LEADER ‘And Right The Day Must Win, To Doubt Would Be Disloyalty, To Falter Would Be Sin.’’ V OLUMN 7 MEBANE, N. C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 1915 NUMBER 37 Mrs. Joe Pickett left Tuesday ! for (jreeiisboro to visit relatives. | \ he Circus (Jhapel Hill News Doing splendid. j I^easons For The Loan j j Remember tliat the Carl ; RjHy J^ay at Chapel Hill was a great There was sold on the Mebane Fairfax Harrison of the Southern p^ev. and Mrs. b. C. Durham I Wallace circus, success. Over three hundred persons mark^t at lier two warehouses katlwav and Henry waiters of the ' charged ^pent several days this weak im ^illbe in Burlington Saturday ! from all parts of Orange county flocked j for the month of October a total Atlantic Coast Line are among to defraud the Goyer^^^ ,,ape..HiH will relative., | the «th day of November, rhis>~ pounds of tobacco, signers to a p.pe. seuin. fonh the 13"-^'"wha;’Xarer;un:y Miss Lllhe Fowler who has l ^^•'CUS is said to bo one i residents of Chapel ^ ^ million pounds, reasons for the recent loan to the Al-1 United States i istrict Court at Fort he^n in Greensboro for some - on lluM'oad. It is worth | Ujn ^nd the University faculty and ; is splendid work for Meb- lies and what it means to this country. | Smith Ark., last Wednesday. Senten- seeing,'. Per I orrnancos :it 2 p. m. j student body united in giving the vis-! ane, and the beauty of it she is ! The statement is advanced in l.ehalf of | passed. The case against and at S 11. m. |itorsa .ousing welcome, I Climbing all the time, gfttinff I the Nation’s welfare. An e.-iplanation I ri'fp,, The size of the crowd, the number 1 u:_u„„ „r-|>io-i- , ,u i, ... defendant, was dismissed, the cases .ui t-rt :. ^ignei dmong me list Ol DIk >S made ot the reciprocal trade between against the defendants went on trial 1 markets. j the interested countries m normal I yesterday and their action was a Casper Pleads Guilty The Moonshine cases end. seven on in tune returned home last week. Mrs, Ed Oillard who lias been visiting her sister, Mrs. Warren :if Rlon came down Tuesday to visit Mrs. F. A. Dillard. Mr. Felix Smith was a busi- Doinj^c iii Graham I was ill (Jr.'iliam a few days ago and notf*d a wonderful im- visitor in H.irlintrton Satnr-iP™'’*'"’'-"'' i'''l' innir 1 learn- : ed that the business men ol Gra- ilay evening. Prof. Forney of the State Nor mal College Greensboi'o was in town this week and while here shov\^ed a cut of his hillside plow invented. Mr. (’oble of Julian was In town first of the week. Mr. J. B. Wolf of Rural Hall spent Monday in town, Messers Eugene Marley of and variety of the exhibits and the in terest shown by the country people in the exhibition these in the opinion of promoter ot the Rally Day plan, Prof. M. C. S. Noble, were the significant features of the day But the day was also significant in another way—it marked the al)andonment of an old custom. Hithi'rto, the Memorial Hall Greensboro, 8. Hogan of Ciniei-1 to keep their places of business natti Ohio were at the White!clean. (Jet buisy. Observer. House Monday, Mrs. A. P. Long has a nice line of cloaks and ready to wear suits to show you. It will be worth while to see them. The Mebane Supply places an ad in this veek. Be sure and r^^ad it. There is a reason New goods are in new. New store will be open soon. “The right store"' W. T. Hunt Co. tells you it is sometimes hard to find. He has invited vou to come and see for your self. Big stock of christmas toys and notions will be in this week. At The Flower Show, A delicious menu of oysters, fried and stewed, chicken salad, cake, coffee, and chocolate ice cream will be served nice and clean. W ins The Banner. The school is doing fine work. The teachers are capable and thorough in their work. The pupils are hard at work and their work is telling in rapid progress. For the month ending Oct. 29 Miss Shellem’s room wins the banner for last month, with Miss Hoover’s room a close second and all the rooms look good. This banner is awarded by the Jr, Civic League and is strongly contested for by the different rooms. The whole town may be proud of our school.