M -,:.v-v,r .'v V,.,-; ---r-:'- ' . iTTT1 Till liV 1 1 1 H 1M 1 ' I - . r nmFTHH-nDOi-:. i hittti in - - n m it . .. . ... itAinit - i 1 tOWFEVERSTARTS Uf i ,- -ri. man nrl women are in ;.- n icenmx . . every respect " political equals. lbe S ich lumbers about 70,000 people, is governed by representatives elected by men -stmmda: AMERIC AH PEACE PLM. . K'm interest at tlie : and women together. ' Oar domestic trade in vessels on Jakes, rivers and coast waters.Senator iin nnt in a recent speech. -VtJ -r t..nrKin interest at Programme oi - Normal and Industrial College. The seventh annual commencement of the State Normal and Industrial College of North Carolina opened on Saturday, the 19th,. with a reception by" the faculty to the alumnae and oth- , three etudents. JJecorauou is trreater nau iua . l . . - a nnTA,B mmsiea wim . ... r.iA nnt together, palms, vines uu -"-yr. 5n Scheine For nations m m . " .. tuQ nolWe colors, wnue s"-. v . the entrance hall, and with co? oi; the different classes in the reckon halls, were but a fit b" living pictures ot norm j - . womLTood. It goes without saying St one found beauty jgJ Bines the adorning of halls and tables where refreshments were served, was o Hv the zealous nanus oi UVW 'J Oelegates at The; Hague Submit ' Their -Arbitration Proposal. DIFFERS FROM THE BRITISH IDEA. Detroit river and nfAvo shins sail tne T.i-romool or London, the traffic of the Sault Ste. Marie canal is about twice that of the Suez. t Wireless telegraphy is not so new as most persons suppose. The banks more tnan uau v.a Rnsnnehanna century ago, saw experiments in it by Morse and Gale; and some islands communication wi " ivfi maintained toe main shore of England in this way for seven or eight years. . But this method was by an induced current If a current -of. electricity is through one wire, it will induce a enr- directiou m au- This neads long stretches of parallel wire, ever, and will not work if the wires are far apart. women loal to their Alma Mater M o . 77. ...f xva writer's knowl- irstuniioa " "I" , w Pl edge so holds tne ne"k "x f t drfn. This is illustrated by -tte Jtact that oni of one hundred ana fifty-seven rent in an opposite other wive parallel to it. ! It is pitiful to contemplate the com placency with which unthinking or ig norant parents, rich as well as poor, consent to cater criminally to the in fantile demand for candy. The effect , , a, DTlmnfi. among the well-to-do, for the reason consumed is manufactured from supe rior materials. But certain it is ma with American children of every class the confectioner is patronized more - generously than is the butcher or the baker. To this fact is due most of , , i: f QoHi iii vouth. as tie ttesimiiiuu m ' well as many of the troubles having their rise in the stomach. Care of the teeth and mouth is essential, of course, and will go far to minimize tho evil result complained of. But no amount, of care will "avoid the evil,' so long as parents continue to destroy their infants by feeding them upon candy, ami consent to inordinate con Jii,n W their children of larger OlUUiAV - J growth. It is the prevalent ',Pet tooth" that threatens - of us a toothless people. 7 So ccintry has made a showing of commercial activity aid growth tlnr- Bi,en-,ttenTeav8 that is com par- able to that of the United States. Out excess of exports over imports in the last three years has adiojftS.W d ',9'00,000,000, and for Jasf year alone WR3jver'3tf3OT,00- ItwillproDa- even greater this year, for we oulv holding wuat wo inoo gained in fore-gi trade, but are piess- pnlilv forward. Tie reports oi were Nor- Heaven'a r -bv be are uot the bureau of statistics show mat m the4ei years from 13S8 t0)1898 our export trade increased in an unprece dented degree either for th3 United State3 or a iy otajr country. During that peiiod our annual sales in Africa roEe from 000,000 to $17,00, OOJ.in Japan from $4,030,030 to $21,000,000, . , . c ac finft nnn in S47.- ltl .Belgium hulu vw, 000,000, ia Denmark from $3,030,000 to $12,030,003, in Hollaul from $16, 000,000 to 05,000,000, in France f 10:21 $40' 003, 000 to 5100,003,000, in Ger many from $55,000,000 to $150,003, 000, iu the United Kingdom from $362,000,003 to $540.000,000- The extension of American com merce into all climes has been one cf the most gratifying signs of national pi o perity during the past few years, Bays the Washington Star. Consular ont3 have taken a more -intelligent interest iu the trade outlook than heretofore. A system of reports from well-posted agents throughout the buying world has enabled producers to know what lo export and where to send it. The United States can virtu ally supply the world with everything it needs. The recently developed linsa of trjis-'Thacut out cer- tain English competitors omTpronia