m liu hIi m\ \n It pi m! lii m 1||| iHl Hi s :ly liead hing ;=: .: \T N iC6 •tent N, C, ^ii^msoBasm '1^ mismsessm A Kid eck- for ^ vvt J!) xr les, kes r 1\ ‘t. ' li *' f k/V fidsM And Right The Day ]%it To ©oK TOlte ^!::t:l ^aO!j rt»cH? fyim Ckt fZ ■ B'--'-'--- '.-i:-' :U \.'.;r .i;>in til i_.1 -5is-ySi ftdj iw*illii .Z J - itrt'? .biivi wisiD .W Vol. 5 Katherine Davidson and Mi -eie Scott who have been composi tor !!' ytti ■, Ml- win i:ur MEBANEy mfj, XJEiUaSDAY. BECEMBER 24 1914 •’ ■ ^.!.>:ii;ji:u;V‘lJ -■■■ 'iv - : t?:! • ;-1*'r'.;'’>2^sJ ■" — ' ■ ■ ■■ 3i; --»-;-ii"U 3«->-i mli J* *>!'■?■->V I ■•X-Xk‘1 itis r y ? j- ’ *■ ■* ! f‘Tis.r-fi to :'‘:.=5 -sd5-»“!>£»£?tu , .s.? inY?; {jsTJjtj'js^ 41 the Leader office for several ., have resigned their positions. Oavidson retires ffrom the work, > .Miss Scott will enter King’s ('■ollegfe. Both these young it! fhi t]iv-n . lia' e been faithful ard efficient 'iv work and the Leader wishes vvoU. f: >^N s'.t-'‘i?.r 6 irtKslnoiVleimofiaiiiv'*^^- n/j?T •v‘'^eL 'j.xO '"'f ■’'•■- ■"'•^ “■'’-*• ■ *■’• i 19^th, -ipMi deathstook- Bt^la Mr Crawford at The i liroltle Next Week. liii' i.t'xt edition of the Mebane [ (. .,!t i- will be edited altogether by itt' eilitor Trawford. Mr. Deese ,„i lainlly loft Wednesday for the ;i! |':n t of tho State to spend the Request o New Extradition is Talcen VorK' for I Mr. Jusepli G/ Brown Under Advisement! A few days ago the request of . the state of New York for extradifcfCwi of Harry K. Thaw from New Hampshire to answer an indictment charging^ conr spiracy to obstruct justice by escaping from Matteawan asylum was taken un der consideraticn by the ITnited $tates I Supreme court of ter oral argumeifts."' Members of the court asked Thaw’s attorneys many questions about various points in their contentions. They did not interrupt William Travers Jerome, however, during his argument-that Thaw was a fugitive from justice nor plains Working Proposed Plan sle^p, "~1t)6k*' her “there" of whom eurJ he^'ts wexe.ajid-4iRf'fi usldffely hei^ 0|Hrf.Teader83peiiiaij^ ■’tymfei^ jthe; »' A A-P .4'W^ r« • ^ ^ •thiftt- this'v*M‘lT'be feniif?dfeFHvf^^ in- .crease iri' the nuiBb’ef’ef cattlie^^oflijred fpirl ^^al!6|{,;jQiiv|Ag.-itig3ores r,ii0 ‘‘seit' out i fW ;^d>ir:i45^:fakBEizeLetters aged 15 vyie^rs^^j^t ^t.;.prPsei3,tfVt {takes Northir-^rolina [‘NgW York HerakJ* ©aid .wotIdj into ia, home 'rnorb' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ • brighti beyond wherr we ^neithbr^&ii&br- «!r.4jtra^*c ' death- ^of tWs i Uv ^’Wl^se'ymirig^Kfis'Wa^stidde^ Mr. Joseph G. Brown, chairmati of ’t^6"*whi^^ls of ,a^,irain»]: Lttw: dream as isf^. the cotton loan fund conamittee I for the State of North .Carolina,'has; re turned. from Washington 'i’whc'rfij he attended a meeting of the corttV^h"' loafr fund committee with the chairnaeji of the eotrimittees