and OA'iif*? iVlebaneJLcaaer what opinion may be expre'^seci to the contrary. It can not be I que'stioneil that a man with uood solid Rray niatter in liis head ,t i liKittor admit that Liiigland is the ,.t Liu* t’l'Ht Oiice at I friend humanity and clvi- ,.,ii rthi' of Mnrcb I has in Europe, and any I thing that we may do to alien- —~ their friendahip must oper- ly Aiorninjr. j ate to our lasting prejudice. I QUEST OF EL DORADO. rjEirv Pi. •ilehane, N. ■ isy;. Isaued iivorv SUBSCIi**'TK> »lne Year,:;- - ■ H.OO -^'ix Months, ' - “ *50 Three Month: , - - .25 PAYABLE IN AP'’VNCF ^ Write at onop Our Seer tary of State, the I great and mighty, W. J. Bryan, who was largely responsable for the draft of the National Demo- Fostii N anay Or ier j cratic platform had these words incorporated in it. “The constitutional rights of American citizens should pro tect them on our borders and go with them throughout the world, I and every American citizen re- ' pidiiig or having property in any ' I foreign country is entitled to NOTKE TO Ri^ADERS | and must be given the full pro- J. 0. Foy,Editor ol Ihe Leader! ^^ction of the United States gov- novv owns the entire paper, a„d ' for himself and « hi« r»»’r\norf\7 ” plant, having purchased the same Currency, or Stamps COKRESPONJENtH We wish correspondent:; in all the nearby post offi ;es Thursday. l^Iavch 11th 1915 from Mrs L. S. Straughan, All advertising accounts contracted for since February the first will be payable to J. 0. Foy, and all / sultscription due. his property. Now, Mr. Bryan meant it or did not mean it, the presump tion is that he did not care ding which way you took it,the facts are that he manifest hut slight interest in Americans in Mexico It seems that it is getting time tried to keep too close to to electrocute Harry K. Thaw, tlie murderer of Stanford White Villa. Now really would not Bryan make a helover of a presi- general principals. The dent No more Bryan in ours. If this sentiment offends a num ber of his worshipers it will not woi'ry us. on public are sick and tired of Harry Thaw, and the publicity his money brings to him. It is lull time that the courts were able to set down permanently on i — ■ ■ = this arrogant self conceited pro-! Why do not farmers take more f'.ssional rake. This is In the i interest in the political oondit- I'ace of the sickly sentimental-j ions of their State instead of Urn by a larp-e number of -sap i as they do sit still and let a lot headed men, and foolish vapid I of political grafters do them women. Settle the Thaw matter! year in and year out? are they and try and find something more | satisfied, do thev get what they decent to think about. j want, or do they feel keenly - I the unjustice of their position? While the world is concerning ; When people wish anvthing they itself so much about the morality | agitate, they talk about it, write of the sexes, would it not be a ■ about it, and sometimes cuss good idea to get a sharp stick I about it- after some of those rich goats I What progress would the who are keeping a regular harem j woman suffrjge people have of poorer mens’ wives. If it is [made if they had sit at home and a blaze of glory you wish your' whined and then whined some name to go up in, then do some-! more, and waited for things to thing that honest, and true, men | turn up. Well you know they and women ; f,do not: would have not gotten far. Why act like craven c ;,varus in the j do not farmers w'rite to their face of money and immorality. local papers and commend what Society never ^jinpbiins of the j is done right, and complain of moral dehno .encles of its de jwhat is done wrong. If they voties, of its VO eries, as long as i expect for their own in- their offenciin/ is fairly eon-i terest to advance in the scale of That Eiusiv* Land of Gold and Jew«ia In South America. Guiana is bounded on the north by the great river Orinoco and on th& south by the still greater river Ama zon. These two grand rivers are con nected with one another, tbe Cisiqui- ure, a branch from the Orinoco, falling Into the Rio Negro, a tributary of thi Amazon. Within Guiana Itself are many rivers of very considerable size. The kingdom of El Dorado was re puted to exist somewhere between the Rio Bi'anco and the Essequibo, called by the Indians the Brother of the Ori noco. Manoa, the capital, was said to be somewhere between the Rio Branco and the Rupununi, a tributary of the Essequibo. From the thirties of tbe sixteenth century some eighteen expe ditions had been sent by the Spaniards to Guiana In search of the golden king dom, Diego de Ordas, oue of the cap tains of Cortes at the conquest of Mex ico, led the first attempt in 1531. After Mm followed many a brave cavalier, but all was in vain, and disasters as well as failure attended nearly all the expeditions. From a state paper in the public >^c- ord office, London, it appears that in 1580 persons who traveled in America had reported that there was a place where the women wore great plates of gold, covering their whole bodies like armor. In every cottage pearls were to be found; in some houses a peck. Ban. queting liouses were built of crystal, with pillars of massive silver, some of gold. Pieces of gold as big as a man’s fist were to be found in the heads of some of the rivers. Raleigh read ac counts of these expeditions, but tht'ir want of success did not deter him from attempting to find the golden region.