Mebane Leader L, S. Strau^^han, Thos. C. Carter W. S Crawford, Owner and Mi;na^;er - - - - Ediloi- - Arisociale Editor LOST Black .setter, white legs brown specks wasi^ver eyes and under head. ' not only AlamaiiCe county would be honored with Mr. White as a .'■andidiice, but also ho town of, , ^ feels higfhly honored that j shi'- fhoukl have a man tliat ‘ , niatorial timber, of i ?he folioweu^tobacco wagon Route 4. We were very glad to welcome our friend, Mr. Chess Pex’ry, on Route 4 Saturday night and Sunday at Mr. G. L. Stutes. oi conr^’e we view lixio nit \ — ' of Mr. While for governor from Ruined to Felix Giaves, Mc-jP. W. Nelson. 1 I . ^ ,1 '4; I Miss EfRe Boone attended the sale this suggestion ! •fy'ciWrilCl it re—| gpgj^j-^ight with Mrs Entered as second class matter Feb- uary 8. 1900^ at the Post Oiiicc « r , . , thougli we are aware of tne high independent attitude, al- Mebane, N. G., under the ;\ct of March 1897. Issued Every Thursday Morninjr. SUBSCRa- TION : One Year, tSix Months, - - - .*>0 Three Months, - - PAYABLE IN ADVANCli’ bane,N. C. j There must be some attraction for | i Mr. Hypole Jobe on Rote 4. as he visits Mrs. W. G Steele is visiting at her | mother's this week near Saxapahaw. Hope Lula will have a nice time. 0 Ask Mr. D. M. Sykes how the roads are between bis house and Mr. G D. Johnson’s. Ask Mr. Ciscero Jobe how he enjoyed walking home from the sale (“By i himself.”) ciiaracter and actual worth of Mr. White as a citizen and we feel that the good people of Me- bano, I'egardless of Politics are j appreciative of Mr. White be- i cause they have observed his I qualities as a man. Also the jtowQ of Mebane joins in the qiearty commendation of Vm. Mr theye,.pty the Bowels White a public spirited your Constipation and purify the Blood. 25c. at Druggist Bucklen’s Arnica Salve excellent for Piles. and is intensely interested in the v/elfare of the State. He has al- er»d Currency. Postal Money Order or Stamp?. CORRESPON )ENC> We wish correspondents in f!l the j ready proved his business quali- nearby post offices. V.^rite at onf*.^ | ill the SUCCeSS of the i -i well Known White Furniture Co. ATestfor LiverCv^mplaint Mentally Unhappy—Phy sically Dull The Liver, sluggish and inactive, first shows itself in a mental state- unhappy j Thornton, who got shot during the hol- and critical. Never is there joy in j idays. is getting on nicely, and we hope living, as when the Stomach and Liver j be will soon be at home again, are doing their work. Keep your Liver j active and healthy by using Dr. King’s ; very often. We hope he will have great success. Miss Daisy Jobe, who has been real sick, is improving. We are glad to say that Emmette Thursday. January 21st, 1915 He is sometime known as the ‘’Furniture King” of the South. Why 'should Huerta worry when he is reclining in his peace followidg from the Chica- ful Spanish hermitage, free from Tribune should give every all the entanglements of j i jj^^pgbtful man serious concern, life. He is the last man to tnrow' unemployment, if continued long stones at the Wilson administra-1 ni2ans a denial of almost tion, for indeed it was his friend,! things which have raised —: i j>i3ove the savage. Aside from Truly this is a time of misery. ; enormous waste of the most nature joins with the demons of j valuable thing in the world-hu- Oniy One “BRDMO QUININE** To £ret the grenuiue, call for full name, LAXA* T1VI5 BROMO quinine:. Look for signature of E. Wr GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Stops cough aud headache, and works off cold. 25c warfare to increase the suffering of Europe. Italy may >emain neutral with the waring nations but she cannot remain so with dame nature’s militnrisni ihe earthquake. man energy—the condition is fraught with tlie gravest danger to society. Two million men and women-- tlie estimate is very rough of coiirse--are out of work in tne Unit'Hl States. Sick Two Years With In digestion “Two years ago I was greatly bene- j grade StOck at and below COSt. tited through using two or three bottles j Don't forget the place. Don't of Chamberlain’s Tablets ” writes ^ ^ ^ ^ j gOth, tO Mrs. S. A. Keller, Elida, Ohio. “Be- f ... fore taking tht;ni I was sick for two inclusive, years with indigestion.”