■0! B Locals and Personals # DIMl Mrs Bob Smith is very ill at her home on 3rd street Dr. William Ralph of Belhaven spent Sunday in Mebane Mr M W F‘*r;’U3on left dav morning for Milton relatives At the Churches. IT COSTS LESS AT Preaching at the Baptist church at 11 a. .m and 8 p. m. the third Sunday, and 8 p. m. the . first Sunday night. Sunday to visit; o’clock every Sun day morning-. Prayer meetinj? Dr Hurdle an;.! Mr Pelix Smi h every Wednesday nigbt at 8 .ues- Miles left Sc*turdyy visitjpd Sun* a * Dr Hurdk’s parents o’eiocK \V H. G. Dor.^eit, Pastor S. f' a w f. »i'd. Su pt, S. S. \ir- \V. M 1 ;ai!N il’t*. Affii-M of Raleigh is vis^i-i Mesdames Ralph Vincent and Mrs. A. N. Scott. ;A M Turner visit..! rdU.v.s „> M . r;ii Rasnn left Mondav for i : Services at the rreabyterian 12;c r«hnM ’s Skin Succcss 2U-. ' ' - nile ' Miss Ruth Th)mpsrn and her I Chui-cii every Suiidiiy aiorniiiaj^’^ ' " ‘ [mother, Mrs Raby Thompson re-I at 11 o’clock a. m. and Sunday | Mr VV 0 Warren returned Mon- from Greensboro Tues-1 evening at 8 o’clock p. m. Sun- (luv from Roxboro iday FULTON’S CUT RATE DRUG STORE If you are not buying: your drugs and drug store goods at Fulton’s Cut Kate Drug Store you dre losing money. . IN Read these price:-; aiui be c »nvit‘Ceil. Tn-iso a; e every day prices, not just for a special sale of a few days, l»ui for ail the lime. . day School at 10 a. m. m. Mid-week Mr TM Cheek has be«n eon-j "''"S fined to his home for some time i® f j and we wish for him a speedy 1 ^ 1 F. M. Hawley, Pastor. I J. s. White, Supt. S. S. . Mr Tom Pender left Tuesday j for Thomasville to attend the, Preaching at the M. E. Church second Sunday night at 7 o’clock 50c N. R. (Nnturo Rernedj) Tablets 44c Mrs T B Pettigrew was a visi tor in Durham Monday Mr J E Jobe was a visitor in Burlington Sunday Mrs. Jim Baynes visited Mrs. A F. Dillard Monday. Mr. J. 0. Foy spent the week-| Folks Convention n\\n Winston. | Mr Ben Standfield and daugh-1 on fourth Sunday morning :Mrs. N. D. York is very sick) ter of Leasburg were in Mebane . .. j ai her home on 2nd Street. i Monday Mr Standfield is think- 1.00 S‘ott's Emulsion 75c. 50c King’3 New Discovery 44c. 26c Vick’s Croup Salve 2h*. 25c Sloan’s Liniment 21c. j 25c Simmons’ Liver Regulator. 2 for 35c. 1.00 Nyals Hot Springs Blood Medicine, 75c. 25c Pii!inc*;'5 -Su ce.ss b>;ap 21c • N. K. (N;tture’s Tablets 21c. 1.00 Warnpole’s C.od Liver Oi' 85c. 50c Scott’s Emulsion 44c. 25c Beli'« Pine Tar Honey 21c. 25c Gowan’s Croup Salve 2lc. 25c Genuine BlacK Draught, 2 for 35c. FOR STYLE, QUAL ITY AND LOW PRICES SEE MISS ALICE M. SOWLAND hiurlingtoii. N. C. Before you buy your hat LOO Wine of Cardui 60c. 1.00 Nyal’s Rheumatism cure 75e j Miss Myrtle McCauley went ing of buying a home and mov- uj the road a piece Saturday. Ml', and Mrs. Dave Qualls Mrs. J. M. Thompson and son and night. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10 o’clock. To all of these sennces the public is cordially invited. “I was glad when they said, Let us go unto’ Ml', and Mrs. L»aveyuaiis ivirb. d. m. of the Lord .,Mit Saturday in Burlington. , are spending the week with her • • -4.- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Scott Miss Bessie (’orbett >s visitmgl*; tic-r hi other, Mr WW Corbett Mr. and Mrs. Geo. McAdams ^ Monday in Durham. Mrs. Martha Nicks is visiting ivlatives in Burlington. Miss Katie Boone of Carr is V i^iting Mrs. Sam Sharp. Mr WE White left Saturday j for the West on a business trip. ] Mrs. Will Rich of Graham j -pent Friday with Mrs. W. E. Swain. Mrs Bill Woods spent the week end in Burlington with re latives. Mrs. Fred Norwood and Miss Mary Rimmer spent Saturday in Burlington. Misses Katherine Blue Mesdames Gallaspie, Charles Lasley, and Miss Jennie Lasley went up to Greensboro Saturday to see the show. Durham. P. C. Walter Lynch, Supt S. S. Methodist Protestant Church, Preaching every 2nd and 4th Sunday 11 a. m. every Sunday at 8 p. m. Prayer meeting Thurs Mr. Norman Sykes returned to day 8 p. m. Sunday school 9:45 We can’t mention everything here. These are a few just to show you. Whatever you want come to us, tor it costs less at FULTON DRUG STORE THE REXALL STORE 120 East Main St. Phone 59 Durham, N. Costs Less at Fulton’s’’ SEE Elon College Monday after spend ing the week-end with his par- a. m. A glad welcome to^all. W. E. Swain, Pastor C. C. Smith, Supt S.S. The B. B. Club. OR. J. I. MOREFIELD MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT You will save 56 cts. per gaL THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gals. L. & lif. