. Don’t run around and talk about your friends, they will hear it and get mad. Alas, How^ Many? Steel Coaches. (Charlotte Observer.) The Observer recently told of the large orders the Southern railway had placcd for engines and rolling stock, in cluding a line of steel passenger cars. The Seaboard Air line is not to be out done. It hns made a large order for We’ll have to hand it to Dr. Battle j on his reason for calling the mosquito {a suffragette —“sheruns outside affairs i passenger, mail, baggage and express Patricia wears j herself land is always giving | cars, in addition to 400 box cars. and malaria.” Presumably! The The bathing suit would make the prudish frown, although j trouble and malaria. ” Presumably | under frame, it- really covers more than did heri^ ^ ^ I while the passenger tram equipment winter gown. Oh, Fashion is a freakish j ‘*T^®laria because w en a su rage e j ^jj southern dame -that much we can’t deny. How j comes round the average man his gall j railroads are keeping to the front in many men w’ould now be blind if looking 1 quits working.—Greensooro News cost an eye!—Baltimore Sun. the matter of equipment.

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