^Sold by Meb- J. S. CLARK, Mebane, N. C. ane Drug Co. We understand that Mr. J. B. F. Jobe had company Tuesday night. “Hurrah for Mr. Ben !” Some of our yonng people on Route 4 attended a party given at Mr. A. A. James Saturday night. We guess they had a nice time as some of them did not retutn until Sunday. The Heloin school team crossed bats i against Gravel Hill Friday evening. I The score was 2 and 3 in favor of Hel- i oin after all hard work for Gravel Hill. We are glad to hear that Miss Cnllie 20th and lasting for 10 days, 1 Mebane is getting along nicely. Hope am going to hold one of the, greatest Price smashing sales ever held in North Carolina. I will place before the public my entire stock of shoes, cloth ing and gents furnishings at prices never heard of before. Finding myself overstocked and in need of money is my rea son for disposing of my high I'- c-ne Oi •'onton;i:: : civf;d Oifl n nil oblige. ■ v.’ho by fiouie f i tago o ackiiov ! ■ l>rcve ih Announcement. Starting next Wednesday Jan. to see her at home soon. NUT. C i' When need a conspici’cu the oid, sunshine find that : the oiii ' your v'f:’! noticeabi . V/hcre “Wha- ;:i ; Regprio?" always : —Dallas At the Churches. Preaching at the Baptist church at 11 a. .m and 8 p. m. the Fourth Sunday and 8 p. m. the Theories on the cause and el-l , million men and i first and third Sunday nights, feet of the European war are ga- lor a foothold on the edge of | s^j^joy School at 10 o’clock every lore; speculations of the outcome ‘ existence. They ask in Prayermeeting and the effect on future Eur:pe land ci opportunity, this j every Wednesday night 8 o’clock, and the world are innumerable; 'of illimitable hopes and ; H. G. Dorsett> Pastor none of these are acceptable con- pos3:bii)ties, for just the primal; Crawford. Supt, S. S. ■- h: of man, to labor and to livej [lore is a tremendous fact and , j Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days i Your druggist will refund money if PAZO j HNTMENT fails to cure any case of Itcbintf, I Blind, Hleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. I The first application gives Ease aud Rest. 50c. PEPSI TJie healthful drink, It contains harmful ingredints, but aids Gigcs Pepsi Cola Bottliiir; ^ Burlingtoki, - . = = Thos. C. Carter Attorney At Law Office Over Post Office Mebane, North Carolina. clusively for the fact that bias determines men’s belief and o])- ions. Unprejudiced Ilistoiy is the onlv criterion and thiit lead hicii challanges the conscience, Methodist Protestant Church, of the American people. It 15, pleaching every 2nd and 4th j us to conclude that \vhat(^vei‘ unhappil.v, a new fact, ^ut; a. m.. every Sunday j it looms larger than ever before)-^ ^ p Prayer meeting j r 1 cats ics shadows on a mood |Thursday 8, p. m. Sunday School; ti vi-corious than we in optimi-j 9.45^ a.m. A glad welcome to: effect and chjinge it n av on the physicial world lIk' of men will be refined and ihe world will be placed cn a higiiLi' plane of justice and equality. The miseries and woes of men sacrifices on the altar 01 ci\ ill na tion. Dr. R. H. Bayneh PRACTICING PHYSICIAN Oifice over Post Office Mebane, N.C. HUSBAND DESPAIR W After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. BnHock Gave UpioDespav. Husband Came to Rescue. tiv* American usually are to be ^11. l oud in. Today we are facing MO^'ii self-consciously than for; Liauy years problems that are old j and of common concern to i us all; why, price, trade, pro- C. W. E. Swain, Pastor C. Smith, Supt. S. S. p!.