— Blackwood’s Magazine. WHAT DOES $5.00 A WEEK MEAN TO YOU? Bank $.5.00 a week at the Mebane Bank and Trust Co., aixl at the end of 52 weeks you have $260 00 in >our Ac count hert: At the end only 10 years you have $2,600. .$2,600.00? Yes! VVifh that amount of money you can buy your own home—pay cash for it-no mortpag^e on it—no debts against it. When yon buy a homo on tiie instainitnt plan you pay inter est When you save for a home on the instalment plan you receive interest. MEBHNE BANK & TBUSf GO. Mebane, N. C. J. Archie Long, Pres. Ben F. Warren, Vice-Pres. r'eiix F. Smith, Cashier. Unexplored Ungava. There has not been a, careful explora tion of the geographical formatiops of Ung&va f nil such observations as have beer, mada are so limited that they af ford oi’ly the means of reaching a rough estimate of the extent and dis tribution of the different rocks. It is known that there are large iron ore dfpcsiis on Clsrke, Armstrong and Curran islands, in Hudson bay. Two of the islands are estimated to contain about three hundred and sixty-five mil lion tons of iron ore. Prom $50,000 to $60,COO has alrt-ady been expended in the exploration of these iron deposits. The ore is aaui to be of fine quality, tbe ir>cds ruugiiig troTu seven to fifteen f£.et ill tbickiif'Ss. The Ways of a Man. Nothing pleases a man better than to be misunderstood by someone so that he can tell you about it. He may talk about his future, his prospects, his interests, his family, or his busi ness, but when he speaks of himself he is in earnest. A LIGHT IN AN AUTOMOBILE. Use One of the Spark Plugs When You Have No Matches. Did you ever while making an auto mobile tour find yourself on a lonely country road, perhaps miles from the nearest house, and suddenly discover that you had no matches? If you were anxious to light the lamps or ea ger for a smoke such a discovery would not prove at all conducive to the smoothness of your temper. There is a simple way In which any one may secure a light without the aid of matches. You may be anxious for a smoke or It may be getting dark and you want to light your lamp, but in any event, you can secure the neces sary light If you will follow these di rections: Unscrew one of the spark plugs and let it lie on the cylinder head. Wrap a small wisp of waste around the end of any small stick of wood or If there Is none handy wrap It around the end of a screwdriver or any other tool. Dip the waste in the gasoline until it is thoroughly soaked. Of course you should have only a very small piece of waste; otherwise the blaze will be too big for you to handle. After dipping this In the gasoline lay it close to the spark plug and turn the engine over im- tll this plug sparks. This will ignite the waste and you will have a little torch sufficient for lighting your lamp Even if there is a heavy rain or snow, you can secure a light in this manner sufficient for your needs.—Detroit Free Press. Seeking Tenant*. A fellow was telling us that when he got the job as a renting man he was so green he started seeking tenants in quite an original way. He called on j the fire stations covering localities where his buildings were situated and a box of cigars to the firemen gained a promise to phone him every time a fire occurred. Day or night he covered the fires. It wasn’t very difficult to get tenants, as he arrived at the psycho logical moment when a man’s store or office was in flames and anything in the way of floor of this kind was ap preciated and many of these tenant® became permanent, for naturally, after being secured under these excep tional circumstances, a strenuous ef fort is made to give them better serv ice than they had previously.—Fiuild- ing Management. Optimistic Thojght. ' Behind every mouu!:uu ic '-: i cealed. Socii ''.V: screams its disaproval, and lifts its skirts to shun the shaniG wl.eii tbe sin ning is by thos^i who have not the money to ]>ay the price of | they could cooperate with them, high living Society is much of j a fraud, but like an oath bound | material progress then they must talk and keep on talking. Editors v;ould be glad to know their opinions, and in every w^ay band of brigai. ls tliey gether clinff to- As a soothini;' salve to North ('arolinas reasons ^or just com plaint, she is told by the friends of the insurances companies,that ^ States bouth of us have no bet- pllcants for loans will please pive de Money to Loan. Applications received for loans $1000- 00 to $10,000.00, on improved and un improved town property and farm lands. Interest 8 per cent, straight Interest payable annually or semi-an nually. Time: one to ten years. Ap- ter rate than v. e have. That is great is it not. States South of us are fleeced as much, or more than Nortli Carolina is, and it scription. location, and valuation of property offered as security for loan. State Improvements and valuation of same. We want County representatives to is becauSf^ the insurance com- I receive applications for loans, appraise panies find thf*y have easy tools l p^'operty, and serve as our exclusive to work with in their General j estate ■ - ' man preferred. Applicants for loans. Assemble, just as they do in North Carolina, men who per haps are equally as hungry after graft. North Carolina has tried her present crowd fully and applicants for agencies positively required to furnish at least two char acter references and forward postage, five 2c. stamps, tor application blanks, full particulars, and prompt reply. long enough. It is time she was Southern Ottice, Southeastern r. ‘ I Mortgage Loan Assn., Fourth Nat’l making a change. Politics has grown entirely too rotten, and corrupt. The masses should open their eyes and kick them out good and harc\ Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. Recommends Chamber- laiin’s Cougfi Remedy. “I take pleasure in recommending Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy to my customers because I have canfidence in it. I find that they are pleased with it and call for it again when in need of such a medicine,” write J, W. Sexson, Montevallo, Mo. For sale by Mebane Drug Company. Germany and a gang at Wash ington are doing what they can to get this country mixed up with a difficulty with England. Germany wants the United States to be permitted to feed her armies under the pretence of supplying her civilian! „ population. Too many lies have j i ain’t go*t t^uchTe^gai !ore, but i leaked through Germans sources ! don’t believe I’d smirk and grin if I for us to attach much importance trial fer murder. What Fishes K-iow. That flsh possess a certain power of is affirmed by many who have who liad rather see Uncle Sam' ^ nnv oirf -n- in I fetognize tne voice of the one who out eight million dollars a I teeds them. Fish will congregate ic lay and loose a couple hundred ' where food la habitually thrown men or more a day than to miss ^ the ten or twonty million Hollar' known to dlvldo it on a •ha^«ton*!!^ trade we might have with Ger-| W-aelOy. ‘ ^any selling them goods, wares! and arms. This is the view we! uodeat°^rar~S*- 1^0 them. We have got it good and strong in our head that there are a crowd of mercenaries Fear of Old Military Service. A prisoner’s appeal to the court of criminal appeal for a longer sentence, although the first on record before that tribunal, Is not altogether unpar alleled at the assize, for offenders who have had the advantage of Inside knowledge of the working of the pris ons acts have been known to ask the judge to give them penal servitude In stead of a short period of iiard labor. They shrink from the more Spartan diet and severer restrictions that at tach to the nominally lighter sentence. A centui’y ago. when capital punish ment was inflicted for many trivial crimes, a prisoner was sometimes giv en a choice—death or service iu the army or navy. And the services In those days had such a terror for some criminals that many elected to be banged instead of serving their conn try.—London Spectator. To the tlousewife. Madam, If your husband is like most men he expects you to look after the health of yourself and children. Coughs and colds are the most common of the minor ailments and are most likely to lead to serious diseases. A. child is much more likely to contract diphtheria or scarlet fever when it has a cold. It you will inquire into the merits of the vari ous remedies that arc recommended for coughf* and colds, you will tind that Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy stands high in the estimate of people who use it. It is prompt and effectual, pleasant and safe to take, which are qualities especially to be desired when a medi cine is intended for children For sale by Mebane Drug Company. No Use to Try and Wear Out Your Cold It Will Wear You Out Instead Thousands keep on suffering Coughs and Colds through neglect and delay. Why make your.self an eaoV prey to sei'ious ailmets and epidemics as the result of a neglected Cold? Couerhs and Colds sap your strength and vitality unless checked in the early stages. Dr. King’s New Discovery is what you need-- the first dose helps. Your head clears up, you breathe freely and you feel so much bettez*. Buy a bottle to day and star^ taking at once. What It Really Amounts To. A man who brags about naving pl?;in common sense is usually trying to apologize for being behind the times. Best I reatment for Constipation. “My daughter used Chamberlain’n