Subscribe to The Leader #1 RD when we tell you ihat we carry one of the nicest lines of mens and boys clothes cirried in lh(‘ State, Evrery- t^ino- to divss a sentleroan. m We offer our entire stock of Millinery (Rib bon excepted) at a reduction of one- thirfi off 0 price. Your chance to get a almost your own figures. hat foi FIRST COME GET BEST PICK. m m Mebano Supply The Popular Price Store June 2nd ifiiQ^rlgLtTIartScWfner &Marx HITHERTO STRANGER TO FEAR But Now He Had Run Against 8om«' thing That Caused His Nerve to Forsake Him. “I came, sir, in answer to your ad vertisement. Tou said you wanted to employ a man who waa a j^otal stranger to fear.” “Are you a bra-ve man?” “I am, sir. 1 have given proof of my courage in many partA of tbe world.” V “Yes?” “1 have faced bullets in Mexico and machetes in Cuba.” “Good!” “I helped to defend the missionaries against the Boxers, and I was pres ent at the siege of Port Arthur.” “Pine.” “I have fought the infuriated walrus of Baffin bay and the maddened bull elephants of Central Africa, and I went through an Armenian massacre without losing my nerve.” “You seem to b« the man I want Would you be willing to go out on a field in front of 20,000 fair-minded, Eport-loving Americans and umpire a baseball game honestly, deciding against the home team when neces- eary?” “So that’s the job, is it?” replied the man of courage, and broke into a cold perspiiaiion aud a run for the 4oor jiimuUaneously. Recognized the Burden. "No wonder them city people com plain about bein’ all worn out with Iheir social duties,” vouchsafed a prominent citizen of Wayoverbehind. “When I was down to New York I durn near unj’inted my neck tryin' to bow to everybody I met on the streets.”--Magazine of Pun. Delay Was Dangerous | fool-Chest Courtship. It was the Sabbath morn —the day! on which all good ?c-'tciimen carefully I abstain from anything worldly. The “meenister” of the little High land village was, therefore, horrified to see Sandy McDougal, one of his flock, shooting a hare junt outside the Tillage. “WeU, mon,” he gasped in dismay, “d’ye r.o think sfiiiine o’yersfl’ for doeing sich a like Ihink the day? D’ye no ken that on the ?abl>!>ti» v/e maun dae naetliing save a work of real ne- pessitj ?” “Ay, I ken fii>e, ” replied Sandx coolly. “Weoi, and is shootiiig a hare f wurrk of necessity?” “Ay, i' is,” said ^'andy ?till^quitc ur perturbed as he peek ted ti e hare. • « “^hit?” gapp(d the “n.eeni.stor ’ “Hoo dfiO ye make that, ort?” “Weel” sni'l Sandy, with a slow grin ‘the hare m‘cht be awa ly the inorn’v'- morn.”— Pittsbu''p,h Chroi'iole. Poor Hen. A couple of Pennsylvania farmers, a man and wife, drove from their farm to the nearest raihvay. The man, small a;id scared, sat meekly beside his wife, who filled two-thirds of the seat, anc only spoke to command. Finally the station was reached. The woman hustled in, settled her numer ous bundles, and sat down. Looking over her goods and chattels, she sud denly missed something, and looking about, discovered that her husband had remained outside on the platform. She rapped sharply on the Avindow. “Hen!” she called, pointing to the bench beside her, “(^ome set.” Ellis-Stone&Co. l^mnehr FARM And GARDEN TOOLS Increased profits follow the use of modern tools, and we have the very latest productions waiting for you. Our stock includes everything for the farm and home, or for the yard or garden of townspeople. It is useless to dwell at length on the superiority of our hardware and tools, for you ALL know their quality But we want to mention just a few of the most import ant tools that are now in greatest demand- and all of guarantee make: Lawn mower,rakes, hoes, shovels, and all kinds of labor saving tools, and machinery. A large stock of wire fenc ing from 24 to 60 inches high. McCormick and Deering mowers, binders and rakes. We have the things you need aii this season. Come and see us. TYSON CO Mebane, N. C. DELIGHTFUL STYLES IN THE NEW WASH GOODS All bouquets from the same garden are not equally attractive—?ome folks know how to select and com bine the flowers better than others. True, also, as to the assortments of Cotton Wash Goods—Some stores know best what to choose; know which styles will be reigning favorites; and the Ellis, Stone store long ago won the reputation of having the Prettiest Variety wliether American or imported. Here are further instances: — ^)cw imported Printed Silk stiiped Vjiles, 40 inches v>/id;, at 89e. the yard. —>Ne'v imported Embroidered Crepe, 40 inches wide, at 89c. yard. — New 40 inch imported wash Organdie Embroidered in beautiful col or combinations, at $1.25 the yard. —New iii'ported Embroidered Madris, 28 inches wide, at ?