from‘*^th’e various bot- toh States. ^ Mr. Brown says that air but ones or two of the Southern States were, rdpt; sented, and that the represen^tives from these States approved-the plan which had been forrxiulated. by thie? cotton loan fund committee,./and iaVe' challenge the argume.it of Franklin I now ready to put it in operatiohv^’^'- Kennedy, deputy attorney general of j All the $100,000,000 which'"Wasj ib' New York, that the law under which! b? subscribed outside - of'■'the C^jWon Thaw was committed to Matteiwan 1 States, has been ^provided ‘ fbir^i and-^ \iiias Festivities at liawtields Dec. 24th. Thi«M' wiil be a Xmas, tree and treat for the Sunday school at the Hawfield’s .'huirh in the afteruoow of Dec. 24th, iit nij^ht a Box Party will be given for t!ii' lienofit of the Domestic Science | after the killing of Stanford White was | $65,000,000 of thi« fund already'’’aig^ed ( la^s of the Hawfield's High School, I ^^^stitutional. ; up. The balance qf^ this s,ujijjscrip^i0n at tiu- school building. The public is ' i v • • . , , t.nlially invited to attend these cele-'' question when Philander C. Knox, for- hrations ai.d the girls are all expected | secretary of state appearing for to ti»ntril>ute boxes for the Box Party, j Thaw, argued that only those who had ; committed «rimes could . be extradited and that New York wurts had held' it, five decisions that Thaw had commitied iio crime because he was insane. The chief .justice suggested that a raan might be declared insane one day and three Nell R. once re- t(r niafket as i^t' aoes ^^fgjhia.,. caj^lle, Lferred to. by Young fair swget' girl’ tie did the fond motheV sawi her precious daughter go fort^ jtp ::b»d5»i.’W^1d^‘>be^ • i^tui^^ct 'crS iand maii^i^S. ^'V%lrffa" s ^ a"' 'cte^^'^’^iweet girl and always had a smile ami a ’ ‘ word for each q^d every one she thftt-ttie of‘^uitaiilfe Ibral j at.^tl^e tbe k^ts makea lt nfen^ssar^ fbr ?tKe> Ni:^ l ‘"‘yt'tiW^fi-l m Hlxie?^ has'*^avAH ha, cattlem^h :to; iship to; , JBa]itiny?r|e^or,.Rj^nriq,p^u^r^ 1>^^, tliat seriQus j'considera^^^ be, given id t^il' qUiestro’fi^of^ aridum- ^(iiresBecf sti^bj^^poh- his’H4^i^ thflt waxed win ning a pri^e.pf^e^. by the Evening best an swer fo the question. ‘/Should, a man ■'ift ^eino\5e his hat ■Wh«i-i4ra;‘? arf'femr^fbseSf?'”" (tibe thiiVgiilodJ the ^a«i«w-s,d^^-lH^i^jtate‘' t«r wojtl? at- ctittle iam»ftrsr^raw He set forth also the viesyj. t^j:j5^ f th^j;jU5^|j;j^;^amp- tle raising the worn out farms ofitlie ;*les of all tvpes of' nprannah^Y nrd var- State c^li^ari^S^S ^ 4^^tleties‘of essay-^itirig Some i)t b^fiditttle ?i¥^^nt riibye' th*a^' thc^ t^^^-^^H^spT?ifdlnt#’^n^^o the tqal^ r^tiuMslfronf ■bKe j-i^aji^ryi'df'6nf|3ilrle^ffif^o of iSyitlany J^s of o!