- Fr;rming in Norway. Li;f :arn:crs of the Norwegian .jcr ;i Ii ve a curious way of drying ;ho MU.;.-, cr nial'.ing the hay. They erp’t rhree-borrefl fences, the bars be- hi-f auout a foot apart, at intervals in . '(j3, and hang Ihe grass on the bars, V here it is quickly dried by the S’ ; lUK: Vv ind. * These districts are for Senator McNeelv, of Union county has introduced in the up per house of the Legislature, n bill to provide for a direct i ri- mary. We are proud to see crje man step out and offer such a con structive measure. This is a law that North Carolina grei tly needs in order to be numbered with Uie progressive states of the Union In our opinion it is a conserva tive step toward more direct g v- erhment in North Carolina. As ever one knows this bill is tc place party nominations into the hands of the people- It's ? nacked fact fact tnat a party is a most potential factor in a de mocratic government, because a party is the instrument through i ’ ...v.* V. 4-1^^ 1 1 1.^1 • i luvit very s})Lirsely populated, which the people select their ser-, and in ii:any cases tlie farms are as Vants and express policies. It iS' as two days’ journey from the also a fact that a party's purpose vinage. will be tharted if we do not pro- ^ vide means that will hold them responsible to thejpeople. As we all know there is a tendency for a pohtical organization to become derogatory to the people’s needs ' in that they have an eye single ^ will be a sale on the 29 of to their own preservation. The great organizations of the coun-Melville Township try, such as Tammany Hall of! Alamance Co. N. C. New York, are the results of this '• consist of the personal delegation of the peofle’s part ’ of the John A. Moore estate in the government without them: follows: retaining means of directing the [ horse. One good cow. One good wagon. Three buggies and harness. All the farming utensils. One hundred bushels of good corn. 25 bushels of good wheat. A lot of fodder, straw and other feed. All the household and kitchen 'goods. Sale Will Begin at 10 O’clocic A. M. TERMS CASH. ALL GOODS PAID FOR BEFORE REMOVED Mary E. Moore Services at the Presbyterian j ■ress, decay, the fate of men and I Church every Sunday morning | cliC destiny of nations. It is not j at H o'clock a. m. and Sunday | for «s to confront this' evening at 8 o'clock p. m. Sun-| throat tiomestic problem of unem-' day School at 10 a. m. Mid-week i mcnt in a new spirit, with song service Wednesday evening | (1 _ termination to deal with it in at 8 o'clock p. larger way? Throughout the; cordially invited, riuitiy communiiies are unusual! p. M. Hawley, Pastor, y n-tive this winter in charitable j J. S. White, Supt. S. S. ;p‘k and in dealing each with, ■h ir local problems of unemploy j ment.—'Selected. DR JOS. H. HURDLE DENTIST Office in New Post-office Bidg. Mebane, N. C. J. H. VERNON Burlington, N C, Attorney at Law m. Everybody j xhe best attention given to all matter entrusted to mv care. j Catron, Ky.—In an interesting letter I from this place, Mrs. Bettie Bullock I writes as follows: suffered for four ( years, wttii womanly troubles, and during I this time, 1 could only sit up for a little j while, and could not walk anywhere at I all. At times, I would have severe pains I in my left side; I The doctor wascalled in, and his treat- I ment relieved me for a while, but I was I soon confined to my t>ed again. After that, nothing seemed to do me any good. I had gotten so weak I c:::!u not si? ■, and I gave up in de; p^Jr. At last, my h d gel le a bortI,j t J Cardui, the won.aii’s to -’c, Li;d I cou.