Mebane Leader t,. s. StraHgtj»it,fr0iJviEta«: Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8. 19(^, at the Post Office at llebaae» N. C.f ander the act of March 1897. issued uiverv Thursday Morning. SUBSCR^ITliiN: One Year, ... $1.00 f)ix Months, * • - .50 Three Months, - - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE and Currency, Postal Money Order or Stamps. of the good times that they would have in snorting over the country drinking than they did of showing their patriotism for their State, or nation as the case might be, anyhow we know that times have changed and changed con siderably^ President Wilson ha||^issued liis Thanksgiving prociimation, I and it is indeed a day that should truly be set apart for this pur pose. A great many people think that they do not have anything to be thankful for, but when we come to think of it sanely we find that we have been blessed in many ways. The Almighty in his love and wisdom has spared our lives and certainly we should It IS true CORRESPOND ENCh We'wiah correspondents in all the j be thankful for that, nearby post offices. Write at onf*e } that hard tmies, in a measure, i have confronted us, and conse- Thursday. ‘ November 5 1914 | qnently it has made it rather u : j hard for some of us to pull Don't listen to the howler who I through our difficulties. It could claims his election was stolen, have been worse. We should be thankful that these United States of America has not been involved in this dreadful Europen war. But how many of us are going to be as appreciative as we should, we sometimes wonder why the good Lord has spared our lives. Let us all be thankful. Usually the election officials are honest law-abiding citizens. No wonder the banks will not make any loans in the face of the fact that they have to pay about 7 1-2 per cent for curi’ency from New York. At the Churches. Preaching at the Baptist church at 11 a. .m and 8 p. m. the Fourth Sunday and 8 p. m. the first and third Sunday nights. Sunday School at 10 o’clock every Sunday morning. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night 8 o’clock. H. G. Dorsett, Pastor W. S. Crawford, Supt, S. S. Gov. Craig should keep up his fight that he begun for good roads. We are not throwing off on the Governor, but we really mean that he should not lose | the first Ihin^f that will be taken up f-ourage, but continue to fight. i when Congress meets in December will THE CALL FOR FEDERAL AID. “Unless the cotton situation in ihe South has been improved ifieanwhile, Hon. Lee S. Overman to be very much elated over the fact that he will be the first United States Senator from North Carolina to be elected by a direct vote of the people. Senator wi 1 come home to vote on the 3rd of November. Some people have said that they would wager their bottom dollar that before the tim'i came for Virginia to go dry, the wets would have caused another election, and that the State would go wei. There is no logic in j be the matter of cotton relief legisla- «?eems * come m the privileged order of business. It is to be hoped, however, that the Federal reserve bank and emergency money will have so improved the situation that there will ^ be no necessity for taking up again The 1 many schemes for abstracting money from the Government. It has been noted that other interests taking courage trom the stand made by the advocates of Federal aid to the cotton farmers, are shaping plans to board t * . , . . i- ^ • • ui. , I penetrates almost immediately right to the' same boat. The politicians have' always made a great howl against the Methodist Protestant Church, Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sunday 11 a. m.. evjery Sunday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Thursday 8, p. m. Sunday School 9:45. a. m. A glad welcome to all, W. E. Swain, Pastor C. C. Smith, Supt. S. S. • Services at the Presbyterian Church every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock a. m. and Sunday evening at 8 o’clock p. m. Sun day School at 10 a. m. Mid-week song service Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Everybody cordially invited. F. M. Hawley, Pastor. J. S. White, Supt. S. S. Methodist Episcopal Church, preaching the 1st and 2nd Sun day nights and 3rd Sunday morn ing at 11 o’clock. Prayer meet ing every Wednesday at 8 p. m, Sunday School at 10 a. m. F, B, Noblitt, Pastor Walter Lynch. Supt S. S. How To Give Quinine To Children. FKBRILINK Is the trade-mark name srlven to an improved Quiniue. It is a Tasteless Syrup, pleas* ant to take and does not disturb the stomach. Children take it and never know it is Quinine. Also especially adapted to adults who cannot take ordinary Quinine. Does not nauseate nor *cause nervousness uorriuKiug in the head. Try it the next time you need Quinine for any pur* pose. Ask for 2-ounce original package. The name PBBR11«1N£ is blown in bottle. 