^a,^^ryo„. Who this dear httle girl loved her. Mjany cortdkion‘g*iie' ’heTdi o W . imildine h>'‘g.raj&fng,« VomparH’i’^ Sem Quaking .wh^^4hey» het»rdi^f hw t^inir5dtf4#)i‘:witb:lowa,;.wWch rt«y^:r^n(j; A Roller Mill For Mebane.- Mc.^.'srp. L. A. Crawford and R. C Hrirris, arc working up a stock com- pj.iy for a roller mill at Mebane. Ni'tl ing in our opinion could do more juht no A- to help the farmers and the ^ business of Mebane than this enterprise. ! insane. . ; F.vorv large wheat grower and business j William A Stone, former governor of man in and around the town ought to Pennsylvania, was interjcpgated close Chief Justice White asked his first | wiU be signed^up'dufmg this* weejc ^nd ...1 r.i.:i J. funds will tlun be aVailable.iO f The central cpminittee.'ir^ of this matter consists of the indivi(|uaJ members ' of the ^e(^eraJ>’|Rese^ve BoJii^.' -They selectedn known as the cott9^, loan commiy ee, heaiied by W. P. -fiardin^.'"cWSirman, ]the only yt^tj member pf th^.J'ederal tie , serve Board who is serving on tlhiS; sane the next. Mr. Knox replied that [^committee Mng', Paul. M^i J5^iiirbursi the presumption was that Thaw be ^flad to take stock, because not only ..J its convenience but of its prospects Ilf jnaking money for investors. by most of the judges during his argu ment that the Indi^t^ent of-.f'haw for Ihe pt^e^ rn€rabe?:§,p|,.,^lt^ are Albert H Wiggih, New James S. Aiexand^*, N^isv 66 |1k| Jpa.'l S. B'brgan, Chic‘U^6; B*6i;t'tis* Wahe, St. Louis; Levi Rut, .. Philadelphia, and Williarh ’A. GrastoiiV Boston, Whq!^ r ^ SkiUed pihysicianis aiiid' ti^T*«d hti| se^ did- sail t in hdn^anf ^wfer to save • iiei\ But GadiwafltedVelv'a. -iH?k''bUh(if Wkff cotjreomplete:witho^ herV'^^Nbtfeirj «r! groans escaped her. She -Itore hw ferings with _aj!?gelic sweetness, was a‘ ■ «ajvi tr "'bod^^Was’ l^drhfeliito her home,”^hor fir^ ifl ^ ^yords.jiyer^^witih, a sfnile,; .‘fMan^aj d(|n?t‘ |ibe frightenecJ^r am hurt, .bu|; j I api| rig^t so doh ’t Wbrry kboiif m e. ’ ' herilast! words to the dear hiea^^brbkenj rii^ther.-yrere ‘1‘Maiiia I ajn:^ferfectiy^ all |, right.j.M. ^Wh9£ ean., surraJs^ vthat.^du!-1 ’^crashed^.^jSt|)od'F‘> i‘ ■;•)! J ■j /i •.“I f rWe^m iy**4)rief y ^ *UiW*iulih up the haX:.mjJnaJilsfi]fi;y>;tor. situation rath- > ••: f 'i-5 |>g.:;>j.i|{| fv^xyi se;Vt?n op? ; he declare't , tnat pork .pm b5^ ,^Qtit|ced •n!i'i5rb clryk^ly m ‘*l^drifi '■dafoliha’ thai^ i iu Idwti^ '^’h^“ ^me • 'jud^^ent . i ift'uped in^Breeldiniajj a^dl inaTi*''-! , o- i • . only worry was about her mother.,[^en^en^-.And-h^-Bres^^di the;v4lue^-‘=y' chivalry.„bomded..oi»^- tbe.:uiQxUi bv ■’terms.' 'ihe advice which he ,ga.v,e 9||tq beef'fcattfe.' hH^S 'and^’ooultrv is.,9dfice whtcti-snokld be hetjded. ' l^AviIf'^i^v'e ofjiinmense tadivantage to the^' Stati if It bi^ j follqw^^^N^w4?&! 'Observeif^ j com^^iet^merd toaiii to»^‘lif -Iffi '^'jrom its perch wheVi .wpnwn'7i)3a»T»t^teht in elevators.