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, at $2.10 per gal. ■ - $ 8.40 And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix with it at estimated cost of - - 2.40 You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for $10.80 It's only $ 1.54 per gal. NELSON RAY CO. FOB LOW CUT SHOES for men, women and children. New stra ,v and Panamo hats Spring Dress goods, notions etc. Fresh Groceries Come to see us. Nelson-Ray Co. Mrs. Ralph Vincent in a very delightful manner entertained the Wednesday afternoon Bene fit Book Club at her home on 5th street. Rook was played. Cream and cake was served j Qff followed by coffee and wafers, j Members present were, Mes-! and i dames F. L. White, J. R. Sing-| KarDavPd^orsprnt Saturday |w.“ A. in Duiham. Murry, J. S. White, Ernest W'il- kinson. Guest, Mesdames A. M. Turner, Joe Vincent, W.O. War ren. Arthur White, J. E. White, b. M. Hawley, J. M. Thompson, Misses Sue Mebane, Della Wil son, Mable Asbury, and Ruth I Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Miles spent Physician and Surgeon Diseases of women and Children a specialty, i Residence Hotel Cole Made in a lew mfnules Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINT. Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-use paint in CANS, you pay $2.10 a gal. or $14.70. L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD, ZINC 2nd LINSEED OIL, the best-kxwwn paint materials for 100 years. Use a gal. out ol any L. & M. PAINT you buy and if not the best paint made, return the paint and get ALL your money back. Over Post Office I Mebane Supply Co. Mebane, N, C. • Both ‘Phones W A Mabry, Durham, N C Hillsboro, N. C. • . . — Mrs. Ned Brannock is very ill at the home of her father, Dr, N. D. York. Miss Ida Poteat of Raleigh spent the week-end with Mrs. M. B. Scott. Friday afternoon in Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bowland of | Durham were visitors in Meb ane Friday. Mr. and Mr«. Claude Cates were in Mebane for a short time Friday. Mr. John Nicholson was a bus iness visitor in Greensboro Sat urday. was Mrs. Graham of La Grange . i.sited Mrs. W. E. Swain Friday night. Air Frank Cheek, a student at Klou College spent the week-end v.ith his parents Mr S Arthur White left Mon- tlci/ for Chapel Hill, Durham and VIt her eastern cities iVliss Myrtle Mebane of South Boston is visiting her sister Mrs. A. N. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sharp spent Saturday and Sunday with friends in the country. Miss Lenora Walker returned J^aturday Irom an extended visit to relatives in Eastern Carolina. Announcement Party One of the most delightful I parties of the season was given by Mrs. Arthur White at her home on 5th street Thursday afternoon. The living room hall and par lor was fragrant with early spring flowers. Rook was play ed. After a fruit and salad course Fundamental Unity (From Sience Magazine) The greatest contribution of biology to intellectual emancipation has been the doctrine of evolution, that great theory which has revolutionized all our thinking regarding man and nature, writes Prof. E. G. Conklin. \nd evolu tion is the distinctive contribution of biology to civilization, for it was in the living world and especially in the hu man realm that the doctrine of evolu tion came as the great emancipator from superstition and ignorance. The greatest theme of evolution is not the } origin of species, not even ♦he origin | of living things, but raiher the one ness of all life. This is indeed the greatest principle EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDING FLOORING-CEILING--SIDING-SHINGLES SASH- DOORS-BLINDS Large Stock —Prompt Shipments QUALITY KIGHT-PRICES RIGHT. LET US FIGURE YOUR BILL I Guilford Lumber Mfg. Co. served a messenger boy biology, namely, that through all rang the bell and the telegram he delivered announced the ap proaching wedding of Miss Ruth H. Thompson of Orlando, Fla., to F. N. Mebane of South Bos ton, Va. The wedding will take place Thursday April 22. the endless diversity of the living world there runs this fundamental similarity and uni tv* We also are living things and all that concerns p*^her forms of life is of direct interest to us. in the lower organisms we see ourselves in simpler and more primitive form; we i GREENSBORO, N. C. There followed ice cream in ; see man from the standpoint of the the shape of wedding bells