—By the th*. Civic Com. Buying an Automobile Mr. Walter S. Crawford is now sales agent for the “l^ord” automobile one of the most popu lar machines, and its popularity has been won entirely upon mer it; If you have the remotest idea of buying an automobile it will pay you to see Mr. Craw ford, it matters not whether you wish a medium price machine or the best sold, he can supply you. If you want to be in it get a machine. The Civic League And the Flower Show There is no more worthy organiza tion in the town of Mebane, or one giving more iniselfish service for the up-buililing of the tinvn, tlien thn Civie League. I'lie Flower S^how is only one of their numerous activities, but is one of their lu'st. it not only encourages the peoplt of the town to raise flowers, but enables th(! people at large to en joy them un(.J also adls something in the way of I'luuls ti) tlu' (’ivjc League treasury to help them push other worthy enterprises. Among the things that the tov/n bus to thank these good ladies for, are the beautifying the lot next the I’ost. OM’ice, the cleaning up of the Cemetery, the placing of trash cans on tlie streets, and work on the railroad lut. Let us ail try to encour- afje them all we can, and especially so by attending the Flower Show, W\ S. Crawford. th(‘ public but I twice a year—on University Day and i at commencement. To-day it was used as a place to exhibit Orange county ham \v(‘rt‘ co-oiioraLlng with the “worrians ('lull” by k(>eping' , , . ‘ ^ has been t-pened to their sLor(^^ :iii(l i)!a(*('s of husi- n'^ss-iu)t only in front but in the rear of stores ch'aii. 4'he Civic League of Alebani' are doing a great worlc and with tlu‘ co operation of tlu' nieicliants and bu.-^iness jnt'n of the town. Meb ane would ht' '•‘talked about.'’ “Mr. Leader” cant you stir up the m‘n and get them at least I times anfi of the necessity of permit- i surprise. T-. I 1 , , Those who pleaded guilty were; I ting England and France to settle by ; , , , I ! John L. Casper, Kansas City, al ! some system .,f deferred credit if we | |eged head of the conspiracy; (ieonf. One of the most delightful events in | want these couidries to Commercial Club Meets. onr best oustomerR. and continue as. Hartman, Kansas City, employe of this followed . Casper; Charles Brewbaker, Kansas oroflucts. And these products included L. * ■ • - x- • , 1^* ' j ferent kinas ot games were enjoyed th(* social life of Mebane this fall was the formal o^pening of the Conmiercial Club Tuesday evening tv of ladies and gentlemen ded »>nly went to prove the saying | being that not a dollar of the $■”>>).X)0,- j City, employe of Casper; S. L "nothnig succeeds like succes.-’.” There fooo will leave our shores. It is further Williams Winston-Salem. N. C., f.r- were about twelve tables Kt which dil- i contended that every dollar of it will! revenue agent who resigned from I j,^y up of the better featu-employe of C^asper; J. Henry I he large par- Brown, Harrison, Ark., formerly a iien that, atien-Iloan, le irs , o ^ j gauger; John Farral>e»\ not only farm products, such as corn | on ear, potatf>es, fruit, and the like. ! go directly or indirectly to some the Government service to enter busi- and John ('otley, The decorations were unusuall\ at - ” ' ' j ness with Casper, tractive. After the games Sandwiches i larnier, working man, j Smith, but it al^o inchid ( s.u ip s • served lolloweu by croam and |‘‘hant, or nianulactiirer in cash pay-j The indictment against the men con- cookmg, am> nea/ e w , . j cake while nuts were passed around ] rnent plnfhimr vq«7 I taJnori /.r.nr.-c Tf hibits, and antique {>ieces of crockery, metal, and wood. The Rally Day exernses were opened by an automobile parade, the machines for the occasion being furnished by the citizens of Chapel Hill. This wps fol lowed by an entertainment given bv several University students. At 12 o’clock dinner was ser\ed on the green below the chapel. The farmers’ wives produced gr.?at, heaping baskets of chicken, sandwiches, cakes, pies, and tarts, and the ladies of the town also contributed to this supply. After dinner moving pictures v/ere for foodstufls, clothing, raw I tained 33 counts. It charged the de material, la nor, and products that the English and French in a m!St unique way by Mr. Dave Wbite. The (^lub expects to entertain their wives and lady friends real often. 