ble connections are signs of the awaE ening of this country to its possibili ties in th s great field. We can only hold our own in the fierce competition which now confronts us in every mart by maintaining the quality oi our goods and by regulating the prices by the strict rules of ccst- and demand. "Made in.the Unite3 States" ought to e-a"ign of excellence and honest charge. As long as tnat uocmue pic- vails the balance of trade ought easily to be held on this side. graduates of the college since , its torn Ltinn seven years ago. about seventy nunt. at. this reception. Dr. J. O. Bust, pastor of the Edge field Baptist church, Nashville, Tenn,, preached the baccalaureate sermon in Ke college chapel Sunday morning. The large auditorium was crowded to discomfort; yet during the whol ser mon there was not a sounu l" " The sparker. .He held the audience , in Ustening silence, which fact tells the . v.: a nnneace. Ills SUD taie 01 iu .. , j iest was complete consecration to good. 1 Dr. Bust's broad ideas concerning the State's duty in the matter of higher education are those , for which this In stitution stands to-day before the peo- thatthe stuff Ule ,of North Carolina address before the Young Women s Christian Association Sunday evening. Again the chapel was filled for we are ever ready to hear the President of State7 University On Tuesday the chapel was packed and many were unable to get m - j Miss Speight, of Tarboro, Chief Mar BhalJ. conducted upon the rostrum the thirty-nine members of the Senior Class. This is the largest class that has vet gone from the college. Surely there has never a nobler array of earn- .nnn irnmen . eone from p.f-T,. rauauio ju"8 ' lioD-o The exercises . a v, Vinftlfi crv of the Queuou uj - "narolina. Carolina, blessings attend her." Miss Eosalind Sheppard, of Win Bton, president of the class, welcomed iu, nfl-A rnrdiallv and gracefully. Essays were read by six representa tives of the class. The topics of these as 01 an u u.oD ehow the trend of the thougtt of the College. The need and duty as well as the beauty and the joy of labor are Bounded by every tongue that speaks for the Normal. .11 a. m. the uanci I :.tr.aiiViivft its service to the bo we See mat iqb "7 men was not all spent m uudp. va liant must be the deeds inspired by such music! The first number was -Tarheel March" and the Tarheels went wild over it. The medley of Dixie and Yankee Doodle kept the crreut houee in a Btate of patriotcifl hardlv knew which we mns nallfld our vervown song wefor- Kot that nearly forty years ago these rods9 were played m opposing -nvrta Judge Walter Clark awarded the Con Btitntion and made the annual ad dress. The dramatic entertainment given bv the Adelphian and Cornelian Liter- Wonietiea on Wednesday evenmg wna fnr the Deneni 01 mo Building which the young woman have undertaken toput up. The StudeDts' Building Fund $500- The enter taioment brought in about $220. The fund now amounts topomething over $1,000, raised among the stu dents and faculty and from their friends. They are working upon the principle that God and man help those who help themselves. Tho college needs society halls, a library nome, nnd other apartments- a Permanent Tribunal Is to the Peace uomcM - TiAAiftloit to Be Vi tfiinB of the rian-TVhen the Treaty Will Become OperatlTe. - : .The American THE 11AOIE - . 4. tbft -Peace Convention sun tlon tribunal before tne mh, tee of ttie Arbitration wnuuiw . . uiHaTi nrODOSal plan differs irom m - - - - v,fnl.f7,n t,t of the American arbitration proposal is as follows: Resolved, That, in order to aid in the prevention of armed conflicts , by pacific prevention tivesof tbe sovereign . , .1 it.- .1-1 l ! r.nnr. usions 01 me ADSiraui ui . Commission v Made Kudiic. . lllTPt pnor ti1R IT? 790. enue, 23,720,7. "Th6 disbursements ESTIMATED ,C0ST W The n.ttn tn x.alte The Child. Bout. xro - Nicaragua and the Iu -the tafe to Greyton are Adopted How the Commission -Worked-Presl-dent to ray Report Before Congress. . rrK n. Cf of a Deoartmenfliaa made public an official SSSJoi the report of the araguan Canal Commission as pr- - - iTnooTtobetre intention of the President to sunmu "'7 to Congress at Dein - -- --- session. Meanwblietne - "r,,: ' The coinage of the mintsjo' the $JgW Extensive Changes and and half eagiee. m plece9 ana ard silver of minor ceins y receipts of During the montho IH 1 tal sources tho aovernment from tne 00 . rev. uv -w. - - - - o uK7 vn in. iv- were Customs. neoM 92,697,3, enue, 23,720,729 miscellane dlsbutsonl611ts ir May amountea T- ..nfnrmttV Wll ill DUUtw-"J , . . heretofore reacnea vj M haTa been iuo " -1.