Tablets for constipation with good re sults and I can recommend them highly,” write K, Babin, Brushly. La. For sale bv Mebane Drug Company. Files Cur-a in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any ca^ of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The tirst applioatiou gives Ease and Rest. 50c. Thos. C. Carter Attorney At Law Office. Over Post Office Mebane, North Carolina. DR JOS. H. HURDLE DENTIST Oftice in New Post-office Bldg. Mebane. N. C. Warmed By Snow. The earth, under a thick coating of snow, is ten degrees warmer than the air immediately above the snow. Government of Japan. The government of Japan Is not an absolute monarchy, the mikado being largely responsii)ie to the parliament and, to a degree, to the people back of the parliament Under the mikado is the house of peers, composed of the princes of the blood and the nobility and the representatives of tbe ve.sted Interests, and the house of representa tives, which is made up of some 380 members, representing the masses of the people.—New York Journal. Only One “BROMO QUININE” To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXA* TIVK BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. Stops cough and headache, and works off c jld. 2Sc J. H. VERNON Burlington, N C, Attorney at Law The best attention given to all niatter entrusted to my care. An Exception. Little Mary was coloring pictures with her set of paints. She used a tint that failed to please and exclaimed: “Oh, 1 didn’t mean to do that! How ever, what’s done is done and can’t b€ imdone—except shoe laces.”—Chicago News. Poor Dora. “Dora must have suffered some ter rible disappointment. One never sees her smile now. What Is the matter?” “She’s had two front teeth pulled out”—London Telegraph. Up in a Balloon. To remain motionless and watch the earth fall away from you as rapidly as a baseball falls from you when drop ped from a window is the sensation of going up in a balloon. NORFOIK SOUTHERH lUILROU COMPANY TRAFFIC DEPART- .MENT. CALOMEL IS MERCURY ‘T aOKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE iYNAMITE “Dodson’s Liner Tons” Starts Yeur Liver Better Than Caionisi snd Dui^sn't Salivate or Make You Sick. Liston to me! Take no more sick ening, salivating calomel wiien bilious or constipated. Don’t lose a day's work! C'iiloniel is mercury or quicksilver which causes necrosis of tlio bone?. Calomel, v»iien it comes into contact with Hour bile crashes into it, Lrciikini}; it up. This is when you foel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are alug- gish and “all knocked out,” if your liver is torpid and bowels constijjated or you have headache, dizziness, coatcd tongue, if hreatli is had or stomach sour just take a spoonful of harmless Dud- son’s i^iver Tone on my guarantee. llere'a niy punrantep—to any dnic store and get u r.i) tent bottle of Jjo.;' son’s Liver 1 or;;'. . lake a -ipiionful ti; liiglit ax^d li it. iir»0'‘n t ?.ti*ai“hten right up and m >kc you ffer fino i.r. i vigorous by moinin,' i want you to back to the ^■lor'^ and get your nii'.i'ev Dodson’.-^ Liver 'I'oni* is destroying;' tii.- sale of Crtloniei liscau.^e it i‘i iv:il livc’ medicine; eritiiely \egetahio, thera'iM'■ can not salivate or make you sicic. I gnaranteo that one sjjooniul of I) -.i- ^on’s Liver Toiie will put your slu.-'-i' livcr to wu’k aJu! clean your howel;-. that uuui' i'ii;* ;-!ul constipateti. w;‘ v. incli is ch,; . \»ur system and u..; ri/you i »:■! er; iile. I guarantiee a bottle i-i •; > ! , !i’s Liver I'oiic kciop your oii’iri- i: ruily feelinir iin - months, (livf- it f.. y.'iir hariide;;s: ih).," I'l {..rint; and th.-y pleasant taste. tss riwmn 11 iiaaeaaaaa PEPSI COLA The healthful drink, It contains no dope or harmful ingredints, but aids di^'estion. Pepsi Cola Bottling Works, Burlington, = - = - N. C. To Remove Iodine Stains. To remove tincture of lOdlne stains from your skin or clothing strong am monia water is excellent. Fertile Stomach and Liver I. N. Stuart, West Webster, N. Y. writes: have used Chamberlain’s Tablets for disorders of the stomach and liver off and on for the past five years, and it affords me pleasure to state that I have found them to be just as represented. They are mild in their acti-^n and the results have been fiadisfactory. I value them highly.” For sale by Mebane Drug Company. Ample Reason. The bride’s sister and the bride groom’s mother went along on the wed ding trip to Europe and that was where the bridegroom took to drink. A man’s vanity tells him what is honour, a man’s conscience what is justice. — Landon. You Need a Tonic There are times in every woman’s life when she needs a tonic to help her over the hard places. When that tima comes to you, you know what tonic to take—Cardui, the woman’s tonic. Cardui is com posed of purely vegetable ingredients, which act gently, yet surely, on the weakened womanly organs, and helps build them back to strength and health. It has benefited thousands and thousands of weak, ailing women in its past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. You can’t make a mistake in taking CARDUI The Woman’s Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, AJma, Ark., says: “I thinK Cardui is the greatest medicine on earth, for women. Before 1 began to take Cardui, 1 was so v/eak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spells and a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as strong as I ever did, and can eat most anything.’