'jeopleneed; also that there will be i established in this country a commer- 1 i cial credit just as important to us as to AniOTnfOOIkin ' Fugland and France because it will be Utw I llkwvlrlu AUUl j permit ! the outflow of our surplus products. DENT One among the most distressing maiiufactured ; fendants with carrying on a business of distilling at Fort Smith with intent to defraud the United States Govern ment of the tax imposed on distilleil spirits. Three counts in the indictment char ged the defendants ha1 in their pos session cancelled internal revenue stamps. Casper alone pleaded guilcy to these courts. j Finally, this country recognizes that, 1 in order lo further American trade, it must become a creditor Nation, giving cre»Iit lo any solvent and friendly Na tion tliat may be entitled to it. The security for this loan is the income and property of the two reichest Na tions of Europe. The combined wealth of England and France is estimated at one hundred and rhirty-five billion dol- Mebane Graded School Honor Rool Below is the names of those who made an avecage of H") per cent. First grade, Sarah bh'vin, Blanche Tally, T hcmas Morgan and Mary Crutchfield. Adyanci'tl First (riade, liuby Scott and ElizabetJi Nicholson. Second Grade, Martha Oawford and James ijong. Third Grade, Ivatie Jackson, Mildred Jobe and Vernon Walker. Fourth Grade Fifth (Jrade Sixth Grade, Katherine McIntyre, William Anttioney, Hughes Wilkinson and Hubert Sykes. Seventh Grade Eighth Grade, Lottie Long, Itacht 1 Ham, Mabel ('raig, Tear! Sattertield and Bessie Nicholson. Ninth (Jrade Tenth (irade, Leonora .lobe. Eleventh («rade, P.onnie Sykes, accidents that happened to one of .Meb-• shown free of charge. These pictures ' ane’s citizens in a long lorg time was | dealt largely with the various aspects , that sulFerel by Mr. Ralph Vincent, of rural life and were furnished by the | Oct. Mr. Vincent was then at Department of Agriculture. At ^Qjty where he had gone p. m. prizes were presented to the | . . • winners in the exhibit contest. Fol- i ipurchase horses for hi« Mebane lowing this was a ainging contest by ' sales business. Mr. Vincent had driven the vrrious rural Sunday Schools. The ^ couple of Texas ponies a short dis J > o oorJoc j»f i . 1 I lars—two hundred and seventy times day closed with a series or tance in tiie country to attend a sale | nnnte?ts i - t • ' the amount of this loan. The popula- i of horses on a farm. It raining the • • , . I „ , . . , tion of the two countries is almost one Wa^hinirton News Letter i ponies were unhitched from the vehicle ' vv hundred miIhons. The proposed loan is) I and tied with a halter under a shelter. . „ . , ^ , l,- ' Misterious movements of small crafts , preparing to »"'y obligation in America.! waters, coupled with the ^ | of the two Nations; such a loan being departure, without the permission of leave he went to the ponies to unfas-, this government of German commis- ten them, when one jumped “Samst | sioned and warrant oiricers interned i tiJm, and knocked him down then whir- I i at Norfolk, is furnishing a perplexing, continued to kick him. bat for! ! problem to officials here. It has ser-' , . , ... - • j u a i considerably under twenty bilhon ' • ..I 4- I the timelv aid of a friend who dragged | , , , ved tc set in motion the secret in/es-1 * •, , , (dollars, and is less than one year s in- tigating machinery of three branches j him out of the way he would have been ' I come of the people of these two Na- of slIt^rNavr ana the lorce of the blow cuting | This loan will increase their cret agents have been working on the j ^bove the eye and knock,ng oat two indebteness only two and a half per problem for seveial weeks, but £o far j supposed at the time to |“Having thu« no question as they have been unable to fathom the j ,omTiietelv Hestroved the siffht of i and prompt ded on to raise a crop that will keep ooeraticns oi the small sea-gomg i " , i^on ” tVio oifmor-c t.he mill.c; simnlied. From wav back. Peanut Oil. What The Observer regards as