: i.r;/ . ■ ■; I* YOU COME TO MEBANE IE mum iim loii w loiiiiiii biiim miiin Ask any man that has one what it will do, then judge for your self what Mower to buy. Ridine: Cultivators, Disc, Harrows, Spike Harrows and any thing for the Farm. If you want the lightest draft and most comfortable riding Buggy on the Market buy an OXFORD. Come and lets Talk the Mat ter Over Mebanc Supply Co. THE POPULAR PRICED STORE. Spring Is The Season When every thing shed their old cloths and put on hew Let us help you look your be.st by puttin^r on a new Style plus or Collegian suit and a pair of famous Clapp or Barry Shoes. QUEEN QUALITY SHOES FOR lADIES ALWAYS I am showing a line of straw liats in the latest shapes from $1.00 up. The newest thiny:s in shirls, ties and all kinds of furnishings- J. S. Clark ADVERTISE IN THE LEADER capital Punishment ENOUGH IS SAID when we tell you that we carry one of the nicest lines of mens and boys clothes carried in the State. Ev^erv- thing to dress a erentleman. Pritcharii- Brigiit & Co. Durhm, N. C. The Governor of Tennessee believes in capita) punishment and has vetoed a bill thatr would abolish the death pen alty in his i-tate. We believe he has acted correctly. Many more desperate criminab would be willing to take chances ii they knew their Hves would not be at stake, lie- side there are some crimej that we can imagfine no other punishment would fit save death. The nameless crime, for instance. To abolish the death penalty for this would undoutedly nurture lynch law, and the worst pnrt of nioh violence is not so much punishment of the'victim, but the opportunity it Mf- fords for anarchy. Capital pu! isbment is a deterrent. Some people assert that it is not; that a felon thinks little of it and a criminal would as soon die as to go to prison f( r life. There are many things it) contra diction of this. One of the strongest is how the man sentenced todea^h .^itnve.‘ to have his sentence commuted to life i nprisonment.- Wilmington Dispatch. OFHCERS & DIRECTORS Robt. L. Holmes, Pres. R N. ^'ook, Vice-Pres. E. W. Lasley, Secty and Treas «SinriMtH«rtS(^affner ftMaa L T. JOHNSTON THE ICE MAN “Dickensy” Na-ics. ‘ Dickon«y ■ names to ht; dif.cov ered in che most unlikely localities, as those whose travels lake them to Hur- gundy may have discovered. In Ala- con there a Hue Oombey. which, apart .'rom iU name, is worth exi)Ior- ing for the sake of one or two fifteenth century timber houses with most quaintly carved fronts. And by a strange conincidence, on the banks of the Saone, about seven miles out ‘of Macon, there is a village called Hoz. To Remove Iodine Stair-. To remove tincture of .cdin^ from your skin or clothing stro.'^i monia water is excellent. R. N. ( ook, Sheritf C. P. 'I hompson, Merchant Swepsonville. N. (’. W. I. Ward. Atty at Law ;R L.Holmes,Cashier L.B.tlolt MlV ! H. Currie Walker, Lumber Mfg. A. H. Nicholson, Contractor Capt. S. A. Vfst, Agt S. R. K*. flaw River, N. C. S. K. Wtiotly, Farmer, Saxapahaw J. Archie Long, Cashier Bank of Haw River W. C. Kirkpatrick, Secty. Va. Cotton Mills Heenan Hughes, .Mayor of (irnhani Mkm LOAN & TRUST GO. GRAHAM, N C (SAFETY FIRS'O • No. Six-Sixty-Six This it a prescription prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A, FEVER. Five or six doses will break any case, and i if taken then as a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver better than Calomel and does not gripe or sicken. 25c X^n0ur .3prmq xlreM ■ Mcd4 Free List Unknown There. Some people will be surprised when j they get to heaven to find that the free j list is absolutely suspended during this engagement. Subs cribe to The Leader HOW WILl YOU SET YOUR TOBACCO THIS YEAR? Will YOU STICK TO THE OLU LABORIOUS, BA6K BREAKING METHOO OF SETTING IT BY HAND WHEN THERE IS AN EASIER WAY? By using a Masters Plant Setter you not only save lab or, time and prevent lame backs from stooping but you get your plants nature’s way—every plant is rooted by absorption. One man with a Masters plant setter can set, water and fertilize more plants than three men can set by by hand in one day. Plants are set, watered and fertilized all in one operation. These setters may be used equally as well for setting out tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower, sweet potato slips, etc. If you have never used one of these planters call and let us show you the principle of operation. TYSON MALONE HARDWARE CO Mebaiie, N. C. DEU6IITFUL STYLES IN THE NEW COTTO j WASH GOODS All bouquets from the same garden arc not equally attractive—.