MEBA KADER. “And Right The Day Must Win, To Doubt Wovild Be Disloyalty, To Falter Would Be Sin.” Volumn 7 MEBANE, N. C., THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1915 Number 15 Ui. and x\Iis. W. H Lason of, yYashington News Letter I Intervention Now Spoken I Crime and Punishment. 'i'loniasville arrived in Mcbane) ' i iU'silay morning, After all, it is some of our business, violence durinjf tlie past Italy’s entrance into the war set in rr.otif^n various branches of official and \[iss Sue Mejane returned to diplomatic activity. Count V. Macchi of ^ 1' ’ Ai ^ U T4. V A U , I Itis not vvitriiii our power to leave tne tianefrom Burlington wr.ere “i Ce lerr, the Ambassadorj,, ■ il;H been visiting her parents f United States ot Ihij was Hue when the declaration of war on Austria by ^ i i i j u u ,ir, Felix Smith, cashier of ih.a government. Dr. Constantin I ... * . . , Indinapolis, and it is lust as true Mebane Bank and Trust Co. t)umba, the Austrian Ambassador, for Charlotte Monday where:Secretary Bryan and! today and much more apparent. visit friends. also advised him of the existence of a state of war between his country and i ago more thon a hundred I Ainerican citizens met in Mexico City a-id adopfed resolutions, declarii'K that M,Si.Jennie Fitch died Sunday, A neutrality proclamation 1 something ahould be done abont the , \v:is huried Monday at Mt. i ^ \ ^ I Mexico situation in the interest of hu- , , ,.|uirch f'' manitv, and advi,se the wondthat ' “'"'““"“‘i 'ho, American embas- ^ ,ir, .1. W. James of Ridgeville , f'Vienna had taken over the care ^„„,|itio„ of anarchy from !!i Mebane Monday. of Italian interests there. One of the things that most interests i I which a “mistaken altruism” could not save it. President Wilson did not find receive a delegation. Rob Smit h stopped over | officials here is whether the thousands | Jj. in lebane Monday night on his of Italians in this couutry who are; thesr'Americans!“w7in ri‘ilU'11 home from Atlanta Ga. j service wi e j make him understand con- ' he has been attending the i ^ accepte i fUtjons as they really were. Secretary . , Ilf luia aiLciiuiijj, Lilt:* that most of them Will respond volun-' , ■ . , r u • , t il r>/»ll£»o-» i 4. -1 a>u I. jr., t TT . I n»’y‘i» denied even their p'ea for hear- (1 lii;U college tarily. This will affect the Unitea i . , , , ^ ^ •*. i u * i ing, and refused to give out publica- T 1 /. T^i btates more than it has b'ien up to the i .. ^ .>,lr. Duncan Loyd of Eion was i present time. None of the other beh-i■'““tot'O"* “dopted by the i„ Mebane Sunday visiting I gereat nations recalled any great num- | ,n the Mexican rap.- , . , iT « . • ., A I tal. Ihe voice of these distressed and i iOiu s. ber ^f its subjects in the United States ,, - . * ..u i i ' ' ^ ' harried Americans was smothered by ,, ,, T 1 , , I to the colors. But the Itahans in the l ., . . ^ 4. j Mr. Henry Johnston returned ,^w years have had practically a f department, and a i n.m ItaleiKh Monday where he ' monoply L construction work in thisP"';'"’'; , . ^ J ^ 1. ^ tt.Oir cry tor help over the protest of i I; visiting re atives 'country, and if they return home to ..... . ^ * * *' L,. . . . . , j. ■ Washirgton governinent. Americans , 'fight there IS bound to be fanune in j • 1 4. ■ 1 xu • \\>.:uv sorry to say that Mrs,,,® common labor market. l;„l, Smith continues to be very : On the other hand, it is the opinion of Mex,c.,ns, and ’ ^ ' our consular agents were told to get ; many diplomatic and i that the entrance of jOUier officials , limited number of people who were ! I f (lentil anael ‘“'"r. ^ i willing to :*.ct upon this strange advice n.t luaiii aiigt^i vibiteu mt, j^j.opean war will operate in the near; , .... ^ , u 1 ' i>ii. oiwi AT..-. 1? ,, , . . . , . out ot the country as cheaply as pos- ■ ill ol Ml. and Ml.^ L/ail rau- future to the great benelit of Amen- Kti.i, a ; u n ut- 1,1 ' sible. Americans who thought they r :t i:it Wednesday and took can commerce. | might be murdered if they remained iv-m it their little daughter who, end of the pres-nt "eek may i ^old to dear out, hut thair pat- . .Ol.iv seventeen months old. I government would spend very ! Wilson’s note on the Lusitania inci- • transportation. A I clent delivered in Washington. Officials ; Outlook has reproduced (Ji'jce over National Bank °“tcome, buti department I they look forward to lengthy diplomatic j ^showin- this to have h^en our official TV, j exchange and are not optimistic that i Americans in Mex- rNOllCe. jthedi^culties will be speedily adjus-j jco City who t;ied to get their story iPOOMnt of the rainthp icertain that Germany [ , \etO int ot th ram tlie ^^^s not want to drag America into ' were checkmated by the state of a law on the : uMren Day exercise at Leban- war, it is largely ot this be I Jepalment, were only tryin/ to tell of .1 \1. K. Sunday school has oeen lief and not because of any specific in- j conditions now portraved by President . poned until the second Sun- I formation as to what the German re- ; vv,!son in his statement given -ut coin- .,n tn lune, which will be all i 'cident with the Red Cioss appeal. . , - . 