a .OST L. S. Straugban, Fred t)eese. ^ - W. S Crawford, Own^r and Manager - - - - Ediror - Associate Editor had England, France and Russia i Black setter, white legs been as thoroughly prepared as | underneath, brown specks Austria and Germany for war, i lindei h^ad- 'th«r« would have neither been | ^he .tollowco^oba-co V^gon if re-“ tCntered as second class matter Feb- aary 8, at the Post Office at Mebanef N. 0*t under the act of March 1887. Issued Every Thursday Morning. SUBSCRilTlOJS: One Year, J- - - ^1.00 Six Months, - - - .50 Three Months, - - .25 j Mu PAYABLE IN ADVANCE er>(l ('lurrency, Postal Money Order j or Stamps, CORRESPON J ENCt We wish correspondents in all the ne^irby post offices. Write at onop Thursday. December 311914 We have seen but little critic ism of the Germans for taking over Bel^um food and leaving the paople to starve. Yet this is the case. Even the cows which furnish the babies milk were but chered for beef. The people {had committed no act to justify the Jerman invasion, and we believe that a concerated demand from all neutral nations that Germany feedi these people, whom they have impovished, would make Jermany do her manifest duty by them. The people of the United States would not have permitted her army for one moment to in vade a peaceful country and per mit Its peopl#^ to perish. Yet Germany wants the world to jus tify her actions, and seems not to understand why it does not. Winter work of Civic League. This organization has already done much toward makiner Me- bane a better place to live in, but owing to the fact that it or ganized late in the Spring, everv thing needful could not be done to prepare for the lost summer. Already the ladies have prepared to begin their campaign to get things clean for next summer. A committee representing the town commissioners and the civ ic Ijeague will soon visit all the business houses and premises to see that the town ordiances in regard to rubbish is obeyed. Some of the merchants have done splendidly in this line, others have done nothing. This move ment is to bring delinquents be fore the Mayor. So if you get a summons don^t blame nobody but yourself.. Homes should be cleaned up, especially premises that will breed flies and every fly in town should be killed this winter. If you will roll up a newspaper and set the end afire, you can singe out every fly in your house m two rounds of cold mornings. Keep this up to the last frosty no war, or there would have been a settlement before now. How ever we do not wish to |argne for a great standing army, nor for enormous expendatures for such'preparedness such as we need may we believe be searched in another wav. It is this. We can double or even treble the number of young men in our military and naval colleges. Use these young officers thus turned out, to train a half million or mill ion of our young men in three months summer training camps. Pay these men a reasonable sal ary for,their time and let each man have a complete campaign equipment ready for instant ser vice. Keep these men trained and organized after the manner of our present State militia, ex cept under expert trained officers Teach them at all times the hor rors of war, but teach them also to shoot straight in defense of their country. Want to See Things Grow. The Mebane Leader intends to boast every legitimate business in Mebane, for they are all wor thy of support. We want to see all honest business prosper. The manufacturing enterprises, the Stores, Warehouses, Banks, Cafe Moving Picture show. Barber Shops. We want to see the pro fessional men prosper too. In short we want to see everthing that would tend to make Mebane greater and better grow by strides. Be Careful Christmas, the time when many sport men take “take a day off” and go in to the woods with their dog and gun is with us and this brings to mind one hundred and eleven dead and one hun dred and sixty two injured is the hunt ing toll as the Chicago Tribune calls it in seyenteen states of^the Union and one province of Canada for the season ending with November. This seems like a ghastly totol, and if we are to be judged from the sensational manner in which the story is played up in the daily press, the moral and warning are that people should not go hunting. We will not defend or attempt to ex cuse the blind carlessness which brings about this sacrifice of human life, if needed