^ it behooves. us to have an f6fe Tel’ ds t'afe^^^e mal|e^^^^ h^ands,‘‘-'aHq if in wT^o'^does r^dariing cw apd watc)j)?d^ thcvt Nebraska ^Girl^s CH, r^etlift'^bin^ 'a'w^’^’i^^^ powerless no 'ji: aV* >- I 6nr'^-9Wen ajict preseaitisri^efer ^i3B)S? the Noah Biggs Gives Much to Orphans si>5,000 bequest in his will to children of the Thomasville Orphanage, $20,000 For Meredith, Wake Forest i*emem- bered with $5,000 Baptist State Con vention $15,000 and large sums to other benevolences. Left fortune of quarter tuUiion. The life of this good man fjoes to show to us that those who [iractice giving are always Messed in a very large way and generally have something to give. Let us learn to give freely to all worthy causes and the Lord will bless u? in many ways. canspiracy was not valid. Thfe queston represent particularly the subscribers to the $100,000,000. ■ '^Thfs"'e0ii^itiee, appointed .the State committees, which in turn appointed th^ lodal committees. No subscript^ca me..&Bk£.d^. Jury List for January Term of Court, 1915. Convenes Jan. 18th. Two weeks civil term. FIRST WEEK T. G. McIntyre No. 4 R. F. D. Ray No. G [>. B. Gross No. 12 J. J. Lank ford N'o. 9 Kanrey Newlin No. 8 G. L. Kay No. 11 S. G. Moore No. 12 W. F. Ire’and No. 12 J. H. Morgan No. 8 D. H. Thompson No 8 Don E. Scott Nj. 6 1>. F. Foust No. 6 E. E. McAdams No. las. F. Barber No. 4 C E. Morrow Jr. No 9 R. L. Love No. 12 D. H. I.aphley No. 1 L. V. Hecomsom No. 12 K. R. Tickle No. 3 J. A. Hamilton No 12.]. II. Woods No. 13 J. R. Allred* 1?. Sf»tn Lineberry No. 5 Arlindo Nor wood No. » E. C. Turner No. 10 R. L ^'lapp No. ») W. D. Whitesell No. 3 r. Morrow No. 9. SECOND WEEK. •K Henry Blackmon Jr. No. 13 W. A. Kuliss No. 1 D. S. Richmond No. 12 A. F. lioney No. 8 C. H. Dickey No. 5 L. Apple No. 4 F. J. Loy No. 12 W. H. Anderson No. 13 R. M. Morrow No. 12 !■-. V. Porterfield No. 13 Floy Rogers ^’o. 9 John M. Coble No. 1 J N. May ^0. i:] R, L, Barnwell No. 12 Jas. C. WcCulloch No. 4 J. L. Jones No. 1 L. 1^. Blaylock No. 6 M. N. Council- •T^an No. 5 J. W. Summers No, 4 John H. M’les No. 10 B. J. Williams No. 9 f urry Conklin No. 12 W. J. Florence 6 Chas. F. Thompson No. 9 A. A. l^ussell No. I 'B. A. Burke No, 9 J, liber Newlin No. 9 A. E. Alexander Nu. 1. led Mr. Stone to the position that the indictment stated Thaw was insane showing on its face that he could not commit a crime. “Does the indictmexit state Thawps insane?” inquired Justice MoKenna ' *'It says he was in an insane asylunj” responded Mr. Stone. ■ “If Thaw’s automobile had broken down on his journey could, he have been ndicted for stealing another?” insisted the josLice. • “Not if the indictment wH out he wiks insane.” ...» Justice Pitney suggested a person might be in an insane asylum and yfet have lucid moments. “The burden is on the -§tate to show he had become sane,” dedared the at torney. ■ . cotton States other U|an tha^ lofal bank, 'through Vvhidh a'Pi)tll*stfons for loans may bej forwjarded, sliall sUb- to'lprfevent- God thou al^ne Honw& . how] hard it Mwa» to ‘^jDart w^tH dear Velma, she so young and pronjis-' taas Mle ’ "7l . ;.f::^.