-,, thA last Case in New Orleans and Texas Begins ft Quarantine. Service Peculations. NEARLY 50000fricES RELEASED. V rrompity Bart Out Freight All Bailroaas rex 1 ..a.ntcri on rrom Oxleani. the the ment to relieve VhVon ehout the lasi on duty in Alaska thjouguou Com winter, the infantry, to re- panies E nd at San Francisco port to General Shatter at 1 ban fortransportauou - , . fi g. After a confere Mg brough, of Nrth ?atoW, Heor HAPidad to establish a two v R(,nator9 tary post at BmarcK, iu -" 000 tor State. Congress apptopmtea d fQt P?! rJSfeftnepost has not been established. Third President WP&JW&gr Assistant rB postmaster at Merritt, of New York to De WUett Washington, to succeed James War Depart- the last President McKInler tho TAnresentatives uio""-" v,- thflr in this con- to mo". rrr:;.ia fnr neral treaty o 1 . tne ioiwiiiuB Govern .o propose w ment a series - iu. nntfnn OI sentiai 10 ... x. ;hi tn make nufelio that it win not flir more of the report tnan . ' wished to the press, This synopsis says -The commission understood that it was ited to consider all ton that new e? "vi" 1,7 merit should ! routes tnat apvC--- j of AitainnH 1. a u. . pe TBHUl proposed . -iimentS' frromisea h Clai irun - a 0r6panl.h-Amerlcaa iisues hi. ..Places m.X KMtl Din5-' ' r M. TT..Hh l War to Be Washikotos, . iftther Boards tne .rBnment made this 9,fla xv.ll Clvl1 P'ID8 a9.t0 J!.v: hi.. Johanna Grille. C. WAsarKOTos, reeuiu"" 1 oicious, f th disease oe ae- nnees in the clvU by W Sould tbe cu.om MU9 GtlUo WM "L.-u t, been lncOBwiu-- -ave which have cn naTe ident Mc&nley M"" issued bv the teen made known to an orae affects Resident. The fty of po.1 nearly 5000 placet The fled 6ervlce iermined witn cwv.-. oI Kew of Italian origin aeciares, Orleans. The ln Kew Orleam that there U other caB j aM lhetffihe no telr ot'any prevalence of the fever. PftC.nc RaUroad Company The Southern Facincx uh offlc " ..I. aminlng ar. was noi ' ir'eDB':" the Chief of that no P--r aUowed to uriuju w - was notified by "'.-.ge lr0m Kw PSV--lTiwed to enter iexas.' Arstis. ,o-.M.ivState Heaita inf reived a telegram The State Department - j " . e h maripiin too Waibir to obtain n" " " .f vnrto Biean crops American snipa iu ;"j to the United States. Sir Cavendish Boyie, wy--t tafy for British Guiana. at3lveJverniD negotiate reciprocity tof"-. TheSe British Guiana and the any other d a spe BThe Po.lmtr Oener.1 will send .pe SeTher osSfc siiali be re-es-tablished there. J nnH thA flTllire deveiopeu, u omlri with rtanal possibilities bmuw ,n.t SoffilSnt tgEaei to enable a Just " 111 1 COSTA jilCA - I Porto Bico isaf thre is a'0 and that it is Edlr0m.rcer5.storeke.p- . deputies Of Donaoi --- . fiar ers and gangers, V10 -& tbe eeons, private haotber classes of statistics. ,e.,oners I 1 Tex. tAd are military -"hler9 and nfflcer W. F- Blou nh Ofllcer of rA tnelr employes, P0s-'oI the Gen- pr; Sonchon , 'that yellow finance cier?, f in5ka scnooi nnd loeEing. . most JmpT" ihii telentam wr- A. h sonthen Outside of these items BulelV.. -- r,ntendent Van rvint;ndent Tbora taS! feature is tue atnend rert General Super intend Section 8, whicu Pf"?,,fled service, a of the Texa3 RUu -T n lu,."r- i,nddedwnioni" Pl.rdit. ".ppearance ia J- fever naa -- . upon receipt pi 1 . that CUV. xuii" - (o.ffr.nha D ' - . " - . -p.- K UDL iviv.--r . , . lamination 1 padded .n,vc(nt on clause is sew exception power to nomi- the head or n";r,nv person iorBV- , for appoii--- - - d t0 waiyo 1 or extraordinary whole or in . .. ,ii Anamination, i r- SS." The Civil ."aSinco aeredtograntacertttlcaito Iurnished ,n Bucn cas - - interestea, ou onotaell tlckoverU- New Orleans 10 " j thing from New w SrTug ry Person 0rre.ght, Intel Kxs until furthe! : notice gonchon Dr. Blum , decided to qnVnfltgp .. ...nnnMmeDt OI nrs i,vc . 1 follows: e nao ". :.,rt m winces on annouuuoi-v.- " . , r y 1 a yJL na. 1 Domestic. t nahinct ofneer nluov. . . . n plow - - Proval of at this class of appoint- M - case ot ye"w a fc Dr. Blunt- Lnn wlt It is provided that in other 1 quarantine e8taD".,, ",rtually tia off f,il BeBt8.V?a"J?Mlceexcept.to ae?n8? New Orleans wUt virtual 1 y u d ,in. position in e c,- under like pro- ""-u.Vi. tn sav. a now grajw one against new --thi Paclfle .11 trafflO on the bonineru t Walter B. Lane, of rairmount TownsMp. Penn., accidenta Uy shot and kW (Map of the THE NICAriAUUA viiu' route favored by the Commission.; of the to make eArticle -The- tribunal shall be com- Urs oi :th. highest cou rt at the time ex successors are nominated by the game shall orgahizo itself Dy the appoip.nt ot a permanent cleric and sufib, Metier officers as may be found nectary, but without conferring anyKmctlon upon il members. ,fdo tribunal shall be em . n.s.tj'it. : iio nf sesgions ana to ehaiwS the same from time to time, as the '' . . !