‘=ome folks know how to select and com bine the flowers better than others. True, plso, as to the assortments of Cotton Wash Goods -Some stores knov; best what to choose; know which styles will bereigtiing favorites; and the Ellis, Stone store long ago won the reputation of having, the Prettiest Variety whether American or imported. Here are further instances: —New imported Printed Silk striped Voiles, 40 inches wid?. at 89c. the yard. —>New imported Embroidered Crepe, 40 inches wide, at 8l>c. yard. —New 40 inch imported wash Organdie Embroidered in beautiful col or combinations, at $1.25 the yard. —New iri»ported Embroidered Madris, 28 inches wide, at $1.25 yard. — New Satin Stripe Crepes, with unusually pretty floral designs, 40 inches, at 39c. yard. -•New 36 iT'ch Mercerized Crepe de Chine, iu dainty floral patterns on groand or pink, blue, lavender and white. — Nep-40 inch pin stripes Voile, at 35c. the yard in stripes or red, black, blue, green and lavender, are exceptionally beautiful. —New 27 inch imported Plisse in charming floral designs for morn ing dresses, house dresses and kimonas are priced at 19c. yard. 38 inch Organdie in charming floral patterns, at 35c vard. —over one hundred pieces of new Cromptons, Fast Color Ginghain.s in new Spring Patterns, 35 inches wide at 15c. yard. ELLIS - STONE & CO. DURHAM, N. C. GREENSBORO. N. C. List of Letters List of advertisod letter.'^ luid for week ending- Muy ir>th 1 Letter |oi- Anu'li.i HuhUt 1 “ “ L. E Ward 1 Pkg “ \!rs= S. N (’:u!u(u I- I “ “ Viola White 1 “ ‘‘ VV. H. (!larko ^ “ “ L Miller 1 ‘‘ “ .lohn W. 1 “ L. Lo;ig 1 “ Carolnia Ciga)' (’i>. 'i'hefe Ictfers arul Packager, -Vi s Mit to Dead Le;ter ofl'ice May if not called for. J. T. l)iclc, A. M ?bane, N. C. J. J, HE Attorney at Lav/ ^Graham, N. C. Office"over National Bi.niv Ellis-Stone & Co. There is No Getting Around the fact that we have an ideal line of ladies dress goods, and a large line of stylish low cut summer shoes both for men and ladies. Fresh family grocei’ies, and country produce. . THE OLD RELIABLE H. E. Will(inson Co. Mebane, N. C. RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu^ ralgia. Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, jued internally or externally. 25c Alan TaKes Hi& Own Med icine is An Optimist He has absolute faith in his incdi- cme- he knows when he takes it for certain ailments he gets relief. Feop!t> who take Dr. King's New Discovt'iy for an irritating C'^ld or optimists they know this rough remedy will penetrate the linings of th^^ throiU, kill the germs, an«l open the way 1'ui- Nature to act, \’ou can’t destroy ;i Cold ijy supeifi(tial treatment you must go to the caiiso of ti e troubk-. Be on optin.ist. Get a bottle «.t l*i-. King's New ^)i^'Covf•ry to-day. Never before-, in inctderu tini*s, at lea.>^t, has war put on a more repulsiv“ aspect. Never before, in tnodorn tirn;*;; ut least, has so little regard been paiJ to the humanities and to the live.s and rights fd' n«'Utrals. 'l’h(‘ v?neer of civilization wears verv thin. VV'e b( - gin t7 understand how this republic - the least “milirary” of all nations with the possible exception of ('hina, :uid the most peaceably disposed of nil-- might be dragged unwillingly int.) con flic I. How IVirs. HarrctI Got Rid of Her Stomach Trouble “1 sufl'ered with stomach trouble for years and tried evervthing 1 hoard but the only relief I gotvi’as temporarv until l«st spring I saw ChaUiberlain’.'^ Tablets advertised and procured a bot tle of them at our drug store. 1 got immediate relief from that dreadful heaviness after oating and from pain iM the stomach,” writes Mrs. Linila Harrod, Fort Wayne, Jnd. For salt* h\ Mebane Drug Company. Odd and Even. His Wife—“I don't want you to be coming home at such odd hour.” llu;;- band—“All right, dear. I’ll try (o make it four instead of three.”—Philadel phia Bulletin. Lame Back Lame back is usually due to rheum.i- tiam of the muscles of the back. Hard working oeople are most likely to suf fer from it. Relief may be had by massaging the back with Chamberlain’s Lininrent two or three tinies a day. Try it. F’or sale by Mebane Drug Co Advertise In The Mebane Leader Call for Various Kinds of Wood, i As many as 12 diiTerent kinds of i wood axe used in the manufacture of I umbrella handles, canes, and whips In the country. * Seed Corn For Sale I am offering for sale a few bushels Ot the best ^:)rolific seed corn in the state. In my crflp l.W barrels was raised in 1914 on eleven acres of land We found only three bushels of de cayed corn. Write or see. J. (i. Brulshaw I'hone ‘>tl Lake Lasham. . Whenever You Need a Oeneral Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Toric is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Bnriches the Blo^ and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. Best Thing for Bilious Attack. “On account of my confinement in j the printing office I have for years I been a chronic sufTerer from indigesti on and liver trouble. A few weeks ago 1 had an attack that was so severe that I was not able to go to the case for two days. Failing to get anj re lief from any other treatment, 1 took three of Chamberlain’s Tablets and the next day I felt like a new man,” writes H. C. Bailey, Eklitor Carolina News, Chapin. S, C. For sale by Mebane Drug Company.