^he ..;fol),^^jng [, ,Christiii8iS ' ;i:i(ldle-; was '/prepared by-Samill^a Edholtn,. y>,l^-ty^ajt V‘> v_i. /V . v •*.), • J' ^ ing just baddin^ into girlhood, the cbtni--y|'(j Jaugfiter :o %!- f>d-j9y ?«i^'ond.;inother whbKl|r|yj^g, nrlJ-tecfetar, We«ftog> ;«p(}er I Nehtaska I'.Associati«if ‘ifov iliif -and- Breyentioii of :'£-uberculttaifi ■ 'parfrs' sorrdws afifd toils "to * sli'are/'drie I.Guess it if you. catnv yl^ I Virsh nf all t am leasii ate dafly' crobs to' bear,; one 'm^rW'l' ‘ ‘Wrst oi' aiCf am.a'' smaU^. ‘ piece !of i,,, .^hecr^jvn of'Glorv to Wean.--So' w^op * paJ)er'f;^SrIy 0113‘inch , square, andl I not fat]^, -in^ sjaters, fe^thfersi'^ your dear one has only gone beforeito,; will ,> wait for you on.I that “Bright Shore” ! a.$and fathfer, mother, threWl Mv ^ jSe.q^et 5A'e^*er|0f-.!a tiQU-pf.v the Venue de^ Milo,^ ann^^^. J|yj ;^h^i'j|vay when we think of the scribe to 25 per ccnt of the loan asked ’IdaVes foir* The proc^ss^ wjtUVjibe theparty 'who‘ v/islies "to ’borrow' "wfll j store hisLCotton iUI%6-3^^|>roved waite- ! house, present hjs_ warehouse certtf- caves to hts" locaTliSnlfl^^^ ed s^plip&tiop^^fja Iq^]^ T|iis a^? ptiCTtion mifst be appro\^^^^ by .llie fo cal committee ;and^ tteai;, forwarded to the State committee for itsL approvjal em Vv^ill be 'settled-foria^f'flTfte to our com- •|)}ete.^.tisfafition, .awd ‘^Vir^itii^’lieeded gjij lo ml', r/jyH iv^ just ffir returned , , . My fa?e is i:ed:and,gr(>.en an;d ,xv-hite ! , . - » . stStefeand two.-l.rothers to mourn th*fi?pi-i(i‘thIiifs''ihouia be at" C,^Unis-lf~" * P“‘ "Jf® *“ loss. It fills our heart with sadnesS(ptirt,e,!'anda r^WM'i^on of 'snW 'ah'a '*•" *■'■■'' ■8leighsiaHd Cfirl8tmas trees and'!3a'i^«i.“:t of 'Cttiae I am veryi^n«at and trini, fot ii •J*BW !■'!'** ~f ■ ‘ ■ • ' ’ * 3 ^ jthj^n promise ot thiq^ ^ywing’Ufe’xiruigfeied uut w Wddehly iqf^ jjrief stjficJ^^ home where her jS^e- 8ppic^^wa?^n ioispiratipij^.and ^ijoypf the desolate broken v,hear.t^4: i Jnpthfer ■ Whoy(^‘ crdss is^so'h'ard'’tq be’^ 1 ^ How ■ Sweet sh^ loo»Ired as’ &fie'lay fin- It hoxt go^ho the" ifeehtial^ lorifeittte for their approval and check ia.^ the matdileaa :siiil!ri^sr^ af-' We, alxnpst cdugl^t a^Yisipn. of an^ls:, an^* State Treasury In of Funds. IMeed Uiought the gifts of the mind are nifinite, they can, it seems to me, be ^hu3 classified. There are some so ^^eautiful that every one can see and jeei their beauty. There are some it is true, but which are weari- ^orne. 