--i.i mo nonvenlence 01 'Hferests 01 lusno - -fl itigants may seem to require, and to fix its own rules oipw- . oll . a nf BrUflftlll. XUe iriuuuai cue... t ArilOlO 1.1.x i.n ha nlTTrnvs monAnt character, anu bu" r."r:r " r r,f haw cases, suojeci iu contracting nations or uy -" choose to submit thorn, and .all caaes 1 and countercases, witn i w ics.i.ixj meats by which they are to . be . upponed , are iu wo iu m,ntercases. evidence, argu- and comprehensive " comFaooI tbe routes to pe mauo, ous eIsM-year-oiau-v.;- - t witll a father was praeuw - -- daugbter was yolver in the yard, i "f. " ? reload standing near. While in the art of ing the weapon - . t T a V A T An in frairio aje-., rk, WIS, ad guilty at Soc tUa flrat- riAfire de- yrsionr Tbat-is to sy a new -VbTiJl6d virtVA without limit oa8," oinatlon. 1(0 ana ----- - . ,. et iron re is pi 1 may be consiaereu fc dg can ex- neaa wi " " c change at will rhtlrPaPpoles IS the special class Pterin Texas 6w n 0. Dr.Bmnt estabHshed q bord fer Hon camps on the J.ou every rauronu cv. " Tie iiiH lu k.ij.o lnw. piercing mo cui.vx - Maud KateLee, sixteen years old and Maud Anderson, seventeen, were drowneaoy capsizing of a boin r-x- miles noun 01 1"-' - .m.r. "With this view tne comuiiai" - - kuuus o" " , . 'tl:ar wBiSon Lennart, otKl Vt &lViSTto assist in ment Pii? ?J? ls rot I r.,-.i.j able one ww. ,mltnn made Nicaraguanuanaiquestiuix I -Vhl rtafetidant for to the work and great an , SelKarney tSSS& Muen aeiav artles was caused by nrever was also found gnuty ' " ThA relations ceiweeu im. mUTthpt r.v'"" r" Thi.iflsa dto powuuuuv V U4An 1 IIH DIILUIUW i. riiuaa SCtffK tVen Th7tf d States and Spa!" . wasj also a ser 7 ,n respttolqretionVconnec construction of -rfiigi "T tQal alter maturedgberation the commission has adopi0'd""and estimated for the route troTitoto Lake Nicaragua called the fMs route and from the lake to Grey tow ?, caUed the Lull route This 1 ne , leav intr Brito follows the left bank of the Rio ofande to near Bueno Betiro crones the western divide to the val ley ol the Lajas, 1 m X x. r 1 1 -rwra T r 1 1 H. Vi H ; infllllHUi' v wnicnuiyiiuTio - the prisoner, 'ff criminal luris- ceaent in me mj prec pru dence in Pennsylvania. ievre. of Granf and was crushed under the wheels. Fortv persons were injured a few days r oriy Vor-" me hotween a Har- ago m a r.A Fortv-elzhth lem race traos t -clevated street tram on mo road in Chicago. ' wl u nt -r- o-fi,ar,l died at his home at tlllllj-dfi""- J wuiu ii . . th San juaa river it followrthe . upper river to near Soca'sin CarlS thenceTin eavation by . . .t . 1.1.0 .Ivor tn the ban juaii- 18 xito kj " in writine or or answered, a.10 iu w , X Q-noA! evidence. All cases, w""'""" "- " sinm.nt ments, or opinions a'V la renl urA tr be accessiDie uiiox dered to all who desire them and who pay f?xD"?," Mi trih nal for decision, but every such submission shall be accom every bui-u . accent tho paniea oy an uunox v Th bench of judges for each particular 'case shall consist of as many as Pa.ruaia..T nn hvthe litigating na- Hons-etther of "the Tentire bench or of any pleSiStber not less than three, to chosen irom io - . , 1 n,.u inrio-fis only, no one 01 thoae ahail be either a'native' subject or tnose snnii 1 interests are in citizen 01 .... A.1 2n 4-.1.A UCA m,Sfi?"S -ThTneral expenses of the tribune 1 are to be equally divided or upon some equitabl between the adherent somo cyu. tcin( from each partic- E.w.e"Li hnro for as maybe directed .by -""Vhorh the parties or a casa wu"'" r vr-r- . ,1ft ,. mfte'd6 oXnSi of a mutual 5S ?met W the Bte. .or hjgng m . m I ahlll TVH. v rtlM IIGUkl IvlJ Following is the programme ot tne 1 trJD5nai for expenses of adjudication. of this excel- The salaries or tne iug fhe Wt bank of the river to the San Juan ... a inm country to ure- town Pass ng to the northward of Lake smcno.P It requires but a sing e dam with regulating worts at pom , rmigtUlevelS The surveys have in general re- vealed better pnysicaicuuuinv-o r - Mtherto supposed to exist, especia ly as to the amount ot rocs m xuo .rrrI. thfl whereby it is possible to greatly reduce the estimated cost 01 eo"-. "To determine tne F"!'", . tz. nvArace of prices actu- allv paid to contractors m the Chicago any p"x w ..nMsnnt cost of nrftinase canai, wuku ; arainagn -a , done, and con- piant, prices jjvx - rp these tractors' profits were taken. To theae .ortnin nercentagea wdio 37iSrnP in location, climate, etc. The GoTernmcni, ---" , e Tu6 taken out of tne w cXaM re doors to the We 'n0, gthe District opened wider to residents 01 1 of Columbia. Pi'"'":rrt- .killed hypers tions of "llTottlontA and operatives shall not do PP among the Btaies t0 plate after. The same ralewUl apply w o( printers Dgl" T0 experts in tbe Engraving and '"a?n peDBi0n Agency Qunrtermaster's Office, the r "j"8hpogl. 