1 . tul feeling in Anministration circles. I •• k„ . 1 ■.-»4’ *p *111 rl » i nc Alt^xic ill UiiiiCilts oonhtnici.1 tn0 ’' ■ ‘ t B"' »■' : remarks of the l>re»ide„t at Ind.napo beuin beginning at I as desirous as the United Sta*es of ' morning. , :iVoidmg a dash, diplomatic adju:^tment | ^ - --- i >« not confronted with insuperable oh-1 that Preddent Wilson declared I >tacles. . . there would be no intervention there Oooti Cro*Vtl> Attend ! President Wilson, in addressing the | doubt that stress upon the neccB-j ^ave to come, iieV. V letor Lightbourn the 1 sity of drawing the American tiejths the twelve months goes'to show that Mex ico is the only country v/here the American flag does not aff.>rd protec tion to the lives of American citizens. Pure MilK | University News &xilk is cei tainly thij most important Preparati,'ns are being made in article of food in the human dietary, ^ Chapel Hill for the approaching 12()th and it is al.s(; the easiest to coiUami-! coiiinjencenient of the University of nate. It is, therefore, up to the milk man to .nee that the milk from his North Caruhna. The exercises begins on Sunday, May 30, and the concluding- , event of the four-day occasion comes dairy gets the babies in as reasonable with the commencement address on Also the court records for the same ! as possible. Not June 2 Judge A. Mitchell Paltner, of period proye that murder in New York I is an enclusively baby pro- j Stroudsburg. Pa., prominent in politi- blem, for all sorts of diseases are car- 1 Washington, will deliver may be committed with as little fear of the law’s restribution as in the land where assassiuition is regarded as a crime far less heinous crime than horse stealing. ^ We note that a Southern newspaper which is vociferous in abolition of cap ital punishment cites the statistics of homicide in New York as Cdivincing ried through milk. Tuberculosis is an the commencement address The opening ev^ent is the baccalaure- example of this class, and a number of j ate sermon in Gerrard K-a11 on Sunday epidemics of diphtheria and scarltt | morning, May 30. Bishop J. A. McKay, fever have been traced to the milk Birnr.ingham, Alabama, will make supply, but When we pause to con.sidar that one— fifth of all the babies born in the United States die in their infancy from preventable diseases, and evidence that the extieme penilty does ' ®*^ty per cent of these are due to y(>u. o’clock in the iter sooner or ■ later. Had it not been for the Euro- li'oacher who is holding a pro- 1 together, in view of the European would have 'been perform war, in the bonds of commercial intier- He de- ing a manifest duty there under duress; ■ ere this. We might have abandoned ?!‘icttd meeting in the ware, ^ . 1 j . I est and mutual understanding, hu.ise here IS a '"an of UnusiMl j ^ared that o:.e tl.ins stands in the to their fate, but we would ^ rona and fluent delivery. He. way of closer between the I have been forced to protect oilier for- U 03 excellent language, and his | American nations-the need of ships-j underpressure of for- i'Ul-itrations are far above the 1 *'''sates. It was noted j j^terosts. Reiteration of the as- •wvrage. He has attracted good i applauded him when he said gertion that it is none of our business fiM'vds and his sermons remedy this' ^hat happens in Mexico serves no , sernion. na\8 g,t,nation, tne government.” The?e | we know that it- peen Highly appreciated. words, coupled with the known attitu- I ig some of our business, and that we de of some of the cabinet, were inter- j mugf, make it our business, if we are \.» UI-i In THfk rif» ■% ^official quarters as indicfc-j^o “serve mankind.” The present po- A.) pnone in me j ting that the purchase bill would be | sjtion of the President, as w? urder- W O think Mebane is the only i j gtand it. is that the Umf.ed States t' we ever knew in vvhich iCongress | must do something about Mexico. It nvenes. I ,g expected that the President will , . ^ ! signalize his new policy at the cabinet d yet no telephone kept in the'« Pffpf’ts nf nfvnhnirl ^ r,At ff iinv nlapp iiPAds n ! CHeCIS OT lypHOIQ i not act as a detriment to criive. But our contemporary fails to give consid eration to the fact that in New York, (as in its own State, where the pro portion of murders to popuhtion is even higher), the theory of ‘A life for life” is so seldom reduced to prac tice that no test is furnished