'I here are some which are love- all the world admires, but 'Mthout knowing why. There are some so refined and aelicate that few capable of remarking all their jeaaties. There are others which, imperfect, yet are produced such skill, and su«tained and ^^*'5iged with such grace, that they deserve to be admired.—La ^^ockefoucauld. Treasurer Lacy is* just now lip against a hard proposition. The audi tor this week mailed out pension war- rents to the ex-Confederate soldiers and their widows amounting to $491,- 712, and these needy one will proceed to cash in the last one of them in tinie to get the money for Christmas. According to the report of the leg islative committee made public yertef* day, there is on hand in the State Treasury, $164,572,23 which falls short $327,139.77 or being enough to cssh these pension warrants, in addition to the other running expenses of the State which must be provided for Treasurer Lacy has sent out a hurry call to the one hundred sheriffs in th6 State asking them to make an extra effort to collect taxes and sendhim the funds. Already he has received a number of responses, and it is very likely that something like $100,000 will be sent him between now and Christ-j mas. Owing to the depressed cotton market, the sheriffs are having a^J[i|i ficult time in^ TOaking * collec;fo^"|of taxes and this accounts for ficieacy. • Ifi forrffef fey thi^ "^tini'^ i'ntHto-j ber of sheriffs had made complete settlement for the year^ witij, ,thet Treasurer, but this year ntTt a single one has passed under the wire. ' - ‘ But Treasurer Lacy is calm and ser-] ene, and with a smiling face says that a way will be provided to take care of ? the pension warrents and other ex penses o^ the State. And he loiows whereof he speaks. ' ' * The budget of the Rockefe’ll^r F,oun- dation shows an expenditure *' of^ one million dollars for Belgian Vdief, two and a half millions for medical re search and two hundred five thousfl^; fot of 85,000jicrl^ of ftnd ia be used as a bird refuge. Money would have to be tainted, indeed, which did not lose Its taint when ilevoted to such worthy objects. sued for • the ^ijrodfe6ds on ^a=-basis? of ' radiance a, smile o^ .suojVj.uji- six cents a pound■ mkldlii^g'^otton. | The quantity of cotton offered must supply a m,argjin pf,20,pe?. ^ntr aboie the full amount of the proposed loan. With the application, the. local must forward a check on New. for one-fourth of the amount ■f hete 'ate nbw over 100,000,000 of ^ *itd in. »hnbst’'i^Very‘%tate^ in fiidt, ill d over, tiiis‘coanli^.there are' beofile- 'wfco k-noWjine ^irtd s^nd; fcT me’ to eome’aipd help ,t^em m.ak^ their ^ fronds h^pfvy, | ■ Youimay"^burn^ tear, .cut me. ^up,. or Belheden -churchyard arrd‘ her graye coveifed with flowers. May God coip loan wanted, and for this amount class B certificate Twlfjbf bear ing six per cent. Subscribe^ $lQO,000,OpO have^wHat ^-|np^n as class A corttflcai6s,” ‘ife^fing six p0r cent. The local bank, must,,guarafrtd^ the