2nd other local offices. AU clertcal V tions in the O""?. V Veterans ot the recent war are put on .11-. vprpraua va eravin msnded KuUvlA rJLnei it original appoioimu confldenllal cierKs. ' tbe is a stenographer "Ag.OS WAf .nt executive departments ucnus i t - .ra.ar,?. The neaas - i.mltf e . ' . 1 COURTS FOR PHlurr.r,t- . , in Span..U andlC.1 By.te-.v.v-1 - so. or- fth.1UBda. ..,.x order baa beea MAKiLa CBy U1; T- PuiPrlne. lsgued re-establishing tb. PbOIPP courts, wnicn - n ihm Amercan PSI-C Spanish iyatem, wltBO" of Manuel Branch are Crowder and 1,trn OI I" prouud. He was a promineat Mason . . . j allowed a private secretary. . Personal selections . to Collec- "1Ta."BC"lirK.;: th receipts are tors 01 w iWb o( more than f ww.ww y "Vno.ton. New a ....lot aa Tue aw.--- -nionei Manuel Arauna, , Gregorio Aranita. - - . MellUa, Criminal gfancn "j ',i0 Lorento. Major mbro s jiiflii HlCVx Th corSd C3ih.'o.th prescribed begUs: ! .,Vbor&o?.auV l ica." etc- .. prominent The ruipino r;. mader of bU lawyer,. Ar - jn tn6 early prolession .u - in0m0Vement he wai, w8 T.?AeL.0-taeDt t the insur ing. "r--.i.n. Torrea ia tne gont government - -orklng; leader oi tue, io., B,v.rat. tb. ,n- very The United States cruiser, rray.r. 0 Appraisers at tne por ., .r4i. r..rniinn Naval uriffaas i v.b- anA Phliaaeipnia. arrived at Wilmington, N. u., uw -,- reserves were aiscuuis cnmotpS fir tne cost ing tte Government locks at Sault Ste Mfrie were. taken, and th irt, r-tb ree , per cent, was artaea ior mo tion. . ...v.i. i oil fhA Ale- mentsTfthis important auesthon and with an earnest desire to rea ir.T m . t h o sions based upon butou -r commission believes that a ea nal can Do built across the isthmus on this route ror not exceeding iis,iio,. .. u Colonel Haines concurs generally tn the views of the other members tne J0, mission, but his estimate of the cost is 13 1,818,308." Srr. t Arm'inating the annual cruise Firs has destroyed the business portion $100,000. over nan . . . r.r-- t o ihr househoia gooas ui'"" - thl town when the excitement was over. The American whaling : bark . Bertha, Cap tain Averv, has arrived at Norfolk. u., irom BafntEiiEUtius, Dutch West cruise has been successful. &ho nrougui in 800 cVakfof oil. which will 1 be ref 'pped from Norfolk. Tbe whaler will refit and sail on another cruise. Candles placed about the corpse oi Catharine i,eK, oi mu". r- ftk ".fet nrlvate secretaries. to a confidential by the Postmaste aatn n secre receipts exceed $350,000 a year. a v"-- - . ...v. Pjctmas by the Fostmaarw--. -fi the tr cets n sucimni -- SOUTHERN CRAVES DECORATED-' Philadelphia O- A. B. Veterans Uemem be Men Who Wore the Gray. -r-HiiADEt-PHiA (Speclan.-One of the ia x n- rnrM of the Memorial Day ot- ICIMUUR .w .... I occurred at ine ranw a suburb oi -urrecttonists. Bpanisn win v language ot the courts. ; MARCHAND REACHES TOULON. ..laatle Welcoma Olv.a to th. AW- Explorer. Ton. Franca (By Cable). - Major ..Vl- ..Hd hera'on board the i rone 11 vx Enthai f.,-riit vents old. and was tue Mrs. Eck L wa Dougherty, eervance here Cemetery m --'r""It an Confed wnere me uomcs KiiriAd. ror l Lin mo El iabeth College Commencement. FILIPINOS CAPTURE OFFICERS. Were Sailing For Pleasure, Became Be calmed and Then Talcen vrisonBiB. Manila (By came;. uvw " the capture by i- iiipinos m the United States hospital ship e.i ua. annual commencement lent and jastly celebratod institution, Jane 2d to 6th: Baccalaureate sermon by Rev. J. T. Moorehead, A. M. , president of the Southern Lutheran Theological Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, S. C. Address before Missionary So ciety by Rev. R. A.Yoder, A. M., pres ident of the Lenoir College, Hickory, - - . . -r i r . iST. C. Address before tne j-iiierary so ciety by President Geo. B. Cromer, of Newberry, S. C. The programme of commencement ia as follows: June 2d, at 8 o'clock, senior class day exercises5, -.Tim 3d. at 8 o'clock, Literary booie- lies' annual meeting; June ita, at i o'clock, baccalaereate sermon; June 4th, at 8 o'clock, address before the Missionary Society; June 5tb, after noon, art reception; June 5th, at 8 o'clock, address before the Literary Societies; June 6th, at 11 o'clock, commencement exercises, June 6th, at 7 o'clock, annual concert and recep tion. . . i.-i. trrr i?aitr uri 17H.ul uotuio v i n;ni?iiieer ouniira juiuix- .u .