of its efficacy. To give support to their contention those who clamor that the gallows and electric chair he done away wiih, should compare conditions in Tennessee or Alabama with those in some com munity in which the penally of death is systsmatically meted out to the class of criminals against whom the law provides it. How stands the case in London as contrasted with that ia New York, or that in Scotland with that in either of the States in this country where hanging has lapsed into inno cuous desuetude. The mere presence statute book, when no pretence is made of its enforcement cannot be adduced to establish what its elFect might be if regularly and rigidly carried into cffect. gastero-intestinal diseases, due to im proper feeding or impure milk, we this sermon to the graduating class of approximately 80. This sermon will be preached at 11 o'clock in the morning. The annual sermon befo'-e the Young men’s Christian Association will be delivered in Gerrard Hall at 8 o’clock Sunday night. Rev. G. T. Rowe, pastor of Memorial Methodist ! church. High Point, will preach this naturally begin to look into the cause, sermon. No where else will cleanliness bear ^ Monday May 31, will be devoted to better results than in keeping the exercises of the graduating class. Ti- : 1 4. u i. The contest for Mangum medal will bp milk pure. It is criminal to have dirty , ,, tt i, held in the morning in Gerrard Hall. and filthy milk. Other events on the program of the day and night are “stunts” under Davie Poplar in the afternoon and the , .. ^ r* 4- joint banquet of the Dialectic and Phil- W ny UllCie o^ni Ciets anthropic Literary Societies in Swain Kuisy night. Alumni Day comes on Tuesday, June You and 1 won t have to fight so Connor, of the University hard. l^utTHAT time has not itrrived i class of 1899, and secretary of the There is a lot of fighting for OUR 1 North Carolina Historical Commission, community to do. We must get on | spe?ker -f the day. Seven das- Ti. • i. I sus of the University will hold reun- tiie firing line. It is np to OUR com-: ..u t j i ^ 4 ^ I ions on that day -classes of 1914, 1910, munity to bring its biggest guns into | 1905^ 1900, 1795, 1890, and 1865, Each action in a CONTINUOUS effort to class will have twenty minutes at its beat b.^ck the attacks of the mail order kings. Uncle Sam will fire the last gun Tho F'IRST gun must be trained on the enomy by OURSELVES. Indi vidual effort. Co-operation. Public Opinion. The Power of the Press The Commercial Club. These are all disposal, according to the program. In the afternoon a baseball gam« between two of the classes will be played, and alunrni “stunts” will interperse the game. The anuual meeting of the board of trustees, annual debate be tween Dialectic and Philanthropic Literary Socities, and reception in By- Naravvana tlu-ie was a telephone system pot. If any place needs a ! '!-ne for the accommodation of j Figures are showing up typhoid in a j public, then the passei^ger | new light. We have always regarded j ••■' I Treight depot need one. j seriously the chances of fatality that; (From the Richmond Times-Dispatch.) W'iMi is responsible for this ignor jgo with each case, also the lengiji of There is a name to make one paus n, I -i. o n>u - • .? 4.^ f > land think—Narawana. It isn’t the mg of J a public necessity; L he 1 time required for tne fevers course,! r 1. • • , 11 name of a Persian princess, nor of a .• ntral man says the phone has j the severe suffering, the anxiety, the. linen taken out of the Mebane ; careful nursing, not to mention the 1 of poets or psychists Yet it is potent ^"POt. Is it to economize or to | expense, but now figures are showing j to charm as does the princess, lull to :ive annoyance? and the central jthat the aftereffects of typhoid are (Sleep as does the rolling boudoir, be- ! wilder as to the new poets, and waft one into ethereal realms as does the And, after all, it may be best, just in tho happiest, sunniest hour of all the voyage, while eager wirds are kissing every sail, to dash against the unseen rock, and in an iiv»tant hear tifb bil lows roir above the sunken ship. For whether in mid.sea or 'mong the break ers of the farther shore, a wreck at last must mark the end of each and all. And every life, no matter if its every hour is rich with love, and every moment jeweled with a joy, will, at its c!o'=«e, become a tragedy as sad and deep and dark as can be woven of the varp and woof of mystery and death. —Robert Ingersol. A Yeir Without a Sum mer. , , ,, , , i num gymnasium are the concluding big guns that should be brought to bear on this question. In the mean time ‘TRaUE-AT-HOME.’’