interest on tlie loan. Fiom.t’'" proceeds of the loan will be deduct three per ^ cent of whi will beJi^d b^ as guarantee for expenses and agaiij^t possible lossek-‘ ^^silL)^e*^k^- g^ar4 is bemg -/thrown' jj-around tht‘ busiridss of the syndicate'so ^,to makfe it practicalty impk>issibfeyto ;siistain los4 It is estimit^d ekf.enles wi4 not amount to more than one-eigth oj per :;''*'a.riy1fnem^er of the State commit||4 ^ill be glad to furnish informatibnpo ^^arties who wigh ^ tp bopow^p^e^i ftndi5Bs|^ir|;1 ^I•]5 'A-4Ml I - i. ■ '.'i.iiT , II-—. ‘II j ^ 'Alt inch of'Riaiiu |! li An'inch of r&rH Wt'r&e^ ‘orle^ |v When,an incJb^^ :.r^in|,u^.§M:f#M®nj iiieans, .‘lite.r^ijj,, that ’.ij^. ^a^o^t l^ater' do8Cf,n^ing fvom^.tl^t/ particular shower woi^d ^Qpv^K ttliej si ■funding territory, tp.j oj |pch, pfovidinj^; oi' .c^^^ j^t, d !i^t run away of sjM^^intp t]|i!&i^ro^^d.i i It;’me^n$;^thajt ^^^atj -1 |p gallons each has fail n. This qua| j^ty ot-swaieri wfeighs .more 1|^ j|>ns. Jf the rain storm covered a te§ l^tory comprising a thousand acre|| i^hicoi wouHv beK-a'vi^r^ .iBrriSll «^Weg ilj.3,Nitons ofi i»sMr>'wbuk^fAlls^frof ^e :idoudKi: R%in[:-rat?t>fc«it2'f^J^%®wnt] ^versitfholefiS'iiates afidi irfWfi ai Ive indheS'jO^^aicB bffell r'itt btia'tiiai: t this case the total^ixbtnb^r ibf#toi water falling to earth is enormous, be destrby^"'my i^eaHing Tievbi* can' be; ilosti .It is «ometiiing“ that will la^ foir- ever, and[ it is:stafnpcd right ‘on my , f.a.ce, )yher^,you c^n see ■ it. the . first ^'tHing.' ft hias ljelped many, many peib- ' ji)le, Sind it Will help many .more. ^ f n rbfinghappiheM'and clear to' eVer^y place I go :b^desi ■=' the; pleasures qf the^givers,:^^}len/)they. wrap up:ithejr Christmas,pjackag^ and, tl?,en pu; little face wfiere it ^ b^^see^). . Ijafti *usUahy put b*n the'back of \he ‘package" righ’fc 4>caidi^Uhe« of my seirder,': jbiut i am.alaot found dn the* fnsl^; tco. first of . . All- Pj P-' .! as a raiijhow,, J’|-T Th^jj^fponj^jafif^^he noti.on^of bu^’i^|i|^ on the doitling^ line''‘of route.! ^ The wily Chinese ^y'^^equaft^^ for they up the .bone|& pf their afie^SArsard ^jRlf n tcd_ -V tbefw., ^^ea^} rigJitrtinfitfeRiine of adyance. My^;ne_nd f§^ thaj[^||;en liie piai(l‘t^ife£ times tor gi^n^^ld bones; but-illtiViiEttely he completedl the railway,; wlticht ^straight line lex-eensc^oit the l??£ti^ile ^or,two., -.XL , .Mti fiil djind Wfi^.Jaorn about the- I ■ Beef ’Cattle Industfj^ ^ t’iVJ *lo I'i-M Therejw^s* a ^i®ttt empha»B: placed .by S^ecretarj^ of A^ieidtur!»;HQwst»n m- his address a^ A^ejfc^H.on ..Wjedni^sc^ before the Sand M^s Kai'mer^s Associa^ tion-upon4h^^^ast possibilities of the ? beef c«(ttle in'dUBirt North Carolina. ^ ^ He presented thejaatter in.such ,sbspt don t see. ,.:WtrtDe as tcT'adH lo'the arguments . presentea^,'®'"-.