-fSn;; l WbinA shall have the right none of the ship's boats and Wi " ,uvoiu.w- hoin.a thA same oi tow 'not "heard I and decided at the former nenrmg. ,antv shall become Article vixi. Qfafng cneh operative when nine severe jga But, such as are uiuuwiou " have ratified its provision PLENTY OF COLD AT llfc o""-, . ..." w a i llnaa I lift DOUl PDuamo "Jf Bhore. and some native canons with Filipinos onboard put out ana thA two men. who were unarmea, f f1, boat. and also took pos&eBsi . --- d. The United States turret-sMp Monad nock quickly sent a boat w th . landing party asnoro, uu Th - nati shelled ine suuro unoa-.j. however, rushed tne pnsuuj" lxU whom she lived. The members of the fam ily were asleep when tbe fire started. Mrs. Louis Castor, k--5 tha was ?hot and killed by her husband at the Terfdence ot Mr. William Van Ness, at Keene, N. H. - Mrs Daniel Bozarth, of Bridgeton, N. J. , was attacked by a pet wolf belonging to her husband. The animal was sent to Mr Ro irth bv a Western friend. While his Swas Keding the wolf be attacked her Ynd twice bU her, tearing tho calf ol the rk ht le. Her husband heard her screams and beat the animal off, after which he hrt it. Fred Reppert, a btocksmith. aged twenty-four years, at Allentown, Penn.. choked bis voung wi e, Ella Beppert. to death and Ken committed suicide by cutting his throat. They were married two years ago, but their domestic lHe was unhappy on ac count, it is alleged, ot Mrs. Bepperfa bablt of staying out late nights. y- Tiro (ilftV At. Frankfort. Ky., re- VJTOVOIIIUX "'""'"Jl 7 V ,nA Kaon rem saniutc i oviix . - . . d iinn the ehow. on the aontb, oppoaiw . cmvbq ..au0 law9 at ' ' - fx.t i. r fr nonnuiM ue- lniiiuieu iui ,v o natives, into tbe rhnttanoo"a. xenn. ui""u made no re"ply. Governor Bradley ays he and staff took lemonade, and this is not an indictable offence. Officials of the Texas and Pacific Ball road, at Dallas, Texas, have received ad vices' that a passenger train on .the Pecoe Valley Road was wrecKou uom Texas. One brakeman and one passenger land. Persons on board several other ! . " 1 . : hrmiffh classes, but Over 81,000,000 KePoe0 - - - "t- -. r-" .vent the capture oi Messrs. Heppy and Blandford. Shipment on tlie First Steamer. viATTVER. B. C. rSpecial).-Advices ro- AAri here from D awson state that ihere is Avidenee of the largest output of gold ever thr. A larae crowd of men are - News of lieutenant Gilmore. m t n -RneGialY The first i a. 5 ianf nnnra nf .mniflUaUl uuiMwx - waiting atDawson to take tnenrs, ha f nf tnem aremmois ""vu a taw nav9 au. w u.uva w- ---- , . . , Tha V nHfi I IN a VV IJCUaillUOUl. . . i : " . i.An4- oa a. innRiui m -x fc "Manila. 1000 to $50,000 each j, ana . x, - t as fstuedbillsoTtodinTonorethan $1,000 - dication of his situation nnn worth of cold that is to . - - 0.". xr Wnshinttton w- . . i i nrLiciat nnT ji one of thetlrst river ... .vpr .EBCaDed Spanish prisoner reports to the T White Horse Rapids is ing more ana ,ui- more buowbu uuue. Goats Raised for Their Hair. More goats are raised for their hair in California than elsewhere' in' f lie country, and the experimenters in this line of industry are meeting with a fair degree of success. The Angora goat vields on an average four pounds of mohair at a shearing, the product Belling for from thirty-two to tbirty- Beven cents per. pouna. une man ui San Jose sold last year a trifle more than $8000 worth of mohair from his flock, besides disposing of a number of goats for breeding purposes. He thinks thi. is a great future for the indnstry in thoe portions of this country where theVlimatic conditions do not require a shearing more than once a year. At all Events th in dustry is looming up in tJaliforixia as one that promises sntncienv rmuuu erative returns to make it wovlh hile. and the flocks of goats are. iacit ftsing with as much rapidity as -possible -withi the limited amount of good breeding' ' Btcck at haud. New York Timet. .... " There are 3D64 languages the worlds aid its ii habitants rofef nore thai JJJO religions., r j - from Dawson to the White now open Babxeb.' . Doctors at Asheville. The first session of the forty-sixth annual meeting of the Medical Society of North Carolina was held in Asbe- Tille Thursday. Dr. L. J. Picot, Lit- iiann - the resident, presided. The address of welcome was by Hon. T.nnke Craie and the response by Dr. Benjamin K. Hays, Oxford. The M.i.aidAnt'n message contained con gratulations -on the success of the so ciety and several suggestions. - -.- To Buy Caladonia Farms. The members of the executive board of the penitentiary while at Baleigh his week will direct the State Treas urer to issue And sell enough bondB .to purchase the Caledonia btate mrms.. Tbe act of the legislature authorise 895.000 of bonds, but it is probable that only enougn wiu- ls uou uu the Caledonia farms two in number. They are the richest oi ine larros wnrkfid bv the State. The authority is given, however, tojtmy also the An nn f Arm if the executive committees Death of a Murderer. Tam a "Meale Plumb, who shot and killed AiA-anriAr Masterton a few weeks ago in New York City died in Bellevue Jiospua. JKDfinofAiw rfiied to take alter- uavms ""- '""'-"'' i " -t.ll-l rrA. remedies for erysipelas and Kaatiitis pre scribed for him. He was soon to have pleaded to the murder indictment. Not