* Begin taking Cardui today. Sold by all dealers. Has Helped Thousands. m WE BUY BARGAINS The purchaser of our propersy gets the benefit If we get ii farm cheap, you can buy it cheap; if cost, you get the benefit as welt as we. of oui low cost, we build at low LOOK AT THESE: three blocks of depot in good neighborhood, 7 room house, $2100.00. 5 room house one block of graded school $1400.00. 125 acres farm 2 1-2 miles of town, vTOod buildings, grain land, $3750.00. Others as good. and fine Mebane Real Estate & Trust Co. Old Soro^, Giher Remedies Won’t Ccrs I '■ r > rst cases, no matter of how long standing, { j aio cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. i — Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves I ' Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $LOO, I W s. CRAWFORD Manaser Notice to Shippers and Re ceivers of Freight in N. C. The new freight rates, both local and joint, made effective by the laws of North Carolina October 13th, 1914 are on,file with all agents of this com pany. Agents v/ill furnish upon application full information as to these rates. E. D. Kyle, Traffic Manager, Norfolk, Va. J. F. Dalton, Asst. Genl. Freight Agent, Norfolk, Va, There is only one cure for public dis tress, and that is public education, di rected to make men thoughtfnl, merci ful and Just.—RusUq Sailors Well Protected. The British coast is so well pro tected with light-houses that if a ship sailed right around England, Scotland, and Ireland by night, only on six oc casions would It be where It could not 866 the flash of a light-house lan- t«rn. Character Building. We prepare ourselves for sudden deeds by the reiterated choice of good or evil that gradually determines char acter.—George Eliot. An) You a Woman ? Tje Cardui The Woman’s Tonic FOR SALE AT ALL 0RU66ISTS F4 THE BEST PLACE [N GREENk^BORO To get the best to eat i& *t the HENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot.g J. R. DONNNEL, Prop. Are You Rheumatic?-try Sloan’s If you want quick and real relief from Rhtfumatism, do w'hat so many thousand other people are doing— When ever an attact comes on, bathe the sore muscle oi* joint with Sloan’s Lini ment. No deed to rub it in-just apply the Liniment to the surface. It is won derfully penetrating. It goes right to the trouble and draws the pain almost immediately. Get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment for 25c. of any druggist and have it in the house—against Colds. Flowers of Music. The graces—namely, the shake, the turn, the appogiatura, etc.—are the flowers of music; and the clear, cor rect, and delicate execution of them embellishes and exalts every melody and every passage. But when they are played stiff, hard, or unintelligibly, they may rather be compared to blots of ink or spots of dirt.—Carl Czerny. Health Promotes Happi- ire»s Without health, genuine joy is impos sible; without good digestion and regu- F NASH ATTORNEY AT LAW PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS Sore and Swollen Joints, Lumbago, i lar bowel movement you cannot have Sciatica and like ailments. Your money i health. Why necrlect keeping bowels back if not satisfied, but it does giv^e ’ open and risk being sick and ailingV almost instantly relief. One Purpose of i_ife. What do we live lor if il is not make life less diliic-ult for atich Jtiii —George Eliot. You don’t have to. Take one small Dr. King’s New Life Pi'I at nignt, in the morning you will have a full free bowe/ movement and feel much better. Helps vour appetite and dijestion. Try one to night. HILLSBORO N. C. FOR High grade Photographs have them made at Anglin Studo Burlington, N. C. Ck)dak ^ork fioished. Ah! The Invigorating Whitf of The Pine Forest How it clears the throat and head of its mucous ailments. It is this spirit of Newness and Vigor from the health- giving Piney Forests brought back by Dr. Bell’s Pine-Tar-Honey. Antiseptic and healing. Buy a bottle to-daj\ All Druggists, 25c. Electric Bitters a Spring Tonic. Volcanoes in United States. In Washington Mount Rainier is a Volcano believed to show evidence of Internal heat, and Mount St. Helena is reported to have been in eruption in 1843, while Mount Baker, the mosi northerly In the United Stales, was iu eruption in 1843, No Hurry. “When is the proper time to con gratulate a bride and bridegroom.’ “After they have lived together for at least a year and are still hapjy.”