-Winston- Salem Journal. The Danger In Margins (Providence Journal.) Rising prices in th» stock market are due in large measure to a widespread belief that a period of business pros- oerity is on the way. The public is be- Wedne^day, June 2, is commence ment day proper. Judge A. Mitchell Palm3r v ill deliver his address in Me morial Hall in the morning at 11 o'clock The confering of degrees and announce ments by the president will follow the commencement address. The Gotten Field and ^‘The Game’’ (From The Monroe Enquirer.) If you had taken a ten-mile dri\ e yesterday in any section of Union County you would have seen a num- bir of white women and white girls at work in the cotton fields. The rains have made the grass grow wonderfully fast in the cotton fields and the good women--helpmatea that they always are—wore lending a helping hand in killing the grass. And if you had gone out from Monroe on the Wadesboro road that same day you would have seen a long line of strong, robust nig gers going out to the baseball grounds to play ball and to see the game. We thought of those good, working white women when we saw that aggrega tion of uniformed, masked and mit- tened ball players and the line going out in good turnouts to see the game and then—well, you who know us know just as well as you know any thing that we are not going to put on paper what we thought and you can read cussin' all between these Ines. The Cologne Gazette sry,5 Germany will not violate Switzerland’s neutral ity in an effort to get at and to Italy, but our guess is that Switzerland is relying more upon the geography of the country and upon her compara tively small, but well-equipped army than upon any German assurances to save her from the fate of Belgium, “What is extravagance?” asks the New York Commercial. Never having had opportunity to find out trom ex perience, we do not vanture to make answer. Switzerland, surrounded though she is by great nations at war, announces that she is still doing at the (Fron* the St. Louis Post-Dispatch) The year 1816 was known ^hrough- out the United States as the year without a summer. January oF that ing attracted by the chances of profit; i old stand and that all tourists, sales of more than a million shares on j particularly open-handed spenders one day are indicative of investment, j from America, are as welcome within buying as well as spsculation. i u j 4.u .ci -hit r., , her borders as the flowers in May. Fluctuations in the market are to I ..... be expected however, even if a strong j duly appreciative or the invi- bull movement is in progress. The I totion and of the spirit prompting it, small investor vill do well to keep! but for more than one reason we shall thin fact in mind and avoid taking un- ! have to forego the pleasure of “cross- due chances in margin trading. A man . ,,, _ ,. J I ing the pond this summer. ~Va. Pilot, who has the price of 10 shares and at-' tempts to carry a much larger r.umbor | -r - may lose his money if the market drops} . , * two or three points, even though there ] Tne Parable Ol The ^OWGl* should be advances later to higher , , And when much people were gath- levels. The safe is to own the 1 ^^ed together and were come to Him J , ... . of every city. He spake, by a But many doubtless, will take j parable: year was so mild that most people chances regardless of the experiences? j a go^p- __.j. would have let their furnaces go out | others in margins. When the fever ; ^nd as he sowed, some fell by the way for speculation rages the disposition is lan says further that it was ta- , not to be lightly considered. IvtMi out because no one would 1 A study of 1,574 cases of typhoid fev- I'ay for it. jer shows that 146 died while-under ■ — I treatment, which is not quite one out Hindu wonder worker. Narawana is a product of Mexico. It consists of narcotics, the base being a preparation of nicotine, and when rolled into a pill and smoked it gives a ten-do’lar clerk all the sensation of a bloated millionaire. After the oflect tilt s;«ine thing to Austria did not pre- j three years was nearly twice the nor- i wears off he looks in vain for an elu- Vt 1 lif* German Chancellor says Aus- in:i ofVered every possible concession of every 10. Of the 1,428 who recov ered from the immediate efforts of the Italy, but the fact that Serbia did 1 the death rate for the first l ilt (lermany from backing up Aus- j death rate of a similar group of l i t in Ihp latter’s demands for con- j persons who had not had typhoid, iinii.^ which Serbia could not have j the cause of death among the without forfeiture of self-re-1 Patients who died following recovery !