to Prosecute Hooley. : Th Pnhli'o Prosecutor at London, an- Id not proceed with the prosecution of Ernest Terah Hooley, the corporation promoter and speculator, upon the charge oi iritui. The Passaic to Be Surveyed. "About the middle of June the engineer in oa mui make a survey of the Passaio near PatersonN. J., under wtliorlty of the River and Harbor bill which w in serted through tneenorts tive Stewart In tne last wn8'm" Fire Min Hurt in a Fight With a Shark. The crews of two sturgeon fishing boats . ,;vl a bad an encounter a few aays ag whiptail shark ln the elaw"Arrnd wiim(nrtnn Del. Five men were injured before the sharK was nmou. ""r-T- " tail the shark measured twenty-six teet. ' l'roininent People. tlv entered on bis S h WrThdav. He ta". enioying a fair TYlOflBll PA nftrobd health. : .- . - a.-: Former Representative Ben T. Cable is to furnish much t tne money Jr. ing ot a chapter-bouse for the Zeta Pl Ira ?nitv at the University of-Michigan.- r. rr, c..inl. TAfTAr of Kansas, one ol .t , ht thA Pnnnllat Darrtv. and who was for years considered as ohiet exponent Tf rnniiam. bas returned to the Republi- can nartv. ' ' . Pope Leo XIII. is said to be worth con .f"1:ti hn 4s20.003.00a. which. Kill l-l M III V ' ' i. .-ttw, thA ATflAotlon of a number of smau beoaests to reiauves, wm Vcv- ClTll Mairlacea in Cuba. Th AArnn divine legal sanction to civil marriages in Cuba only has teen approved by the Governor-General. A - loltioni Tnnrrinze afterward. Jjy tne oArta mane dv an bccdoioo terms of the decree a certification Jo the . . ii on Aoc'.esias- consent oi parents, m.ivx j tlcal notaryr is no longer to be required. " AtlniPts? Killed by a Train. , -The Rev. U. Hughes, formerly pastor of the Lutheran Church at Saddle River, met death while walking on the .Ede .tracks near Allendale, N. J. He was struck by an express train. He was about sixy years old. and iaavaa a wtte- - i - - stroyed. Foreign, t ,.x--t-r'niftnfti du Patv de Clam, implicated before the Court of Cassation as l?:r;;hiiMfl instigator of some of the forgeries in tho Dreyfus case, was arrested in Paris, France. Maior Marchand has arrived in Paris and he was received with official he nors on n rnat nooular demonstration. The German warship built to replace the ! ironclad Kaiser Wll helm was launched at Kiel Emperor William making a speech and the Grand Duchess ot Baden christen- ing the vessel. A quarantine of five days bas been estab lished at Buenos Ayres, Argentine, upon all vessels arriving from Rio de Janeiro and Santos. The London Dally Chronicle announces that Mrs. Florence Maybrlck Is likely to .be liberated shortly, as the result .of the : pres sure brought to bear by .Joseph H. Choate, United States Ambassador, in favor of re- nnAnlncr the case. - A politiclal upheaval has taken place in Chile. The Liberals have united and will bring about the fall of the Conservative Gov?rnment. - Tho British War Office has placed excep tionally large orders for munitions of war, including 100,000 six-pound shells. roa Tniii D'Arche. a Canadian nune. shot and killed herself with a pistol at the Hotel Metropole, London. She was forty vears of age, and resided at Yonkers, Y. Overstudyls said to have unoaianceu uw mind. Miss 'Arehe was totnutlr-Tru dent ot the New York Nursing Association. An attache of the Chinese Ministry at Paris, France, Chi-Mln, committed suicide at Be rUn, Germany, by shooting himself with a revolver. He was suffering from an incurable malad. A Madagascar dispatch, received at Paris, France, says that the Talafas are rising near Ikongo, where they have killed a magistrate and a French sergeant. orrr RiivAin the Snanlsh Premier, in the course of an interview at Madrid, de nied that the Government intends to Alter (he duty on sugar. this city, erate soiuieia - - .hA fime the graves of th --who wore th. erav were aoout.ii.Da ..,;. ffil emblem by the soldiers of the North. The men of tne uraua hr Natl' anal A n1 mnrbA.i With the iNailODRl colors the graves of other Southern sol diers in Mount Morlah Cemetery. Indians at Cuter' Troopers' Grave. Helena, Mont. (SpeclHl).