an important venture in the Southern in dustrial field is the production of pea nut oil by the Royster Mills at Tar- boro. The plant of this company has been equipped with machinery especi ally designed for the handling of pea nuts and the company has bought 20U tons of raw material from which it will extract the oil. This is regarded as the beginning of Southern industry that may assume proporaons of a lit tle less importance than that of the cotton seed oil mill. The peanut is found to produce from 50 to 60 gallons of oil to the ton, while the average from cotton seed is 47 gallons. Fur thermore, peanut oil sells higher than the cotton seed product and never finds a glutted market. The peanut can be grown commercially in any part of the cotton belt and the esta blishment of peanut oil mills will no doubt be followed by considerably in creased attention to peanut growing. When the farmers find that there is money in peanuts, they may be depen- operaticns craft. : Two theories have suggested them- i After remaining in a hospital in selves to those directing the investiga- | j^iigsouria until Oct. 29, he was broughi; tions. One i.s that the vessels are i Mebane. Since his return here being mobolized for the institution or a j ^ * 4.1 ■ u*- e I- ; I „ ! there is a taint hope that the sight ot new commerce raiding campaign by 1 Germany in the Carribean sea, and the ' this eye may be restored. other that they wi'l be used in a series j Mr. Vintent is in truth one of the of filibustering expeditions against j cleverest, and most popular young men i payment of the loan,” the signers 1 concluded, “we have each subscribed to it; believing, moreover, that every American citizen who participates in the loan will be contributing substan tially to the commercial prosperity of the whole Nation.”—Charlotte Obser ver. Mexifo. The operations have also | ; of this section. Everybody that knows ! the British; . , , commerce 1 Ralph likes him, and is distressed be-1 A Good c>ale. Th(' following shows sales ol leal to bacco inadr lor L:iws and Lee ol Pros pect Hill, N. C., at I he IMaiiters Ware house in Mebane Nov. lind. It is line sales; “Killed Dy Idle Gossip.’’ Oct. 26.—More than a year ago Mr?. Ida Bodman, with her husband ai d daughter Priscilla, came to Western Springs, 111. where everybody knows everybody else. Three months later the Bodman home was made happy when the stork brought the little Pris cilla a baby brother. Then Mrs. Bod- ihan began to receive “poisoned” telephone* rails Saturday she could stand it no long er. She tucked her children in bed, kissed them goodnight and then shot heraelf. The jury’s verdict, as it ap pears on the record, was “killed by idle goasip.” Mrs. Bodman was for merly Miss Ida Stevens of Boston. Pounds Price 'I’otal KS 4.08 !(»:{ l::5 14.04 1:50 ir, 19.50 ISt 20 36.80 180 22 39.60 lit; 40 58.40 l(jO 42 67.20 ;;oi 21 63.84 411 ir> 62.10 1 ;',65.56 —-r=—r ■— his Halifax speech Mr. Bryan baffled the agents of government, who fear a . . 1 raiding campaign is about to be begun cause of this misfortion that has be- j against the tank steamejs which carry , fallen him, we with a larg‘ number I oil from Mexican ports for use in the | f„,, the best, and sj^pie j„ more ways than one British navv. , .u • i that is for his ultimate and entire re- Administration officials are enthusi- ! astic over the success of the Presi-! t'overy. dent’s plan of smoothing the way tor j national detense program by confer- j encas with the chairman of the House 1 and Senate Committees on Military 1 and Naval affairs. Officials declare the President is now assured of the support of the chairman of all four of | these committees and they believe 1 The Enemy's Country Mr. Bryan’s plan of national defense If we are challenged by a belligerent neighbor he hopes we will refuse to take offense, and say: “We have 100,- the mills supplied. From way back, when the peanut was first put on the market, the tin cup was the measure and five cents the price. Later came along the whistle of the tin roaster with its song of ’‘five-a-bag, ” but that has been the only change. Through war and panic the price of the peanut has ever been five cents a pint, but the coming of the peanut oil mill will very Hkely bring about what will be regarded as one of the most notable of all historical events—a break in the standard pi ice of peanuts. —^Charlolte Observer. “CARELESS WITH THEIR Confessed Openly ideals of liberty and righteousness 10 save.” If perchance all these lives and priceless ideals, with no army and Sarford Kxpress: “A younff lady of |''■"’y t>-'■iffffuard therr, should tempt ...