• t :ind the respect of the world at from typhoid, tuberculosis heads the ! , j list with a rate ol 30 per cent, with - ! diseases of the heart follov;ing with sive dime. This Narawana, the very sound of which paralyzes the tongue and stupefies the mind, is evidently a prize package of “dope.” The yarn is that the 350,000 or more drug victims in New York, robbed at one p(*werful federal blow of their pipe, syringe and snuff, may turn to had they possessed any, and February was only occasionally colder. March and April coaxed the buds and flowers out, and May was a winter month,with ice and snow. By the end of May everything perishable had been killed by the cold, and the young leaves had been stripped from the trees. June was as cold as May, Both snow and ice were common throughout the month all over the corn belt and after having planted corn two or three times the to believe that prices will go up indefi nitely, although as a matter of fact it is impossible tov the outsider to look intelligently into the future. Ihe Preachers Flies. and the side; and it was ^■rodden down, and the fowls of the air devoured it. And some fell upon a rock, and as soon as it was sprung up it withered away, because it lacked moiiture. And somo fell among thorns; and the thorns sprang up with it and choked it. And other fell on good ground and sprang up and bare fruit a hundred- i fold. And when He liad said these If the preachers would Join in a ^ cried, he that hath ears to crusade to rid the town of flies woul- hear. dn’t that improve the religious life of the town? Who can be in a deyout farmers threw up their hands. Snow ^ fr^tne of mind or enjoy a servico very fell 10 inches deep in Vermont. The following winter was the hardest the the people of the United States have ever known. One had to have a stock ade around one's smokehouse. , I Narawana Thev say it is being smug- . , He will! a‘■“t® of 14.8 per cent. In other words,tinged with ■ I is continually giving. He will j " j gied across the Mexican border, and 'i withhold from j^ou or me. i hold } chances for having tuberculosis j jq tjjQug^tful occurs at once that [I Illy little cup-he fills it full, if 1 are increased about thaee times in | it is more dangerous than any Mexican '..s is greater, rejoice in that, and | those who have recovered from ty- i bullets that ever wafted themselves i.p An army shoe lasts only six weeks and Europe has millions of soldiers in the field The prospect ought to be ? roseate hue for New England in general and for Massa chusetts in particular. over the line into erstwhile peacfiil it to the same run. Were your I Phoid, while the chances for heart dis 1 "I,* Clip to become as large as the|eases are about doubled. In the Un-1 J' I it if ocean, he still would fill it.— j *ted States each year, 8,000 deaths oc- | Q^e reason for the sudde.i increase in i :■ -doie Parker I persons who have recovered 1 the percapita wealth of the country • from an attack of typhoid fever but | is not worth bragging about. Owing to the great and grave increase in the cost living, prices are marked up all along the line where possible. Each average American may have $1,965 in 1 lie time is near at hand,' observed ! who, as a result of impared vitality ' i> 1 .lustice Clark in his address be-! from the disease, succumb during^the >11 the young women of Peace In j first or second year after recovery. tiUite, ’when a woman can stand up [ Besides lowering the vitality so that j tangible property- But $1,965 will not '•'ore all the w'orld and say that she i other diseases are not to be resisted, | much as in 1890. *1 ■'he equal of the proudest man that j typhoid often leaves the patient mam- ‘ ' •tip sun looks down upon.” j ed life, and memory is frequently im- The fly has rightly been called the Standing, sitting or sleeping she has i paired. These considerations should I undertaker’s traveling salesman, and much while fighting pesky flies all the time? It is all well enough to talk of “these light afflictions,” etc. that has nothing to do with the case. It is a fact that a man might go into a saloon and read his Bible with more comfort than he can read it in the average And his diciples asked Him, saying, What might this parable be? And He said. Unto you it ia given to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of God; but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hear ing they might not understand. Now the parable is this: The seed! is the word of God. Those by the wayside are they that Unsatisfied Why is woman dissatisfied? Why does she grow restless under the crown of womanhood? Why is she weary of the God- given Jewel of motherhood? Is it not a sufficient political achieve ment for woman ,that future, rulers nurse at her breart, laugh in her arms and kneel at herfeet? Can ambition leap to more glorious heights than to sing luliabys to the world's greatest genuises, chant melodies to master minds and rock the cradle of human destiny? God pity our country when the hand shake of the politician is more grati fying to woman's heart than the patter of children's feet. The Comet. Astronomers tell us that a new com et—a 1915 affair is now visible, and that by June 15 it will be seen by all and 165 times brighter than in this month. Norvous people think it will have something to do with the war—but it won’t. In the old days comets were supposed to have to do with the desti ny of men and nations—but in these times we understand that they come as the sun comes-as the tax bill comes-as things regularly ordained. Therefore the new tace in the heavens will mean nothing.