the Jtotal is correct, for killing is killing, no matter under what circum stances the deed is accomplished. But it is not amiss to say that of the death in the hunting gild this fall, the great er part should not have occured, and were entirely unneccessary. It is the easiest thing in the world to obtain a gun license and the earless man is just as much at liberty to fire off his weapon as the decent, careful citizen who seeka the woods for pleas ure and recreation, and exercise every precaution to avoid doing injury to his fellow-hunter. To say that hunting is unsafe, because a very small fraction- She -followea tobacco in country. Reward turned to Felix Graves, Me bane, N. C. ATestfor Liver Complaint Mentally Unhappy—Phy sically Dull The Liver, sluegish and inactive, first shows itself in a mental staf«- unhappy and critical. Never is there joy in living, as when the Stomach and Liver are doing their work. Keep your Liver active and healthy by using Dr. King’s New Life Pills; they empty the Bowels freely, tone up your Stomach, cure your Constipation and purify the Blood. 25c. at Druggist Bucklen’s Arnica Salve excellent for Piles. Only One •‘BROMO QUININE** To ETCt the sfcnuine, call for full name, X,AXA* TIVB BROMO QUININC. I^ok for signature of B. W. GROVB. Cures a Cold in One Day. Stops cough and headache, and works off cold. 25c bick Two Years With In digestion ‘Two years ago I was greatly bene fited through using two or three bottles of Chamberlain’s Tablets,” writes Mrs. S. A. Keller, Elida, Ohio. “Be fore taking them I was sick for two years with indigestion.” Sold by Meb ane Drug Co. At the (/hurches. Preaching at the Baptist church at 11 a. .m and 8 p. m. the Fourth Sunday and 8 p. m. the first and third Sunday nights. Sunday School at 10 o’clock every Sunday morning. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night 8 o’clock. H. G. Dorsett, Pastor W. S. Crawford, Supt, S. S. al percentage of those who follow this morning m sprmg. Prepare your . gpQj-t are killed or injured, is rather be toilets this winter to make them | side the mark. In the same wav we Methodist Protestant Church, Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sunday 11 a. m.. every Sunday it 8 p. m. Praver meeting Thursday 8, p. m. Sunday School 9:45. a. m. ;;^A glad welcome to all. W. E. Swain, Pastor C. C. Smith, Supt. S. S. Services fat the^ Presbyterian Church every Sunday morning at 11 o’clock a. m. and Sunday evening at 8 o’clock p. m. Sun day School at 10 a. m. Mid-week song service Wednesday evening at 8 o’clock p. m. Everybody cordially invited. F. M. Hawley, Pastor. J. S. White, Supt. S. S. Preaching at the M, E, Church second Sunday night at 7 o’clock and on fourth Sunday morning and night, Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. To all of these services the public is cordially invited. “I was glad when they said, L.et us go unto the house of the Lord.” E. C. Durham, P. C. Walter Lynch, Supt S, S. sanitary in spring. The ladies are working for your interest as well as theirs. Now stand by them. Militarism means a nation in arms, a war fever, an ideal that makes war a great good, and the warrior an ultimate ambition and might argue that bathing should be | avoided, that people should not ride in street cars or travel for pleasure. We do insist however, that the earless one who sbtain licenses to practice a sport or follow a recreation which which they are [not familiar, should be held to strictest accountability for the conse quences of their acts. In this particular the state laws are lay, although public opinion is coming end. In this case even the child to the point where the responsi- ren are trained to arms, as pro fessional ball players would train his boys to baseball. Such a na tion on the earth makes it neces sary for other nations to do one or |two things, adopt a like mili tary standard, or to prepare for war without making war an ideal Germany is a good example of the first with Austria and Russia to a modified degree. England and France, Japan and Italy re present the latter idea. None of the other larger coun tries of the world can be said to be prepared for war. While war is the'greatest curse on earth and militarism next and we should teach our children so; yet preparedness for war may be a great blessing both ip preventing bility of the commonwealth in the mat ter of putting the lives