®^ 4. *. ; ancer'*BV New York^s Pay I shall Tiav^ ',* • „• iuui Spread my^wings^and flown away and, make-progress; thtit^Wrfllh^mrbjf'i^r^a-j ^ ^ ^ • i , I i. iS'ftU won*;fe SCO ane again f.iH T?^xt 'vefir ging. on a larger-.scalentfean>iberetoforei'^r ' ^ . %, t , ^ -di • i >.f^t.about, this time;-Then; J 8nalt.appie,at\ ' "‘rru • J un r^Tu 4- 4-u -4 i affJiin with a, smihrg. cheerful. rfacei There is no doubt but that the otate ,r^.. . ; *ii . v ^ * i-.. • - r • ill “ I but just a little bit changed, for ypu has exc6IT6ftt b^orfunities for the pro* ' . jv , io4" ;r.h.erp .vviljL ,b& of*fiSK^ty l%0!fe b:^*Se^atbr^1Umit6'‘ Iteyrh'ondr^^^l ^ DibputioS Pfferire r [iiand ^^pi-PfOuat, ^wbnti^feretiicii^^in ductio|^ |)f !^ttl% *ind?,ffs^ecially do the Ihyimountaiii region of the west make possible th4 faiaing of fe6tiers aiid to Voiide "fektent ihe fetteniii^‘‘ ‘ of * ca t*’lfi^^' eas t' of •the ‘Piedttdht' ye'i^tidh' late' '^"iicfi itia? cat-, tie can be profitable , fat_^ened if thefei is a ju^ci^^ ’ made” of the foods ayfliIftW«^™Thia proJaOem- ol: JatteoiB^. that North Carqjjm.|^oulb use all the, cotton seed it produces to| feed to cattle, and he declared that this could not be”done until corn is grown| awe fcjiie jp^tic^tl^^ ' «._A. .Lt-_ !|e.^t^ bur a gllo... N6rt^, G^roto is jncreas- ihg'its'yieiS ^f ^'f-n ana wort lu tks •kriow^thdt'Will'’^ti^a ‘y^^ar ' later, and j4ge«hang(?a‘dnePs fa^’e (^uit^Vonsi(^(?i’^ ;^blyi ol i*evig --.iitj SOj \ '/;j ;>i i .,er§..Jjre JV .ri^nafa^L^c^ ■Gernian' fthd ' goveirnment *hai :*ji hi> g>> iOlj at; ddpu'ties" n\ ^he id '¥i;eft‘cli * govei^nme^ bee^try ing'• td'Wttiniy tl^'fevidh the S^Hieh but^. fa^^un^U.^ce?^plly«m.U I? -sN&f' 'd^aiis of We senate, ^^e j^ca(i&mic^i, ■ AT^red^M' Ottiers include^ ^QP‘ tors. Cliit’ies' ‘(^0^8 '■ t, pbarlps i;:SdbJijie;:£tnj6i^i|^^ ) jE^are.mia^ors pj| tha.^^^-r^y j^p/asmt »fe.rt!foei;ae ^jontiiieiital ^Cbrt^tjeks; i>dp2ii?t|ri'fertt' been* ^efcUroIt-^tJiav, D45if)idtV^tfsqa‘al, aHeriH^T^Plle^lw- iant.^'Jiit i:ihd:/^ctit^e .^a^jl^er jwh^-rpil^ ;|se t5imiflg>.7iai£|«&s rf’Di.Lii--•'irt«-T ■ ^ J* t *ii I _ place where last he Rpssian Proverb, Hordi^#;" |l co^iti9n0^t|^”pi*o^ucWn bf’iee^ cattfe ‘*®ak1 tMiY^teping can be majieprc^tr ahJe ^ecfeCary^lftouston hferd agalr^'tKi b(imlct view that distant broke his nose.— Bfrom market is a serious problem, but Isbohby th# mUTO 8VfiW 19fUo •3) 93"f^J^30t:|5ii? tfaS^rtfeult eff'e^ted'beert'feroUghf’‘^‘bodt'9%ii s;^^regard for,- or expenfee 0^ juqti^j^ to.t^ejmi^o^^ ii^ tti^jmattCT j ,.^..j^^dj-bri^' whj^i*i|^i>;xibc^in«fei fe^cadlV' thrmer, then Postmaster-Gen^raViBdt'vK hvvlky^ffrtR fnfi ipami hfls pvprv ricrpt. nnint to the i : NOTTCL. lesou has every riget to^ j?.Qjnt to the occomplishment with just pride, ^pd fication: if the latter, then exe^^lif ^e contrary is the case. ol ish Ix>D io tiog J ilouMd^s^U?#ySif^ ™ ^ Dr. J. H. Hurdle.