^1.25 yard. —New Satin Stripe Crepes, with unusually pretty fl«)ral designs, 40 inches, at 39c. yard. --New 30 ii’ch Mercerized Crepe do Chine, in dainty floral patterns on ground or pink, blue, lavender and white, -Nep 40 inch pin stripes Voile, at 35c. the yard in stripes or red, black, blue, green and lavender, are exceptionally beautiful. —New 27 inch imported Plisse in charming floral designs for morn ing dresses, house dresses and kimonas are priced at 19c, yard. 38 inch Organdie in charming floral patterns, at 35c yard. —over one hundred pieces of new Cromptons, Fast Color Ginghams in new Spring Patterns, 35 inches wide at 15c. yanl. ELLIS • STONE & CO. “It is‘plane’ that I love you,” i.o begnn, according to The 'Buiidii,..- Age. “Is that on the ‘level’? she asked. “Havn’t 1 alwavs been on ihp ‘square’ with you?" but you have many ‘vises,’ remonstrated. “Not a ‘bit' of it.” he aserted. “What made you ‘brace’ up?’ querier copquetti shly, “The fact that 1 ‘saw’ yon,' plied, with a .how. ‘T ought to ‘hammer’ you for thni ” she answered saucily. “Come aud sit by rne on the ‘bench’” he urged. “Suppose the other should ‘file’ in?” she murmurtd. You idiouldt.’t lei your arms ‘compass’ me.” “I know a | reacher who ;s a {jood .joiner, ” he suggested, anii tht-\ l ushed off for t he license. ?lh> he ri‘ DURHAM, N. C, GREENSBORO. N, C. There Is No Getting Around the fact that we have an ideal line of ladies U dress goods, and a large line of stylish low cut summer ^2 shoes both for men and ladies. Fresh family groceries, and country produce. THE OLD RELIABLE H. E. Wilkinson Co. Mebane, N. C. Restored to Qocd Healtli. ‘•I was sick for four years with stomach tiouble “, v.'rites Mrs. Oito Cans, Zar.eville, Ohio. “I lo^t w’ei-viit and feft so weak thft I almost (>a\e up ho{)e o^ being cured. A friend told me about Chamberlain’s Tablet.^., and since using two bottles of them i have been a well woman.” For .«ale h\ Vlebane Drug Co CONFEDERATE REUNION Low Fares to Richmond: via Norfolk Southern Railroad account ANNUAL REUNION Cheap Excursion 'lickets on saleMay 29th to June 2nd. limited tt» Juno 10(h For gt'neral imformation call on or write Norfolk Southern Ticket Agent at Ruleigh. n. S. Lcard Ceneral I’assenaer Agent If I had faltered more or less In my great task of happiness; f 1 have moved among my race \nd shown no glorious* mornitig face; f beams from happy human eyes lave move:! me not: if mornit)g skie.^. Book^, an I my foot', and .summer rain ..vtioc^ved on my sullen heart in vain— ord, thy mi'st potent jileasure take \u(1 stnh fP.y spirit broad awake; )r, Lord, if too obduruto I, 4ioi>.-^e thou, before that s|)irit die. And piercing r:ii!i, a killing sin, A\il\ to iny dead heart lun them in! — Robert L(‘uis Steven-^on. Bilious AttacK.s. Whf^n vou have a bilious attack your iiver fail to perform its functions. You become constipated. The food yon eat cermenta in your stomav.‘h instead of Jigesting. This inflames the stomach ind causes nausea, vomiting and a cerrible hoadache. Take Chamberlain’s Tanlets. fhey will tone up your liver, jlean out your stomach and you will .^00.1 be as well as ever They only cost a quarter.For sale bj' Mebane Drug Co I am sure it is a great mistake al ways to Know enough to go in when it rains. One may keep snug and drv by sucli knowledge, but one misses a w'orld of loveliness. —Adeline Knajip. Greatly Benefited By Chamberlain's Liniment “I have used Chamberlain’s Liniment for sprains, bruises and rheumatic pains, and I he great benefit I have received Justifies my recommending it in the highest terms”, writes Mrs. Flor ence Slife Wabash, Ind. if you are trou bled with rheumatic pains you will certaiidy be pleased with the prompt relief which Chamberlain’s Liniment affords. For sale by Mebane l^rug Co. i When n man or a woman gets a good I look in God’s looking-glass he isn’t seeking fault with other people; he has as much as he can do at home. -D. L. Moody. JNeuralgia Fains Stopped You don’t need to suffer those agon izing nerve pains in the face, head arm, shoulders, chest and back. Just apply a few drops of soothing Sloan’s Liniment ; lie queitly a few minutes, you will get such relief and comfort! Life and the world will look brighter. Get a bottle to - day. 3 ounces for 25c., at all Druggists, penetrates v;ithout rubbing. Advertise In The Mebane Leader Play Best Exercise. The best kind of exercise Is the kind that makes you forget that you are exercising—in other words play, says a physician. It’s a good scheme to have some more or less strenuous game for a hobby—golf or bowling or tennis or archery—anything that appeals to you and affords ezeroise with Interest. But this is not saying that systematic exercise Is not a good thlnjE. too. J. J. Attorney at law Graham, N. C. torn