ot citizens in jeopardy is being recognized though the enactment of a law- here, and there designed to deal severely with the care less ones with a gun. But let us not condemn the weapon or punish careful men using it. We should urge how ever, that those who go forth to-day use care, no matter whether they are not accostumed to the use of a weapon ana if this is done the toll of human life all over the country will be much less than lias been the case heretofore. Word of Cheep for Ambitious Boys. “My lad," said Sackville McKnutt. “see the eminent philanthropist. He was once a little messenger boy like you. This gave him ample leisure to sit down and think out ways for mak ing a fortune. From this you should leam that if you make use of your opportunities you may one day be as CUy^St^ detested as he is.”—Kansas The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head Because of its tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor rinfifing in head. Remember the full name and look for the sisrnature of B. W. GROVE. 25c. FOR SALE ive and one half acres, one good five room house, orchard, well and barn, one halt mile from town, apply to R. E. ALBRIGHT NORFOLK SOUTHERN : COMPANY TRAFFIC OEPART- MENL Notice to Shippers and Re ceivers of Freight in N. C. The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina October 13th, 1914 are on file with all agents of this com pany. Agents v;ill furnish upon application full information as to these ratea.. E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. Dalton, Asst. Genl. Freight Agent, Norfolk, Va, Mind Always Above Fortune. The mind is above fortune; if it b© evil, it makes everything else so too; but If it be right and sincere, it cor- reers v.hat is wrong, and mollifies what is hard, with modesty and cour age.—Seneca. Polite iVlusic Teacher. “How do you like your new music master?” “He is a very nice, polite young man. When I made a mistake yesterday he said: ‘Pray, madamoi- selle, why do you take so much pains to improve upon Beethoven?”—Le Fi garo. Shockingly Unfit. The subaltern was being put through an examination In geography, AvherG- In he proved himself astonishingly ig norant. At last, after a failure cn his part of linusual fiagrance, the exam iner scowled at him and thundered: "Idiot, you want to defend your coun try, and you don’t know where it is!” • Fan-Shaped Tree. Elm trees have been planted in the squares and parks of our city where you may make their acquaintance. They are trees you can learn to rec ognize at a distance because of, their general form or habit of growth. A well-grown tree is broad and rather flat across the top, and for this rea son it is called a fan-shaped tree. First American Admiral. Esek Hopkins was tiie first admiral of the American navy, being appoint ed in 1775 by the continental congress commander-in-chief of the navy. While tie at first achieved great success, he was removed in 1777 on the ground of incompetency. He died in 1802 at Providence, R. I., where a monument has been erected to his memory. Way Out of the Difficulty. Before being taken to visit friends for luncheon she w’as admonished not to ask for her favorite portion of chicken, the drumstick. Upon being asked which piece she would like she remarked, at the same time looking at her mother wistfully, “You put it over here and I’ll help myself.” -?agigt?ifUH ‘ a Causo of Wntt r- There is an erroi. -o that water bubblrag v’-!. ter than waier at Hie ]. As a rnater of feet th. caused by the escapin;.^ - means lost heat. AllWi ill a high elevacion) rv:" J ing point at 212 degrees and hovv’ever fast or rlc> may be boiling it remains i'Orature. ILV V tlu at tr Down for the Count. According to the dental science of zonetherapy a blow on the jaw anes thetizes the tooth zone. Indeed, we have known this treatment to anes thetize a man so completely that he remained fast asleep while the ctferee counted ten. Too LorT;;5 to Oc cltuJprf y Oliver Knox read ' letters in a broneli-of-rrcr laughed. idJot girl that ho would loVe Lc.v - he commented. “No?. i c.;-.' ‘ahvaj’s’ is tlis longer;! oictionary, aji'l I'io niun. t** it.” “No,’’ r-storted his dise.-njv:, “and no v,i.se v.oman Vvoulcl him if he did.” boli Daily Thougrji. All but God is changing day by .i£;y “Charles Kingsley. She Meant It All Right. Teacher — Now% children, name eome of the lower animals, starting urith Willie Jones. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 60c. Thos. C. Carter Attorney|At Law^ Office Over Post Office Mebane, North Carolina. Dr. R. H. Bayneb PRACTIGIN6 PHYSICIAN |Oifice Jover Post Office Meban3, N.C. 5DR JOS, H. HURDLE DENTIST Office in New Post-office BIdg. Mebane. .N. C. J. H. VERNON Burlington, N C, Attorney at Law The be‘^1 attention given to all mat ter entrusted to my care. DRINK PEPSI COLA The healthful drink, It contains no dope or harmful ingredints, but aids digestion. Pepsi Cola Bottling Works, Burlington, - - - - N. J. Old SoD)^, Giner Renedlflfl Won't Curs ? rst cases, no matter of how long standing, cured b> the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same time. 26c. 60c, $LOO. THE BEST PLACE IN GREENSBORO To get the best to eat is *t the hennessee;gafe Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM , STREET Near passenger depot. J. R. DONNEL Pro. You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman’s life when sha needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that time comes to you, you knov/ what tonic to take—Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, v/hich act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can’t make a mistake in taking CARDIi The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: “I thinK Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before I began to take Cardui, I v/as so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as v/ell and as strong as 1 ever did, and can eat most anything.” Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. xxxss II THE McADOO HOTEL THE NEW McADOO NOW GREENSBORO, M. C. Remodeled and refurnished with many baths and running water a new addition has been added to the building with 24 rooms with private bath and six splen did SAMPLE ROOMS. The New McADOO is a^ain un* der the management and person al supervision of M, W. STERN American and European Plan. The New McAdoo with its improved condition its pre sent management and cen tral location makes the hotel an ideal place for you to stop. I WeArelnTlis With the best it is possible to buy for our patrons. We keep a general stock, but it is a select stock, and it embraces all classes of goods demanded by our vast trade. Whether shoes, liats clothing, dry goods, notions, or farm supplies. Come and see us. I H.«W. &J.C.WEB6 I HILLSBORO, N. 1 4 I WE BUY BARGAINS The purchaser of our propersy gets the benefit of our low cost. If we get a farm cheap, you can buy it cheap; if we build at low cost, you get the benefit as well as we. LOOK AT THESE: 7 room house, three blocks of depot in good neighborliood, $2100.00. 5 room house one block of graded school $1400.00. 125 acres farm 2 1-2 miles of town, fi^ood buildings, and fine grain land, $3750.00. Others as good. Mebane Real Estate & Trust Co. W s. CRAWFORD, Manager f M GO, SO AND NOT K Mr. and Mi the holidays ii Mr. Fred visit his parei Mr. and Mr^ holidays in Di Miss Clapp| for Siler City Mr. Coy Pat mas in Meban| Mr. W. D. Saturday and Miss Grace visitors in Mel Miss PauUnI Miss Amick in| Miss Lynett( hnlidays. Mr. Will Hi| visitor in Mebt Mis^ Pattie rirs Geo, Mci Dr. Bayne] him very mi Mr. Hubert father, in tb| Mr. and IV of Durham, his parents. Mr. and Mrs lotte are s»endj father in the c Miss Effic spending th:) h( in Mebane. Mr. Wilber Trinity College with his mothei Miss Grace aJ the guest of during Christm* Mr. Charle.*) keepsie New the holidays \\ Miss Della son, is visitinl S. G. Morgan] Mr. and M| are spending relatives at Al Mr. Shakes] cord, is visitii Chas. Harris. Mr. Hen lev I day for Lexinj holidays. Mrs. Ned ren, of Elon, with her parei Mr. and Mrs Richmond, u with relatives Mr. J. N. the holidays Mt. Airy. Mr. Julious is spending th| sister, Mrs. S( Mr. Jess Tinge| a few days in route to Pages will spend the hoj Messrs, John wives are spendj their parents Mr. Wyatt. Jas. W. Swaii spent Christmas and Mrs W. E. connected with tl Dr. and MrH are visiting Mi ents. Mr. and Graham. Miss Alice Tj nesdav for Ha| the winter wil Aren Long. Mrs. Joe Wl teaching at J{ Thursday to relatives. Mr. and Mrs| children spent Mrs. Farrells Mrs. Mike Ne\l Mr. and Mis. Jj ter Miss Etta ha^ dleman where the| al of their son Mi Richne( In our friends t| proved to us by In the faces in ness of life is prc .of what we have

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