-Memo.rlal ser vices were held oa the identic l Pt?S General Custer and the men ot the Seventh C.lryw.ett.thmw ago, and were largely men and Indians, many of e latter being descendants of the perpetrators of tne butchery. The Indians took a great in terest in the proceedings, decorating the graves not only ot their fallen dad, but ot the trojpers as well. SAID HE WAS A TRIPLE MURDERER. Leity Shot Hli Wife, Son and a Compan ion, But Mldn't Kill Chem. RrimKA. Penn. rgoeciall. Edwin Lelsy came to Reading and surrendered to tte police, saying that he had murdered three peisons. He was lodged in jail. Lter J was louna tnat na iacts ui iu not so serious as he imagined. On the aay of his arrest he made a trip to Die" wno a miins hAlnw Reading, where ue Frank and Harry Good. He first shot down his . wife. The bullet entered her bend near the ear and lodged in her jaw. He then fired twice at his son Frank. Both bullets entered the fleshy part ot his head and then glanced off. Good was shot twice through the hnM anrl h(a Knnilltlnn is Said tO DC ThA aa nan nt the shooting was jealousy. . Jhe b to"3x r leve ated v od lan Barroi D'Assas. xne nero i At so . -.Atd with immense en- chM i thuslasm. the ship having blmon board hlirr ttefcorted lnth. kM lUng I number ot teanerf. At row Major Marchand Several genwals ot eted I d6Cl;rho0aUts were out' to weuimo the ex- ema, XiXn h?sr9return to Franc. Whea ha The cruiser D'Assas entered th P Jjj in, and shouts of Vive ia-,. ii,vHani...n. ?larchandl" resounaea m -"Vwrana"' Major Marchand and his companioni werke b keot busy replying to the welcome, ENVOY ARRIVE5. .thee .over SPAIN'S NEW He Say. Our Different. Ar- We Shall B Good Trtende. NEw Yoax Cut (Speclal):-Th. Djl Ltji . . en. oh Minister .10 U A.rCvs, - States, accompanied Duchess by bis wife, tt 1K1..AI who is an j.im-x.- . . ,. vxir Wllheu. woman, arnvea b v i cuu , reeds i dIQamc9omingbackto th. fSS'SS? in th. bop. of a very pie"" t.T knV lb. Duke VAWVtoktoLmJ P The TJahlaren tauncbed. The torpedo boat Dablgren, meant to be the fastest steam craft ever built in New England, was launched a few days ago ih ' ..x. n. th. TtAth Iron Works, at Bath. Me. Mrs. John Vinton Dahlgren, of New York, daughter of Joseph Drexel, oi Philadelphia, and wife of th youngest son ot Admiral Dahlgren. named this latest acquisition to the navy. The launching was successful ln every detail. ai 1 1 1 1 ,iaeu vj .BB,ibi , ?.0.?ancZ she will be to mi in making nef the ainndCs! 'I'tSS f of y oM on, baj .n, not forgotten me. I haJ 'f SfiZ Som fhaU be good friends-for Spain and t lg eMl .United States wer. Wends maay le., Uge , years." troke CAPTAIN MARKS WINS HIS FICHW if -r . ,vecon Owner. Agre. to Pay Ui. waim he ( to Kecov.r th. Teasel. MotXaX. (Special).-Captaln Marks, ' chef the Helvetia, who refused to giv. up I d ft, vessel at Tall.yfleld until bU claim fQ6 pI wages was settled, has come out , avlotlign t The Quebec Government having "" urbei ltortb culm and lioro, has aiven up th. vessel. . bict Acting United States Consul aorroa. went to Valleyfleld andsocceed.d In fo $ ing a aettlemeut. Captain Marks left vessel and lock up bis quarters atth.be oi in Valleyfleld. H has beoom. a reguor ata bero among tbe Vallevfleld people, oAtT. to th. manner in which ha stuck up ioi jDe I rht8 cult'li Seven Men Drowned in tbo lukon. The steamer City ol Topeka, from Alas ka, which has just arrived at Victoria, u. r. hi.ir.o n.na of the drowning of seven men in the Yukon. Three of them were Conrad Mabarg, of New York; David Peters ot England, and a man named Rhodes. 1 ue party had left for Dawson with a bag of gold. Chattanooga's Strawberry irop. TKa c(r-hArr nron ln th. Vicinity Of Chattanooga, Tenn., filled over 200,000 orates this spring, and was valued at 1600,000. naytl and Santo Domingo. more President Tlresias Simon Sam has sa frequ from th. Mol. St. Nicholas with a Hayttbe c: fleet to meet President Ulysses Heurespossi of Santo Domingo. The two Chief M row c t rates will hold an interview, in wnicn i mi . Ing s wiu attemot to settle the disputed bo dary between the two republics. Th. tabor World. . , is soon to have b operated by i new union Kansas City, Mo. shoe factory, to labor. Omaha labor unions are working hard to have their new labor temple ready for occupancy. Governor - Thomas, ot Colorado, has vetoed the bill repealing the boycott and blacklist statute. - The trades union fund for the benefit ot the famllle ot the miners killed in th. riots at Vlrden, III., amounts to tlS.OOO . -- - The seamen are progressing with In creasing - promise ln their movement tor higher wages out of San Fraaolsop, and success is zpeted in the very near tutoxe. rekio Nicaragua Canal It port rrei.nted. Admiral Walker, President ot the NiC'jteJld gua Canal Commission, submitted th', port ot that commission to th. Presldei .' Washington, who transmitted it to the it partment ot State. twho gi Kinea by Ligntaittg at a rarty. While a party was being held ln a j houso ln Oxford Township, Ohio, a days ago, lightning streak tb. bull'. Lewis Burt . wa killed Instantly. ' bouse bad just been erected and th re forty or nlty young men and warn prostrated. An ZIM.U.. at Sin. Mia - . . . - - at Adiian uraun was executed in ti at Sing Sing, N. Y., tor th. murdrfM wife in the prison, while she waio .i; uim iuu may , iojo. xnim without a Taau.i in 1 sees fit to do ep, . to tins church. - . . - )

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