—Everything. The Washington Post tells us that the “greatest question" confronting the Pan-American conference now in sossion in the capital of this nation is that of money. If we may be pardon ed for dealing in personalities, the same question is causing us little trouble these days ■ ays been not only the equal of man I bear an espfcial appeal to those who still tolerate flies and fly infected food and who have not yet made up their minds to be vaccinate against ty phoid. l‘Ut hy him acknowledged his superor > cMi in the walks of life tor which *'hI created her.--Lillington News li 'porter. in addition to his regular line of “ty phoid bugs”, he carries a side line of tuberculosis, Asiatic Cholera and other disease germs. Now is the time to “swat the tly.” I'he fidelity of a public man to con science—not to party—is rewarded with the sincerest popular love and con tidence * ♦ ♦ No man can take a pre eminent and effective part in conten tions that shake nations, or in the dis cussions of great national policies, of foreign relations, of domestic economy and finance' without keen reproach and fierce misconception. “But death,” j says Bacon, “bringeth good fame.” Then, if moral integrity remains unsoil ed, the purpose pure, blameless the life, and patriotism as shining as the sun, conflicting views and differing counsels disappears, and firmly fixed upon character and actual achievement good fame rests security.—George William Curtis. church on the day when the church ! then cometh the devil and taketh doora are open to the public and the! word out of their hearts, public is invited to enter and worship. ! should believe and be saved. If it is worth while to keep flies out of { They on the rock are they, which, places devoted to world lines and sin, | ^hey hear, receive the word with why is it not worth while to keep them j these have no root, which for out of house devoted to the worship of ^ ^ ^^ile believe, and in time of temp- the living God? And why is it not a ! totion fall awry, work of righteousness to help raise in i which fell among thorns a community a sentiment that would i which, when they have heard, keep that community flyless?— i forth and are choked with cares Lumberton Robesonian. j riches and pleasures of this life, ' j and bring na fruit to perfection. i But that on the good ground are j they, wljich In an honest and good Say. Listen* i heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit with patience. A man named Henry Evans, we print his name because it should be , printed, living at Tower, Illinois, 'got 1 To the semi- official Germen pro- an idea he was 'going to die. j nouncement is defense of the Lusi- He owed less than five dollars—but i tania horror that “submarine warfare the debts were old. j was instituted solely as a reprisal He went and paid them. ' against England’s starvation block- I Wouldn’t it be nice if a great many i ^de,” there is an insuperable objection people could jutt think they were ‘^^tes. The German submarine policy going to die, and then come across \ announced Feb. 4; the reply of the with their subscription money? .. . xt vu , . . You bet your gum boots it will. Everythinfi. Would Lay Blame on Preachers. Pastors of the Statesville churehes are complaining about the small at tendance of the people of that town o'j Sunday night services, and the pastors are talking of discontinuing these services. This is a surprising state of affairs in a town with the general good reputation in churchly matters of Statesville. Is the fault with the pastors or with the people Usually, if a pastor who has a sufii- cient congregation of average devout ness finds attendance on his services falling off, he will not have to look further than his own pulpit to find the —Wadesboro Messenger. I find that to be a fool as to worldly wisdom, and to commit my cause to Goi, not fearing to offend men who take offerse at the simplicity of truth, i the United States was issued Feb. 10. ® ^ remain unmoved at the sentiment of others.— John wool- man. And both were issued befor the British Orders in Council iimmi mu

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