«; ™». - ™ j:: direction of securing Congressional nnen lor slander and a lew days ago a j approval for the administration’s ideas. ! ^^ke county jury decided she was en-1 course, but only -is amateurs. Chairman Hay, of the House Military : Thedefam-j France and Belgium had Committee, who gave out an interview I ^ I ^ priceless several weeks ago counceling caution! - the words 1 >^^eals, and France had a large standing with respect to increasing the army, 1 made no effort to justify the words j ^ ^ ... said after an interview with the Presi- , which were declared to be slander but, ® ^ ’ dent, that he would give the proposed ; them. They testified to 1 »"ade so swiftly that within one month administration army measures liis | ! Belgium had been devastated and a hearty support. i nothing of any charges against her | great German force was almost at the Rumor has ii that Dr. Cary Grayson. 1 her i e:ates of Paris. No doubt if President passed assistant surgeon of the army, ^ , 1 • 1 1 • 4-u I Princare on learning that the Ger- and naval aid to the President, and re- ! re.,timonv, however, and decided in the Poincare, learning mans were coming, had made a speech farred to as the “Gupid in the Presi- sum mentioned, dent’s romance with Mrs. Galt, is said his father had once said to him: *‘You can afford to be iii the minority, you can not afford to be wrong. Rather surprising that such goodly coU'.isel should have had so small effect on the conduct of its recipent. Seems t3 us that the greater part of Mr. Bryan’s ])ubiic life has been spent in striving for popularity on the wrong side of some j^olitical issue. romance himself a victim of Cupid, and an an nouncement of his engagement to Miss Gertrude Gordon, one of the wealthiest j young women in Washington, and a I ward of Mrs. Galt’s the President’s, finance, is expected. Lieutenant Robert Fay of the six teenth regiment of Prussians, who, 1000,000 lives to protect and priceless with his brother-in-law, Walter Scholz, was arrested by the New Jersey police, acting on the initiave of the New York police department, has confessed that he had been sent to this country by the German secret police, to whom he had been recom mended by the colonel of his regiment, i for the purpose of interferring with shipments of arms and ammunitions to the allies. He asserted that he had taken his idea of a mine bomb to be attached to a stern of single-screw steam ships and set off by the action of the swirling water from these screws on a clock-work mechanism to Captain von Papen, the German military at tache to this country, and to Captain Boy-Ed, the German naval attache, but he insisted that they had refused to lend him aid unless he agreed to go to Canada and operate from the other side of the border. Not All One Way. (From The Old Fort Sentinel.) Employes expect a I on the subject of nghteou!=ness instead j of rushing every available man and j gun against them, the invaders would j have had Paris in about two weeks. ■ Mr. Bryan once referred to the hundred j states east of the Alleghanies as “the of their j enemy’s country. ” Unler his plan of I cents In every dollar I wages, and they should there-! national defense they would be the fore be certain that the boss gets | enemy’s country all right, as Belgium and Northern France are to-day.—N. She Heard Anyway Do you tell your wife everything' 60 minuteS WOrk in everj^ houl you do while she is away? No; the neighbors attend to that. he pays for. Honesty is not one sided. Y. World. For let a man once show the World that he feels Afraid of its bark, and ’twill fly at his heels; Let him fearlessly face—’twill leave him alone; But 'twill fawn at his feet—if he flings it a bone. —Lytton.