- menced taking il. Pioiii ire very fh . dose, I could tc.i it was helping me. I can now walk tv o v.ithouL 3 tiring me, aud a^ii s'.l n:y work." If you are all run dow : frcin woniai: j troubles, don’t gii’e up in c iSpair. T*y Cardui, the wcjnjii’s Ionic, u has liclped more than a miilion woiner, in iis 50 years of continuous succ-ls, and shoii^d surely help you, too. Your drurrlst has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He v/ill reccin- mend it. Begin takihg Cardui today. IJVife to: Clialtanoorra -Moi'-ip.s Co., Lad;.--.; Advisory Dept., Chnttano* ,?:i. Tc;-;n., for Speci.^l Instniction ? on \\>vr . -js u G4-pi.Te book, Treatnicnt for Vvouien,” in v.rap^jer. , Cz p'ri Old Sorbii, Other nemwiies Won’t Core “ V ,.rst cases, no matter of how long standing, aic cared b> the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and lleals at the same time. 25c> 60c, $LOO. Preaching at the M. E. Church j I second Sunday night at 7 o’clock j j and on fourth Sunday morning | and night. Sunday School every! Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. To j 'all of these services the public is! i cordially invited. “I was gladi 1 when they said, Let us go unto | best to eat lb I the house of the Lord. ] the I E. (). Durham, P. C. I Walter Lynch, Supt S, S, We Are In THE BEST PLACE IN GREENc^BORO HENNESSEE CAFE With the best it is possible to buy fcr c u • We keep a general stock, but it io a t I and it embraces all classes of good. dui i i our vast trade. Whether shoos, dry goods, notions, or farm siippiie;; see us. :d I The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head I Because of its touic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the ful! name and look for the signature of E. W. GROVE. 25c. j Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot. J, R. DONNNEL, Prop. H. W. &J/ ffiLLSBOKO, FOR SALE ive and one half acres, one good j five room house, orchard, well and | barn, one halt mile from town, apply to R. E. ALBRIGHT I control of this i^ight that they' have transferred to the parties. ' The good people of the state if j they in the state’s wellfare and not any party’s should rise up in ^ their might and make the pas-1 sage of this bill mendatory on the i Generol Assembly. ' NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD COMPANY TRAFFIC DEPART MENT. We have noticed in the papers that Mr. William E. White of our town has been suggested as i prospective candidate for the Re- publican nomination for govern- orment. We note this suggestion [ with much pride as we feel that' Notice to Shippers and Re ceivers of Freight in N. C. The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina October 13th, 1914 are on file with all agents of this com pany. Agents v/ill furnish upon application full information as to these rates. E„ D. Kyle, Traffic* Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. Dalton, Asst. Genl. Freight Agent, Norfolk, Va, THE McADOO HOTEl^ THE NEW McADOO NOW GREENSBORO, N. C. Remodeled and refurnished with many baths and running water a new addition has been added to the building with 24 rooms with private bath and six splen did SAMPLE ROOMS. The New MCADOO is again un der the management and person al supervision of M, W. STERN American and European Plan. The New McAdoo with its improved condition its pre sent managementTand cen tral location makes the hotel an ideal place for you to stop. ir WE BU BsfSfra S'-. ■ C- _ The purchaser of our propersy gets the benefit of out l^w If we get a farm chfeap, you can buy it cheap; if \.e ! iiild rt I v cost, you get the benefit as well as we. LOOK AT THESE: - 7 room house, three blocks of depot in pood 1- I $2100.00. I 5 room Jiouse one block of graded school $11 iQ.Cv;. 125 acres farm 21-2 miles of town, (rood bJii:>ii o grain land, $3750.00. Others as good. 'ghb /‘Oi i.d r; W S* CRAWFORD Manager

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