25 ceuta. It Keally Does Relieve Rheumatism Everybody who is afflicted with Rheu matism in any form should by all means j keep a bottle of Sloan’s Liniment on j hand. The minute you feel pain or sore- j ness in a joint or muscle, bathe it with i Sloan’s Liniment. Do not rub it. Sloan’s ship subsidy and for w'hich they have j claimed political preferment as reward, and these are going to find some the seat of pain, relieving the hot, I tender, swoolen feeling and making the I part easy snrl comfortable. Get a j bottle of Sloan’s Liniment for 25 cents . ^ X any druggist and have it in the embarrassment when it comes to voting; . • ^ u j n , .. . 7 house- against colds, sore and swollen various agricultural subsidies which: • • . «■ , ■ • * ‘ joints, rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica J .. .. , — - Your money back In our opinion the wholematter ; if ^ot satisfied, but it does Kive almost is wrong. The cotton farmer | instant relief, and making such absurd predictions. |” Charlotte Obseiyer : ailments. Virginia is dry to stay dry. The war. Yes the war, we|ana his situation has been sol have heard and heard it until we I agitated that the farmer himself j would now te glad to hear some-1 l^as come to believe that he must | thing else. It is to be hoped we | have ten cents for his cotton, j will soon hear the people begin | that his creditors have small j to talk prosperity. We think* in the matter. In view of however, that within a very short' the large crop, it is extrememely The FojI w'ho trod the time the war will have ceased and that we shall have such a There were two men way — The wear/ way of Life; ; The path that is hemmed in by woe, I And claniorings, and strife, * I Rut one went straight on his course i And held his head in pride. doubtful if it could have been marketed at ten cents under revival as never beard of before.' conditions. We are What we Americans want now j aware that it is heresy to advise is business, we don’t care so| People to sell at six cents; but if much about what party is in 1 tlie business life of the merchant power in the United States we | who has carried the farmer is want good business. The people 1 dependent upon the farmer’s up North, the majority, don’t j Paying his store account and this give a rap for the party. The j is the case in many sections of question with tliem is will my | the South, then there is nothing ‘ Th^ other passed to comfort them business be effected. j ^Ise to do. The whole commercial — ^ j fabric of the South is dependent Colonel Roosevelt told Prince- ton stndents in an address todaymerchant and the that he had seen the plans of “They fall?” he asked. “Why shouUl 1 stop To raise them to their feet Is not the battle to the strong, The race unto the fleet? Each goes according to his strength; Some lead, add some are led— 'Fhe goal is yet afar, far otT, And I must press ahead.” two Empires now involved in the European war to capture great American seaports and hold them for ransom. “It is this country’s! duty,” said Colonel Koosevelt, | ‘to put itself in such shape that nianufacturer cannot carry the I cotton crop for the farmer. | Those who advise him to hold his crop indefinitely should: provide him a credit system at | once, .so that he can pay his debts That feared the storm and stress; Where sorrow was he left the glow Of stui’dy cheerfulness, And lo! he came unto the goal With him that forged ahead; And there an angel with a book Alternate wrote and read. and not pull the whole business it wmberbTe to drfenTlte rig^^^^ the South down upon| if they are invaded. I nave seen plans prepared to take both San P®""® of h.s creditors. Francisco and New York andj Important. hold them for ransom that would Bear in mind that Chamberlain’s cripple our country and give Tablets not only move the bowels but funds to the enemy for carrying improve the appetite and strengthen on war.”—Charlotte Observer. digestion. For sale by Mebane Drug Co. We don’t ever recall a time in the history of North Carolina when the people were manifesting so little interest in politics. The fact is the time has come when the people have found the folly 1 of making so much demonstration ^ over politics. There was once a time in this Commonwealth when the people would begin to order whiskey (or buy it rather, for in those days we had it right at home,) about a month before the campaign would open, and the politicians would all meet and drink and let drink. We suspect that they thought more NORFOLK SOUTHERN COMPANY TRAFFIC OEPART- IMENT. Notice to Shippers and Re ceivers of Freight in N. C. The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina October 13th, 1914 are on file with all agents of this com pany. Agents will funiish upon application full information as to these rate&:t. E D Kyle, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. Dalton, Asst. Genl. Freight Agent, Norfolk, Va, “We wait for you,” the angel said, “In this our paradise, You twain are entered in the book One as a fool; one wise.” The first man said: “To win the goal Aloiie has been my rule” The second sighed; “I never thought Of that; *I am the fool.” Yet as they stood, there came a Of these they left behind—^ They gave the second all their praise Afi gentle, brave and kind. They bore him in with song and shout- The wise man, standing by. Turned to the angel; “Write again." He said, “TJie fool was L*’ —Chicago Tribune. press Despondency Uue to In digestion. It la not at all surprising that per sons who have indigestion become dis couraged and despondent. Here are a few wcrds of hope and cheer for them by Mrs Blanfche Bowers, Indiana, Pa. “For years my digestion was so poor that I could only eat the lightest food§. I tried every thing that I heard of to relief, but not until about a year ago when I saw Chamberlain’s Tablets ad vertised and got a bottle of them, did I find the right treatment. I soon be gan to improve, and since taking a few bottles of them my digestion is fine.” For sale by Mebane Drug Co* MR. BUSINESS MAN! MR. MERCHANT! We beseech you to let the people know of your bar gains. We invite you to advertise in The Leader. We guarantee results. We are going to send a m.nn to talk the proposition over with you. Thos. C. Carter Attorney At Law Office Over Post Office Mebane. North Carolina. Dr. R. H. Baynes PRACTICIN6 PHYSICIAN Office over Post Office Mebane, N.C. New Store! New St We have opened a new store in North Mebatie and we expect to carry at all times the most up-up-date line of Groceries- Let us em phasize they will be Call at our store v/e will treat you right. D. T. FRESHWAtE Mebane, N. C. DR. JOS. H. HURDLE DENTIST^ Oftiee In New Post-oflice Bldg. Mebane, N. C. J. H. VERNON Burlington, C, Attorney at Law The best attention griven to all matter entrusted to mv care. AUCTION On the 10th day of November at 10 o'clock A. AL I will sell at public auction at my home near Coi hett’s Store, a lot of corn, all kinds of feed stuft’ and }sa ^, 1 pair first class mules, and one large cow, two faim waggons nearly new, and all kinds of farm implement?, including harrows, rakes and plows. One double seated carriage and harness. This sale by J. E. DILLARD, At the same time and place will be sold all of the household goods and kitchen furniture, propertv oi the late J. T. Malone. oil Sirvs, Otsir iiMtflit Woii ewt * V vFst cases, no matter of bow long standing, aiw; cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Faiu aud Ucals at the tanie time. 2&c. 60c, THE BEST PLACE (N GRfcENoBORO To get the best to eat.ia *t the KENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. SDUrff EL.M SrREEr Near passenger depot. J, R. DONNEL Pro. BRAN NEW AND MAOE FOR YOU.”# THE McADOcItEU 'QREENSBORO, N. C. Kefurnished and Made New from the bottom to the top. Refurnished. Repainted. Re organized. The McAdoo is now under the personal management of the owner who has spent thousands of dollars in puttng it in first class condition. With the as sistance of trained and Capable hotel men the McAdoo is the Home Like Hotel of Greensboro, the place you want to^stop. American and European plan. I want the traveling public to stop with me and 1 know each guest will be pleased. Centrally and conveniently located. Wm. D. McAdoo Proprieror left me with a f. igMfui cougL suid very weak, i had spells whc a 1 could hardly r.reathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutea, Aly doctor could not help me, but I was completely cur^ by DR. KSNC’S New Oissovery RAINEY HAWKINS Executer. WE BUY BARGAINS The purchaser of our propersy gets the benefit of out low cor^t. If we get a farm cheap, you can buy it cheap; if vve J^uild at cost, you get the benefit as well as we. L.OOK AT THESE: 7 room house, three blocks of depot in good neigiiborli')on, $2100.00. 5 room house one block of graded school $1400.00. 125 acres farm 2 1-2 miles of town, \>ood buildings, and fine grain land, $3750.00. Others as good. Mebane Real Estate & Trust W S. CRAWFORD, IVIanager Mra. J. E. Cox, Joliet, lU. 60e AND $1.00 AT ALL OftUGGIS — ill NO WAR TIME HERE But peace prices the lowest. Ready made suits, excellent quality for men and boys over coats, and shoes. A nice line of ladies dress goods, I will please you in price and quality. COME TO B.GOODMAN Burlington, N. C. ill Misses Jep attended th High School! Mr. Mariol in school at home for a

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