with i whole living, world as superior beings heart shaped cakes and little in another plar.et might look upon UP, white paper baskets filled with mints. In the bottom of these baskets were two miniature hearts tied with wl.ite ribbon on and as a result we have ceased to a large extent to regard the universe as existing merely for us. In this intel lectual revolution we have ceased to in a little human universe, we have not grown less, but nature has become so much greater than man’s relative position in nature has changed. . Mrs. L. A. Crawford spent the wpek end with her father, Mr. illiam Lloyd near Chapel Hill. M r. B. B. Lattimore and Miss Mable Ellis of Burlington visited Miss Sue Mebane Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Morgan and ‘•hildren spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. Carter in the country. Mrs. Bettie Fogleman left Sat urday for Chapel Hill to visit lif^r sister Miss Belle Durham v. ho is very ill. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Corbett, Mr. I. D. Ham and Miss Sue Mebane attended the show in Ireensboro Saturday night. Mr. Bascom Bayne and wife Greensboro returned home Monday after visiting his par- t^nts at Baynes Store. one were written “F. N. M. to occupy a position of solitary grandeur R. H. T.'' on the other April 22. Those who enjoyed Mrs. White's hospitality were: Misses Myrtle Mebane, Lois Ham, Sue Mebane, Fannie Mebane, Jennie Lasley, Lassie Watkins, Alice, Lillie and Della Fowler, Mesdames J. S. Vincent, W. O. Warren, R. W. Vincent, A. M. Turner, W. Gallaspie, R. H. Tyson, P. Nelson, J. M. Thompson, Charles Dillard, Charles Lasley, C K Grant, W. W. Corbett, Hettie Scott, A. N. Scott, F. W. Graves and J. E. White. No backward glance shall hinder or appall me; A new life is begun. And better hope and better motives call me Than those the past has won. Lillian Knapp- FORGET THAT TIMES ARE HARD By Listening to the music and mirth of one of our best graphophone THE EDISON DIAMOND AMBEROLA Thousand of Records can be passed through them, changes to suit all taste. The music is sweet and soft. Its an educator in any home. Buy one cf us. GREEN- MeCLURE FURNITURE COMPANY Qraham, l^orth Carolina REMEMBER ALWAYS That we are expert Jewelers, we know the business thoroughly, and give you the benefit ox our experience in any purchase you may make from a $1,000 diamond to a 25c thimble, our name is a pledgf' of honest square dealings. A very complete line of the most artistic cut glass, elegant silver ware, watches and jewelry, the most elaborate Bridal and birthday presents. Schitfman The Jeweler Greensboro, N. C. PRESTO COUk It is SO good, good for the headache PRESTONS BEST GENGERALE Guaranteed cure for indigestion Preston Best Root Beer is good for your health, made from pure water Delivered at your_door. Notice. Having leased the Tate Mill Pond | and land of the pond trac*-, I hereby forbid all persons to fish or tresspass on said pond and land. C. C. Smith Why, Certainly “Why do you put your dolls away so carefully?” asked Aunt Myra, “Oh," replied little Eva, “I’m keep ing them for my children to play with’ “But suppose you do not have any children?’ queried her aunt. I “Then," replied the little miss, “I’U '.give them to my grandchildren, Chicago Tribune. For Rent. Two nice new brick stores on South Rheumatic Pains Relieved j side Warehouse St. apply to Mebane ^ . I Bank and Trust Co. Why suffer from rheumatism when g relief may be had at so small a cost? | * Mrs. Elmer Hatch, Peru, Ind., writes | “I have been subject to attacks of i ^Vnd \^ICC VCrsa. rheumatiam. for years. Chaml^rlain's j barber o’er your face will Liniment always relieves me immedi- j He is a careless mutt; And, after he has cut your hide, glide. Mrs. Ruby Thompson of Or- ateir, and I take pleasure in recommen lando, Fla her i ihter at Mrs. Hettie Scott. ror»wi He goes and hides your cut. —Cindnnati Elnquirer. NO HARD TIMES HERE But I am offering one of the prettiest and bestlines of spring clothing at hard time price?. Y6K must have something and stylish for the spring why not look threugh my splen did stock, I can suit and fit the young man, the old Tnan and the boy. You can not miss it by calling and looking through stock. Suits from $5 to $20, C. C. SMITH Mebane, N. C. FOR SALE ONE 7 ROOM HOUSE One block from Graded School. A Bargain MEBANE LAND & IMPROVEMENT CO. W. E. White, Sec’y & Treas. Mebane, N. C.

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